public static function autoFitTableToFixedColumnWidths($dataDir) { //ExStart //ExFor:Table.AutoFit //ExFor:AutoFitBehavior //ExId:DisableAutoFitAndUseFixedWidths //ExSummary:Disables autofitting and enables fixed widths for the specified table. // Open the document $doc = new Java("com.aspose.words.Document", $dataDir . "TestFile.doc"); $nodeType = new Java("com.aspose.words.NodeType"); $table = $doc->getChild($nodeType->TABLE, 0, true); // Disable autofitting on this table. $autoFitBehavior = new Java("com.aspose.words.AutoFitBehavior"); $table->autoFit($autoFitBehavior->AUTO_FIT_TO_CONTENTS); // Save the document to disk. $doc->save($dataDir . "TestFile.FixedWidth Out.doc"); //ExEnd $preferredWidthType = new Java("com.aspose.words.PreferredWidthType"); if (java_values($doc->getFirstSection()->getBody()->getTables()->get(0)->getPreferredWidth()->getType()) == java_values($preferredWidthType->AUTO)) { echo "PreferredWidth type is not auto <br />"; } if (java_values($doc->getFirstSection()->getBody()->getTables()->get(0)->getPreferredWidth()->getValue()) == 0) { echo "PreferredWidth value is not 0 <br />"; } if (java_values($doc->getFirstSection()->getBody()->getTables()->get(0)->getFirstRow()->getFirstCell()->getCellFormat()->getWidth()) == 0) { echo "Cell width is not correct. <br />"; } }
public static function main() { // The path to the documents directory. $dataDir = "/usr/local/apache-tomcat-8.0.22/webapps/JavaBridge/Aspose_Words_Java_For_PHP/src/programmingwithdocuments/workingwithimages/compressimages/data/"; $srcFileName = $dataDir . "Test.docx"; $messageFormat = new Java("java.text.MessageFormat"); $file_size = CompressImages::getFileSize($srcFileName); echo java_values($messageFormat->format("Loading {0}. Size {1}.", $srcFileName, $file_size)); die("I M HERE"); $doc = new Java("com.aspose.words.Document", $srcFileName); // 220ppi Print - said to be excellent on most printers and screens. // 150ppi Screen - said to be good for web pages and projectors. // 96ppi Email - said to be good for minimal document size and sharing. $desiredPpi = 150; // In Java this seems to be a good compression / quality setting. $jpegQuality = 90; // Resample images to desired ppi and save. $resampler = new Java("com.aspose.words.Resampler"); $count = $resampler->resample($doc, $desiredPpi, $jpegQuality); echo $MessageFormat->format("Resampled {0} images.", $count); if ($count != 1) { echo "<br> We expected to have only 1 image resampled in this test document!"; } $dstFileName = $srcFileName . "Resampled Out.docx"; $doc->save($dstFileName); echo $messageFormat->format("Saving {0}. Size {1}.", $dstFileName, CompressImages::getFileSize($dstFileName)); // Verify that the first image was compressed by checking the new Ppi. $doc = new Java("com.aspose.words.Document", $dstFileName); $nodeType = new Java("com.aspose.words.NodeType"); $shape = $doc->getChild($nodeType->DRAWING_ML, 0, true); $convertUtil = new Java("com.aspose.words.ConvertUtil"); $imagePpi = $shape->getImageData()->getImageSize()->getWidthPixels() / $convertUtil->pointToInch($shape->getSize()->getX()); if ($imagePpi < 150) { echo "Image was not resampled successfully."; } }
public static function extractContentBetweenCommentRange() { //ExStart //ExId:ExtractBetweenNodes_BetweenComment //ExSummary:Shows how to extract content referenced by a comment using the ExtractContent method. // Load in the document $doc = new Java("com.aspose.words.Document", ExtractContent::$gDataDir . "TestFile.doc"); // This is a quick way of getting both comment nodes. // Your code should have a proper method of retrieving each corresponding start and end node. $nodeType = Java("com.aspose.words.NodeType"); $commentStart = $doc->getChild($nodeType->COMMENT_RANGE_START, 0, true); $commentEnd = $doc->getChild($nodeType->COMMENT_RANGE_END, 0, true); // Firstly extract the content between these nodes including the comment as well. $extractedNodesInclusive = ExtractContent::ExtractContents($commentStart, $commentEnd, true); $dstDoc = ExtractContent::generateDocument($doc, $extractedNodesInclusive); $dstDoc->save(ExtractContent::$gDataDir . "TestFile.CommentInclusive Out.doc"); // Secondly extract the content between these nodes without the comment. $extractedNodesExclusive = ExtractContent::ExtractContents($commentStart, $commentEnd, false); $dstDoc = ExtractContent::generateDocument($doc, $extractedNodesExclusive); $dstDoc->save(ExtractContent::$gDataDir . "TestFile.CommentExclusive Out.doc"); //ExEnd }