Esempio n. 1
 function render(&$xmlElement, $value, $control_name = 'params')
     $name = $xmlElement->attributes('name');
     $label = $xmlElement->attributes('label');
     $description = $xmlElement->attributes('description');
     // load any custom fields
     $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
     $id = intval(str_replace("extras", "", $name));
     $res = $dispatcher->trigger('onEditMenuItem', array(&$this->data, &$value, $control_name, $name, $id, $this->_parent));
     //make sure we have a valid label
     $label = $label ? $label : $name;
     $result[0] = $this->fetchTooltip($label, $description, $xmlElement, $control_name, $name);
     $result[1] = $this->fetchElement($name, $value, $xmlElement, $control_name);
     $result[2] = $description;
     $result[3] = $label;
     $result[4] = $value;
     $result[5] = $name;
     return $result;
Esempio n. 2

 * @package     RedSHOP.Backend
 * @subpackage  Template
 * @copyright   Copyright (C) 2005 - 2013 All rights reserved.
 * @license     GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE
$option = JRequest::getVar('option', '', 'request', 'string');
$model = $this->getModel('product_container');
$lists = $this->lists;
$filter_container = $this->filter_container;
$filter_manufacturer = $this->filter_manufacturer;
$container = JRequest::getVar('container', '', 'request', 0);
$showbuttons = JRequest::getVar('showbuttons', '', 'request', 0);
$print_display = JRequest::getVar('print_display', '', 'request', 0);
$print_link = JRoute::_('index.php?tmpl=component&option=com_redshop&view=product_container&showbuttons=1&container=' . $container . '&filter_manufacturer=' . $filter_manufacturer . '&filter_container=' . $filter_container);
if ($showbuttons == 1 && $print_display != 1) {
    echo '<div align="right"><br><br><input type="button" class="button" value="Print" onClick="window.print()"><br><br></div>';
	<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

		Joomla.submitbutton = function (pressbutton) {
		submitbutton = function (pressbutton) {
			var form = document.adminForm;
*1901 Contact form module
@package 1901 Contact form for Joomla! 1.5
* @link
* @copyright (C) 2011- Nikolaos Koliopoulos
* @license GNU/GPL
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DS . 'helper.php';
$loDoc =& JFactory::getDocument();
$loDoc->addScript(JURI::root() . 'modules/mod_1901contact/mod_1901contact.js');
$loDoc->addStyleSheet(JURI::root() . 'modules/mod_1901contact/mod_1901contact.css');
$lsSubmitText = $params->get('submit_button', 'Contact');
$lsStyleSuffix = $params->get('moduleclass_sfx', null);
$lsAction = JRequest::getVar('1901contactAction', null, 'POST');
if ($lsAction == 'send') {
    $lsMessage = mod1901contactHelper::sendEmail($params);
if (!isset($lsMessage)) {
    $lsMessage = $params->get('introtext');
$credit = @$params->get('credit');
<script language="javascript">
	function my1901contactValidate(f)
		if (document.formvalidator.isValid(f)) {
Esempio n. 4
  * Internal method to get a JavaScript object notation string from an array
  * @param	array	$array	The array to convert to JavaScript object notation
  * @return	string	JavaScript object notation representation of the array
  * @since	1.5
 function _getJSObject($array = array())
     // Initialize variables
     $object = '{';
     // Iterate over array to build objects
     foreach ((array) $array as $k => $v) {
         if (is_null($v)) {
         if (!is_array($v) && !is_object($v)) {
             $object .= ' ' . $k . ': ';
             $object .= is_numeric($v) || strpos($v, '\\') === 0 ? is_numeric($v) ? $v : substr($v, 1) : "'" . $v . "'";
             $object .= ',';
         } else {
             $object .= ' ' . $k . ': ' . JHTMLBehavior::_getJSObject($v) . ',';
     if (substr($object, -1) == ',') {
         $object = substr($object, 0, -1);
     $object .= '}';
     return $object;
Esempio n. 5
File: sync.php Progetto: rodhoff/MNW
 function sync_all()
     $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $listId = JRequest::getVar('listid', 0, '', 'string');
     $query = 'SELECT userid FROM #__joomailermailchimpintegration WHERE listid = "' . $listId . '"';
     $exclude = $db->loadResultArray();
     $exclude = implode('","', $exclude);
     $exclude = '"' . $exclude . '"';
     $query = 'SELECT id FROM #__users WHERE id NOT IN (' . $exclude . ') and block = 0';
     $data = $db->loadObjectList();
     $elements = count($data);
     $params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_joomailermailchimpintegration');
     $MCapi = $params->get('params.MCapi');
     $MC = new MCAPI($MCapi);
     $MCerrorHandler = new MCerrorHandler();
     // gather custom fields data
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $query = "SELECT * FROM #__joomailermailchimpintegration_custom_fields WHERE listid = '" . $listId . "' ";
     $customFields = $db->loadObjectList();
     if (!isset($customFields[0])) {
         $customFields = false;
     $m = 0;
     $successCount = $errorcount = $msgErrorsCount = 0;
     $msg = $msgErrors = false;
     $step = 100;
     //	foreach ($data as $dat){
     for ($x = 0; $x < count($data); $x += $step) {
         $k = 0;
         $batch = array();
         for ($y = $x; $y < $x + $step; $y++) {
             $dat = $data[$y];
             if ($dat) {
                 $user = $this->getModel('sync')->getUser($dat->id);
                 $batch[$k]['EMAIL'] = $user[0]->email;
                 // name
                 $names = explode(' ', $user[0]->name);
                 if ($names[0] && $names[1]) {
                     $batch[$k]['FNAME'] = $names[0];
                     for ($i = 1; $i < count($names); $i++) {
                         $batch[$k]['LNAME'] .= $names[$i] . ' ';
                 } else {
                     $batch[$k]['FNAME'] = $user[0]->name;
                 $custom = array();
                 if ($customFields) {
                     foreach ($customFields as $field) {
                         if ($field->framework == 'CB') {
                             $query = "SELECT " . $field->dbfield . " FROM #__comprofiler WHERE user_id = '" . $user[0]->id . "' ";
                         } else {
                             $query = "SELECT value FROM #__community_fields_values WHERE field_id = " . $field->dbfield . " AND user_id = '" . $user[0]->id . "' ";
                         $fieldValue = $db->loadResult();
                         if ($field->framework == 'CB') {
                             $fieldValue = str_replace('|*|', ',', $fieldValue);
                         if ($field->framework == 'JS') {
