Esempio n. 1
 public function importXml(SimpleXMLElement $xml)
     foreach ($this->_xml->option as $option) {
         $elem = KFactory::tmp('')->importXml($option);
     if ($this->_xml['get']) {
         $get = isset($this->_xml['tmp']) && $this->_xml['tmp'] == true ? KFactory::tmp(new KIdentifier($this->_xml['get'])) : KFactory::get(new KIdentifier($this->_xml['get']));
         if ($this->_xml['set']) {
             $json = '{"' . str_replace(array(';', ':'), array('","', '":"'), (string) $this->_xml['set']) . '"}';
             $states = json_decode(str_replace('",""}', '"}', $json));
             foreach ($states as $state => $set) {
         $key = $this->_xml['key'] ? $this->_xml['key'] : 'title';
         $val = $this->_xml['val'] ? $this->_xml['val'] : 'id';
         foreach ($get->getList() as $item) {
             $string = '<option value="' . $item->{$val} . '">' . $item->{$key} . '</option>';
             $elem = KFactory::tmp('')->importXml(simplexml_load_string($string));
     return $this;
Esempio n. 2
 public function __construct(KConfig $config)
     $sluggable = KFactory::tmp('lib.koowa.database.behavior.sluggable', array('columns' => array('name')));
     $config->table_behaviors = array($sluggable, 'orderable', 'lockable', 'creatable', 'modifiable');
     $this->_state->insert('jedi_rank_id', 'int')->insert('enabled', 'int');
Esempio n. 3
    public function display()
        // Display the toolbar
        $toolbar = $this->_createToolbar()->reset();
        $this->toolbar = KFactory::get($this->getToolbar(), array('isGrid' => false))->append(KFactory::get('', array('isGrid' => false)));
        KFactory::get('')->css('/' . $this->getIdentifier()->application . '.' . $this->getName() . '.css');
        $acl = JFactory::getACL();
        //die('<pre>'.print_r(get_class_methods($acl), true).'</pre>');
        $acltree = (array) $acl->get_group_children_tree(null, 'USERS', false);
        array_unshift($acltree, (object) array('value' => 0, 'text' => 'Unregistered', 'disabled' => false));
        $this->acltree = $acltree;
        $this->usergroups = KFactory::tmp('admin::com.ninjaboard.model.usergroups')->limit(0)->getList();
        $maps = array();
        foreach (KFactory::tmp($this->getModel()->getIdentifier())->limit(0)->getList() as $map) {
            $maps[$map->id] = $map->ninjaboard_gid;
        $this->maps = $maps;
        $display = parent::display();
        if (KRequest::type() == 'AJAX') {
            echo '<script type="text/javascript">
			' . $this->_document->_script['text/javascript'] . '
        return $display;
Esempio n. 4
  * Generic function for setting the permissions
  * @return void
 public function setPermissions($context)
     //Temp fix
     if (KInflector::isPlural(KRequest::get('get.view', 'cmd')) || KRequest::type() == 'AJAX') {
     $model = KFactory::get($this->getModel());
     $table = KFactory::tmp(KFactory::get(KFactory::get('')->models->assets)->getTable());
     $query = $table->getDatabase()->getQuery();
     $item = $model->getItem();
     $identifier = $this->getIdentifier();
     $id = $identifier->type . '_' . $identifier->package . '.' . $identifier->name . '.' . $item->id . '.';
     $permissions = (array) KRequest::get('post.permissions', 'int');
     $editable = KRequest::get('post.editpermissions', 'boolean', false);
     if (!$permissions && $editable) {
         $query->where('', 'LIKE', $id . '%');
     $safe = array();
     $query = $table->getDatabase()->getQuery()->where('name', 'like', $id . '%');
     foreach ((array) KRequest::get('post.params.permissions', 'raw') as $group => $other) {
         $safe[] = $id . $group;
     if ($safe) {
         $query->where('name', 'not in', $safe);
     $table->select($query, KDatabase::FETCH_ROWSET)->delete();
     foreach ($permissions as $usergroup => $rules) {
         foreach ($rules as $name => $permission) {
             KFactory::tmp(KFactory::get('')->models->assets)->name($id . $usergroup . '.' . $name)->getItem()->setData(array('name' => $id . $usergroup . '.' . $name, 'level' => $permission))->save();
Esempio n. 5
 public function display($tpl = null)
     $nooku = KFactory::get('admin::com.nooku.model.nooku');
     $model = KFactory::get('admin::com.nooku.model.translators');
     // Get data from model
     $stats = $model->getStats();
     $dates = $model->getDates();
     // Get translators
     $translators = $nooku->getTranslators();
     // Get the languages
     //$primary       = $nooku->getPrimaryLanguage();
     $languages = $nooku->getLanguages();
     //unset($languages[$primary->iso_code]); // we don't display the primary lang in our chart
     // Request
     $table_name = KInput::get('table_name', 'get', KFactory::tmp('admin::com.nooku.filter.tablename'));
     $user_id = KInput::get('user_id', 'get', 'int');
     if (!$user_id) {
         throw new KViewException('user_id is required in ' . JURI::getInstance()->toString());
     // Utilities
     $color = new NookuConfigColor();
     // get the chart
     $c = $this->getChart('line');
     // Data
     $i = 1;
     foreach ($stats[$user_id]->count as $value) {
         $c->setData($i++, $value);
     // Layout
     // The Sparkline lib always draws in black, this hack lets us use other colors
     $c->setColor('black', $color->get('blue'));
Esempio n. 6
  * Retrieve row field value
  * @param  	string 	The column name.
