         * Optimize website by aggregating css and js
        public function process($sHtml)
                JCH_DEBUG ? JchPlatformProfiler::mark('beforeProcess plgSystem (JCH Optimize)') : null;

                loadJchOptimizeClass(array('JchOptimizeBase', 'JchOptimizeParser', 'JchOptimizeFileRetriever', 
                        'JchOptimizeLinkBuilder', 'JchOptimizeHelper'));
                JCH_DEBUG ? JchPlatformProfiler::mark('afterLoadClass plgSystem (JCH Optimize)') : null;
                        $oParser = new JchOptimizeParser($this->params, $sHtml, JchOptimizeFileRetriever::getInstance());

                        $oLinkBuilder = new JchOptimizeLinkBuilder($oParser);

                        $sOptimizedHtml = JchOptimizeHelper::minifyHtml($oParser->getHtml(), $this->params);
                catch (Exception $ex)
                        JchOptimizeLogger::log($ex->getMessage(), $this->params);

                        $sOptimizedHtml = $sHtml;


                JCH_DEBUG ? JchPlatformProfiler::mark('afterProcess plgSystem (JCH Optimize)') : null;

                return $sOptimizedHtml;
Esempio n. 2
  * Minify the markeup given in the constructor
  * @return string
 public function process()
     JCH_DEBUG ? \JchPlatformProfiler::mark('beforeProcess plgSystem (JCH Optimize)') : null;
     if ($this->_isXhtml === null) {
         $this->_isXhtml = preg_match('#^\\s*+<!DOCTYPE[^X]++XHTML#i', $this->_html);
     if ($this->_isHtml5 === null) {
         $this->_isHtml5 = preg_match('#^\\s*+<!DOCTYPE html>#i', $this->_html);
     //                JCH_DEBUG ? \JchPlatformProfiler::mark('afterTestHtml plgSystem (JCH Optimize)') : null;
     //Replace comments (not containing IE conditional comments)
     $this->_html = preg_replace('#(?>(?:<(?!!))?[^<]*+(?:<(?:script|style)\\b[^>]*+>(?><?[^<]*+)*?<\\/(?:script|style)>|<!--\\[(?>\\]?[^\\]]*+)*?\\]--!?>|' . '<!DOCTYPE[^>]++>)?)*?\\K(?:<!--(?>-?[^-\\[]*+)*?--!?>|[^<]*+\\K$)#i', '', $this->_html);
     //                JCH_DEBUG ? \JchPlatformProfiler::mark('afterReplaceComments plgSystem (JCH Optimize)') : null;
     //Reduce whitespace outside all elements to one space
     $this->_html = preg_replace('#(?>>?[^>]*+>(?>[^>]*+\\S[^>]*+>)*?)*?\\K(?:(?<=>)\\s++(?=<)|[^<]*+$\\K)#', ' ', $this->_html);
     //                JCH_DEBUG ? \JchPlatformProfiler::mark('afterReduceWs plgSystem (JCH Optimize)') : null;
     //block/undisplayed elements
     $b = 'address|article|aside|audio|body|blockquote|canvas|dd|div|dl' . '|fieldset|figcaption|figure|footer|form|h[1-6]|head|header|hgroup|html|noscript|ol|output|p' . '|pre|section|style|table|title|tfoot|ul|video';
     //self closing block/undisplayed elements
     $b2 = 'base|meta|link|hr';
     //inline elements
     $i = 'b|big|i|small|tt' . '|abbr|acronym|cite|code|dfn|em|kbd|strong|samp|var' . '|a|bdo|br|map|object|q|script|span|sub|sup' . '|button|label|select|textarea';
     //self closing inline elements
     $i2 = 'img|input';
     // remove ws around block elements preserving space around inline elements
     $this->_html = preg_replace("#(?>\\s*+(?:<(?:(?>{$i})\\b[^>]*+>|(?:/(?>{$i})\\b>|(?>{$i2})\\b[^>]*+>)\\s*+)|<[^>]*+>)|[^<]++)*?\\K" . "(?:\\s++(?=<(?>{$b}|{$b2})\\b)|(?:</(?>{$b})\\b>|<(?>{$b2})\\b[^>]*+>)\\K\\s++(?!<(?>{$i}|{$i2})\\b)|\$)#i", '', $this->_html);
