Esempio n. 1
function king_ajax_lostpwd1()
    global $king;
    $username = kc_post('username');
    if ($user = $king->db->getRows_one("select userid,uid,userask,useranswer,usermail from %s_user where isdelete=0 and  username='******'username')) . "'")) {
        if (!$user['userask']) {
    } else {
    $s = $king->htmForm($king->lang->get('user/label/ask'), htmlspecialchars($user['userask']));
    $array = array(array('useranswer', 0, 1, 16), array('useranswer', 12, $king->lang->get('portal/check/lost/answer'), $user['useranswer'] != kc_post('useranswer')));
    $s .= $king->htmForm($king->lang->get('user/label/answer'), '<input class="k_in w150" type="text" name="useranswer" id="useranswer" maxlength="16" value="' . htmlspecialchars(kc_post('useranswer')) . '" />', $array);
    $_array = array(array('usermail', 0, 6, 32), array('usermail', 5, $king->lang->get('portal/check/reg/u-4')), array('usermail', 12, $king->lang->get('portal/check/lost/mail'), strtolower($user['usermail']) != strtolower(kc_post('usermail'))));
    $s .= $king->htmForm($king->lang->get('portal/user/mail'), '<input class="k_in w250" type="text" name="usermail" value="' . htmlspecialchars(kc_post('usermail')) . '" maxlength="32" />', $_array);
    $_array = array(array('userpass', 0, 6, 30), array('userpass', 17, null, 'userpass1'));
    $s .= $king->htmForm($king->lang->get('portal/user/pass') . ' (6-30)', '<input class="k_in w150" type="password" name="userpass" id="userpass" maxlength="30" value="' . htmlspecialchars(kc_post('userpass')) . '" />', $_array);
    $s .= $king->htmForm($king->lang->get('portal/user/pass1'), '<input class="k_in w150" type="password" name="userpass1" id="userpass1" maxlength="30" value="' . htmlspecialchars(kc_post('userpass1')) . '" />');
    $verify = new KC_Verify_class();
    $s .= $verify->Show();
    if ($GLOBALS['ischeck']) {
        $array = array();
        $salt = kc_random(6);
        $md5pass = md5($salt . kc_post('userpass'));
        $array['userpass'] = $md5pass;
        $array['ksalt'] = $salt;
        $userid = $king->db->update('%s_user', $array, "userid={$user['userid']}");
        $s = $king->user->userLogin($user['userid'], 2592000);
        kc_ajax($king->lang->get('system/common/welcome'), $s . "<p class=\"k_ok\">" . $king->lang->get('portal/user/lostok') . "</p>", 0);
    $but = kc_htm_a($king->lang->get('system/common/submit'), "{URL:'" . $king->config('inst') . "user/index.php',CMD:'lostpwd1',username:'******',IS:1}");
    $height = $king->config('verifyopen') ? 250 + $king->config('verifyheight') : 230;
    kc_ajax($king->lang->get('portal/user/name'), $s, $but, '', 420, $height + $GLOBALS['check_num'] * 15);
Esempio n. 2
function king_def()
    global $king;
    if ($GLOBALS['ismethod']) {
        $data = $_POST;
    } else {
        $data = array('re' => kc_val($_SERVER, 'HTTP_REFERER'));
    $data = kc_data(array('re', 'username', 'userpass', 'expire'));
    if ($king->config('blackuser', 'user')) {
        $array_black = explode('|', $king->config('blackuser', 'user'));
        $array_black = array_diff($array_black, array(null));
    } else {
        $array_black = array();
    $s = $king->openForm('login.php');
    $_array = array(array('username', 0, 3, 15), array('username', 14, $king->lang->get('portal/check/reg/u-1'), array('*', '\\', ':', '?', '<', '>', '|', ';', ',', '\'', '!', '~', '$', '#', '@', '^', '(', ')', '{', '}', '=', '+', '%', '/')), array('username', 14, $king->lang->get('portal/check/reg/u-2'), $array_black));
    $s .= $king->htmForm($king->lang->get('portal/user/name'), '<input class="k_in w150" type="text" name="username" value="' . htmlspecialchars($data['username']) . '" maxlength="15" />', $_array, null, "<tt><a href=\"javascript:; \" class=\"k_user_register\">" . $king->lang->get('portal/user/reg') . "</a></tt>");
    $_array = array(array('userpass', 0, 6, 30));
    if ($data['userpass'] && $GLOBALS['ischeck']) {
        //有密码 并 账号验证成功的时候进行验证
        $username = $data['username'];
        $is = False;
        if ($king->user->isuc) {
            if ($array_uc = uc_user_login($data['username'], $data['userpass'])) {
                if ((int) $array_uc[0] < 0) {
                    if ($res = $king->db->getRows_one("select usermail,userpass,ksalt,userid from %s_user where username='******' and uid=0")) {
                        $userid = $res['userid'];
                        if (md5($res['ksalt'] . $data['userpass']) == $res['userpass']) {