  * @return 	string 	The corresponding column value.
 public function __get($column)
     if (strpos($column, '_permissions') === false) {
         return parent::__get($column);
     $object = str_replace('_permissions', '', $column);
     if (!isset($this->_permissions[$object])) {
         $table = KFactory::get('admin::com.ninjaboard.database.table.assets');
         $query = KFactory::tmp('lib.koowa.database.query');
         $me = KFactory::get('admin::com.ninjaboard.model.people')->getMe();
         $gids = explode('|', $me->ninjaboard_usergroup_id);
         //If super admin, then the permission level is always 3
         if ($me->gid == 25) {
             return $this->_permissions[$object] = 3;
         $query->select('IFNULL(tbl.level, ' . (int) $me->{$object . '_permissions'} . ') AS level')->from('ninjaboard_assets AS tbl')->order('tbl.level', 'DESC')->limit(1);
         $where = array();
         foreach ($gids as $gid) {
             $where[] = '' . (int) $this->id . '.' . $gid . '.' . $object;
         if ($where) {
             $query->where('', 'in', $where);
         $result = $table->getDatabase()->select($query, KDatabase::FETCH_FIELD);
         $this->_permissions[$object] = is_numeric($result) ? $result : $me->{$object . '_permissions'};
     return $this->_permissions[$object];
Esempio n. 7
 public function display($tpl = null)
     $nooku = KFactory::get('admin::com.nooku.model.nooku');
     $model = KFactory::get('admin::com.nooku.model.translations');
     // Get data
     $stats = $model->getStats();
     $iso_code = KInput::get('iso_code', 'get', 'lang');
     // Requested table
     $table_name = KInput::get('table_name', 'get', KFactory::tmp('admin::com.nooku.filter.tablename'));
     // Utilities
     $color = new NookuConfigColor();
     // get the chart
     $c = $this->getChart('bar');
     $c->setColor('red', $color->get('red'));
     $c->setColor('blue', $color->get('blue'));
     $c->setColor('yellow', $color->get('yellow'));
     $c->setColor('green', $color->get('green'));
     $c->setData(0, $stats['MISSING'][$iso_code], 'red');
     $c->setData(1, $stats['OUTDATED'][$iso_code], 'yellow');
     $c->setData(2, $stats['COMPLETED'][$iso_code], 'green');
     $c->setData(3, $stats['ORIGINAL'][$iso_code], 'blue');
     return parent::display();
 public function _actionEdit(KCommandContext $context)
     $data = $context->data;
     $model = $this->getModel();
     $table = $model->getTable();
     $query = KFactory::tmp('lib.koowa.database.query');
     $ids = array();
     foreach ($data['group'] as $joomla => $ninjaboard) {
         $ids[] = $joomla;
     $table->getDatabase()->execute('TRUNCATE TABLE `#__ninjaboard_joomla_user_group_maps`');
     foreach ($ids as $id) {
         $table->getDatabase()->execute('INSERT INTO `#__ninjaboard_joomla_user_group_maps` (`joomla_gid`, `ninjaboard_gid`) VALUES (' . $id . ', ' . (int) $data['group'][$id] . ')');
         //$table->insert(array('joomla_gid' => $id, 'ninjaboard_gid' => $data['group'][$id]));
     $tmpl = false;
     if (KRequest::get('post.tmpl', 'cmd') == 'component') {
         $tmpl = '&tmpl=component';
     $this->_redirect = 'index.php?option=com_ninjaboard&view=joomlausergroupmaps' . $tmpl;
     if ($tmpl) {
         $this->_redirect_message = '<script type="text/javascript">window.parent.document.getElementById("sbox-btn-close").fireEvent("click")</script>';
     // @TODO this is a temporary workaround, find out why the proper way, using setRedirect(), stopped working.
