  * Method to get the field input markup.
  * @return  string  The field input markup.
  * @since   3.2
 protected function getInput()
     // Initialize variables.
     $subForm = new JForm($this->name, array('control' => 'jform'));
     $xml = $this->element->children()->asXML();
     // Needed for repeating modals in gmaps
     $subForm->repeatCounter = (int) @$this->form->repeatCounter;
     $children = $this->element->children();
     $modalid = $this->id . '_modal';
     $str = array();
     $str[] = '<div id="' . $modalid . '" style="display:none">';
     $str[] = '<table id="' . $modalid . '_table" class="adminlist ' . $this->element['class'] . ' table table-striped">';
     $str[] = '<thead><tr>';
     $names = array();
     $attributes = $this->element->attributes();
     foreach ($subForm->getFieldset($attributes->name . '_modal') as $field) {
         $names[] = (string) $field->element->attributes()->name;
         $str[] = '<th>' . strip_tags($field->getLabel($field->name));
         $str[] = '<br /><small style="font-weight:normal">' . JText::_($field->description) . '</small>';
         $str[] = '</th>';
     $str[] = '<th><a href="#" class="add btn button btn-success"><span class="fa fa-plus"></span> </a></th>';
     $str[] = '</tr></thead>';
     $str[] = '<tbody><tr>';
     foreach ($subForm->getFieldset($attributes->name . '_modal') as $field) {
         $str[] = '<td>' . $field->getInput() . '</td>';
     $str[] = '<td>';
     $str[] = '<div class="btn-group"><a class="add btn button btn-success"><span class="fa fa-plus"></span> </a>';
     $str[] = '<a class="remove btn button btn-danger"><span class="fa fa-minus"></span> </a></div>';
     $str[] = '</td>';
     $str[] = '</tr></tbody>';
     $str[] = '</table>';
     $str[] = '</div>';
     $names = json_encode($names);
     JHtml::_('script', 'system/repeatable.js', true, true);
     // If a maximum value isn't set then we'll make the maximum amount of cells a large number
     $maximum = $this->element['maximum'] ? (int) $this->element['maximum'] : '999';
     $script = "(function (\$){\r\n\t\t\t\$(document).ready(function (){\r\n\t\t\t\tvar repeatable = new \$.JRepeatable('{$modalid}', {$names}, '{$this->id}', '{$maximum}');\r\n\t\t\t});\r\n\t\t})(jQuery);";
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     $select = (string) $this->element['select'] ? JText::_((string) $this->element['select']) : JText::_('JLIB_FORM_BUTTON_SELECT');
     $icon = $this->element['icon'] ? '<i class="icon-' . $this->element['icon'] . '"></i> ' : '';
     $str[] = '<button class="btn" id="' . $modalid . '_button" data-modal="' . $modalid . '">' . $icon . $select . '</button>';
     if (is_array($this->value)) {
         $this->value = array_shift($this->value);
     $value = htmlspecialchars($this->value, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
     $str[] = '<input type="hidden" name="' . $this->name . '" id="' . $this->id . '" value="' . $value . '" />';
     return implode("\n", $str);
Esempio n. 2
  * Method to get the field input markup.
  * @return  string  The field input markup.
  * @since   3.2
 protected function getInput()
     // Initialize variables.
     $subForm = new JForm($this->name, array('control' => 'jform'));
     $xml = $this->element->children()->asXML();
     // Needed for repeating modals in gmaps
     // @TODO: what and where???
