function JQ_editQuestion($id, $option, $qtype, $page, $course_id, $gqp = false)
     global $JLMS_DB, $my, $JLMS_SESSION, $Itemid, $JLMS_CONFIG;
     if ($gqp && mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'c_id')) {
         $query = "SELECT c_id FROM #__lms_quiz_t_question" . "\n WHERE c_id = '" . intval(mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'c_id')) . "' AND course_id > 0 AND c_quiz_id > 0";
         $c_id = $JLMS_DB->loadResult();
         if ($c_id) {
     $row = new mos_JoomQuiz_Question($JLMS_DB);
     $quiz_id = intval(mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'quiz_id', $JLMS_SESSION->get('quiz_id', 0)));
     $JLMS_ACL =& JLMSFactory::getACL();
     if (!$JLMS_ACL->CheckPermissions('quizzes', 'manage')) {
         if ($JLMS_ACL->CheckPermissions('quizzes', 'manage_pool')) {
             $quiz_id = -1;
             if ($id) {
                 if ($row->c_quiz_id == 0) {
                 } else {
     if ($id) {
         if ($row->c_quiz_id == 0) {
             $row->c_quiz_id = -1;
     } elseif (mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'level_id_0')) {
         /*Fix params (Max)*/
         if (isset($row->params) && count($row->params)) {
             $row_params = $row->params;
             $row->params = '';
             $i = 0;
             if (isset($row_params) && is_array($row_params) && count($row_params)) {
                 foreach ($row_params as $key => $item) {
                     $row->params .= $key . '=' . $item;
                     if ($i < count($row_params)) {
                         $row->params .= "\n";
         /*Fix params (Max)*/
     } else {
         // do stuff for new records
         $row->ordering = 0;
         $row->c_quiz_id = $quiz_id;
         //intval( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'quiz_id', $JLMS_SESSION->get('quiz_id', 0 )) );
         $row->c_type = intval(mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'new_qtype_id', 1));
         $row->c_question = "Enter question text here";
         //$row->c_qcat		= 0;
     $params = new JLMSParameters($row->params);
     $params->def('disable_quest_feedback', 0);
     $params->def('survey_question', 0);
     $params->def('case_sensivity', 0);
     $lists = array();
     $query = "SELECT c_id as value, c_category as text FROM #__lms_quiz_t_category WHERE course_id = '" . $course_id . "' AND is_quiz_cat = 0 order by c_category";
     $jq_cats = array();
     $jq_cats[] = mosHTML::makeOption(0, ' - ' . _JLMS_QUIZ_CAT_TYPE_QUEST . ' - ');
     $jq_cats = array_merge($jq_cats, $JLMS_DB->loadObjectList());
     $lists['jq_categories'] = mosHTML::selectList($jq_cats, 'c_qcat', 'class="inputbox" size="1"', 'value', 'text', $row->c_qcat);
     $is_pool = false;
     if ($row->c_quiz_id == -1) {
         $is_pool = true;
     $query = "SELECT a.ordering AS value, a.c_question AS text, a.c_type, a.c_id, a.c_pool, a.c_pool_gqp" . "\n FROM #__lms_quiz_t_question AS a" . "\n WHERE a.course_id = '" . $course_id . "' " . ($row->c_quiz_id ? "\n AND a.c_quiz_id = " . ($is_pool ? 0 : $row->c_quiz_id) : '') . "\n ORDER BY a.ordering, a.c_id";
     //$text_new_order = _C M N_NEW_ITEM_FIRST;
     //if ( $id ) {
     if (true) {
         $chop = 30;
         $order = array();
         $orders = $JLMS_DB->loadObjectList();
         if (empty($orders)) {
             $order[] = mosHTML::makeOption(0, _JLMS_SB_FIRST_ITEM);
         } else {
             // QuestPool compatibility
             $q_from_pool = array();
             foreach ($orders as $rowtmp) {
                 if ($rowtmp->c_type == 20) {
                     $q_from_pool[] = $rowtmp->c_pool;
             if (count($q_from_pool)) {
                 $qp_ids = implode(',', $q_from_pool);
                 $query = "SELECT a.* FROM #__lms_quiz_t_question as a" . "\n WHERE a.course_id = '" . $course_id . "' AND a.c_id IN ({$qp_ids})";
                 $orders2 = $JLMS_DB->loadObjectList();
                 for ($i = 0, $n = count($orders); $i < $n; $i++) {
                     if ($orders[$i]->c_type == 20) {
                         for ($j = 0, $m = count($orders2); $j < $m; $j++) {
                             if ($orders[$i]->c_pool == $orders2[$j]->c_id) {
                                 $orders[$i]->text = $orders2[$j]->c_question;
             // Global QuestPool compatibility
             $q_from_pool_gqp = array();
             foreach ($orders as $rowtmp) {
                 if ($rowtmp->c_type == 21) {
                     $q_from_pool_gqp[] = $rowtmp->c_pool_gqp;
             if (count($q_from_pool_gqp)) {
                 $qp_ids_gqp = implode(',', $q_from_pool_gqp);
                 $query = "SELECT a.* FROM #__lms_quiz_t_question as a" . "\n WHERE a.course_id = 0 AND a.c_id IN ({$qp_ids_gqp})";
                 $orders2 = $JLMS_DB->loadObjectList();
                 for ($i = 0, $n = count($orders); $i < $n; $i++) {
                     if ($orders[$i]->c_type == 21) {
                         for ($j = 0, $m = count($orders2); $j < $m; $j++) {
                             if ($orders[$i]->c_pool_gqp == $orders2[$j]->c_id) {
                                 $orders[$i]->text = $orders2[$j]->c_question;
             $order[] = mosHTML::makeOption(0, '0 ' . _JLMS_SB_FIRST_ITEM);
             for ($i = 0, $n = count($orders); $i < $n; $i++) {
                 $temp_txt = $orders[$i]->text;
                 $temp_txt = strip_tags($temp_txt);
                 if (strlen($temp_txt) > $chop) {
                     $text = substr($temp_txt, 0, $chop) . "...";
                 } else {
                     $text = $temp_txt;
                 $order[] = mosHTML::makeOption($orders[$i]->c_id, $orders[$i]->value . ' (' . $text . ')');
             $order[] = mosHTML::makeOption(-1, $orders[$i - 1]->value + 1 . ' ' . _JLMS_SB_LAST_ITEM);
         $ordering = mosHTML::selectList($order, 'q_ordering', 'class="inputbox" size="1"', 'value', 'text', intval($row->c_id ? $row->c_id : -1));
         //set ordering to last element for new questions and without changes for existent questions
     $lists['ordering'] = $ordering;
     $query = "SELECT c_id AS value, c_title AS text" . "\n FROM #__lms_quiz_t_quiz" . "\n WHERE course_id = '" . $course_id . "' " . "\n ORDER BY c_title";
     $quizzes = array();
     $quizzes[] = mosHTML::makeOption('-1', _JLMS_QUIZ_QUEST_POOL);
     $quizzes = array_merge($quizzes, $JLMS_DB->loadObjectList());
     $quiz = mosHTML::selectList($quizzes, 'c_quiz_id', 'class="inputbox" size="1" ', 'value', 'text', intval($row->c_quiz_id));
     $lists['quiz'] = $quiz;
     $lists['c_wrong_message'] = '';
     $lists['c_right_message'] = '';
     $query = "SELECT * FROM #__lms_quiz_t_question_fb WHERE quest_id = {$id}";
     $q_fbs = $JLMS_DB->LoadObjectList();
     foreach ($q_fbs as $qfb) {
         if ($qfb->choice_id == -1) {
             $lists['c_wrong_message'] = $qfb->fb_text;
         } elseif (!$qfb->choice_id) {
             $lists['c_right_message'] = $qfb->fb_text;
     $JLMS_DB->SetQuery("SELECT c_qtype FROM #__lms_quiz_t_qtypes WHERE c_id = '" . $row->c_type . "'");
     $qtype_str = $JLMS_DB->LoadResult();
     $str = '_JLMS_QUIZ_QTYPE_' . $row->c_type;
     if (defined($str)) {
         $qtype_str = constant($str);
     if (mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'c_type')) {
         $row->c_type = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'c_type');
     if ($row->c_type == 21) {
         $javascript = 'onclick="read_filter();" onchange="javascript:write_filter();\'add_quest\';document.adminForm.submit();"';
     } else {
         $javascript = 'onclick="read_filter();" onchange="javascript:write_filter();\'edit_quest_gqp\';document.adminForm.submit();"';
     //FLMS multicategories
     $levels = array();
     if ($id) {
         $tmp_level = array();
         $last_catid = 0;
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $item) {
             if (preg_match('#level_id_(\\d+)#', $key, $result)) {
                 if ($item) {
                     $tmp_level[$i] = $result;
                     $last_catid = $item;
         if (!$i) {
             $query = "SELECT c_qcat FROM #__lms_quiz_t_question WHERE c_id = '" . $id . "'";
             $last_catid = $JLMS_DB->loadResult();
         $tmp = array();
         $tmp = JLMS_quiz_admin_class::JLMS_multicats($last_catid, $tmp);
         $tmp = array_reverse($tmp);
         $tmp_pop = $tmp;
         $tmp_p = array_pop($tmp_pop);
         if (count($tmp) && $tmp_p->catid) {
             $next = count($tmp);
             $tmp[$next] = new stdClass();
             $tmp[$next]->catid = 0;
             $tmp[$next]->parent = $tmp_p->catid;
     } else {
         $tmp_level = array();
         $last_catid = 0;
         $exist_in_request = 0;
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $item) {
             if (preg_match('#level_id_(\\d+)#', $key, $result)) {
                 if (isset($item)) {
                     $exist_in_request = 1;
                     if ($item) {
                         $tmp_level[$i] = $result;
                         $last_catid = intval($item);
         if (!$last_catid && !$exist_in_request) {
             $last_catid = $JLMS_SESSION->get('S_last_catid');
         $JLMS_SESSION->set('S_last_catid', $last_catid);
         $tmp = array();
         $tmp = JLMS_quiz_admin_class::JLMS_multicats($last_catid, $tmp);
         $tmp = array_reverse($tmp);
         $tmp_pop = $tmp;
         $tmp_p = array_pop($tmp_pop);
         if (count($tmp) && $tmp_p->catid) {
             $next = count($tmp);
             $tmp[$next] = new stdClass();
             $tmp[$next]->catid = 0;
             $tmp[$next]->parent = isset($tmp_p->catid) ? $tmp_p->catid : 0;
     $query = "SELECT * FROM #__lms_gqp_cats_config ORDER BY id";
     $levels = $JLMS_DB->loadObjectList();
     if (count($levels) == 0) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < 15; $i++) {
             $num = $i + 1;
             if ($i > 0) {
                 //						$levels[$i]->cat_name = _JLMS_COURSES_COURSES_GROUPS;
                 $levels[$i]->cat_name = 'Level #' . $num;
             } else {
                 //						$levels[$i]->cat_name = _JLMS_COURSES_COURSES_GROUPS;
                 $levels[$i]->cat_name = 'Level #' . $num;
     $level_id = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($levels); $i++) {
         if ($i == 0) {
             $level_id[$i] = intval(mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'level_id_' . $i, 0));
             $_REQUEST['level_id_' . $i] = $level_id[$i];
             $JLMS_SESSION->set('GQP_level_id_' . $i, $level_id[$i]);
         } else {
             $level_id[$i] = intval(mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'level_id_' . $i, $JLMS_SESSION->get('GQP_level_id_' . $i, 0)));
             $_REQUEST['level_id_' . $i] = $level_id[$i];
             $JLMS_SESSION->set('GQP_level_id_' . $i, $level_id[$i]);
         if ($i == 0) {
             $parent_id[$i] = 0;
         } else {
             $parent_id[$i] = $level_id[$i - 1];
         $query = "SELECT count(id) FROM `#__lms_gqp_cats` WHERE parent = '" . $parent_id[$i] . "' ORDER BY c_category";
         $groups = $JLMS_DB->loadResult();
         if ($groups == 0) {
             $level_id[$i] = 0;
             $JLMS_SESSION->set('GQP_level_id_' . $i, $level_id[$i]);
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($levels); $i++) {
         if ($i > 0 && $level_id[$i - 1] == 0) {
             $level_id[$i] = 0;
             $_REQUEST['level_id_' . $i] = $level_id[$i];
             $JLMS_SESSION->set('GQP_level_id_' . $i, $level_id[$i]);
             $parent_id[$i] = 0;
         } elseif ($i == 0 && $level_id[$i] == 0) {
             $level_id[$i] = 0;
             $_REQUEST['level_id_' . $i] = $level_id[$i];
             $JLMS_SESSION->set('GQP_level_id_' . $i, $level_id[$i]);
             $parent_id[$i] = 0;
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($levels); $i++) {
         if ($i == 0 || isset($tmp[$i]->parent) && $tmp[$i]->parent) {
             //(Max): extra requests
             $query = "SELECT * FROM `#__lms_gqp_cats` WHERE parent = '" . $tmp[$i]->parent . "' ORDER BY c_category";
             $groups = $JLMS_DB->loadObjectList();
             if ($tmp[$i]->parent && $i > 0 && count($groups)) {
                 $type_level[$i][] = mosHTML::makeOption(0, '&nbsp;');
                 foreach ($groups as $group) {
                     $type_level[$i][] = mosHTML::makeOption($group->id, $group->c_category);
                 $lists['level_' . $i] = mosHTML::selectList($type_level[$i], 'level_id_' . $i, 'class="inputbox" size="1" style="width:266px;" ' . $javascript, 'value', 'text', $tmp[$i]->catid);
             } elseif ($i == 0) {
                 $type_level[$i][] = mosHTML::makeOption(0, '&nbsp;');
                 foreach ($groups as $group) {
