function showCourseLinks($id, $option, &$rows) { $user = JLMSFactory::getUser(); $db =& JFactory::getDbo(); $JLMS_ACL =& JLMSFactory::getACL(); $JLMS_CONFIG = JLMSFactory::getConfig(); $Itemid = $JLMS_CONFIG->get('Itemid'); ?> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!--//--><![CDATA[//><!-- function submitbutton(pressbutton) { var form = document.adminForm; if ( ((pressbutton == 'link_delete') || (pressbutton == 'pre_link_edit')) && (form.boxchecked.value == "0")){ alert("<?php echo _JLMS_ALERT_SELECT_ITEM; ?> "); } else { form.task.value = pressbutton; form.submit(); } } function submitbutton_order(pressbutton, item_id) { var form = document.adminForm; if ((pressbutton == 'link_orderup') || (pressbutton == 'link_orderdown')){ if (item_id) { form.task.value = pressbutton; form.row_id.value = item_id; form.submit(); } } } function submitbutton_change(pressbutton, state) { var form = document.adminForm; if (pressbutton == 'change_link'){ if (form.boxchecked.value == "0") { alert("<?php echo _JLMS_ALERT_SELECT_ITEM; ?> "); } else { form.task.value = pressbutton; form.state.value = state; form.submit(); } } } function submitbutton_change2(pressbutton, state, cid_id) { var form = document.adminForm; if (pressbutton == 'change_link'){ form.task.value = pressbutton; form.state.value = state; form.cid2.value = cid_id; form.submit(); } } //--><!]]> </script> <?php JLMS_TMPL::OpenMT(); $hparams = array(); JLMS_TMPL::ShowHeader('link', _JLMS_LINKS_COURSE_LINKS, $hparams); JLMS_TMPL::OpenTS(); ?> <form action="<?php echo $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site') . "/index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}"; ?> " method="post" name="adminForm"> <?php if (!empty($rows)) { ?> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('jlmslist'); ?> "> <tr> <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> width="20" class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> " align="center">#</<?php echo $JLMS_CONFIG->get('tableheader_tag', 'td'); ?> > <?php if ($JLMS_ACL->CheckPermissions('links', 'manage') || $JLMS_ACL->CheckPermissions('links', 'publish')) { ?> <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> width="20" class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> " align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="toggle" value="" onclick="checkAll(<?php echo count($rows); ?> );" /></<?php echo $JLMS_CONFIG->get('tableheader_tag', 'td'); ?> > <?php } ?> <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> " width="40%"><?php echo _JLMS_LINKS_TBL_HEAD_LINK; ?> </<?php echo $JLMS_CONFIG->get('tableheader_tag', 'td'); ?> > <?php if ($JLMS_ACL->CheckPermissions('links', 'publish')) { ?> <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> " width="1"> </<?php echo $JLMS_CONFIG->get('tableheader_tag', 'td'); ?> > <?php } if ($JLMS_ACL->CheckPermissions('links', 'order')) { ?> <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> " colspan="2" width="1"> </<?php echo $JLMS_CONFIG->get('tableheader_tag', 'td'); ?> > <?php } ?> <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> " width="60%"><?php echo _JLMS_LINKS_TBL_HEAD_DESCR; ?> </<?php echo $JLMS_CONFIG->get('tableheader_tag', 'td'); ?> > </tr> <?php $there_were_squeezeboxes = false; $k = 1; for ($i = 0, $n = count($rows); $i < $n; $i++) { $is_squeezebox = false; $row = $rows[$i]; $link = $row->link_href; if ($row->link_type == 2) { $link = sefRelToAbs("index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}&task=view_inline_link&course_id={$id}&id={$row->id}"); } if ($row->link_type == 3) { $is_squeezebox = true; $there_were_squeezeboxes = true; } $alt = $row->published ? _JLMS_STATUS_PUB : _JLMS_STATUS_UNPUB; $image = $row->published ? 'btn_accept.png' : 'btn_cancel.png'; $state = $row->published ? 0 : 1; if ($row->is_time_related) { $tooltip_txt = _JLMS_WILL_BE_RELEASED_IN; $showperiod = $row->show_period; $ost1 = $showperiod % (24 * 60); $sp_days = ($showperiod - $ost1) / (24 * 60); $ost2 = $showperiod % 60; $sp_hours = ($ost1 - $ost2) / 60; $sp_mins = $ost2; $release_time_info = false; if ($sp_days) { $tooltip_txt .= ' ' . $sp_days . ' ' . _JLMS_RELEASED_IN_DAYS; $release_time_info = true; } if ($sp_hours) { $tooltip_txt .= ' ' . $sp_hours . ' ' . _JLMS_RELEASED_IN_HOURS; $release_time_info = true; } if ($sp_mins) { $tooltip_txt .= ' ' . $sp_mins . ' ' . _JLMS_RELEASED_IN_MINUTES; $release_time_info = true; } if ($release_time_info) { $tooltip_txt .= ' ' . _JLMS_RELEASED_AFTER_ENROLLMENT; } } $checked = mosHTML::idBox($i, $row->id); ?> <tr class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableentry' . $k); ?> "> <td align="center"><?php echo $i + 1; ?> </td> <?php if ($JLMS_ACL->CheckPermissions('links', 'manage') || $JLMS_ACL->CheckPermissions('links', 'publish')) { $show_check = true; if ($JLMS_ACL->CheckPermissions('links', 'only_own_items') && $row->owner_id != $user->get('id')) { $show_check = false; } elseif ($JLMS_ACL->CheckPermissions('links', 'only_own_role') && $JLMS_ACL->GetRole() != $JLMS_ACL->UserSystemRole($db, $row->owner_id)) { $show_check = false; } ?> <td> <?php echo $show_check ? $checked : ' '; ?> </td> <?php } ?> <td align="left"> <?php if ($is_squeezebox) { $tmp_params = new JLMSParameters($row->params); $x_size = 0; $y_size = 0; if (is_object($tmp_params) && $tmp_params->get('display_width')) { $x_size = intval($tmp_params->get('display_width')); } elseif (isset($tmp_params->display_width)) { $x_size = intval($tmp_params->display_width); } if (is_object($tmp_params) && $tmp_params->get('display_height')) { $y_size = intval($tmp_params->get('display_height')); } elseif (isset($tmp_params->display_height)) { $y_size = intval($tmp_params->display_height); } ?> <a class="jlms_modal" rel="{handler:'iframe', size:{x:<?php echo $x_size; ?> ,y:<?php echo $y_size; ?> }}" href="<?php echo $link; ?> " title="<?php echo str_replace('"', '"', $row->link_name); ?> "> <?php echo $row->link_name; ?> </a> <?php } else { ?> <?php if ($link) { ?> <a <?php echo !$row->link_type ? 'target="_blank" ' : ' '; ?> href="<?php echo $link; ?> " title="<?php echo str_replace('"', '"', $row->link_name); ?> "> <?php echo $row->link_name; ?> </a> <?php } else { echo $row->link_name; } ?> <?php } ?> <?php if ($JLMS_CONFIG->get('show_links_authors', 0)) { ?> <br /> <span class="small"><?php echo _JLMS_HOME_AUTHOR . " " . $row->author_name; ?> </span> <?php } ?> </td> <?php if ($JLMS_ACL->CheckPermissions('links', 'publish')) { ?> <td valign="middle"> <?php if ($JLMS_ACL->CheckPermissions('links', 'only_own_items') && $row->owner_id != $user->get('id')) { ?> <img class="JLMS_png" src="<?php echo $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site'); ?> /components/com_joomla_lms/lms_images/toolbar/<?php echo $image; ?> " width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="<?php echo $alt; ?> " /> <?php } elseif ($JLMS_ACL->CheckPermissions('links', 'only_own_role') && $JLMS_ACL->GetRole() != $JLMS_ACL->UserSystemRole($db, $row->owner_id)) { ?> <img class="JLMS_png" src="<?php echo $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site'); ?> /components/com_joomla_lms/lms_images/toolbar/<?php echo $image; ?> " width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="<?php echo $alt; ?> " /> <?php } else { if ($row->is_time_related) { if ($row->published) { $image = 'btn_publish_wait.png'; } $tooltip_link = 'javascript:submitbutton_change2(\'change_link\',' . $state . ',' . $row->id . ')'; $tooltip_name = '<img class="JLMS_png" src="' . $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site') . '/components/com_joomla_lms/lms_images/toolbar/' . $image . '" width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="' . $alt . '" />'; echo JLMS_toolTip($alt, $tooltip_txt, $tooltip_name, $tooltip_link); } else { echo '<a href="javascript:submitbutton_change2(\'change_link\',' . $state . ',' . $row->id . ')" title="' . $alt . '">'; echo '<img class="JLMS_png" src="' . $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site') . '/components/com_joomla_lms/lms_images/toolbar/' . $image . '" width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="' . $alt . '" />'; echo '</a>'; } } ?> </td> <?php } if ($JLMS_ACL->CheckPermissions('links', 'order')) { ?> <td><?php echo JLMS_orderUpIcon($i, $row->id, true, 'link_orderup'); ?> </td> <td><?php echo JLMS_orderDownIcon($i, $n, $row->id, true, 'link_orderdown'); ?> </td> <?php } ?> <td><?php echo $row->link_description ? $row->link_description : ' '; ?> </td> </tr> <?php $k = 3 - $k; } ?> </table> <?php if ($there_were_squeezeboxes) { JLMS_initialize_SqueezeBox(false); } } else { echo '<div class="joomlalms_user_message">' . _JLMS_NO_ITEMS_HERE . '</div>'; } ?> <input type="hidden" name="option" value="<?php echo $option; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="Itemid" value="<?php echo $Itemid; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="task" value="setup_category" /> <input type="hidden" name="boxchecked" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $id; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="row_id" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="state" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="cid2" value="0" /> </form> <?php JLMS_TMPL::CloseTS(); if ($id && ($JLMS_ACL->CheckPermissions('links', 'manage') || $JLMS_ACL->CheckPermissions('links', 'publish'))) { $link_new = JLMSRoute::_("index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}&task=pre_create_link&id={$id}"); $controls = array(); if ($JLMS_ACL->CheckPermissions('links', 'publish')) { $controls[] = array('href' => "javascript:submitbutton_change('change_link',1);", 'title' => _JLMS_SET_PUB, 'img' => 'publish'); $controls[] = array('href' => "javascript:submitbutton_change('change_link',0);", 'title' => _JLMS_SET_UNPUB, 'img' => 'unpublish'); if ($JLMS_ACL->CheckPermissions('links', 'manage')) { $controls[] = array('href' => 'spacer'); } } if ($JLMS_ACL->CheckPermissions('links', 'manage')) { $controls[] = array('href' => $link_new, 'onclick' => "", 'title' => _JLMS_LINKS_IMG_NEW_LINK, 'img' => 'add'); $controls[] = array('href' => "javascript:submitbutton('link_delete');", 'title' => _JLMS_LINKS_IMG_DEL_LINK, 'img' => 'delete'); $controls[] = array('href' => "javascript:submitbutton('pre_link_edit');", 'title' => _JLMS_LINKS_IMG_EDIT_LINK, 'img' => 'edit'); } JLMS_TMPL::ShowControlsFooter($controls); } JLMS_TMPL::CloseMT(); }
function showCourseGuest($id, &$row, $option, $enrollment) { $_JLMS_PLUGINS =& JLMSFactory::getPlugins(); $JLMS_CONFIG =& JLMSFactory::getConfig(); $Itemid = $JLMS_CONFIG->get('Itemid'); JLMS_TMPL::OpenMT(); $params = array('show_menu' => true, 'simple_menu' => true); $toolbar = array(); $show_down_back = true; if ($enrollment) { if ($row->self_reg && !$row->gid) { $params['sys_msg'] = _JLMS_COURSES_ENROLL_MSG; $toolbar[] = array('btn_type' => 'yes', 'btn_str' => _JLMS_SUBSCRIBE, 'btn_js' => "javascript:submitbutton('subscription','');"); $toolbar[] = array('btn_type' => 'cancel', 'btn_js' => sefRelToAbs("index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}&task=courses")); $params['toolbar_position'] = 'center'; $show_down_back = false; $html_code_before_toolbar = "\n\t\t\t\t<form action='" . sefRelToAbs("index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}") . "' method='post' name='adminForm_enroll'>\n\t\t\t\t<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<!--\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tfunction submitbutton(pressbutton) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tvar form = document.adminForm_enroll;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tform.task.value = pressbutton;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tform.submit();\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t//-->\n\t\t\t\t</script>\n\t\t\t\t"; /*if ($row->paid) { $html_code_before_toolbar .= " <input type='hidden' name='option' value='".$option."' /> <input type='hidden' name='Itemid' value='".$Itemid."' /> <input type='hidden' name='task' value='subscription' /> <input type='hidden' name='cid[]' value='".$row->id."' /> <input type='hidden' name='state' value='0' /> </form> "; } else {*/ $html_code_before_toolbar .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='option' value='" . $option . "' />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='Itemid' value='" . $Itemid . "' />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='task' value='courses' />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='id' value='" . $row->id . "' />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='cid[]' value='" . $row->id . "' />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='state' value='0' />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</form>\n\t\t\t\t\t"; //} $params['html_code_before_toolbar'] = $html_code_before_toolbar; } } JLMS_TMPL::ShowHeader('course', $row->course_name, $params, $toolbar); JLMS_TMPL::OpenTS('', ' width="100%"'); ?> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" id="jlms_course_desc_guest"> <?php $_JLMS_PLUGINS->loadBotGroup('system'); $plugin_args = array(); $plugin_args[] = $id; $_JLMS_PLUGINS->trigger('onAboveCourseDetailsPage', $plugin_args); ?> <tr> <td> <?php echo JLMS_ShowText_WithFeatures($row->course_description); ?> </td> </tr> <?php //$_JLMS_PLUGINS->loadBotGroup('system'); $plugin_args = array(); $plugin_args[] = $id; $_JLMS_PLUGINS->trigger('onBelowCourseDetailsPage', $plugin_args); ?> </table> <?php JLMS_TMPL::CloseTS(); if ($show_down_back) { JLMS_TMPL::OpenTS('', ' style="text-align:center"'); ?> <br /><br /><a class="back_button" href="<?php echo sefRelToAbs("index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}"); ?> "><?php echo _JLMS_TXT_BACK; ?> </a> <?php JLMS_TMPL::CloseTS(); } JLMS_TMPL::CloseMT(); }
function showStepConditions($course_id, $lpath_id, $step_id, $option, &$conds, &$lists, $step_name) { global $Itemid, $JLMS_CONFIG; ?> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- function submitbutton_del(pressbutton) { var form = document.adminForm; if (form.boxchecked.value == '0') { alert('<?php echo _JLMS_ALERT_SELECT_ITEM; ?> '); } else { form.task.value = pressbutton; form.submit(); } } function submitbutton_add(pressbutton) { var form = document.newcondForm; form.task.value = pressbutton; form.submit(); } //--> </script> <?php JLMS_TMPL::OpenMT(); $hparams = array(); $toolbar = array(); $toolbar[] = array('btn_type' => 'back', 'btn_js' => sefRelToAbs("index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}&task=compose_lpath&course_id={$course_id}&id={$lpath_id}")); JLMS_TMPL::ShowHeader('lpath', '', $hparams, $toolbar); JLMS_TMPL::OpenTS(); echo JLMSCSS::h2(_JLMS_LPATH_TITLE_CONDITIONS . $step_name); ?> <form action="<?php echo sefRelToAbs("index.php?option=" . $option . "&Itemid=" . $Itemid); ?> " method="post" name="adminForm"> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('jlmslist'); ?> "> <tr> <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> width="20" class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> " align="center">#</<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> > <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> width="20" class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> "> </<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> > <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> "> </<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> > <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> "><?php echo _JLMS_LPATH_COND_REF_STEP; ?> </<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> > </tr> <?php $k = 1; for ($i = 0, $n = count($conds); $i < $n; $i++) { $row_cond = $conds[$i]; $checked = mosHTML::idBox($i, $row_cond->id); ?> <tr id="tree_row_<?php echo $row_cond->id; ?> " class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableentry' . $k); ?> "> <td align="center" valign="middle"><?php echo $i + 1; ?> </td> <td valign="middle"><?php echo $checked; ?> </td> <td valign="middle"><?php echo _JLMS_LPATH_CONDTYPE_COMPLETE; ?> </td> <td valign="middle" style="vertical-align:middle "> <?php if (isset($row_cond->cond_time) && $row_cond->cond_time) { $row_cond->ref_step_name .= ' (' . _JLMS_LPATH_CONDTYPE_SPENT . ' ' . $row_cond->cond_time . ' ' . _JLMS_LPATH_CONDTYPE_TIME_SPENT_MIN . ')'; } echo $row_cond->ref_step_name; ?> </td> </tr> <?php $k = 3 - $k; } ?> </table> <input type="hidden" name="option" value="<?php echo $option; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="Itemid" value="<?php echo $Itemid; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="task" value="lpath_item_delete" /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $step_id; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="step_id" value="<?php echo $step_id; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="lpath_id" value="<?php echo $lpath_id; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="course_id" value="<?php echo $course_id; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="boxchecked" value="0" /> </form> <form action="<?php echo sefRelToAbs("index.php?option=" . $option . "&Itemid=" . $Itemid); ?> " method="post" name="newcondForm"> <?php echo '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" class="jlms_table_no_borders">'; $controls = array(); $controls[] = array('href' => "javascript:submitbutton_del('lpath_cond_delete');", 'title' => _JLMS_LPATH_LINK_DEL_COND, 'img' => 'buttons_22/btn_delete_22.png'); $controls[] = array('href' => "javascript:submitbutton_add('lpath_save_cond');", 'title' => _JLMS_LPATH_LINK_NEW_COND, 'img' => 'buttons_22/btn_add_22.png'); $custom = _JLMS_LPATH_CONDTYPE_COMPLETE . ' ' . $lists['lpath_steps']; if ($JLMS_CONFIG->get('enable_timetracking')) { $custom .= ' ' . _JLMS_LPATH_CONDTYPE_AND_SPENT . ': <input type="text" name="cond_time" value="" size="5" class="inputbox" style="text-align: center;" /> <small>min</small>'; } $controls[] = array('href' => '', 'title' => '', 'img' => '', 'custom' => $custom); JLMS_TMPL::ShowControlsFooter($controls, '', false, true); echo '</table>'; /* <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr> <td align="center" valign="middle" width="16"><a href="javascript:submitbutton_del('lpath_cond_delete');" title="<?php echo _JLMS_LPATH_LINK_DEL_COND;?>"><img class="JLMS_png" src="<?php echo $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site');?>/components/com_joomla_lms/lms_images/toolbar/btn_remove.png" width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="<?php echo _JLMS_LPATH_LINK_DEL_COND;?>" title="<?php echo _JLMS_LPATH_LINK_DEL_COND;?>" /></a></td> <td align="center" valign="middle" width="16"><a href="javascript:submitbutton_add('lpath_save_cond');" title="<?php echo _JLMS_LPATH_LINK_NEW_COND;?>"><img class="JLMS_png" src="<?php echo $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site');?>/components/com_joomla_lms/lms_images/toolbar/btn_add.png" width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="<?php echo _JLMS_LPATH_LINK_NEW_COND;?>" title="<?php echo _JLMS_LPATH_LINK_NEW_COND;?>" /></a></td> <td align="left" valign="middle"> <?php echo _JLMS_LPATH_CONDTYPE_COMPLETE. " " . $lists['lpath_steps']; ?> <?php echo _JLMS_LPATH_CONDTYPE_AND_SPENT;?>: <input type="text" name="cond_time" value="" size="5" class="inputbox" style="text-align: center;" /> <small>min</small> </td> </tr></table> </td> </tr> </table> */ ?> <input type="hidden" name="option" value="<?php echo $option; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="Itemid" value="<?php echo $Itemid; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="task" value="lpath_save_cond" /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $step_id; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="step_id" value="<?php echo $step_id; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="lpath_id" value="<?php echo $lpath_id; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="course_id" value="<?php echo $course_id; ?> " /> </form> <?php JLMS_TMPL::CloseTS(); JLMS_TMPL::CloseMT(); }
