Esempio n. 1
  * Overloaded check method to ensure data integrity.
  * @return    boolean    True on success.
 public function checkData($isNew, $auto_added = false)
     global $jlistConfig;
     jimport('joomla.filesystem.file ');
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     // we neeed the jform data
     $jinput = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
     $formdata = $jinput->get('jform', array(), 'array');
     // we neeed also the jform files data
     $jFileInput = new JInput($_FILES);
     $files = $jFileInput->get('jform', array(), 'array');
     $default_access_value_used = false;
     // doing the next part only when we have a new download creation or an editing in frontend
     if ($app->isSite() && !$auto_added) {
         $user_rules = JDHelper::getUserRules();
         // we must check some from the required fields manually, which are not checked with javascript
         if ($this->cat_id == 0) {
         if ($user_rules->form_changelog && $user_rules->form_changelog_x && $this->changelog == '') {
         if ($user_rules->form_short_desc && $user_rules->form_short_desc_x && $this->description == '') {
         if ($user_rules->form_long_desc && $user_rules->form_long_desc_x && $this->description_long == '') {
         if ($user_rules->form_extra_large_input_1 && $user_rules->form_extra_large_input_1_x && $this->custom_field_13 == '') {
         if ($user_rules->form_extra_large_input_2 && $user_rules->form_extra_large_input_2_x && $this->custom_field_14 == '') {
         if ($user_rules->form_license && $user_rules->form_license_x && !$this->license) {
         if ($user_rules->form_creation_date && $user_rules->form_creation_date_x && $this->date_added == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
         if ($user_rules->form_file_date && $user_rules->form_file_date_x && $this->file_date == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
         if ($user_rules->form_file_language && $user_rules->form_file_language_x && !$this->file_language) {
         if ($user_rules->form_file_system && $user_rules->form_file_system_x && !$this->system) {
         if ($user_rules->form_file_pic && $user_rules->form_file_pic_x && !$this->file_pic) {
         // we need the total amount of selected image files
         $thumb_image_files = $jFileInput->get('file_upload_thumb', array(), 'array');
         $amount_selected_thumbs_files = count($thumb_image_files['name']);
         foreach ($thumb_image_files['name'] as $name) {
             if (!$name) {
         if ($user_rules->form_images && $user_rules->form_images_x && !$amount_selected_thumbs_files) {
         if ($user_rules->form_extra_select_box_1 && $user_rules->form_extra_select_box_1_x && !$this->custom_field_1) {
         if ($user_rules->form_extra_select_box_2 && $user_rules->form_extra_select_box_2_x && !$this->custom_field_2) {
         if ($user_rules->form_extra_select_box_3 && $user_rules->form_extra_select_box_3_x && !$this->custom_field_3) {
         if ($user_rules->form_extra_select_box_4 && $user_rules->form_extra_select_box_4_x && !$this->custom_field_4) {
         if ($user_rules->form_extra_select_box_5 && $user_rules->form_extra_select_box_5_x && !$this->custom_field_5) {
         if ($user_rules->form_extra_date_1 && $user_rules->form_extra_extra_date_1_x && $this->custom_field_11 == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
         if ($user_rules->form_extra_date_2 && $user_rules->form_extra_extra_date_2_x && $this->custom_field_12 == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
         // break when we have before found a invalid data field
         if ($this->getErrors()) {
             return false;
         // check the file extension when frontend upload
         if ($files['tmp_name']['file_upload'] != '' || $files['name']['file_upload'] != '') {
             $file_extension = JFile::getExt($files['name']['file_upload']);
             $user_file_types = explode(',', strtolower($user_rules->uploads_allowed_types));
             if (!in_array(strtolower($file_extension), $user_file_types)) {
                 // error - user have tried to upload a not allowed file type
                 return false;
             // check allowed file size
             if ($files['size']['file_upload'] > $user_rules->uploads_maxfilesize_kb * 1024 || $files['name']['file_upload'] != '' && $files['size']['file_upload'] == 0) {
                 // error - user have tried to upload a to big file
                 return false;
         // check the file extension when frontend preview file upload
         if ($files['tmp_name']['preview_file_upload'] != '' || $files['name']['preview_file_upload'] != '') {
             $file_prev_extension = JFile::getExt($files['name']['preview_file_upload']);
             $user_preview_file_types = explode(',', $user_rules->uploads_allowed_preview_types);
             if (!in_array($file_prev_extension, $user_preview_file_types)) {
                 // error - user have tried to upload a not allowed file type
                 return false;
             // check allowed file size
             if ($files['size']['preview_file_upload'] > $user_rules->uploads_maxfilesize_kb * 1024 || $files['name']['preview_file_upload'] != '' && $files['size']['preview_file_upload'] == 0) {
                 // error - user have tried to upload a to big file
                 return false;
         // check the access handling
         if ($user_rules->form_access == 0) {
             // the access select field was not viewed so we use the default value when exist
             if ($user_rules->uploads_default_access_level) {
                 $this->access = (int) $user_rules->uploads_default_access_level;
                 $default_access_value_used = true;
         } else {
             // the access select field was viewed
             if ($this->access > 1) {
                 // user has selected a special access level so we do not use the access value from parent category
                 $default_access_value_used = true;
     // this part is always used
     if ($this->cat_id > 1) {
         if ($isNew && !$default_access_value_used) {
             // set access level value from parent
             $query = "SELECT * FROM #__jdownloads_categories WHERE id = '{$this->cat_id}'";
             $parent_cat = $db->loadObject();
             $this->access = $parent_cat->access;
     // we need the rest only when the new item is not added by monitoring !!!
