Esempio n. 1
  * Handles results of the java upload
  * @return  void
  * @since   1.5.7
 public function concludejavaupload()
     $this->_mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
     $this->_config = JoomConfig::getInstance();
     // Send a message if setted in configuration manager
     if ($this->_config->get('jg_msg_upload_type') != 0) {
         require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers/messenger.php';
         $this->_user =& JFactory::getUser();
         $counter = $this->_mainframe->getUserState('', 0);
         $messenger = new JoomMessenger();
         $message = array('from' => $this->_user->get('id'), 'subject' => JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_MESSAGE_NEW_IMAGES_SUBMITTED_SUBJECT'), 'body' => JText::sprintf('COM_JOOMGALLERY_MESSAGE_NEW_IMAGES_SUBMITTED_BODY', $this->_config->get('jg_realname') ? $this->_user->get('name') : $this->_user->get('username'), $counter), 'mode' => 'upload');
     $this->_mainframe->setUserState('', 0);
     // Set a redirect according to the correspondent setting in configuration manager
     $model = $this->getModel('upload');
     $url = $model->getRedirectUrlAfterUpload('java', 'java');
     if (!empty($url)) {
         $this->setRedirect($url, $msg);
Esempio n. 2
  * Method to save a new comment
  * @return  int     1 on success, 2 on success but approval necessary, boolean false otherwise
  * @since   1.5.5
 public function save()
     // Check for hacking attempt
     $authorised_viewlevels = implode(',', $this->_user->getAuthorisedViewLevels());
     $query = $this->_db->getQuery(true)->select('c.cid')->from(_JOOM_TABLE_IMAGES . ' AS a')->leftJoin(_JOOM_TABLE_CATEGORIES . ' AS c ON c.cid = a.catid')->where('a.published = 1')->where('a.approved = 1')->where(' = ' . $this->_id)->where('a.access IN (' . $authorised_viewlevels . ')')->where('c.access IN (' . $authorised_viewlevels . ')');
     $result = $this->_db->loadResult();
     if (!$result || !$this->_config->get('jg_showcomment') || !$this->_config->get('jg_anoncomment') && !$this->_user->get('id')) {
         die('Hacking attempt, aborted!');
     $categories = $this->_ambit->getCategoryStructure();
     if (!isset($categories[$result])) {
         die('Hacking attempt, aborted!');
     // Comment text
     $filter = JFilterInput::getInstance();
     $text = trim($filter->clean(JRequest::getVar('cmttext', '', 'post')));
     if (!$text) {
         $this->_mainframe->redirect(JRoute::_('index.php?view=detail&id=' . $this->_id . '#joomcommentform', false), JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_NO_COMMENT_ENTERED'), 'notice');
     // Name of the one who comments
     if ($this->_user->get('id')) {
         $name = $this->_config->get('jg_realname') ? $this->_user->get('name') : $this->_user->get('username');
     } else {
         if ($this->_config->get('jg_namedanoncomment')) {
             $name = trim($filter->clean(JRequest::getVar('cmtname', '', 'post')));
             if (!$name) {
                 $name = JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_COMMON_GUEST');
         } else {
             $name = JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_COMMON_GUEST');
     // Store the data in session
     $this->_mainframe->setUserState('', $name);
     $this->_mainframe->setUserState('joom.comments.text', $text);
     // Captcha
     $valid = true;
     $plugins = $this->_mainframe->triggerEvent('onJoomCheckCaptcha');
     foreach ($plugins as $key => $result) {
         if (is_array($result) && isset($result['valid']) && !$result['valid']) {
             $valid = false;
             if (isset($result['error']) && $result['error']) {
                 $msg = $result['error'];
             } else {
     if (!$valid) {
         $this->_mainframe->redirect(JRoute::_('index.php?view=detail&id=' . $this->_id . '#joomcommentform', false), $msg, 'notice');
     // Check whether the comment has to be approved by administrators
     if (!$this->_config->get('jg_approvecom') && $this->_user->get('id') || !$this->_config->get('jg_anonapprovecom') && !$this->_user->get('id')) {
         $approved = 1;
         // Load image data
         $image = $this->getTable('joomgalleryimages');
         // Message about new comment to image owner
         // If comments have to be approved by administrators
         // this message will be sent as soon as the comment was approved
         if ($this->_config->get('jg_msg_comment_toowner') && $image->owner && $image->owner != $this->_user->get('id')) {
             // Load image data
             $row = $this->getTable('joomgalleryimages');
             require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers/messenger.php';
             $messenger = new JoomMessenger();
             $message = array('from' => $this->_user->get('id'), 'recipient' => $image->owner, 'subject' => JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_MESSAGE_NEW_COMMENT_TO_OWNER_SUBJECT'), 'body' => JText::sprintf('COM_JOOMGALLERY_MESSAGE_NEW_COMMENT_TO_OWNER_BODY', $name, $image->imgtitle, $this->_id), 'type' => $messenger->getType('comment'));
     } else {
         $approved = 0;
         // Message about new comment
         require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers/messenger.php';
         $messenger = new JoomMessenger();
