public function getItems() { $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $config = SroHelper::getConfig(); $altinn = $this->getState("filter.altsearch"); $gencode = $this->getState("filter.generatecode"); $botcode = substr(md5(time()), 0, 6); $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $dbextra = $this->getState("dbextra", ""); if ($dbextra == 'captcha') { $img = self::randomCaptcha(); $items = array('error' => $config->get("error_captcha"), 'captcha' => '/media/com_sro/images/captcha/' . $img[basename]); return $items; } if ($dbextra == 'generate') { self::genCode($db, $gencode, $botcode); } if ($dbextra == 'alt') { self::getCode($db, $config, $altinn, $botcode, $ip); } $db->setQuery($this->_getListQuery(), $this->getState("list.start"), $this->getState("list.limit")); $items = $db->loadObjectList(); if (!$this->getState("dbextra", false)) { $rootfolder = $config->get("rootfolder"); $linktext = $config->get("file_text", JText::_("COM_SRO_DOWNLOAD")); $fullpath = JPATH_SITE . "/" . $rootfolder; foreach ($items as &$item) { $files = JFolder::files($fullpath, $item->inn); $item->file = empty($files) ? "" : JHtml::link(JURI::base() . $rootfolder . "/" . $files[0], $linktext); } } return $items; }
public static function getComposedEmail($parms, $cfg, $article, $email = true, $updt = false) { $tnam = $email ? 'email_tmpl' : 'sms_tmpl'; $tmpl = $cfg[$tnam] ?: $parms->get($tnam, ''); if ($uppo = strpos($tmpl, '[[update]]')) { if ($updt) { $tmpl = trim(substr($tmpl, $uppo + 10)); } else { $tmpl = trim(substr($tmpl, 0, $uppo)); } } if (preg_match_all('|{{([A-Z_-]+)}}|', $tmpl, $mtchs)) { //var_dump($mtchs); foreach ($mtchs[1] as $mtch) { $rpl = ''; switch ($mtch) { case 'TITLE': $rpl = $article->title; break; case 'CATEGORY': $rpl = self::getCatTitle($article->catid); break; case 'ITEM-LINK': $rpl = self::getArticleHref($article); $rpl = JHtml::link($rpl, $rpl); break; } if ($rpl) { $tmpl = str_replace('{{' . $mtch . '}}', $rpl, $tmpl); } } } return $tmpl; }
public function preflight() { if (!version_compare(JVERSION, $this->required, '>=')) { $link = JHtml::link('index.php?option=com_joomlaupdate', $this->required); JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(sprintf('You need Joomla! %s or later to install this extension', $link), 'error'); return false; } return true; }
/** * createInfoBox * * @param $context * @param $article * @param $params * * @return string */ public static function createInfoBox($context, $article, $params) { $input->{$option} = JRequest::getVar('option'); $view = JRequest::getVar('view'); $layout = JRequest::getVar('layout', 'default'); if ($option != 'com_content' || $view != 'article' || $layout != 'default') { return; } // Include Component Core include_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_userxtd/includes/core.php'; $ux = plgSystemUserxtd::getInstance(); $param = $ux->params; $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $doc = JFactory::getDocument(); UXHelper::_('lang.loadLanguage', 'com_userxtd', 'admin'); if ($app->isAdmin()) { return; } // init params $image_field = $param->get('UserInfo_ImageField', 'BASIC_AVATAR'); $title_field = $param->get('UserInfo_TitleField', 'name'); $about_field = $param->get('UserInfo_AboutField', 'BASIC_ABOUT'); $website_field = $param->get('UserInfo_WebiteField', 'BASIC_WEBSITE'); $width = $param->get('UserInfo_ImageWidth', 150); $height = $param->get('UserInfo_ImageHeight', 150); $crop = $param->get('UserInfo_ImageCrop', 1); $include_css = $param->get('UserInfo_IncludeCSS_Article', 1); // Include CSS if ($include_css) { $doc->addStyleSheet('administrator/components/com_userxtd/includes/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css'); $doc->addStyleSheet('components/com_userxtd/includes/css/userxtd-userinfo.css'); } // handle params $user = UXFactory::getUser($article->created_by); $image = $user->get($image_field); $image = AKHelper::_('thumb.resize', $image, $width, $height, $crop); $link = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_userxtd&view=user&id=' . $user->get('id')); $link = JHtml::link($link, JText::_('COM_USERXTD_USER_INFO_MORE')); $website_link = $user->get($website_field); $website_link = $website_link ? JHtml::link($website_link, JText::_('COM_USERXTD_USER_INFO_WEBSITE')) : null; // Get Template override $tpl = $app->getTemplate(); $file = JPATH_THEMES . "/{$tpl}/html/plg_userxtd/content/userInfo.php"; if (!JFile::exists($file)) { $file = dirname(__FILE__) . '/tmpl/userInfo.php'; } // Start capturing output into a buffer ob_start(); // Include the requested template filename in the local scope include $file; // Done with the requested template; get the buffer and clear it. $html = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $html; }
/** * autoThumb * * @param string $context * @param object $article * @param \JRegistry $params * * @return void */ public static function autoThumb($context, $article, $params = null) { \JHtmlBehavior::modal(); $minimal = 30; $es = \Ezset::getInstance(); include_once EZSET_ROOT . '/lib/dom/simple_html_dom.php'; $html = str_get_html($article->text); $imgs = $html->find('img'); foreach ($imgs as $img) { $classes = explode(' ', $img->class); $imgUrl = UriHelper::pathAddHost($img->src); // Has class nothumb, skip to next. if (in_array('nothumb', $classes)) { continue; } // If is anchor already, skip to next. if ($img->parent->tag == 'a') { continue; } // If img tag has no width and height attrs, skip. if (!$img->width && !$img->height) { continue; } // If not localhost image, skip. if (!strpos('-' . $imgUrl, \JURI::root()) && $es->params->get('onlyLocalhostThumb', 1)) { continue; } // Get img path and size $imgPath = \JPath::clean(str_replace(\JURI::root(), JPATH_ROOT . '/', $imgUrl)); $size = getimagesize($imgPath); // Manul size $imgW = $img->width; $imgH = $img->height; // Original size $oriW = $size[0]; $oriH = $size[1]; // If too small, skip. if ($oriW <= $minimal || $oriH <= $minimal) { continue; } // If large ten origin, skip. if ($oriW <= $imgW || $oriW <= $imgW) { continue; } // Get thumb url $thumb = new \Windwalker\Image\Thumb(); $img->src = $thumb->resize($imgUrl, $imgW, $imgH); $imgtext = $img->outertext; $imgtext = \JHtml::link($imgUrl, $imgtext, array('class' => 'modal')); $img->outertext = $imgtext; $classes = null; } $article->text = $html->save(); }
public static function getStaffLink($item, $params) { $flag = ""; if ($params->get('show_flag')) { $flag = Countries::getCountryFlag($item->country) . " "; } $text = "<i>" . JoomleagueHelper::formatName(null, $item->firstname, $item->nickname, $item->lastname, $params->get("name_format")) . "</i>"; if ($params->get('show_staff_link')) { $link = JoomleagueHelperRoute::getStaffRoute($params->get('p'), $params->get('team'), $item->slug); echo $flag . JHtml::link($link, $text); } else { echo '<i>' . JText::sprintf('%1$s', $flag . $text) . '</i>'; } }