     $subForm->repeatCounter = (int) @$this->form->repeatCounter;
     $children = $this->element->children();
     // If a maximum value isn't set then we'll make the maximum amount of cells a large number
     $maximum = $this->element['maximum'] ? (int) $this->element['maximum'] : '999';
     // Build a Table
     $head_row_str = array();
     $body_row_str = array();
     foreach ($subForm->getFieldset() as $field) {
         // Reset name to simple
         $field->name = (string) $field->element['name'];
         // Build heading
         $head_row_str[] = '<th>' . strip_tags($field->getLabel($field->name));
         $head_row_str[] = '<br /><small style="font-weight:normal">' . JText::_($field->description) . '</small>';
         $head_row_str[] = '</th>';
         // Build body
         $body_row_str[] = '<td>' . $field->getInput() . '</td>';
     // Append buttons
     $head_row_str[] = '<th><div class="btn-group"><a href="#" class="add btn button btn-success"><span class="icon-plus"></span> </a></div></th>';
     $body_row_str[] = '<td><div class="btn-group">';
     $body_row_str[] = '<a class="add btn button btn-success"><span class="icon-plus"></span> </a>';
     $body_row_str[] = '<a class="remove btn button btn-danger"><span class="icon-minus"></span> </a>';
     $body_row_str[] = '</div></td>';
     // Put all table parts together
     $table = '<table id="' . $this->id . '_table" class="adminlist ' . $this->element['class'] . ' table table-striped">' . '<thead><tr>' . implode("\n", $head_row_str) . '</tr></thead>' . '<tbody><tr>' . implode("\n", $body_row_str) . '</tr></tbody>' . '</table>';
     // And finaly build a main container
     $str = array();
     $str[] = '<div id="' . $this->id . '_container">';
     // Add the table to modal
     $str[] = '<div id="' . $this->id . '_modal" class="modal hide">';
     $str[] = $table;
     $str[] = '<div class="modal-footer">';
     $str[] = '<button class="close-modal btn button btn-link">' . JText::_('JCANCEL') . '</button>';
     $str[] = '<button class="save-modal-data btn button btn-primary">' . JText::_('JAPPLY') . '</button>';
     $str[] = '</div>';
     // Close modal container
     $str[] = '</div>';
     // Close main container
     $str[] = '</div>';
     // Button for display the modal window
     $select = (string) $this->element['select'] ? JText::_((string) $this->element['select']) : JText::_('JLIB_FORM_BUTTON_SELECT');
     $icon = $this->element['icon'] ? '<span class="icon-' . $this->element['icon'] . '"></span> ' : '';
     $str[] = '<button class="open-modal btn" id="' . $this->id . '_button" >' . $icon . $select . '</button>';
     if (is_array($this->value)) {
         $this->value = array_shift($this->value);
     // Script params
     $data = array();
     $data[] = 'data-container="#' . $this->id . '_container"';
     $data[] = 'data-modal-element="#' . $this->id . '_modal"';
     $data[] = 'data-repeatable-element="table tbody tr"';
     $data[] = 'data-bt-add="a.add"';
     $data[] = 'data-bt-remove="a.remove"';
     $data[] = 'data-bt-modal-open="#' . $this->id . '_button"';
     $data[] = 'data-bt-modal-close="button.close-modal"';
     $data[] = 'data-bt-modal-save-data="button.save-modal-data"';
     $data[] = 'data-maximum="' . $maximum . '"';
     $data[] = 'data-input="#' . $this->id . '"';
     // Hidden input, where the main value is
     $value = htmlspecialchars($this->value, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
     $str[] = '<input type="hidden" name="' . $this->name . '" id="' . $this->id . '" value="' . $value . '"  class="form-field-repeatable" ' . implode(' ', $data) . ' />';
     // Add scripts
     JHtml::_('script', 'system/repeatable.js', true, true);
     return implode("\n", $str);
Esempio n. 3
  * Method to get the field input markup.
  * @since	1.6
  * @return	string	The field input markup.
 protected function getInput()
     // Initialize variables.
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     $options = array();
     $subForm = new JForm($this->name, array('control' => 'jform'));
     $xml = $this->element->children()->asXML();
     $j3 = FabrikWorker::j3();
     // Needed for repeating modals in gmaps viz
     $subForm->repeatCounter = (int) @$this->form->repeatCounter;
      * f3 hack
     $input = $app->input;
     $view = $input->get('view', 'list');
     switch ($view) {
         case 'item':
             $view = 'list';
             $id = (int) $this->form->getValue('request.listid');
         case 'module':
             $view = 'list';
             $id = (int) $this->form->getValue('params.list_id');
             $id = $input->getInt('id');
     if ($view === 'element') {
         $pluginManager = FabrikWorker::getPluginManager();
         $feModel = $pluginManager->getPluginFromId($id);
     } else {
         $feModel = JModelLegacy::getInstance($view, 'FabrikFEModel');
     $subForm->model = $feModel;
     // Hack for order by elements which we now want to store as ids
     $v = json_decode($this->value);
     if (isset($v->order_by)) {
         $formModel = $feModel->getFormModel();
         foreach ($v->order_by as &$orderBy) {
             $elementModel = $formModel->getElement($orderBy, true);
             $orderBy = $elementModel ? $elementModel->getId() : $orderBy;
     $this->value = json_encode($v);
      * end
     $children = $this->element->children();
     // $$$ rob 19/07/2012 not sure y but this fires a strict standard warning deep in JForm, suppress error for now
     $str = array();
     $version = new JVersion();
     $j32 = version_compare($version->RELEASE, '3.2') >= 0 ? true : false;
     $modalid = $j32 ? 'attrib-' . $this->id . '_modal' : $this->id . '_modal';
     // As JForm will render child fieldsets we have to hide it via CSS
     $fieldSetId = str_replace('jform_params_', '', $modalid);