     if (!$auto_added) {
         // get the uploaded image files
         $imagefiles = $jFileInput->get('file_upload_thumb', array(), 'array');
         $movedmsg = '';
         $errormsg = '';
         $cat_dir_org = '';
         $filename_org = '';
         $marked_cat_id = '';
         $file_cat_changed = false;
         $invalid_filename = false;
         $thumb_created = false;
         $image_created = false;
         $image_thumb_name = '';
         $filename_renamed = false;
         $filename_new_name = '';
         $filename_old_name = '';
         $use_xml_for_file_info = 0;
         $selected_updatefile = 0;
         // use xml install file to fill the file informations
         if (isset($formdata['use_xml'])) {
             $use_xml_for_file_info = (int) $formdata['use_xml'];
         // marked cat id
         if (isset($formdata['cat_id'])) {
             $marked_cat_id = (int) $formdata['cat_id'];
         } else {
             // is download added about jdownloadsModeldownload::createDownload() ?
             if ($this->cat_id > 0) {
                 $marked_cat_id = (int) $this->cat_id;
         // prior marked cat id
         $cat_dir_org = $jinput->get('cat_dir_org', 0, 'integer');
         // original filename changed?
         $filename_org = $jinput->get('filename_org', '', 'string');
         if (!$isNew && $filename_org != '' && $formdata['url_download'] != '' && $filename_org != $formdata['url_download']) {
             $filename_renamed = true;
             $filename_new_name = $formdata['url_download'];
             $filename_old_name = $filename_org;
         // original preview filename changed?
         $preview_filename_org = $jinput->get('preview_filename_org', '', 'string');
         if (!$isNew && $preview_filename_org != '' && $formdata['preview_filename'] != '' && $preview_filename_org != $formdata['preview_filename']) {
             $preview_filename_renamed = true;
             $preview_filename_new_name = $formdata['preview_filename'];
             $preview_filename_old_name = $preview_filename_org;
         // get selected file from server for update download?
         if (isset($formdata['update_file'])) {
             $selected_updatefile = $formdata['update_file'];
         // When download is new created in frontend, we must do some other things...