         $message = array('from' => $this->_user->get('id'), 'subject' => JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_MESSAGE_NEW_COMMENT_SUBJECT'), 'body' => JText::sprintf('COM_JOOMGALLERY_MESSAGE_NEW_COMMENT_BODY', $name), 'mode' => 'comment');
     // Change \r\n or \n to <br />
     $text = nl2br(stripcslashes($text));
     $date = JFactory::getDate();
     $row = $this->getTable('joomgallerycomments');
     $row->cmtpic = $this->_id;
     $row->cmtip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
     $row->userid = $this->_user->get('id');
     $row->cmtname = $name;
     $row->cmttext = $text;
     $row->cmtdate = $date->toSQL();
     $row->published = 1;
     $row->approved = $approved;
     // Trigger event 'onJoomBeforeComment'
     $plugins = $this->_mainframe->triggerEvent('onJoomBeforeComment', array(&$row));
     if (in_array(false, $plugins, true)) {
         return false;
     if (!$row->check()) {
         return false;
     if (!$row->store()) {
         return false;
     if (isset($messenger)) {
     $this->_mainframe->triggerEvent('onJoomAfterComment', array($row));
     // After successfully storing the comment remove the comment text from the session, but keep the name
     $this->_mainframe->setUserState('joom.comments.text', null);
     if ($approved) {
         return 1;
     } else {
         return 2;
Esempio n. 3
  * Raw view display method, outputs one image
  * @param   string  $tpl  The name of the template file to parse
  * @return  void
  * @since   1.5.5
 public function display($tpl = null)
     $type = JRequest::getWord('type', 'thumb');
     $download = JRequest::getCmd('download');
     $crop_image = false;
     $cropwidth = JRequest::getInt('width');
     $cropheight = JRequest::getInt('height');
     if ($cropwidth && $cropheight) {
         $crop_image = true;
     $model = $this->getModel();
     if (!($image = $model->getImage(JRequest::getInt('id')))) {
         return $this->displayError($model->getError());
     $img = $this->_ambit->getImg($type . '_path', $image);
     $include_watermark = false;
     // Check access rights
     // If the thumbnail is required, we won't have to do more checks than the
     // general access level check in the model.
     // Additionally the hit counter gets only increased if we are not
     // displaying a thumbnail.
     if ($type != 'thumb') {
         // Downloading
         if ($download) {
             // Is the download allowed for the user group of the current user?
             if (!$this->_config->get('jg_download') || !$this->_config->get('jg_download_unreg') && !$this->_user->get('id')) {
                 $this->_mainframe->redirect(JRoute::_('index.php?view=gallery', false), JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_COMMON_MSG_NO_ACCESS'), 'error');
             // Is the download of the requested image type allowed?
             if (!$this->_config->get('jg_downloadfile') && $type == 'orig') {
                 $this->_mainframe->redirect(JRoute::_('index.php?view=gallery', false), JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_COMMON_MSG_NO_ACCESS'), 'notice');
             if ($this->_config->get('jg_downloadfile') == 1 && !JFile::exists($img)) {
                 $this->_mainframe->redirect(JRoute::_('index.php?view=gallery', false), JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_COMMON_MSG_ORIGINAL_NOT_AVAILABLE'), 'notice');
             if ($this->_config->get('jg_downloadfile') == 2 && $type == 'orig') {
                 if (!JFile::exists($img)) {
                     // Offer detail image for download if original images isn't available
                     $type = 'img';
                     $img = $this->_ambit->getImg($type . '_path', $image);
             // Include watermark when downloading image?
             if ($this->_config->get('jg_downloadwithwatermark')) {
                 $include_watermark = true;
             // Trigger event 'onJoomBeforeDownload'
             $plugins = $this->_mainframe->triggerEvent('onJoomBeforeDownload', array(&$image, &$img, &$type, &$include_watermark));
             if (in_array(false, $plugins, true)) {
                 $this->_mainframe->redirect(JRoute::_('index.php?view=gallery', false));
             // Message about new download
             if (!$this->_user->get('username')) {
                 $username = JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_COMMON_GUEST');
             } else {
                 $username = $this->_config->get('jg_realname') ? $this->_user->get('name') : $this->_user->get('username');
             require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers/messenger.php';
             $messenger = new JoomMessenger();
             $message = array('subject' => JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_MESSAGE_NEW_DOWNLOAD_SUBJECT'), 'body' => JText::sprintf('COM_JOOMGALLERY_MESSAGE_NEW_DOWNLOAD_BODY', $image->imgtitle, $image->imgfilename, $username), 'mode' => 'download');
             // Increase download counter
         } else {
             if (!$this->_config->get('jg_showdetailpage') && !$this->_user->get('id')) {
                 return $this->displayError(JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_COMMON_MSG_NO_ACCESS'));
             // Include watermark when displaying image in the detail view?