     //                JCH_DEBUG ? \JchPlatformProfiler::mark('afterRemoveWsAroundBlocks plgSystem (JCH Optimize)') : null;
     //Minify scripts
     $this->_html = preg_replace_callback('#(?><?[^<]*+)*?\\K(?:(<(script|style)\\b[^>]*+>)((?>(?:<(?!/\\g{2}))?[^<]++)+?)(<\\/\\g{2}>)|$)#i', array($this, '_minifyCB'), $this->_html);
     //                JCH_DEBUG ? \JchPlatformProfiler::mark('afterMinifyScripts plgSystem (JCH Optimize)') : null;
     //elements to escape
     $e = 'pre|script|style|textarea';
     //Regex for escape elements
     $p = "<pre\\b[^>]*+>(?><?[^<]*+)*?</pre>";
     $sc = "<script\\b[^>]*+>(?><?[^<]*+)*?</script>";
     $st = "<style\\b[^>]*+>(?><?[^<]*+)*?</style>";
     $t = "<textarea\\b[^>]*+>(?><?[^<]*+)*?</textarea>";
     //Replace runs of whitespace inside elements with single space escaping pre, textarea, scripts and style elements
     $this->_html = preg_replace("#(?>[^<]*+(?:{$p}|{$sc}|{$st}|{$t}|<[^>]++>[^<]*+))*?(?:(?:<(?!{$e})[^>]*+>)?(?>\\s?[^\\s<]*+)*?\\K\\s{2,}|\\K\$)#i", ' ', $this->_html);
     //                JCH_DEBUG ? \JchPlatformProfiler::mark('afterReplaceRunsOfWs plgSystem (JCH Optimize)') : null;
     //Remove additional ws around attributes
     $this->_html = preg_replace('#(?><?[^<]*+)*?(?:<[a-z0-9]++\\K\\s++|\\G[^\\>=]++=(?(?=\\s*+["\'])\\s*+["\'][^"\']*+["\']|[^\\s]++)\\K\\s++|$\\K)#i', ' ', $this->_html);
     //                JCH_DEBUG ? \JchPlatformProfiler::mark('afterRemoveWsAroundAttributes plgSystem (JCH Optimize)') : null;
     if ($this->_isHtml5) {
         $ns1 = '"[^"\'`=<>\\s]*+(?:[\'`=<>\\s]|(?<=\\\\)")(?>(?:(?<=\\\\)")?[^"]*+)*?(?<!\\\\)"';
         $ns2 = "'[^'\"`=<>\\s]*+(?:[\"`=<>\\s]|(?<=\\\\)')(?>(?:(?<=\\\\)')?[^']*+)*?(?<!\\\\)'";
         //Remove quotes from selected attributes
         $this->_html = preg_replace("#(?:(?=[^>]*+>)|<[a-z0-9]++ )" . "(?>[=]?[^=>]*+(?:=(?:{$ns1}|{$ns2})|>(?><?[^<]*+)*?(?:<[a-z0-9]++ |\$))?)*?" . "(?:=\\K([\"'])([^\"'`=<>\\s]++)\\g{1}[ ]?|\\K\$)#i", '$2 ', $this->_html);
     //                JCH_DEBUG ? \JchPlatformProfiler::mark('afterRemoveQuotes plgSystem (JCH Optimize)') : null;
     //remove redundant attributes
     $this->_html = preg_replace('#(?><?[^<]*+)*?<(?:(?:script|style|link)|/html>)(?>[ ]?[^ >]*+)*?\\K(?: type=["\']?text/(?:javascript|css)|[^<]*+\\K$)#i', '', $this->_html);
     //                JCH_DEBUG ? \JchPlatformProfiler::mark('afterRemoveAttributes plgSystem (JCH Optimize)') : null;
     //Remove last whitespace in open tag
     $this->_html = preg_replace('#(?><?[^<]*+)*?(?:<[a-z0-9]++(?>\\s*+[^\\s>]++)*?\\K(?:\\s++(?=>)|(?<=["\'])\\s++(?=/>))|$\\K)#i', '', $this->_html);
     //                JCH_DEBUG ? \JchPlatformProfiler::mark('afterRemoveLastWs plgSystem (JCH Optimize)') : null;
     return trim($this->_html);
Esempio n. 3
  * @param type $sHtml
 public static function attachProfiler(&$sHtml)
     if (!is_super_admin()) {
     $items = JchPlatformProfiler::mark(TRUE);
     $node = self::getAdminBarNodeBegin() . $items . self::getAdminBarNodeEnd();
     $script = '<script type="application/javascript">' . 'var ul = document.getElementById("wp-admin-bar-root-default");' . 'ul.insertAdjacentHTML(\'beforeend\', \'' . $node . '\');' . '</script>';
     $sHtml = str_replace('</body>', $script . '</body>', $sHtml);
Esempio n. 4
  * Grabs background images with no-repeat attribute from css and merge them in one file called a sprite.