     echo $this->_redirect_message;
     //$this->setRedirect('view=joomlausergroupmaps'.$tmpl, $tmpl ? '<script type="text/javascript">window.parent.document.getElementById("sbox-btn-close").fireEvent("click")</script>' : null);
     return $this->getModel()->getList();
Esempio n. 9
 public function display()
     $targets = KFactory::tmp('')->getList()->getData();
     $thing = reset($targets);
     $string = substr($thing['title'], 3);
     $option = strtolower(substr($string, 0, stripos($string, 'controller')));
     $view = strtolower(substr($string, stripos($string, 'controller') + 10));
     $model = KInflector::pluralize($view);
     $list = KFactory::tmp('site::com.' . $option . '.model.' . $model)->getList()->getData();
     $array = array();
     foreach ($list as $item) {
         $array[] = $item['id'];
     //Get the list of posts
     $activities = KFactory::get($this->getModel())->set('parent_target_id', KRequest::get('get.parent_target_id', 'int'))->getList();
     $myactivities = array();
     foreach (@$activities as $activity) {
         if (!in_array($activity->parent_target_id, $array)) {
         } else {
             $myactivities[] = $activity;
     $this->assign('myactivities', $myactivities);
     $this->assign('pagination', KFactory::get($this->getModel())->getState()->pagination);
     return parent::display();
Esempio n. 10
 public function render()
     $id = 'toolbar-' . $this->getName();
     $html = array();
     // Start toolbar div
     if (JVERSION::isCompatible('1.6')) {
         $html[] = '<div class="toolbar-list" id="' . $id . '">';
     } else {
         $html[] = '<div class="toolbar" id="' . $id . '">';
     $html[] = '<table class="toolbar"><tr>';
     // Render each button in the toolbar
     foreach ($this->_buttons as $button) {
         if (!$button instanceof KToolbarButtonInterface) {
             $app = $this->_identifier->application;
             $package = $this->_identifier->package;
             $button = KFactory::tmp($app . '::com.' . $package . '.toolbar.button.' . $button);
         $html[] = $button->render();
     // End toolbar div
     $html[] = '</tr></table>';
     $html[] = '</div>';
     return implode(PHP_EOL, $html);
Esempio n. 11
 public function display($tpl = null)
     $menu = JSite::getMenu();
     $params = $menu->getParams($menu->getActive()->id);
     $url = KFactory::tmp('lib.koowa.filter.url')->sanitize($params->get('url'));
Esempio n. 12
 public function fetchElement($name, $value, &$node, $control_name)
     $buffer = '';
     $chain = $node->children();
     if (!defined('NINJA_CHAIN')) {
         $document = KFactory::get('lib.joomla.document');
         $document->addStyleDeclaration("\n\t\t\t\t.wrapper {\n\t\t\t\t\t-webkit-border-radius: 3px;\n\t\t\t\t\t-moz-border-radius: 3px;\n\t\t\t\t\tborder-radius: 3px;\n\t\t\t\t\tbackground-color: #EBEBEB;\n\t\t\t\t\tbackground-color: hsla(0, 0%, 94%, 0.8);\n\t\t\t\t\tborder: 1px solid #E6E6E6;\n\t\t\t\t\tborder-color: hsla(0, 0%, 90%, 0.8);\n\t\t\t\t\toverflow: hidden;\n\t\t\t\t\tpadding: 6px;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t.wrapper .chain-label {\n\t\t\t\t\tdisplay: block;\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t.wrapper .chain .value, .wrapper .chain {\n\t\t\t\t\tmargin-left: auto!important;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t");
         define('NINJA_CHAIN', 1);
     $buffer .= "<div class='wrapper'>";
     foreach ($chain as $item) {
         //get the type of the parameter
         $type = (string) $item['type'];
         try {
             $identifier = new KIdentifier($type);
         } catch (KException $e) {
             $identifier = '' . $type;
         $chaindata = $this->_parent->get((string) $node['name']);
         if (isset($chaindata[(string) $item['name']]) && $chaindata[(string) $item['name']] !== false) {
             $value = $chaindata[(string) $item['name']];
         } else {
             $value = (string) $item['default'];