                             $fieldValue = substr($fieldValue, strlen($fieldValue) - 1) == ',' ? $fieldValue = substr($fieldValue, 0, -1) : $fieldValue;
                             if ($fieldValue == NULL) {
                                 $fieldValue = '';
                         $batch[$k]['GROUPINGS'][] = array('id' => (int) $field->grouping_id, 'groups' => $fieldValue);
                 $query = 'INSERT INTO #__joomailermailchimpintegration (userid,email,listid) VALUES ("' . $user[0]->id . '", "' . $user[0]->email . '", "' . $listId . '")';
             } else {
         if ($batch) {
             $optin = false;
             // do not send optin emails
             $updateExisting = true;
             // yes, update currently subscribed users
             $replaceInterests = true;
             // false = add interest, don't replace
             $result = $MC->listBatchSubscribe($listId, $batch, $optin, $updateExisting, $replaceInterests);
             $successCount = $successCount + $result['success_count'];
             if ($result['error_count']) {
                 foreach ($result['errors'] as $e) {
                     $tmp = new stdClass();
                     $tmp->errorCode = $e['code'];
                     $tmp->errorMessage = $e['message'];
                     $errorMsg .= '"' . $MCerrorHandler->getErrorMsg($tmp) . '", ';
                     $query->delete($db->qn('#__joomailermailchimpintegration'))->where($db->qn('listid') . ' = ' . $db->q($listId))->where($db->qn('email') . ' = ' . $db->q($e['row']['EMAIL']));
                     $db->setQuery($query, 0, 1);
                 $msgErrorsCount += $result['error_count'];
     if ($errorMsg) {
         $msgErrors = substr($errorMsg, 0, -2);
         $msgErrors = ' (' . $msgErrorsCount . ' ' . JText::_('JM_ERRORS') . ': ' . $msgErrors . ')';
     $msg = $successCount . ' ' . JText::_('JM_RECIPIENTS_SAVED') . $msgErrors;
Esempio n. 6
  * Generate product search output
 public function onRSProductSearch()
     if (count($this->search) > 0) {
         $app = JFactory::getApplication();
         require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers/product.php';
         require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers/pagination.php';
         require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers/extra_field.php';
         require_once JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR . '/helpers/text_library.php';
         $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
         $redTemplate = new Redtemplate();
         $Redconfiguration = new Redconfiguration();
         $producthelper = new producthelper();
         $extraField = new extraField();
         $texts = new text_library();
         $stockroomhelper = new rsstockroomhelper();
         $Itemid = JRequest::getInt('Itemid');
         $search_type = JRequest::getCmd('search_type');
         $cid = JRequest::getInt('category_id');
         $manisrch = $this->search;
         $manufacture_id = $manisrch[0]->manufacturer_id;
         $templateid = JRequest::getInt('templateid');
         // Cmd removes space between to words
         $keyword = JRequest::getWord('keyword');
         $layout = JRequest::getCmd('layout', 'default');
         $db = JFactory::getDbo();
         $query = 'SELECT category_name' . ' FROM #__redshop_category  ' . 'WHERE category_id=' . JRequest::getInt('cid');
         $cat_name = null;
         if ($catname_array = $db->loadObjectList()) {
             $cat_name = $catname_array[0]->category_name;
         $session = JFactory::getSession();
         $model = $this->getModel('search');
         $limit = $this->limit;
         $limitstart = JRequest::getInt('limitstart', 0);
         $total = $model->_total;
         $url = JURI::base();
         if ($this->params->get('page_title') != "") {
             $pagetitle = $this->params->get('page_title');
         } else {
             $pagetitle = JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_SEARCH');
         if ($this->params->get('show_page_heading', 1)) {
             echo '<h1 class="componentheading' . $this->escape($this->params->get('pageclass_sfx')) . '">';
             echo $pagetitle;
             echo '</h1>';
         echo '<div style="clear:both"></div>';
         $category_tmpl = "";
         if (count($this->templatedata) > 0 && $this->templatedata[0]->template_desc != "") {
             $template_desc = $this->templatedata[0]->template_desc;
         } else {
             $template_desc = "<div class=\"category_print\">{print}</div>\r\n<div style=\"clear: both;\"></div>\r\n<div class=\"category_main_description\">{category_main_description}</div>\r\n<p>{if subcats} {category_loop_start}</p>\r\n<div id=\"categories\">\r\n<div style=\"float: left; width: 200px;\">\r\n<div class=\"category_image\">{category_thumb_image}</div>\r\n<div class=\"category_description\">\r\n<h2 class=\"category_title\">{category_name}</h2>\r\n{category_description}</div>\r\n</div>\r\n</div>\r\n<p>{category_loop_end} {subcats end if}</p>\r\n<div style=\"clear: both;\"></div>\r\n<div id=\"category_header\">\r\n<div class=\"category_order_by\">{order_by}</div>\r\n</div>\r\n<div class=\"category_box_wrapper\">{product_loop_start}\r\n<div class=\"category_box_outside\">\r\n<div class=\"category_box_inside\">\r\n<div class=\"category_product_image\">{product_thumb_image}</div>\r\n<div class=\"category_product_title\">\r\n<h3>{product_name}</h3>\r\n</div>\r\n<div class=\"category_product_price\">{product_price}</div>\r\n<div class=\"category_product_readmore\">{read_more}</div>\r\n<div>{product_rating_summary}</div>\r\n<div class=\"category_product_addtocart\">{form_addtocart:add_to_cart1}</div>\r\n</div>\r\n</div>\r\n{product_loop_end}\r\n<div class=\"category_product_bottom\" style=\"clear: both;\"></div>\r\n</div>\r\n<div class=\"category_pagination\">{pagination}</div>";
         if (strstr($template_desc, "{product_display_limit}")) {
             $endlimit = $model->getProductPerPage();
             $limit = JRequest::getInt('limit', $endlimit, '', 'int');
         $template_org = $template_desc;
         $template_d1 = explode("{category_loop_start}", $template_org);
         if (count($template_d1) > 1) {
             $template_d2 = explode("{category_loop_end}", $template_d1[1]);
             if (count($template_d2) > 0) {
                 $category_tmpl = $template_d2[0];
         $template_org = str_replace($category_tmpl, "", $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{category_loop_start}", "", $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{category_loop_end}", "", $template_org);