function jlms_booking_users($course_id, $option, $lists, $pid, $rows) { global $Itemid, $my, $JLMS_DB; JLMS_TMPL::OpenMT(); $params = array('show_menu' => true); JLMS_TMPL::ShowHeader('conference', _JLMS_HEAD_CONF_STR, $params); JLMS_TMPL::OpenTS(); ?> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> <!--//--><![CDATA[//><!-- function submitbutton(pressbutton) { var form = document.adminForm; form.mode.value = pressbutton; form.submit(); } //--><!]]> </script> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td colspan="2"> </td> <td style="text-align:right;"><br /> <?php $toolbar = array(); //$toolbar[] = array('btn_type' => 'edit', 'btn_js' => sefRelToAbs("index.php?option=$option&Itemid=$Itemid&task=conference&id=$course_id&mode=archive") ); $toolbar[] = array('btn_type' => 'save', 'btn_js' => "javascript:submitbutton('save_users');"); $toolbar[] = array('btn_type' => 'cancel', 'btn_js' => sefRelToAbs("index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}&task=conference&mode=booking&id={$course_id}")); //echo JLMS_ShowToolbar($toolbar); ?> </td> </tr> </table> <?php JLMS_TMPL::CloseTS(); JLMS_TMPL::OpenTS(); ?> <form action="<?php echo sefRelToAbs("index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}"); ?> " method="post" name="adminForm"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="20%"> Select user </td> <td> <?php echo $lists['usrs']; ?> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td class="sectiontableheader" align="left" width="15">#</td> <td class="sectiontableheader" align="left" width="10"><input type="checkbox" name="toggle" value="" onclick="checkAll(<?php echo count($rows); ?> );" /></td> <td class="sectiontableheader" align="left"><?php echo "Username"; ?> </td> </tr> <?php $k = 1; for ($i = 0, $n = count($rows); $i < $n; $i++) { $row = $rows[$i]; $checked = mosHTML::idBox($i, $row->user_id); ?> <tr valign="middle" style="vertical-align:middle" class="<?php echo "sectiontableentry{$k}"; ?> "> <td align="left"><?php echo $i + 1; ?> </td> <td align="left"><?php echo $checked; ?> </td> <td align="left"> <?php echo $row->name . "(" . $row->username . ")"; ?> </td> </tr> <?php $k = 3 - $k; } ?> </table> <input type="hidden" name="task" value="conference" /> <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="boxchecked" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="p_id" value="<?php echo $pid; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $course_id; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="state" value="0" /> </form> <?php JLMS_TMPL::CloseTS(); $controls = array(); $controls[] = array('href' => "javascript:submitbutton('save_users');", 'title' => 'Save', 'img' => 'save'); $controls[] = array('href' => "javascript:submitbutton('delete_users_from_conference');", 'title' => _JLMS_DELETE, 'img' => 'delete'); JLMS_TMPL::ShowControlsFooter($controls, sefRelToAbs("index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}&task=conference&mode=booking&id={$course_id}")); /*$controls = array(); $controls[] = array('href' => "javascript:submitbutton('period_cancel');", 'title' => _JLMS_CANCEL_ALT_TITLE, 'img' => 'cancel'); $controls[] = array('href' => "javascript:submitbutton('save_users');", 'title' => _JLMS_SAVE_ALT_TITLE, 'img' => 'save'); JLMS_TMPL::ShowControlsFooter($controls, sefRelToAbs("index.php?option=$option&Itemid=$Itemid&task=conference&mode=booking&id=$course_id")); */ JLMS_TMPL::CloseMT(); }
function editTopic($course_id, $topic_id, $row, $lists) { global $option, $Itemid, $JLMS_CONFIG; $is_dis_start = !($row->publish_start == 1); $is_dis_end = !($row->publish_end == 1); ?> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!--//--><![CDATA[//><!-- window.addEvent('domready', function() { <?php if ($is_dis_start) { ?> document.adminForm.startday.disabled = true; document.adminForm.startmonth.disabled = true; document.adminForm.startyear.disabled = true; <?php } if ($is_dis_end) { ?> document.adminForm.endday.disabled = true; document.adminForm.endmonth.disabled = true; document.adminForm.endyear.disabled = true; <?php } ?> } ); function setgood() { return true; } function submitbutton(pressbutton) { var form=document.adminForm; try { form.onsubmit(); } catch(e) { //alert(e); } if (is_start_c == 1) {if (form.start_date.value == ''){jlms_getDate('start');}} if (is_end_c == 1) {if (form.end_date.value == ''){jlms_getDate('end');}} if ((pressbutton=='save_topic') && ("" && $weekly==0)){alert("<?php echo _JLMS_TOPIC_T_NAME_NOT_SET; ?> "); } else {form.task.value = pressbutton;form.submit();} } var is_start_c = <?php echo $row->publish_start ? '1' : '0'; ?> ; var is_end_c = <?php echo $row->publish_end ? '1' : '0'; ?> ; function jlms_Change_start() { var form=document.adminForm; if (is_start_c == 1) { is_start_c = 0 form.startday.disabled = true; form.startmonth.disabled = true; form.startyear.disabled = true; } else { is_start_c = 1 form.startday.disabled = false; form.startmonth.disabled = false; form.startyear.disabled = false; } } function jlms_Change_end() { var form=document.adminForm; if (is_end_c == 1) { is_end_c = 0 form.endday.disabled = true; form.endmonth.disabled = true; form.endyear.disabled = true; } else { is_end_c = 1 form.endday.disabled = false; form.endmonth.disabled = false; form.endyear.disabled = false; } } var $weekly=0; function jlms_Change_weekly() { showNameFields(); var form=document.adminForm; $weekly = getNameFieldsCount(); if ($weekly > 1) { $weekly = 0; } else { $weekly = 1; } if ($weekly == 1) { $weekly = 0; form.weekly.value = 0; form.publish_end.disabled = false; } else { $weekly = 1; form.weekly.value = 1; is_end_c = 0; form.publish_end.checked = false; form.publish_end.disabled = true; form.endday.disabled = true; form.endmonth.disabled = true; form.endyear.disabled = true; is_start_c = 1 form.publish_start.checked = true; form.startday.disabled = false; form.startmonth.disabled = false; form.startyear.disabled = false; } } function getNameFieldsCount() { var $select = document.adminForm.number; for ($i=0; $i<$select.length; $i++) { if ($select.options[$i].selected == true) { return $select.options[$i].value; } } } function showNameFields() { $count = getNameFieldsCount(); for ($i=2; $i<=$count; $i++) { $div = document.getElementById('name_'+$i); $ = 'block'; } for ( ; $i<=10; $i++) { $div = document.getElementById('name_'+$i); $ = 'none'; } } //--><!]]> </script> <?php JLMS_TMPL::OpenMT(); $hparams = array(); $toolbar = array(); $title = ''; $title = $row->id ? _JLMS_TOPIC_T_EDIT : _JLMS_TOPIC_T_NEW; $toolbar[] = array('btn_type' => 'save', 'btn_js' => "javascript:submitbutton('save_topic');"); $toolbar[] = array('btn_type' => 'cancel', 'btn_js' => "javascript:submitbutton('cancel_topic');"); JLMS_TMPL::ShowHeader('doc', $title, $hparams, $toolbar); JLMS_TMPL::OpenTS(); ?> <form action="<?php echo sefRelToAbs("index.php?option=" . $option . "&Itemid=" . $Itemid); ?> " method="post" name="adminForm" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="setgood();"> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" id="jlms_item_properties"> <tr> <td width="15%" valign="middle" style="vertical-align:middle"><?php echo _JLMS_TOPIC_T_NAME; ?> </td> <td><input class="inputbox" size="40" type="text" name="name" value="<?php echo str_replace('"', '"', $row->name); ?> " /> <?php if ($topic_id == 0) { echo $lists['names']; } ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="middle" style="vertical-align:middle"><br /><?php echo _JLMS_PUBLISHING; ?> </td> <td><br /><?php echo $lists['publishing']; ?> </td> </tr> <?php if ($topic_id == 0) { ?> <tr> <td><?php echo _JLMS_TOPIC_T_10_WEEKLY; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $lists['number']; ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <td valign="middle" style="vertical-align:middle"><br /><?php echo _JLMS_ORDERING; ?> </td> <td><br /><?php echo $lists['ordering']; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="middle"><br /><?php echo _JLMS_START_DATE; ?> </td> <td valign="middle" style="vertical-align:middle "><br /> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="jlms_date_outer"><tr><td valign="middle"><input type="checkbox" value="1" name="publish_start" onclick="jlms_Change_start()" <?php echo $row->publish_start ? 'checked' : ''; ?> /></td> <td valign="middle" style="vertical-align:middle "> <?php $s_date = $is_dis_start ? date('Y-m-d') : $row->start_date; echo JLMS_HTML::_('calendar.calendar', $s_date, 'start', 'start'); ?> </td></tr></table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><br /><?php echo _JLMS_END_DATE; ?> </td> <td valign="middle" style="vertical-align:middle "><br /> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="jlms_date_outer"><tr><td valign="middle"><input type="checkbox" value="1" name="publish_end" onclick="jlms_Change_end()" <?php echo $row->publish_end ? 'checked' : ''; ?> /></td> <td valign="middle" style="vertical-align:middle "> <?php $e_date = $is_dis_end ? date('Y-m-d') : $row->end_date; echo JLMS_HTML::_('calendar.calendar', $e_date, 'end', 'end'); ?> </td></tr></table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="15%" valign="top" style="vertical-align:top "><br /><?php echo _JLMS_IS_TIME_RELATED; ?> </td> <td><br /> <?php JLMS_HTML::_('showperiod.field', $row->is_time_related, $row->show_period); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" valign="top" align="left" style="text-align:left "><br /><?php echo _JLMS_DESCRIPTION; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <?php JLMS_editorArea('editor1', $row->description, 'description', '100%;', '250', '40', '20'); ?> </td> </tr> </table> <input type="hidden" name="option" value="<?php echo $option; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="Itemid" value="<?php echo $Itemid; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="task" value="details_course" /> <input type="hidden" name="boxchecked" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="weekly" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="course_id" value="<?php echo $course_id; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $row->id; ?> " /> </form> <?php JLMS_TMPL::CloseTS(); JLMS_TMPL::CloseMT(); }
function show_head_menu($id, $option = '') { $JLMS_CONFIG =& JLMSFactory::getConfig(); $Itemid = $JLMS_CONFIG->get('Itemid'); $JLMS_ACL =& JLMSFactory::getACL(); ?> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> <!--//--><![CDATA[//><!-- function jlms_ShowTBToolTip_agenda(txt_tooltip_agenda) { var agenda_elem = getObj('JLMS_toolbar_tooltip_agenda'); agenda_elem.innerHTML = txt_tooltip_agenda; } //--><!]]> </script> <?php JLMS_TMPL::OpenMT(); $hparams = array(); JLMS_TMPL::ShowHeader('agenda', _JLMS_AGENDA_HEADTITLE, $hparams); JLMS_TMPL::OpenTS('', ' align="center"'); ?> <table align="center" class="jlms_table_no_borders"> <tr><td align="center" style="text-align:center "><span id="JLMS_toolbar_tooltip_agenda"> </span></td></tr> <tr> <td align="center" nowrap="nowrap" style="white-space:nowrap;"> <?php if ($id && $JLMS_ACL->CheckPermissions('announce', 'manage')) { if (isset($_REQUEST['cal_date'])) { $id .= "&date=" . $_REQUEST['cal_date']; } ?> <a class="jlms_img_link" onmouseover='javascript:jlms_ShowTBToolTip_agenda("<?php echo _JLMS_AGENDATB_ADDEVENT; ?> ");jlms_WStatus("<?php echo _JLMS_AGENDATB_ADDEVENT; ?> ");return true;' onmouseout='javascript:jlms_ShowTBToolTip_agenda(" ");jlms_WStatus("");return true;' href="<?php echo JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_joomla_lms&Itemid=" . $Itemid . "&task=agenda&mode=add_event&id=" . $id); ?> "><img src="<?php echo $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site'); ?> /components/com_joomla_lms/lms_images/agenda/ag_edit_add.png" class="JLMS_png" id="add" alt="<?php echo _JLMS_AGENDATB_ADDEVENT; ?> " title="<?php echo _JLMS_AGENDATB_ADDEVENT; ?> " width="22" height="22" border="0"/></a> <?php } ?> <a class="jlms_img_link" onmouseover='javascript:jlms_ShowTBToolTip_agenda("<?php echo _JLMS_AGENDATB_LIST; ?> ");jlms_WStatus("<?php echo _JLMS_AGENDATB_LIST; ?> ");return true;' onmouseout='javascript:jlms_ShowTBToolTip_agenda(" ");jlms_WStatus("");return true;' href="<?php echo sefRelToAbs("index.php?option=com_joomla_lms&Itemid=" . $Itemid . "&task=agenda&id=" . $id); ?> "><img src="<?php echo $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site'); ?> /components/com_joomla_lms/lms_images/agenda/ag_list.png" class="JLMS_png" id="home" alt="<?php echo _JLMS_AGENDATB_LIST; ?> " title="<?php echo _JLMS_AGENDATB_LIST; ?> " width="22" height="22" border="0"/></a> <a class="jlms_img_link" onmouseover='javascript:jlms_ShowTBToolTip_agenda("<?php echo _JLMS_AGENDATB_MONTHLY_VIEW; ?> ");jlms_WStatus("<?php echo _JLMS_AGENDATB_MONTHLY_VIEW; ?> ");return true;' onmouseout='javascript:jlms_ShowTBToolTip_agenda(" ");jlms_WStatus("");return true;' href="<?php echo sefRelToAbs("index.php?option=com_joomla_lms&Itemid=" . $Itemid . "&task=agenda&mode=view_month&id={$id}"); ?> "><img src="<?php echo $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site'); ?> /components/com_joomla_lms/lms_images/agenda/ag_month.png" class="JLMS_png" id="month" alt="<?php echo _JLMS_AGENDATB_MONTHLY_VIEW; ?> " title="<?php echo _JLMS_AGENDATB_MONTHLY_VIEW; ?> " width="22" height="22" border="0"/></a> <a class="jlms_img_link" onmouseover='javascript:jlms_ShowTBToolTip_agenda("<?php echo _JLMS_AGENDATB_WEEKLY_VIEW; ?> ");jlms_WStatus("<?php echo _JLMS_AGENDATB_WEEKLY_VIEW; ?> ");return true;' onmouseout='javascript:jlms_ShowTBToolTip_agenda(" ");jlms_WStatus("");return true;' href="<?php echo sefRelToAbs("index.php?option=com_joomla_lms&Itemid=" . $Itemid . "&task=agenda&mode=view_week&id={$id}"); ?> "><img src="<?php echo $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site'); ?> /components/com_joomla_lms/lms_images/agenda/ag_7days.png" class="JLMS_png" id="week" alt="<?php echo _JLMS_AGENDATB_WEEKLY_VIEW; ?> " title="<?php echo _JLMS_AGENDATB_WEEKLY_VIEW; ?> " width="22" height="22" border="0"/></a> <a class="jlms_img_link" onmouseover='javascript:jlms_ShowTBToolTip_agenda("<?php echo _JLMS_AGENDATB_DAILY_VIEW; ?> ");jlms_WStatus("<?php echo _JLMS_AGENDATB_DAILY_VIEW; ?> ");return true;' onmouseout='javascript:jlms_ShowTBToolTip_agenda(" ");jlms_WStatus("");return true;' href="<?php echo sefRelToAbs("index.php?option=com_joomla_lms&Itemid=" . $Itemid . "&task=agenda&mode=view_day&id={$id}"); ?> "><img src="<?php echo $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site'); ?> /components/com_joomla_lms/lms_images/agenda/ag_1day.png" class="JLMS_png" id="day" alt="<?php echo _JLMS_AGENDATB_DAILY_VIEW; ?> " title="<?php echo _JLMS_AGENDATB_DAILY_VIEW; ?> " width="22" height="22" border="0"/></a> </td> </tr> </table> <?php JLMS_TMPL::CloseTS(); JLMS_TMPL::CloseMT(); }