             if ($this->_config->get('jg_watermark')) {
                 $include_watermark = true;
             // Link to original image in detail view or category view
             if ($type == 'orig' && (is_numeric($this->_config->get('jg_detailpic_open')) && $this->_config->get('jg_detailpic_open') == 0 && (!$this->_config->get('jg_bigpic') && $this->_user->get('id') || !$this->_config->get('jg_bigpic_unreg') && !$this->_user->get('id')) || (!is_numeric($this->_config->get('jg_detailpic_open')) || $this->_config->get('jg_detailpic_open') > 0) && !$this->_config->get('jg_lightboxbigpic'))) {
                 return $this->displayError(JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_COMMON_MSG_NO_ACCESS'));
         // Increase hit counter
     if (!JFile::exists($img)) {
         return $this->displayError(JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_COMMON_MSG_IMAGE_NOT_EXIST'));
     $info = getimagesize($img);
     switch ($info[2]) {
         case 1:
             $mime = 'image/gif';
         case 2:
             $mime = 'image/jpeg';
         case 3:
             $mime = 'image/png';
             return $this->displayError(JText::sprintf('COM_JOOMGALLERY_COMMON_MSG_MIME_NOT_ALLOWED', $info[2]));
     // Set mime encoding
     // Set header to specify the file name
     $disposition = 'inline';
     if ($download) {
         // Allow downloading
         $disposition = 'attachment';
     JResponse::setHeader('Content-disposition', $disposition . '; filename=' . basename($img));
     // Inlude watermark and crop
     if (($include_watermark || $crop_image) && !$model->isGif($img)) {
         $img_resource = null;
         if ($crop_image) {
             $croppos = JRequest::getInt('pos');
             $offsetx = JRequest::getInt('x');
             $offsety = JRequest::getInt('y');
             $img_resource = $model->cropImage($img, $cropwidth, $cropheight, $croppos, $offsetx, $offsety);
         if ($include_watermark) {
             if (!($img_resource = $model->includeWatermark($img, $img_resource, $cropwidth, $cropheight))) {
                 return $this->displayError($model->getError());
         if (!$img_resource) {
             echo JFile::read($img);
         } else {
             switch ($mime) {
                 case 'image/gif':
                 case 'image/png':
                 case 'image/jpeg':
                     $quali = JRequest::getInt('quali', 95);
                     imagejpeg($img_resource, null, $quali);
                     return $this->displayError(JText::sprintf('COM_JOOMGALLERY_COMMON_MSG_MIME_NOT_ALLOWED', $mime));
     } else {
         echo JFile::read($img);
Esempio n. 4
  * Sends message about reason of rejection to image owner
  * @param   int     $id       The image ID
  * @param   string  $message  The message to send
  * @return  boolean True on success, false otherwise
  * @since   3.1
 public function sendRejectionMessage($id, $message)
     if (!($image = $this->_ambit->getImgObject($id))) {
         return false;
     if (!$image->owner) {
         return false;
     require_once JPATH_COMPONENT_SITE . '/helpers/messenger.php';
     $messenger = new JoomMessenger();
     $message = array('from' => $this->_user->get('id'), 'recipient' => $image->owner, 'subject' => JText::sprintf('COM_JOOMGALLERY_IMGMAN_REJECT_IMAGE_SUBJECT', $image->imgtitle), 'body' => $message, 'mode' => 'rejectimg');
     return $messenger->send($message);
Esempio n. 5
  * Method to create the zip archive with all selected images
  * @return  boolean True on success, false otherwise
  * @since   1.0.0
 public function createZip()
     $zip_adapter = JArchive::getAdapter('zip');
     // Check whether zip download is allowed
     if (!$this->_config->get('jg_zipdownload') && ($this->_user->get('id') || !$this->_config->get('jg_usefavouritesforpubliczip'))) {
         $this->_mainframe->redirect(JRoute::_('index.php?view=favourites', false), JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_FAVOURITES_MSG_NOT_ALLOWED'), 'notice');
     if (is_null($this->piclist)) {
         $this->_mainframe->redirect(JRoute::_('index.php?view=favourites', false), $this->output('NO_IMAGES'), 'notice');
     $query = $this->_db->getQuery(true)->select('id')->select('catid')->select('imgfilename')->from(_JOOM_TABLE_IMAGES . ' AS a')->from(_JOOM_TABLE_CATEGORIES . ' AS c')->where('id IN (' . $this->piclist . ')')->where('a.catid      = c.cid')->where('a.published  = 1')->where('a.approved   = 1')->where('c.published  = 1')->where('a.access     IN (' . implode(',', $this->_user->getAuthorisedViewLevels()) . ')')->where('c.access     IN (' . implode(',', $this->_user->getAuthorisedViewLevels()) . ')');
     $rows = $this->_db->loadObjectList();
     if (!count($rows)) {
         $this->_mainframe->redirect(JRoute::_('index.php?view=favourites', false), $this->output('NO_IMAGES'), 'notice');
     // Name of the zip archive