         if ($app->isSite() && !$auto_added) {
             if ($isNew) {
                 $this->submitted_by = $user->id;
                 if ($user_rules->uploads_auto_publish == 1) {
                     $this->published = 1;
                 if ($jlistConfig['use.alphauserpoints'] && $this->published == 1) {
                     // add the AUP points
                     JDHelper::setAUPPointsUploads($this->submitted_by, $this->file_title);
             } else {
                 if ($jlistConfig['use.alphauserpoints'] && $this->published == 1) {
                     // add the AUP points when an older download is published (maybe the first time)
                     JDHelper::setAUPPointsUploads($this->submitted_by, $this->file_title);
         } else {
             $this->set_aup_points = $jinput->get('set_aup_points', 0, 'integer');
             $this->submitted_by = $jinput->get('submitted_by', 0, 'integer');
         $this->extern_file = $formdata['extern_file'];
         $this->url_home = $formdata['url_home'];
         $this->url_author = $formdata['url_author'];
         $this->author = $formdata['author'];
         $this->mirror_1 = $formdata['mirror_1'];
         $this->mirror_2 = $formdata['mirror_2'];
         $this->extern_site = (int) $formdata['extern_site'];
         $this->extern_site_mirror_1 = (int) $formdata['extern_site_mirror_1'];
         $this->extern_site_mirror_2 = (int) $formdata['extern_site_mirror_2'];
         // check for valid name
         if (trim($this->file_title) == '') {
             return false;
         // check date, user id fields and cat_id
         if (!$isNew) {
             // old download changed
             // set user id in modified field
             $this->modified_id = $user->id;
             // fill out modified date field
             // get first the old date and compare it with the current value from the form
             // when user has self changed the date value - so we do not change it here
             // otherwise use we the current date and time
             $modified_date_old = $jinput->get('modified_date_old', '', 'string');
             if ($modified_date_old == $this->modified_date) {
                 $this->modified_date = JFactory::getDate()->toSql();
             if ($cat_dir_org != $marked_cat_id) {
                 $file_cat_changed = true;
                 $this->cat_id = $marked_cat_id;
         } else {
             // fill out created date field
             $this->date_added = JFactory::getDate()->toSql();
             // $this->date_added = JHtml::_('date', '','Y-m-d H:i:s');
             if (!$this->created_id) {
                 $this->created_id = $user->id;
         // get the selected categories folder name, when it is not uncategorised selected
         if ($marked_cat_id > 1) {
             $db->SetQuery("SELECT cat_dir, cat_dir_parent FROM #__jdownloads_categories WHERE id = {$marked_cat_id}");
             $stored_catdir = $db->loadObject();
             if (!$stored_catdir) {
                 return false;
             } else {
                 // build the complete stored category path
                 if ($stored_catdir->cat_dir_parent != '') {
                     $mark_catdir = $stored_catdir->cat_dir_parent . DS . $stored_catdir->cat_dir;
                 } else {
                     $mark_catdir = $stored_catdir->cat_dir;
         } else {
             if ($marked_cat_id == 1) {
                 // 'uncategorised' is selected
                 $mark_catdir = $jlistConfig[''];
         // when we will use a file from a other download, we must delete first the old file when it exist
         // the same, when we will use a file from the server
         if ($this->other_file_id > 0 && $this->url_download != '' || $selected_updatefile > 0 && $this->url_download != '') {
             $path = $jlistConfig['files.uploaddir'] . '/' . $mark_catdir . '/' . $this->url_download;
             if (JFile::exists($path)) {
             $this->url_download = '';
         $this->description = rtrim(stripslashes($this->description));
         $this->description_long = rtrim(stripslashes($this->description_long));
         if ($this->file_id) {
             // get filesize and date if no value set
             if ($formdata['size'] != '' && $formdata['size'] != $this->size && $files['tmp_name']['file_upload'] == '' && !$file_cat_changed) {
                 // user had changed the size manually
                 $this->size = JFilterInput::getInstance(null, null, 1, 1)->clean($formdata['size'], 'STRING');
             if (!(int) $this->size > 0 && $files['tmp_name']['file_upload'] == '' && !$file_cat_changed) {
                 if ($this->url_download) {
                     $filepath = $jlistConfig['files.uploaddir'] . '/' . $mark_catdir . '/' . $this->url_download;
                     if (JFile::exists($filepath)) {
                         $this->size = jdownloadsHelper::fsize($filepath);
                 } elseif ($this->extern_file != '') {
                     // get extern file size
                     $this->size = jdownloadsHelper::urlfilesize($this->extern_file, 'b');
                 } elseif ($this->other_file_id > 0) {
                     // use file from other download - get the size from it
                     $this->size = jdownloadsHelper::getFieldDataFromDownload($this->other_file_id, 'size');
             // is date empty get filedate - only for intern linked files
             if ($this->url_download) {
                 if (empty($this->date_added) and $files['tmp_name']['file_upload'] == '' and !$file_cat_changed) {
                     $this->date_added = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", filemtime($jlistConfig['files.uploaddir'] . '/' . $mark_catdir . '/' . $this->url_download));
             } elseif ($this->extern_file != '') {
                 // is extern file - try to get the data
                 if (empty($this->date_added) and $files['tmp_name']['file_upload'] == '' and !$file_cat_changed) {
                     $this->date_added = jdownloadsHelper::urlfiledate($this->extern_file);
                     $this->size = jdownloadsHelper::urlfilesize($this->extern_file, 'b');
             } elseif ($this->other_file_id > 0) {
                 // use file from other download - get the date from it
                 $this->file_date = jdownloadsHelper::getFieldDataFromDownload($this->other_file_id, 'file_date');
         } else {
             if (!(int) $this->size > 0 && $files['tmp_name']['file_upload'] == '' && !$file_cat_changed) {
                 if ($this->url_download) {
                     $filepath = $jlistConfig['files.uploaddir'] . '/' . $mark_catdir . '/' . $this->url_download;
                     if (JFile::exists($filepath)) {
                         $this->size = jdownloadsHelper::fsize($filepath);
                 } elseif ($this->extern_file != '') {
                     // get extern file file
                     $this->size = jdownloadsHelper::urlfilesize($this->extern_file, 'b');
                 } elseif ($this->other_file_id > 0) {
                     // use file from other download - get the size from it
                     $this->size = jdownloadsHelper::getFieldDataFromDownload($this->other_file_id, 'size');
         //handle now the basic file upload for this download
         if ($files['tmp_name']['file_upload'] != '') {
             // clear the other fields
             $this->other_file_id = '';
             // delete first old assigned file if exist - so we can use for a update a file with the same filename!