/** * function notice * @param */ public function notice() { $params = $this->params; $redirect = false; if ($params->get('Integrate_Override_InsertImageArticle', 1) || $params->get('Integrate_Override_MediaFormField', 1) || $params->get('Integrate_Override_MediaManager', 1)) { $redirect = true; } $enabled = JPluginHelper::isEnabled('system', 'remoteimage'); if ($redirect && !$enabled) { $msg = JText::_('COM_REMOTEIMAGE_SYSTEM_PLUGIN_NEED_ENABLED') . '<br />'; $msg .= JHtml::link(JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_plugins&filter_search=remoteimage'), JText::_('COM_REMOTEIMAGE_GO_TO_PLUGINS'), array('target' => '_blank')); $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $app->enqueueMessage($msg, 'warning'); } }
protected function getInput() { $html = '<fieldset id="' . $this->name . '" class="radio">'; $setupURLid = $this->name . '_setupURL'; $arr = array(JHtml::_('select.option', '1', JText::_('JYES')), JHtml::_('select.option', '0', JText::_('JNO'))); $html .= JHtml::_('select.radiolist', $arr, $this->name, 'onchange="$(\'' . $setupURLid . '\').toggle()"', 'value', 'text', (int) $this->value); $attribs = array(); $attribs['class'] = 'modal'; $attribs['style'] = 'float: right; display:' . ($this->value ? 'inline' : 'none'); $attribs['rel'] = "{handler: 'iframe', size: {x: 640, y: 480}}"; $attribs['id'] = $setupURLid; $html .= JHtml::link($this->element->getAttribute('setupURL'), '<input style="color: #F00; font-weight: bold; border-color: #F00;" type="button" value="Setup" />', $attribs); $html .= '</fieldset>'; return $html; }
/** * Method to get the field input markup. * * @return string The field input markup. * * @since 11.1 */ protected function getLabel() { $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $q = $db->getQuery(true); $q->select("extension_id")->from("#__extensions")->where("name = 'plg_system_akmarkdown'"); $db->setQuery($q); $id = $db->loadResult(); $html = ''; if ($id) { $link = "index.php?option=com_plugins&task=plugin.edit&extension_id=" . $id; $html = JHtml::link($link, JText::_('PLG_EDITORS_AKMARKDOWN_GOTO_SYSTEM'), array('target' => '_blank')); $html = "<label>{$html}</label>"; } return $html; }
</span> </td> <td class="data"> <?php $outputName = JoomleagueHelper::formatName(null, $this->person->firstname, $this->person->nickname, $this->person->lastname, $this->config["name_format"]); if ($this->person->id) { switch ($this->config['show_user_profile']) { case 1: // Link to Joomla Contact Page $link = JoomleagueHelperRoute::getContactRoute($this->person->contact_id); $outputName = JHtml::link($link, $outputName); break; case 2: // Link to CBE User Page with support for JoomLeague Tab $link = JoomleagueHelperRoute::getUserProfileRouteCBE($this->person->id, $this->project->id, $this->person->id); $outputName = JHtml::link($link, $outputName); break; default: break; } } echo $outputName; ?> </td> </tr> <?php if (!empty($this->person->nickname)) { ?> <tr> <td class=""> <span class="label">
/** * Tests the link method. * * @param string $url The href for the anchor tag. * @param string $text The text for the anchor tag. * @param mixed $attribs A string or array of link attributes. * @param string $expected The expected result. * * @return void * * @since 3.1 * @dataProvider dataTestLink */ public function testLink($url, $text, $attribs, $expected) { $this->assertEquals(JHtml::link($url, $text, $attribs), $expected); }