     $css = '#' . $fieldSetId . ' { display: none; }';
     $path = 'templates/' . $app->getTemplate() . '/images/menu/';
     $str[] = '<div id="' . $modalid . '" style="display:none">';
     $str[] = '<table class="adminlist ' . $this->element['class'] . ' table table-striped">';
     $str[] = '<thead><tr class="row0">';
     $names = array();
     $attributes = $this->element->attributes();
     foreach ($subForm->getFieldset($attributes->name . '_modal') as $field) {
         $names[] = (string) $field->element->attributes()->name;
         $str[] = '<th>' . strip_tags($field->getLabel($field->name));
         $str[] = '<br /><small style="font-weight:normal">' . JText::_($field->description) . '</small>';
         $str[] = '</th>';
     if ($j3) {
         $str[] = '<th><a href="#" class="add btn button btn-success"><i class="icon-plus"></i> </a></th>';
     } else {
         $str[] = '<th><a href="#" class="add"><img src="' . $path . '/icon-16-new.png" alt="' . JText::_('ADD') . '" /></a></th>';
     $str[] = '</tr></thead>';
     $str[] = '<tbody><tr>';
     foreach ($subForm->getFieldset($attributes->name . '_modal') as $field) {
         $str[] = '<td>' . $field->getInput() . '</td>';
     $str[] = '<td>';
     if ($j3) {
         $str[] = '<div class="btn-group"><a class="add btn button btn-success"><i class="icon-plus"></i> </a>';
         $str[] = '<a class="remove btn button btn-danger"><i class="icon-minus"></i> </a></div>';
     } else {
         $str[] = '<a href="#" class="add"><img src="' . $path . '/icon-16-new.png" alt="' . JText::_('ADD') . '" /></a>';
         $str[] = '<a href="#" class="remove"><img src="' . $path . '/icon-16-delete.png" alt="' . JText::_('REMOVE') . '" /></a>';
     $str[] = '</td>';
     $str[] = '</tr></tbody>';
     $str[] = '</table>';
     $str[] = '</div>';
     $form = implode("\n", $str);
     static $modalrepeat;
     if (!isset($modalrepeat)) {
         $modalrepeat = array();
     if (!array_key_exists($modalid, $modalrepeat)) {
         $modalrepeat[$modalid] = array();
     if (!isset($this->form->repeatCounter)) {
         $this->form->repeatCounter = 0;
     if (!array_key_exists($this->form->repeatCounter, $modalrepeat[$modalid])) {
         // If loaded as js template then we don't want to repeat this again. (fabrik)
         $names = json_encode($names);
         $pane = str_replace('jform_params_', '', $modalid) . '-options';
         $modalrepeat[$modalid][$this->form->repeatCounter] = true;
         $opts = new stdClass();
         $opts->j3 = $j3;
         $opts = json_encode($opts);
         $script = str_replace('-', '', $modalid) . " = new FabrikModalRepeat('{$modalid}', {$names}, '{$this->id}', {$opts});";
         $option = $input->get('option');
         if ($option === 'com_fabrik') {
             FabrikHelperHTML::script('administrator/components/com_fabrik/models/fields/fabrikmodalrepeat.js', $script);
         } else {
             if ($j3) {
                 $context = strtoupper($option);
                 if ($context === 'COM_ADVANCEDMODULES') {
                     $context = 'COM_MODULES';
                 $j3pane = $context . '_' . str_replace('jform_params_', '', $modalid) . '_FIELDSET_LABEL';
                 if ($j32) {
                     $j3pane = strtoupper(str_replace('attrib-', '', $j3pane));
                 $script = "window.addEvent('domready', function() {\n\t\t\t\tvar a = jQuery(\"a:contains('{$j3pane}')\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (a.length > 0) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ta = a[0];\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvar href= a.get('href');\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tjQuery(href)[0].destroy();\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvar accord = a.getParent('.accordion-group');\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (typeOf(accord) !== 'null') {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\taccord.destroy();\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ta.destroy();\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $script . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t});";
             } else {
                 $script = "window.addEvent('domready', function() {\n\t\t\t" . $script . "\n\t\t\tif (typeOf(\$('{$pane}')) !== 'null') {\n\t\t\t  \$('{$pane}').getParent().hide();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t});";
             // Wont work when rendering in admin module page
             // @TODO test this now that the list and form pages are loading plugins via ajax (18/08/2012)
             FabrikHelperHTML::script('administrator/components/com_fabrik/models/fields/fabrikmodalrepeat.js', $script);
     if (is_array($this->value)) {
         $this->value = array_shift($this->value);
     $value = htmlspecialchars($this->value, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
     if ($j3) {
         $icon = $this->element['icon'] ? '<i class="icon-' . $this->element['icon'] . '"></i> ' : '';
         $icon .= JText::_('JLIB_FORM_BUTTON_SELECT');
         $str[] = '<button class="btn" id="' . $modalid . '_button" data-modal="' . $modalid . '">' . $icon . '</button>';
         $str[] = '<input type="hidden" name="' . $this->name . '" id="' . $this->id . '" value="' . $value . '" />';
     } else {
         $str[] = '<div class="button2-left">';
         $str[] = '	<div class="blank">';
         $str[] = '		<a id="' . $modalid . '_button" data-modal="' . $modalid . '">' . JText::_('JLIB_FORM_BUTTON_SELECT') . '</a>';
         $str[] = '		<input type="hidden" name="' . $this->name . '" id="' . $this->id . '" value="' . $value . '" />';
         $str[] = '	</div>';
         $str[] = '</div>';
     return implode("\n", $str);
Esempio n. 4
  * Method to get the field input markup.