             // we must delete it, otherwise found the auto monitoring it as new file and will add it as new founded file!
             if ($this->url_download) {
                 if (JFile::exists($jlistConfig['files.uploaddir'] . '/' . $mark_catdir . '/' . $this->url_download)) {
                     JFile::delete($jlistConfig['files.uploaddir'] . '/' . $mark_catdir . '/' . $this->url_download);
                     $this->size = '';
             $upload_dir = $jlistConfig['files.uploaddir'] . '/' . $mark_catdir . '/';
             $only_name = JFile::stripExt($files['name']['file_upload']);
             $file_extension = JFile::getExt($files['name']['file_upload']);
             // check filename
             $filename_new = JDownloadsHelper::getCleanFolderFileName($only_name) . '.' . $file_extension;
             $only_name = JFile::stripExt($filename_new);
             $file_extension = JFile::getExt($filename_new);
             if ($only_name != '') {
                 // filename is valid
                 $num = 0;
                 // rename new file when it exists in this folder
                 while (JFile::exists($upload_dir . $filename_new)) {
                     $filename_new = $only_name . $num++ . '.' . $file_extension;
                     if ($num > 5000) {
                 $files['name']['file_upload'] = $filename_new;
                 $target_path = $upload_dir . $files['name']['file_upload'];
                 // When file mime is an image type, make sure that we have not a fake pic
                 $file_is_image = JDownloadsHelper::fileIsImage($files['type']['file_upload']);
                 if ($file_is_image && !JDownloadsHelper::imageFileIsValid($files['tmp_name']['file_upload'])) {
                     $files['tmp_name']['file_upload'] = '';
                     // error - user have tried to upload a not valid image file
                     return false;
                 if (JFile::upload($files['tmp_name']['file_upload'], $target_path, false, true)) {
                     $this->sha1_value = sha1_file($target_path);
                     $this->md5_value = md5_file($target_path);
                     $this->url_download = basename($target_path);
                     $this->extern_file = '';
                     $this->extern_site = '';
                     // set file extension pic
                     $filepfad = JPATH_SITE . '/images/jdownloads/fileimages/' . strtolower($file_extension) . '.png';
                     if (JFile::exists(JPATH_SITE . '/images/jdownloads/fileimages/' . strtolower($file_extension) . '.png')) {
                         $this->file_pic = strtolower($file_extension) . '.png';
                     } else {
                         $this->file_pic = $jlistConfig['file.pic.default.filename'];
                     // get filesize and date if no value set from user after upload
                     $this->size = jdownloadsHelper::fsize($target_path);
                     // is date empty get filedate
                     if (empty($this->date_added)) {
                         $this->date_added = JHtml::_('date', 'now', 'Y-m-d H:i:s');
                     // is file creation date empty - set filedate to now
                     if (empty($this->file_date)) {
                         $this->file_date = JHtml::_('date', 'now', 'Y-m-d H:i:s');
                     // create thumbs form pdf
                     if ($jlistConfig['create.pdf.thumbs'] && strtolower($file_extension) == 'pdf') {
                         $thumb_path = JPATH_SITE . '/images/jdownloads/screenshots/thumbnails/';
                         $screenshot_path = JPATH_SITE . '/images/jdownloads/screenshots/';
                         $pdf_thumb_name = jdownloadsHelper::create_new_pdf_thumb($target_path, $only_name, $thumb_path, $screenshot_path);
                         if ($pdf_thumb_name) {
                             $image_thumb_name = $pdf_thumb_name;
                             $thumb_created = TRUE;
                     // create auto thumb when extension is a pic
                     if ($jlistConfig[''] && $file_is_image) {
                         $thumb_created = jdownloadsHelper::create_new_thumb($target_path);
                         if ($thumb_created) {
                             $image_thumb_name = $filename_new;
                             // create new big image for full view
                             $image_created = jdownloadsHelper::create_new_image($target_path);
                     // use xml to read file info (works with joomla install packages (also others?)