                     $type_level[$i][] = mosHTML::makeOption($group->id, $group->c_category);
                 $lists['level_' . $i] = mosHTML::selectList($type_level[$i], 'level_id_' . $i, 'class="inputbox" size="1" style="width:266px;" ' . $javascript, 'value', 'text', $tmp[$i]->catid);
     $multicat = array();
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($lists as $key => $item) {
         if (substr($key, 0, 6) == 'level_') {
             $multicat[] = $lists['level_' . $i];
     $data = new stdClass();
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($multicat as $m) {
         if (isset($level_id[$i])) {
             $str_preobj = 'level_' . $i;
             $data->{$str_preobj} = $level_id[$i];
     $lists['data'] = $data;
     //echo $row->c_type; die;
     switch ($row->c_type) {
         case 1:
         case 12:
             if ($row->c_type == 12) {
                 $query = "SELECT a.*, b.imgs_name FROM #__lms_quiz_t_choice as a, #__lms_quiz_images as b WHERE a.c_question_id = '" . $row->c_id . "' AND b.imgs_id = a.c_choice ORDER BY a.ordering";
             } else {
                 $query = "SELECT * FROM #__lms_quiz_t_choice WHERE c_question_id = '" . $row->c_id . "' ORDER BY ordering";
                 $lists['random_answers'] = mosHTML::yesnoradioList('params[random_answers]', '', $params->get('random_answers', 0));
             $row->choices = array();
             $row->choices = $JLMS_DB->LoadObjectList();
             if ($row->c_type == 12) {
                 $query = "SELECT imgs_id, imgs_name, c_id as i_id FROM #__lms_quiz_images WHERE course_id = '" . $course_id . "'";
                 $row->images = array();
                 $row->images = $JLMS_DB->LoadObjectList();
             $q_om_type = $row->c_type;
             JLMS_quiz_admin_html_class::JQ_editQuest_MChoice($row, $lists, $option, $page, $course_id, $q_om_type, $qtype_str, $params, $id, $gqp, $levels);
         case 2:
         case 13:
             if ($row->c_type == 13) {
                 $query = "SELECT a.*, b.imgs_name FROM #__lms_quiz_t_choice as a, #__lms_quiz_images as b WHERE a.c_question_id = '" . $row->c_id . "' AND b.imgs_id = a.c_choice ORDER BY a.ordering";
             } else {
                 $query = "SELECT * FROM #__lms_quiz_t_choice WHERE c_question_id = '" . $row->c_id . "' ORDER BY ordering";
                 $lists['random_answers'] = mosHTML::yesnoradioList('params[random_answers]', '', $params->get('random_answers', 0));
             $row->choices = array();
             $row->choices = $JLMS_DB->LoadObjectList();
             if ($row->c_type == 13) {
                 $query = "SELECT imgs_id, imgs_name, c_id as i_id FROM #__lms_quiz_images WHERE course_id = '" . $course_id . "'";
                 $row->images = array();
                 $row->images = $JLMS_DB->LoadObjectList();
             $q_om_type = $row->c_type;
             JLMS_quiz_admin_html_class::JQ_editQuest_MChoice($row, $lists, $option, $page, $course_id, $q_om_type, $qtype_str, $params, $id, $gqp, $levels);
         case 3:
             $query = "SELECT * FROM #__lms_quiz_t_choice WHERE c_question_id = '" . $row->c_id . "' ORDER BY ordering";
             $row->choices = array();
             $row->choices = $JLMS_DB->LoadObjectList();
             $row->choice_true = 1;
             foreach ($row->choices as $eee) {
                 if (strtolower($eee->c_choice) == "false" && $eee->c_right == 1) {
                     $row->choice_true = 0;
             JLMS_quiz_admin_html_class::JQ_editQuest_TrueFalse($row, $lists, $option, $page, $course_id, 3, $qtype_str, $params, $id, $gqp, $levels);
         case 4:
             $query = "SELECT * FROM #__lms_quiz_t_matching WHERE c_question_id = '" . $row->c_id . "' ORDER BY ordering";
             $row->matching = array();
             $row->matching = $JLMS_DB->LoadObjectList();
             JLMS_quiz_admin_html_class::JQ_editQuest_MDragDrop($row, $lists, $option, $page, $course_id, 4, $qtype_str, $params, $id, $gqp, $levels);
         case 5:
             $query = "SELECT * FROM #__lms_quiz_t_matching WHERE c_question_id = '" . $row->c_id . "' ORDER BY ordering";
             $row->matching = array();
             $row->matching = $JLMS_DB->LoadObjectList();
             JLMS_quiz_admin_html_class::JQ_editQuest_MDragDrop($row, $lists, $option, $page, $course_id, 5, $qtype_str, $params, $id, $gqp, $levels);
         case 6:
             $query = "SELECT b.*,a.c_default FROM #__lms_quiz_t_blank as a, #__lms_quiz_t_text as b WHERE a.c_question_id = '" . $row->c_id . "' and b.c_blank_id = a.c_id ORDER BY b.ordering";
             $row->blank_data = array();
             $row->blank_data = $JLMS_DB->LoadObjectList();
             $query = "SELECT c_default FROM #__lms_quiz_t_blank  WHERE c_question_id = '" . $row->c_id . "'";
             $lists['c_def'] = $JLMS_DB->LoadResult();
             JLMS_quiz_admin_html_class::JQ_editQuest_Blank($row, $lists, $option, $page, $course_id, 6, $qtype_str, $params, $id, $gqp, $levels);
         case 7:
             $directory_js = $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site') . '/images/joomlaquiz/images/';
             $directory = 'images/joomlaquiz/images/';
             $javascript = "onchange=\"javascript:if (document.adminForm.c_image.options[selectedIndex].value!='') {" . " document.imagelib.src='{$directory}' + document.adminForm.c_image.options[selectedIndex].value; } else {" . " document.imagelib.src='" . $JLMS_CONFIG->get('live_site') . "/images/blank.png'}\"";
             $imageFiles = mosReadDirectory($JLMS_CONFIG->get('absolute_path') . '/' . $directory);
             $images = array(mosHTML::makeOption('', '- Select Image -'));
             foreach ($imageFiles as $file) {
                 if (preg_match("/bmp|gif|jpg|png/i", $file)) {
                     $images[] = mosHTML::makeOption($file);
             $lists['images'] = mosHTML::selectList($images, 'c_image', 'class="inputbox" size="1" ' . $javascript, 'value', 'text', $row->c_image);
             //$lists['images'] = mosAdminMenus::images('c_image', $row->c_image, $javascript, $directory);
             $query = "SELECT * FROM #__lms_quiz_t_hotspot WHERE c_question_id = '" . $row->c_id . "'";
             $row->hotspot_data = array();
             $row->hotspot_data = $JLMS_DB->LoadObjectList();
             JLMS_quiz_admin_html_class::JQ_editQuest_HotSpot($row, $lists, $option, $page, $course_id, 7, $qtype_str, $params, $id, $gqp, $levels);
         case 8:
             JLMS_quiz_admin_html_class::JQ_editQuest_Survey($row, $lists, $option, $page, $course_id, 8, $qtype_str, $params, $id, $gqp, $levels);
         case 9:
             $query = "SELECT * FROM #__lms_quiz_t_scale WHERE c_question_id = '" . $row->c_id . "' ORDER BY ordering";
             $row->scale = array();
             $row->scale = $JLMS_DB->LoadObjectList();
             JLMS_quiz_admin_html_class::JQ_editQuest_Scale($row, $lists, $option, $page, $course_id, 9, $qtype_str, $params, $id, $gqp, $levels);
         case 10:
             JLMS_quiz_admin_html_class::JQ_editQuest_Boilerplate($row, $lists, $option, $page, $course_id, 10, $qtype_str, $params, $id, $gqp, $levels);
         case 11:
             $query = "SELECT a.*, b.imgs_name as left_name, c.imgs_name as right_name FROM #__lms_quiz_t_matching as a, #__lms_quiz_images as b, #__lms_quiz_images as c WHERE a.c_question_id = '" . $row->c_id . "' AND b.imgs_id = a.c_left_text AND c.imgs_id = a.c_right_text ORDER BY a.ordering";
             $row->matching = array();
             $row->matching = $JLMS_DB->LoadObjectList();
             $query = "SELECT imgs_id, imgs_name, c_id as i_id FROM #__lms_quiz_images WHERE course_id = '" . $course_id . "'";
             $row->images = array();
             $row->images = $JLMS_DB->LoadObjectList();
             JLMS_quiz_admin_html_class::JQ_editQuest_MDragDrop2($row, $lists, $option, $page, $course_id, 11, $qtype_str, $params, $id, $gqp, $levels);
         case 20:
             //add question from pool
             $query = "SELECT a.c_id AS value, a.c_question AS text" . "\n FROM #__lms_quiz_t_question AS a" . "\n WHERE a.course_id = '" . $course_id . "' " . "\n AND a.c_quiz_id = 0" . "\n ORDER BY a.ordering";
             $qp_array = array();
             $qp_list = $JLMS_DB->loadObjectList();
             $qp_array[] = mosHTML::makeOption(0, '- Select question -');
             for ($i = 0, $n = count($qp_list); $i < $n; $i++) {
                 if (strlen(strip_tags($qp_list[$i]->text)) > 30) {
                     $text = substr(strip_tags($qp_list[$i]->text), 0, 30) . "...";
                 } else {
                     $text = strip_tags($qp_list[$i]->text);
                 $qp_array[] = mosHTML::makeOption($qp_list[$i]->value, $text);
             $pool_quests = mosHTML::selectList($qp_array, 'c_pool', 'class="inputbox" size="1"', 'value', 'text', intval($row->c_pool));
             $lists['pool_quests'] = $pool_quests;
             JLMS_quiz_admin_html_class::JQ_editQuest_Pool($row, $lists, $option, $page, $course_id, 20, $qtype_str);
         case 21:
             //add question from pool
             if (!$row->c_id) {
                 $limit = intval(mosGetParam($_GET, 'limit', $JLMS_SESSION->get('list_limit', $JLMS_CONFIG->get('list_limit'))));
                 $JLMS_SESSION->set('list_limit', $limit);
                 $limitstart = intval(mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'limitstart', 0));
                 $qtype_id = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'qtype_id', 0);
                 $query = "SELECT c_pool_gqp" . "\n FROM #__lms_quiz_t_question" . "\n WHERE c_pool_gqp > 0 AND c_quiz_id = {$quiz_id}";
                 $result_array = $JLMS_DB->loadResultArray();
                 $use_ids = implode(',', $result_array);
                 if ($use_ids) {
                     $sql_use_ids = "\n AND a.c_id NOT IN ( {$use_ids} )";
                 } else {
                     $sql_use_ids = '';
                 $str = '';
                 //NEW MUSLTICATS
                 $tmp_level = array();
                 $last_catid = 0;
                 if(isset($_REQUEST['category_filter']) && $_REQUEST['category_filter']){
                 	$last_catid = $_REQUEST['category_filter'];
                 } else {
                 	foreach($_REQUEST as $key=>$item){
                 		if(preg_match('#level_id_(\d+)#', $key, $result)){
                 				$tmp_level[$i] = $result;
                 				$last_catid = $item;
                 $query = "SELECT * FROM #__lms_gqp_cats" . "\n ORDER BY id";
                 $all_cats = $JLMS_DB->loadObjectList();
                 $tmp_cats_filter = array();
                 $children = array();
                 foreach ($all_cats as $cat) {
                     $pt = $cat->parent;
                     $list = @$children[$pt] ? $children[$pt] : array();
                     array_push($list, $cat->id);
                     $children[$pt] = $list;
                 $tmp_cats_filter[0] = $last_catid;
                 $i = 1;
                 foreach ($children as $key => $childs) {
                     if ($last_catid == $key) {
                         foreach ($children[$key] as $v) {
                             if (!in_array($v, $tmp_cats_filter)) {
                                 $tmp_cats_filter[$i] = $v;
                 foreach ($children as $key => $childs) {
                     if (in_array($key, $tmp_cats_filter)) {
                         foreach ($children[$key] as $v) {
                             if (!in_array($v, $tmp_cats_filter)) {
                                 $tmp_cats_filter[$i] = $v;
                 $tmp_cats_filter = array_unique($tmp_cats_filter);
                 $catids = implode(",", $tmp_cats_filter);
                 if ($last_catid && count($tmp_cats_filter)) {
                     $str .= "\n AND a.c_qcat IN (" . $catids . ")";
                 //NEW MUSLTICATS
                 /*Old kosmosa
                 		for ($i=count($level_id);$i>-1;$i--) {
                 			if(isset($level_id[$i]) && $level_id[$i]) {
                 				$str = "\n AND d.cat_id = ".$level_id[$i]." AND d.level = $i";
                 $qp_array = array();
                 $query = "SELECT a.*, b.c_qtype as qtype_full, qc1.c_category" . "\n FROM #__lms_quiz_t_question AS a" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__lms_quiz_t_qtypes b ON b.c_id = a.c_type" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__lms_quiz_t_category as qc ON a.c_qcat = qc.c_id" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__lms_gqp_cats AS qc1 ON a.c_qcat =" . "\n WHERE a.course_id = 0 " . "\n AND a.c_quiz_id = 0" . "\n AND a.published = 1" . ($str ? $str : ' ') . ($sql_use_ids ? $sql_use_ids : ' ') . ($qtype_id ? "\n AND a.c_type = '" . $qtype_id . "'" : '') . "\n GROUP BY a.c_id" . "\n ORDER BY a.ordering";