  * @since	1.6
  * @return	string	The field input markup.
 protected function getInput()
     // Initialize variables.
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     $options = array();
     $subForm = new JForm($this->name, array('control' => 'jform'));
     $xml = $this->element->children()->asFormattedXML();
      * f3 hack
     $view = JRequest::getCmd('view', 'list');
     switch ($view) {
         case 'item':
             $view = 'list';
             $id = (int) $this->form->getValue('request.listid');
         case 'module':
             $view = 'list';
             $id = (int) $this->form->getValue('params.list_id');
             $id = JRequest::getInt('id');
     $feModel = JModel::getInstance($view, 'FabrikFEModel');
     $subForm->model = $feModel;
      * end
     $children = $this->element->children();
     $str = array();
     $modalid = $this->id . '_modal';
     // As JForm will render child fieldsets we have to hide it via CSS
     $fieldSetId = str_replace('jform_params_', '', $modalid);
     $css = '#' . $fieldSetId . ' { display: none; }';
     $str[] = '<div id="' . $modalid . '" style="display:none">';
     $str[] = '<table class="adminlist">';
     $str[] = '<thead><tr class="row0">';
     $names = array();
     foreach ($subForm->getFieldset($this->element->getAttribute('name') . '_modal') as $field) {
         $names[] = $field->element->getAttribute('name');
         $str[] = '<th>' . $field->getLabel($field->name) . '</th>';
     $str[] = '<th></th>';
     $str[] = '</tr></thead>';
     $str[] = '<tbody><tr>';
     foreach ($subForm->getFieldset($this->element->getAttribute('name') . '_modal') as $field) {
         $str[] = '<td>' . $field->getInput() . '</td>';
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $path = 'templates/' . $app->getTemplate() . '/images/menu/';
     $str[] = '<td><div style="width:35px"><a href="#" class="add"><img src="' . $path . '/icon-16-new.png" alt="' . JText::_('ADD') . '" /></a>';
     $str[] = '<a href="#" class="remove"><img src="' . $path . '/icon-16-delete.png" alt="' . JText::_('REMOVE') . '" /></a>';
     $str[] = '</td>';
     $str[] = '</tr></tbody>';
     $str[] = '</table>';
     $str[] = '</div>';
     $form = implode("\n", $str);
     static $modalrepeat;
     if (!isset($modalrepeat)) {
         $modalrepeat = array();
     if (!array_key_exists($modalid, $modalrepeat)) {
         $modalrepeat[$modalid] = array();
     if (!isset($this->form->repeatCounter)) {
         $this->form->repeatCounter = 0;
     if (!array_key_exists($this->form->repeatCounter, $modalrepeat[$modalid])) {
         // If loaded as js template then we don't want to repeat this again. (fabrik)
         $names = json_encode($names);
         $pane = str_replace('jform_params_', '', $modalid) . '-options';
         $modalrepeat[$modalid][$this->form->repeatCounter] = true;
         $script = str_replace('-', '', $modalid) . " = new FabrikModalRepeat('{$modalid}', {$names}, '{$this->id}');";
         if (JRequest::getVar('option') === 'com_fabrik') {
             FabrikHelperHTML::script('administrator/components/com_fabrik/models/fields/fabrikmodalrepeat.js', $script);
         } else {
             // Wont work when rendering in admin module page
             // @TODO test this now that the list and form pages are loading plugins via ajax (18/08/2012)
             JHTML::script('administrator/components/com_fabrik/models/fields/fabrikmodalrepeat.js', true);
             $document->addScriptDeclaration("window.addEvent('domready', function() {\n\t\t\t" . $script . "\n\t\t\tif (typeOf(\$('{$pane}')) !== 'null') {\n\t\t\t  \$('{$pane}').getParent().hide();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t});");
     $close = "function(c){" . $modalid . ".onClose(c);}";
     $str[] = '<div class="button2-left">';
     $str[] = '	<div class="blank">';
     $str[] = '<a id="' . $modalid . '_button" />' . JText::_('JLIB_FORM_BUTTON_SELECT') . '</a>';
     $html[] = '	</div>';
     $html[] = '</div>';
     if (is_array($this->value)) {
         $this->value = array_shift($this->value);
     $value = htmlspecialchars($this->value, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
     $str[] = '<input type="hidden" name="' . $this->name . '" id="' . $this->id . '" value="' . $value . '" />';
     return implode("\n", $str);
  * Method to get the field input markup.