                     if ($use_xml_for_file_info) {
                         $xml_tags = jdownloadsHelper::getXMLdata($target_path, $this->url_download);
                         if ($xml_tags[name] != '') {
                             $row = $this;
                             $row_file_title = jdownloadsHelper::fillFileDateFromXML($row, $xml_tags);
                             if (!$row_file_title) {
                                 return false;
                             $movedmsg .= JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_BE_EDIT_FILES_USE_XML_RESULT_OK');
                         } else {
                             // no xml data found
                             $this->file_title = $this->url_download;
                             $errormsg .= JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_BE_EDIT_FILES_USE_XML_RESULT_NO_FILE');
                 } else {
                     // error - can not write on server folder - wrong permissions set?
                     return false;
             } else {
                 // filename is after clearing empty - invalid filename
         } else {
             // no new file seletcted for upload
             // check now whether assigned category has changed - if so, then move the file
             if ($file_cat_changed && $this->url_download != '') {
                 // move file
                 // get the folder name from the old category folder - so we can build the path
                 if ($cat_dir_org != 1) {
                     // it is NOT a 'uncategorised' download!
                     $db->SetQuery("SELECT cat_dir, cat_dir_parent FROM #__jdownloads_categories WHERE id = '{$cat_dir_org}'");
                     $old_stored_catdir = $db->loadObject();
                 } else {
                     // get the uncategorised folder name from configuration
                     $old_stored_catdir->cat_dir = $jlistConfig[''];
                 // build the complete stored cat path
                 if ($old_stored_catdir->cat_dir_parent != '') {
                     $old_catdir = $old_stored_catdir->cat_dir_parent . DS . $old_stored_catdir->cat_dir;
                 } else {
                     $old_catdir = $old_stored_catdir->cat_dir;
                 // move it now to the new folder place
                 if (jFile::move($old_catdir . DS . $this->url_download, $mark_catdir . DS . $this->url_download, $jlistConfig['files.uploaddir'] . DS)) {
                     $movedmsg .= JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_BACKEND_FILESEDIT_SAVE_MOVEFILE_OK');
                 } else {
                     return false;
             // is alternate a file from the server selected to update the download?
             if ($selected_updatefile) {
                 // clear the other field
                 $this->other_file_id = '';
                 // okay, then we will use it
                 $update_dir = $jlistConfig['files.uploaddir'] . DS;
                 // todo: we must use here the new methode for this in next release
                 $only_name = JFile::stripExt($selected_updatefile);
                 $file_extension = JFile::getExt($selected_updatefile);
                 $update_filename = JDownloadsHelper::getCleanFolderFileName($only_name) . '.' . $file_extension;
                 if ($update_filename != $selected_updatefile) {
                     // rename file
                     jFile::move($update_dir . $selected_updatefile, $update_dir . $update_filename);
                 // delete first old assigned file
                 if ($this->cat_id > 1) {
                     $db->setQuery("SELECT cat_dir, cat_dir_parent FROM #__jdownloads_categories WHERE id = '{$this->cat_id}'");
                     $cat_dirs = $db->loadObject();
                     if ($cat_dirs->cat_dir_parent != '') {
                         $cat_dir = $cat_dirs->cat_dir_parent . '/' . $cat_dirs->cat_dir;
                     } else {
                         $cat_dir = $cat_dirs->cat_dir;
                 } else {
                     // the used category is 'uncategorised'
                     $cat_dir = $jlistConfig[''];
                 if (JFile::exists($jlistConfig['files.uploaddir'] . DS . $cat_dir . DS . $this->url_download)) {
                     JFile::delete($jlistConfig['files.uploaddir'] . DS . $cat_dir . DS . $this->url_download);
                 // set new url_download value
                 $this->url_download = $update_filename;
                 // move the file from the upload root folder to the new target folder
                 $target_path = $jlistConfig['files.uploaddir'] . DS . $cat_dir . DS . $update_filename;
                 if (jFile::move($update_dir . $update_filename, $target_path)) {
                     $this->size = jdownloadsHelper::fsize($target_path);
                     $movedmsg .= JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_BACKEND_FILESEDIT_SAVE_MOVEFILE_OK');
                     $this->sha1_value = sha1_file($target_path);
                     $this->md5_value = md5_file($target_path);
                 if (JFile::exists($update_dir . $update_filename)) {
                     JFile::delete($update_dir . $update_filename);
                 // use xml to read file info (works with joomla install packages (also others?)