function confirm_delUsers(&$del_users, &$lists, $option, $course_id, $group_id, $utype, $del_group) { global $Itemid; ?> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- function submitbutton(pressbutton) { var form = document.adminForm; if ((pressbutton == 'user_delete_yes') && (form.boxchecked.value == "0")){ alert( "<?php echo _JLMS_USER_SELECT_USER; ?> " ); } else { form.task.value = pressbutton; form.submit(); } } //--> </script> <?php JLMS_TMPL::OpenMT(); $hparams = array(); if ($utype == 1) { $hparams['sys_msg'] = _JLMS_USERS_DEL_ALERT_MESSAGE; } elseif ($utype == 2) { $hparams['sys_msg'] = _JLMS_USERS_DEL_A_ALERT_MESSAGE; } $toolbar = array(); $toolbar[] = array('btn_type' => 'yes', 'btn_js' => "javascript:submitbutton('" . ($group_id == -1 ? 'user_delete_yes2' : 'user_delete_yes') . "');"); $toolbar[] = array('btn_type' => 'cancel', 'btn_js' => "javascript:submitbutton('" . ($group_id == -1 ? 'cancel_csv_delete' : 'cancel_user') . "');"); $hparams['toolbar_position'] = 'center'; JLMS_TMPL::ShowHeader('userman', _JLMS_USERS_DEL_TITLE, $hparams, $toolbar); JLMS_TMPL::OpenTS(); ?> <form action="<?php echo sefRelToAbs("index.php?option=" . $option . "&Itemid=" . $Itemid); ?> " method="post" name="adminForm"> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('jlmslist'); ?> "> <tr> <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> width="20" class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> " align="center">#</<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> > <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> width="20" class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> " align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="toggle" value="" onclick="checkAll(<?php echo count($del_users); ?> );" /></<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> > <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> "><?php echo _JLMS_USERS_TBL_HEAD_USERNAME; ?> </<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> > <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> "><?php echo _JLMS_USERS_TBL_HEAD_USER_ADDINFO; ?> </<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> > <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> "><?php echo _JLMS_USERS_TBL_HEAD_USER_GROUP; ?> </<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> > </tr> <?php $k = 1; for ($i = 0, $n = count($del_users); $i < $n; $i++) { $row = $del_users[$i]; $link = "index.php?option=" . $option . "&Itemid=" . $Itemid . "&task=view_users&course_id=" . $course_id . "&id=" . $row->id; $checked = JLMS_course_users_html::idBox($i, $row->id, true); ?> <tr class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableentry' . $k); ?> "> <td align="center"><?php echo $i + 1; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $checked; ?> </td> <td align="left"> <?php echo $row->username; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $row->name; ?> (<?php echo $row->email; ?> )</td> <?php if ($utype == 1) { ?> <td><?php echo $row->ug_name ? $row->ug_name : _JLMS_USER_NO_GROUP_NAME; ?> </td> <?php } else { ?> <td><?php echo _JLMS_USER_ASSIST_GROUP_NAME; ?> </td> <?php } ?> </tr> <?php $k = 3 - $k; } ?> </table> <input type="hidden" name="option" value="<?php echo $option; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="Itemid" value="<?php echo $Itemid; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="task" value="delete_user" /> <input type="hidden" name="course_id" value="<?php echo $course_id; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $group_id; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="group_id" value="<?php echo $group_id; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="boxchecked" value="<?php echo count($del_users); ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="row_id" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="state" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="del_group" value="<?php echo $del_group ? '1' : '0'; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="utype" value="<?php echo $utype; ?> " /> </form> <?php JLMS_TMPL::CloseTS(); JLMS_TMPL::CloseMT(); }
function showHomeWorks($id, $option, &$rows, &$pageNav, $usertype = 1) { global $JLMS_CONFIG; $Itemid = $JLMS_CONFIG->get('Itemid'); $JLMS_ACL =& JLMSFactory::getACL(); if ($JLMS_ACL->CheckPermissions('homework', 'manage')) { ?> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!--//--><![CDATA[//><!-- function submitbutton(pressbutton) { var form = document.adminForm; if ( ((pressbutton == 'hw_delete') || (pressbutton == 'hw_edit')) && (form.boxchecked.value == "0")){ alert("<?php echo _JLMS_ALERT_SELECT_ITEM; ?> "); } else { form.task.value = pressbutton; form.submit(); } } function submitbutton_change2(pressbutton, state, cid_id) { var form = document.adminForm; if (pressbutton == 'hw_publish'){ form.task.value = pressbutton; form.state.value = state; form.cid2.value = cid_id; form.submit(); } } //--><!]]> </script> <?php } JLMS_TMPL::OpenMT(); $hparams = array(); JLMS_TMPL::ShowHeader('homework', _JLMS_HW_TITLE_HW, $hparams); JLMS_TMPL::OpenTS(); ?> <form action="<?php echo sefRelToAbs("index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}"); ?> " method="post" name="adminForm"> <?php if (!empty($rows)) { ?> <?php $hw_colspan = 5; ?> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('jlmslist'); ?> "> <tr> <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> width="20" class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> " align="center">#</<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> > <?php // if ($usertype == 1) { if ($JLMS_ACL->CheckPermissions('homework', 'manage')) { $hw_colspan++; ?> <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> width="20" class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> " align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="toggle" value="" onclick="checkAll(<?php echo count($rows); ?> );" /></<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> > <?php } ?> <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> " width="30%"><?php echo _JLMS_HW_TBL_HEAD_HW; ?> </<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> > <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> " nowrap='nowrap' style="white-space:nowrap"><?php echo _JLMS_HW_TBL_HEAD_DATE; ?> </<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> > <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> " nowrap='nowrap' style="white-space:nowrap"><?php echo _JLMS_HW_TBL_HEAD_ENDDATE; ?> </<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> > <?php if ($JLMS_ACL->CheckPermissions('homework', 'manage')) { $hw_colspan++; ?> <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> " nowrap='nowrap' style="white-space:nowrap"> </<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> > <?php } ?> <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> " width="50%"><?php echo _JLMS_HW_TBL_HEAD_DESCR; ?> </<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> > </tr> <?php $k = 1; for ($i = 0, $n = count($rows); $i < $n; $i++) { $row = $rows[$i]; $link = "index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}&task=hw_stats&course_id={$id}&id={$row->id}"; $alt = $row->published ? _JLMS_STATUS_PUB : _JLMS_STATUS_UNPUB; $image = $row->published ? 'btn_accept.png' : 'btn_cancel.png'; $state = $row->published ? 0 : 1; $tooltip_txt = ''; $tooltip_title = ''; if ($row->is_time_related) { if ($row->published) { $image = 'btn_publish_wait.png'; $tooltip_title = _JLMS_STATUS_PUB; } else { $image = 'btn_unpublish_wait.png'; $tooltip_title = _JLMS_STATUS_UNPUB; } $tooltip_txt = _JLMS_WILL_BE_RELEASED_IN; $showperiod = $row->show_period; $ost1 = $showperiod % (24 * 60); $sp_days = ($showperiod - $ost1) / (24 * 60); $ost2 = $showperiod % 60; $sp_hours = ($ost1 - $ost2) / 60; $sp_mins = $ost2; $release_time_info = false; if ($sp_days) { $tooltip_txt .= ' ' . $sp_days . ' ' . _JLMS_RELEASED_IN_DAYS; $release_time_info = true; } if ($sp_hours) { $tooltip_txt .= ' ' . $sp_hours . ' ' . _JLMS_RELEASED_IN_HOURS; $release_time_info = true; } if ($sp_mins) { $tooltip_txt .= ' ' . $sp_mins . ' ' . _JLMS_RELEASED_IN_MINUTES; $release_time_info = true; } if ($release_time_info) { $tooltip_txt .= ' ' . _JLMS_RELEASED_AFTER_ENROLLMENT; } } $checked = ''; if ($JLMS_ACL->CheckPermissions('homework', 'manage')) { $checked = mosHTML::idBox($i, $row->id, $row->checkedout); } ?> <tr class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableentry' . $k); ?> "> <td align="center"><?php echo $pageNav->limitstart + $i + 1; ?> </td> <?php if ($JLMS_ACL->CheckPermissions('homework', 'manage')) { echo '<td>' . $checked . '</td>'; } ?> <td align="left" valign="middle" style="vertical-align:middle "> <a href="<?php echo sefRelToAbs($link); ?> " title="<?php echo str_replace('"', ' ', $row->hw_name); ?> "> <?php echo $row->hw_name; ?> </a> </td> <td valign="middle" style="vertical-align:middle" nowrap="nowrap"> <?php echo JLMS_dateToDisplay($row->post_date); ?> </td> <td valign="middle" style="vertical-align:middle" nowrap="nowrap"> <?php echo JLMS_dateToDisplay($row->end_date); ?> </td> <?php if ($JLMS_ACL->CheckPermissions('homework', 'manage')) { ?> <td valign="middle"> <?php if ($row->is_time_related) { $tooltip_link = 'javascript:submitbutton_change2(\'hw_publish\',' . $state . ',' . $row->id . ')'; $tooltip_name = '<img class="JLMS_png" src="' . $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site') . '/components/com_joomla_lms/lms_images/toolbar/' . $image . '" width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="' . $alt . '" />'; echo JLMS_toolTip($tooltip_title, $tooltip_txt, $tooltip_name, $tooltip_link); } else { echo '<a class="jlms_img_link" href="javascript:submitbutton_change2(\'hw_publish\',' . $state . ',' . $row->id . ')" title="' . $alt . '">'; echo '<img class="JLMS_png" src="' . $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site') . '/components/com_joomla_lms/lms_images/toolbar/' . $image . '" width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="' . $alt . '" />'; echo '</a>'; } ?> </td> <?php } ?> <td valign="middle" style="vertical-align:middle "><?php echo $row->hw_shortdescription ? $row->hw_shortdescription : ' '; ?> </td> </tr> <?php $k = 3 - $k; } ?> <tr> <td align="center" class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('jlmslist-footer_td'); ?> " colspan="<?php echo $hw_colspan; ?> "><div align="center" style="white-space:nowrap;"> <?php $link = "index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}&task=homework&id={$id}"; echo _JLMS_PN_DISPLAY_NUM . $pageNav->getLimitBox($link) . ' ' . $pageNav->getPagesCounter(); echo '<br />'; echo $pageNav->writePagesLinks($link); ?> </div></td> </tr> </table> <?php } else { echo '<div class="joomlalms_user_message">' . _JLMS_NO_ITEMS_HERE . 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"&Itemid=" . $Itemid); ?> " method="post" name="adminForm" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <?php $max_tree_width = 0; if (isset($rows[0])) { $max_tree_width = $rows[0]->tree_max_width; } if (!empty($rows)) { ?> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('jlmslist'); ?> "> <tr> <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> width="20" class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> " align="center"> # </<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> > <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> width="16" class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> "><input type="checkbox" value="0" name="hidden_box" style="visibility:hidden" /></<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> > <?php for ($th_i = 0; $th_i < $max_tree_width + 1; $th_i++) { ?> <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> width="1%" class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> "><span style="display: block; width: 16px;"> </span></<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> > <?php } ?> <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> " width="45%"><span style="display: block; width: 200px; text-align: left;"><?php echo _JLMS_DOCS_TBL_DOCNAME; ?> </span></<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> > <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> " width="60%"><?php echo _JLMS_DOCS_TBL_DESCR; ?> </<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> > </tr> <?php $k = 1; $tree_modes = array(); $visible_folder = true; //$next_row_is_visible = true; $vis_mode = 0; for ($i = 0, $n = count($rows); $i < $n; $i++) { $row = $rows[$i]; $max_tree_width = $row->tree_max_width; $link = ''; $link_title = ''; if ($row->folder_flag == 2) { $link = sefRelToAbs("index.php?option=" . $option . "&Itemid=" . $Itemid . "&task=docs_view_zip&course_id=" . $id . "&id=" . $row->id); $link_title = _JLMS_T_A_VIEW_ZIP_PACK; } elseif ((!$row->folder_flag || $row->folder_flag == 3) && $row->file_id) { $link = sefRelToAbs("index.php?option=" . $option . "&Itemid=" . $Itemid . "&task=get_document&course_id=" . $id . "&id=" . $row->id); $link_title = _JLMS_DOCS_LINK_DOWNLOAD; } elseif ((!$row->folder_flag || $row->folder_flag == 3) && !$row->file_id) { $link = sefRelToAbs("index.php?option=" . $option . "&Itemid=" . $Itemid . "&task=docs_view_content&course_id=" . $id . "&id=" . $row->id); $link_title = _JLMS_T_A_VIEW_CONTENT; } // Collapsed/Expanded view $tree_row_style = ''; $visible_folder = true; //$next_row_is_visible; //$next_row_is_visible = true; if ($vis_mode) { if ($row->tree_mode_num < $vis_mode) { $vis_mode = 0; } } $checked = mosHTML::idBox($i, $row->id); // Collapsed/Expanded view $tree_row_style = ''; $visible_folder = true; //$next_row_is_visible; //$next_row_is_visible = true; if ($vis_mode) { if ($row->tree_mode_num < $vis_mode) { $vis_mode = 0; } } if (in_array($row->id, $rows_c)) { //$next_row_is_visible = false; if ($vis_mode) { if ($row->tree_mode_num < $vis_mode) { $vis_mode = $row->tree_mode_num; } else { $visible_folder = false; } } else { $vis_mode = $row->tree_mode_num + 1; } } elseif ($vis_mode) { if ($row->tree_mode_num >= $vis_mode) { $visible_folder = false; } else { $vis_mode = 0; } } if (!$visible_folder) { $tree_row_style = ' style="visibility:hidden;display:none"'; } ?> <tr id="tree_row_<?php echo $row->id; ?> " class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableentry' . $k); ?> "<?php echo $tree_row_style; ?> > <td align="center" valign="middle"><?php echo $i + 1; ?> </td> <td valign="middle"><?php if ($row->folder_flag != 1) { echo $checked; } ?> </td> <?php $add_img = ''; if ($row->tree_mode_num) { $g = 0; $tree_modes[$row->tree_mode_num - 1] = $row->tree_mode; while ($g < $row->tree_mode_num - 1) { $pref = ''; if (isset($tree_modes[$g]) && $tree_modes[$g] == 2) { $pref = 'empty_'; } $add_img .= "<td width='16' valign='middle'><img src=\"" . $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site') . "/components/com_joomla_lms/lms_images/treeview/" . $pref . "line.png\" width='16' height='16' alt='" . $pref . "line' /></td>"; $g++; } $add_img .= "<td width='16' valign='middle'><img src=\"" . $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site') . "/components/com_joomla_lms/lms_images/treeview/sub" . $row->tree_mode . ".png\" width='16' height='16' alt='sub" . $row->tree_mode . "' /></td>"; $max_tree_width = $max_tree_width - $g - 1; } echo $add_img; ?> <td align="center" valign="middle" width='16'> <?php if ($row->folder_flag == 1) { $collapse_img = 'collapseall.png'; $collapse_alt = _JLMS_DOCS_COLL_FOLDER; if (in_array($row->id, $rows_c)) { $collapse_img = 'expandall.png'; $collapse_alt = _JLMS_DOCS_EXP_FOLDER; } echo "<span id='tree_div_" . $row->id . "' style='alignment:center; width:16px; font-weight:bold; cursor:pointer; vertical-align:middle;' onclick='Ex_Folder(" . $row->id . "," . $row->id . ",true)'><img class='JLMS_png' id='tree_img_" . $row->id . "' src=\"" . $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site') . "/components/com_joomla_lms/lms_images/docs/{$collapse_img}\" width='13' height='13' alt='" . $collapse_alt . "' title='" . $collapse_alt . "' /></span>"; } else { echo "<span style='alignment:center; width:16px; font-weight:bold; vertical-align:middle;'><img class='JLMS_png' src=\"" . $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site') . "/components/com_joomla_lms/lms_images/files/" . $row->file_icon . ".png\" width='16' height='16' alt='{$row->file_icon}' /></span>"; } ?> </td> <td align="left" valign="middle" <?php if ($max_tree_width > 0) { echo "colspan='" . ($max_tree_width + 1) . "'"; } ?> width="45%"> <span style='font-weight:bold; vertical-align:middle;'> <?php if ($row->folder_flag == 1) { echo ' <strong>' . $row->doc_name . '</strong>'; } else { ?> <a href="<?php echo $link; ?> " title="<?php echo $link_title; ?> "> <?php echo $row->doc_name; ?> </a> <?php } ?> </span> </td> <td><?php $doc_descr = strip_tags($row->doc_description); if (!$row->folder_flag && !$row->file_id) { if (strlen($doc_descr) > 75) { $doc_descr = substr($doc_descr, 0, 75) . "..."; } } echo $doc_descr ? $doc_descr : ' '; ?> </td> </tr> <?php $k = 3 - $k; } ?> </table> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="jlms_item_properties"> <tr> <td valign="middle" style="vertical-align:middle"><br /><?php echo _JLMS_PLACE_IN; ?> </td> <td><br /><?php echo $lists['course_folders']; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="middle" style="vertical-align:middle"><br /><?php echo _JLMS_PUBLISHING; ?> </td> <td><br /><?php echo $lists['publishing']; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="middle"><br /><?php echo _JLMS_START_DATE; ?> </td> <td valign="middle" style="vertical-align:middle "><br /> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="jlms_date_outer"><tr><td valign="middle"><input type="checkbox" value="1" name="is_start" onclick="jlms_Change_start()" <?php echo $doc_details->publish_start ? 'checked' : ''; ?> /></td> <td valign="middle" style="vertical-align:middle "> <?php $s_date = $is_dis_start ? date('Y-m-d') : $doc_details->start_date; echo JLMS_HTML::_('calendar.calendar', $s_date, 'start', 'start'); ?> </td></tr></table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><br /><?php echo _JLMS_END_DATE; ?> </td> <td valign="middle" style="vertical-align:middle "><br /> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="jlms_date_outer"><tr><td valign="middle"><input type="checkbox" value="1" name="is_end" onclick="jlms_Change_end()" <?php echo $doc_details->publish_end ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?> /></td> <td valign="middle" style="vertical-align:middle "> <?php $e_date = $is_dis_end ? date('Y-m-d') : $doc_details->end_date; echo JLMS_HTML::_('calendar.calendar', $e_date, 'end', 'end'); ?> </td></tr></table> </td> </tr> </table> <?php } else { echo '<div class="joomlalms_user_message">' . _JLMS_NO_ITEMS_HERE . '</div>'; } ?> <input type="hidden" name="option" value="<?php echo $option; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="Itemid" value="<?php echo $Itemid; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="task" value="update_document" /> <input type="hidden" name="boxchecked" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="course_id" value="<?php echo $id; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="folder_flag" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $doc_details->id; ?> " /> </form> <?php JLMS_TMPL::CloseTS(); JLMS_TMPL::CloseMT(); }