<td align="left"> <?php if ($prow->virtuemart_media_id) { ?> <span class="cart-images"> <?php if (!empty($prow->images[0])) { echo $prow->images[0]->displayMediaThumb('', FALSE); } ?> </span> <?php } ?> <?php echo JHtml::link($prow->url, $prow->product_name); echo $this->customfieldsModel->CustomsFieldCartDisplay($prow); ?> </td> <td align="left"><?php echo $prow->product_sku; ?> </td> <td align="center"> <?php if (VmConfig::get('checkout_show_origprice', 1) && $prow->prices['discountedPriceWithoutTax'] != $prow->prices['priceWithoutTax']) { echo '<span class="line-through">' . $this->currencyDisplay->createPriceDiv('basePriceVariant', '', $prow->prices, TRUE, FALSE) . '</span><br />'; } if ($prow->prices['discountedPriceWithoutTax']) { echo $this->currencyDisplay->createPriceDiv('discountedPriceWithoutTax', '', $prow->prices, FALSE, FALSE);
echo $review->comment; ?> </blockquote> <span class="bold"><?php echo $review->customer; ?> </span> </div> <?php } $i++; if ($i == $ratingsShow && !$showall) { /* Show all reviews ? */ if ($reviews_published >= $ratingsShow) { $attribute = array('class' => 'details', 'title' => vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_MORE_REVIEWS')); echo JHtml::link($this->more_reviews, vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_MORE_REVIEWS'), $attribute); } break; } } } else { // "There are no reviews for this product" ?> <span class="step"><?php echo vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_NO_REVIEWS'); ?> </span> <?php } ?> <div class="clear"></div>
<?php foreach ($this->matchstaffs as $player) { if ($player->pposid == $pos->pposid && $player->ptid == $this->match->projectteam2_id) { ?> <li class="list"> <?php $match_player = JoomleagueHelper::formatName(null, $player->firstname, $player->nickname, $player->lastname, $this->config["name_format"]); $imgTitle = JText::sprintf('Picture of %1$s', $match_player); $picture = $player->picture; if (!file_exists($picture)) { $picture = JoomleagueHelper::getDefaultPlaceholder("player"); } echo JoomleagueHelper::getPictureThumb($picture, $imgTitle, $this->config['staff_picture_width'], $this->config['staff_picture_height']); echo ' '; $player_link = JoomleagueHelperRoute::getStaffRoute($this->project->slug, $player->team_slug, $player->person_slug); echo JHtml::link($player_link, $match_player); ?> </li> <?php } } ?> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> <?php
echo $item->custom_title; ?> </td> <td class="center"> <input type="text" name="alias[<?php echo $item->id; ?> ]" class="cf_alias_input" id="cf_alias_<?php echo $item->id; ?> " disabled="disabled" class="inputbox" size="45" value="<?php echo $item->alias; ?> "/> <?php echo JHtml::link('javascript:void(0)', ' ', array('class' => 'cf_edit_btn', 'onclick' => "'cf_alias_" . $item->id . "').disabled=''")); ?> </td> <td class="left"> <?php echo $item->custom_descr; ?> </td> <td class="left"> <?php echo $item->field_type; ?> </td> <td class="order">
$tuser->load($user->userId); $tuser->TableEvent->overrideGlobal($tuser->eventId); $amount = DTreg::displayRate($tuser->TableFee->fee, $currency_code); $due = DTreg::displayRate($tuser->TableFee->fee - $tuser->TableFee->paid_amount, $currency_code); if ($tuser->TableFee->fee - $tuser->TableFee->paid_amount > 0 && $tuser->status != -1) { if ($tuser->is_payable()) { $payment = JHtml::link(JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_dtregister&controller=user&task=due&userId=" . $tuser->userId . "&Itemid=" . $Itemid, $xhtml_url), JText::_('DT_MAKE_PAYMENT')); } else { $payment = ""; } } else { $payment = JText::_('DT_PAID'); } $edit = ""; if ($config->getGlobal('upanel_edit_show', 0) && $tuser->is_editable()) { $edit = JHtml::link(JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_dtregister&controller=user&task=edit&userId=" . $tuser->userId . "&Itemid=" . $Itemid, $xhtml_url), '<img border="0" src="' . JURI::root(true) . '/images/M_images/edit.png" alt="' . JText::_('DT_EDIT') . '" />'); } else { $edit = ""; } if ($tuser->isCancelable()) { $link = '<img border="0" src="' . JURI::root(true) . '/components/com_dtregister/assets/images/publish_x.png" alt="' . JText::_('DT_CANCEL') . '" />'; $cancel_link = '<a href="' . JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_dtregister&controller=user&Itemid=' . $Itemid . '&task=cancel&userId=' . $tuser->userId, $xhtml_url) . '" >' . $link . ' </a>'; } else { $cancel_link = " "; } if ($k == 0) { $bgRow = 'eventListRow1'; } else { $bgRow = 'eventListRow2';