         $element = KFactory::tmp($identifier, array('parent' => $this->_parent, 'node' => $item, 'value' => $value, 'field' => $this->field, 'group' => $this->_parent->getGroup(), 'name' => $name . '[' . (string) $item['name'] . ']', 'fetchTooltip' => false));
         $buffer .= '<div class="chain ' . $name . '_' . (string) $item['name'] . ' chain-' . $type . '">';
         $buffer .= '<span class="chain-label">' . JText::_($element->label) . '</span>';
         $buffer .= $element->toString();
         $buffer .= "</div>";
     $buffer .= "</div>";
     return $buffer;
Esempio n. 13
 public function render()
     $name = $this->getName();
     $img = KTemplateAbstract::loadHelper('', '/32/' . $name . '.png');
     if ($img) {
         KTemplateAbstract::loadHelper('', '.toolbar .icon-32-' . $name . ' { background-image: url(' . $img . '); }');
     $text = JText::_($this->_options['text']);
     $view = KRequest::get('get.view', 'cmd');
     $link = ' href="' . JRoute::_($this->getLink()) . '"';
     $html = array();
     // Sanitize the url since we can't trust the server var
     $url = KFactory::get('lib.koowa.filter.url')->sanitize($this->getLink());
     // Create the URI object
     $uri = KFactory::tmp('lib.koowa.http.uri', array('uri' => $url));
     $query = $uri->getQuery(1);
     $html[] = '<td class="button" id="' . $this->getId() . '">';
     $active = $view == KInflector::variablize(KInflector::pluralize($query['view'])) || $view == KInflector::variablize(KInflector::singularize($query['view']));
     $hide = !KInflector::isPlural($view);
     if ($active || $hide || !$this->modal) {
         $html[] = '<a class="toolbar inactive">';
     } else {
         $html[] = '<a' . $link . ' onclick="' . $this->getOnClick() . '" class="toolbar">';
     $html[] = '<span class="' . $this->getClass() . '" title="' . $text . '">';
     $html[] = '</span>';
     $html[] = $text;
     if (!$active && !$hide || $this->modal) {
         $html[] = '</a>';
     } else {
         $html[] = '</a>';
     $html[] = '</td>';
     return implode(PHP_EOL, $html);
Esempio n. 14
  * Renders the html markup for the user avatar
  * @author Stian Didriksen <*****@*****.**>
  * @return string
 public function image($config = array())
     $params = KFactory::get('admin::com.ninjaboard.model.settings')->getParams();
     $prepend = KFactory::get('lib.joomla.application')->isAdmin() ? KRequest::root() . '/' : '';
     $config = new KConfig($config);
     $config->append(array('id' => KFactory::get('admin::com.ninjaboard.model.people')->getMe()->id, 'thumbnail' => 'large', 'class' => 'avatar', 'link' => 'person', 'type' => 'css'));
     $person = KFactory::tmp('admin::com.ninjaboard.model.people')->id($config->id)->getItem();
     $avatar_on = new DateTime($person->avatar_on);
     $cache = (int) $avatar_on->format('U');
     $config->append(array('avatarurl' => $prepend . JRoute::_('&option=com_ninjaboard&view=avatar&id=' . $config->id . '&thumbnail=' . $config->thumbnail . '&cache=' . $cache), 'profileurl' => $prepend . JRoute::_('&option=com_ninjaboard&view=person&id=' . $config->id)));
     $attribs = array('class' => $config->class, 'href' => $config->profileurl);
     $height = $params['avatar_settings'][$config->thumbnail . '_thumbnail_height'];
     $width = $params['avatar_settings'][$config->thumbnail . '_thumbnail_width'];
     ///* @TODO Following is the <img /> version, likely going to be deprecated
     if ($config->type == 'tag') {
         $attribs['src'] = $config->avatarurl;
         $attribs['height'] = $height;
         $attribs['width'] = $width;
         $html = '<img ' . KHelperArray::toString($attribs) . ' />';
     } else {
         $style = 'background-image: url(' . $config->avatarurl . '); ';
         $style .= 'height: ' . $height . 'px; ';
         $style .= 'width: ' . $width . 'px;';
         $attribs['style'] = $style;
         $html = '<a ' . KHelperArray::toString($attribs) . '></a>';
     return $html;