function showChat($course_id, $group_id, $option, $lists, $chat_users) { global $Itemid, $JLMS_CONFIG; $additon_js = ' var Chat_scroll_obj; function jlms_prepare_el_Chat_scroll_obj() { var Chat_scroll_obj = new Fx.Scroll(\'jlms_chat_window\', { wait: false, duration: 0, offset: {\'x\': 0, \'y\': 0} }); Chat_scroll_obj.toBottom(); } '; $JLMS_CONFIG->set('jlms_aditional_js_code', $JLMS_CONFIG->get('jlms_aditional_js_code', '') . $additon_js); $domready = ' jlms_prepare_el_Chat_scroll_obj(); '; $JLMS_CONFIG->set('web20_domready_code', $JLMS_CONFIG->get('web20_domready_code', '') . $domready); ?> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- var timer_msec = 4000; var block_chat = 0; var chat_last_msg = 0; var ste_k = 2; var tID = ''; var url_prefix = '<?php echo "index.php?tmpl=component&option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}&id={$course_id}&group_id={$group_id}"; ?> '; function jlms_MakeRequest(url) { var http_request = false; if (window.ActiveXObject) { // IE try { http_request = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { try { http_request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) {} } } else if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // Mozilla, Safari,... http_request = new XMLHttpRequest(); if (http_request.overrideMimeType) { http_request.overrideMimeType('text/xml'); } } if (!http_request) { return false; } http_request.onreadystatechange = function() { if (window.jlms_AnalizeRequest) {jlms_AnalizeRequest(http_request);} };'POST', url_prefix, true); http_request.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); http_request.setRequestHeader("Content-length", url.length); http_request.send(url); } function jlms_AnalizeRequest(http_request) { if (http_request.readyState == 4) { if ((http_request.status == 200)) { block_chat = 0; if(http_request.responseXML.documentElement == null){ try { http_request.responseXML.loadXML(http_request.responseText) } catch (e) { /*alert("Can't load");*/ } } response = http_request.responseXML.documentElement; var task = response.getElementsByTagName('task')[0]; switch (task) { case 'chat_xml': //var response_chat = response.getElementsByTagName('chat_history')[0]; var response_users = response.getElementsByTagName('chat_users')[0]; var chat_last_id = response.getElementsByTagName('chat_last_id')[0]; if (parseInt(chat_last_id)) { chat_last_msg = parseInt(chat_last_id); } //var response_do_scroll = response.getElementsByTagName('do_scroll')[0]; /*getObj('JLMS_chat_history').innerHTML = response_chat; getObj('JLMS_chat_users').innerHTML = response_users; if (response_do_scroll == 1 || response_do_scroll == '1') { if ($defined(Chat_scroll_obj)) { var type = typeof Chat_scroll_obj; if (type == 'object') { Chat_scroll_obj.toBottom(); } else { jlms_prepare_el_Chat_scroll_obj(); } } else { jlms_prepare_el_Chat_scroll_obj(); } }*/ var count_new_mess = response.getElementsByTagName('count_new_msgs')[0]; if(parseInt(count_new_mess)){ count_new_mess = parseInt(count_new_mess); var el_history = getObj('jlms_chathistory'); for(var j=1;j < (count_new_mess + 1);j++){ var message = response.getElementsByTagName('chat_message_'+j)[0]; var tbody = new Array(); tbody = el_history.childNodes; for(var i=0;i < tbody.length;i++){ if(tbody[i].tagName == "TBODY"){ var el_tbody = tbody[i]; } } var tr_111 = document.createElement("tr"); var td_111 = document.createElement("td"); td_111.innerHTML = message; tr_111.appendChild(td_111); tr_111.className = 'sectiontableentry'+ste_k; ste_k = 3 - ste_k; el_tbody.appendChild(tr_111); } /*var scroll_y = parseInt(el_history.offsetHeight); document.getElementById("jlms_chat_window").scrollTop = scroll_y;*/ if ($defined(Chat_scroll_obj)) { var type = typeof Chat_scroll_obj; if (type == 'object') { Chat_scroll_obj.toBottom(); } else { jlms_prepare_el_Chat_scroll_obj(); } } else { jlms_prepare_el_Chat_scroll_obj(); } } clearTimeout(tID); tID = setTimeout("jlms_RequestChatHistory()", timer_msec); break; } } else { } } } function ctrlenter(e){ $('chat_new_mes').onkeypress = function(event){ var event = new Event(event); if ( ((window.opera || window.gecko) && event.code == '13' && event.control) || (( || window.webkit) && event.code == '10' && event.control) ){ jlms_chatPostMessage(); } } } function jlms_RequestChatHistory() { jlms_MakeRequest('task=get_chat_xml&last_msg='+chat_last_msg); } function TRIM_str(sStr) { return (sStr.replace(/^[\s\xA0]+/, "").replace(/[\s\xA0]+$/, "")); } function URLencode(sStr) { return escape(sStr).replace(/\+/g, '%2B').replace(/\"/g,'%22').replace(/\'/g, '%27').replace(/\//g,'%2F'); } function jlms_chatPostMessage() { if (block_chat != 1) { clearTimeout(tID); var form = document.chatMesForm; var user_message = form.chat_new_mes.value; if (user_message != '') { form.chat_new_mes.value = ''; if (TRIM_str(user_message) != '') { block_chat = 1; jlms_MakeRequest('task=chat_post&last_msg='+chat_last_msg+'&message='+URLencode(TRIM_str(user_message))); } } } } //--> </script> <?php JLMS_TMPL::OpenMT(); $hparams = array(); JLMS_TMPL::ShowHeader('chat', _JLMS_CHAT_TITLE, $hparams); JLMS_TMPL::OpenTS(); ?> <noscript> <div class="joomlalms_sys_message"> <?php echo _JLMS_JS_COOKIES_REQUIRES; ?> </div> </noscript> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" class="jlms_table_no_borders"> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="right" style="text-align:right "> <form action="<?php echo sefRelToAbs("index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}"); ?> " method="post" name="chatForm"> <?php echo $lists['course_chats']; ?> <input type="hidden" name="option" value="<?php echo $option; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="Itemid" value="<?php echo $Itemid; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="task" value="chat" /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $course_id; ?> " /> </form> </td> </tr> </table> <div style="width:100%; height:400px; overflow:auto; overflow-x:hidden;" id="jlms_chat_window"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%" class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('jlmslist'); ?> "> <tr> <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> " width="70%"><?php echo _JLMS_CHAT_TBL_HEAD_CHAT; ?> </<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> > <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> " width="30%"><?php echo _JLMS_CHAT_TBL_HEAD_USERS; ?> </<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> > </tr> <tr> <td id="JLMS_chat_history" valign="top" align="left" style="text-align:left;padding:0px;margin:0px;" width="70%"> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" id="jlms_chathistory" class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('jlmslist'); ?> " style="margin:0px; padding:0px;"> <tr class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableentry1'); ?> "><td align="left"><?php echo _JLMS_CHAT_WELCOME_MESSAGE; ?> </td></tr> </table> </td> <td id="JLMS_chat_users" valign="top" align="left" style="text-align:left;padding:0px;margin:0px;" width="30%"> <?php echo JLMS_chat_html::prepareUserList($chat_users); ?> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" class="jlms_table_no_borders"> <tr> <td> <form action="<?php echo sefRelToAbs("index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}"); ?> " onsubmit="jlms_chatPostMessage();return false;" method="get" name="chatMesForm"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" class="jlms_table_no_borders"> <tr> <td align="left" width="90%"> <textarea id="chat_new_mes" name="chat_new_mes" class="inputbox" cols="65" rows="3" style="width:99%; overflow-y:auto; border: 1px solid rgb(198, 198, 198);" onkeypress="ctrlenter(this);"></textarea> </td> <td align="left" style="padding-left:20px; width:64px;"> <img class="JLMS_png" src="<?php echo $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site'); ?> /components/<?php echo $option; ?> /lms_images/send_post_chat.png" border="0" alt="<?php echo _JLMS_CHAT_BTN_POST; ?> " title="<?php echo _JLMS_CHAT_BTN_POST; ?> " onclick="jlms_chatPostMessage();" style="cursor:pointer;"/> </td> </tr> </table> </form> </td> </tr> </table> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- tID = setTimeout("jlms_RequestChatHistory()", timer_msec); //--> </script> <?php JLMS_TMPL::CloseTS(); JLMS_TMPL::CloseMT(); }
function viewDRPDescription($course_id, $option, &$row, &$lists) { global $Itemid; JLMS_TMPL::OpenMT(); $hparams = array(); $toolbar = array(); $toolbar[] = array('btn_type' => 'back', 'btn_js' => sefRelToAbs("index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}&task=dropbox&id={$course_id}")); JLMS_TMPL::ShowHeader('dropbox', $row->drp_name, $hparams, $toolbar); JLMS_TMPL::OpenTS(); ?> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="jlms_table_no_borders"> <tr> <td align="left" style="text-align:left "><br /> <table align="left" width="60%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="jlms_table_no_borders"> <tr> <td width="50%" align="left" style="text-align:left "> <?php echo _JLMS_DROP_SENDER; ?> </td> <td width="50%" align="left" style="text-align:left "><?php echo $row->owner_username; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%" align="left" style="text-align:left "> <?php echo _JLMS_DROP_RECV; ?> </td> <td width="50%" align="left" style="text-align:left "><?php echo $row->recv_username; ?> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><br /> <?php echo $row->drp_description; ?> </td> </tr> </table> <?php JLMS_TMPL::CloseTS(); JLMS_TMPL::CloseMT(); }
function wrapper_course_forum(&$link, $option, $course_id, $msg) { global $Itemid, $JLMS_CONFIG, $JLMS_LANGUAGE; JLMS_require_lang($JLMS_LANGUAGE, 'course_users.lang', $JLMS_CONFIG->get('default_language')); if (!defined('_USERNAME')) { define('_USERNAME', $JLMS_LANGUAGE['_JLMS_USER_USERNAME']); } if (!defined('_PASSWORD')) { define('_PASSWORD', $JLMS_LANGUAGE['_JLMS_USER_PASS']); } if (!defined('_BUTTON_LOGIN')) { define('_BUTTON_LOGIN', 'Login'); } JLMS_TMPL::OpenMT(); $hparams = array(); JLMS_TMPL::ShowHeader('forum', _JLMS_HEAD_FORUM_STR, $hparams); if ($msg) { JLMS_TMPL::ShowSysMessage($msg); } JLMS_TMPL::OpenTS('', ' align="center" style="text-align:center; width:100%; height:100% " valign="top"'); if ($msg) { ?> <br /> <form action="<?php echo sefRelToAbs("index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}"); ?> " enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" name="adminForm"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center"> <tr> <td align="center"> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center"> <tr> <td align="left"> <label for="mod_login_username"> <?php echo _USERNAME; ?> </label> </td> <td align="left"> <input name="username" id="mod_login_username" type="text" class="inputbox" alt="username" size="10" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left"> <label for="mod_login_password"> <?php echo _PASSWORD; ?> </label> </td> <td align="left"> <input type="password" id="mod_login_password" name="passwd" class="inputbox" size="10" alt="password" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="center"> <input type="submit" name="Submit" class="button" value="<?php echo _BUTTON_LOGIN; ?> " /> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <input type="hidden" name="option" value="<?php echo $option; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="Itemid" value="<?php echo $Itemid; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="task" value="login_to_forum" /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $course_id; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="boxchecked" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="state" value="0" /> </form> <?php } else { ?> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function iFrameHeight() { var h = 0; if ( !document.all ) { h = document.getElementById('blockrandom').contentDocument.height; document.getElementById('blockrandom').style.height = h + 60 + 'px'; } else if( document.all ) { h = document.frames('blockrandom').document.body.scrollHeight; = h + 20 + 'px'; } } </script> <iframe onload="iFrameHeight()" id="blockrandom" name="iframe" src="<?php echo $link; ?> " width="100%" height="800px" scrolling="auto" align="top" frameborder="0" class="wrapper" style="width:100%"> <?php echo _JLMS_IFRAMES_REQUIRES; ?> <br /><a href="<?php echo sefRelToAbs("index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}&task=details_course&id={$course_id}"); ?> ">Return to the course home page</a> </iframe> <?php } JLMS_TMPL::CloseTS(); JLMS_TMPL::CloseMT(); }
function showEditScorm(&$row, &$lists, $option, $params, $lp_params) { global $Itemid, $_MAMBOTS, $JLMS_CONFIG; ?> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- function setgood() { return true; } var tmp_sl_var = <?php echo $params->get('scorm_layout', 0); ?> ; function submitbutton(pressbutton, jform_name) { var form = eval("document."+jform_name);//adminForm; try { form.onsubmit(); } catch(e) { //alert(e); } if (pressbutton == 'cancel_scorm') { form.task.value = 'cancel_scorm'; form.submit(); } else { if (pressbutton == 'save_scorm') { form.task.value = 'save_scorm'; form.submit(); } } } function jlms_change_scorm_stages_view() { if (tmp_sl_var == 1) { $('scorm_stage_width_section').style.display = ''; } else { $('scorm_stage_width_section').style.display = 'none'; } } function jlms_dis_forms(elem, type) { var form = document.adminFormsc; if (type == 1 || type == '1') { if (elem.checked) { scorm_upl_type = 1; elem.form.scorm_file.disabled = false; document.adminFormsc.scorm_ftp_file.disabled = true; form.scorm_upl_type.value = 1; } else { scorm_upl_type = 2; elem.form.scorm_file.disabled = true; document.adminFormsc.scorm_ftp_file.disabled = false; } } if (type == 2 || type == '2') { if (elem.checked) { scorm_upl_type = 2; elem.form.scorm_file.disabled = true; document.adminFormsc.scorm_ftp_file.disabled = false; form.scorm_upl_type.value = 2; } else { scorm_upl_type = 1; elem.form.scorm_file.disabled = false; document.adminFormsc.scorm_ftp_file.disabled = true; } } } --> </script> <?php JLMS_TMPL::OpenMT(); $hparams = array('show_menu' => true, 'simple_menu' => true); $toolbar = array(); $title = ''; $title = $row->id ? _JLMS_DOCS_EDIT_SCORM_PACKAGE : _JLMS_DOCS_NEW_SCORM_PACKAGE; JLMS_TMPL::ShowHeader('outdoc', $title, $hparams, $toolbar); JLMS_TMPL::OpenTS('', ' valign="top"'); if (!$row->id || $row->id && $row->folder_flag == 3) { ?> <form action="<?php echo sefRelToAbs("index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}"); ?> " method="post" name="adminFormsc" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="setgood();"> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="jlms_properties_table"> <tr> <td align="left" class="contentheading" valign="middle" style="vertical-align:middle "> </td> <td align="right" style="text-align:right "> <?php $toolbar = array(); $toolbar[] = array('btn_type' => 'save', 'btn_js' => "javascript:submitbutton('save_scorm', 'adminFormsc');"); $toolbar[] = array('btn_type' => 'cancel', 'btn_js' => "javascript:submitbutton('cancel_scorm', 'adminFormsc');"); echo JLMS_ShowToolbar($toolbar); ?> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="jlms_properties_table"> <tr> <td width="30%"><?php echo _JLMS_ENTER_NAME; ?> <br /></td> <td> <input size="40" class="inputbox" type="text" name="doc_name" value="<?php echo $row->doc_name; ?> " /><br /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><input id="scorm_upl_type_1" type="radio" name="scorm_upl_type" value="1" checked="checked" onchange="jlms_dis_forms(this,1);" /> <label for="scorm_upl_type_1"><strong><?php echo _JLMS_LPATH_CHOOSE_LOCAL_FILE; ?> </strong></label></td> </tr> <tr> <td><?php echo _JLMS_CHOOSE_FILE; ?> </td> <td> <input size="40" class="inputbox" type="file" name="scorm_file" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><input id="scorm_upl_type_2" type="radio" name="scorm_upl_type" value="2" onchange="jlms_dis_forms(this,2);" /> <label for="scorm_upl_type_2"><strong><?php echo _JLMS_LPATH_CHOOSE_FTP_FILE; ?> </strong></label></td> </tr> <tr> <td><?php echo _JLMS_CHOOSE_FILE; ?> </td> <td> <input size="40" class="inputbox" type="text" disabled="disabled" name="scorm_ftp_file" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="middle" style="vertical-align:middle"><br /><?php echo _JLMS_PLACE_IN; ?> </td> <td><br /><?php echo $lists['course_folders']; ?> </td> </tr> <tr id="scorm_stage_width_section"<?php if ($params->get('scorm_layout', 0) == 0) { echo ' style="display:none"'; } ?> > <td><br /><?php echo _JLMS_LP_SCORM_DISPLAY_WIDTH; ?> </td> <td><br /> <input size="40" class="inputbox" type="text" name="scorm_width" value="<?php echo $row->scorm_width; ?> " /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><br /><?php echo _JLMS_LP_SCORM_DISPLAY_HEIGHT; ?> </td> <td><br /> <input size="40" class="inputbox" type="text" name="scorm_height" value="<?php echo $row->scorm_height; ?> " /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><br /><?php echo _JLMS_LPATH_SCORM_NAV_BAR_OPTION; ?