         $print = JRequest::getInt('print');
         $p_url = @explode('?', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
         $print_tag = '';
         if ($print) {
             $print_tag = "<a onclick='window.print();' title='" . JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_PRINT_LBL') . "' ><img src=" . JSYSTEM_IMAGES_PATH . "printButton.png  alt='" . JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_PRINT_LBL') . "' title='" . JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_PRINT_LBL') . "' /></a>";
         } else {
             $print_url = $url . "index.php?option=com_redshop&view=search&print=1&tmpl=component";
             $print_tag = "<a href='#' onclick='\"{$print_url}\",\"mywindow\",\"scrollbars=1\",\"location=1\")' title='" . JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_PRINT_LBL') . "' ><img src=" . JSYSTEM_IMAGES_PATH . "printButton.png  alt='" . JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_PRINT_LBL') . "' title='" . JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_PRINT_LBL') . "' /></a>";
         $template_org = str_replace("{total_product}", count($this->search), $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{total_product_lbl}", JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_TOTAL_PRODUCT'), $template_org);
         if (strstr($template_org, "{compare_product_div}")) {
             $compare_product_div = "";
             if (PRODUCT_COMPARISON_TYPE != "") {
                 $comparediv = $producthelper->makeCompareProductDiv();
                 $compareUrl = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_redshop&view=product&layout=compare&Itemid=' . $Itemid);
                 $compare_product_div = "<form name='frmCompare' method='post' action='" . $compareUrl . "' >";
                 $compare_product_div .= "<a href='javascript:compare();' >" . JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_COMPARE') . "</a>";
                 $compare_product_div .= "<div id='divCompareProduct'>" . $comparediv . "</div>";
                 $compare_product_div .= "</form>";
             $template_org = str_replace("{compare_product_div}", $compare_product_div, $template_org);
         // Skip html if nosubcategory
         if (strstr($template_org, "{if subcats}")) {
             $template_d1 = explode("{if subcats}", $template_org);
             $template_d2 = explode("{subcats end if}", $template_d1[1]);
             $template_org = $template_d1[0] . $template_d2[1];
         // End skip html if nosubcategory
         $template_org = str_replace("{print}", $print_tag, $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{product_price_slider}", '', $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{filter_by}", '', $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{template_selector_category_lbl}", '', $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{template_selector_category}", '', $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{category_main_description}", '', $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{category_main_name}", $cat_name, $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{category_description}", '', $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{category_short_desc}", '', $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{category_name}", '', $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{if subcats}", '', $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{subcats end if}", '', $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{category_main_thumb_image_3}", '', $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{category_main_short_desc}", '', $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{category_main_thumb_image_2}", '', $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{category_main_thumb_image_1}", '', $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{category_main_thumb_image}", '', $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{attribute_price_without_vat}", '', $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{redproductfinderfilter_formstart}", '', $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{redproductfinderfilter:rp_myfilter}", '', $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{redproductfinderfilter_formend}", '', $template_org);
         // Replace redproductfilder filter tag
         if (strstr($template_org, "{redproductfinderfilter:")) {
             $redProductFinerHelper = JPATH_SITE . "/components/com_redproductfinder/helpers/redproductfinder_helper.php";
             if (file_exists($redProductFinerHelper)) {
                 include_once $redProductFinerHelper;
                 $redproductfinder_helper = new redproductfinder_helper();
                 $hdnFields = array('texpricemin' => '0', 'texpricemax' => '0', 'manufacturer_id' => $filter_by, 'category_template' => $templateid);
                 $hide_filter_flag = false;
                 if ($this->_id) {
                     $prodctofcat = $producthelper->getProductCategory($this->_id);
                     if (empty($prodctofcat)) {
                         $hide_filter_flag = true;
                 $template_org = $redproductfinder_helper->replaceProductfinder_tag($template_org, $hdnFields, $hide_filter_flag);
         // Replace redproductfilder filter tag end here
         $template_d1 = explode("{product_loop_start}", $template_org);
         $template_d2 = explode("{product_loop_end}", $template_d1[1]);
         $template_tmp_desc = $template_d2[0];
         $template_desc = $template_d2[0];
         // Order By
         $order_by = "";
         $orderby_form = "<form name='orderby_form' action='' method='post' >";
         $orderby_form .= $this->lists['order_select'];
         $orderby_form .= "<input type='hidden' name='view' value='search'>\n\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='layout' value='{$layout}'>\n\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='keyword' value='{$keyword}'>\n\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='category_id' value='{$cid}'>\n\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='manufacture_id' value='{$manufacture_id}'>\n\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='templateid' value='{$templateid}'></form>";
         if (strstr($template_desc, '{order_by}')) {
             $order_by = $orderby_form;
         $extraFieldName = $extraField->getSectionFieldNameArray(1, 1, 1);
         $attribute_template = $producthelper->getAttributeTemplate($template_desc);