                 if ($use_xml_for_file_info) {
                     $xml_tags = jdownloadsHelper::getXMLdata($target_path, $this->url_download);
                     if ($xml_tags[name] != '') {
                         $row = $this;
                         $row_file_title = jdownloadsHelper::fillFileDateFromXML($row, $xml_tags);
                         if (!$row_file_title) {
                             return false;
                     } else {
                         // no xml data found
                         $this->file_title = $this->url_download;
                 // create thumbs form pdf
                 if ($jlistConfig['create.pdf.thumbs'] && strtolower($file_extension) == 'pdf') {
                     $thumb_path = JPATH_SITE . '/images/jdownloads/screenshots/thumbnails/';
                     $screenshot_path = JPATH_SITE . '/images/jdownloads/screenshots/';
                     $pdf_thumb_name = jdownloadsHelper::create_new_pdf_thumb($target_path, JFile::stripExt($update_filename), $thumb_path, $screenshot_path);
                     if ($pdf_thumb_name) {
                         $image_thumb_name = $pdf_thumb_name;
                         $thumb_created = TRUE;
                 // When file mime is an image type, make sure that we have not a fake pic
                 $file_is_image = JDownloadsHelper::fileIsPicture($update_filename);
                 if ($file_is_image && !JDownloadsHelper::imageFileIsValid($target_path)) {
                     $this->images = '';
                     // error - user have tried to upload a not valid image file
                     return false;
                 // create auto thumb when extension is a pic
                 if ($jlistConfig[''] && $file_is_image) {
                     $thumb_created = jdownloadsHelper::create_new_thumb($target_path);
                     if ($thumb_created) {
                         $image_thumb_name = $update_filename;
                         // create new big image for full view
                         $image_created = jdownloadsHelper::create_new_image($target_path);
             } elseif ($this->other_file_id > 0) {
                 // file from an other download is selected
                 // get mdh5 and sha1
                 $this->md5_value = jdownloadsHelper::getFieldDataFromDownload($this->other_file_id, 'md5_value');
                 $this->sha1_value = jdownloadsHelper::getFieldDataFromDownload($this->other_file_id, 'sha1_value');
             } else {
                 // has user the filename manually renamed? Then do it now.
                 if ($filename_renamed) {
                     $only_name = JFile::stripExt($filename_new_name);
                     $file_extension = JFile::getExt($filename_new_name);
                     // check new filename
                     $filename_new = JDownloadsHelper::getCleanFolderFileName($only_name) . '.' . $file_extension;
                     $only_name = JFile::stripExt($filename_new);
                     if ($only_name != '') {
                         if (JFile::move($jlistConfig['files.uploaddir'] . DS . $mark_catdir . DS . $filename_old_name, $jlistConfig['files.uploaddir'] . DS . $mark_catdir . DS . $filename_new)) {
                             // change now value in table field
                             $this->url_download = $filename_new;
                             JError::raiseNotice(100, JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_BACKEND_FILESEDIT_FILENAME_RENAMED'));
                         } else {
                             // error - can not rename
                             JError::raiseWarning(100, JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_BACKEND_FILESEDIT_FILENAME_ERROR'));
                     } else {
                         // filename is after clearing empty - invalid filename
                         JError::raiseWarning(100, JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_BACKEND_FILESEDIT_FILENAME_ERROR'));
                 // has user the preview filename manually renamed? Then do it now.