                 $total = $JLMS_DB->getNumRows();
                 require_once _JOOMLMS_FRONT_HOME . DS . "includes" . DS . "classes" . DS . "lms.pagination.php";
                 $pageNav = new JLMSPageNav($total, $limitstart, $limit);
                 $JLMS_DB->setQuery($query, $pageNav->limitstart, $pageNav->limit);
                 $rows = $JLMS_DB->loadObjectList();
                 //Tooltip Right Answer (Max - 15.04.2011)
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($rows); $i++) {
                     if (in_array($rows[$i]->c_type, array(1, 2, 3))) {
                         $right_answer = '';
                         $query = "SELECT c_choice" . "\n FROM" . "\n #__lms_quiz_t_choice" . "\n WHERE 1" . "\n AND c_right = 1" . "\n AND c_question_id = '" . $rows[$i]->c_id . "'";
                         $right_answer = $JLMS_DB->loadResult();
                         if (strlen($right_answer)) {
                             $rows[$i]->right_answer = $right_answer;
                     } else {
                         if (in_array($rows[$i]->c_type, array(20, 21))) {
                             if ($rows[$i]->c_type == 20) {
                                 $select_field = "c_pool";
                             } else {
                                 if ($rows[$i]->c_type == 21) {
                                     $select_field = "c_pool_gqp";
                             $query = "SELECT " . $select_field . "\n FROM" . "\n #__lms_quiz_t_question" . "\n WHERE 1" . "\n AND c_id = '" . $rows[$i]->c_id . "'";
                             $question_id = $JLMS_DB->loadResult();
                             $right_answer = '';
                             if (intval($question_id)) {
                                 $query = "SELECT b.c_choice" . "\n FROM" . "\n #__lms_quiz_t_question as a" . "\n, #__lms_quiz_t_choice as b" . "\n WHERE 1" . "\n AND a.c_id = '" . $question_id . "'" . "\n AND b.c_question_id = '" . $question_id . "'" . "\n AND a.c_type IN (" . implode(',', array(1, 2, 3)) . ")" . "\n AND b.c_right = 1";
                                 $right_answer = $JLMS_DB->loadResult();
                             if (strlen($right_answer)) {
                                 $rows[$i]->right_answer = $right_answer;
                 //Tooltip Right Answer (Max - 15.04.2011)
                 /*old kosmosa
                 		if(mosGetParam($_REQUEST,'filter_id_0') || isset($_SESSION['GQP_filter_id_0'])) {	
                 			for($i=0;$i<count($rows);$i++) {
                 				$new_level = $rows[$i]->level+1;
                 				$query = "SELECT b.c_category FROM #__lms_gqp_levels AS a, #__lms_gqp_cats AS b WHERE a.quest_id = '".$rows[$i]->c_id."' AND a.cat_id = AND a.level = '".$new_level."'";
                 				$cat_name = $JLMS_DB->LoadResult();
                 				if($cat_name) {
                 					$rows[$i]->c_category = $cat_name;
                 //			$qp_array[] = mosHTML::makeOption( 0, '- Select question -' );
                 //			for ($i=0, $n=count( $rows ); $i < $n; $i++) {
                 //				if (strlen($rows[$i]->text) > 30) {
                 //					$text = substr($rows[$i]->text,0,30)."...";
                 //				} else {
                 //					$text = $qp_list[$i]->text;
                 //				}
                 //				$qp_array[] = mosHTML::makeOption( $qp_list[$i]->value, $text );
                 //			}
                 //			$pool_quests = mosHTML::selectList( $qp_array, 'c_pool', 'class="inputbox" size="1"', 'value', 'text', intval( $row->c_pool ) );
                 //			$lists['pool_quests'] = $pool_quests;
                 $query = "SELECT c_id AS value, c_qtype AS text" . "\n FROM #__lms_quiz_t_qtypes" . "\n ORDER BY c_id";
                 $qtypes_lang = $JLMS_DB->loadObjectList();
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($qtypes_lang); $i++) {
                     $j = $i + 1;
                     $str = '_JLMS_QUIZ_QTYPE_' . $j;
                     if (defined($str)) {
                         $qtypes_lang[$i]->value = $j;
                         $qtypes_lang[$i]->text = constant($str);
                 $qtypes[] = mosHTML::makeOption('0', _JLMS_SB_QUIZ_SELECT_QTYPE);
                 $qtypes = array_merge($qtypes, $qtypes_lang);
                 $qtype = mosHTML::selectList($qtypes, 'qtype_id', 'class="inputbox"  style="width:200px" size="1" ' . $javascript, 'value', 'text', $qtype_id);
                 $lists['qtype'] = $qtype;
                 $lists['qtype_id'] = $qtype_id;
                 $lists['published'] = mosHTML::yesnoradioList('published', '', 1);
                 JLMS_quiz_admin_html_class::JQ_editQuest_Pool_GQP($row, $lists, $option, $page, $course_id, 21, $qtype_str, $rows, $pageNav, $levels);
             } else {
                 //			$query = "SELECT a.c_id AS value, a.c_question AS text"
                 //			. "\n FROM #__lms_quiz_t_question AS a "
                 //			. "\n , #__lms_gqp_levels d, #__lms_gqp_cats qc1"
                 //			. "\n WHERE a.course_id = 0 "
                 //			. "\n AND a.c_quiz_id = 0"
                 //			. "\n AND d.quest_id = a.c_id AND d.cat_id "
                 //			. "\n GROUP BY d.quest_id"
                 //			. "\n ORDER BY a.ordering"
                 //			;
                 //			$qp_array = array();
                 //			$JLMS_DB->setQuery( $query );
                 //			$qp_list = $JLMS_DB->loadObjectList();
                 //			$qp_array[] = mosHTML::makeOption( 0, '- Select question -' );
                 //			for ($i=0, $n=count( $qp_list ); $i < $n; $i++) {
                 //				if (strlen($qp_list[$i]->text) > 30) {
                 //					$text = substr($qp_list[$i]->text,0,30)."...";
                 //				} else {
                 //					$text = $qp_list[$i]->text;
                 //				}
                 //				$qp_array[] = mosHTML::makeOption( $qp_list[$i]->value, $text );
                 //			}
                 //			$pool_quests = mosHTML::selectList( $qp_array, 'c_pool', 'class="inputbox" size="1"', 'value', 'text', intval( $row->c_pool_gqp ) );
                 //			$lists['pool_quests'] = $pool_quests;
                 JLMS_quiz_admin_html_class::JQ_editQuest_Pool_gqp_edit($row, $lists, $option, $page, $course_id, 21, $qtype_str);
Esempio n. 2
function JLMS_courseImport_main($backupfile, $option, $course_id, $imp_tools, $course_zname = '', $is_template = false)
    global $JLMS_DB, $JLMS_CONFIG, $my;
    if (!$backupfile) {
    $backupfile_name = $backupfile['name'];
    $filename = explode(".", $backupfile_name);
    if (empty($backupfile_name)) {
    //commented (12.01.2007 Bjarne request forum post #331)
    #if (eregi("[^0-9a-zA-Z_]", $filename[0])) {
    #	mosErrorAlert("File must only contain alphanumeric characters and no special symbols and spaces please.");
    if (strcmp(substr($backupfile_name, -4, 1), ".")) {
    if (strcmp(substr($backupfile_name, -4), ".zip")) {
    $tmp_name = $backupfile['tmp_name'];
    if (!file_exists($tmp_name)) {
    if (preg_match("/.zip\$/", strtolower($backupfile_name))) {
        $zipFile = new pclZip($tmp_name);
        $zipContentArray = $zipFile->listContent();
        $exp_xml_file = false;
        if (!empty($zipContentArray)) {
            foreach ($zipContentArray as $thisContent) {
                if (preg_match('~.(php.*|phtml)$~i', $thisContent['filename'])) {
                if ($thisContent['filename'] == 'export.xml') {
                    $exp_xml_file = true;
        if ($exp_xml_file == false) {
            mosErrorAlert("Could not find a Course XML setup file in the package.");
    } else {
    $config =& JFactory::getConfig();
    $tmp_dest = $config->getValue('config.tmp_path') . DS . $backupfile['name'];
    $tmp_src = $backupfile['tmp_name'];
    // Move uploaded file
    if ($is_template) {
        $uploaded = JFile::copy($tmp_src, $tmp_dest);
    } else {
        $uploaded = JFile::upload($tmp_src, $tmp_dest);
    $extract_dir = $config->getValue('config.tmp_path') . DS . "course_backup_" . uniqid(rand(), true) . DS;
    $archive = $tmp_dest;
    if (!is_file($archive)) {
        $archive = $backupfile['tmp_name'];
    //exstract archive in uniqfolder media
    JLMS_Zip::extractFile($archive, $extract_dir);
    $xmlFile = $extract_dir . "export.xml";
    $xmlDoc =& JLMSFactory::getXMLParser();
    //$xmlDoc->resolveErrors( true );
    if (!$xmlDoc->loadFile($xmlFile)) {
        echo "<script> alert('Error during reading xml file'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";
    $root =& $xmlDoc->document;
    if ($root->name() != 'course_backup') {
        echo "<script> alert('Not a Course installation file'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";
    $course = new stdClass();
    // ****************************************************************************************************
    //get config values
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `#__lms_config`";
    $lms_cfg = $JLMS_DB->LoadObjectList();
    $lms_cfg_doc_folder = '';
    $lms_cfg_scorm = '';
    $lms_cfg_backup_folder = '';
    $lms_cfg_quiz_enabled = 0;
    foreach ($lms_cfg as $lcf) {
        if ($lcf->lms_config_var == 'plugin_quiz') {
            $lms_cfg_quiz_enabled = $lcf->lms_config_value;
        } elseif ($lcf->lms_config_var == 'jlms_doc_folder') {
            $lms_cfg_doc_folder = $lcf->lms_config_value;
        } elseif ($lcf->lms_config_var == 'scorm_folder') {
            $lms_cfg_scorm = $lcf->lms_config_value;
        } elseif ($lcf->lms_config_var == 'jlms_backup_folder') {
            $lms_cfg_backup_folder = $lcf->lms_config_value;
    // ****************************************************************************************************
    // Get course DATA and insert it into the 'lms_courses' table
    if (!$course_id) {
        $element =& $root->getElementByPath('name');
        if (!$course_zname) {
            $course->course_name = $element ? $element->data() : '';
        } else {
            $course->course_name = $course_zname;
        if ($course->course_name) {
            $element =& $root->getElementByPath('description');
            $course->course_description = $element ? $element->data() : '';
            //	echo $xmlDoc->getErrorString();
            //	var_dump($course->course_description); die;
            $element =& $root->getElementByPath('metadesc');
            $course->metadesc = $element ? $element->data() : '';
            $element =& $root->getElementByPath('metakeys');
            $course->metakeys = $element ? $element->data() : '';
            $element =& $root->getElementByPath('self_registration');
            $course->self_reg = $element ? $element->data() : '';
            $element =& $root->getElementByPath('course_paid');
            $course->paid = $element ? $element->data() : 0;
            $course->add_forum = 0;
            $course->add_chat = 0;
            $course->owner_id = $my->id;
            $course->published = 0;
            $element =& $root->getElementByPath('publish_start');
            $course->publish_start = $element ? $element->data() : 0;
            $element =& $root->getElementByPath('publish_end');
            $course->publish_end = $element ? $element->data() : 0;
            $element =& $root->getElementByPath('publish_start_date');
            $course->start_date = $element ? $element->data() : '0000-00-00';
            $element =& $root->getElementByPath('publish_end_date');
            $course->end_date = $element ? $element->data() : '0000-00-00';
            $element =& $root->getElementByPath('spec_reg');
            $course->spec_reg = $element ? $element->data() : 0;
            $course->cat_id = 0;
            $element =& $root->getElementByPath('course_category');
            $course_category_txt = $element ? $element->data() : '';
            $element =& $root->getElementByPath('course_question');
            $course_question_txt = $element ? $element->data() : '';
            // 02.03.2007 1.0.1 support
            $element =& $root->getElementByPath('course_params');
            $params_txt = $element ? $element->data() : '';
            $course->params = '';
            $params = new JLMSParameters($params_txt);
            $params->def('lpath_redirect', 0);
            $params->def('agenda_view', 0);
            $params->def('dropbox_view', 0);
            $params->def('homework_view', 0);
            $params->def('learn_path', 0);
            $course_redirect_lp = $params->get('learn_path');
            $params->set('learn_path', 0);
            $params_ar = $params->toArray();
            if (is_array($params_ar)) {
                foreach ($params_ar as $k => $v) {
                    $txt[] = "{$k}={$v}";
                $course->params = implode("\n", $txt);
            // to do:
            // check lpath_redirect parameter !!!!!!!!!