         $total_product = $model->_total;
         $endlimit = $this->limit;
         $start = JRequest::getInt('limitstart', 0, '', 'int');
         if (strstr($template_org, "{pagination}")) {
             if (strstr($template_org, "{product_display_limit}")) {
                 $endlimit = JRequest::getInt('limit', $endlimit, '', 'int');
         } else {
             $endlimit = $model->getData();
         if ($endlimit == 0) {
             $final_endlimit = $total_product;
         } else {
             $final_endlimit = $endlimit;
         $tagarray = $texts->getTextLibraryTagArray();
         $data = "";
         $count_no_user_field = 0;
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->search); $i++) {
             $data_add = "";
             $thum_image = "";
             $pname = $Redconfiguration->maxchar($this->search[$i]->product_name, CATEGORY_PRODUCT_TITLE_MAX_CHARS, CATEGORY_PRODUCT_TITLE_END_SUFFIX);
             if ($search_type == 'product_number') {
                 $product_number = str_ireplace($keyword, "<b class='search_hightlight'>" . $keyword . "</b>", $this->search[$i]->product_number);
                 $pro_s_desc = $this->search[$i]->product_s_desc;
                 $pro_desc = $this->search[$i]->product_desc;
             } else {
                 $product_number = $this->search[$i]->product_number;
                 $pro_s_desc = $this->search[$i]->product_s_desc;
                 $pro_desc = $this->search[$i]->product_desc;
                 if (!in_array($keyword, $tagarray)) {
                     $pname = str_ireplace($keyword, "<b class='search_hightlight'>" . $keyword . "</b>", $pname);
                     $pro_s_desc = str_ireplace($keyword, "<b class='search_hightlight'>" . $keyword . "</b>", $pro_s_desc);
                     $pro_desc = str_ireplace($keyword, "<b class='search_hightlight'>" . $keyword . "</b>", $pro_desc);
             $pro_s_desc = $Redconfiguration->maxchar($pro_s_desc, CATEGORY_PRODUCT_DESC_MAX_CHARS, CATEGORY_PRODUCT_DESC_END_SUFFIX);
             $link = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_redshop&view=product&pid=' . $this->search[$i]->product_id . '&Itemid=' . $Itemid);
             if (strstr($template_desc, '{product_name}')) {
                 $pname = "<a href='" . $link . "'>" . $pname . "</a>";
                 $data_add = str_replace("{product_name}", $pname, $template_desc);
             if (strstr($template_desc, '{product_name_nolink}')) {
                 $data_add = str_replace("{product_name_nolink}", $pname, $template_desc);
             $readmore = "<a href='" . $link . "'>" . JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_READ_MORE') . "</a>";
             $data_add = str_replace("{read_more}", $readmore, $data_add);
             $data_add = str_replace("{read_more_link}", $link, $data_add);
             // RedSHOP Product Plugin
             $results = $dispatcher->trigger('onPrepareProduct', array(&$data_add, &$params, $this->search[$i]));
             // End
             if (strstr($data_add, "{product_delivery_time}")) {
                 $product_delivery_time = $producthelper->getProductMinDeliveryTime($this->search[$i]->product_id);
                 if ($product_delivery_time != "") {
                     $data_add = str_replace("{delivery_time_lbl}", JText::_('DELIVERY_TIME'), $data_add);
                     $data_add = str_replace("{product_delivery_time}", $product_delivery_time, $data_add);
                 } else {
                     $data_add = str_replace("{delivery_time_lbl}", "", $data_add);
                     $data_add = str_replace("{product_delivery_time}", "", $data_add);
             // Product Review/Rating
             // Fetching reviews
             $final_avgreview_data = $producthelper->getProductRating($this->search[$i]->product_id);
             // Attribute ajax chage
             $data_add = str_replace("{product_rating_summary}", $final_avgreview_data, $data_add);
             $data_add = $producthelper->getJcommentEditor($this->search[$i], $data_add);
             $data_add = $producthelper->getExtraSectionTag($extraFieldName, $this->search[$i]->product_id, "1", $data_add, 1);
             $data_add = str_replace("{product_s_desc}", $pro_s_desc, $data_add);
             $data_add = str_replace("{product_desc}", $pro_desc, $data_add);
             $data_add = str_replace("{product_id_lbl}", JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_PRODUCT_ID_LBL'), $data_add);
             $data_add = str_replace("{product_id}", $this->search[$i]->product_id, $data_add);
             $data_add = str_replace("{product_number_lbl}", JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_PRODUCT_NUMBER_LBL'), $data_add);
             $data_add = str_replace("{product_number}", $product_number, $data_add);
              * related Product List in Lightbox
              * Tag Format = {related_product_lightbox:<related_product_name>[:width][:height]}
             if (strstr($data_add, '{related_product_lightbox:')) {
                 $related_product = $producthelper->getRelatedProduct($this->search[$i]->product_id);
                 $rtlnone = explode("{related_product_lightbox:", $data_add);
                 $rtlntwo = explode("}", $rtlnone[1]);
                 $rtlnthree = explode(":", $rtlntwo[0]);
                 $rtln = $rtlnthree[0];
                 $rtlnfwidth = isset($rtlnthree[1]) ? $rtlnthree[1] : "900";
                 $rtlnwidthtag = isset($rtlnthree[1]) ? ":" . $rtlnthree[1] : "";
                 $rtlnfheight = isset($rtlnthree[2]) ? $rtlnthree[2] : "600";
                 $rtlnheighttag = isset($rtlnthree[2]) ? ":" . $rtlnthree[2] : "";
                 $rtlntag = "{related_product_lightbox:{$rtln}{$rtlnwidthtag}{$rtlnheighttag}}";
                 if (count($related_product) > 0) {
                     $linktortln = JUri::root() . "index.php?option=com_redshop&view=product&pid=" . $this->search[$i]->product_id . "&tmpl=component&template=" . $rtln . "&for=rtln";
                     $rtlna = '<a class="modal" href="' . $linktortln . '" rel="{handler:\'iframe\',size:{x:' . $rtlnfwidth . ',y:' . $rtlnfheight . '}}" >' . JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_RELATED_PRODUCT_LIST_IN_LIGHTBOX') . '</a>';
                 } else {
                     $rtlna = "";
                 $data_add = str_replace($rtlntag, $rtlna, $data_add);
             $data_add = $producthelper->replaceVatinfo($data_add);
              *  Conditional tag
              *  if product on discount : Yes