  * @return	string	The field input markup.
  * @since	1.6
 protected function getInput()
     // Initialize variables.
     $options = array();
     $subForm = new JForm($this->name, array('control' => 'jform'));
     $xml = $this->element->children()->asFormattedXML();
      * f3 hack
     $view = JRequest::getCmd('view');
     $feModel = JModel::getInstance($view, 'FabrikFEModel');
     $subForm->model = $feModel;
      * end
     //$this->id = $this->id .'_'.$this->form->repeatCounter;
     $str = array();
     $modalid = $this->id . '_modal';
     $str[] = '<div id="' . $modalid . '" style="display:none">';
     $str[] = '<table class="adminlist">';
     $str[] = '<thead><tr class="row0">';
     $names = array();
     foreach ($subForm->getFieldset($this->element->getAttribute('name') . '_modal') as $field) {
         $names[] = $field->element->getAttribute('name');
         $str[] = '<th>' . $field->getLabel($field->name) . '</th>';
     $str[] = '<th></th>';
     $str[] = '</tr></thead>';
     $str[] = '<tbody><tr>';
     foreach ($subForm->getFieldset($this->element->getAttribute('name') . '_modal') as $field) {
         $str[] = '<td>' . $field->getInput() . '</td>';
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $path = 'templates/' . $app->getTemplate() . '/images/menu/';
     $str[] = '<td><div style="width:35px"><a href="#" class="add"><img src="' . $path . '/icon-16-new.png" alt="' . JText::_('ADD') . '" /></a>';
     $str[] = '<a href="#" class="remove"><img src="' . $path . '/icon-16-delete.png" alt="' . JText::_('REMOVE') . '" /></div></a>';
     $str[] = '</td>';
     $str[] = '</tr></tbody>';
     $str[] = '</table>';
     $str[] = '</div>';
     $form = implode("\n", $str);
     static $modalrepeat;
     if (!isset($modalrepeat)) {
         $modalrepeat = array();
     if (!array_key_exists($modalid, $modalrepeat)) {
         $modalrepeat[$modalid] = array();
     if (!array_key_exists($this->form->repeatCounter, $modalrepeat[$modalid])) {
         //if loaded as js template then we don't want to repeat this again. (fabrik)
         $names = json_encode($names);
         $modalrepeat[$modalid][$this->form->repeatCounter] = true;
         $script = str_replace("-", "", $modalid) . " = new FabrikModalRepeat('{$modalid}', {$names}, '{$this->id}');";
         FabrikHelperHTML::script('administrator/components/com_fabrik/models/fields/fabrikmodalrepeat.js', true, $script);
     $close = "function(c){" . $modalid . ".onClose(c);}";
     $str[] = '<div class="button2-left">';
     $str[] = '	<div class="blank">';
     $str[] = "<a id=\"" . $modalid . "_button\" />" . JText::_('JLIB_FORM_BUTTON_SELECT') . '</a>';
     $html[] = '	</div>';
     $html[] = '</div>';
     $value = htmlspecialchars($this->value, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
     $str[] = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"{$this->name}\" id=\"{$this->id}\" value=\"{$value}\" />";
     return implode("\n", $str);
Esempio n. 6
  * Method to get the field input markup.
  * @return  string  The field input markup.
  * @since   3.2
 protected function getInput()
     // Initialize variables.
     $subForm = new JForm($this->name, array('control' => 'jform'));
     $xml = $this->element->children()->asXml();
     // Needed for repeating modals in gmaps
     // @TODO: what and where???
