Esempio n. 1
 function feedLastCommentsGlobal()
     global $mainframe;
     $object_group = trim(strip_tags(JCommentsInput::getVar('object_group', '')));
     $object_group = preg_replace('#[^0-9A-Za-z\\-\\_\\,\\.]#is', '', $object_group);
     $limit = (int) JCommentsInput::getVar('limit', 100);
     $config =& JCommentsFactory::getConfig();
     if ($config->get('enable_rss') == '1') {
         $iso = explode('=', _ISO);
         $charset = strtolower((string) $iso[1]);
         if (JCOMMENTS_JVERSION == '1.5') {
             $offset = $mainframe->getCfg('offset');
         } else {
             $offset = $mainframe->getCfg('offset') + date('O') / 100;
         $object_group = preg_replace('#[\'\\"]#ism', '', $object_group);
         $og = $object_group ? '&object_group=' . $object_group : '';
         $lm = $limit != 100 ? '&limit=' . $limit : '';
         if (JCOMMENTS_JVERSION == '1.5') {
             $syndicationURL = JoomlaTuneRoute::_('index.php?option=com_jcomments&task=rss_full' . $og . $lm . '&tmpl=component');
         } else {
             $syndicationURL = $mainframe->getCfg('live_site') . '/index2.php?option=com_jcomments&task=rss_full' . $og . $lm . '&no_html=1';
         $rss = new JoomlaTuneFeed();
         $rss->encoding = $charset;
         $rss->title = JText::_('Comments');
         $rss->link = $mainframe->getCfg('live_site');
         $rss->syndicationURL = $syndicationURL;
         $rss->description = JText::_('COMMENTS_FOR') . ' ' . $mainframe->getCfg('sitename');
         if ($object_group != '') {
             $groups = explode(',', $object_group);
         } else {
             $groups = array();
         $db =& JCommentsFactory::getDBO();
         $query = "SELECT id, title, object_id, object_group, userid, name, username, date, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) as date_ts, comment" . "\nFROM #__jcomments " . "\nWHERE published = '1'" . (count($groups) > 0 ? "\n AND (object_group = '" . implode("' OR object_group='", $groups) . "')" : '') . (JCommentsMultilingual::isEnabled() ? "\nAND lang = '" . JCommentsMultilingual::getLanguage() . "'" : "") . "\nORDER BY date DESC";
         $db->setQuery($query, 0, $limit);
         $rows = $db->loadObjectList();
         $word_maxlength = $config->getInt('word_maxlength');
         $lang = JCommentsMultilingual::isEnabled() ? JCommentsMultilingual::getLanguage() : null;
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             $comment = JCommentsText::cleanText($row->comment);
             $author = JComments::getCommentAuthorName($row);
             if ($comment != '') {
                 $object_title = JCommentsObjectHelper::getTitle($row->object_id, $row->object_group, $lang);
                 $object_link = JCommentsObjectHelper::getLink($row->object_id, $row->object_group);
                 $object_link = str_replace('amp;', '', $object_link);
                 $object_link = JCommentsFactory::getAbsLink($object_link);
                 // apply censor filter
                 $object_title = JCommentsText::censor($object_title);
                 $comment = JCommentsText::censor($comment);
                 // fix long words problem
                 if ($word_maxlength > 0) {
                     $comment = JCommentsText::fixLongWords($comment, $word_maxlength, ' ');
                     if ($comment != '') {
                         $comment = JCommentsText::fixLongWords($comment, $word_maxlength, ' ');
                 $item = new JoomlaTuneFeedItem();
                 $item->title = $object_title;
                 $item->link = $object_link . '#comment-' . $row->id;
                 $item->description = $author . ' ' . JText::_('Wrote') . ' "' . $comment . '"';
                 $item->source = $object_link;
                 if (JCOMMENTS_JVERSION == '1.5') {
                     $item->pubDate = $row->date;
                 } else {
                     $date = strtotime((string) $row->date) - $offset * 3600;
                     $item->pubDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $date);
                 $item->author = $author;
         unset($rows, $rss);
Esempio n. 2
 public static function showUserComments()
     $config = JCommentsFactory::getConfig();
     if ($config->get('enable_rss') == '1') {