<?php defined('_JEXEC') or exit; $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->addStylesheet('/administrator/components/com_downfiles/js/jquery.fancybox.css'); $document->addScript('/administrator/components/com_downfiles/js/jquery.fancybox.pack.js', 'text/javascript', true); $document->addScript('', 'text/javascript', true); $document->addScript('/administrator/components/com_downfiles/js/getip.js', 'text/javascript', true); $qd = count($this->itemstat); if ($qd > 0) { ?> <div> <?php echo JHtml::link(JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_downfiles&view=stats'), JText::_('COM_DOWNFILES_BACKTOLIST_LINK')); ?> </div> <table class="table table-stripped"> <thead> <th><?php echo JText::_('COM_DOWNFILES_ITEM_NAME'); ?> </th> <th><?php echo JText::_('COM_DOWNFILES_ITEM_DESC'); ?> </th> <th><?php echo JText::_('COM_DOWNFILES_ITEM_DATE'); ?> </th> <th><?php
static function displayMap($obj_id) { $link = JURI::base() . "index.php?option=com_bookpro&task=displaymap&tmpl=component&dest_id=" . $obj_id; $modallink = JHtml::link($link, JText::_("COM_BOOKPRO_VIEW_MAP"), array('class' => 'modal', 'rel' => "{handler: 'iframe', size: {x: 600, y: 530}}")); return $modallink; }
?> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> <?php if ($params->get('show_full_link', 1)) { ?> <div class="mod_jl_results_fulltablelink<?php echo $params->get('moduleclass_sfx'); ?> "><?php echo JHtml::link(JoomleagueHelperRoute::getResultsRoute($list['project']->id, $list['round']->id, $list['divisionid']), JText::_('MOD_JOOMLEAGUE_RESULTS_VIEW_FULL')); ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> </div>
</tr> <?php if (count($this->orders) > 0) { foreach ($this->orders as $key => $order) { $total += $order->total; ?> <tr> <td style="font-weight: bold; border: 1px #ccc solid;"> <?php echo $key + 1; ?> </td> <td style="font-weight: bold; border: 1px #ccc solid;"> <?php echo JHtml::link(JURI::root() . 'index.php?option=com_bookpro&view=orderdetail&order_number=' . $order->order_number . '&email=' . $customer->email, $order->order_number, 'class="cancelbt"'); ?> </td> <td style="border: 1px #ccc solid;"> <?php echo PayStatus::format($order->pay_status); ?> <br> <label class="label"><?php echo $order->pay_method; ?> </label> </td> <td style="border: 1px #ccc solid;"><?php echo OrderStatus::format($order->order_status);
/** * used in form row template * TODO: move to own template file * * @param int $i * @param object $match * @param boolean $backend */ public function editPartResults($i, $match, $backend = false) { $link = "javascript:void(0)"; $params = array("onclick" => "switchMenu('part" . $match->id . "')"); $imgTitle = JText::_('COM_JOOMLEAGUE_ADMIN_EDIT_MATRIX_ROUNDS_PART_RESULT'); $desc = JHtml::image("media/com_joomleague/jl_images/sort01.gif", $imgTitle, array("border" => 0, "title" => $imgTitle)); echo JHtml::link($link, $desc, $params); echo '<span id="part' . $match->id . '" style="display:none">'; echo '<br />'; $partresults1 = explode(";", $match->team1_result_split); $partresults2 = explode(";", $match->team2_result_split); for ($x = 0; $x < $this->project->game_parts; $x++) { echo $x + 1 . ".:"; echo '<input type="text" style="font-size:9px;" name="team1_result_split'; echo !is_null($i) ? $match->id : ''; echo '[]" value="'; echo isset($partresults1[$x]) ? $partresults1[$x] : ''; echo '" size="2" tabindex="1" class="inputbox"'; if (!is_null($i)) { echo ' onchange="'; if ($backend) { echo 'document.adminForm.cb' . $i . '.checked=true; isChecked(this.checked);'; } else { echo '$(\'cb' . $i . '\').checked=true;'; } echo '"'; } echo ' />'; echo ':'; echo '<input type="text" style="font-size:9px;"'; echo ' name="team2_result_split'; echo !is_null($i) ? $match->id : ''; echo '[]" value="'; echo isset($partresults2[$x]) ? $partresults2[$x] : ''; echo '" size="2" tabindex="1" class="inputbox" '; if (!is_null($i)) { echo 'onchange="'; if ($backend) { echo 'document.adminForm.cb' . $i . '.checked=true; isChecked(this.checked);'; } else { echo '$(\'cb' . $i . '\').checked=true;'; } echo '"'; } echo '/>'; if ($x < $this->project->game_parts) { echo '<br />'; } } if ($this->project->allow_add_time) { if ($match->match_result_type > 0) { echo JText::_('COM_JOOMLEAGUE_RESULTS_OVERTIME') . ':'; echo '<input type="text" style="font-size:9px;"'; echo ' name="team1_result_ot' . $match->id . '"'; echo ' value="'; echo isset($match->team1_result_ot) ? '' . $match->team1_result_ot : ''; echo '"'; echo ' size="2" tabindex="1" class="inputbox" onchange="$(\'cb' . $i . '\').checked=true;" />'; echo ':'; echo '<input type="text" style="font-size:9px;"'; echo ' name="team2_result_ot' . $match->id . '"'; echo ' value="'; echo isset($match->team2_result_ot) ? '' . $match->team2_result_ot : ''; echo '"'; echo ' size="2" tabindex="1" class="inputbox" onchange="$(\'cb' . $i . '\').checked=true;" />'; } if ($match->match_result_type == 2) { echo '<br />'; echo JText::_('COM_JOOMLEAGUE_RESULTS_SHOOTOUT') . ':'; echo '<input type="text" style="font-size:9px;"'; echo ' name="team1_result_so' . $match->id . '"'; echo ' value="'; echo isset($match->team1_result_so) ? '' . $match->team1_result_so : ''; echo '"'; echo ' size="2" tabindex="1" class="inputbox" onchange="$(\'cb' . $i . '\').checked=true;" />'; echo ':'; echo '<input type="text" style="font-size:9px;"'; echo ' name="team2_result_so' . $match->id . '"'; echo ' value="'; echo isset($match->team2_result_so) ? '' . $match->team2_result_so : ''; echo '"'; echo ' size="2" tabindex="1" class="inputbox" onchange="$(\'cb' . $i . '\').checked=true;" />'; } } echo "</span>"; }
<?php //echo $rowsHeight[$row]['customs'] ?> <div class="vm-product-addcart vm3pr-<?php echo $rowsHeight[$row]['customfields']; ?> "> <?php echo shopFunctionsF::renderVmSubLayout('addtocart', array('product' => $product, 'rowHeights' => $rowsHeight[$row])); ?> </div> <div class="vm-details-button"> <?php // Product Details Button $link = empty($product->link) ? $product->canonical : $product->link; echo JHtml::link($link . $ItemidStr, vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_DETAILS'), array('title' => $product->product_name, 'class' => 'product-details')); //echo JHtml::link ( JRoute::_ ( 'index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=productdetails&virtuemart_product_id=' . $product->virtuemart_product_id . '&virtuemart_category_id=' . $product->virtuemart_category_id , FALSE), vmText::_ ( 'COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_DETAILS' ), array ('title' => $product->product_name, 'class' => 'product-details' ) ); ?> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php $nb++; // Do we need to close the current row now? if ($col == $products_per_row || $nb > $BrowseTotalProducts) { ?> <?php $col = 1; $row++;