                 if ($preview_filename_renamed) {
                     $only_name = JFile::stripExt($preview_filename_new_name);
                     $file_extension = JFile::getExt($preview_filename_new_name);
                     // check new filename
                     $preview_filename_new = JDownloadsHelper::getCleanFolderFileName($only_name) . '.' . $file_extension;
                     $only_name = JFile::stripExt($preview_filename_new);
                     if ($only_name != '') {
                         if (JFile::move($jlistConfig['files.uploaddir'] . DS . $jlistConfig[''] . DS . $preview_filename_old_name, $jlistConfig['files.uploaddir'] . DS . $jlistConfig[''] . DS . $preview_filename_new)) {
                             // change now value in table field
                             $this->preview_filename = $preview_filename_new;
                             JError::raiseNotice(100, JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_BACKEND_FILESEDIT_FILENAME_RENAMED'));
                         } else {
                             // error - can not rename
                             JError::raiseWarning(100, JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_BACKEND_FILESEDIT_FILENAME_ERROR'));
                     } else {
                         // filename is after clearing empty - invalid filename
                         JError::raiseWarning(100, JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_BACKEND_FILESEDIT_FILENAME_ERROR'));
         //handle now the preview file upload for this download
         if ($files['tmp_name']['preview_file_upload'] != '') {
             $upload_dir = $jlistConfig['files.uploaddir'] . '/' . $jlistConfig[''] . '/';
             // delete first old assigned file if exist - so we can use for a update a file with the same filename!
             if ($this->preview_filename) {
                 if (JFile::exists($upload_dir . $this->preview_filename)) {
                     JFile::delete($upload_dir . $this->preview_filename);
             $only_name = JFile::stripExt($files['name']['preview_file_upload']);
             $file_extension = JFile::getExt($files['name']['preview_file_upload']);
             // check filename
             $filename_new = JDownloadsHelper::getCleanFolderFileName($only_name) . '.' . $file_extension;
             $only_name = JFile::stripExt($filename_new);
             $file_extension = JFile::getExt($filename_new);
             if ($only_name != '') {
                 // filename is valid
                 $files['name']['preview_file_upload'] = $filename_new;
                 $target_path = $upload_dir . $files['name']['preview_file_upload'];
                 // When file mime is an image type, make sure that we have not a fake pic
                 $file_is_image = JDownloadsHelper::fileIsImage($files['type']['preview_file_upload']);
                 if ($file_is_image && !JDownloadsHelper::imageFileIsValid($files['tmp_name']['preview_file_upload'])) {
                     $files['tmp_name']['preview_file_upload'] = '';
                     // error - user have tried to upload a not valid image file
                     return false;
                 if (JFile::upload($files['tmp_name']['preview_file_upload'], $target_path)) {
                     $this->preview_filename = basename($target_path);
                 } else {
                     // error - can not write on server folder - wrong permissions set?
                     return false;
             } else {
                 // filename is after clearing empty - invalid filename
          * @desc  Remove all not marked images from image folders and DB  
         if ($this->images != '') {
             $post = JRequest::get('post');
             if (isset($post['keep_image'])) {
                 $keep_image_ids = $post['keep_image'];
             } else {
                 $keep_image_ids = array();
             // build an array so we can compare it
             $org_image_ids = explode('|', $this->images);
             $results = array_diff($org_image_ids, $keep_image_ids);
             if ($results) {
                 $images_dir = JPATH_SITE . '/images/jdownloads/screenshots/';
                 $thumb_dir = JPATH_SITE . '/images/jdownloads/screenshots/thumbnails/';
                 foreach ($results as $result) {
                     // remove the unchecked images
                     if (JFile::exists($images_dir . $result)) {
                         JFile::delete($images_dir . $result);
                     if (JFile::exists($thumb_dir . $result)) {
                         JFile::delete($thumb_dir . $result);
                 // update the image field in the db table
                 $this->images = implode('|', $keep_image_ids);
         // only now can we add the above created thumbs for assigned image or pdf files
         if ($image_thumb_name) {
             if ($this->images != '') {
                 $this->images = $this->images . '|' . $image_thumb_name;
             } else {
                 $this->images = $image_thumb_name;
             $this->images = rtrim($this->images, "|");
          * @desc  check icon upload field
          *           if pic selected for upload:
          *           - check image typ
          *           - check whether filename exists. If so, rename the new file. 
          *           - move new file to catimages
         $file = JArrayHelper::getValue($_FILES, 'picnew', array('tmp_name' => ''));
         if ($file['tmp_name'] != '' && JDownloadsHelper::fileIsPicture($file['name'])) {
             $upload_dir = JPATH_SITE . '/images/jdownloads/fileimages/';
             $file['name'] = JFile::makeSafe($file['name']);
             if (!JFile::upload($file['tmp_name'], $upload_dir . $file['name'])) {
                 return false;
             } else {
                 // move ok - set new file name as selected
                 $this->file_pic = $file['name'];
         } else {
             // check now whether it is selected manually a other icon from server
             $selected_file_icon = $jinput->get('file_pic', '', 'string');
             if ($selected_file_icon != '' && $selected_file_icon != $this->file_pic) {
                 $this->file_pic = $selected_file_icon;
          * @desc  check thumbnail upload field
          *           if image selected for upload:
          *           - check image typ
          *           - check whether filename exists. If so, rename the new file. 