            $course->gid = 0;
            if ($course_category_txt) {
                $query = "SELECT id FROM #__lms_course_cats WHERE c_category = '" . $course_category_txt . "'";
                $course_cat_id = $JLMS_DB->LoadResult();
                if ($course_cat_id) {
                    $course->cat_id = $course_cat_id;
            $course->language = 0;
            $element =& $root->getElementByPath('language_name');
            $course_lang_txt = $element ? $element->data() : '';
            if ($course_lang_txt) {
                $query = "SELECT id FROM #__lms_languages WHERE lang_name = '" . $course_lang_txt . "'";
                $course_lang_id = $JLMS_DB->LoadResult();
                if ($course_lang_id) {
                    $course->language = $course_lang_id;
            $JLMS_DB->insertObject("#__lms_courses", $course, "id");
            //get new Course_id
            $course_id = $JLMS_DB->insertid();
            $is_new_course = true;
            $default_teacher_role = 0;
            $query = "SELECT id FROM #__lms_usertypes WHERE roletype_id = 2 AND default_role = 1 LIMIT 0,1";
            $default_teacher_role = intval($JLMS_DB->LoadResult());
            if (!$default_teacher_role) {
                $query = "SELECT id FROM #__lms_usertypes WHERE roletype_id = 2 LIMIT 0,1";
                $default_teacher_role = intval($JLMS_DB->LoadResult());
                if (!$default_teacher_role) {
                    $default_teacher_role = 1;
            // create teacher for imported course
            $query = "INSERT INTO `#__lms_user_courses` (user_id, course_id, role_id) VALUES ('" . $my->id . "','" . $course_id . "','" . $default_teacher_role . "')";
            // commented by DEN - 27.03.2008 - enrollment questions are moved into another section
            /*if ($course->spec_reg && $course_question_txt) {
            			$query = "INSERT INTO #__lms_spec_reg_questions (course_id, course_question) VALUES ($course_id, ".$JLMS_DB->Quote($course_question_txt).")";
            			$JLMS_DB->SetQuery( $query );
            // ****************************************************************************************************
            // Get hidden menu items DATA, insert it into 'lms_local_menu' table
            //get hidden menu items array from xml
            $element =& $root->getElementByPath('hidden_menu_items');
            $hidden_menus = JLMS_parse_XML_elements($element->children(), array('menu_id', 'user_access'), array());
            $i = 0;
            while ($i < count($hidden_menus)) {
                $hdmn = new stdClass();
                $hdmn->course_id = $course_id;
                $hdmn->menu_id = $hidden_menus[$i]->menu_id;
                $hdmn->user_access = $hidden_menus[$i]->user_access;
                $query = "INSERT INTO #__lms_local_menu (course_id, menu_id, user_access) " . "\n VALUES (" . $course_id . ", " . intval($hdmn->menu_id) . ", " . intval($hdmn->user_access) . ")";
    if ($course_id) {
        //get hidden menu items array from xml
        $element =& $root->getElementByPath('course_questions');
        $course_questions = JLMS_parse_XML_elements($element->children(), array('is_optional', 'ordering'), array('question_text', 'default_answer'));
        if (isset($course_question_txt) && $course_question_txt) {
            $add = new stdClass();
            $add->is_optional = 0;
            $add->ordering = 0;
            $add->question_text = $course_question_txt;
            $add->default_answer = '';
            $course_questions[] = $add;
        $i = 0;
        while ($i < count($course_questions)) {
            $insert = new stdClass();
            $insert->course_id = $course_id;
            $insert->is_optional = $course_questions[$i]->is_optional;
            $insert->ordering = $course_questions[$i]->ordering;
            $insert->question_text = $course_questions[$i]->question_text;
            $insert->default_answer = $course_questions[$i]->default_answer;
            $insert->role_id = 0;
            $JLMS_DB->insertObject("#__lms_spec_reg_questions", $insert, "id");
        /*$element 					= &$root->getElementsByPath('course_price', 1);
        		$course_price				= $element ? $element->data() : 0;
        		$query = "INSERT INTO #__lms_course_price (course_id, price ) VALUES('".$course_id."', '".$course_price."')";
        		$JLMS_DB->SetQuery( $query );
        // ****************************************************************************************************
        // Get files DATA, insert it into 'lms_files' table and copy files to the 'lms_files' folder
        //get files array from xml
        $element =& $root->getElementByPath('files');
        $files_pre = JLMS_parse_XML_elements($element->children(), array('id'), array('filename', 'servername'));
        // 05 June 2007. Nugno sformirovat' spisok of files - tol'ko tex? kotoryi deistvitel'no budut importirovat'sya
        //					(t.e. s uchetom vybrannyx tools pri 'import').
        $documents = array();
        if (in_array(1, $imp_tools)) {
            $element =& $root->getElementByPath('documents');
            $documents = JLMS_parse_XML_elements($element->children(), array('id', 'file_id', 'folder_flag', 'collapsed_folder', 'parent_id', 'ordering', 'published', 'publish_start', 'start_date', 'publish_start', 'publish_end', 'end_date', 'is_time_related', 'show_period'), array('doc_name', 'doc_description'));
        $element =& $root->getElementByPath('certificates');
        $certificates = JLMS_parse_XML_elements($element->children(), array('id', 'file_id', 'crtf_type', 'text_x', 'text_y', 'text_size'), array('certificate_text', 'certificate_font'));
        $element =& $root->getElementByPath('certificate_texts');
        $certificate_texts = JLMS_parse_XML_elements($element->children(), array('parent_id', 'crtf_type', 'text_x', 'text_y', 'text_size'), array('add_certificate_text', 'certificate_font'));
        $quiz_images2 = array();
        // for fields 'c_image' of the question (e.g. hostspot)
        $quiz_images = array();
        if (in_array(5, $imp_tools)) {
            $element_qimg =& $root->getElementByPath('quizzes_images');
            $quiz_images = JLMS_parse_XML_elements($element_qimg->children(), array('c_id', 'file_id'), array('quiz_image_name'));
        /*if (in_array(5,$cid)) {
        			$query = "SELECT * FROM `#__lms_certificates` WHERE course_id = '$course_id'";
        		} else {
        			$query = "SELECT * FROM `#__lms_certificates` WHERE course_id = '$course_id' AND crtf_type <> 2";
        $files = array();
        foreach ($documents as $doc) {
            foreach ($files_pre as $file_pre) {
                if ($doc->file_id == $file_pre->id) {
                    $is_exists = false;
                    foreach ($files as $file_ex) {
                        if ($file_ex->id == $file_pre->id) {
                            $is_exists = true;
                    if (!$is_exists) {
                        $files[] = $file_pre;
        foreach ($certificates as $crtf) {
            foreach ($files_pre as $file_pre) {
                if ($crtf->file_id == $file_pre->id) {
                    $do_add = false;
                    if ($crtf->crtf_type == 2) {
                        if (in_array(5, $imp_tools)) {
                            $do_add = true;
                    } else {
                        $do_add = true;
                    if ($do_add) {
                        $is_exists = false;
                        foreach ($files as $file_ex) {
                            if ($file_ex->id == $file_pre->id) {
                                $is_exists = true;
                        if (!$is_exists) {
                            $files[] = $file_pre;
        foreach ($quiz_images as $qimg) {
            foreach ($files_pre as $file_pre) {
                if ($qimg->file_id == $file_pre->id) {
                    $is_exists = false;
                    foreach ($files as $file_ex) {
                        if ($file_ex->id == $file_pre->id) {
                            $is_exists = true;
                    if (!$is_exists) {
                        $files[] = $file_pre;
        $i = 0;
        $fromDir = $extract_dir . "files/";
        $toDir = $lms_cfg_doc_folder . "/";
        while ($i < count($files)) {
            $insert_file = new stdClass();
            $insert_file->file_name = $files[$i]->filename;
            $file_unique_name = str_pad($course_id, 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '_' . md5(uniqid(rand(), true)) . '.' . substr($files[$i]->servername, -3);
            $insert_file->file_srv_name = $file_unique_name;
            $insert_file->owner_id = $my->id;
            $JLMS_DB->insertObject("#__lms_files", $insert_file, "id");
            $files[$i]->new_file_id = $JLMS_DB->insertid();
            rename($fromDir . $files[$i]->servername, $toDir . $file_unique_name);
        $zip_docs = array();
        if (in_array(1, $imp_tools)) {
            // ****************************************************************************************************
            // Get ZIPPACK's DATA, insert it into 'lms_documents_zip' table and copy zippack files to the 'lms_scorm' folder
            $fromDir = $extract_dir . "zippacks/";
            $toDir = $JLMS_CONFIG->getCfg('absolute_path') . "/" . $lms_cfg_scorm . "/";
            $element =& $root->getElementByPath('zipped_documents');
            $zip_docs = JLMS_parse_XML_elements($element->children(), array('id', 'upload_time', 'count_files', 'zip_size', 'zipfile_size', 'is_time_related', 'show_period'), array('zip_folder', 'zip_srv_name', 'zip_name', 'startup_file'));
            $i = 0;
            while ($i < count($zip_docs)) {
                $insert = new stdClass();
                $insert->owner_id = $my->id;
                $insert->course_id = $course_id;
                $folder_unique_name = str_pad($my->id, 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '_zip_' . md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
                $insert->zip_folder = $folder_unique_name;
                $file_unique_name = $folder_unique_name . ".zip";
                $insert->zip_srv_name = $file_unique_name;
                $insert->zip_name = $zip_docs[$i]->zip_name;
                $insert->startup_file = $zip_docs[$i]->startup_file;
                $insert->count_files = $zip_docs[$i]->count_files;
                $insert->zip_size = $zip_docs[$i]->zip_size;
                $insert->zipfile_size = $zip_docs[$i]->zipfile_size;
                $insert->upload_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                //insert into DB
                $JLMS_DB->insertObject("#__lms_documents_zip", $insert, "id");
                $zip_docs[$i]->new_zip_id = $JLMS_DB->insertid();
                //move scrom package
                rename($fromDir . $zip_docs[$i]->zip_srv_name, $toDir . $file_unique_name);
                //extract SCORM package archive
                extractBackupArchive($toDir . $file_unique_name, $toDir . $folder_unique_name);
        if (in_array(1, $imp_tools)) {
            // ****************************************************************************************************
            // Get documents DATA and insert it into the 'lms_documents' table
            //$element = &$root->getElementsByPath('documents', 1);
            //$documents = JLMS_parse_XML_elements($element->children(), array('id', 'file_id', 'folder_flag', 'parent_id', 'ordering', 'published', 'publish_start', 'start_date', 'publish_start', 'publish_end', 'end_date'), array('doc_name', 'doc_description'));
            // 05 June 2007 - this array is generated above (~~ line 270)
            $j = 0;
            $collapsed_folders = array();
            while ($j < count($documents)) {
                $insert = new stdClass();
                $insert->course_id = $course_id;
                $insert->owner_id = $my->id;
                $insert->file_id = 0;
                if ($documents[$j]->file_id) {
                    if ($documents[$j]->folder_flag == 2) {
                        // search $zip_docs for new file_id
                        for ($i = 0; $i < count($zip_docs); $i++) {
                            if ($zip_docs[$i]->id == $documents[$j]->file_id) {
                                $insert->file_id = $zip_docs[$i]->new_zip_id;
                    } else {
                        // search $files for new file_id
                        for ($i = 0; $i < count($files); $i++) {
                            if ($files[$i]->id == $documents[$j]->file_id) {
                                $insert->file_id = $files[$i]->new_file_id;
                $insert->folder_flag = $documents[$j]->folder_flag;
                $insert->doc_name = $documents[$j]->doc_name;
                $insert->doc_description = $documents[$j]->doc_description;
                $insert->ordering = $documents[$j]->ordering;
                $insert->published = $documents[$j]->published;
                $insert->publish_start = $documents[$j]->publish_start;
                $insert->start_date = $documents[$j]->start_date;
                $insert->publish_end = $documents[$j]->publish_end;
                $insert->end_date = $documents[$j]->end_date;
                $insert->is_time_related = $documents[$i]->is_time_related;
                $insert->show_period = $documents[$i]->show_period;
                // search processed $documents for parent_id
                $parent = $documents[$j]->parent_id;
                if ($parent) {
                    $a = 0;
                    while ($a < $j) {
                        if ($documents[$a]->id == $parent) {
                            $parent = $documents[$a]->new_doc_id;
                $insert->parent_id = $parent;
                $do_ins_object = true;
                $ins_object_folder_already_exists_id = 0;
                if ($insert->folder_flag == 1 && $course_id) {
                    //if we are merging imported course with already existeten course, then some folders can be already exists
                    $query = "SELECT id FROM #__lms_documents WHERE doc_name = " . $JLMS_DB->quote($insert->doc_name) . " AND parent_id = " . intval($insert->parent_id) . " AND folder_flag = 1 AND file_id = 0 AND course_id = {$course_id}";
                    $ins_object_folder_already_exists_id = $JLMS_DB->LoadResult();
                    if ($ins_object_folder_already_exists_id) {
                        $do_ins_object = false;
                if ($do_ins_object) {
                    $JLMS_DB->insertObject("#__lms_documents", $insert, "id");
                    $documents[$j]->new_doc_id = $JLMS_DB->insertid();
                } else {
                    $documents[$j]->new_doc_id = $ins_object_folder_already_exists_id;
                if ($do_ins_object) {
                    if ($documents[$j]->folder_flag == 1 && !$documents[$j]->file_id && $documents[$j]->collapsed_folder) {
                        $collapsed_folders[] = $documents[$j]->new_doc_id;
            if (!empty($collapsed_folders)) {
                $query = "INSERT INTO #__lms_documents_view (course_id, doc_id) VALUES";
                $s = '';
                $is_add = false;
                foreach ($collapsed_folders as $cf) {
                    if ($cf) {
                        $is_add = true;
                        $query .= $s . "\n ({$course_id}, {$cf})";
                        $s = ',';
                if ($is_add) {
        $scorms = array();
        if (in_array(3, $imp_tools)) {