> </td> <td><br /> <select class="inputbox" size="1" name="params[scorm_nav_bar]" onchange="tmp_nb_var = this.value;jlms_change_scorm_stages_view();"> <option<?php if ($params->get('scorm_nav_bar', 0) == 0) { echo ' selected="selected"'; } ?> value="0"><?php echo _JLMS_LP_SCORM_NAV_BAR_HIDE; ?> </option> <option<?php if ($params->get('scorm_nav_bar', 0) == 1) { echo ' selected="selected"'; } ?> value="1"><?php echo _JLMS_LP_SCORM_NAV_BAR_TOP; ?> </option> <option<?php if ($params->get('scorm_nav_bar', 0) == 2) { echo ' selected="selected"'; } ?> value="2"><?php echo _JLMS_LP_SCORM_NAV_BAR_LEFT; ?> </option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><br /><?php echo _JLMS_LP_SCORM_LAYOUT_TYPE; ?> </td> <td><br /> <select class="inputbox" size="1" name="params[scorm_layout]" onchange="tmp_sl_var = this.value;jlms_change_scorm_stages_view();"> <option<?php if ($params->get('scorm_layout', 0) == 0) { echo ' selected="selected"'; } ?> value="0"><?php echo _JLMS_LP_SCORM_LAYOUT_INLINE; ?> </option> <option<?php if ($params->get('scorm_layout', 0) == 1) { echo ' selected="selected"'; } ?> value="1"><?php echo _JLMS_LP_SCORM_LAYOUT_SBOX; ?> </option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="middle"><br /><?php echo _JLMS_OUTDOCS_VISFOR; ?> </td> <td><br /> <?php $chk1 = ''; $chk2 = ''; $chk3 = ''; if ($row->outdoc_share == 0) { $chk1 = ' checked="checked"'; } if ($row->outdoc_share == 1) { $chk2 = ' checked="checked"'; } if ($row->outdoc_share == 2) { $chk3 = ' checked="checked"'; } ?> <input type="radio" name="outdoc_share" id="outdoc_share0" value="0"<?php echo $chk1; ?> /><label for="outdoc_share0"><?php echo _JLMS_OUTDOCS_PRIVATE; ?> </label> <input type="radio" name="outdoc_share" id="outdoc_share1" value="1"<?php echo $chk2; ?> /><label for="outdoc_share1"><?php echo _JLMS_OUTDOCS_TEACHERS; ?> </label> <input type="radio" name="outdoc_share" id="outdoc_share2" value="2"<?php echo $chk3; ?> /><label for="outdoc_share2"><?php echo _JLMS_OUTDOCS_ALL; ?> </label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><br /><?php echo _JLMS_OUTDOCS_SHOWCOURSES; ?> </td> <td><br /><?php echo $lists['share_to_courses']; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" valign="top" align="left" style="text-align:left "><br /><?php echo _JLMS_DESCRIPTION; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <?php JLMS_editorArea('editor1', $row->doc_description, 'doc_description', '100%;', '250', '40', '20'); ?> </td> </tr> </table> <input type="hidden" name="option" value="<?php echo $option; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="Itemid" value="<?php echo $Itemid; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="task" value="save_scorm" /> <input type="hidden" name="boxchecked" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $row->id; ?> " /> </form> <?php } JLMS_TMPL::CloseTS(); JLMS_TMPL::CloseMT(); }
function showCourseCertificate($course_id, $option, $row, $lists) { global $Itemid; ?> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> <!--//--><![CDATA[//><!-- function CRT_save(pressbutton) { var form = document.adminForm; form.task.value = pressbutton; form.submit(); } function CRT_preview(txt_tooltip) { } //--><!]]> </script> <?php JLMS_TMPL::OpenMT(); $hparams = array(); $toolbar = array(); $toolbar[] = array('btn_type' => 'save', 'btn_js' => "javascript:CRT_save('crt_save')"); $toolbar[] = array('btn_type' => 'preview', 'btn_js' => "javascript:jlms_ShowCertificatePreview()"); $toolbar[] = array('btn_type' => 'back', 'btn_js' => sefRelToAbs("index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}&task=gradebook&id={$course_id}")); JLMS_TMPL::ShowHeader('certificate', _JLMS_GBC_TITLE, $hparams, $toolbar); JLMS_TMPL::OpenTS(); ?> <form action="<?php echo sefRelToAbs("index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}"); ?> " method="post" name="adminForm" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <?php require_once _JOOMLMS_FRONT_HOME . "/includes/lms_certificates.php"; JLMS_Certificates::JLMS_editCertificate_Page($row, true); ?> <input type="hidden" name="option" value="<?php echo $option; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="Itemid" value="<?php echo $Itemid; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="task" value="gb_certificates" /> <input type="hidden" name="state" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="boxchecked" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $course_id; ?> " /> </form> <?php JLMS_TMPL::CloseTS(); JLMS_TMPL::CloseMT(); }
function ShowCart($option, &$subscriptions, &$lists, $procs = array()) { global $Itemid, $JLMS_CONFIG, $JLMS_SESSION, $JLMS_DB, $my; $jlms_tax_counting = $JLMS_CONFIG->get('enabletax'); $sub_total = 0; $tax_amount = 0; $rows2 = array(); $custom_code = ''; $discounts = array(); $app =& JFactory::getApplication(); $coupon_code = $app->getUserStateFromRequest('com_joomla_lms_dis_coupon_code', 'dis_coupon_code', ''); $discounts['t_coupon_disc'] = JLMS_DISCOUNTS::getTotalCouponDiscount($coupon_code, $subscriptions); $discounts['t_disc'] = JLMS_DISCOUNTS::getTotalDiscounts($subscriptions); // counting taxes if ($jlms_tax_counting) { $is_cb_installed = $JLMS_CONFIG->get('is_cb_installed', 0); $get_country_info = $JLMS_CONFIG->get('get_country_info', 0); $cb_country_filed_id = intval($JLMS_CONFIG->get('jlms_cb_country')); $isset_country = false; if ($is_cb_installed && $get_country_info && $cb_country_filed_id) { //by Max (get country info) $query = "SELECT" . "\n FROM #__comprofiler_fields as cf" . "\n WHERE 1" . "\n AND cf.fieldid = '" . $cb_country_filed_id . "'"; $JLMS_DB->setQuery($query); $cb_country_field_name = $JLMS_DB->loadResult(); $query = "SELECT " . $cb_country_field_name . "" . "\n FROM #__comprofiler" . "\n WHERE 1" . "\n AND user_id = '" . $my->id . "'"; $JLMS_DB->setQuery($query); $country_name = $JLMS_DB->loadResult(); require_once 'components' . DS . $option . DS . 'includes' . DS . 'libraries' . DS . 'lms.lib.countries.php'; $CodeCountry = new CodeCountries(); $code = $CodeCountry->code($country_name); if ($code) { $user_country = $code; } $user_country_name = ''; $us_state = ''; } else { $ip_address = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; //$ip_address = ''; // $ip_address = ''; // $ip_address = ''; if (@ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) { $fn = @file('' . $ip_address); // country ip identified if ($fn != false) { $ip_info = implode('', $fn); preg_match_all("(\\(..\\))", $ip_info, $dop); $user_country = str_replace('(', '', str_replace(")", '', $dop[0][0])); preg_match_all("(\\:.*\\()", $ip_info, $dop2); $user_country_name = str_replace(': ', '', str_replace(" (", '', $dop2[0][0])); preg_match_all("(\\, ..)", $ip_info, $dop3); $us_state = @str_replace(', ', '', $dop3[0][0]); } } } if (isset($user_country)) { $query = "SELECT * FROM #__lms_subscriptions_countries WHERE published = 1 AND code='" . $user_country . "' "; $JLMS_DB->setQuery($query); $rows2 = $JLMS_DB->loadObjectList(); // if no country found if (!count($rows2)) { // check if in EU $query = "SELECT * FROM #__lms_subscriptions_countries WHERE published = 1 AND code='EU' AND list REGEXP '" . $user_country . "' "; $JLMS_DB->setQuery($query); $rows_eu = $JLMS_DB->loadObjectList(); if (count($rows_eu)) { $isset_country = true; $rows2[0]->tax_type = $rows_eu[0]->tax_type; $rows2[0]->tax = $rows_eu[0]->tax; $user_country_name = $rows_eu[0]->name . ' (' . $user_country_name . ')'; } } else { $isset_country = true; } // additional check for US if ($user_country == 'US') { $query = "SELECT * FROM #__lms_subscriptions_countries WHERE published = 1 AND code = 'US-" . $us_state . "' "; $JLMS_DB->setQuery($query); $rows_states = $JLMS_DB->loadObjectList(); if (count($rows_states)) { $isset_country = true; $rows2 = array(); $rows2[0]->tax_type = $rows_states[0]->tax_type; $rows2[0]->tax = $rows_states[0]->tax; $user_country_name = 'United states (' . $rows_states[0]->name . ' )'; } } } //10.01.09 (Max) default tax option if (!$isset_country) { $rows2[0]->tax_type = $JLMS_CONFIG->get('default_tax_type', 1); $rows2[0]->tax = $JLMS_CONFIG->get('default_tax', 0); } } ?> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- function jq_Check_selectCheckbox(check_name, form_name) { selItem = eval("document."+form_name+"['"+check_name+"']"); if (selItem) { if (selItem.length) { var i; for (i = 0; i<selItem.length; i++) { if (selItem[i].checked) { if (selItem[i].value) { return true; } }} } else if (selItem.checked) { return true; }} return false; } function jlms_submitbutton(pressbutton) { var form = document.JLMS_adminForm; if( pressbutton == 'remove_from_cart' ){ var ttt = jq_Check_selectCheckbox('jlms_sub[]', 'JLMS_adminForm'); if (ttt) { form.task.value = pressbutton; form.submit(); } else { alert("<?php echo _JLMS_ALERT_SELECT_ITEM; ?> "); } } if( pressbutton == 'update_cart' ){ form.task.value = pressbutton; form.submit(); } if (pressbutton == 'cart_login') { form.task.value = pressbutton; form.submit(); } if (pressbutton == 'apply_coupon_code') { form.task.value = pressbutton; form.submit(); } } //--> </script> <form action="<?php echo sefRelToAbs("index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}"); ?> " method="post" name="JLMS_adminForm"> <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $option; ?> " name="option"> <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $Itemid; ?> " name="Itemid"> <input type="hidden" value="" name="task"> <input type="hidden" value="" name="id"> <?php JLMS_TMPL::OpenMT(); $params = array('show_menu' => true, 'simple_menu' => true); JLMS_TMPL::ShowHeader('cart', _JLMS_MY_CART, $params); JLMS_TMPL::ShowPageTip('show_cart'); JLMS_TMPL::CloseMT(); $count_subs = count($subscriptions); ?> <br /> <?php if ($count_subs > 0) { ?> <input type="text" name="dis_coupon_code" value="<?php echo $coupon_code; ?> " /> <input type="button" value="Check coupon" onclick="jlms_submitbutton('apply_coupon_code');" /> <?php } ?> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" class="jlms_cart_list_outer" style="width:100%"> <?php if ($count_subs > 0) { ?> <tr> <td> <?php $need_upd_txt = false; for ($i = 0, $n = count($subscriptions); $i < $n; $i++) { if (isset($subscriptions[$i]->allow_multiple) && $subscriptions[$i]->allow_multiple) { $need_upd_txt = true; break; } } $jlms_cs = $JLMS_CONFIG->get('jlms_cur_sign'); $total_subs = 0; $total_disc = 0; $total_tax = 0; $discounts['total_p_disc'] = 0; $reccSubId = false; for ($i = 0, $n = count($subscriptions); $i < $n; $i++) { JLMS_CART_html::initSubscriptionPaymentParams($subscriptions[$i], $rows2); if ($subscriptions[$i]->account_type == '6') { $reccSubId = $i; } if (isset($subscriptions[$i]->count_items) && $subscriptions[$i]->count_items && isset($subscriptions[$i]->allow_multiple) && $subscriptions[$i]->allow_multiple) { $total_subs += $subscriptions[$i]->sub_total * $subscriptions[$i]->count_items; $total_tax += $subscriptions[$i]->tax_amount * $subscriptions[$i]->count_items; $total_disc += $subscriptions[$i]->disc * $subscriptions[$i]->count_items; } else { $total_subs += $subscriptions[$i]->sub_total; $total_tax += $subscriptions[$i]->tax_amount; $total_disc += $subscriptions[$i]->disc; } if ($subscriptions[$i]->p_coupon_disc || $subscriptions[$i]->p_disc) { $params['showDiscount'] = true; } } if (isset($rows2[0]->tax_type) && $rows2[0]->tax_type == 2) { $total_tax += $rows2[0]->tax; // if tx is not in percentage.... } $discounts['total_p_disc'] = $total_disc; $total_disc = $total_disc + ($discounts['t_coupon_disc'] + $discounts['t_disc']); $total_price = $total_subs - $total_disc; if ($total_price < 0) { $total_price = $total_tax; } else { $total_price += $total_tax; } $price_diff = $total_subs - $total_disc; if ($price_diff < 0) { $balance = abs($price_diff); } else { $balance = 0; } $recurr_total_desc = ''; if ($reccSubId !== false) { $price = JLMS_RECURRENT_PAY::getPriceDesc($subscriptions[$reccSubId], 'basket_list', $balance, $total_price); $recurr_total_desc = JLMS_RECURRENT_PAY::getPriceDesc($subscriptions[$reccSubId], 'total', $balance, $total_price); if ($total_price == 0) { $total_price = JLMS_RECURRENT_PAY::getAmountFromReccurentPrice($subscriptions[$reccSubId]); } } ?> <div style="float:right; padding-top:5px; padding-right:25px"> <b><?php echo _JLMS_SUBSCR_SUB_TOTAL . ' ' . $jlms_cs . sprintf('%.2f', round($total_price, 2)); ?> </b> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <?php if ($need_upd_txt) { ?> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="jlms_table_no_borders"> <tr> <td><div style="float:right; text-align:center"><?php echo _JLMS_CART_HAVE_CHANGED_QUANTITY; ?> <a href="javascript:jlms_submitbutton('update_cart');"><?php echo _JLMS_CART_UPDATE; ?> </a></div></td> </tr> </table> <?php } ?> <?php $do_show_index = false; for ($i = 0, $n = count($subscriptions); $i < $n; $i++) { $subscription = $subscriptions[$i]; $s = 1; foreach ($subscription->course_names as $course_name) { $course_usertype = 0; if (in_array($subscription->courses[$s - 1], $JLMS_CONFIG->get('teacher_in_courses', array(0)))) { $course_usertype = 1; } elseif (in_array($subscription->courses[$s - 1], $JLMS_CONFIG->get('student_in_courses', array(0)))) { $course_usertype = 2; } if ($course_usertype) { $do_show_index = true; break; } $s++; } if ($do_show_index) { break; } } ?> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('jlmslist', 'jlms_cart_list'); ?> "> <tr> <?php if ($do_show_index) { ?> <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> " align="center" width="16">#</<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> ><?php } ?> <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> " align="left" width="20"> </<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> > <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> " align="left"><?php echo _JLMS_SUBSCRIBE_SUB_COURSES; ?> </<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> > <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> " align="left"><?php echo _JLMS_DETAILS; ?> </<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> > <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> " align="center" width="170"><?php echo _JLMS_COURSES_PRICE; ?> </<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> > <?php if (isset($params['showDiscount']) && $params['showDiscount']) { ?> <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> " align="center" width="40" nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo _JLMS_CART_DISCOUNT; ?> </<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> > <?php } if (isset($rows2[0]) && $rows2[0]->tax_type == 1 && $rows2[0]->tax) { ?> <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> " align="center" width="40" nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo _JLMS_CART_TAX; ?> </<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> > <?php } ?> <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> " align="center" width="40" nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo _JLMS_CART_QUANTITY; ?> </<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> > </tr> <?php for ($i = 0, $n = count($subscriptions); $i < $n; $i++) { $subscription = $subscriptions[$i]; $tax_amount = 0; $disc = 0; if ($subscription->account_type != '6') { $price = $jlms_cs . sprintf('%.2f', round($subscriptions[$i]->sub_total, 2)); } $price_sub = $price; $custom_code .= JLMS_CART_html::ShowSub($subscription, $i + 1, '', $price_sub, $do_show_index, false, $params); } ?> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <div style="float:right; padding-top:5px; padding-right:25px; text-align:right;"> <?php if ($total_tax || $total_disc) { echo '<b>' . $jlms_cs . sprintf('%.2f', round($total_subs, 2)) . '</b><br />'; if ($total_disc) { echo '<b>' . _JLMS_SUBSCR_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT . ' ' . $jlms_cs . sprintf('%.2f', round($total_disc, 2)) . '</b><br />'; } if ($total_tax) { echo '<b>' . _JLMS_SUBSCR_TAX_AMOUNT . ' ' . $jlms_cs . sprintf('%.2f', round($total_tax, 2)) . '</b><br />'; } } echo '<b>' . _JLMS_SUBSCR_SUB_TOTAL . ' ' . $jlms_cs . sprintf('%.2f', round($total_price, 2)) . '</b><br />'; echo '<b>' . $recurr_total_desc . '</b>'; ?> </div> </td> </tr> <?php $controls = array(); if ($JLMS_CONFIG->get('under_ssl') && $JLMS_CONFIG->get('real_live_site')) { $temp_href = $JLMS_CONFIG->get('real_live_site') . "/index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}&task=subscription"; } else { $temp_href = $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site') . "/index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}&task=subscription"; } $controls[] = array('href' => $temp_href, 'title' => _JLMS_CART_BACK_TO_SHOP, 'img' => 'back'); $controls[] = array('href' => "javascript:jlms_submitbutton('remove_from_cart');", 'title' => _JLMS_CART_REMOVE, 'img' => 'cartremove'); JLMS_TMPL::ShowControlsFooter($controls, '', false); ?> </table> <?php if ($my->id && !empty($procs)) { JLMS_TMPL::OpenMT('jlms_table_no_borders'); JLMS_TMPL::OpenTS(); $sub_proc = $JLMS_SESSION->get('sub_proc'); if (isset($_COOKIE['proc_id'])) { $sub_proc = $_COOKIE['proc_id']; } $temp2 = ""; foreach ($procs as $proc) { $checked = ''; if (count($procs) == 1) { $temp2 = "checkProcessor('" . $proc->id . "','" . $proc->filename . "');"; $checked = 'checked="checked"'; } if ($sub_proc) { if ($sub_proc == $proc->id) { $temp2 = "checkProcessor('" . $proc->id . "','" . $proc->filename . "');"; $checked = 'checked="checked"'; } } else { if ($proc->default_p) { $temp2 = "checkProcessor('" . $proc->id . "','" . $proc->filename . "');"; $checked = 'checked="checked"'; } } echo '<input type="radio" name="proc_id" value="' . $proc->id . '" onclick="checkProcessor(\'' . $proc->id . '\',\'' . $proc->filename . '\');" id="proc_' . $proc->id . '" ' . $checked . ' /> <label class="msspro_sel_proc2" for="proc_' . $proc->id . '">' . $proc->name . '</label><br />'; } if ($temp2) { echo '<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"><!--' . "\r\n"; echo $temp2; echo "\r\n--></script>"; } JLMS_TMPL::CloseTS(); JLMS_TMPL::CloseMT(); } ?> <?php echo "</form>"; if (!$my->id) { JLMS_UserSessions_html::loginPanel(); } } else { echo "<tr><td><div class='joomlalms_sys_message'>"; echo _JLMS_CART_IS_EMPTY; echo '<br />'; if ($JLMS_CONFIG->get('under_ssl') && $JLMS_CONFIG->get('real_live_site')) { $temp_href = $JLMS_CONFIG->get('real_live_site') . "/index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}&task=subscription"; } else { $temp_href = $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site') . "/index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}&task=subscription"; } echo '<a href="' . $temp_href . '" title="' . _JLMS_CART_BACK_TO_SHOP . '">[' . _JLMS_CART_BACK_TO_SHOP . ']</a>'; echo "</div></td></tr></table>"; echo "</form>"; } return $custom_code; }