echo $k == 0 ? 'sectiontableentry1' : 'sectiontableentry2'; ?> "> <td class="td_l"> <?php echo JHtml::link($link1, $station->project_name); ?> </td> <td class="td_l"> <?php echo $station->season_name; ?> </td> <td class="td_l"> <?php echo JHtml::link($link2, $station->team_name); ?> </td> <td class="td_l"> <?php echo JText::_($station->position_name); ?> </td> </tr> <?php $k = 1 - $k; } ?> </table> </td> </tr>
echo $item->skip_intro == 1 ? ' rel="nofollow"' : ''; ?> > <?php echo $this->escape($item->title); ?> </a> </h4> <?php if ($this->params->get('display_meta_info', 1) == 1) { ?> <div class="muted"> <small> <?php $category_name = JHtml::link(JRoute::_('index.php?option=' . S_APP_NAME . '&view=survey&id=' . $item->catid . ':' . $item->category_alias . $itemid), $this->escape($item->category_title)); $user_name = $item->created_by > 0 ? CJFunctions::get_user_profile_link($this->params->get('user_avatar'), $item->created_by, $this->escape($item->username)) : $this->escape($item->username); $formatted_date = CJFunctions::get_formatted_date($item->created); echo JText::sprintf('TXT_LIST_ITEM_META', $user_name, $category_name, $formatted_date); ?> </small> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="muted admin-controls"> <small> <?php if ($user->id == $item->created_by && $user->authorise('core.edit.own', S_APP_NAME) || $user->authorise('survey.manage', S_APP_NAME)) { ?>
static function formatTeamName($team, $containerprefix, &$config, $isfav = 0, $link = null) { $output = ''; $desc = ''; if (isset($config['results_below']) && $config['results_below'] && $config['show_logo_small']) { $js_func = 'visibleMenu'; $style_append = 'visibility:hidden'; $container = 'span'; } else { $js_func = 'switchMenu'; $style_append = 'display:none'; $container = 'div'; } $showIcons = $config['show_info_link'] == 2 && $isfav || $config['show_info_link'] == 1 && ($config['show_club_link'] || $config['show_team_link'] || $config['show_curve_link'] || $config['show_plan_link'] || $config['show_teaminfo_link'] || $config['show_teamstats_link'] || $config['show_clubplan_link'] || $config['show_rivals_link']); $containerId = $containerprefix . 't' . $team->id . 'p' . $team->project_id; if ($showIcons) { $onclick = $js_func . '(\'' . $containerId . '\');return false;'; $params = array('onclick' => $onclick); } $style = 'padding:2px;'; if ($config['highlight_fav'] && $isfav) { $favs = self::getProjectFavTeams($team->project_id); $style .= $favs->fav_team_text_bold != '' ? 'font-weight:bold;' : ''; $style .= trim($favs->fav_team_text_color) != '' ? 'color:' . trim($favs->fav_team_text_color) . ';' : ''; $style .= trim($favs->fav_team_color) != '' ? 'background-color:' . trim($favs->fav_team_color) . ';' : ''; } $desc .= '<span style="' . $style . '">'; $formattedTeamName = ""; if ($config['team_name_format'] == 0) { $formattedTeamName = $team->short_name; } else { if ($config['team_name_format'] == 1) { $formattedTeamName = $team->middle_name; } } if (empty($formattedTeamName)) { $formattedTeamName = $team->name; } if ($config['team_name_format'] == 0 && !empty($team->short_name)) { $desc .= '<acronym title="' . $team->name . '">' . $team->short_name . '</acronym>'; } else { $desc .= $formattedTeamName; } $desc .= '</span>'; if ($showIcons) { $output .= JHtml::link('javascript:void(0);', $desc, $params); $output .= '<' . $container . ' id="' . $containerId . '" style="' . $style_append . ';">'; $output .= self::showTeamIcons($team, $config); $output .= '</' . $container . '>'; } else { $output = $desc; } if ($link != null) { $output = JHtml::link($link, $output); } return $output; }