            // ****************************************************************************************************
            // Get SCORM's DATA, insert it into 'lms_scorm_packages' table and copy scorm files to the 'lms_scorm' folder
            $fromDir = $extract_dir . "scorm/";
            $toDir = $JLMS_CONFIG->getCfg('absolute_path') . "/" . $lms_cfg_scorm . "/";
            $element =& $root->getElementByPath('scorms');
            $scorms = JLMS_parse_XML_elements($element->children(), array('id', 'upload_time'), array('foldersrvname', 'packagesrvname', 'packageusername'));
            $i = 0;
            while ($i < count($scorms)) {
                $insert = new stdClass();
                $insert->owner_id = $my->id;
                $insert->course_id = $course_id;
                $folder_unique_name = str_pad($my->id, 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '_' . md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
                $insert->folder_srv_name = $folder_unique_name;
                $file_unique_name = $folder_unique_name . ".zip";
                $insert->package_srv_name = $file_unique_name;
                $insert->package_user_name = $scorms[$i]->packageusername;
                $insert->upload_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                //insert into DB
                $JLMS_DB->insertObject("#__lms_scorm_packages", $insert, "id");
                $scorms[$i]->new_sco_id = $JLMS_DB->insertid();
                //move scrom package
                rename($fromDir . $scorms[$i]->packagesrvname, $toDir . $file_unique_name);
                //extract SCORM package archive
                extractBackupArchive($toDir . $file_unique_name, $toDir . $folder_unique_name);
        $links = array();
        if (in_array(4, $imp_tools)) {
            // ****************************************************************************************************
            // Get links DATA and insert it into the 'lms_links' table
            $element =& $root->getElementByPath('links');
            $links = JLMS_parse_XML_elements($element->children(), array('id', 'link_type', 'ordering', 'published', 'is_time_related', 'show_period'), array('linkname', 'linkhref', 'description', 'link_params'));
            $i = 0;
            while ($i < count($links)) {
                $insert = new stdClass();
                $insert->course_id = $course_id;
                $insert->owner_id = $my->id;
                $insert->link_name = $links[$i]->linkname;
                $insert->link_href = $links[$i]->linkhref;
                $insert->link_description = $links[$i]->description;
                $insert->link_type = $links[$i]->link_type;
                $insert->ordering = $links[$i]->ordering;
                $insert->published = $links[$i]->published;
                $insert->is_time_related = $links[$i]->is_time_related;
                $insert->show_period = $links[$i]->show_period;
                $insert->params = $links[$i]->link_params;
                $JLMS_DB->insertObject("#__lms_links", $insert, "id");
                $links[$i]->new_link_id = $JLMS_DB->insertid();
        $homeworks = array();
        if (in_array(7, $imp_tools)) {
            // ****************************************************************************************************
            // Get homeworks DATA and insert it into the 'lms_homework' table
            $element =& $root->getElementByPath('homework_tool');
            $homeworks = JLMS_parse_XML_elements($element->children(), array('id', 'post_date', 'end_date', 'is_time_related', 'show_period'), array('hw_name', 'description', 'short_description'));
            $i = 0;
            while ($i < count($homeworks)) {
                $insert = new stdClass();
                $insert->course_id = $course_id;
                $insert->hw_name = $homeworks[$i]->hw_name;
                $insert->hw_description = $homeworks[$i]->description;
                $insert->hw_shortdescription = $homeworks[$i]->short_description;
                $insert->post_date = $homeworks[$i]->post_date;
                $insert->end_date = $homeworks[$i]->end_date;
                $insert->is_time_related = $homeworks[$i]->is_time_related;
                $insert->show_period = $homeworks[$i]->show_period;
                $JLMS_DB->insertObject("#__lms_homework", $insert, "id");
                $homeworks[$i]->new_hw_id = $JLMS_DB->insertid();
        $announcements = array();
        if (in_array(6, $imp_tools)) {
            // ****************************************************************************************************
            // Get announcements DATA and insert it into the 'lms_agenda' table
            $element =& $root->getElementByPath('announcement_tool');
            $announcements = JLMS_parse_XML_elements($element->children(), array('id', 'start_date', 'end_date', 'is_time_related', 'show_period'), array('announcement_title', 'announcement_content'));
            $i = 0;
            while ($i < count($announcements)) {
                $insert = new stdClass();
                $insert->course_id = $course_id;
                $insert->owner_id = $my->id;
                $insert->title = $announcements[$i]->announcement_title;
                $insert->content = $announcements[$i]->announcement_content;
                $insert->start_date = $announcements[$i]->start_date;
                $insert->end_date = $announcements[$i]->end_date;
                $insert->is_time_related = $announcements[$i]->is_time_related;
                $insert->show_period = $announcements[$i]->show_period;
                $JLMS_DB->insertObject("#__lms_agenda", $insert, "agenda_id");
                $announcements[$i]->new_ag_id = $JLMS_DB->insertid();
        // ****************************************************************************************************
        // Get certificates DATA and insert it into the 'lms_certificates' table
        //$element = &$root->getElementsByPath('certificates', 1);
        //$certificates = JLMS_parse_XML_elements($element->children(), array('id', 'file_id', 'crtf_type', 'text_x', 'text_y', 'text_size'), array('certificate_text'));
        // 05 June 2007 - this array is generated above (~~ line 270)
        $i = 0;
        $crtf_ids_exp = array();
        while ($i < count($certificates)) {
            $do_add = false;
            if ($certificates[$i]->crtf_type == 2) {
                if (in_array(5, $imp_tools)) {
                    $do_add = true;
            } else {
                $do_add = true;
            if ($do_add) {
                $insert = new stdClass();
                $insert->course_id = $course_id;
                $insert->file_id = 0;
                $insert->parent_id = 0;
                if ($certificates[$i]->file_id) {
                    for ($k = 0; $k < count($files); $k++) {
                        if ($files[$k]->id == $certificates[$i]->file_id) {
                            $insert->file_id = $files[$k]->new_file_id;
                $insert->crtf_text = $certificates[$i]->certificate_text;
                $insert->crtf_font = $certificates[$i]->certificate_font;
                $insert->text_x = $certificates[$i]->text_x;
                $insert->text_y = $certificates[$i]->text_y;
                $insert->text_size = $certificates[$i]->text_size;
                $insert->crtf_type = $certificates[$i]->crtf_type;
                if ($insert->crtf_type == 1) {
                    $insert->published = 0;
                $JLMS_DB->insertObject("#__lms_certificates", $insert, "id");
                $certificates[$i]->new_id = $JLMS_DB->insertid();
                $crtf_ids_exp[] = $certificates[$i]->id;
        // 27.03.2008 (DEN) - Additional certificate texts
        $i = 0;
        while ($i < count($certificate_texts)) {
            $do_add = false;
            if ($certificates[$i]->crtf_type == -2 && $certificates[$i]->parent_id) {
                if (in_array($certificates[$i]->parent_id, $crtf_ids_exp)) {
                    $do_add = true;
            if ($do_add) {
                $insert = new stdClass();
                $insert->course_id = $course_id;
                $insert->file_id = 0;
                $insert->parent_id = 0;
                for ($k = 0; $k < count($certificates); $k++) {
                    if ($certificates[$k]->id == $certificate_texts[$i]->parent_id) {
                        $insert->parent_id = $certificates[$k]->new_id;
                if ($insert->parent_id) {
                    $insert->crtf_text = $certificate_texts[$i]->add_certificate_text;
                    $insert->crtf_font = $certificate_texts[$i]->certificate_font;
                    $insert->text_x = $certificate_texts[$i]->text_x;
                    $insert->text_y = $certificate_texts[$i]->text_y;
                    $insert->text_size = $certificate_texts[$i]->text_size;
                    $insert->crtf_type = $certificate_texts[$i]->crtf_type;
                    $JLMS_DB->insertObject("#__lms_certificates", $insert, "id");
                    $certificate_texts[$i]->new_id = $JLMS_DB->insertid();
        $quizzes = array();
        if (in_array(5, $imp_tools)) {
            // ****************************************************************************************************
            // Get Quizzes DATA and insert it into the DB
            //if ($lms_cfg_quiz_enabled) { // commented 05.03.2007 (to put exported quizzes into LP anywhere) (else we've got errors in LP)
            /* 28 April 2007 (DEN) - Question categories processing
            $element_qcat =& $root->getElementByPath('quizzes_quest_categories');
            $quest_cats = JLMS_parse_XML_elements($element_qcat->children(), array('c_id'), array('quest_category_name', 'quest_category_instr'));
            $i = 0;
            while ($i < count($quest_cats)) {
                $insert = new stdClass();
                $insert->course_id = $course_id;
                $insert->c_category = $quest_cats[$i]->quest_category_name;
                $insert->c_instruction = $quest_cats[$i]->quest_category_instr;
                $insert->is_quiz_cat = 0;
                $JLMS_DB->insertObject("#__lms_quiz_t_category", $insert, "c_id");
                $quest_cats[$i]->new_qcat_id = $JLMS_DB->insertid();
            /* 27 March 2008 (DEN) - Quizzes images processing
             * (variable $quiz_images defined above)
            $i = 0;
            while ($i < count($quiz_images)) {
                $insert = new stdClass();
                $insert->course_id = $course_id;
                $insert->imgs_name = $quiz_images[$i]->quiz_image_name;
                $insert->imgs_id = 0;
                if ($quiz_images[$i]->file_id) {
                    for ($k = 0; $k < count($files); $k++) {
                        if ($files[$k]->id == $quiz_images[$i]->file_id) {
                            $insert->imgs_id = $files[$k]->new_file_id;
                if ($insert->imgs_id) {
                    $JLMS_DB->insertObject("#__lms_quiz_images", $insert, "c_id");
                    $quiz_images[$i]->new_img_id = $JLMS_DB->insertid();
                    $quiz_images[$i]->imgs_new_id = $insert->imgs_id;
                    // Axtung!: vse tablicy nabora question options (like 't_choice', 't_matching') are stores imgs_id instead of id from #__lms_quiz_images
            /* 28 April 2007 (DEN) - Questions Pool processing
            $element_pool =& $root->getElementByPath('quizzes_question_pool');
            $q_pool = JLMS_parse_XML_elements($element_pool->children(), array(), array(), true, array('pool_questions', 'question_feedbacks', 'choice_data', 'match_data', 'scale_data', 'blank_data', 'hotspot_data'), array(array('c_id', 'c_point', 'c_attempts', 'c_type', 'c_pool', 'c_qcat', 'ordering'), array('quest_id', 'choice_id'), array('c_question_id', 'c_right', 'ordering'), array('c_question_id', 'ordering'), array('c_question_id', 'c_type', 'ordering'), array('c_question_id', 'ordering'), array('c_question_id')), array(array('question_text', 'question_image', 'question_params', 'question_explanation'), array('fb_text'), array('choice_text'), array('match_text_left', 'match_text_right'), array('scale_field'), array('blank_text', 'default_answer'), array('hs_start_x', 'hs_start_y', 'hs_width', 'hs_height')));
            $i = 0;
            while ($i < count($q_pool)) {
                //questions processing
                $j = 0;
                while ($j < count($q_pool[$i]->pool_questions)) {
                    $quest = new stdClass();
                    $quest->course_id = $course_id;
                    $quest->c_quiz_id = 0;
                    $quest->c_point = $q_pool[$i]->pool_questions[$j]->c_point;
                    $quest->c_attempts = $q_pool[$i]->pool_questions[$j]->c_attempts;
                    $quest->c_question = $q_pool[$i]->pool_questions[$j]->question_text;
                    $quest->c_image = $q_pool[$i]->pool_questions[$j]->question_image;
                    $quest->params = $q_pool[$i]->pool_questions[$j]->question_params;
                    $quest->c_explanation = $q_pool[$i]->pool_questions[$j]->question_explanation;
                    // added 27.03.2008 (DEN)
                    $quest->c_type = $q_pool[$i]->pool_questions[$j]->c_type;
                    $quest->c_pool = 0;
                    $quest->c_qcat = 0;
                    if ($q_pool[$i]->pool_questions[$j]->c_qcat) {
                        for ($ij = 0; $ij < count($quest_cats); $ij++) {
                            if ($quest_cats[$ij]->c_id == $q_pool[$i]->pool_questions[$j]->c_qcat) {
                                $quest->c_qcat = $quest_cats[$ij]->new_qcat_id;
                    $quest->ordering = $q_pool[$i]->pool_questions[$j]->ordering;
                    if ($q_pool[$i]->pool_questions[$j]->question_image && !in_array($q_pool[$i]->pool_questions[$j]->question_image, $quiz_images2)) {
                        // Changed 20.08.2007 by DEN - from:
                        //if ($q_pool[$i]->pool_questions[$j]->question_image) {
                        $quiz_images2[] = $q_pool[$i]->pool_questions[$j]->question_image;
                    $JLMS_DB->insertObject("#__lms_quiz_t_question", $quest, "c_id");
                    $q_pool[$i]->pool_questions[$j]->new_id = $JLMS_DB->insertid();
                //feedbacks processing
                $j = 0;
                while ($j < count($q_pool[$i]->question_feedbacks)) {
                    $q_fb = new stdClass();
                    $q_fb->choice_id = $q_pool[$i]->question_feedbacks[$j]->choice_id;
                    $q_fb->fb_text = $q_pool[$i]->question_feedbacks[$j]->fb_text;
                    $q_fb->quest_id = 0;
                    for ($k = 0; $k < count($q_pool[$i]->pool_questions); $k++) {
                        if ($q_pool[$i]->pool_questions[$k]->c_id == $q_pool[$i]->question_feedbacks[$j]->quest_id) {
                            $q_fb->quest_id = isset($q_pool[$i]->pool_questions[$k]->new_id) ? intval($q_pool[$i]->pool_questions[$k]->new_id) : 0;
                    if ($q_fb->quest_id && $q_fb->fb_text && ($q_fb->choice_id == -1 || $q_fb->choice_id == 0)) {
                        $query = "INSERT INTO #__lms_quiz_t_question_fb (quest_id, choice_id, fb_text) VALUES ({$q_fb->quest_id}, {$q_fb->choice_id}, " . $JLMS_DB->Quote($q_fb->fb_text) . ")";
                //choices processing
                $j = 0;
                while ($j < count($q_pool[$i]->choice_data)) {
                    $q_choice = new stdClass();