function show_ErrorMessage($error) { global $Itemid; JLMS_TMPL::OpenMT(); $hparams = array(); JLMS_TMPL::ShowHeader('lpath', _JLMS_LPATH_TITLE, $hparams); JLMS_TMPL::OpenTS(); echo '<div class="joomlalms_sys_message">' . $error . '</div>'; JLMS_TMPL::CloseTS(); JLMS_TMPL::CloseMT(); }
function view_preDeletePage(&$rows, $id, $option) { global $Itemid; ?> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- function submitbutton(pressbutton) { var form = document.adminForm; if ((pressbutton == 'course_delete_yes') && (form.boxchecked.value == "0")){ alert( "<?php echo _JLMS_ALERT_SELECT_ITEM; ?> " ); } else { form.task.value = pressbutton; form.submit(); } } //--> </script> <?php JLMS_TMPL::OpenMT(); $params = array('show_menu' => false, 'sys_msg' => _JLMS_COURSES_DEL_ALERT_MESSAGE, 'toolbar_position' => 'center'); $toolbar = array(); $toolbar[] = array('btn_type' => 'yes', 'btn_js' => "javascript:submitbutton('course_delete_yes');"); $toolbar[] = array('btn_type' => 'cancel', 'btn_js' => "javascript:submitbutton('cancel_course');"); JLMS_TMPL::ShowHeader('course', _JLMS_COURSES_TITLE_DEL_COURSE, $params, $toolbar); JLMS_TMPL::OpenTS(); ?> <br /> <form action="<?php echo sefRelToAbs("index.php?option=" . $option . "&Itemid=" . $Itemid); ?> " method="post" name="adminForm"> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('jlmslist'); ?> "> <tr> <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> width="20" class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> " align="center">#</<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> > <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> width="20" class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> " align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="toggle" value="" onclick="checkAll(<?php echo count($rows); ?> );" /></<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> > <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> "><?php echo _JLMS_COURSES_TBL_HEAD_NAME; ?> </<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> > </tr> <?php $k = 1; for ($i = 0, $n = count($rows); $i < $n; $i++) { $row = $rows[$i]; $checked = JLMS_course_html::idBox($i, $row->id, true); ?> <tr class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableentry' . $k); ?> "> <td align="center"><?php echo $i + 1; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $checked; ?> </td> <td align="left"> <?php echo $row->course_name; ?> </td> </tr> <?php $k = 3 - $k; } ?> </table> <input type="hidden" name="option" value="<?php echo $option; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="Itemid" value="<?php echo $Itemid; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="task" value="delete_course" /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $id; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="boxchecked" value="<?php echo count($rows); ?> " /> </form> <?php JLMS_TMPL::CloseTS(); JLMS_TMPL::CloseMT(); }
function mailbox_users(&$stats, $option, $course_id, &$lists, $filt_group) { global $Itemid, $JLMS_DB, $JLMS_CONFIG; ?> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!--//--><![CDATA[//><!-- var r_count = parseInt('<?php echo (isset($_POST['usr_id']) ? count($_POST['usr_id']) : 0) + (isset($_POST['grp_id']) ? count($_POST['grp_id']) : 0) + (isset($_POST['mail_id']) ? count($_POST['mail_id']) : 0) + (isset($lists['repl']) ? 1 : 0); ?> '); function reanalize_class(){ var tbl_id = getObj('show_mailz'); if(tbl_id.rows[1]){ for(var i=1;i<tbl_id.rows.length;i++){ if((i % 2 + 1)==1){ tbl_id.rows[i].className = 'sectiontableentry1 odd'; } else { tbl_id.rows[i].className = 'sectiontableentry2 even'; } } } } function Delete_tbl_row(element) { var del_index = element.parentNode.parentNode.sectionRowIndex; var tbl_id =; element.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.deleteRow(del_index); r_count = r_count - 1; reanalize_class(); } function ading_row(texts,valuez,group) { var form = document.adminForm; var tbl_id = getObj('show_mailz'); var row = tbl_id.insertRow(1); row.className = "sectiontableentry1 odd"; var cell1 = document.createElement("td"); var cell2 = document.createElement("td"); var cell3 = document.createElement("td"); var cell4 = document.createElement("td"); input_button = document.createElement("IMG"); input_button.src = "<?php echo $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site') . '/' . $JLMS_CONFIG->get('lms_path_to_images') . '/buttons_22/btn_delete_22.png'; ?> "; input_button.onclick = new Function('Delete_tbl_row(this)'); = "pointer"; input_img = document.createElement("IMG"); if(!group) input_img.src = "<?php echo $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site') . '/' . $JLMS_CONFIG->get('lms_path_to_images') . '/buttons_22/btn_edituser_22.png'; ?> "; else input_img.src = "<?php echo $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site') . '/' . $JLMS_CONFIG->get('lms_path_to_images') . '/buttons_22/btn_editusergroup_22.png'; ?> "; cell1.appendChild(input_button); // = "10px;"; cell2.appendChild(input_img); cell3.innerHTML = texts; var input_text = document.createElement("input"); input_text.type = "hidden"; if(group==1) { = "grp_id[]"; input_text.setAttribute("name","grp_id[]"); } else if(group==2) { = "mail_id[]"; input_text.setAttribute("name","mail_id[]"); } else { = "usr_id[]"; input_text.setAttribute("name","usr_id[]"); } input_text.value = valuez; cell3.appendChild(input_text); row.appendChild(cell1); row.appendChild(cell2); row.appendChild(cell3); r_count = r_count + 1; reanalize_class(); } function setgood() { return true; } function submitbutton(pressbutton) { var form = document.adminForm; try { form.onsubmit(); } catch(e) { //alert(e); } if (pressbutton == 'mail_send'){ if (form.jlms_subject.value == ''){ alert('<?php echo _JLMS_MB_ENTER_SUBJECT; ?> '); } else{ if (r_count){ form.task.value = pressbutton; form.submit(); } else{ alert('<?php echo _JLMS_MB_ENTER_USERNAME; ?> '); } } } else { form.task.value = pressbutton; form.submit(); } } function mail_to_text() { var ulist = document.adminForm['mailbox_users[]']; for(i=0;i<ulist.length;i++) { if(ulist[i].value == 0 && ulist[i].selected) { ading_row(ulist[i].text,'<?php echo $filt_group; ?> ',1); break; } else if(ulist[i].selected) { if(ulist[i].value>0) ading_row(ulist[i].text,ulist[i].value,0); else ading_row(ulist[i].text,ulist[i].value,2); } } } //--><!]]> </script> <?php JLMS_TMPL::OpenMT(); if (!$course_id) { $hparams = array('show_menu' => false); } else { $hparams = array(); } $toolbar = array(); $toolbar[] = array('btn_type' => 'mail_inbox', 'btn_js' => "javascript:submitbutton('mailbox');"); $toolbar[] = array('btn_type' => 'mail_outbox', 'btn_js' => "javascript:submitbutton('mail_sendbox');"); $toolbar[] = array('btn_type' => 'send', 'btn_js' => "javascript:submitbutton('mail_send');"); JLMS_TMPL::ShowHeader('mailbox', _JLMS_MB_TITLE, $hparams, $toolbar); JLMS_TMPL::OpenTS(); ?> <form action="<?php echo sefRelToAbs("index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}"); ?> " enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" name="adminForm" onsubmit="setgood();"> <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="jlms_table_no_borders" style="float:left;"> <tr> <td align="left" style="text-align:left; width:360px; " valign="top"> <div align="left" style="white-space:nowrap "> <?php echo $lists['mailbox_users']; ?> </div> <div align="left" style="white-space:nowrap "><?php echo $lists['filter2']; ?> </div> </td> <td width="50" valign="top"> <?php $btn_img = '2rightarrow.png'; // 29.04.2008 - 'alt' and 'src' - changed by DEN echo "<img src=\"" . $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site') . '/' . $JLMS_CONFIG->get('lms_path_to_images') . "/" . $btn_img . "\" alt='>' onclick='mail_to_text();' style='cursor:pointer; padding-top:45px;' />"; ?> </td> <td valign="top" width="45%"> <table id="show_mailz" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('jlmslist'); ?> "> <tr> <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> " width="25"><!-- gg --> </<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> > <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> " width="25"><!-- gg --> </<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> > <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> "><?php echo _JLMS_MB_RECEPIENTS; ?> </<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> > </tr> <?php $z = 0; if (isset($lists['repl'])) { $_POST['usr_id'][0] = $lists['repl']->sender_id; } if (isset($_POST['usr_id']) && count($_POST['usr_id'])) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($_POST['usr_id']); $i++) { if ($_POST['usr_id'][$i]) { echo '<tr class="' . JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableentry' . ($z % 2 + 1)) . '">'; echo '<td width="25" aligh="center"><img src="' . $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site') . '/' . $JLMS_CONFIG->get('lms_path_to_images') . '/buttons_22/btn_delete_22.png" alt="' . _JLMS_DELETE . '" onclick="Delete_tbl_row(this);" style="cursor:pointer;" /></td>'; echo '<td width="10" aligh="center"><img src="' . $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site') . '/' . $JLMS_CONFIG->get('lms_path_to_images') . '//buttons_22/btn_edituser_22.png" /></td>'; if ($JLMS_CONFIG->get('use_global_groups', 0)) { $query = "SELECT,, a.username,, b.ug_name" . "\n FROM #__users as a, #__lms_users_in_global_groups as c" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__lms_usergroups as b ON c.group_id = AND b.course_id = '0'" . "\n WHERE = c.user_id AND" . intval($_POST['usr_id'][$i]) . "" . "\n ORDER BY b.ug_name, a.username"; $JLMS_DB->SetQuery($query); $users = $JLMS_DB->LoadObjectList(); } else { $query = "SELECT,, a.username,, b.ug_name" . "\n FROM #__users as a, #__lms_users_in_groups as c" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__lms_usergroups as b ON c.group_id = AND b.course_id = '" . $course_id . "'" . "\n WHERE = c.user_id AND c.course_id = '" . $course_id . "' AND" . intval($_POST['usr_id'][$i]) . "" . "\n ORDER BY b.ug_name, a.username"; $JLMS_DB->SetQuery($query); $users = $JLMS_DB->LoadObjectList(); } if (!count($users)) { $query = "SELECT username,name FROM #__users WHERE id=" . intval($_POST['usr_id'][$i]); $JLMS_DB->SetQuery($query); $users = $JLMS_DB->LoadObjectList(); if (count($users)) { $users[0]->username = _JLMS_ROLE_TEACHER . ' - ' . $users[0]->username . ' (' . $users[0]->name . ')'; } } else { $users[0]->username = ($users[0]->ug_name ? $users[0]->ug_name : '') . ' - ' . $users[0]->username . ' (' . $users[0]->name . ')'; } echo '<td>' . $users[0]->username . '<input type="hidden" name="usr_id[]" value="' . intval($_POST['usr_id'][$i]) . '" /></td>'; echo '</tr>'; $z++; } } } if (isset($_POST['grp_id']) && count($_POST['grp_id'])) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($_POST['grp_id']); $i++) { echo '<tr class="' . JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableentry' . ($z % 2 + 1)) . '">'; echo '<td width="25" aligh="center"><img src="' . $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site') . '/' . $JLMS_CONFIG->get('lms_path_to_images') . '/buttons_22/btn_delete_22.png" alt="' . _JLMS_DELETE . '" onclick="Delete_tbl_row(this);" style="cursor:pointer;" /></td>'; echo '<td width="10" aligh="center"><img src="' . $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site') . '/' . $JLMS_CONFIG->get('lms_path_to_images') . '/buttons_22/btn_editusergroup_22.png" /></td>'; $query = "SELECT distinct a.ug_name as text FROM #__lms_usergroups as a" . "\n WHERE = '" . intval($_POST['grp_id'][$i]) . "' ORDER BY a.ug_name"; $JLMS_DB->SetQuery($query); echo '<td>' . ($JLMS_DB->loadResult() ? $JLMS_DB->loadResult() : _JLMS_MB_ALL_USRS) . '<input type="hidden" name="grp_id[]" value="' . intval($_POST['grp_id'][$i]) . '" /></td>'; echo '</tr>'; $z++; } } if (isset($_POST['mail_id']) && count($_POST['mail_id'])) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($_POST['mail_id']); $i++) { echo '<tr class="' . JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableentry' . ($z % 2 + 1)) . '">'; echo '<td width="25"><img src="' . $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site') . '/' . $JLMS_CONFIG->get('lms_path_to_images') . '/buttons_22/btn_delete_22.png" alt="' . _JLMS_DELETE . '" onclick="Delete_tbl_row(this);" style="cursor:pointer;" /></td>'; echo '<td width="10"><img src="' . $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site') . '/' . $JLMS_CONFIG->get('lms_path_to_images') . '/buttons_22/btn_editusergroup_22.png" /></td>'; $query = "SELECT pm_name FROM #__lms_messagelist WHERE id=" . intval(abs($_POST['mail_id'][$i])); $JLMS_DB->SetQuery($query); echo '<td>' . ($JLMS_DB->loadResult() ? $JLMS_DB->loadResult() : _JLMS_MB_ALL_USRS) . '<input type="hidden" name="mail_id[]" value="' . intval($_POST['mail_id'][$i]) . '" /></td>'; echo '</tr>'; $z++; } } ?> </table> <br /> </td> </tr> </table> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <br /> <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="jlms_table_no_borders"> <tr> <td valign="top" align="left" > <?php echo _JLMS_MB_SUBJECT; ?> : </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <input type="text" name="jlms_subject" size="60" value="<?php if (isset($lists['repl'])) { echo _JLMS_MB_REPL_RE . $lists['repl']->subject; } ?> " class="inputbox" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left"> <?php echo _JLMS_MB_TEXT . " :"; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <?php $curmsg = ''; if (isset($lists['repl'])) { $date_mas = $lists['repl']->data; $main_data = explode('-', substr($date_mas, 0, 10)); $other_data = explode(':', substr($date_mas, 11, 8)); $view_format = date(_JLMS_MB_REPL_DF, mktime($other_data[0], $other_data[1], $other_data[2], $main_data[1], $main_data[2], $main_data[0])); $curmsg_pre = $view_format . ' ' . _JLMS_MB_REPL_YW . ':<br />'; $linebreak = '<br /><br />'; $str = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < 50; $i++) { $str = $str . '-'; } $linebreak .= $str; $linebreak .= '<br />'; $old_msg_external = $lists['repl']->message; $curmsg = $linebreak . $curmsg_pre . $old_msg_external; } jlms_editorArea('editor1', $curmsg, 'jlms_mailbox_letter', '100%;', '250', '40', '20'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr id="hide"> <td> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="javascript:getObj('attach').style.display = '';getObj('hide').style.display = 'none'"><?php echo _JLMS_MB_ATTACH; ?> </a> </td> </tr> <tr style="display:none " id="attach"> <td> <table class="jlms_table_no_borders" width="100%"> <tr> <td> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="javascript:getObj('attach').style.display = 'none';getObj('hide').style.display = ''"><?php echo _JLMS_MB_HIDE; ?> </a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type="file" name="jlms_attach_file" size="60" class="inputbox" /></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <input type="hidden" name="option" value="<?php echo $option; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="Itemid" value="<?php echo $Itemid; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="task" value="mailbox_new" /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $course_id; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="m_course_id" value="<?php echo isset($lists['repl']->course_id) && $lists['repl']->course_id ? $lists['repl']->course_id : -1; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="boxchecked" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="state" value="0" /> </form> <?php JLMS_TMPL::CloseTS(); JLMS_TMPL::CloseMT(); // 29.04.2008 - line added by DEN (layout fix) }