     $zipname = 'components/' . _JOOM_OPTION . '/joomgallery_' . date('d_m_Y') . '__';
     if ($userid = $this->_user->get('id')) {
         $zipname .= $userid . '_';
     $zipname .= mt_rand(10000, 99999) . '.zip';
     $files = array();
     if ($this->_config->get('jg_downloadwithwatermark')) {
         $include_watermark = true;
         // Get the 'image' model
         $imageModel = parent::getInstance('image', 'joomgallerymodel');
         // Get the temp path for storing the watermarked image temporarily
         if (!JFolder::exists($this->_ambit->get('temp_path'))) {
             return false;
         } else {
             $tmppath = $this->_ambit->get('temp_path');
     } else {
         $include_watermark = false;
     $categories = $this->_ambit->getCategoryStructure();
     foreach ($rows as &$row) {
         if (!isset($categories[$row->catid])) {
         // Get the original image if existent, otherwise the detail image
         $orig = $this->_ambit->getImg('orig_path', $row->id);
         $img = $this->_ambit->getImg('img_path', $row->id);
         if (file_exists($orig)) {
             $image = $orig;
         } else {
             if (file_exists($img)) {
                 $image = $img;
             } else {
                 $image = null;
         $files[$row->id]['name'] = $row->imgfilename;
         // Watermark the image before if needed
         if ($include_watermark) {
             // Get the image resource of watermarked image
             $imgres = $imageModel->includeWatermark($image);
             // Start output buffering
             // According to mime type output the watermarked image resource to file
             $info = getimagesize($image);
             switch ($info[2]) {
                 case 1:
                 case 2:
                 case 3:
                     JError::raiseError(404, JText::sprintf('COM_JOOMGALLERY_COMMON_MSG_MIME_NOT_ALLOWED', $mime));
             // Read the content from output buffer and fill the array element
             $files[$row->id]['data'] = ob_get_contents();
             // Delete the output buffer
         } else {
             $files[$row->id]['data'] = JFile::read($image);
         // Increase download counter for that image
     if (!count($files)) {
         $this->_mainframe->redirect(JRoute::_('index.php?view=favourites', false), $this->output('NO_IMAGES'), 'notice');
     // Trigger event 'onJoomBeforeZipDownload'
     $plugins = $this->_mainframe->triggerEvent('onJoomBeforeZipDownload', array(&$files));
     if (in_array(false, $plugins, true)) {
         $this->_mainframe->redirect(JRoute::_('index.php?view=favourites', false));
     $createzip = $zip_adapter->create($zipname, $files);
     if (!$createzip) {
         // Workaround for servers with wwwwrun problem
         JoomFile::chmod(JPATH_COMPONENT, '0777', true);
         $createzip = $zip_adapter->create($zipname, $files, 'zip');
         JoomFile::chmod(JPATH_COMPONENT, '0755', true);
     if (!$createzip) {
         return false;
     if ($this->_user->get('id')) {
         if ($this->user_exists) {
             $query = $this->_db->getQuery(true)->select('zipname')->from(_JOOM_TABLE_USERS)->where('uuserid = ' . $this->_user->get('id'));
             if ($old_zip = $this->_db->loadResult()) {
                 if (file_exists($old_zip)) {
             $query = $this->_db->getQuery(true)->update(_JOOM_TABLE_USERS)->set('time = NOW()')->set('zipname = ' . $this->_db->q($zipname))->where('uuserid = ' . $this->_user->get('id'));
         } else {
             $query = $this->_db->getQuery(true)->insert(_JOOM_TABLE_USERS)->set('uuserid = ' . $this->_user->get('id'))->set('time    = NOW()')->set('zipname = ' . $this->_db->q($zipname));
     } else {
         $query = $this->_db->getQuery(true)->insert(_JOOM_TABLE_USERS)->set('time = NOW()')->set('zipname = ' . $this->_db->q($zipname));
     $this->_mainframe->setUserState('joom.favourites.zipname', $zipname);
     // Message about new zip download
     if (!$this->_user->get('username')) {
         $username = JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_COMMON_GUEST');
     } else {
         $username = $this->_config->get('jg_realname') ? $this->_user->get('name') : $this->_user->get('username');
     if ($this->_config->get('jg_msg_zipdownload')) {
         $imagefiles = implode(",\n", $files);
         require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers/messenger.php';
         $messenger = new JoomMessenger();
         $message = array('subject' => JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_MESSAGE_NEW_ZIPDOWNLOAD_SUBJECT'), 'body' => JText::sprintf('COM_JOOMGALLERY_MESSAGE_NEW_ZIPDOWNLOAD_BODY', $zipname, $username, $imagefiles), 'mode' => 'zipdownload');
     return true;
Esempio n. 6
  * Method to send a report
  * @param   string  $redirect_url Internal URL to the page on which the report was send