                    $q_choice->c_choice = $q_pool[$i]->choice_data[$j]->choice_text;
                    $q_choice->c_right = $q_pool[$i]->choice_data[$j]->c_right;
                    $q_choice->ordering = $q_pool[$i]->choice_data[$j]->ordering;
                    $q_choice->c_question_id = 0;
                    for ($k = 0; $k < count($q_pool[$i]->pool_questions); $k++) {
                        if ($q_pool[$i]->pool_questions[$k]->c_id == $q_pool[$i]->choice_data[$j]->c_question_id) {
                            $q_choice->c_question_id = isset($q_pool[$i]->pool_questions[$k]->new_id) ? $q_pool[$i]->pool_questions[$k]->new_id : 0;
                            if ($q_pool[$i]->pool_questions[$k]->c_type == 12 || $q_pool[$i]->pool_questions[$k]->c_type == 13) {
                                $q_choice->c_choice = intval($q_choice->c_choice);
                                for ($kk = 0; $kk < count($quiz_images); $kk++) {
                                    if ($q_choice->c_choice == $quiz_images[$kk]->file_id) {
                                        $q_choice->c_choice = isset($quiz_images[$kk]->imgs_new_id) ? intval($quiz_images[$kk]->imgs_new_id) : 0;
                    if ($q_choice->c_question_id) {
                        $JLMS_DB->insertObject("#__lms_quiz_t_choice", $q_choice, "c_id");
                //matching processing
                $j = 0;
                while ($j < count($q_pool[$i]->match_data)) {
                    $q_match = new stdClass();
                    $q_match->c_left_text = $q_pool[$i]->match_data[$j]->match_text_left;
                    $q_match->c_right_text = $q_pool[$i]->match_data[$j]->match_text_right;
                    $q_match->ordering = $q_pool[$i]->match_data[$j]->ordering;
                    $q_match->c_question_id = 0;
                    for ($k = 0; $k < count($q_pool[$i]->pool_questions); $k++) {
                        if ($q_pool[$i]->pool_questions[$k]->c_id == $q_pool[$i]->match_data[$j]->c_question_id) {
                            $q_match->c_question_id = isset($q_pool[$i]->pool_questions[$k]->new_id) ? $q_pool[$i]->pool_questions[$k]->new_id : 0;
                            if ($q_pool[$i]->pool_questions[$k]->c_type == 11) {
                                $q_match->c_left_text = intval($q_match->c_left_text);
                                $q_match->c_right_text = intval($q_match->c_right_text);
                                $is_changed_match_images = 0;
                                for ($kk = 0; $kk < count($quiz_images); $kk++) {
                                    if ($q_match->c_left_text == $quiz_images[$kk]->file_id) {
                                        $q_match->c_left_text = isset($quiz_images[$kk]->imgs_new_id) ? intval($quiz_images[$kk]->imgs_new_id) : 0;
                                        if ($is_changed_match_images == 2) {
                                    if ($q_match->c_right_text == $quiz_images[$kk]->file_id) {
                                        $q_match->c_right_text = isset($quiz_images[$kk]->imgs_new_id) ? intval($quiz_images[$kk]->imgs_new_id) : 0;
                                        if ($is_changed_match_images == 2) {
                    if ($q_match->c_question_id) {
                        $JLMS_DB->insertObject("#__lms_quiz_t_matching", $q_match, "c_id");
                //likert scale processing (27.03.2008 - DEN)
                $j = 0;
                while ($j < count($q_pool[$i]->scale_data)) {
                    $q_scale = new stdClass();
                    $q_scale->c_field = $q_pool[$i]->scale_data[$j]->scale_field;
                    $q_scale->c_type = $q_pool[$i]->scale_data[$j]->c_type;
                    $q_scale->ordering = $q_pool[$i]->scale_data[$j]->ordering;
                    $q_scale->c_question_id = 0;
                    for ($k = 0; $k < count($q_pool[$i]->pool_questions); $k++) {
                        if ($q_pool[$i]->pool_questions[$k]->c_id == $q_pool[$i]->scale_data[$j]->c_question_id) {
                            $q_scale->c_question_id = isset($q_pool[$i]->pool_questions[$k]->new_id) ? $q_pool[$i]->pool_questions[$k]->new_id : 0;
                    if ($q_scale->c_question_id) {
                        $JLMS_DB->insertObject("#__lms_quiz_t_scale", $q_scale, "c_id");
                //hotspot processing
                $j = 0;
                while ($j < count($q_pool[$i]->hotspot_data)) {
                    $q_hotspot = new stdClass();
                    $q_hotspot->c_start_x = $q_pool[$i]->hotspot_data[$j]->hs_start_x;
                    $q_hotspot->c_start_y = $q_pool[$i]->hotspot_data[$j]->hs_start_y;
                    $q_hotspot->c_width = $q_pool[$i]->hotspot_data[$j]->hs_width;
                    $q_hotspot->c_height = $q_pool[$i]->hotspot_data[$j]->hs_height;
                    $q_hotspot->c_question_id = 0;
                    for ($k = 0; $k < count($q_pool[$i]->pool_questions); $k++) {
                        if ($q_pool[$i]->pool_questions[$k]->c_id == $q_pool[$i]->hotspot_data[$j]->c_question_id) {
                            $q_hotspot->c_question_id = isset($q_pool[$i]->pool_questions[$k]->new_id) ? $q_pool[$i]->pool_questions[$k]->new_id : 0;
                    if ($q_hotspot->c_question_id) {
                        $JLMS_DB->insertObject("#__lms_quiz_t_hotspot", $q_hotspot, "c_id");
                //blank quests processing
                $j = 0;
                $blank_inserted = array();
                while ($j < count($q_pool[$i]->blank_data)) {
                    $q_blank = new stdClass();
                    $q_blank->c_question_id = 0;
                    $q_blank->c_default = $q_pool[$i]->blank_data[$j]->default_answer;
                    for ($k = 0; $k < count($q_pool[$i]->pool_questions); $k++) {
                        if ($q_pool[$i]->pool_questions[$k]->c_id == $q_pool[$i]->blank_data[$j]->c_question_id) {
                            $q_blank->c_question_id = isset($q_pool[$i]->pool_questions[$k]->new_id) ? $q_pool[$i]->pool_questions[$k]->new_id : 0;
                    if ($q_blank->c_question_id) {
                        $proceed_insert = true;
                        foreach ($blank_inserted as $bains) {
                            if ($bains->quest_id == $q_blank->c_question_id) {
                                $proceed_insert = false;
                                $new_blank_id = $bains->blank_id;
                        if ($proceed_insert) {
                            $JLMS_DB->insertObject("#__lms_quiz_t_blank", $q_blank, "c_id");
                            $new_blank_id = $JLMS_DB->insertid();
                            $blankins = new stdClass();
                            $blankins->quest_id = $q_blank->c_question_id;
                            $blankins->blank_id = $new_blank_id;
                            $blank_inserted[] = $blankins;
                        $q_blank_text = new stdClass();
                        $q_blank_text->c_blank_id = $new_blank_id;
                        $q_blank_text->c_text = $q_pool[$i]->blank_data[$j]->blank_text;
                        $q_blank_text->ordering = $q_pool[$i]->blank_data[$j]->ordering;
                        if ($q_blank_text->c_blank_id) {
                            $JLMS_DB->insertObject("#__lms_quiz_t_text", $q_blank_text, "c_id");
            $element =& $root->getElementByPath('quizzes');
            $quizzes = JLMS_parse_XML_elements($element->children(), array('c_id', 'published'), array('quiz_title', 'quiz_description', 'quiz_category', 'quiz_full_score', 'quiz_time_limit', 'quiz_min_after', 'quiz_passing_score', 'quiz_right_message', 'quiz_wrong_message', 'quiz_pass_message', 'quiz_unpass_message', 'quiz_review', 'quiz_email', 'quiz_print', 'quiz_certif', 'quiz_skin', 'quiz_random', 'quiz_guest', 'quiz_slide', 'quiz_language', 'quiz_certificate', 'quiz_gradebook', 'quiz_params', 'is_time_related', 'show_period'), true, array('quiz_pool_assoc', 'quiz_questions', 'question_feedbacks', 'choice_data', 'match_data', 'scale_data', 'blank_data', 'hotspot_data'), array(array('qcat_id', 'items_number'), array('c_id', 'c_point', 'c_attempts', 'c_type', 'c_pool', 'c_qcat', 'ordering'), array('quest_id', 'choice_id'), array('c_question_id', 'c_right', 'ordering'), array('c_question_id', 'ordering'), array('c_question_id', 'c_type', 'ordering'), array('c_question_id', 'ordering'), array('c_question_id')), array(array(), array('question_text', 'question_image', 'question_params', 'question_explanation'), array('fb_text'), array('choice_text'), array('match_text_left', 'match_text_right'), array('scale_field'), array('blank_text', 'default_answer'), array('hs_start_x', 'hs_start_y', 'hs_width', 'hs_height')));
            $i = 0;
            while ($i < count($quizzes)) {
                $insert = new stdClass();
                $insert->course_id = $course_id;
                $insert->c_category_id = 0;
                $quiz_cat_name = $quizzes[$i]->quiz_category;
                $query = "SELECT c_id FROM #__lms_quiz_t_category WHERE c_category = '" . $quiz_cat_name . "' AND is_quiz_cat = 1";
                $quiz_cat_id = $JLMS_DB->LoadResult();
                if ($quiz_cat_id) {
                    $insert->c_category_id = $quiz_cat_id;
                } elseif ($quiz_cat_name) {
                    $query = "INSERT INTO #__lms_quiz_t_category (course_id, c_category, c_instruction, is_quiz_cat) VALUES ({$course_id}, " . $JLMS_DB->Quote($quiz_cat_name) . ", '', 1)";
                    $insert->c_category_id = $JLMS_DB->insertid();
                $insert->c_user_id = $my->id;
                $insert->c_full_score = $quizzes[$i]->quiz_full_score;
                $insert->c_title = $quizzes[$i]->quiz_title;
                $insert->c_description = $quizzes[$i]->quiz_description;
                $insert->c_time_limit = $quizzes[$i]->quiz_time_limit;
                $insert->c_min_after = $quizzes[$i]->quiz_min_after;
                $insert->c_passing_score = $quizzes[$i]->quiz_passing_score;
                $insert->c_created_time = date('Y-m-d');
                $insert->published = $quizzes[$i]->published;
                $insert->c_right_message = $quizzes[$i]->quiz_right_message;
                $insert->c_wrong_message = $quizzes[$i]->quiz_wrong_message;
                $insert->c_pass_message = $quizzes[$i]->quiz_pass_message;
                $insert->c_unpass_message = $quizzes[$i]->quiz_unpass_message;
                $insert->c_enable_review = $quizzes[$i]->quiz_review;
                $insert->c_email_to = $quizzes[$i]->quiz_email;
                $insert->c_enable_print = $quizzes[$i]->quiz_print;
                $insert->c_enable_sertif = $quizzes[$i]->quiz_certif;
                $insert->c_skin = $quizzes[$i]->quiz_skin;
                $insert->c_random = $quizzes[$i]->quiz_random;
                $insert->c_guest = $quizzes[$i]->quiz_guest;
                $insert->c_skin = $quizzes[$i]->quiz_skin;
                $insert->c_slide = $quizzes[$i]->quiz_slide;
                $insert->c_language = $quizzes[$i]->quiz_language;
                $insert->params = $quizzes[$i]->quiz_params;
                $insert->is_time_related = $quizzes[$i]->is_time_related;
                $insert->show_period = $quizzes[$i]->show_period;
                $insert->c_certificate = 0;
                if ($quizzes[$i]->quiz_certificate) {
                    for ($r = 0; $r < count($certificates); $r++) {
                        if ($certificates[$r]->id == $quizzes[$i]->quiz_certificate) {
                            $insert->c_certificate = $certificates[$r]->new_id;
                $insert->c_gradebook = $quizzes[$i]->quiz_gradebook;
                $JLMS_DB->insertObject("#__lms_quiz_t_quiz", $insert, "c_id");
                $new_quiz_id = $JLMS_DB->insertid();
                $quizzes[$i]->new_quiz_id = $new_quiz_id;
                if (!empty($quizzes[$i]->quiz_pool_assoc)) {
                    $j = 0;
                    while ($j < count($quizzes[$i]->quiz_pool_assoc)) {
                        $ins_qp = new stdClass();
                        $ins_qp->quiz_id = $new_quiz_id;
                        $ins_qp->qcat_id = 0;
                        if ($quizzes[$i]->quiz_pool_assoc[$j]->qcat_id) {
                            for ($ij = 0; $ij < count($quest_cats); $ij++) {
                                if ($quest_cats[$ij]->c_id == $quizzes[$i]->quiz_pool_assoc[$j]->qcat_id) {
                                    $ins_qp->qcat_id = $quest_cats[$ij]->new_qcat_id;
                        $ins_qp->items_number = $quizzes[$i]->quiz_pool_assoc[$j]->items_number;
                        $query = "INSERT INTO #__lms_quiz_t_quiz_pool (quiz_id, qcat_id, items_number) VALUES ({$ins_qp->quiz_id}, {$ins_qp->qcat_id}, {$ins_qp->items_number})";
                //questions processing
                $j = 0;
                while ($j < count($quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions)) {
                    $quest = new stdClass();
                    $quest->course_id = $course_id;
                    $quest->c_quiz_id = $new_quiz_id;
                    $quest->c_point = $quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions[$j]->c_point;
                    $quest->c_attempts = $quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions[$j]->c_attempts;
                    $quest->c_question = $quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions[$j]->question_text;
                    $quest->c_image = $quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions[$j]->question_image;
                    $quest->c_type = $quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions[$j]->c_type;
                    $quest->params = $quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions[$j]->question_params;
                    $quest->c_explanation = $quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions[$j]->question_explanation;
                    // added 27.03.2008 (DEN)
                    $quest->c_pool = 0;
                    $quest->c_qcat = 0;
                    if ($quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions[$j]->c_qcat) {
                        for ($ij = 0; $ij < count($quest_cats); $ij++) {
                            if ($quest_cats[$ij]->c_id == $quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions[$j]->c_qcat) {
                                $quest->c_qcat = $quest_cats[$ij]->new_qcat_id;
                    if ($quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions[$j]->c_pool && $quest->c_type == 20) {
                        if (!empty($q_pool[0]->pool_questions)) {
                            for ($ij = 0; $ij < count($q_pool[0]->pool_questions); $ij++) {
                                if ($q_pool[0]->pool_questions[$ij]->c_id == $quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions[$j]->c_pool) {
                                    $quest->c_pool = $q_pool[0]->pool_questions[$ij]->new_id;
                    $quest->ordering = $quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions[$j]->ordering;
                    if ($quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions[$j]->question_image && !in_array($quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions[$j]->question_image, $quiz_images2)) {
                        // Changed 20.08.2007 by DEN - from:
                        //if ($q_pool[$i]->pool_questions[$j]->question_image) {
                        $quiz_images2[] = $quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions[$j]->question_image;
                    $JLMS_DB->insertObject("#__lms_quiz_t_question", $quest, "c_id");