?> ---- <?php } ?> </td> <td class="statlabel"><?php echo JText::_('COM_JOOMLEAGUE_NEXTMATCH_HIGHEST_LOSS_AWAY'); ?> </td> <td class="valueright"> <?php if ($stat = $this->away_highest_away_def) { ?> <?php echo JHtml::link(JoomleagueHelperRoute::getMatchReportRoute($this->away_highest_away_def->pid, $this->away_highest_away_def->mid), sprintf("%s - %s %s:%s", $stat->hometeam, $stat->awayteam, $stat->homegoals, $stat->awaygoals)); ?> <?php } else { ?> ---- <?php } ?> </td> </tr> <?php } } ?>
/** * Tests the link method. * * @param string $url The href for the anchor tag. * @param string $text The text for the anchor tag. * @param mixed $attribs A string or array of link attributes. * @param string $expected The expected result. * * @return void * * @since 11.1 * @dataProvider dataTestLink */ public function testLink($url, $text, $attribs, $expected) { $this->assertThat(JHtml::link($url, $text, $attribs), $this->equalTo($expected)); }
$timePlayed = $this->timePlayed; $link1 = JoomleagueHelperRoute::getPlayerRoute($player_hist->project_slug, $player_hist->team_slug, $this->person->slug); $link2 = JoomleagueHelperRoute::getTeamInfoRoute($player_hist->project_slug, $player_hist->team_slug); ?> <tr class="<?php echo $k == 0 ? $this->config['style_class1'] : $this->config['style_class2']; ?> "> <td class="td_l" nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo JHtml::link($link1, $player_hist->project_name); ?> </td> <td class="td_l" class="nowrap"> <?php if ($this->config['show_playerstats_teamlink'] == 1) { echo JHtml::link($link2, $player_hist->team_name); } else { echo $player_hist->team_name; } ?> </td> <!-- Player stats History - played start --> <td class="td_c"><?php echo $this->inoutstat->played > 0 ? $this->inoutstat->played : $this->overallconfig['zero_events_value']; $career['played'] += $this->inoutstat->played; ?> </td> <?php if ($this->config['show_substitution_stats']) { //substitution system if (isset($this->overallconfig['use_jl_substitution']) && $this->overallconfig['use_jl_substitution'] == 1) {
* other free or open source software licenses. * See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details. */ // no direct access defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); JHtml::_('behavior.tooltip'); ?> Tracks team link <div class="mod_tracks_teamsocial"> <ul> <?php foreach ($links as $name => $s) { ?> <?php $attr = array('class' => 'hasTip', 'title' => $s->label); ?> <li class="ts-<?php echo $name; ?> "> <?php echo JHtml::link($s->link, JHtml::image($s->icon, $s->label, null, true), $attr); ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> </div>
$linkParams = "<span>{$text}</span> "; $image = JHtml::_('image', $path . $imageFile, $text); ?> <div class="icon-wrapper"><div class="icon"><?php echo JHtml::link($link, $image); ?> </div></div> <?php $link = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_joomleague&view=jlxmlexports&task=jlxmlexport.display'); $text = JText::_('COM_JOOMLEAGUE_P_PANEL_XML_EXPORT'); $imageFile = 'icon-48-XMLExportData.png'; $linkParams = "<span>{$text}</span> "; $image = JHtml::_('image', $path . $imageFile, $text); ?> <div class="icon-wrapper"><div class="icon"><?php echo JHtml::link($link, $image); ?> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="element-box"> <div class="m"> <div class="adminform"> <div class="cpanel"><?php echo JText::_('COM_JOOMLEAGUE_ADMIN_PROJECTS_CONTROL_PANEL_HINT'); ?> </div> </div> </div>