function showTR_clear($id, $option, &$lists) { global $Itemid, $my, $JLMS_CONFIG; ?> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!--//--><![CDATA[//><!-- window.addEvent('domready', function() { document.adminForm.startday.disabled = true; document.adminForm.startmonth.disabled = true; document.adminForm.startyear.disabled = true; document.adminForm.endday.disabled = true; document.adminForm.endmonth.disabled = true; document.adminForm.endyear.disabled = true; } ); function submitbutton(pressbutton) { var form=document.adminForm; if (is_se == 1) { if (form.start_date.value == ''){jlms_getDate('start');} if (form.end_date.value == ''){jlms_getDate('end');} } if (pressbutton=='track_do_clear') { form.task.value = pressbutton;form.submit(); } } var is_se = 0; function jlms_Change_se(rr) { if (rr) {is_se = 0;} else {is_se = 1;} var form=document.adminForm; form.endday.disabled = rr; form.endmonth.disabled = rr; form.endyear.disabled = rr; form.startday.disabled = rr; form.startmonth.disabled = rr; form.startyear.disabled = rr; } //--><!]]> </script> <?php JLMS_TMPL::OpenMT(); $hparams = array(); $toolbar = array(); $toolbar[] = array('btn_type' => 'clear', 'btn_js' => "javascript:submitbutton('track_do_clear')"); $toolbar[] = array('btn_type' => 'cancel', 'btn_js' => sefRelToAbs("index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}&task=tracking&id={$id}")); JLMS_TMPL::ShowHeader('tracking', _JLMS_TRACK_CLEAR_TITLE, $hparams, $toolbar); JLMS_TMPL::OpenTS(); ?> <form action="<?php echo sefRelToAbs("index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}"); ?> " method="post" name="adminForm"> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="jlms_table_no_borders"> <tr> <td width="15%" valign="top" align="left"><br /> </td> <td valign="top"><br /> <input type="radio" onclick="jlms_Change_se(true)" name="tr_clear_type" value="1" checked="checked" /><?php echo _JLMS_TRACK_CLEAR_ALL; ?> <br /> <input type="radio" onclick="jlms_Change_se(false)" name="tr_clear_type" value="2" /><?php echo _JLMS_TRACK_CLEAR_PERIOD; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="middle"><br /><?php echo _JLMS_START_DATE; ?> </td> <td valign="middle" style="vertical-align:middle "><br /> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="jlms_date_outer"><tr> <td valign="middle"> <?php echo JLMS_HTML::_('calendar.calendar', '', 'start', 'start'); ?> </td></tr></table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><br /><?php echo _JLMS_END_DATE; ?> </td> <td valign="middle" style="vertical-align:middle "><br /> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="jlms_date_outer"><tr> <td valign="middle" ><?php echo JLMS_HTML::_('calendar.calendar', '', 'end', 'end'); ?> </td></tr></table> </td> </tr> </table> <input type="hidden" name="option" value="<?php echo $option; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="Itemid" value="<?php echo $Itemid; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="task" value="track_clear" /> <input type="hidden" name="boxchecked" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $id; ?> " /> </form> <?php JLMS_TMPL::CloseTS(); JLMS_TMPL::CloseMT(); }
function showQuizHead2($id, $option, $header = _JLMS_QUIZ_TITLE, $show_menu = true, $toolbar = array(), $add_options = '', $form_quiz = '', $gqp = false) { global $Itemid; $JLMS_ACL =& JLMSFactory::getACL(); JLMS_TMPL::OpenMT(); if ($gqp) { $hparams = array('show_menu' => true, 'simple_menu' => true); } else { $hparams = array(); } JLMS_TMPL::ShowHeader('quiz', $header, $hparams, array()); if ($show_menu) { $controls = array(); if (!$gqp) { if ($JLMS_ACL->CheckPermissions('quizzes', 'manage')) { $controls[] = array('href' => sefRelToAbs("index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}&id={$id}&task=quizzes&page=cats"), 'title' => _JLMS_QUIZ_CATS_TITLE, 'img' => 'quiz/btn_cats.png'); } $controls[] = array('href' => sefRelToAbs("index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}&id={$id}&task=quizzes&page=quizzes"), 'title' => _JLMS_QUIZ_TITLE, 'img' => 'quiz/btn_quizzes.png'); if ($JLMS_ACL->CheckPermissions('quizzes', 'view_stats')) { $controls[] = array('href' => sefRelToAbs("index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}&id={$id}&task=quizzes&page=reports"), 'title' => _JLMS_QUIZ_REPORTS_TITLE, 'img' => 'quiz/btn_reports.png'); } if ($JLMS_ACL->CheckPermissions('quizzes', 'manage')) { $controls[] = array('href' => sefRelToAbs("index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}&id={$id}&task=quizzes&page=certificates"), 'title' => _JLMS_QUIZ_CERTIFICATES_TITLE, 'img' => 'buttons_22/btn_certificates_22.png'); $controls[] = array('href' => sefRelToAbs("index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}&id={$id}&task=quizzes&page=imgs"), 'title' => _JLMS_QUIZ_IMGS_TITLE, 'img' => 'buttons_22/btn_images_22.png'); } if (count($toolbar)) { $controls[] = array('href' => 'spacer'); } } foreach ($toolbar as $toolbar_btn) { $pre_folder = 'quiz'; $btn_img = ''; $btn_str = $toolbar_btn['btn_txt']; switch ($toolbar_btn['btn_type']) { case 'csv_import': $btn_img = 'btn_csv_import_22.png'; $pre_folder = 'buttons_22'; break; case 'csv_export': $btn_img = 'btn_csv_export_22.png'; $pre_folder = 'buttons_22'; break; case 'category': $btn_img = 'btn_cats.png'; $pre_folder = 'quiz'; break; case 'published': $btn_img = 'btn_publish_22.png'; $pre_folder = 'buttons_22'; break; case 'unpublished': $btn_img = 'btn_unpublish_22.png'; $pre_folder = 'buttons_22'; break; case 'print': $btn_img = 'btn_print.png'; break; case 'preview': $btn_img = 'btn_preview.png'; break; case 'move': $btn_img = 'btn_move.png'; break; case 'copy': $btn_img = 'btn_copy.png'; break; case 'save': $btn_img = 'btn_save.png'; break; case 'apply': $btn_img = 'btn_apply.png'; break; case 'back': case 'cancel': $btn_img = 'btn_back.png'; break; case 'del': $btn_img = 'btn_delete.png'; break; case 'edit': $btn_img = 'btn_edit.png'; break; case 'bar': $btn_img = 'btn_bars.png'; break; case 'new': default: $btn_img = 'btn_new.png'; break; } $controls[] = array('href' => $toolbar_btn['btn_js'], 'title' => $btn_str, 'img' => $pre_folder . '/' . $btn_img); } if ($add_options) { $controls[] = array('href' => '', 'title' => '', 'img' => '', 'custom' => $add_options); } //JLMS_TMPL::CloseMT(); JLMS_TMPL::OpenTS(); // echo $form_quiz; JLMS_TMPL::OpenMT('jlms_table_no_borders'); JLMS_TMPL::ShowControlsFooter($controls, '', false, true); } JLMS_TMPL::OpenTS(); }
function showUserAttendance($option, &$rows, &$per_rows, &$date_rows, &$lists) { global $Itemid, $my, $JLMS_CONFIG; $JLMS_ACL =& JLMSFactory::getACL(); ?> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!--//--><![CDATA[//><!-- function submitbutton_change(pressbutton, period_id, state) { var form = document.adminForm; if (pressbutton == 'at_dateschange'){ if (form.boxchecked.value == 0) { alert( "<?php echo _JLMS_ALERT_SELECT_ITEM; ?> " ); } else { form.task.value = pressbutton; form.state.value = state; form.period_id.value = period_id; form.submit(); } } } function submitbutton_change_user(pressbutton, period_id, state, cid_id, at_date_value) { var form = document.adminForm; if (pressbutton == 'at_uchange'){ form.cid2.value = cid_id; form.task.value = pressbutton; form.at_date.value = at_date_value; form.state.value = state; form.period_id.value = period_id; form.submit(); } } function pickup_date(){ var form = document.adminForm; form.at_date.value = form.pick_date.value; form.submit(); } //--><!]]> </script> <?php JLMS_TMPL::OpenMT(); $hparams = array(); $toolbar = array(); if ($JLMS_ACL->CheckPermissions('attendance', 'manage')) { $hparams['second_tb_header'] = $lists['username'] . ', ' . $lists['name']; $toolbar[] = array('btn_type' => 'back', 'btn_js' => sefRelToAbs("index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}&task=attendance&id=" . $lists['course_id'])); } JLMS_TMPL::ShowHeader('attendance', $JLMS_ACL->CheckPermissions('attendance', 'manage') ? _JLMS_ATT_TITLE : _JLMS_ATT_TITLE_STU, $hparams, $toolbar); if ($JLMS_ACL->CheckPermissions('attendance', 'manage')) { JLMS_TMPL::OpenTS('', ' class="contentheading"'); //echo $lists['username'].', '.$lists['name']; JLMS_TMPL::CloseTS(); } JLMS_TMPL::OpenTS(); ?> <form action="<?php echo sefRelToAbs("index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}"); ?> " method="post" name="adminForm"> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="jlms_table_no_borders"> <tr> <td align="left" style="text-align:left "> <div align="left" style="white-space:nowrap "> </div> </td> <td align="right" style="text-align:right "> <div align="right" style="white-space:nowrap "> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="height:16px" class="jlms_table_no_borders"> <tr> <td><?php echo $lists['filter']; ?> </td> <td valign="middle" align="center" width="16"> <?php echo JLMS_HTML::_('calendar.calendar', $lists['at_date'], 'pick', 'pick', null, null, 'statictext'); ?> </td><td valign="middle" align="center" width="18" style="vertical-align:middle "> <a class="jlms_img_link" href="javascript:pickup_date();" title="<?php echo _JLMS_AGENDA_GO_DATE; ?> "> <img class="JLMS_png" src="<?php echo $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site'); ?> /components/com_joomla_lms/lms_images/agenda/loopnone.png" alt="<?php echo _JLMS_AGENDA_GO_DATE; ?> " title="<?php echo _JLMS_AGENDA_GO_DATE; ?> " border="0" width="16" height="16" /> </a> <noscript> <input type="submit" name="OK" value="OK" /> <input type="hidden" name="no_script" value="1" /> </noscript> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('jlmslist'); ?> "> <tr> <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> width="20" class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> " align="center">#</<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> > <?php if ($JLMS_ACL->CheckPermissions('attendance', 'manage')) { ?> <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> width="20" class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> " align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="toggle" value="" onclick="checkAll(<?php echo count($rows); ?> );" /></<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> > <?php } ?> <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> ">date</<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> > <?php foreach ($per_rows as $per_row) { echo '<' . JLMSCSS::tableheadertag() . ' align=\'center\' nowrap="nowrap" class="' . JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader') . '" style="text-align:center; white-space:nowrap">' . substr($per_row->period_begin, 0, 5) . ' - ' . substr($per_row->period_end, 0, 5) . '</' . JLMSCSS::tableheadertag() . '>'; } ?> </tr> <?php $k = 1; for ($i = 0, $n = count($rows); $i < $n; $i++) { $row = $rows[$i]; #$link = "index.php?option=$option&Itemid=".$Itemid."&task=at_userattend&course_id=".$lists['course_id']."&at_date=".$lists['at_date']."&id={$row->user_id}"; $checked = JLMS_attendance_html::idBox($i, $row->at_date, $row->is_selected); ?> <tr class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableentry' . $k); ?> "> <td align="center" valign="middle"><?php echo $i + 1; ?> </td> <?php if ($JLMS_ACL->CheckPermissions('attendance', 'manage')) { ?> <td><?php echo $checked; ?> </td> <?php } ?> <td align="left" valign="middle" style="vertical-align:middle "> <?php echo JLMS_dateToDisplay($row->at_date); ?> </td> <?php $j = 0; while ($j < count($row->at_stats)) { $alt = $row->at_stats[$j]->at_status ? _JLMS_ATT_STATUS_ATTENDED : _JLMS_ATT_STATUS_NOTATTENDED; $image = $row->at_stats[$j]->at_status ? 'btn_accept.png' : 'btn_cancel.png'; $state = $row->at_stats[$j]->at_status ? 0 : 1; echo '<td align=\'center\' valign="middle" style="vertical-align:middle;text-align:center ">'; if ($JLMS_ACL->CheckPermissions('attendance', 'manage')) { echo '<a class="jlms_img_link" href="javascript:submitbutton_change_user(\'at_uchange\',' . $row->at_stats[$j]->period_id . ',' . $state . ',' . $lists['user_id'] . ',\'' . $row->at_date . '\');" title="' . $alt . '"><img class="JLMS_png" src="' . $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site') . '/components/com_joomla_lms/lms_images/toolbar/' . $image . '" width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="' . $alt . '" /></a>'; } elseif ($JLMS_ACL->CheckPermissions('attendance', 'view')) { echo '<img class="JLMS_png" src="' . $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site') . '/components/com_joomla_lms/lms_images/toolbar/' . $image . '" width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="' . $alt . '" />'; } echo '</td>'; $j++; } ?> </tr> <?php $k = 3 - $k; } if ($JLMS_ACL->CheckPermissions('attendance', 'manage')) { ?> <tr class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableentry' . $k); ?> "> <td colspan="3"><?php echo _JLMS_ATT_WITH_SELECTED; ?> </td> <?php foreach ($per_rows as $per_row) { echo '<td align=\'center\' valign="middle" style="text-align:center; vertical-align:middle;">'; echo '<a class="jlms_img_link" href="javascript:submitbutton_change(\'at_dateschange\',' . $per_row->id . ',1);" title="' . _JLMS_ATT_MARK_ATTENDED . '">'; echo '<img class="JLMS_png" src="' . $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site') . '/components/com_joomla_lms/lms_images/toolbar/btn_accept.png" width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="' . _JLMS_ATT_MARK_ATTENDED . '" />'; echo '</a> '; echo '<a class="jlms_img_link" href="javascript:submitbutton_change(\'at_dateschange\',' . $per_row->id . ',0);" title="' . _JLMS_ATT_MARK_NOTATTENDED . '">'; echo '<img class="JLMS_png" src="' . $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site') . '/components/com_joomla_lms/lms_images/toolbar/btn_cancel.png" width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="' . _JLMS_ATT_MARK_NOTATTENDED . '" />'; echo '</a>'; echo '</td>'; } ?> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> <input type="hidden" name="option" value="<?php echo $option; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="Itemid" value="<?php echo $Itemid; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="task" value="<?php echo $JLMS_ACL->CheckPermissions('attendance', 'manage') ? 'at_userattend' : 'attendance'; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="at_date" value="<?php echo JLMS_dateToDisplay($lists['at_date']); ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="period_id" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="state" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="cid2" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="boxchecked" value="<?php echo $lists['box']; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="course_id" value="<?php echo $lists['course_id']; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $JLMS_ACL->CheckPermissions('attendance', 'manage') ? $lists['user_id'] : $lists['course_id']; ?> " /> </form> <?php JLMS_TMPL::CloseTS(); JLMS_TMPL::CloseMT(); }
function JLMS_sreportScorm($option, &$rows, $start_date, $end_date, &$pageNav, &$lists, $levels, $filt_cat, $filt_group, $is_full) { global $JLMS_CONFIG; $Itemid = $JLMS_CONFIG->get('Itemid'); //FLMS multicat $multicat = array(); if ($JLMS_CONFIG->get('multicat_use', 0)) { $multicat = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($lists as $key => $item) { if (substr($key, 0, 7) == 'filter_') { $multicat[] = $lists['filter_' . $i]; $i++; } } } JLMS_TMPL::OpenMT(); $lists['user_id'] = isset($lists['user_id']) ? $lists['user_id'] : 0; if ($is_full) { $hparams = array('show_menu' => false); } else { $hparams = array('simple_menu' => true); } $toolbar = array(); JLMS_TMPL::ShowHeader('tracking', _JLMS_REPORTS_SCORM . ' ' . date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $hparams, $toolbar); JLMS_TMPL::OpenTS(); ?> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!--//--><![CDATA[//><!-- function pickup_date(){ var form = document.adminForm; form.end_date.value = form.pick_date.value; form.start_date.value = form.pick_to_date.value; var is_cor = 1; if(form.start_date.value.length == 10 && form.end_date.value.length == 10) { if("<?php echo $JLMS_CONFIG->get('date_format', "Y-m-d"); ?> " == "d-m-Y"){ if(form.end_date.value.substring(5)<form.start_date.value.substring(5)){ is_cor = 0; } else if( form.end_date.value.substring(2,5)<form.start_date.value.substring(2,5)){ is_cor = 0; } else if( form.end_date.value.substring(0,2)<form.start_date.value.substring(0,2)){ is_cor = 0; } } else { if(form.end_date.value.substring(0,4)<form.start_date.value.substring(0,4)){ is_cor = 0; } else if ( form.end_date.value.substring(5,7)<form.start_date.value.substring(5,7)){ is_cor = 0; } else if ( form.end_date.value.substring(8,10)<form.start_date.value.substring(8,10)){ is_cor = 0; } } } if(!is_cor){ alert("<?php echo _JLMS_REPORTS_SELECT_DATE; ?> "); } else { form.view.value = ''; form.submit(); } } function pickup_date_reset(){ var form = document.adminForm; form.pick_date.value = '-'; form.pick_to_date.value = '-'; form.end_date.value = form.pick_date.value; form.start_date.value = form.pick_to_date.value; form.view.value = ''; form.submit(); } var old_filters = new Array(); function read_filter(){ var form = document.adminForm; var count_levels = '<?php echo count($levels); ?> '; for(var i=0;i<parseInt(count_levels);i++){ if(form['filter_id_'+i] != null){ old_filters[i] = form['filter_id_'+i].value; } } } function write_filter(){ var form = document.adminForm; var count_levels = '<?php echo count($levels); ?> '; var j; for(var i=0;i<parseInt(count_levels);i++){ if(form['filter_id_'+i+''] != null && form['filter_id_'+i+''].value != old_filters[i]){ j = i; } if(i > j){ if(form['filter_id_'+i] != null){ form['filter_id_'+i].value = 0; } } } } function submitFormView(view){ var form = document.adminForm; form.view.value = view; form.task.value='report_scorm'; form.submit(); } //--><!]]> </script> <?php $action_url = $is_full ? $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site') . "/index.php?tmpl=component&option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}" : sefRelToAbs("index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}"); ?> <form action="<?php echo $action_url; ?> " method="post" name="adminForm"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" id="TheTable" <?php echo $is_full ? "" : 'width="100%"'; ?> > <?php if (!$is_full) { ?> <tr> <td align="<?php echo $is_full ? "left" : "right"; ?> " <?php echo !$is_full ? 'colspan="4"' : ''; ?> > <table <?php echo $is_full ? '' : 'width="30%"'; ?> > <tr> <td valign="top" <?php echo $is_full ? 'width="400"' : 'width="40%"'; ?> > <table width="100%" border="0"> <tr> <td <?php echo $is_full ? 'width="100"' : 'width="20%"'; ?> nowrap="nowrap"> Report Type: </td> <td> <?php echo JLMS_switchType($option); ?> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <td align="left"> <table <?php echo $is_full ? '' : 'width="100%"'; ?> > <tr> <td valign="top" <?php echo $is_full ? 'width="400"' : 'width="40%"'; ?