  * Css is updated with sprite url and correct background positions for affected images.
  * Sprite saved in {Joomla! base}/images/jch-optimize/
  * @param string $sCss       Aggregated css file before sprite generation
  * @return string           Css updated with sprite information on success. Original css on failure
 public function getSprite($sCss)
     JCH_DEBUG ? JchPlatformProfiler::mark('beforeGetSprite plgSystem (JCH Optimize)') : null;
     $sImageLibrary = $this->getImageLibrary();
     $aMatches = $this->processCssUrls($sCss);
     if (empty($aMatches) || $sImageLibrary === FALSE) {
         return $sCss;
     $this->params->set('sprite-path', JchPlatformPaths::spriteDir());
     $aSearch = $this->generateSprite($aMatches, new CssSpriteGen($sImageLibrary, $this->params));
     JCH_DEBUG ? JchPlatformProfiler::mark('afterGetSprite plgSystem (JCH Optimize)') : null;
     return $aSearch;
Esempio n. 5
 public function getOriginalHtml()
     JCH_DEBUG ? JchPlatformProfiler::mark('beforeGetHtml') : null;
     $url = home_url() . '/?jchbackend=1';
     try {
         $oFileRetriever = JchOptimizeFileRetriever::getInstance();
         $response = $oFileRetriever->getFileContents($url);
         if ($oFileRetriever->response_code != 200) {
             throw new Exception(JchPlatformUtility::translate('Failed fetching front end HTML with response code ' . $oFileRetriever->response_code));
         JCH_DEBUG ? JchPlatformProfiler::mark('afterGetHtml') : null;
         return $response;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         JchOptimizeLogger::log($url . ': ' . $e->getMessage(), $this->params);
         JCH_DEBUG ? JchPlatformProfiler::mark('afterGetHtml)') : null;
         throw new RunTimeException(_('Load or refresh the front-end site first then refresh this page ' . 'to populate the multi select exclude lists.'));
Esempio n. 6
  * @param type $oObj
  * @param type $sCss
  * @return type
 public function generateAdminLinks($oObj, $sCss)
     JCH_DEBUG ? JchPlatformProfiler::mark('beforeGenerateAdminLinks plgSystem (JCH Optimize)') : null;
     $params = clone $this->params;
     $params->set('javascript', '1');
     $params->set('css', '1');
     $params->set('excludeAllExtensions', '0');
     $params->set('css_minify', '0');
     $params->set('debug', '0');
     $params->set('bottom_js', '2');
     $sHtml = $oObj->getOriginalHtml();
     $oParser = new JchOptimizeParser($params, $sHtml, JchOptimizeFileRetriever::getInstance());
     $aLinks = $oParser->getReplacedFiles();
     if ($sCss == '') {
         $oCombiner = new JchOptimizeCombiner($params, $this->bBackend);
         $oCssParser = new JchOptimizeCssParser($params, $this->bBackend);
         $oCombiner->combineFiles($aLinks['css'][0], 'css', $oCssParser);
         $sCss = $oCombiner->css;
     $oSpriteGenerator = new JchOptimizeSpriteGenerator($params);
     $aLinks['images'] = $oSpriteGenerator->processCssUrls($sCss, TRUE);
     JCH_DEBUG ? JchPlatformProfiler::mark('afterGenerateAdminLinks plgSystem (JCH Optimize)') : null;
     return $aLinks;
Esempio n. 7
  * If parameter is set will minify HTML before sending to browser; 
  * Inline CSS and JS will also be minified if respective parameters are set
  * @return string                       Optimized HTML
  * @throws Exception
 public static function minifyHtml($sHtml, $oParams)
     JCH_DEBUG ? JchPlatformProfiler::mark('beforeMinifyHtml plgSystem (JCH Optimize)') : null;