                    $quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions[$j]->new_id = $JLMS_DB->insertid();
                //feedbacks processing
                $j = 0;
                while ($j < count($quizzes[$i]->question_feedbacks)) {
                    $q_fb = new stdClass();
                    $q_fb->choice_id = $quizzes[$i]->question_feedbacks[$j]->choice_id;
                    $q_fb->fb_text = $quizzes[$i]->question_feedbacks[$j]->fb_text;
                    $q_fb->quest_id = 0;
                    for ($k = 0; $k < count($quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions); $k++) {
                        if ($quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions[$k]->c_id == $quizzes[$i]->question_feedbacks[$j]->quest_id) {
                            $q_fb->quest_id = isset($quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions[$k]->new_id) ? intval($quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions[$k]->new_id) : 0;
                    if ($q_fb->quest_id && $q_fb->fb_text && ($q_fb->choice_id == -1 || $q_fb->choice_id == 0)) {
                        $query = "INSERT INTO #__lms_quiz_t_question_fb (quest_id, choice_id, fb_text) VALUES ({$q_fb->quest_id}, {$q_fb->choice_id}, " . $JLMS_DB->Quote($q_fb->fb_text) . ")";
                //choices processing
                $j = 0;
                while ($j < count($quizzes[$i]->choice_data)) {
                    $q_choice = new stdClass();
                    $q_choice->c_choice = $quizzes[$i]->choice_data[$j]->choice_text;
                    $q_choice->c_right = $quizzes[$i]->choice_data[$j]->c_right;
                    $q_choice->ordering = $quizzes[$i]->choice_data[$j]->ordering;
                    $q_choice->c_question_id = 0;
                    for ($k = 0; $k < count($quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions); $k++) {
                        if ($quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions[$k]->c_id == $quizzes[$i]->choice_data[$j]->c_question_id) {
                            $q_choice->c_question_id = isset($quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions[$k]->new_id) ? $quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions[$k]->new_id : 0;
                            if ($quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions[$k]->c_type == 12 || $quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions[$k]->c_type == 13) {
                                $q_choice->c_choice = intval($q_choice->c_choice);
                                for ($kk = 0; $kk < count($quiz_images); $kk++) {
                                    if ($q_choice->c_choice == $quiz_images[$kk]->file_id) {
                                        $q_choice->c_choice = isset($quiz_images[$kk]->imgs_new_id) ? intval($quiz_images[$kk]->imgs_new_id) : 0;
                    if ($q_choice->c_question_id) {
                        $JLMS_DB->insertObject("#__lms_quiz_t_choice", $q_choice, "c_id");
                //matching processing
                $j = 0;
                while ($j < count($quizzes[$i]->match_data)) {
                    $q_match = new stdClass();
                    $q_match->c_left_text = $quizzes[$i]->match_data[$j]->match_text_left;
                    $q_match->c_right_text = $quizzes[$i]->match_data[$j]->match_text_right;
                    $q_match->ordering = $quizzes[$i]->match_data[$j]->ordering;
                    $q_match->c_question_id = 0;
                    for ($k = 0; $k < count($quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions); $k++) {
                        if ($quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions[$k]->c_id == $quizzes[$i]->match_data[$j]->c_question_id) {
                            $q_match->c_question_id = isset($quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions[$k]->new_id) ? $quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions[$k]->new_id : 0;
                            if ($quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions[$k]->c_type == 11) {
                                $q_match->c_left_text = intval($q_match->c_left_text);
                                $q_match->c_right_text = intval($q_match->c_right_text);
                                $is_changed_match_images = 0;
                                for ($kk = 0; $kk < count($quiz_images); $kk++) {
                                    if ($q_match->c_left_text == $quiz_images[$kk]->file_id) {
                                        $q_match->c_left_text = isset($quiz_images[$kk]->imgs_new_id) ? intval($quiz_images[$kk]->imgs_new_id) : 0;
                                        if ($is_changed_match_images == 2) {
                                    if ($q_match->c_right_text == $quiz_images[$kk]->file_id) {
                                        $q_match->c_right_text = isset($quiz_images[$kk]->imgs_new_id) ? intval($quiz_images[$kk]->imgs_new_id) : 0;
                                        if ($is_changed_match_images == 2) {
                    if ($q_match->c_question_id) {
                        $JLMS_DB->insertObject("#__lms_quiz_t_matching", $q_match, "c_id");
                //likert scale processing (27.03.2008 - DEN)
                $j = 0;
                while ($j < count($quizzes[$i]->scale_data)) {
                    $q_scale = new stdClass();
                    $q_scale->c_field = $quizzes[$i]->scale_data[$j]->scale_field;
                    $q_scale->c_type = $quizzes[$i]->scale_data[$j]->c_type;
                    $q_scale->ordering = $quizzes[$i]->scale_data[$j]->ordering;
                    $q_scale->c_question_id = 0;
                    for ($k = 0; $k < count($quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions); $k++) {
                        if ($quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions[$k]->c_id == $quizzes[$i]->scale_data[$j]->c_question_id) {
                            $q_scale->c_question_id = isset($quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions[$k]->new_id) ? $quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions[$k]->new_id : 0;
                    if ($q_scale->c_question_id) {
                        $JLMS_DB->insertObject("#__lms_quiz_t_scale", $q_scale, "c_id");
                //hotspot processing
                $j = 0;
                while ($j < count($quizzes[$i]->hotspot_data)) {
                    $q_hotspot = new stdClass();
                    $q_hotspot->c_start_x = $quizzes[$i]->hotspot_data[$j]->hs_start_x;
                    $q_hotspot->c_start_y = $quizzes[$i]->hotspot_data[$j]->hs_start_y;
                    $q_hotspot->c_width = $quizzes[$i]->hotspot_data[$j]->hs_width;
                    $q_hotspot->c_height = $quizzes[$i]->hotspot_data[$j]->hs_height;
                    $q_hotspot->c_question_id = 0;
                    for ($k = 0; $k < count($quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions); $k++) {
                        if ($quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions[$k]->c_id == $quizzes[$i]->hotspot_data[$j]->c_question_id) {
                            $q_hotspot->c_question_id = isset($quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions[$k]->new_id) ? $quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions[$k]->new_id : 0;
                    if ($q_hotspot->c_question_id) {
                        $JLMS_DB->insertObject("#__lms_quiz_t_hotspot", $q_hotspot, "c_id");
                //blank quests processing
                $j = 0;
                $blank_inserted = array();
                while ($j < count($quizzes[$i]->blank_data)) {
                    $q_blank = new stdClass();
                    $q_blank->c_question_id = 0;
                    $q_blank->c_default = $quizzes[$i]->blank_data[$j]->default_answer;
                    for ($k = 0; $k < count($quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions); $k++) {
                        if ($quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions[$k]->c_id == $quizzes[$i]->blank_data[$j]->c_question_id) {
                            $q_blank->c_question_id = isset($quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions[$k]->new_id) ? $quizzes[$i]->quiz_questions[$k]->new_id : 0;
                    if ($q_blank->c_question_id) {
                        $proceed_insert = true;
                        foreach ($blank_inserted as $bains) {
                            if ($bains->quest_id == $q_blank->c_question_id) {
                                $proceed_insert = false;
                                $new_blank_id = $bains->blank_id;
                        if ($proceed_insert) {
                            $JLMS_DB->insertObject("#__lms_quiz_t_blank", $q_blank, "c_id");
                            $new_blank_id = $JLMS_DB->insertid();
                            $blankins = new stdClass();
                            $blankins->quest_id = $q_blank->c_question_id;
                            $blankins->blank_id = $new_blank_id;
                            $blank_inserted[] = $blankins;
                        $q_blank_text = new stdClass();
                        $q_blank_text->c_blank_id = $new_blank_id;
                        $q_blank_text->c_text = $quizzes[$i]->blank_data[$j]->blank_text;
                        $q_blank_text->ordering = $quizzes[$i]->blank_data[$j]->ordering;
                        if ($q_blank_text->c_blank_id) {
                            $JLMS_DB->insertObject("#__lms_quiz_t_text", $q_blank_text, "c_id");
            // ****************************************************************************************************
            // Copy quiz images
            if (count($quiz_images2)) {
                $fromDir = $extract_dir . "quiz_images/";
                $toDir = $JLMS_CONFIG->getCfg('absolute_path') . "/images/joomlaquiz/images/";
                $i = 0;
                while ($i < count($quiz_images2)) {
                    if (file_exists($fromDir . $quiz_images2[$i])) {
                        @rename($fromDir . $quiz_images2[$i], $toDir . $quiz_images2[$i]);
            //} // end if ($lms_cfg_quiz_enabled)
        $l_paths = array();
        $lpath_prerequisites = array();
        if (in_array(2, $imp_tools)) {
            // ****************************************************************************************************
            // Get LearningPaths DATA and insert it into the DB
            $element =& $root->getElementByPath('learn_paths');
            $l_paths = JLMS_parse_XML_elements($element->children(), array('id', 'item_id', 'ordering', 'published', 'is_time_related', 'show_period'), array('lp_name', 'lp_shortdescription', 'lp_description', 'lp_params'), true, array('prerequisites', 'steps', 'conds'), array(array('lpath_id', 'req_id', 'time_minutes'), array('id', 'item_id', 'lpath_id', 'step_type', 'parent_id', 'ordering'), array('lpath_id', 'step_id', 'ref_step', 'cond_type', 'cond_value')), array(array(), array('step_name', 'step_shortdescription', 'step_description'), array()));
            $i = 0;
            $process_steps_on_exit = array();
            while ($i < count($l_paths)) {
                $insert = new stdClass();
                $insert->course_id = $course_id;
                $insert->owner_id = $my->id;
                $insert->lpath_name = $l_paths[$i]->lp_name;
                if ($l_paths[$i]->item_id) {
                    $n = 0;
                    $scorm_found = false;
                    while ($n < count($scorms)) {
                        if ($scorms[$n]->id == $l_paths[$i]->item_id) {
                            $insert->item_id = $scorms[$n]->new_sco_id;
                            $scorm_found = true;
                    if (!$scorm_found) {
                } else {
                    $insert->item_id = 0;
                $insert->lpath_shortdescription = $l_paths[$i]->lp_shortdescription;
                $insert->lp_params = $l_paths[$i]->lp_params;
                $insert->lpath_description = $l_paths[$i]->lp_description;
                $insert->ordering = $l_paths[$i]->ordering;
                $insert->published = $l_paths[$i]->published;
                $insert->lp_type = 0;
                // for compatibility with SCORM import/export (if lp_type == 0, then new instance in 'lms_n_scorm' will be added automatically)
                $insert->is_time_related = $l_paths[$i]->is_time_related;
                $insert->show_period = $l_paths[$i]->show_period;
                $JLMS_DB->insertObject("#__lms_learn_paths", $insert, "id");
                $l_paths[$i]->new_step_id = $JLMS_DB->insertid();
                // 18 August 2007 - DEN - prerequisites import
                $j = 0;
                while ($j < count($l_paths[$i]->prerequisites)) {
                    $new_prereq = new stdClass();
                    $new_prereq->old_lpath_id = $l_paths[$i]->prerequisites[$j]->lpath_id;
                    $new_prereq->old_req_id = $l_paths[$i]->prerequisites[$j]->req_id;
                    $new_prereq->lpath_id = 0;
                    $new_prereq->req_id = 0;
                    $new_prereq->time_minutes = 0;
                    $lpath_prerequisites[] = $new_prereq;
                if ($l_paths[$i]->item_id) {
                } else {
                    $j = 0;
                    while ($j < count($l_paths[$i]->steps)) {
                        $step = new stdClass();
                        $step->course_id = $course_id;
                        $step->lpath_id = $l_paths[$i]->new_step_id;
                        $step->step_type = $l_paths[$i]->steps[$j]->step_type;
                        $do_process_on_exit = false;
                        $proc_exit_item = 0;
                        if ($step->step_type == 2) {
                            $is_doc_found = false;
                            for ($k = 0; $k < count($documents); $k++) {
                                if ($documents[$k]->id == $l_paths[$i]->steps[$j]->item_id) {
                                    $step->item_id = $documents[$k]->new_doc_id;
                                    $is_doc_found = true;
                            if (!$is_doc_found) {
                                $step->step_type = 4;
                        } elseif ($step->step_type == 3) {
                            $is_link_found = false;
                            for ($k = 0; $k < count($links); $k++) {
                                if ($links[$k]->id == $l_paths[$i]->steps[$j]->item_id) {
                                    $step->item_id = $links[$k]->new_link_id;
                                    $is_link_found = true;
                            if (!$is_link_found) {
                                $step->step_type = 4;
                        } elseif ($step->step_type == 5) {
                            $is_quiz_found = false;
                            for ($k = 0; $k < count($quizzes); $k++) {
                                if ($quizzes[$k]->c_id == $l_paths[$i]->steps[$j]->item_id) {
                                    $step->item_id = $quizzes[$k]->new_quiz_id;
                                    $is_quiz_found = true;
                            if (!$is_quiz_found) {
                                $step->step_type = 4;
                        } elseif ($step->step_type == 6) {
                            // Axtung - we should make all scorm steps - as 4 (content) and after processing all LPaths -> upgrade them to type 6 (scorm) and link to scorm LPath
                            // (because) at this step not all Lpaths are processed !!!