              *  {if product_on_sale} This product is on sale {product_on_sale end if} // OUTPUT : This product is on sale
              *  NO : // OUTPUT : Display blank
             $data_add = $producthelper->getProductOnSaleComment($this->search[$i], $data_add);
             $data_add = $stockroomhelper->replaceStockroomAmountDetail($data_add, $this->search[$i]->product_id);
             if (strstr($data_add, "{product_thumb_image_3}")) {
                 $cimg_tag = '{product_thumb_image_3}';
                 $ch_thumb = CATEGORY_PRODUCT_THUMB_HEIGHT_3;
                 $cw_thumb = CATEGORY_PRODUCT_THUMB_WIDTH_3;
             } elseif (strstr($data_add, "{product_thumb_image_2}")) {
                 $cimg_tag = '{product_thumb_image_2}';
                 $ch_thumb = CATEGORY_PRODUCT_THUMB_HEIGHT_2;
                 $cw_thumb = CATEGORY_PRODUCT_THUMB_WIDTH_2;
             } elseif (strstr($data_add, "{product_thumb_image_1}")) {
                 $cimg_tag = '{product_thumb_image_1}';
                 $ch_thumb = CATEGORY_PRODUCT_THUMB_HEIGHT;
                 $cw_thumb = CATEGORY_PRODUCT_THUMB_WIDTH;
             } else {
                 $cimg_tag = '{product_thumb_image}';
                 $ch_thumb = CATEGORY_PRODUCT_THUMB_HEIGHT;
                 $cw_thumb = CATEGORY_PRODUCT_THUMB_WIDTH;
             $hidden_thumb_image = "<input type='hidden' name='prd_main_imgwidth' id='prd_main_imgwidth' value='" . $cw_thumb . "'><input type='hidden' name='prd_main_imgheight' id='prd_main_imgheight' value='" . $ch_thumb . "'>";
             $thum_image = $producthelper->getProductImage($this->search[$i]->product_id, $link, $cw_thumb, $ch_thumb);
             $data_add = str_replace($cimg_tag, $thum_image . $hidden_thumb_image, $data_add);
             // More documents
             if (strstr($data_add, "{more_documents}")) {
                 $media_documents = $producthelper->getAdditionMediaImage($this->search[$i]->product_id, "product", "document");
                 $more_doc = '';
                 for ($m = 0; $m < count($media_documents); $m++) {
                     $alttext = $producthelper->getAltText("product", $media_documents[$m]->section_id, "", $media_documents[$m]->media_id, "document");
                     if (!$alttext) {
                         $alttext = $media_documents[$m]->media_name;
                     if (is_file(REDSHOP_FRONT_DOCUMENT_RELPATH . "product/" . $media_documents[$m]->media_name)) {
                         $downlink = JUri::root() . 'index.php?tmpl=component&option=com_redshop&view=product&pid=' . $this->search[$i]->product_id . '&task=downloadDocument&fname=' . $media_documents[$m]->media_name . '&Itemid=' . $Itemid;
                         $more_doc .= "<div><a href='" . $downlink . "' title='" . $alttext . "'>";
                         $more_doc .= $alttext;
                         $more_doc .= "</a></div>";
                 $data_add = str_replace("{more_documents}", "<span id='additional_docs" . $this->search[$i]->product_id . "'>" . $more_doc . "</span>", $data_add);
             // More documents end
             /************************************************ user fields*******************************************************/
             $hidden_userfield = "";
             $returnArr = $producthelper->getProductUserfieldFromTemplate($data_add);
             $template_userfield = $returnArr[0];
             $userfieldArr = $returnArr[1];
             $count_no_user_field = 0;
             if ($template_userfield != "") {
                 $ufield = "";
                 for ($ui = 0; $ui < count($userfieldArr); $ui++) {
                     $product_userfileds = $extraField->list_all_user_fields($userfieldArr[$ui], 12, '', '', 0, $this->search[$i]->product_id);
                     $ufield .= $product_userfileds[1];
                     if ($product_userfileds[1] != "") {
                     $data_add = str_replace('{' . $userfieldArr[$ui] . '_lbl}', $product_userfileds[0], $data_add);
                     $data_add = str_replace('{' . $userfieldArr[$ui] . '}', $product_userfileds[1], $data_add);
                 $product_userfileds_form = "<form method='post' action='' id='user_fields_form_" . $this->search[$i]->product_id . "' name='user_fields_form_" . $this->search[$i]->product_id . "'>";
                 if ($ufield != "") {
                     $data_add = str_replace("{if product_userfield}", $product_userfileds_form, $data_add);
                     $data_add = str_replace("{product_userfield end if}", "</form>", $data_add);
                 } else {
                     $data_add = str_replace("{if product_userfield}", "", $data_add);
                     $data_add = str_replace("{product_userfield end if}", "", $data_add);
             } elseif (AJAX_CART_BOX) {
                 $ajax_detail_template_desc = "";
                 $ajax_detail_template = $producthelper->getAjaxDetailboxTemplate($this->search[$i]);
                 if (count($ajax_detail_template) > 0) {
                     $ajax_detail_template_desc = $ajax_detail_template->template_desc;
                 $returnArr = $producthelper->getProductUserfieldFromTemplate($ajax_detail_template_desc);
                 $template_userfield = $returnArr[0];
                 $userfieldArr = $returnArr[1];
                 if ($template_userfield != "") {
                     $ufield = "";
                     for ($ui = 0; $ui < count($userfieldArr); $ui++) {
                         $product_userfileds = $extraField->list_all_user_fields($userfieldArr[$ui], 12, '', '', 0, $this->search[$i]->product_id);
                         $ufield .= $product_userfileds[1];
                         if ($product_userfileds[1] != "") {
                         $template_userfield = str_replace('{' . $userfieldArr[$ui] . '_lbl}', $product_userfileds[0], $template_userfield);
                         $template_userfield = str_replace('{' . $userfieldArr[$ui] . '}', $product_userfileds[1], $template_userfield);
                     if ($ufield != "") {
                         $hidden_userfield = "<div style='display:none;'><form method='post' action='' id='user_fields_form_" . $this->search[$i]->product_id . "' name='user_fields_form_" . $this->search[$i]->product_id . "'>" . $template_userfield . "</form></div>";
             $data_add = $data_add . $hidden_userfield;
             /*************** end user fields ***************/
             // ProductFinderDatepicker Extra Field Start
             $fieldArray = $extraField->getSectionFieldList(17, 0, 0);
             $data_add = $producthelper->getProductFinderDatepickerValue($data_add, $this->search[$i]->product_id, $fieldArray);