     $subForm->repeatCounter = (int) @$this->form->repeatCounter;
     $children = $this->element->children();
     JHtml::_('sortablelist.sortable', $this->id . '_table', 'adminForm', 'asc', '');
     // If a maximum value isn't set then we'll make the maximum amount of cells a large number
     $maximum = $this->element['maximum'] ? (int) $this->element['maximum'] : '999';
     // Build a Table
     $head_row_str = array();
     $body_row_str = array();
     $head_row_str[] = '<th></th>';
     $body_row_str[] = '<td class="order nowrap center hidden-phone" style="width: 32px;">' . '<span class="sortable-handler" style="cursor: move;"><i class="icon-menu"></i></span>' . '<input type="text" class="width-20 text-area-order" value="0" size="5" name="order[]" style="display:none"></td>';
     foreach ($subForm->getFieldset() as $field) {
         // Reset name to simple
         $field->name = (string) $field->element['name'];
         // Build heading
         $head_row_str[] = '<th>' . strip_tags($field->getLabel($field->name));
         $head_row_str[] = '<br /><small style="font-weight:normal">' . JText::_($field->description) . '</small>';
         $head_row_str[] = '</th>';
         // Build body
         $body_row_str[] = '<td>' . $field->getInput() . '</td>';
     // Append buttons
     $head_row_str[] = '<th><div class="btn-group"><a href="#" class="add btn button btn-success"><span class="icon-plus"></span> </a></div></th>';
     $body_row_str[] = '<td><div class="btn-group">';
     $body_row_str[] = '<a class="add btn button btn-success"><span class="icon-plus"></span> </a>';
     $body_row_str[] = '<a class="remove btn button btn-danger"><span class="icon-minus"></span> </a>';
     $body_row_str[] = '</div></td>';
     // Put all table parts together
     $table = '<table id="' . $this->id . '_table" class="adminlist ' . $this->element['class'] . ' table table-striped">' . '<thead><tr>' . '<td colspan="' . count($head_row_str) . '">Edição de itens de vídeo (até 3 itens)' . '<button class="close closebutton close-modal" style="float:right" type="button">×</button></td>' . '</tr><tr>' . implode("\n", $head_row_str) . '</tr></thead>' . '<tbody><tr class="dndlist-sortable">' . implode("\n", $body_row_str) . '</tr></tbody>' . '</table>';
     // And finaly build a main container
     $str = array();
     $str[] = '<div id="' . $this->id . '_container">';
     // Add the table to modal
     $str[] = '<div id="' . $this->id . '_modal" class="modal hide">';
     $str[] = $table;
     $str[] = '<div class="modal-footer">';
     $str[] = '<button class="close-modal btn button btn-link">' . JText::_('JCANCEL') . '</button>';
     $str[] = '<button class="save-modal-data btn button btn-primary">' . JText::_('JAPPLY') . '</button>';
     $str[] = '</div>';
     // Close modal container
     $str[] = '</div>';
     // Close main container
     $str[] = '</div>';
     // Button for display the modal window
     $select = (string) $this->element['select'] ? JText::_((string) $this->element['select']) : JText::_('JLIB_FORM_BUTTON_SELECT');
     $icon = $this->element['icon'] ? '<span class="icon-' . $this->element['icon'] . '"></span> ' : '';
     $str[] = '<button class="open-modal btn" id="' . $this->id . '_button" >' . $icon . $select . '</button>';
     if (is_array($this->value)) {
         $this->value = array_shift($this->value);
     $script = "(function (\$){\r\n\t\t\t\$(document).ready(function (){\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\t\$('#" . $this->id . "_table').on('change', '*[name^=\"url-\"]', function (e, target)\r\n\t\t\t\t{\r\n\t\t\t\t\tcompletarValores( \$(this), true );\r\n\t\t\t\t});\r\n\t\t\t\t\$('#" . $this->id . "_table').on('click', '*[name^=\"url-\"]', function (e, target)\r\n\t\t\t\t{\r\n\t\t\t\t\tcompletarValores( \$(this), false );\r\n\t\t\t\t});\r\n\t\t\t\t/*\$('#" . $this->id . "_table').on('click', '#" . $this->id . "_button', function (e, target)\r\n\t\t\t\t{\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\$('#" . $this->id . "_table *[name^=\"url-\"]').each(function(){\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcompletarValores( \$(this), false );\r\n\t\t\t\t\t});\r\n\t\t\t\t});*/\r\n\t\t\t});\r\n\t\t})(jQuery);";
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     // Script params
     $data = array();
     $data[] = 'data-container="#' . $this->id . '_container"';
     $data[] = 'data-modal-element="#' . $this->id . '_modal"';
     $data[] = 'data-repeatable-element="table tbody tr"';
     $data[] = 'data-bt-add="a.add"';
     $data[] = 'data-bt-remove="a.remove"';
     $data[] = 'data-bt-modal-open="#' . $this->id . '_button"';
     $data[] = 'data-bt-modal-close="button.close-modal"';
     $data[] = 'data-bt-modal-save-data="button.save-modal-data"';
     $data[] = 'data-maximum="' . $maximum . '"';
     $data[] = 'data-input="#' . $this->id . '"';
     // Hidden input, where the main value is
     $value = htmlspecialchars($this->value, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
     $str[] = '<input type="hidden" name="' . $this->name . '" id="' . $this->id . '" value="' . $value . '"  class="form-field-repeatable" ' . implode(' ', $data) . ' />';
     // Add scripts
     JHtml::_('script', 'system/repeatable.js', true, true);
     return implode("\n", $str);
     // Initialize variables.