         $app = JCommentsFactory::getApplication('site');
         $acl = JCommentsFactory::getACL();
         $userid = (int) JCommentsInput::getVar('userid', 0);
         $limit = (int) JCommentsInput::getVar('limit', $config->getInt('feed_limit', 100));
         $user = JCommentsFactory::getUser($userid);
         if (!isset($user->id)) {
         if (JCOMMENTS_JVERSION == '1.0') {
             $offset = $app->getCfg('offset') + date('O') / 100;
         } else {
             $offset = $app->getCfg('offset');
         $lm = $limit != $config->getInt('feed_limit') ? '&limit=' . $limit : '';
         if (JCommentsMultilingual::isEnabled()) {
             $language = JCommentsMultilingual::getLanguage();
             $lp = '&lang=' . $language;
         } else {
             $language = null;
             $lp = '';
         if (JCOMMENTS_JVERSION == '1.0') {
             $syndicationURL = $app->getCfg('live_site') . '/index2.php?option=com_jcomments&task=rss_user&userid=' . $userid . $lm . $lp . '&no_html=1';
         } else {
             $liveSite = str_replace(JURI::root(true), '', $app->getCfg('live_site'));
             $syndicationURL = $liveSite . JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_jcomments&task=rss_user&userid=' . $userid . $lm . $lp . '&tmpl=raw');
         $user->userid = $user->id;
         $username = JComments::getCommentAuthorName($user);
         $rss = new JoomlaTuneFeed();
         $rss->encoding = JCOMMENTS_ENCODING;
         $rss->title = JText::sprintf('USER_FEED_TITLE', $username);
         $rss->link = $app->getCfg('live_site');
         $rss->syndicationURL = $syndicationURL;
         $rss->description = JText::sprintf('USER_FEED_DESCRIPTION', $username);
         $options = array();
         $options['lang'] = $language;
         $options['userid'] = $userid;
         $options['published'] = 1;
         $options['filter'] = 'c.deleted = 0';
         $options['orderBy'] = ' DESC';
         $options['votes'] = false;
         $options['limit'] = $limit;
         $options['limitStart'] = 0;
         $options['objectinfo'] = true;
         $options['access'] = $acl->getUserAccess();
         $rows = JCommentsModel::getCommentsList($options);
         $word_maxlength = $config->getInt('word_maxlength');
         $lang = JCommentsMultilingual::isEnabled() ? JCommentsMultilingual::getLanguage() : null;
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             $comment = JCommentsText::cleanText($row->comment);
             if ($comment != '') {
                 // getting object's information (title and link)
                 $object_title = empty($row->object_title) ? JCommentsObjectHelper::getTitle($row->object_id, $row->object_group, $lang) : $row->object_title;
                 $object_link = empty($row->object_link) ? JCommentsObjectHelper::getLink($row->object_id, $row->object_group, $lang) : $row->object_link;
                 $object_link = JCommentsFactory::getAbsLink(str_replace('amp;', '', $object_link));
                 // apply censor filter
                 $object_title = JCommentsText::censor($object_title);
                 $comment = JCommentsText::censor($comment);
                 // fix long words problem
                 if ($word_maxlength > 0) {
                     $comment = JCommentsText::fixLongWords($comment, $word_maxlength, ' ');
                     if ($object_title != '') {
                         $object_title = JCommentsText::fixLongWords($object_title, $word_maxlength, ' ');
                 $author = JComments::getCommentAuthorName($row);
                 $item = new JoomlaTuneFeedItem();
                 $item->title = $object_title;
                 $item->link = $object_link . '#comment-' . $row->id;
                 $item->description = JText::sprintf('USER_FEED_ITEM_DESCRIPTION', $author, $comment);
                 $item->source = $object_link;
                 if (JCOMMENTS_JVERSION == '1.0') {
                     $date = strtotime((string) $row->date) - $offset * 3600;
                     $item->pubDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $date);
                 } else {
                     $item->pubDate = $row->date;
                 $item->author = $author;
         unset($rows, $rss);