Esempio n. 1
 function name_unique($field)
     global $FUNCS, $DB, $PAGE;
     $rs = $DB->select(K_TBL_FOLDERS, array('id'), "name='" . $DB->sanitize(trim($field->get_data())) . "' and NOT id='" . $DB->sanitize($PAGE->folder_id) . "' and template_id='" . $DB->sanitize($PAGE->tpl_id) . "'");
     if (count($rs)) {
         return KFuncs::raise_error($FUNCS->t('name_already_exists'));
Esempio n. 2
 function validate_masquerade_link($field)
     global $FUNCS, $DB;
     $PAGE =& $field->page;
     // Validate only if template is 'index.php' and link modified and 'masquerade' is set to on
     if (strtolower($PAGE->tpl_name) == 'index.php' && ($PAGE->fields[12]->modified || $PAGE->fields[14]->modified) && $PAGE->fields[14]->data) {
         // 1. link being masqueraded has to be an internal link and
         // 2. it cannot be that of 'index.php' iteself
         // 3. Template not already masqueraded
         $masquerade_link = strtolower(trim($PAGE->fields[13]->data));
         // pointer_link_detail
         if (!$masquerade_link) {
             return KFuncs::raise_error('Cannot masquerade an external link');
         if (strpos($masquerade_link, 'masterpage=index.php&') === 0) {
             return KFuncs::raise_error("Cannot masquerade 'index.php' itself");
         $arr = explode('&', $masquerade_link);
         $masquerade_tpl = $arr[0];
         $rs = $DB->select(K_TBL_PAGES . " p INNER JOIN " . K_TBL_TEMPLATES . " t on p.template_id =", array(''), "'index.php' AND is_pointer='1' AND masquerades='1' AND pointer_link_detail LIKE '" . $DB->sanitize($masquerade_tpl) . "%' AND t.nested_pages='1' AND t.clonable='1' AND<>'" . $DB->sanitize($PAGE->id) . "'");
         if (count($rs)) {
             return KFuncs::raise_error("Already masqueraded");
Esempio n. 3
 function validate_transaction($item_name, $item_number, $quantity, $payment_amount, $payment_currency, $receiver_email, &$pg)
     global $DB;
     // $item_number is actually our page_id. Get the page.
     if (KFuncs::is_natural($item_number)) {
         $rs = $DB->select(K_TBL_PAGES, array('id', 'template_id'), "id = '" . $DB->sanitize($item_number) . "' AND page_title = '" . $DB->sanitize(trim($item_name)) . "'");
         if (count($rs)) {
             $rec = $rs[0];
             $pg = new KWebpage($rec['template_id'], $rec['id']);
             if (!$pg->error) {
                 for ($x = 0; $x < count($pg->fields); $x++) {
                     if ($pg->fields[$x]->name == 'pp_price') {
                         $pp_price = trim($pg->fields[$x]->get_data());
                 if (isset($pp_price)) {
                     // Validate payment made is not less than price * quantity (allow a little margin to take rounding into consideration)
                     if ($payment_amount < $pp_price * $quantity * 0.995) {
                         return KFuncs::raise_error('Payment made(' . $payment_amount . ') less than price(' . $pp_price . ') x quantity(' . $quantity . ')');
                     // Validate currency of payment matches currency of price
                     if (trim($payment_currency) != trim(K_PAYPAL_CURRENCY)) {
                         return KFuncs::raise_error('Payment currency(' . $payment_currency . ') does not match price currency(' . K_PAYPAL_CURRENCY . ')');
                     // Finally validate that the payment has been made to the right account
                     if (trim($receiver_email) != trim(K_PAYPAL_EMAIL)) {
                         return KFuncs::raise_error('Receiver email(' . $receiver_email . ') does not match seller\'s email(' . K_PAYPAL_EMAIL . ')');
                     // if we are here, everything is ok
                 } else {
                     return KFuncs::raise_error('Item number(' . $item_number . ') has no price field associated');
             } else {
                 return KFuncs::raise_error('Error occured while creating Page object for item number(' . $item_number . '). Error:' . $pg->err_msg . '');
         } else {
             return KFuncs::raise_error('No item number(' . $item_number . ') with the item_name(' . $item_name . ') found');
     } else {
         return KFuncs::raise_error('Invalid item number(' . $item_number . ')');