  * @return  boolean Redirect URL on success, false otherwise
  * @since   2.1
 public function send($redirect_url = 'index.php')
     $id = JRequest::getInt('id');
     if (!$id) {
         return false;
     // Do some security checks
     if (!$this->_config->get('jg_report_images') || !$this->_config->get('jg_report_unreg') && !$this->_user->get('id')) {
         $msg = JText::_('JERROR_ALERTNOAUTHOR');
         if (!$this->_user->get('id')) {
         return false;
     if (!$this->_user->get('id')) {
         $fromname = $this->_mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest('', 'name', '', 'post');
         $from = $this->_mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest('', 'email', '', 'post');
     } else {
         $fromname = $this->_config->get('jg_realname') ? $this->_user->get('name') : $this->_user->get('username');
         $from = $this->_user->get('id');
     $report = $this->_mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest('', 'report', '', 'post');
     if (!$report || !$fromname || !$from) {
         return false;
     // Captcha
     $valid = true;
     $msg = '';
     $plugins = $this->_mainframe->triggerEvent('onJoomCheckCaptcha');
     foreach ($plugins as $key => $result) {
         if (is_array($result) && isset($result['valid']) && !$result['valid']) {
             $valid = false;
             if (isset($result['error']) && $result['error']) {
                 $msg = $result['error'];
             } else {
     if (!$valid) {
         return false;
     // Prepare links
     $image = $this->_ambit->getImgObject($id);
     $link = JRoute::_($redirect_url);
     $img_src = JRoute::_($this->_ambit->getImg('img_url', $image));
     $current_uri = JURI::getInstance(JURI::base());
     $current_host = $current_uri->toString(array('scheme', 'host', 'port'));
     // Ensure that the correct host and path is prepended
     $uri = JFactory::getUri($link);
     $link = $uri->toString();
     $uri = JFactory::getUri($img_src);
     $img_src = $uri->toString();
     $text = JText::sprintf('COM_JOOMGALLERY_REPORT_IMAGE_BODY', $image->id, $image->imgtitle, $fromname, $from, $link, $img_src, $report);
     $subject = JText::sprintf('COM_JOOMGALLERY_REPORT_IMAGE_SUBJECT', $this->_mainframe->getCfg('sitename'));
     // Create the message
     require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers/messenger.php';
     $messenger = new JoomMessenger();
     $message = array('from' => $from, 'fromname' => $fromname, 'subject' => $subject, 'body' => $text, 'mode' => 'report');
     // Message to image owner
     if ($this->_config->get('jg_msg_report_toowner')) {
     // Send the message
     if (!$messenger->send($message)) {
         return false;
     // Delete data in session
     $this->_mainframe->setUserState('report.image', null);
     $this->_mainframe->triggerEvent('onJoomAfterReport', array($message));
     return true;
Esempio n. 7
  * Method to publish, unpublish, approve or reject one or more comments
  * @param   array   $cid      Array of comment IDs to perform the task on
  * @param   int     $publish  1 for publishing or approving, 0 for unpublishing or rejecting
  * @param   string  $task     The task to perform ('publish' or 'approve')
  * @return  int     The number of successfully processed comments, false otherwise
  * @since   1.5.5
 public function publish($cid, $publish = 1, $task = 'publish')
     $cids = implode(',', $cid);
     $column = 'approved';
     if ($task == 'publish') {
         $column = 'published';
     $query = $this->_db->getQuery(true)->update(_JOOM_TABLE_COMMENTS)->set($column . ' = ' . (int) $publish)->where('cmtid IN (' . $cids . ' )');
     if (!$this->_db->query()) {
         return false;
     // Message about new comment to image owner
     if ($column == 'approved' && $publish && $this->_config->get('jg_msg_comment_toowner')) {
         require_once JPATH_COMPONENT_SITE . '/helpers/messenger.php';
         $messenger = new JoomMessenger();
         foreach ($cid as $id) {
             // Load comment data
             $comment = $this->getTable('joomgallerycomments');
             if (!($name = $comment->cmtname)) {
                 $user = JFactory::getUser($comment->userid);
                 $name = $this->_config->get('jg_realname') ? $this->_user->get('name') : $this->_user->get('username');
             // Load image data
             $image = $this->getTable('joomgalleryimages');
             if ($image->owner && $image->owner != $comment->userid) {
                 $mode = $messenger->getModeData('comment');
                 $message = array('from' => $this->_user->get('id'), 'subject' => JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_MESSAGE_NEW_COMMENT_TO_OWNER_SUBJECT'), 'body' => JText::sprintf('COM_JOOMGALLERY_MESSAGE_NEW_COMMENT_TO_OWNER_BODY', $name, $image->imgtitle, $image->id), 'type' => $mode['type']);
                 $message['recipient'] = $image->owner;