Esempio n. 15
 public function display($tpl = null)
     // Request
     $month = KInput::get('month', 'get', 'digit', null, date('m'));
     $year = KInput::get('year', 'get', 'int', null, date('Y'));
     $graph = KInput::get('graph', 'get', 'cmd', null, 'translations');
     $table_name = KInput::get('table_name', 'get', KFactory::tmp('admin::com.nooku.filter.tablename'), null, '');
     $this->assign('graph', $graph);
     $this->assign('table_name', $table_name);
     $this->assign('month', $month);
     $this->assign('year', $year);
     // URI
     $uri =& JURI::getInstance(JURI::base() . 'index.php?option=com_nooku&format=openflashchart');
     $uri->setVar('table_name', $table_name);
     $uri->setVar('layout', 'bar');
     $uri->setVar('view', 'statistics.translations');
     $this->assign('translations', $uri->toString());
     $uri->setVar('year', date('Y'));
     $uri->setVar('month', date('n'));
     $uri->setVar('view', 'statistics.translators');
     $this->assign('translators', $uri->toString());
     // panes
     $this->assignRef('panes', JPane::getInstance('tabs'));
     // Mixin a menubar object
     $this->mixin(new NookuMixinMenu($this));
     // Display the layout
Esempio n. 16
 public function display()
     $topic = $this->getModel()->getItem();
     $this->forum = KFactory::get('site::com.ninjaboard.model.forums')->id($topic->forum_id)->getItem();
     $this->user = KFactory::get('lib.joomla.user');
     $me = KFactory::get('admin::com.ninjaboard.model.people')->getMe();
     $this->watch_button = $me->id && $this->forum->params['email_notification_settings']['enable_email_notification'];
     //Assign forum permissions to topic
     $topic->forum_permissions = $this->forum->forum_permissions;
     $topic->topic_permissions = $this->forum->topic_permissions;
     $topic->post_permissions = $this->forum->post_permissions;
     $topic->attachment_permissions = $this->forum->attachment_permissions;
     if ((!$this->forum->id || !$topic->id || $topic->topic_permissions < 1) && KFactory::tmp('lib.joomla.user')->guest) {
         return parent::display();
     } elseif (!$topic->id) {
         JError::raiseError(404, JText::_("Topic not found."));
     } elseif (!$this->forum->id) {
         JError::raiseError(404, JText::_("Forum not found."));
     $this->_subtitle = $topic->title;
     //if($topic->id && !KRequest::get('get.layout', 'cmd', false)) $this->setLayout('default');
     $state = $this->getModel()->getState();
     $limit = $state->limit ? $state->limit : 6;
     $offset = KFactory::tmp('site::com.ninjaboard.model.posts')->topic($topic->id)->post($state->post)->limit($limit)->getOffset();
     $offset = KRequest::get('get.offset', 'int', $offset);
     //This is used to set the canonical link correctly in the topic controller
     //@TODO move all this logic out of the view in 1.2
     $this->getModel()->set(array('limit' => $limit, 'offset' => $offset));
     $this->assign('posts', KFactory::tmp('')->setView(KFactory::tmp('site::com.ninjaboard.view.posts.html'))->setModel(KFactory::get('site::com.ninjaboard.model.posts')->setAcl(false))->sort('created_on')->limit($limit)->offset($offset)->post(false)->topic($topic->id)->layout('default')->display());
     if ($this->forum->params['view_settings']['new_topic_button'] == 'topic') {
         $this->new_topic_button = '<div class="new-topic">' . str_replace(array('$title', '$link'), array(JText::_('New Topic'), $this->createRoute('view=post&forum=' . $this->forum->id)), $this->forum->params['tmpl']['new_topic_button']) . '</div>';
     $button = false;
     if (KFactory::get('lib.joomla.user')->guest || $this->forum->post_permissions > 1) {
         $button = str_replace(array('$title', '$link'), array(JText::_('Reply topic'), $this->createRoute('view=post&topic=' . $topic->id)), $this->forum->params['tmpl']['new_topic_button']);
     //$this->reply_topic_button = $this->forum->post_permissions > 1 ? $button : null;
     $this->reply_topic_button = $button;