             // ProductFinderDatepicker Extra Field End
              * manufacturer data
             $manufacturer_id = $this->search[$i]->manufacturer_id;
             if ($manufacturer_id != 0) {
                 $manufacturer_data = $producthelper->getSection("manufacturer", $manufacturer_id);
                 $manufacturer_link_href = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_redshop&view=manufacturers&layout=detail&mid=' . $manufacturer_id . '&Itemid=' . $Itemid);
                 $manufacturer_name = "";
                 if (count($manufacturer_data) > 0) {
                     $manufacturer_name = $manufacturer_data->manufacturer_name;
                 $manufacturer_link = '<a href="' . $manufacturer_link_href . '" title="' . $manufacturer_name . '">' . $manufacturer_name . '</a>';
                 if (strstr($data_add, "{manufacturer_link}")) {
                     $data_add = str_replace("{manufacturer_name}", "", $data_add);
                 } else {
                     $data_add = str_replace("{manufacturer_name}", $manufacturer_name, $data_add);
                 $data_add = str_replace("{manufacturer_link}", $manufacturer_link, $data_add);
             } else {
                 $data_add = str_replace("{manufacturer_link}", "", $data_add);
                 $data_add = str_replace("{manufacturer_name}", "", $data_add);
             // End
             // Replace wishlistbutton
             $data_add = $producthelper->replaceWishlistButton($this->search[$i]->product_id, $data_add);
             // Replace compare product button
             $data_add = $producthelper->replaceCompareProductsButton($this->search[$i]->product_id, 0, $data_add);
             // Checking for child products
             $childproduct = $producthelper->getChildProduct($this->search[$i]->product_id);
             if (count($childproduct) > 0) {
                 $isChilds = true;
                 $attributes = array();
             } else {
                 $isChilds = false;
                 // Get attributes
                 $attributes_set = array();
                 if ($this->search[$i]->attribute_set_id > 0) {
                     $attributes_set = $producthelper->getProductAttribute(0, $this->search[$i]->attribute_set_id, 0, 1);
                 $attributes = $producthelper->getProductAttribute($this->search[$i]->product_id);
                 $attributes = array_merge($attributes, $attributes_set);
             // Product attribute  Start
             $totalatt = count($attributes);
             // Check product for not for sale
             $data_add = $producthelper->getProductNotForSaleComment($this->search[$i], $data_add, $attributes);
             $data_add = $producthelper->replaceProductInStock($this->search[$i]->product_id, $data_add, $attributes, $attribute_template);
             $data_add = $producthelper->replaceAttributeData($this->search[$i]->product_id, 0, 0, $attributes, $data_add, $attribute_template, $isChilds);
             // Cart Template
             $data_add = $producthelper->replaceCartTemplate($this->search[$i]->product_id, 0, 0, 0, $data_add, $isChilds, $userfieldArr, $totalatt, 0, $count_no_user_field, "");
             $data .= $data_add;
         $app = JFactory::getApplication();
         $router = $app->getRouter();
         $getorderby = JRequest::getVar('order_by', DEFAULT_PRODUCT_ORDERING_METHOD);
         $vars = array('option' => 'com_redshop', 'view' => 'search', 'layout' => $layout, 'keyword' => $keyword, 'manufacture_id' => $manufacture_id, 'order_by' => $getorderby, 'category_id' => $cid, 'Itemid' => $Itemid, 'limit' => $limit);
         if (strstr($template_org, "{pagination}")) {
             $pagination = new redPagination($total_product, $start, $endlimit);
             $slidertag = $pagination->getPagesLinks();
             if (strstr($template_org, "{product_display_limit}")) {
                 $slidertag = "<form action='' method='post'><input type='hidden' name='keyword' value='{$keyword}'>\n\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='category_id' value='{$cid}'>\n\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='manufacture_id' value='{$manufacture_id}'>\n\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='templateid' value='{$templateid}'> " . $pagination->getListFooter() . "</form>";
                 $template_org = str_replace("{product_display_limit}", $slidertag, $template_org);
                 $template_org = str_replace("{pagination}", '', $template_org);
             $template_org = str_replace("{pagination}", $slidertag, $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{product_display_limit}", "", $template_org);
         if (strstr($template_org, "perpagelimit:")) {
             $perpage = explode('{perpagelimit:', $template_org);
             $perpage = explode('}', $perpage[1]);
             $template_org = str_replace("{perpagelimit:" . intval($perpage[0]) . "}", "", $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{order_by}", $orderby_form, $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{order_by_lbl}", JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_SELECT_ORDER_BY'), $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{filter_by_lbl}", JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_SELECT_FILTER_BY'), $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{attribute_price_with_vat}", "", $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{attribute_price_without_vat}", "", $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{product_loop_start}", "", $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{product_loop_end}", "", $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace($template_tmp_desc, $data, $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{with_vat}", "", $template_org);
         $template_org = str_replace("{without_vat}", "", $template_org);
         $template_org = $redTemplate->parseredSHOPplugin($template_org);
         $template_org = $texts->replace_texts($template_org);
         eval("?>" . $template_org . "<?php ");
     } else {
         echo "<br><h3>" . JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_MSG_SORRY_NO_RESULT_FOUND') . "</h3>";
Esempio n. 7
 public static function tooltip($selector = '.hasTip', $params = array())
     static $tips;
     if (!isset($tips)) {
         $tips = array();
     // Include mootools framework
     JHtml::_('behavior.framework', true);
     $sig = md5(serialize(array($selector, $params)));
     if (isset($tips[$sig]) && $tips[$sig]) {