     return count($cid);
Esempio n. 8
  * Method to save a name tag
  * @return  boolean True on success, false otherwise
  * @since   1.5.5
 public function save()
     $yvalue = JRequest::getInt('yvalue', 0, 'post');
     $xvalue = JRequest::getInt('xvalue', 0, 'post');
     $height = $this->_config->get('jg_nameshields_height');
     // Access check
     if (!($by = $this->_user->get('id'))) {
         JError::raiseError(500, JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_COMMON_PERMISSION_DENIED'));
     // Check for hacking attempt
     $authorised_viewlevels = implode(',', $this->_user->getAuthorisedViewLevels());
     $query = $this->_db->getQuery(true)->select('c.cid')->from(_JOOM_TABLE_IMAGES . ' AS a')->leftJoin(_JOOM_TABLE_CATEGORIES . ' AS c ON c.cid = a.catid')->where('a.published = 1')->where('a.approved = 1')->where(' = ' . $this->_id)->where('a.access IN (' . $authorised_viewlevels . ')')->where('c.access IN (' . $authorised_viewlevels . ')');
     if (!($result = $this->_db->loadResult())) {
         die('Hacking attempt, aborted!');
     $categories = $this->_ambit->getCategoryStructure();
     if (!isset($categories[$result])) {
         die('Hacking attempt, aborted!');
     if ($this->_config->get('jg_nameshields_others')) {
         $userid = JRequest::getInt('userid');
     } else {
         $userid = $by;
     // Check whether an existing user was selected
     $user = JFactory::getUser($userid);
     if (!is_object($user)) {
         return false;
     $query = $this->_db->getQuery(true)->select('nid')->from(_JOOM_TABLE_NAMESHIELDS)->where('npicid  = ' . $this->_id)->where('nuserid = ' . $userid);
     if ($this->_db->loadResult()) {
         if ($userid == $by) {
         } else {
         return false;
     $length = strlen($user->get('username')) * $this->_config->get('jg_nameshields_width');
     if ($xvalue < $height && $yvalue < $length) {
         return false;
     $query->clear()->select('MIN(nzindex)')->from(_JOOM_TABLE_NAMESHIELDS)->where('npicid = ' . $this->_id);
     $zindex = $this->_db->loadResult();
     if (!$zindex) {
         $zindex = 500;
     } else {
     $row = $this->getTable('joomgallerynameshields');
     $date = JFactory::getDate();
     $row->npicid = $this->_id;
     $row->nuserid = $userid;
     $row->nxvalue = $xvalue;
     $row->nyvalue = $yvalue;
     $row->by = $by;
     $row->nuserip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
     $row->ndate = $date->toSQL();
     $row->nzindex = $zindex;
     if (!$row->store()) {
         return false;
     $this->_mainframe->triggerEvent('onJoomAfterTag', array($row));
     // Send messages
     if ($this->_config->get('jg_msg_nametag_type')) {
         $image = $this->getTable('joomgalleryimages');
         $user = JFactory::getUser($userid);
         $name = $this->_config->get('jg_realname') ? $user->get('name') : $user->get('username');
         $by_name = $this->_config->get('jg_realname') ? $this->_user->get('name') : $this->_user->get('username');
         require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers/messenger.php';
         $messenger = new JoomMessenger();
         // General Message
         if ($by != $userid) {
             $subject = JText::sprintf('COM_JOOMGALLERY_MESSAGE_NEW_NAMETAG_OTHERS_BODY', $name, $by_name, $image->imgtitle, $this->_id);
         } else {
             $subject = JText::sprintf('COM_JOOMGALLERY_MESSAGE_NEW_NAMETAG_BODY', $name, $image->imgtitle, $this->_id);
         $message = array('from' => $by, 'subject' => JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_MESSAGE_NEW_NAMETAG_SUBJECT'), 'body' => $subject, 'mode' => 'nametag');
         // Message to image owner
         if ($this->_config->get('jg_msg_nametag_toowner') && $by != $image->owner) {
             // Simply add the owner to the list of recipients
             $message['recipient'] = $image->owner;
         // Send general message
         // Message to tagged user
         if ($this->_config->get('jg_msg_nametag_totaggeduser') && $by != $userid) {
             $url = JRoute::_('index.php?view=detail&id=' . $this->_id, false) . ($this->_config->get('jg_anchors') ? '#joomimg' : '');
             // Ensure that the correct host and path is prepended
             $current_uri = JURI::getInstance(JURI::base());
             $current_host = $current_uri->toString(array('scheme', 'host', 'port'));
             $uri = JFactory::getUri($url);
             $url = $uri->toString();
             $message = array('from' => $by, 'recipient' => $userid, 'subject' => JText::sprintf('COM_JOOMGALLERY_MESSAGE_YOU_WERE_TAGGED_SUBJECT', $this->_mainframe->getCfg('sitename')), 'body' => JText::sprintf('COM_JOOMGALLERY_MESSAGE_YOU_WERE_TAGGED_BODY', $name, $image->imgtitle, $url), 'type' => $messenger->getType('nametag'));
     return true;
Esempio n. 9
  * AJAX upload
  * An image is chosen and uploaded afore.