     $subForm = new JForm($this->name, array('control' => 'jform'));
     $xml = $this->element->children()->asXML();
     // Needed for repeating modals in gmaps
     $subForm->repeatCounter = (int) @$this->form->repeatCounter;
     $children = $this->element->children();
     $modalid = $this->id . '_modal';
     JHtml::_('sortablelist.sortable', $modalid . '_table', 'adminForm', 'asc', '');
     $str = array();
     $names = array();
     $attributes = $this->element->attributes();
     $str_cols = array();
     $counter_cols = 1;
     foreach ($subForm->getFieldset($attributes->name . '_modal') as $field) {
         $names[] = (string) $field->element->attributes()->name;
         $str_cols[] = '<th>' . strip_tags($field->getLabel($field->name));
         $str_cols[] = '<br /><small style="font-weight:normal">' . JText::_($field->description) . '</small>';
         $str_cols[] = '</th>';
     $str[] = '<div id="' . $modalid . '" style="display:none">';
     $str[] = '<table id="' . $modalid . '_table" class="adminlist ' . $this->element['class'] . ' table table-striped">';
     $str[] = '<thead><tr><td colspan="' . ($counter_cols + 1) . '">Edição de itens de vídeo (até 3 colunas)';
     $str[] = '<button class="close closebutton" style="float:right" type="button">×</button></td></tr><tr>';
     $str[] = '<th>Ordem</th>';
     $str = array_merge($str, $str_cols);
     $str[] = '<th><a href="#" class="add btn button btn-success"><span class="icon-plus"></span> </a></th>';
     $str[] = '</tr></thead>';
     $str[] = '<tbody><tr class="dndlist-sortable">';
     $str[] = '<td class="order nowrap center hidden-phone" style="width: 32px;">';
     $str[] = '<span class="sortable-handler" style="cursor: move;"><i class="icon-menu"></i></span>';
     $str[] = '<input type="text" class="width-20 text-area-order" value="0" size="5" name="order[]" style="display:none"></td>';
     // $str[] = '<td><input type="text" class="width-20 text-area-order" value="0" size="5"></td>';
     foreach ($subForm->getFieldset($attributes->name . '_modal') as $field) {
         $str[] = '<td>' . $field->getInput() . '</td>';
     $str[] = '<td>';
     $str[] = '<div class="btn-group"><a class="add btn button btn-success"><span class="icon-plus"></span> </a>';
     $str[] = '<a class="remove btn button btn-danger"><span class="icon-minus"></span> </a></div>';
     $str[] = '</td>';
     $str[] = '</tr></tbody>';
     $str[] = '</table>';
     $str[] = '</div>';
     $names = json_encode($names);
     //codigo replicado para o modulo por nao ser compativel com nova versao de repeatable da versao 3.4.1
     // If a maximum value isn't set then we'll make the maximum amount of cells a large number
     $maximum = $this->element['maximum'] ? (int) $this->element['maximum'] : '999';
     $script = "(function (\$){\r\n\t\t\t\$(document).ready(function (){\r\n\t\t\t\tvar repeatable = new \$.JRepeatable('{$modalid}', {$names}, '{$this->id}', '{$maximum}');\r\n\t\t\t\t\$('.closebutton').click(function(){\r\n\t\t\t\t\t// console.log(\$('#" . $modalid . "_table').parent().html());\r\n\t\t\t\t\t// console.log(\$('#" . $modalid . "_table').parent().prev().parent().html());\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\$('#" . $modalid . "_table').parent().hide();\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\$('#" . $modalid . "_table').parent().prev().hide();\r\n\t\t\t\t});\r\n\t\t\t\t\$('#" . $modalid . "_table').on('change', '*[name^=\"url-\"]', function (e, target)\r\n\t\t\t\t{\r\n\t\t\t\t\tcompletarValores( \$(this), true );\r\n\t\t\t\t});\r\n\t\t\t\t\$('#" . $modalid . "_table').on('click', '*[name^=\"url-\"]', function (e, target)\r\n\t\t\t\t{\r\n\t\t\t\t\tcompletarValores( \$(this), false );\r\n\t\t\t\t});\r\n\t\t\t\t/*\$('#" . $modalid . "_table').on('click', '#" . $modalid . "_button', function (e, target)\r\n\t\t\t\t{\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\$('#" . $modalid . "_table *[name^=\"url-\"]').each(function(){\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcompletarValores( \$(this), false );\r\n\t\t\t\t\t});\r\n\t\t\t\t});*/\r\n\t\t\t});\r\n\t\t})(jQuery);";
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     $select = (string) $this->element['select'] ? JText::_((string) $this->element['select']) : JText::_('JLIB_FORM_BUTTON_SELECT');
     $icon = $this->element['icon'] ? '<i class="icon-' . $this->element['icon'] . '"></i> ' : '';
     $str[] = '<button class="btn" id="' . $modalid . '_button" data-modal="' . $modalid . '">' . $icon . $select . '</button>';
     if (is_array($this->value)) {
         $this->value = array_shift($this->value);
     $value = htmlspecialchars($this->value, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
     $str[] = '<input type="hidden" name="' . $this->name . '" id="' . $this->id . '" value="' . $value . '" />';
     // JText::script('JCANCEL');
     return implode("\n", $str);
Esempio n. 7
  * adds additional fields to the user editing form
  * @param   JForm  $form  The form to be altered.