     $this->lock_topic_button = null;
     $this->move_topic_button = null;
     $this->delete_topic_button = null;
     if ($this->forum->topic_permissions > 2) {
         $this->lock_topic_button = $this->_createActionButton('lock', 'Lock topic', $topic->id, 'lock');
         $this->move_topic_button = str_replace(array('$title', '$link'), array(JText::_('Move topic'), $this->createRoute('view=topic&layout=move&id=' . $topic->id)), $this->forum->params['tmpl']['new_topic_button']);
         $this->delete_topic_button = $this->_createActionButton('delete', 'Delete topic', $topic->id, 'trash');
     $output = parent::display();
     //@TODO move this to the controller
     $hit = KRequest::get('session.' . KFactory::get('')->formid($topic->id), 'boolean');
     if (!$hit && $topic->created_user_id != $me->id) {
         KRequest::set('session.' . KFactory::get('')->formid($topic->id), true);
     return $output;
Esempio n. 17
 public function setEmail($email)
     if (KFactory::tmp('')->validate($email)) {
         $this->email = $email;
         $this->properties['gravatar_id'] = md5(strtolower($this->email));
         return true;
     return false;
Esempio n. 18
  * Filter the data, 'text' is a raw Column (because only administrators use this)
 public function filter($data)
     settype($data, 'array');
     //force to array
     if ($data['text']) {
         $this->getColumn('text')->filter = KFactory::tmp('lib.koowa.filter.raw');
     return parent::filter($data);
 public function display($tpl = null)
     $model = KFactory::get('admin::com.nooku.model.translations');
     $this->assign('data', $model->getStats());
     $this->assign('languages', KFactory::get('admin::com.nooku.model.nooku')->getLanguages());
     $this->assign('color', new NookuConfigColor());
     $this->assign('table_name', KInput::get('table_name', 'get', KFactory::tmp('admin::com.nooku.filter.tablename')));
Esempio n. 20
 public function importXml(SimpleXMLElement $xml)
     foreach ($this->_xml->option as $option) {
         $elem = KFactory::tmp('')->importXml($option);
     return $this;
Esempio n. 21
 public function getDefaultState()
     $state = parent::getDefaultState();
     $state['user_id'] = KInput::get('user_id', 'get', 'int', null, 0);
     $state['year'] = KInput::get('year', 'get', 'int', null, date('Y'));
     $state['month'] = KInput::get('month', 'get', 'digit', null, date('m'));
     $state['table_name'] = KInput::get('table_name', 'get', KFactory::tmp('admin::com.nooku.filter.tablename'), null, '');
     return $state;
Esempio n. 22
 public function __construct(KConfig $options)
     $napi = clone $this->getIdentifier();
     $napi->package = 'ninja';
     $identifier = $this->getIdentifier();
     $this->_state->insert('limit', 'int', 0);
     KFactory::tmp('', array('identifier' => $napi));
     KFactory::tmp('', array('identifier' => $identifier));
Esempio n. 23
 public function display()
     $this->usergroup = $this->getModel()->getItem();
     $objects = KFactory::get('admin::com.ninjaboard.permissions')->getObjects();
     foreach ($objects as $object) {
         $names[] = 'com_ninjaboard.usergroup.' . $this->usergroup->id . '.' . $object;
     $this->permissions = KFactory::tmp('', array('name' => $names, 'id' => KFactory::get('')->formid('permissions'), 'inputName' => 'permissions', 'inputId' => 'permissions', 'render' => 'usergroups', 'objects' => $objects));
     return parent::display();
Esempio n. 24
 public function display()
     $this->assign('params', KFactory::get('admin::com.ninjaboard.model.settings')->getParams());
     if (KFactory::tmp('lib.joomla.user')->guest) {
         return parent::display();
     return parent::display();
Esempio n. 25
  * Import the sample content
  * @return $this
 public function convert()