  * @return  void
  * @since   3.0
 protected function uploadAJAX()
     // Access check
     $category = $this->getCategory($this->catid);
     if (!$category || !$this->_user->authorise('joom.upload', _JOOM_OPTION . '.category.' . $this->catid) && (!$this->_user->authorise('joom.upload.inown', _JOOM_OPTION . '.category.' . $this->catid) || !$category->owner || $category->owner != $this->_user->get('id'))) {
         return false;
     $image = JRequest::getVar('qqfile', '', 'files');
     $qqtotalfilesize = JRequest::getInt('qqtotalfilesize', -1);
     $totalParts = JRequest::getInt('qqtotalparts', 1);
     $screenshot = $image['tmp_name'];
     $origfilename = JRequest::getString('qqfilename', '');
     $screenshot_filesize = $image['size'];
     if (empty($origfilename)) {
         $origfilename = $image['name'];
     // Clean up directory containing old image chunks
     if ($totalParts == 1 && $qqtotalfilesize > 0 && $screenshot_filesize != $qqtotalfilesize) {
         return false;
     if ($image['error'] > 0) {
         $errorMsg = JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_AJAXUPLOAD_UPLOAD_FAILED') . ' ' . JText::sprintf('COM_JOOMGALLERY_UPLOAD_ERROR_CODE', $image['error']);
         return false;
     if ($this->_site && $this->counter > $this->_config->get('jg_maxuserimage') - 1 && $this->_user->get('id')) {
         $timespan = $this->_config->get('jg_maxuserimage_timespan');
         $errorMsg = JText::sprintf('COM_JOOMGALLERY_UPLOAD_OUTPUT_MAY_ADD_MAX_OF', $this->_config->get('jg_maxuserimage'), $timespan > 0 ? JText::plural('COM_JOOMGALLERY_UPLOAD_NEW_IMAGE_MAXCOUNT_TIMESPAN', $timespan) : '');
         return false;
     $cleanChunkDir = false;
     // Save a chunk
     if ($totalParts > 1) {
         $partIndex = JRequest::getInt('qqpartindex');
         $uuid = JRequest::getVar('qquuid');
         if (!is_writable($this->chunksFolder)) {
             $errorMsg = JText::sprintf('COM_JOOMGALLERY_AJAXUPLOAD_ERROR_CHUNKSDIR_NOTWRITABLE', $this->chunksFolder);
             return false;
         // Create unique target folder for chunks
         $targetFolder = $this->chunksFolder . '/' . $uuid;
         if (!JFolder::exists($targetFolder)) {
             if (!JFolder::create($targetFolder)) {
                 return false;
         // Save chunk in target folder
         $target = $targetFolder . '/' . $partIndex;
         if (JFile::upload($screenshot, $target) === true) {
             // Last chunk
             if ($totalParts - 1 == $partIndex) {
                 $target = $targetFolder . '/' . ($partIndex + 1);
                 $cleanChunkDir = $targetFolder;
                 $screenshot = $target;
                 $screenshot_filesize = 0;
                 if ($fp_target = fopen($target, 'wb')) {
                     for ($parts = 0; $parts < $totalParts; $parts++) {
                         $fp_chunk = fopen($targetFolder . '/' . $parts, "rb");
                         $screenshot_filesize += stream_copy_to_stream($fp_chunk, $fp_target);
                 } else {
                     // Complete image could not be created
                     return false;
             } else {
                 // Another chunk will arrive later
                 return true;
         } else {
             // Chunk could not be saved
             return false;
     // Trigger onJoomBeforeUpload
     $plugins = $this->_mainframe->triggerEvent('onJoomBeforeUpload');
     if (in_array(false, $plugins, true)) {
         return false;
     $this->_debugoutput = '<hr />';
     $this->_debugoutput .= JText::sprintf('COM_JOOMGALLERY_UPLOAD_FILENAME', $origfilename) . '<br />';
     // Image size must not exceed the setting in backend if we are in frontend
     if ($this->_site && $screenshot_filesize > $this->_config->get('jg_maxfilesize')) {
         $errorMsg = JText::sprintf('COM_JOOMGALLERY_UPLOAD_OUTPUT_MAX_ALLOWED_FILESIZE', $this->_config->get('jg_maxfilesize'));
         $this->_debugoutput .= $errorMsg . '<br />';
         $this->debug = true;
         return false;
     // Get extension
     $tag = strtolower(JFile::getExt($origfilename));
     // Check for right format
     if ($tag != 'jpeg' && $tag != 'jpg' && $tag != 'jpe' && $tag != 'gif' && $tag != 'png' || strlen($screenshot) == 0 || $screenshot == 'none') {
         $this->_debugoutput .= $errorMsg . '<br />';
         $this->debug = true;
         return false;
     $filecounter = null;
     if ($this->_site && $this->_config->get('jg_useruploadnumber') || !$this->_site && $this->_config->get('jg_filenamenumber')) {
         $filecounter = $this->_getSerial();
     // Create new filename
     // If generic filename set in backend use them