     // Setup options object
     $opt['maxTitleChars'] = isset($params['maxTitleChars']) && $params['maxTitleChars'] ? (int) $params['maxTitleChars'] : 50;
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     $opt['offsets'] = isset($params['offsets']) && is_array($params['offsets']) ? $params['offsets'] : null;
     $opt['showDelay'] = isset($params['showDelay']) ? (int) $params['showDelay'] : null;
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     $opt['className'] = isset($params['className']) ? $params['className'] : null;
     $opt['fixed'] = isset($params['fixed']) && $params['fixed'] ? '\\true' : '\\false';
     $opt['onShow'] = isset($params['onShow']) ? '\\' . $params['onShow'] : null;
     $opt['onHide'] = isset($params['onHide']) ? '\\' . $params['onHide'] : null;
     $options = JHTMLBehavior::_getJSObject($opt);
     // Attach tooltips to document
     $document =& JFactory::getDocument();
     $document->addScriptDeclaration("\n\t\twindow.addEvent('domready', function() {\n\t\t\t\$\$('{$selector}').each(function(el) {\n\t\t\t\tvar title = el.get('title');\n\t\t\t\tif (title) {\n\t\t\t\t\tvar parts = title.split('::', 2);\n\t\t\t\t\'tip:title', parts[0]);\n\t\t\t\t\'tip:text', parts[1]);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t\tvar JTooltips = new Tips(\$\$('{$selector}'), {$options});\n\t\t});");
     // Set static array
     $tips[$sig] = true;
    function setChildElement()
        $xmlhelper = new xmlHelper();
        $post = JRequest::get('post');
        $session = JFactory::getSession();
        $childelement = $session->get('childelement');
        $model = $this->getModel('xmlexport_detail');
        $resarray = array();
        $uarray = array();
        $columns = $xmlhelper->getSectionColumnList($post['section_type'], $post['parentsection']);
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($columns); $i++) {
            if (trim($post[$columns[$i]->Field]) != "") {
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                $uarray[] = $xmltag;
                $resarray[] = $columns[$i]->Field . "=" . $xmltag;
        $firstlen = count($uarray);
        $uarray1 = array_unique($uarray);
        $seclen = count($uarray1);
        if ($seclen != $firstlen) {
            echo $msg = JText::_('COM_REDSHOP_DUPLICATE_FIELDNAME');
        $childelement[$post['parentsection']] = array($post['element_name'], implode(";", $resarray));
        $session->set('childelement', $childelement);
	<script language="javascript">
Esempio n. 9
    function uploader($id = 'file-upload', $params = array())
        $path = 'administrator/components/com_phocagallery/assets/upload/';
        JHTML::script('swf.js', $path, false);
        // mootools are loaded yet
        JHTML::script('uploader.js', $path, false);
        // mootools are loaded yet
        static $uploaders;
        if (!isset($uploaders)) {
            $uploaders = array();
        if (isset($uploaders[$id]) && $uploaders[$id]) {
        // Setup options object
        $opt['url'] = isset($params['targetURL']) ? $params['targetURL'] : null;
        $opt['swf'] = isset($params['swf']) ? $params['swf'] : JURI::root(true) . '/media/system/swf/uploader.swf';
        $opt['multiple'] = isset($params['multiple']) && !$params['multiple'] ? '\\false' : '\\true';
        $opt['queued'] = isset($params['queued']) && !$params['queued'] ? '\\false' : '\\true';
        $opt['queueList'] = isset($params['queueList']) ? $params['queueList'] : 'upload-queue';
        $opt['instantStart'] = isset($params['instantStart']) && $params['instantStart'] ? '\\true' : '\\false';
        $opt['allowDuplicates'] = isset($params['allowDuplicates']) && !$params['allowDuplicates'] ? '\\false' : '\\true';
        $opt['limitSize'] = isset($params['limitSize']) && $params['limitSize'] ? (int) $params['limitSize'] : null;
        $opt['limitFiles'] = isset($params['limitFiles']) && $params['limitFiles'] ? (int) $params['limitFiles'] : null;
        $opt['optionFxDuration'] = isset($params['optionFxDuration']) ? (int) $params['optionFxDuration'] : null;
        $opt['container'] = isset($params['container']) ? '\\$(' . $params['container'] . ')' : '\\$(\'' . $id . '\').getParent()';
        $opt['types'] = isset($params['types']) ? '\\' . $params['types'] : '\\{\'All Files (*.*)\': \'*.*\'}';
        // Optional functions
        $opt['createReplacement'] = isset($params['createReplacement']) ? '\\' . $params['createReplacement'] : null;
        $opt['onComplete'] = isset($params['onComplete']) ? '\\' . $params['onComplete'] : null;
        $opt['onAllComplete'] = isset($params['onAllComplete']) ? '\\' . $params['onAllComplete'] : null;
        /*  types: Object with (description: extension) pairs, default: Images (*.jpg; *.jpeg; *.gif; *.png)
        $options = JHTMLBehavior::_getJSObject($opt);
        // Attach tooltips to document
        $document =& JFactory::getDocument();
        $uploaderInit = 'sBrowseCaption=\'' . JText::_('Browse Files', true) . '\';
				sRemoveToolTip=\'' . JText::_('Remove from queue', true) . '\';
				window.addEvent(\'load\', function(){
				var Uploader = new FancyUpload($(\'' . $id . '\'), ' . $options . ');
				$(\'upload-clear\').adopt(new Element(\'input\', { type: \'button\', events: { click: Uploader.clearList.bind(Uploader, [false])}, value: \'' . JText::_('Clear Completed') . '\' }));				});';
        // Set static array
        $uploaders[$id] = true;
function com_install()
    $lang =& JFactory::getLanguage();
    $backward_lang = $lang->getBackwardLang();
    $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
    // Get the languages file if it exists
    if (file_exists(JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_blastchatc' . DS . 'languages' . DS . $lang->getTag() . '.php')) {
        include_once JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_blastchatc' . DS . 'languages' . DS . $lang->getTag() . '.php';
    if (file_exists(JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_blastchatc' . DS . 'languages' . DS . $backward_lang . '.php')) {
        include_once JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_blastchatc' . DS . 'languages' . DS . $backward_lang . '.php';
    if (file_exists(JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_blastchatc' . DS . 'languages' . DS . 'english.php')) {
        include_once JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_blastchatc' . DS . 'languages' . DS . 'english.php';
    @ini_set("max_execution_time", "60");