     $tables = array(array('name' => 'attachments', 'options' => array('name' => 'ccb_attachments'), 'query' => KFactory::tmp('lib.koowa.database.query')->select(array('', 'tbl.post_id AS post', 'tbl.real_name AS name', 'post.post_user AS joomla_user_id', 'tbl.ccb_name AS file'))->join('left', 'ccb_posts AS post', 'tbl.post_id =')), array('name' => 'forums', 'options' => array('name' => 'ccb_category'), 'query' => KFactory::tmp('lib.koowa.database.query')->select(array('(id + (SELECT MAX(id) FROM #__ccb_forums)) AS id', 'cat_name AS title', "'/' AS path"))), array('name' => 'forums', 'options' => array('name' => 'ccb_forums'), 'query' => KFactory::tmp('lib.koowa.database.query')->select(array('id', 'forum_name AS title', 'forum_desc AS description', 'topic_count AS topics', 'post_count AS posts', 'last_post_id', 'published AS enabled', 'locked', "CONCAT('/', (cat_id + (SELECT MAX(id) FROM #__ccb_forums)), '/') AS path"))), array('name' => 'posts', 'options' => array('name' => 'ccb_posts'), 'query' => KFactory::tmp('lib.koowa.database.query')->select(array('*', 'topic_id AS ninjaboard_topic_id', 'post_subject AS subject', 'post_text AS text', 'post_user AS created_by', 'FROM_UNIXTIME(post_time) AS created_on', 'ip AS user_ip', 'modified_by', 'FROM_UNIXTIME(modified_time) AS mofidied_on', 'modified_reason AS edit_reason'))), array('name' => 'topics', 'options' => array('name' => 'ccb_topics'), 'query' => KFactory::tmp('lib.koowa.database.query')->select(array('*', 'reply_count AS replies', 'topic_type AS topic_type_id', 'start_post_id AS first_post_id'))), array('name' => 'people', 'options' => array('name' => 'ccb_users'), 'query' => KFactory::tmp('lib.koowa.database.query')->select(array('user_id AS id', 'signature', 'post_count AS posts', 'avatar'))));
     //This returns false if the import is big enough to be done in steps.
     //So we need to stop the importing in this step, in order for it to initiate
     if ($this->importData($tables, 'ccboard') === false) {
         return $this;
     //Convert html 2 bbcode where needed
     if (isset($this->data['posts'])) {
         foreach ($this->data['posts'] as $id => $post) {
             if (!isset($this->data['posts'][$id]['text'])) {
             $this->data['posts'][$id]['text'] = html2bbcode($post['text']);
     //Move over file attachments
     if (isset($this->data['attachments'])) {
         foreach ($this->data['attachments'] as $id => $attachment) {
             $from = JPATH_ROOT . '/components/com_ccboard/assets/uploads/' . $attachment['file'];
             $file = JPATH_ROOT . '/media/com_ninjaboard/attachments/' . $attachment['file'];
             //Don't do anything if avatar don't exist
             if (!JFile::exists($from)) {
             JFile::copy($from, $file);
     //Move over avatars
     if (isset($this->data['people'])) {
         foreach ($this->data['people'] as $id => $person) {
             if (!$person['avatar']) {
             $from = JPATH_ROOT . '/components/com_ccboard/assets/avatar/' . $person['avatar'];
             $file = basename($from);
             $avatar = '/media/com_ninjaboard/images/avatars/' . $person['id'] . '/' . $file;
             //Don't do anything if avatar don't exist
             if (!JFile::exists($from)) {
             JFile::copy($from, JPATH_ROOT . $avatar);
             $this->data['people'][$id]['avatar'] = $avatar;
     //Clear cache folder so that avatars and attachments cache are cleared
     //@TODO this should only run once
     $cache = JPATH_ROOT . '/cache/com_ninjaboard/';
     if (JFolder::exists($cache)) {
     return $this;
Esempio n. 26
  * Specialized in order to dynamically get the usergroups list when needed
  * @TODO performance optimize this
  * @param  	string 	The column name.
 public function __get($column)
     if ($column == 'usergroups') {
         if (!isset($this->_usergroups)) {
             $user = KFactory::tmp('admin::com.ninjaboard.model.users')->id($this->created_by)->getItem();
             $this->_usergroups = $user->usergroups;
         return $this->_usergroups;
     return parent::__get($column);
Esempio n. 27
  * Import an XML form definition.