> > <table width="100%" border="0"> <?php if ($is_full) { ?> <tr> <td <?php echo $is_full ? 'width="100"' : 'width="20%"'; ?> nowrap="nowrap"> Report Type: </td> <td> <?php echo JLMS_switchType($option); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <td <?php echo $is_full ? 'width="100"' : 'width="20%"'; ?> nowrap="nowrap"> <?php if ($JLMS_CONFIG->get('multicat_use', 0)) { echo isset($levels[0]->cat_name) && $levels[0]->cat_name != '' ? $levels[0]->cat_name : _JLMS_COURSES_COURSES_GROUPS; } else { echo _JLMS_COURSES_COURSES_GROUPS; } ?> </td> <td> <?php if ($JLMS_CONFIG->get('multicat_use', 0)) { echo $lists['filter_0']; } else { echo $lists['jlms_course_cats']; } ?> </td> </tr> <?php if (count($multicat)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($multicat); $i++) { if ($i > 0) { ?> <tr> <td <?php echo $is_full ? 'width="100"' : 'width="20%"'; ?> nowrap="nowrap"> <?php echo isset($levels[$i]->cat_name) && $levels[$i]->cat_name != '' ? $levels[$i]->cat_name : _JLMS_COURSES_COURSES_GROUPS; ?> </td> <td> <?php echo $lists['filter_' . $i]; ?> </td> </tr> <?php } } } ?> <tr> <td <?php echo $is_full ? 'width="100"' : 'width="20%"'; ?> nowrap="nowrap"> Courses: </td> <td> <?php echo $lists['filt_course']; ?> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td valign="top" <?php echo $is_full ? 'width="400"' : 'width="40%"'; ?> > <table width="100%" border="0"> <?php if ($is_full) { ?> <tr> <td colspan="2"> </td> </tr> <?php } if ($JLMS_CONFIG->get('use_global_groups', 1)) { ?> <tr> <td style="padding-left: 5px;" <?php echo $is_full ? 'width="100"' : 'width="20%"'; ?> nowrap="nowrap"> <?php echo _JLMS_USER_GROUP_INFO; ?> </td> <td> <?php echo $lists['filt_group']; ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <table width="100%" border="0"> <tr> <td style="padding:0px 10px;" width="30">From</td> <td valign="middle" align="center"> <?php echo JLMS_HTML::_('calendar.calendar', $start_date, 'pick_to', 'pick_to', null, null, 'statictext'); ?> </td> <td style="padding:0px 10px;" width="30">To</td> <td valign="middle" align="center"> <?php echo JLMS_HTML::_('calendar.calendar', $end_date, 'pick', 'pick', null, null, 'statictext'); ?> </td> <td valign="middle" align="center" width="18" style="vertical-align:middle "> <a href="javascript:pickup_date_reset();" title=""> <img class="JLMS_png" src="<?php echo $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site'); ?> /components/com_joomla_lms/lms_images/toolbar/btn_publish_hidden.png" alt="" title="Disabled filter date" border="0" width="16" height="16" /> </a> </td> <td valign="middle" align="center" width="18" style="vertical-align:middle "> <a href="javascript:pickup_date();" title=""> <img class="JLMS_png" src="<?php echo $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site'); ?> /components/com_joomla_lms/lms_images/toolbar/btn_accept.png" alt="" title="Enabled filter date" border="0" width="16" height="16" /> </a> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <?php if (!$is_full) { ?> <td style="padding-left:15px; white-space: nowrap;" align="right"> <?php $link = $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site') . "/index.php?tmpl=component&option=" . $option . "&Itemid={$Itemid}&task=report_scorm&is_full=1"; $link .= $filt_group ? "&filt_group=" . $filt_group : ""; $link .= $start_date != "-" ? "&start_date=" . JLMS_dateToDisplay($start_date) : ""; $link .= $end_date != "-" ? "&end_date=" . JLMS_dateToDisplay($end_date) : ""; ?> <a href="<?php echo $link; ?> " target="_blank" title="<?php echo _JLMS_FULL_VIEW_BUTTON; ?> "><?php echo _JLMS_FULL_VIEW_BUTTON; ?> </a> </td> <?php } ?> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <thead> <tr> <td class="sectiontableheader" style="white-space: nowrap;"> Username </td> <td class="sectiontableheader" style="white-space: nowrap;"> Name </td> <td class="sectiontableheader" style="white-space: nowrap;"> Email </td> <td class="sectiontableheader" style="white-space: nowrap;"> Course Name </td> <td class="sectiontableheader" style="white-space: nowrap;"> Course ID </td> <td class="sectiontableheader" style="white-space: nowrap;"> Date </td> <td class="sectiontableheader" style="text-align: center; white-space: nowrap;"> Score </td> <td class="sectiontableheader" style="text-align: center; white-space: nowrap;"> Course Status </td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php $k = 1; for ($i = 0, $n = count($rows); $i < $n; $i++) { $row = $rows[$i]; ?> <tr class="<?php echo "sectiontableentry{$k}"; ?> "> <td> <?php echo $row->username; ?> </td> <td> <?php echo $row->name; ?> </td> <td> <?php echo $row->email; ?> </td> <td> <?php echo $row->course_name; ?> </td> <td> <?php echo $row->lpath_name; ?> </td> <td> <?php if (isset($row->scorm_data) && $row->scorm_data->status) { if ($row->scorm_data->end) { $date_end = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $row->scorm_data->end); echo JLMS_dateToDisplay($date_end); } } ?> </td> <td align="center"> <?php if (isset($row->scorm_data)) { echo $row->scorm_data->score; } ?> </td> <td align="center"> <?php $image = $row->course_status ? 'btn_accept.png' : 'btn_cancel.png'; $alt = $row->course_status ? 'btn_accept' : 'btn_cancel'; $alt .= '" align="top'; echo JLMS_reports_html::publishIcon(0, 0, 0, '', $alt, $image, $option, false); ?> </td> </tr> <?php $k = 3 - $k; } ?> </tbody> </table> <?php if ($lists['user_id'] && !$is_full && count($rows)) { if ($JLMS_CONFIG->get('new_lms_features', 1)) { $controls = array(); $controls[] = array('href' => "javascript:submitFormView('csv');", 'title' => 'CSV', 'img' => 'csv'); JLMS_TMPL::ShowControlsFooterC($controls, '', false, false, _JLMS_EXPORT_TO . ':'); } } ?> <?php if ($lists['user_id'] && !$is_full) { ?> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td align="center"> <?php $link = "index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}&task=report_scorm&filt_group={$filt_group}&filt_cat={$filt_cat}"; $link .= strlen($start_date) ? "&start_date=" . JLMS_dateToDisplay($start_date) : ""; $link .= strlen($end_date) ? "&end_date=" . JLMS_dateToDisplay($end_date) : ""; echo $pageNav->writePagesLinks($link); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center"> <?php echo _JLMS_PN_DISPLAY_NUM . $pageNav->getLimitBox($link) . ' ' . $pageNav->getPagesCounter(); ?> </td> </tr> </table> <?php } ?> <input type="hidden" name="option" value="<?php echo $option; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="Itemid" value="<?php echo $Itemid; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="task" value="report_scorm" /> <input type="hidden" name="view" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="start_date" value="<?php echo $start_date; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="end_date" value="<?php echo $end_date; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="state" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="boxchecked" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="is_full" value="<?php echo $is_full; ?> " /> </form> <?php $action_url = $is_full ? $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site') . "/index.php?tmpl=component&option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}" : sefRelToAbs("index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}"); ?> <form action="<?php echo $action_url; ?> " method="post" name="adminFormCsv"> <input type="hidden" name="option" value="<?php echo $option; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="Itemid" value="<?php echo $Itemid; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="task" value="report_scorm" /> <input type="hidden" name="is_full" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="view" value="" /> </form> <?php JLMS_TMPL::CloseTS(); JLMS_TMPL::CloseMT(); }
function show_all_notices($option, $lists, $total, $pageNav, $limitstart, $limit) { global $JLMS_CONFIG, $Itemid; //FLMS multicat $multicat = array(); if ($JLMS_CONFIG->get('multicat_use', 0)) { $multicat = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($lists as $key => $item) { if (substr($key, 0, 7) == 'filter_') { $multicat[] = $lists['filter_' . $i]; $i++; } } } $link_pages = "index.php?option={$option}&task=view_all_notices"; ?> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!--//--><![CDATA[//><!-- var old_filters = new Array(); function read_filter(){ var form = document.adminForm; var count_levels = '<?php echo count($lists['levels']); ?> '; for(var i=0;i<parseInt(count_levels);i++){ if(form['filter_id_'+i] != null){ old_filters[i] = form['filter_id_'+i].value; } } } function write_filter(){ var form = document.adminForm; var count_levels = '<?php echo count($lists['levels']); ?> '; var j; for(var i=0;i<parseInt(count_levels);i++){ if(form['filter_id_'+i+''] != null && form['filter_id_'+i+''].value != old_filters[i]){ j = i; } if(i > j){ if(form['filter_id_'+i] != null){ form['filter_id_'+i].value = 0; } } } } function submitbutton(pressbutton) { var form = document.adminForm; if ((pressbutton == 'delete_notice_no_ajax' || pressbutton == 'edit_notice_no_ajax') && form.boxchecked.value == '0') { alert('<?php echo _JLMS_ALERT_SELECT_ITEM; ?> '); } else { form.task.value = pressbutton; form.submit(); } } //--><!]]> </script> <form action="<?php echo $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site') . "/index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}"; ?> " method="post" name="adminForm"> <?php JLMS_TMPL::OpenMT(); $params = array('show_menu' => true, 'simple_menu' => true); JLMS_TMPL::ShowHeader('doc', 'View notices', $params); $controls = array(); $controls[] = array('href' => $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site') . "/index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}&task=new_notice_no_ajax", 'title' => 'New Notice', 'img' => 'add'); $controls[] = array('href' => "javascript:submitbutton('edit_notice_no_ajax');", 'title' => 'Edit Notice', 'img' => 'edit'); $controls[] = array('href' => "javascript:submitbutton('delete_notice_no_ajax');", 'title' => 'Delete Notice(s)', 'img' => 'delete'); // $controls[] = array('href' => 'spacer'); JLMS_TMPL::ShowControlsFooter($controls, '', false); JLMS_TMPL::CloseMT(); ?> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td colspan="5"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="right"> <tr> <td align="right"> <?php if ($JLMS_CONFIG->get('multicat_use', 0)) { echo (isset($lists['levels'][0]->cat_name) && $lists['levels'][0]->cat_name != '' ? $lists['levels'][0]->cat_name : _JLMS_COURSES_COURSES_GROUPS) . " " . $lists['filter_0']; } else { echo _JLMS_COURSES_COURSES_GROUPS . " " . $lists['groups_course']; } ?> </td> </tr> <?php if (count($multicat)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($multicat); $i++) { if ($i > 0) { ?> <tr> <td align="right"> <?php echo (isset($lists['levels'][$i]->cat_name) && $lists['levels'][$i]->cat_name != '' ? $lists['levels'][$i]->cat_name : _JLMS_COURSES_COURSES_GROUPS) . " " . $lists['filter_' . $i]; ?> </td> </tr> <?php } } } if (isset($lists['levels'][0]) || count($multicat)) { ?> <tr> <td align="right"> <?php echo $lists['f_course']; ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="5" align="center"> <?php echo $pageNav->writePagesCounter() . ' ' . $pageNav->getLimitBox($link_pages); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="sectiontableheader" width="1%"> # </td> <td class="sectiontableheader" width="1%"> <input type="checkbox" name="toggle" value="" onclick="checkAll(<?php echo count($lists['my_notices']); ?> );" /> </td> <td class="sectiontableheader"> Notice </td> <td class="sectiontableheader" width="20%"> Course name </td> <td class="sectiontableheader" width="10%"> Date </td> </tr> <?php $link_base = 'index.php?option=com_joomla_lms'; $z = $limitstart; $end = $limit + $z; if ($end > $total) { $end = $total + 1; } $k = 1; for ($i = $z; $i < $end; $i++) { if (isset($lists['my_notices'][$i])) { $m_n = $lists['my_notices'][$i]; $link = $link_base; if ($m_n->doc_id) { $link .= '&task=' . $m_n->task . '&course_id=' . $m_n->course_id . '&id=' . $m_n->doc_id . ''; } else { $link .= '&task=' . $m_n->task . '&id=' . $m_n->course_id . ''; } $checked = mosHTML::idBox($i, $m_n->id); ?> <tr class="<?php echo "sectiontableentry{$k}"; ?> "> <td align="center" width="1%"><?php echo $pageNav->limitstart + $i + 1; ?> </td> <td align="center" width="1%"><?php echo $checked; ?> </td> <td style="text-align: justify;"> <?php if (!$m_n->course_id && !$m_n->doc_id) { /* if(strlen($m_n->notice) > 100){ echo substr($m_n->notice, 0, 100).' ...'; } else { echo substr($m_n->notice, 0, 100); } */ echo $m_n->notice; } else { ?> <a href="<?php echo sefRelToAbs($link); ?> " title="<?php echo str_replace('"', '"', strip_tags(substr($m_n->notice, 0, 30))); ?> "> <?php /* if(strlen($m_n->notice) > 100){ echo substr($m_n->notice, 0, 100).' ...'; } else { echo substr($m_n->notice, 0, 100); } */ echo $m_n->notice; ?> </a> <?php } ?> </td> <td> <?php echo $m_n->course_name; ?> </td> <td width="10%" nowrap="nowrap"> on <?php echo JLMS_dateToDisplay($m_n->data, false, 0, " H:m:s"); ?> </td> </tr> <?php $k = 3 - $k; } } ?> <tr> <td colspan="5" align="center"> <br /> <?php echo $pageNav->writePagesLinks($link_pages); ?> </td> </tr> </table> <input type="hidden" name="task" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="boxchecked" value="0" /> </form> <?php }
function JLMS_free_subscriptions($option, $course_info, $course_id, $multi_sub = false) { /*if ($multi_sub) { $course_info = $course_info[0]; }*/ global $Itemid, $JLMS_CONFIG, $my; ?> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- function jlms_submitbutton(pressbutton) { var form = document.JLMS_adminForm; <?php if ($JLMS_CONFIG->get('enableterms')) { ?> if( (pressbutton == 'course_subscribe') && (document.getElementById('agreement').checked == false) ){ alert( "<?php echo addslashes(_JLMS_AGREEMENT); ?> " ); } else{ form.task.value = pressbutton; form.submit(); } <?php } else { ?> form.task.value = pressbutton; form.submit(); <?php } ?> } //--> </script> <?php JLMS_TMPL::OpenMT(); $params = array('show_menu' => true, 'simple_menu' => true); JLMS_TMPL::ShowHeader('subscription', _JLMS_HEAD_SUBSCRIPTION_STR, $params); JLMS_TMPL::OpenTS('', ' align="right" style="text-align:right " width="100%"'); //echo "Sub name: "."<input type='text' class='inputbox' name='sub_name' />"." "; JLMS_TMPL::CloseTS(); JLMS_TMPL::CloseMT(); ?> <form action="<?php echo sefRelToAbs("index.php?option={$option}&Itemid={$Itemid}"); ?> " method="post" name="JLMS_adminForm"> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="jlms_table_no_borders"> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('jlmslist'); ?> "> <tr> <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> " align="left" width="200"><?php echo _JLMS_SUBSCRIBE_COURSE_NAME; ?> </<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> > <<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableheader'); ?> " align="left" width="70" ><?php echo _JLMS_COURSES_FEE_TYPE; ?> </<?php echo JLMSCSS::tableheadertag(); ?> > </tr> <?php if ($multi_sub) { $k = 1; foreach ($course_info as $course_info1) { ?> <tr class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableentry' . $k); ?> "> <td align="left" valign="middle"><?php echo $course_info1->course_name; ?> </td> <td align="left" valign="middle"><?php echo _JLMS_COURSES_FREE; ?> </td> </tr> <?php $k = 3 - $k; } } else { ?> <tr class="<?php echo JLMSCSS::_('sectiontableentry1'); ?> "> <td align="left" valign="middle"><?php echo $course_info->course_name; ?> </td> <td align="left" valign="middle"><?php echo _JLMS_COURSES_FREE; ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> </td> </tr> <?php if ($JLMS_CONFIG->get('enableterms')) { if ($my->id) { echo "<tr><td colspan='2'><table align='center' class='jlms_table_no_borders'><tr><td width='20'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type='checkbox' name='agreement' id='agreement' />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</td><td style='text-align:left'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<label for='agreement'>" . $JLMS_CONFIG->get('jlms_terms') . "</label>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</td></tr></table></td></tr>"; } else { /* echo "<tr><td colspan='2'><br /><table align='center'><tr><td width='20'> <input type='checkbox' name='agreement' id='agreement' disabled='disabled' /> </td><td style='text-align:left'> <label for='agreement'>" . $JLMS_CONFIG->get('jlms_terms')."</label> </td></tr></table></td></tr>";*/ } /* ?> <tr> <td class="sectiontableheader">Terms and conditions</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <?php echo "<input type='checkbox' name='agreement' id='agreement' />"; echo $JLMS_CONFIG->get('jlms_terms'); ?> </td> </tr> <?php */ } ?> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="center"> <?php $toolbar = array(); if ($my->id) { $toolbar[] = array('btn_type' => 'yes', 'btn_str' => _JLMS_SUBSCRIBE, 'btn_js' => "javascript:jlms_submitbutton('course_subscribe','');"); echo JLMS_ShowToolbar($toolbar, true, 'center'); } else { //$toolbar[] = array('btn_type' => 'yes', 'btn_str' => _JLMS_SUBSCRIBE, 'btn_js' => "javascript:void(0);"); //echo JLMS_ShowToolbar($toolbar, true, 'center'); } ?> <noscript> <div class="joomlalms_sys_message"> <?php echo _JLMS_JS_COOKIES_REQUIRES; ?> </div> </noscript> </td> </tr> </table> <input type="hidden" name="option" value="<?php echo $option; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="Itemid" value="<?php echo $Itemid; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="task" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $course_id; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="state" value="0" /> </form> <?php if (!$my->id) { JLMS_UserSessions_html::loginPanel($course_id, 'subs'); } }