/** * Method to get the field label markup. * * @return string The field label markup. * * @since 3.3.7 */ protected function getLabel() { $label = parent::getLabel(); // Get the info text from the XML element, defaulting to empty. $text = $this->element['info'] ? (string) $this->element['info'] : ''; $text = $this->translateLabel ? JText::_($text) : $text; if ($text) { $layout = new JLayoutFile('plugins.user.profile.fields.dob'); $info = $layout->render(array('text' => $text)); $label = $info . $label; } return $label; }
/** * Method to get the field label markup. * * @return string The field label markup. * * @since 3.3.7 */ protected function getLabel() { $label = parent::getLabel(); // Get the info text from the XML element, defaulting to empty. $text = $this->element['info'] ? (string) $this->element['info'] : ''; $text = $this->translateLabel ? JText::_($text) : $text; if ($text) { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $layout = new JLayoutFile('plugins.user.profile.fields.dob'); $view = $app->input->getString('view', ''); // Only display the tip when editing profile if ($app->isAdmin() || $view == 'profile' || $view == 'registration') { $layout = new JLayoutFile('plugins.user.profile.fields.dob'); $info = $layout->render(array('text' => $text)); $label = $info . $label; } } return $label; }
/** * Method to get certain otherwise inaccessible properties from the form field object. * * @param string $name The property name for which to the the value. * * @return mixed The property value or null. * * @since 2.0 */ public function __get($name) { switch ($name) { case 'static': if (empty($this->static)) { $this->static = $this->getStatic(); } return $this->static; break; case 'repeatable': if (empty($this->repeatable)) { $this->repeatable = $this->getRepeatable(); } return $this->static; break; default: return parent::__get($name); } }
/** * Method to get certain otherwise inaccessible properties from the form field object. * * @param string $name The property name for which to the the value. * * @return mixed The property value or null. * * @since 2.0 */ public function __get($name) { switch ($name) { // ATTENTION: Redirected getInput() to getStatic() case 'input': if (empty($this->static)) { $this->static = $this->getStatic(); } return $this->static; break; case 'repeatable': if (empty($this->repeatable)) { $this->repeatable = $this->getRepeatable(); } return $this->repeatable; break; default: return parent::__get($name); } }
/** * Test... * * @return void */ public function getInput() { parent::getInput(); }
/** * Test the getInput method. * * @return void */ public function testGetInput() { $form = new JFormInspector('form1'); $this->assertThat($form->load('<form><field name="calendar" type="calendar" /></form>'), $this->isTrue(), 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' XML string should load successfully.'); $field = new JFormFieldCalendar($form); $this->assertThat($field->setup($form->getXml()->field, 'value'), $this->isTrue(), 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' The setup method should return true.'); $this->markTestIncomplete('Problems encountered in next assertion'); $this->assertThat(strlen($field->input), $this->greaterThan(0), 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' The getInput method should return something without error.'); // TODO: Should check all the attributes have come in properly. }
/** * Method to get the field input markup. * * @return string The field input markup. * * @since 11.1 */ protected function getInput() { JHtml::_('jquery.framework'); $script = "jQuery(document).ready(function()\n{\n\tjQuery('#" . $this->id . "_fieldset select').change(function()\n\t{\n\t\tselector = '#" . $this->id . "';\n\t\tbirthday = jQuery(selector+'_0').val() + '-' + jQuery(selector+'_1').val() + '-' + jQuery(selector+'_2').val();\n\t\tjQuery(selector).val(birthday);\n\t})\n})\n"; $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->addScriptDeclaration($script); $class = $this->class; $this->class = ''; // Orginal hidden Calendar Field $calendar = '<span style="display:none">' . parent::getInput() . '</span>'; // Birthday Field with 3 input $birthday = $this->value ? explode('-', JHtml::_('date', $this->value, 'Y-m-d')) : array('', '', ''); $thisid = $this->id; $labelclass = $this->labelclass; $this->labelclass = 'hide'; // Year $this->class = $class; $this->title = JText::_('COM_SIBDIET_YEAR'); $this->name = $this->fieldname . '_0'; $this->id = $thisid . '_0'; $this->value = (int) $birthday[0]; $this->element['step'] = -1; $this->element['first'] = JHTML::_('date', JFactory::getDate(), 'Y'); $this->element['last'] = $this->element['first'] - 100; $yearLabel = parent::getLabel(); $yearField = $this->getBirthdayInput(); $this->element['first'] = 1; $this->element['step'] = 1; // Month $this->title = JText::_('COM_SIBDIET_MONTH'); $this->name = $this->fieldname . '_1'; $this->id = $thisid . '_1'; $this->value = (int) $birthday[1]; $this->element['last'] = 12; $monthLabel = parent::getLabel(); $monthField = $this->getBirthdayInput(); // Day $this->title = JText::_('COM_SIBDIET_DAY'); $this->name = $this->fieldname . '_2'; $this->id = $thisid . '_2'; $this->value = (int) $birthday[2]; $this->element['last'] = 31; $dayLabel = parent::getLabel(); $dayField = $this->getBirthdayInput(); $html = array(); $html[] = '<span id="' . $thisid . '_fieldset">'; if (JFactory::getLanguage()->isRTL()) { $html = array_merge($html, array($dayLabel, $dayField, $monthLabel, $monthField, $yearLabel, $yearField, $calendar)); } else { $html = array_merge($html, array($yearLabel, $yearField, $monthLabel, $monthField, $dayField, $dayLabel, $calendar)); } $html[] = '</span>'; /*$html[] = '<a href="#convertDateModal" title="' . JText::_('COM_SIBDIET_DATE_CONVERTER') . '" role="button" class="btn hasTooltip" data-toggle="modal"><i class="icon-calendar"></i></a>'; $html[] = '<div id="convertDateModal" class="modal hide fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="convertDateModalLabel" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button> <h3 id="convertDateModalLabel">' . JText::_('COM_SIBDIET_DATE_CONVERTER') . '</h3> </div> <div class="modal-body text-center"> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://1abzar.ir/abzar/tools/convert-date/?color=333333&bg=F4EFE8&kc=EDAB55&kadr=1"></script> </div> </div>';*/ $this->labelclass = $labelclass; return implode($html); }
/** * Test the getInput method. * * @return void */ public function testGetInputWithStringValue() { $form = new JForm('form1'); $this->assertThat($form->load('<form><field name="calendar" type="calendar" /></form>'), $this->isTrue(), 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' XML string should load successfully.'); // The calendar form field depends on having the time zone available. Easiest way is to // mock it in the config $testConfig = $this->getMockConfig(); $testConfig->expects($this->any())->method('get')->will($this->returnValue('Europe/London')); JFactory::$config = $testConfig; $field = new JFormFieldCalendar($form); $this->assertThat($field->setup($form->getXml()->field, 'June 2015'), $this->isTrue(), 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' The setup method should return true.'); $this->assertThat(strlen($field->input), $this->greaterThan(0), 'Line:' . __LINE__ . ' The getInput method should return something without error.'); // TODO: Should check all the attributes have come in properly. }
public function getInput() { JLoader::register('JEVHelper', JPATH_SITE . "/components/com_jevents/libraries/helper.php"); JEVHelper::ConditionalFields($this->element, $this->form->getName()); parent::getInput(); }
public function getInput() { echo 'here'; parent::getInput(); }