                            $step->step_type = 4;
                            $do_process_on_exit = true;
                            $proc_exit_item = $l_paths[$i]->steps[$j]->item_id;
                        } else {
                            $step->item_id = $l_paths[$i]->steps[$j]->item_id;
                        $parent = $l_paths[$i]->steps[$j]->parent_id;
                        // search processed steps for parent_id
                        if ($parent) {
                            $a = 0;
                            while ($a < $j) {
                                if ($l_paths[$i]->steps[$a]->id == $parent) {
                                    $parent = $l_paths[$i]->steps[$a]->new_id;
                        $step->parent_id = $parent;
                        $step->step_name = $l_paths[$i]->steps[$j]->step_name;
                        $step->step_shortdescription = $l_paths[$i]->steps[$j]->step_shortdescription;
                        $step->step_description = $l_paths[$i]->steps[$j]->step_description;
                        $step->ordering = $l_paths[$i]->steps[$j]->ordering;
                        $JLMS_DB->insertObject("#__lms_learn_path_steps", $step, "id");
                        $l_paths[$i]->steps[$j]->new_id = $JLMS_DB->insertid();
                        if ($do_process_on_exit) {
                            $pr_step = new stdClass();
                            $pr_step->step_id = $l_paths[$i]->steps[$j]->new_id;
                            $pr_step->item_id = $proc_exit_item;
                            $pr_step->new_item_id = 0;
                            $process_steps_on_exit[] = $pr_step;
                    $j = 0;
                    while ($j < count($l_paths[$i]->conds)) {
                        $cond = new stdClass();
                        $cond->course_id = $course_id;
                        $cond->lpath_id = $l_paths[$i]->new_step_id;
                        $cond->cond_type = $l_paths[$i]->conds[$j]->cond_type;
                        $cond->cond_value = $l_paths[$i]->conds[$j]->cond_value;
                        $st1 = $l_paths[$i]->conds[$j]->step_id;
                        if ($st1) {
                            $a = 0;
                            while ($a < count($l_paths[$i]->steps)) {
                                if ($l_paths[$i]->steps[$a]->id == $st1) {
                                    $st1 = $l_paths[$i]->steps[$a]->new_id;
                        $cond->step_id = $st1;
                        $st2 = $l_paths[$i]->conds[$j]->ref_step;
                        if ($st2) {
                            $a = 0;
                            while ($a < count($l_paths[$i]->steps)) {
                                if ($l_paths[$i]->steps[$a]->id == $st2) {
                                    $st2 = $l_paths[$i]->steps[$a]->new_id;
                        $cond->ref_step = $st2;
                        $JLMS_DB->insertObject("#__lms_learn_path_conds", $cond, "id");
            // 18 August 2007 - DEN - import scorm steps
            if (!empty($process_steps_on_exit)) {
                $a = 0;
                while ($a < count($process_steps_on_exit)) {
                    foreach ($l_paths as $lp) {
                        if ($lp->id == $process_steps_on_exit[$a]->item_id) {
                            $process_steps_on_exit[$a]->new_item_id = $lp->new_step_id;
                            // xm.. why 'step' ?? (bad name)
                foreach ($process_steps_on_exit as $lp_pse) {
                    if ($lp_pse->new_item_id && $lp_pse->step_id) {
                        $query = "UPDATE #__lms_learn_path_steps SET step_type = 6, item_id = " . intval($lp_pse->new_item_id) . " WHERE id = " . intval($lp_pse->step_id);
            // 18 August 2007 - DEN - prerequisites import
            if (!empty($lpath_prerequisites)) {
                $a = 0;
                while ($a < count($lpath_prerequisites)) {
                    foreach ($l_paths as $lp) {
                        if ($lp->id == $lpath_prerequisites[$a]->old_lpath_id) {
                            $lpath_prerequisites[$a]->lpath_id = $lp->new_step_id;
                            // xm.. why 'step' ?? (bad name)
                        if ($lp->id == $lpath_prerequisites[$a]->old_req_id) {
                            $lpath_prerequisites[$a]->req_id = $lp->new_step_id;
                            // xm.. why 'step' ?? (bad name)
                foreach ($lpath_prerequisites as $lp_pre) {
                    if ($lp_pre->lpath_id && $lp_pre->req_id && $lp_pre->lpath_id != $lp_pre->req_id) {
                        $query = "INSERT INTO #__lms_learn_path_prerequisites (lpath_id, req_id, time_minutes) VALUES (" . intval($lp_pre->lpath_id) . ", " . intval($lp_pre->req_id) . ", " . intval($lp_pre->time_minutes) . ")";
            if ($course_redirect_lp) {
                $lp_id = 0;
                foreach ($l_paths as $lp) {
                    if ($lp->id == $course_redirect_lp) {
                        $lp_id = $lp->new_step_id;
                        // xm.. why 'step' ?? (bad name)
                if ($lp_id) {
                    $params->set('learn_path', $lp_id);
                    $params_ar = $params->toArray();
                    if (is_array($params_ar)) {
                        foreach ($params_ar as $k => $v) {
                            $txt[] = "{$k}={$v}";
                        $new_params = implode("\n", $txt);
                        if ($new_params) {
                            $query = "UPDATE #__lms_courses SET " . $JLMS_DB->NameQuote('params') . " = " . $JLMS_DB->Quote($new_params) . " WHERE id = {$course_id}";
        $course_topics = array();
        // ****************************************************************************************************
        // Get TOPICS Items DATA and insert it into the 'lms_topics', 'lms_topic_items' tables - 27.03.2008 (DEN)
        $element =& $root->getElementByPath('course_topics');
        $course_topics = JLMS_parse_XML_elements($element->children(), array('topic_id', 'ordering', 'published', 'publish_start', 'start_date', 'publish_end', 'end_date', 'is_time_related', 'show_period'), array('topic_name', 'topic_description'));
        $i = 0;
        while ($i < count($course_topics)) {
            $insert = new stdClass();
            $insert->course_id = $course_id;
            $insert->ordering = $course_topics[$i]->ordering;
            $insert->name = $course_topics[$i]->topic_name;
            $insert->description = $course_topics[$i]->topic_description;
            $insert->published = $course_topics[$i]->published;
            $insert->start_date = $course_topics[$i]->start_date;
            $insert->publish_start = $course_topics[$i]->publish_start;
            $insert->end_date = $course_topics[$i]->end_date;
            $insert->publish_end = $course_topics[$i]->publish_end;
            $insert->is_time_related = $course_topics[$i]->is_time_related;
            $insert->show_period = $course_topics[$i]->show_period;
            $JLMS_DB->insertObject("#__lms_topics", $insert, "id");
            $course_topics[$i]->new_topic_id = $JLMS_DB->insertid();
        $element =& $root->getElementByPath('course_topic_items');
        $course_topic_items = JLMS_parse_XML_elements($element->children(), array('topic_id', 'item_id', 'item_type', 'ordering', 'is_shown'), array());
        $i = 0;
        while ($i < count($course_topic_items)) {
            $insert = new stdClass();
            $insert->course_id = $course_id;
            $insert->topic_id = 0;
            foreach ($course_topics as $ct) {
                if ($course_topic_items[$i]->topic_id == $ct->topic_id) {
                    $insert->topic_id = $ct->new_topic_id;
            if ($insert->topic_id) {
                $insert->ordering = $course_topic_items[$i]->ordering;
                $insert->item_type = $course_topic_items[$i]->item_type;
                $insert->show = $course_topic_items[$i]->is_shown ? 1 : 0;
                $insert->item_id = 0;
                $do_add_topic_item = false;
                if ($insert->item_type == 2) {
                    // documents
                    if (in_array(1, $imp_tools)) {
                        for ($k = 0; $k < count($documents); $k++) {
                            if ($documents[$k]->id == $course_topic_items[$i]->item_id) {
                                $insert->item_id = $documents[$k]->new_doc_id;
                                $do_add_topic_item = true;
                } elseif ($insert->item_type == 3) {
                    // links
                    if (in_array(4, $imp_tools)) {
                        for ($k = 0; $k < count($links); $k++) {
                            if ($links[$k]->id == $course_topic_items[$i]->item_id) {
                                $insert->item_id = $links[$k]->new_link_id;
                                $do_add_topic_item = true;
                } elseif ($insert->item_type == 5) {
                    // quizzes
                    if (in_array(5, $imp_tools)) {
                        for ($k = 0; $k < count($quizzes); $k++) {
                            if ($quizzes[$k]->c_id == $course_topic_items[$i]->item_id) {
                                $insert->item_id = $quizzes[$k]->new_quiz_id;
                                $do_add_topic_item = true;
                } elseif ($insert->item_type == 7) {
                    // learning paths
                    if (in_array(2, $imp_tools)) {
                        for ($k = 0; $k < count($l_paths); $k++) {
                            if ($l_paths[$k]->id == $course_topic_items[$i]->item_id) {
                                $insert->item_id = $l_paths[$k]->new_step_id;
                                $do_add_topic_item = true;
                if ($do_add_topic_item && $insert->item_id) {
                    $JLMS_DB->insertObject("#__lms_topic_items", $insert, "id");
                    $course_topic_items[$i]->new_topic_item_id = $JLMS_DB->insertid();
        if (in_array(8, $imp_tools)) {
            // ****************************************************************************************************
            // Get GradeBook Items DATA and insert it into the 'lms_gradebook_items' table
            $element =& $root->getElementByPath('gradebook_items');
            $gb_items = JLMS_parse_XML_elements($element->children(), array('gbi_option', 'ordering'), array('gbi_name', 'gbi_description', 'gb_category'));
            $i = 0;
            while ($i < count($gb_items)) {
                $insert = new stdClass();
                $query = "SELECT id FROM #__lms_gradebook_cats WHERE gb_category = '" . $gb_items[$i]->gb_category . "'";
                $cat_id = $JLMS_DB->LoadResult();
                if (!$cat_id) {
                    $cat_id = 0;
                $insert->course_id = $course_id;
                $insert->gbc_id = $cat_id;
                $insert->gbi_name = $gb_items[$i]->gbi_name;
                $insert->gbi_description = $gb_items[$i]->gbi_description;
                $insert->gbi_points = 0;
                $insert->gbi_option = $gb_items[$i]->gbi_option;
                $insert->ordering = $gb_items[$i]->ordering;
                $JLMS_DB->insertObject("#__lms_gradebook_items", $insert, "id");
                $gb_items[$i]->new_gbi_id = $JLMS_DB->insertid();
            // ****************************************************************************************************
            // Get GradeBook Scale DATA and insert it into the 'lms_gradebook_scale' table
            $element =& $root->getElementByPath('gradebook_scale');
            $gb_scale = JLMS_parse_XML_elements($element->children(), array('min_val', 'max_val', 'ordering'), array('scale_name'));
            $i = 0;
            while ($i < count($gb_scale)) {
                $insert = new stdClass();
                $insert->course_id = $course_id;
                $insert->scale_name = $gb_scale[$i]->scale_name;
                $insert->min_val = $gb_scale[$i]->min_val;
                $insert->max_val = $gb_scale[$i]->max_val;
                $insert->ordering = $gb_scale[$i]->ordering;
                $JLMS_DB->insertObject("#__lms_gradebook_scale", $insert, "id");
                $gb_scale[$i]->new_gbs_id = $JLMS_DB->insertid();
            // ****************************************************************************************************
            // Get GradeBook Scale DATA and insert it into the 'lms_gradebook_scale' table
            $element =& $root->getElementByPath('gradebook_lpaths');
            $gb_lpaths = JLMS_parse_XML_elements($element->children(), array('learn_path_id'), array());
            $i = 0;
            while ($i < count($gb_lpaths)) {
                $insert = new stdClass();
                $insert->course_id = $course_id;
                $insert->learn_path_id = 0;
                foreach ($l_paths as $lp) {
                    if ($gb_lpaths[$i]->learn_path_id == $lp->id) {
                        $insert->learn_path_id = $lp->new_step_id;
                if ($insert->learn_path_id) {
                    $JLMS_DB->insertObject("#__lms_gradebook_lpaths", $insert, "id");
    // delete temporary files
    return $archive;