     if ($this->_site && $this->_config->get('jg_useruseorigfilename') || !$this->_site && $this->_config->get('jg_useorigfilename')) {
         $oldfilename = $origfilename;
         $newfilename = JoomFile::fixFilename($origfilename);
     } else {
         $oldfilename = $this->imgtitle;
         $newfilename = JoomFile::fixFilename($this->imgtitle);
     // Check the new filename
     if (JoomFile::checkValidFilename($oldfilename, $newfilename) == false) {
         if ($this->_site) {
             $errorMsg = JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_COMMON_ERROR_INVALID_FILENAME') . '<br />';
         } else {
             $errorMsg = JText::sprintf('COM_JOOMGALLERY_UPLOAD_ERROR_INVALID_FILENAME', $newfilename, $oldfilename) . '<br />';
         $this->_debugoutput .= $errorMsg . '<br />';
         $this->debug = true;
         return false;
     $newfilename = $this->_genFilename($newfilename, $tag, $filecounter);
     if ($cleanChunkDir !== false) {
         $return = JFile::move($screenshot, $this->_ambit->getImg('orig_path', $newfilename, null, $this->catid));
         // Clean up chunk directory
     } else {
         // We'll assume that this file is ok because with open_basedir,
         // we can move the file, but may not be able to access it until it's moved
         $return = JFile::upload($screenshot, $this->_ambit->getImg('orig_path', $newfilename, null, $this->catid));
     if (!$return) {
         $errorMsg = JText::sprintf('COM_JOOMGALLERY_UPLOAD_ERROR_UPLOADING', $this->_ambit->getImg('orig_path', $newfilename, null, $this->catid));
         $this->_debugoutput .= $errorMsg . '<br />';
         $this->debug = true;
         return false;
     $this->_debugoutput .= JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_UPLOAD_OUTPUT_UPLOAD_COMPLETE') . '<br />';
     // Set permissions of uploaded file
     $return = JoomFile::chmod($this->_ambit->getImg('orig_path', $newfilename, null, $this->catid), '0644');
     //     if(!$return)
     //     {
     //       $this->rollback($this->_ambit->getImg('orig_path', $newfilename, null, $this->catid), null, null);
     //       $errorMsg = $this->_ambit->getImg('orig_path', $newfilename, null, $this->catid).' '.JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_COMMON_CHECK_PERMISSIONS');
     //       $this->_debugoutput .= $errorMsg.'<br />';
     //       $this->debug = true;
     //       return false;
     //     }
     // Create thumbnail and detail image
     if (!$this->resizeImage($this->_ambit->getImg('orig_path', $newfilename, null, $this->catid), $newfilename)) {
         $this->rollback($this->_ambit->getImg('orig_path', $newfilename, null, $this->catid), $this->_ambit->getImg('img_path', $newfilename, null, $this->catid), $this->_ambit->getImg('thumb_path', $newfilename, null, $this->catid));
         $this->debug = true;
         return false;
     // Insert database entry
     $row = JTable::getInstance('joomgalleryimages', 'Table');
     if (!$this->registerImage($row, $origfilename, $newfilename, $tag, $filecounter)) {
         $this->rollback($this->_ambit->getImg('orig_path', $newfilename, null, $this->catid), $this->_ambit->getImg('img_path', $newfilename, null, $this->catid), $this->_ambit->getImg('thumb_path', $newfilename, null, $this->catid));
         $this->debug = true;
         return false;
     // Message about new image
     if ($this->_site) {
         require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers/messenger.php';
         $messenger = new JoomMessenger();
         $message = array('from' => $this->_user->get('id'), 'subject' => JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_UPLOAD_MESSAGE_NEW_IMAGE_UPLOADED'), 'body' => JText::sprintf('COM_JOOMGALLERY_MESSAGE_NEW_IMAGE_SUBMITTED_BODY', $this->_config->get('jg_realname') ? $this->_user->get('name') : $this->_user->get('username'), $row->imgtitle), 'mode' => 'upload');
     $this->_debugoutput .= JText::_('COM_JOOMGALLERY_UPLOAD_OUTPUT_IMAGE_SUCCESSFULLY_ADDED') . '<br />';
     $this->_debugoutput .= JText::sprintf('COM_JOOMGALLERY_UPLOAD_NEW_FILENAME', $newfilename) . '<br />';
     $this->_mainframe->triggerEvent('onJoomAfterUpload', array($row));
     // Reset file counter, delete original and create special gif selection and debug information
     $this->_mainframe->setUserState('joom.upload.filecounter', 0);
     $this->_mainframe->setUserState('joom.upload.delete_original', false);
     $this->_mainframe->setUserState('joom.upload.create_special_gif', false);
     $this->_mainframe->setUserState('joom.upload.debug', false);
     $this->_mainframe->setUserState('joom.upload.debugoutput', null);
     return $row;