     $aOptions = array();
     if ($oParams->get('css_minify', 0)) {
         $aOptions['cssMinifier'] = array('JchOptimize\\CSS_Optimize', 'process');
     if ($oParams->get('js_minify', 0)) {
         $aOptions['jsMinifier'] = array('JchOptimize\\JS_Optimize', 'minify');
     $aOptions['minify_level'] = $oParams->get('html_minify_level', 2);
     if ($oParams->get('html_minify', 0)) {
         $sHtmlMin = HTML_Optimize::minify($sHtml, $aOptions);
         if ($sHtmlMin == '') {
             JchOptimizeLogger::log(JchPlatformUtility::translate('Error while minifying HTML'), $oParams);
             $sHtmlMin = $sHtml;
         $sHtml = $sHtmlMin;
     JCH_DEBUG ? JchPlatformProfiler::mark('afterMinifyHtml plgSystem (JCH Optimize)') : null;
     return $sHtml;
Esempio n. 8
  * @param type $sContent
  * @param type $sUrl
 protected function minifyContent($sContent, $sType, $aUrl)
     if ($this->params->get($sType . '_minify', 0) && preg_match('#\\s++#', trim($sContent))) {
         $sUrl = isset($aUrl['url']) ? $aUrl['url'] : ($sType == 'css' ? 'Style' : 'Script') . ' Declaration';
         JCH_DEBUG ? JchPlatformProfiler::mark('beforeMinifyContent - "' . $sUrl . '" plgSystem (JCH Optimize)') : null;
         $sMinifiedContent = trim($sType == 'css' ? CSS_Optimize::process($sContent) : JS_Optimize::minify($sContent));
         if (is_null($sMinifiedContent) || $sMinifiedContent == '') {
             JchOptimizeLogger::log(sprintf(JchPlatformUtility::translate('Error occurred trying to minify: %s'), $aUrl['url']), $this->params);
             $sMinifiedContent = $sContent;
         JCH_DEBUG ? JchPlatformProfiler::mark('afterMinifyContent - "' . $sUrl . '" plgSystem (JCH Optimize)') : null;
         return $sMinifiedContent;
     return $sContent;
Esempio n. 9
  * Create and cache aggregated file if it doesn't exists, file will have
  * lifetime set in global configurations.
  * @param array $aFunction    Name of function used to aggregate files
  * @param array $aArgs        Arguments used by function above
  * @param string $sId         Generated id to identify cached file
  * @return boolean           True on success
 public function loadCache($aFunction, $aArgs, $sId)
     JCH_DEBUG ? JchPlatformProfiler::mark('beforeLoadCache plgSystem (JCH Optimize)') : null;
     $iLifeTime = (int) $this->params->get('lifetime', '30') * 24 * 60 * 60;
     $bCached = JchPlatformCache::getCallbackCache($sId, $iLifeTime, $aFunction, $aArgs);
     JCH_DEBUG ? JchPlatformProfiler::mark('afterLoadCache plgSystem (JCH Optimize)') : null;
     return $bCached;
Esempio n. 10
  * @param type $sRegex
  * @param type $sType
  * @param type $sSection
  * @param type $aCBArgs
  * @throws Exception
 protected function searchArea($sRegex, $sSection, $aCBArgs)
     JCH_DEBUG ? JchPlatformProfiler::mark('beforeSearchArea - ' . $sSection . ' plgSystem (JCH Optimize)') : null;
     $obj = $this;
     $sProcessedHtml = preg_replace_callback($sRegex, function ($aMatches) use($obj, $aCBArgs) {
         return $obj->replaceScripts($aMatches, $aCBArgs);
     }, $this->{'s' . ucfirst($sSection) . 'Html'});
     if (is_null($sProcessedHtml)) {
         throw new Exception(sprintf(JchPlatformUtility::translate('Error while parsing for links in %1$s'), $sSection));
     $this->{'s' . ucfirst($sSection) . 'Html'} = $sProcessedHtml;
     JCH_DEBUG ? JchPlatformProfiler::mark('afterSearchArea - ' . $sSection . ' plgSystem (JCH Optimize)') : null;