  * @param   mixed  $data  The associated data for the form.
  * @return  boolean
  * @since   1.6
 public function onContentPrepareForm($form, $data)
     if (!$form instanceof JForm) {
         return false;
     if (!$this->listId) {
         if ($this->debug) {
             $this->_subject->setError('No list selected in joomlamailer user plugin config!');
             return false;
     // Check we are manipulating a valid form.
     $name = $form->getName();
     if (!in_array($name, array('com_admin.profile', 'com_users.user', 'com_users.profile', 'com_users.registration'))) {
         return true;
     // Add the registration fields to the form.
     JForm::addFormPath(__DIR__ . '/profiles');
     $form->loadFile('profile', false);
     $mergeFields = $this->api->listMergeVars($this->listId);
     if (is_array($mergeFields) && count($mergeFields)) {
         $mergeFieldsConfig = $this->params->get('fields', array());
         $elements = array();
         foreach ($mergeFields as $field) {
             if (in_array($field['tag'], array('EMAIL', 'FNAME', 'LNAME', 'SIGNUPAPI')) || !in_array($field['tag'], $mergeFieldsConfig) || !$field['show'] || !$field['public']) {
             $attr = $options = '';
             switch ($field['field_type']) {
                 case 'url':
                     $type = 'url';
                 case 'birthday':
                     $type = 'birthday';
                     $attr = 'format="' . $this->params->get('dateFormat') . '"';
                     $field['helptext'] = $this->params->get('dateFormat');
                 case 'address':
                     $type = 'address';
                 case 'phone':
                     $type = 'tel';
                 case 'number':
                     $type = 'number';
                 case 'radio':
                     $type = 'radio';
                     if (isset($field['choices'])) {
                         foreach ($field['choices'] as $choice) {
                             $options .= '<option value="' . $choice . '">' . $choice . '</option>';
                 case 'dropdown':
                     $type = 'list';
                     if (isset($field['choices'])) {
                         foreach ($field['choices'] as $choice) {
                             $options .= '<option value="' . $choice . '">' . $choice . '</option>';
                     $attr = 'multiple="false"';
                     $type = 'text';
             $elements[] = new SimpleXMLElement('<fieldset name="joomlamailer_merges">
                 <field name="' . $field['tag'] . '"
                     type="' . $type . '"
                     label="' . $field['name'] . '"
                     description="' . $field['helptext'] . '"
                     required="' . $field['req'] . '" ' . $attr . '>' . $options . '
         if (count($elements)) {
             $form->setFields($elements, 'joomlamailer_merges');
     $interests = $this->api->listInterestGroupings($this->listId);
     if (is_array($interests) && count($interests)) {
         $interestsConfig = $this->params->get('interests', array());
         $elements = array();
         foreach ($interests as $interest) {
             if (!in_array($interest['id'], $interestsConfig)) {
             $attr = '';
             switch ($interest['form_field']) {
                 case 'dropdown':
                     $type = 'list';
                 case 'radio':
                     $type = 'radio';
                 case 'checkboxes':
                     $type = 'checkbox';
                     $attr = 'multiple="true"';
             $options = '';
             foreach ($interest['groups'] as $group) {
                 $options .= '<option value="' . $group['name'] . '">' . $group['name'] . '</option>';
             $elements[] = new SimpleXMLElement('<fieldset name="joomlamailer_groupings">
                 <field name="' . $interest['id'] . ($interest['form_field'] == 'checkbox' ? '][' : '') . '"
                     type="' . $type . '"
                     label="' . $interest['name'] . '" ' . $attr . '>' . $options . '
         if (count($elements)) {
             $form->setFields($elements, 'joomlamailer_groupings');
     return true;