                            $uid = uc_user_register($username, $data['userpass'], $res['usermail']);
                            $king->db->update('%s_user', array('lastlogindate' => time(), 'uid' => $uid > 0 ? $uid : 0), 'username=\'' . $king->db->escape($username . '\''));
                            uc_user_login($data['username'], $data['userpass']);
                        } else {
                            $is = True;
                            $errId = -2;
                    } else {
                        $is = True;
                        $errId = $array_uc[0];
                } else {
                    $uid = $array_uc[0];
                    if ($res = $king->db->getRows_one("select userpass,ksalt,userid from %s_user where username='******'")) {
                        $userid = $res['userid'];
                        if (md5($res['ksalt'] . $data['userpass']) != $res['userpass']) {
                            $userpass = md5($res['ksalt'] . $data['userpass']);
                            $king->db->update('%s_user', array('userpass' => $userpass, 'lastlogindate' => time()), 'username=\'' . $king->db->escape($username . '\''));
                        } else {
                            $king->db->update('%s_user', array('lastlogindate' => time()), 'username=\'' . $king->db->escape($username . '\''));
                    } else {
                        $usermail = $array_uc[3];
                        $ksalt = kc_random(6);
                        $array = array('username' => $username, 'userpass' => md5($ksalt . $data['userpass']), 'usermail' => $usermail, 'ksalt' => $ksalt, 'uid' => $uid, 'regdate' => time(), 'lastlogindate' => time());
                        $king->db->insert('%s_user', $array);
                        $res = $king->db->getRows_one("select userid from %s_user where uid='" . $uid . "' and isdelete=0");
                        $userid = $res['userid'];
            } else {
        } else {
            if ($res = $king->db->getRows_one("select userpass,ksalt,userid from %s_user where username='******' and isdelete=0")) {
                $md5pass = md5($res['ksalt'] . $data['userpass']);
                //				kc_error($md5pass."\t".$res['userpass']);
                if ($md5pass != $res['userpass']) {
                    $is = True;
                    $errId = -2;
                } else {
                    $userid = $res['userid'];
                    $king->db->update('%s_user', array('lastlogindate' => time()), 'userid=' . $userid);
                    //					$userpass=md5($res['ksalt'].$data['userpass']);
            } else {
                $is = True;
                $errId = -1;
        if (!empty($errId)) {
            $_array[] = array('userpass', 12, $king->lang->get('portal/check/pwd/p' . $errId), $is);
    $s .= $king->htmForm($king->lang->get('portal/user/pass') . '', '<input class="k_in w150" type="password" name="userpass" maxlength="30" />', $_array, null, "<tt><a href=\"javascript:;\" class=\"k_user_lostpwd\">" . $king->lang->get('portal/user/lostpwd') . "</a></tt>");
    $array_select = array(0 => $king->lang->get('system/time/cookie'), 86400 => $king->lang->get('system/time/oneday'), 2592000 => $king->lang->get('system/time/jan'), 15768000 => $king->lang->get('system/time/halfyear'), 31536000 => $king->lang->get('system/time/ayear'), 315360000 => $king->lang->get('system/time/forever'));
    $s .= $king->htmForm($king->lang->get('portal/user/expire'), kc_htm_radio('expire', $array_select, 2592000));
    $verify = new KC_Verify_class();
    $s .= $verify->Show();
    $s .= kc_htm_hidden(array('re' => $data['re']));
    $s .= $king->closeForm($king->lang->get('system/common/login'));
    if ($GLOBALS['ischeck']) {
        $s = $king->user->userLogin($userid, $data['expire']);
        $array = array('<a href="/">' . $king->lang->get('portal/user/return/home') . '</a>', '<a href="index.php">' . $king->lang->get('portal/user/return/uc') . '</a>');
        if ($data['re']) {
            $array[] = '<a href="' . $data['re'] . '">' . $king->lang->get('portal/user/return/re') . ' : ' . $data['re'] . '</a>';
            $goto = $data['re'];
        } else {
            $goto = $king->config('inst') . 'user/index.php';
        $s .= kc_htm_ol($king->lang->get('portal/user/loginok'), $array, $goto);
    $tmp = new KC_Template_class($king->config('templateuser', 'user'), $king->config('templatepath') . '/inside/user/login.htm');
    $tmp->assign('main', $s);
    $tmp->assign('title', $king->lang->get('portal/title/login'));
    echo $tmp->output();