  * @param	SimpleXMLElement The form in XML format
  * @return 	NinjaFormAbstract
 public function importXml(SimpleXMLElement $xml)
     $this->_xml = $xml;
     // Add each element to the form
     foreach ($this->_xml->children() as $name => $xmlElem) {
         $type = $name == 'element' ? (string) $xmlElem['type'] : '' . $name;
         $elem = KFactory::tmp($type)->importXml($xmlElem);
     return $this;
Esempio n. 28
 public function display()
     $model = $this->getModel();
     $forum = $model->getItem();
     $this->_subtitle = $forum->title;
     if (!$forum->id) {
         if (KFactory::get('lib.joomla.user')->guest) {
             return parent::display();
         } else {
             $this->title = JText::_("Access to this forum declined");
             $this->msg = JText::_('Contact an administrator immidiatly if this is an mistake.');
             JError::raiseError(404, JText::_('Forum not found'));
             return parent::display();
     $model = KFactory::tmp('site::com.ninjaboard.model.forums')->limit(0)->sort('path_sort_ordering')->enabled(true)->recurse(1)->path($forum->id);
     $forums = $model->getList();
     //@TODO optimize this in the model instead
     foreach ($forums as $row) {
         $rows = KFactory::tmp('site::com.ninjaboard.model.forums')->sort('path_sort_ordering')->enabled(true)->recurse(1)->path($row->id);
         if ($rows->getTotal() < 1) {
         $row->subforums = $rows->getList();
     $this->assign('forums', $forums);
     $this->limit = KRequest::get('get.limit', 'int', 10);
     $this->total = KFactory::tmp('site::com.ninjaboard.model.topics')->direction('desc')->sort('last_post_on')->forum($forum->id)->limit($this->limit)->offset(KRequest::get('get.offset', 'int', 0))->getTotal();
     if ($this->total > 0) {
         $this->assign('topics', KFactory::get('site::com.ninjaboard.controller.topic')->setView(KFactory::get('site::com.ninjaboard.view.topics.html'))->direction('desc')->sort('last_post_on')->limit($this->limit)->offset(KRequest::get('get.offset', 'int', 0))->forum($forum->id)->layout('list')->display());
     } else {
         $this->assign('topics', false);
     $this->assign('pagination', KFactory::get('site::com.ninjaboard.template.helper.paginator', array('name' => 'topics'))->pagination($this->total, KRequest::get('get.offset', 'int', 0), $this->limit, 4));
     if ($model->getTotal()) {
         echo $this->getTemplate()->loadIdentifier('', $this->_data)->render(true);
         $this->assign('block_subforums', $this->render(ob_get_clean(), false, $forum->params['module']));
     } else {
         $this->assign('block_subforums', false);
     $me = KFactory::get('admin::com.ninjaboard.model.people')->getMe();
     $this->watch_button = $me->id && $forum->params['email_notification_settings']['enable_email_notification'];
     $this->assign('me', $me);
     $this->new_topic_button = false;
     if (KFactory::get('lib.joomla.user')->guest || $forum->topic_permissions > 1 && $forum->post_permissions > 1) {
         $this->new_topic_button = '<div class="new-topic">' . str_replace(array('$title', '$link', '$class'), array(JText::_('New Topic'), $this->createRoute('view=post&forum=' . $forum->id), 'action-new'), $forum->params['tmpl']['new_topic_button']) . '</div>';
     $this->assign('toolbar', $this->new_topic_button);
     return parent::display();
Esempio n. 29
 public function display()
     // get module parameters
     $this->assign('messages', $this->params->get('messages', '1'));
     $this->assign('watches', $this->params->get('watches', '1'));
     $this->assign('profile', $this->params->get('profile', '1'));
     $this->assign('logout', $this->params->get('logout', '1'));
     $this->me = KFactory::get('site::com.ninjaboard.model.people')->getMe();
     $this->profileurl = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_ninjaboard&view=person&id=' . $this->me->id);
     $this->unread = (int) KFactory::tmp('site::com.ninjaboard.model.messages')->unread(1)->getTotal();
Esempio n. 30
 public function target($config = array())
     $config = new KConfig($config);
     $config->append(array('name' => 'stream_target_id', 'state' => null, 'attribs' => array()));
     $list = KFactory::tmp('')->getList();
     $options = array();
     $options[] = $this->option(array('value' => 0, 'text' => '- ' . JText::_('Select target') . ' -'));
     foreach ($list as $item) {
         $options[] = $this->option(array('value' => $item->id, 'text' => $item->title));
     $list = $this->optionlist(array('options' => $options, 'name' => $config->name, 'attribs' => $config->attribs, 'selected' => $config->selected));
     return $list;