    $db->setQuery("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `#__blastchatc` (\r\n\t\t`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,\r\n\t\t`url` varchar(100) default NULL,\r\n\t\t`intra_id` varchar(100) default NULL,\r\n\t\t`priv_key` varchar(100) default NULL,\r\n\t\t`detached` binary(1) NOT NULL default 0,\r\n\t\t`adm_expand` binary(1) NOT NULL default 1,\r\n\t\t`width` varchar(6) NOT NULL default '100%',\r\n\t\t`height` varchar(6) NOT NULL default '480',\r\n\t\t`d_width` varchar(6) NOT NULL default '640',\r\n\t\t`d_height` varchar(6) NOT NULL default '480',\r\n\t\t`frame_border` binary(1) NOT NULL default 0,\r\n\t\t`m_width` varchar(6) NOT NULL default '0',\r\n\t\t`m_height` varchar(6) NOT NULL default '0',\r\n\t\tPRIMARY KEY ( `id` ),\r\n\t\tUNIQUE KEY (`url`)\r\n\t\t);\r\n\t\t");
    if (!$db->query()) {
        $result = "Error 0013 : " . _BC_CONTACTWEBMASTER . "\n<br><br>" . $db->stderr(true);
        return $result;
    $query = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM #__blastchatc_users ";
    $cols = false;
    $cols = $db->loadRowList();
    if ($cols[0][0] == "userid") {
        $query = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `#__blastchatc_users`";
    $db->setQuery("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `#__blastchatc_users` (\r\n\t\t`bc_userid` int(11) default 0,\r\n\t\t`bc_lastEntry` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',\r\n\t\t`bc_idle` varchar(5) default NULL,\r\n\t\t`bc_rid` INT(11) NOT NULL default 0,\r\n\t\t`bc_rsid` INT(11) NOT NULL default 0,\r\n\t\t`bc_rname` VARCHAR(100) default NULL,\r\n\t\tPRIMARY KEY (`bc_userid`)\r\n\t\t);\r\n\t\t");
    if (!$db->query()) {
        $result = "Error 0014 : " . _BC_CONTACTWEBMASTER . "\n<br><br>" . $db->stderr(true);
        return $result;
    require_once JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_blastchatc' . DS . 'api.blastchatc.php';
    $mosConfig_live_site = bc_getLiveSite();
    //strip http or https from this website URL, global variable
    //if you need this to be something else,assign another value to $mosConfig_live_site (do same for admin.blastchac.php file):
    $bc_site = $mosConfig_live_site;
    $bc_site = strtolower($bc_site);
    $bc_site = str_replace("http://", "", $bc_site);
    $bc_site = str_replace("https://", "", $bc_site);
    $bc_site_other = "";
    if (strpos($bc_site, "www.") === false) {
        $bc_site_other = "www." . $bc_site;
    } else {
        $bc_site_other = str_replace("www.", "", $bc_site);
    require_once JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'administrator' . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_blastchatc' . DS . 'class.blastchatc.php';
    $website = null;
    $website = new josBC_website($db);
    if (!$website->url) {
        if (!$website->url) {
            $website->intra_id = md5($bc_site . uniqid(microtime(), 1));
            $website->url = $bc_site;
    //Set up icons for admin area
    $result = null;
    $menu_config = _BC_MENU_CONFIG;
    $menu_config_alt = _BC_BLASTCHAT . " - " . _BC_MENU_CONFIG;
    $menu_reg = _BC_MENU_REG;
    $menu_reg_alt = _BC_BLASTCHAT . " - " . _BC_MENU_REG;
    $menu_credits = _BC_MENU_CREDITS;
    $menu_credits_alt = _BC_BLASTCHAT . " - " . _BC_MENU_CREDITS;
    //$db->setQuery("UPDATE #__components SET admin_menu_img='../components/com_blastchatc/images/config.png', name='$menu_config', admin_menu_alt='$menu_config_alt' WHERE admin_menu_link='option=com_blastchatc&task=config'");
    $db->setQuery("UPDATE #__components SET name='{$menu_config}', admin_menu_alt='{$menu_config_alt}' WHERE admin_menu_link='option=com_blastchatc&task=config'");
    if (!$db->query()) {
        $result = "Error 0010 : " . _BC_CONTACTWEBMASTER . "\n<br><br>" . $db->stderr(true);
    } else {
        //$db->setQuery("UPDATE #__components SET admin_menu_img='../components/com_blastchatc/images/credits.png', name='$menu_reg', admin_menu_alt='$menu_reg_alt' WHERE admin_menu_link='option=com_blastchatc&task=register'");
        $db->setQuery("UPDATE #__components SET name='{$menu_reg}', admin_menu_alt='{$menu_reg_alt}' WHERE admin_menu_link='option=com_blastchatc&task=register'");
        if (!$db->query()) {
            $result = "Error 0011 : " . _BC_CONTACTWEBMASTER . "\n<br><br>" . $db->stderr(true);
        } else {
            //$db->setQuery("UPDATE #__components SET admin_menu_img='../components/com_blastchatc/images/credits.png', name='$menu_credits', admin_menu_alt='$menu_credits_alt' WHERE admin_menu_link='option=com_blastchatc&task=credits'");
            $db->setQuery("UPDATE #__components SET name='{$menu_credits}', admin_menu_alt='{$menu_credits_alt}' WHERE admin_menu_link='option=com_blastchatc&task=credits'");
            if (!$db->query()) {
                $result = "Error 0012 : " . _BC_CONTACTWEBMASTER . "\n<br><br>" . $db->stderr(true);
            } else {
                //needed for module support, field marks which user is inside chat
                $db->setQuery("ALTER TABLE `#__session` , ADD `bc_lastUpdate` VARCHAR( 14 ) NULL ");
                if (!$db->query()) {
                    $result = "Error 0015 : " . _BC_CONTACTWEBMASTER . "\n<br><br>" . $db->stderr(true);
                } else {
	[&nbsp;<a href="index2.php?option=com_blastchatc&task=register" style="font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold"><?php 
                    echo _BC_REGNOW;
	<br />
<div class="footer" align="center">
	<table border="0" width="99%">
	<td align="center">
	<div align="center"><a href="" target="_blank">BlastChat Client 3.0</a>, GNU/GPL License</div>
	<div class="smallgrey" align="center">Copyright (C) 2004-2009 <a href="" target="_blank">BlastChat</a>. All rights reserved.</div>
    return $result;
Esempio n. 11
function jdGetDirectory($callback, $folder, $getFiles = false, $filter = '*')
    $folder = JPath::clean(JPATH_ROOT . DS . $folder);
    $response = new XajaxResponse();
    if (!is_dir($folder)) {
        return $response;
    $result = array();
    $dirs = JFolder::folders($folder, '', false, true);
    foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
        $dirData = array();
        $dirData['permission'] = substr(sprintf("%o", fileperms($dir)), -3);
        if ($getFiles) {
            $fileData = array();
            $files = glob($folder . DS . $filter);
            foreach ($files as $f) {
                $fileData[$f]['permission'] = substr(sprintf("%o", fileperms($f)), -3);
        $result[$dir]['info'] = $dirData;
        $result[$dir]['files'] = $fileData;
    $response->script($callback . '(' . JHTMLBehavior::_getJSObject($result) . ')');
    return $response;