          *           - move new files to /screenshots and /screenshots/thumbnail folder 
         $filename = '';
         $tempname = '';
         $images = array();
         $upload_dir = JPATH_SITE . '/images/jdownloads/screenshots/';
         $sum = count($imagefiles['name']);
         if ($sum > 0) {
             // new images are uploaded
             for ($i = 0; $i < $sum; $i++) {
                 $filename = $imagefiles['name'][$i];
                 $tempname = $imagefiles['tmp_name'][$i];
                 $temptype = $imagefiles['type'][$i];
                 if ($filename != '' && JDownloadsHelper::fileIsImage($temptype)) {
                     // replace special chars in filename
                     $only_name = JFile::stripExt($filename);
                     $file_extension = JFile::getExt($filename);
                     $filename = JDownloadsHelper::getCleanFolderFileName($only_name) . '.' . $file_extension;
                     $only_name = JFile::stripExt($filename);
                     $num = 0;
                     while (JFile::exists($upload_dir . $filename)) {
                         $filename = $only_name . $num++ . '.' . $file_extension;
                         if ($num > 5000) {
                     // make sure that we have not a fake image file
                     if (!JDownloadsHelper::imageFileIsValid($tempname)) {
                         $imagefiles['tmp_name'][$i] = '';
                         // error - user have tried to upload a not valid image file
                         // but we do not break the upload process
                         // $this->setError(JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_BACKEND_FILESEDIT_INVALID_IMAGE_FILE'));
                         // return false;
                     } else {
                         if (!JFile::upload($tempname, $upload_dir . $filename)) {
                             //return false;
                         } else {
                             // move okay - create now thumbnail
                             $x = JDownloadsHelper::create_new_thumb($upload_dir . $filename);
                             // set correct chmod
                             @chmod($upload_dir . $filename, 0655);
                             // move ok - set new file name as selected
                             $images[] = $filename;
                 } else {
                     // not a file with image mime selected
                     if ($filename != '' && !JDownloadsHelper::fileIsImage($imagefiles['type'][$i])) {
                         // add a error message? Or do better nothing then we have always files stored above!
                         // $this->setError(JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_BACKEND_CATSEDIT_ERROR_FILE_TITLE'));
             // add all uploaded or selected image files to the new images field
             if ($this->images != '') {
                 $this->images = $this->images . '|' . implode('|', $images);
             } else {
                 $this->images = implode('|', $images);
             $this->images = rtrim($this->images, "|");
     return true;
Esempio n. 2
 public function getLabel()
     global $jlistConfig;
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     JHtml::addIncludePath(JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR . '/helpers');
     JHtml::addIncludePath(JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers');
     $label = '';
     $replace = '';
     // Get the label text from the XML element, defaulting to the element name.
     if ($app->isAdmin()) {
         $text = $this->element['label'] ? (string) $this->element['label'] : (string) JDownloadsHelper::getOnlyLanguageSubstring($jlistConfig['custom.field.11.title']);
     } else {
         $text = $this->element['label'] ? (string) $this->element['label'] : (string) JDHelper::getOnlyLanguageSubstring($jlistConfig['custom.field.11.title']);
     // Build the class for the label.
     $class = !empty($this->description) ? 'hasTip' : '';
     $class = $this->required == true ? $class . ' required' : $class;
     $req = $this->required == true ? '<span class="star">&#160;*</span>' : '';
     // Add the opening label tag and main attributes attributes.
     $label .= '<label id="' . $this->id . '-lbl" for="' . $this->id . '" class="' . $class . '"';
     // If a description is specified, use it to build a tooltip.
     if (!empty($this->description)) {
         $label .= ' title="' . htmlspecialchars(trim(JText::_($text), ':') . '::' . JText::_($this->description), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '"';
     // Add the label text and closing tag.
     $label .= '>' . JText::_($text) . $req . '</label>';
     return $label;
Esempio n. 3
  * Add the page title and toolbar.
 protected function addToolbar()
     require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers/jdownloadshelper.php';
     $state = $this->get('State');
     $canDo = JDownloadsHelper::getActions();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     JToolBarHelper::title(JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS') . ': ' . JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_LICENSES'), 'jdlicenses');
     if ($canDo->get('core.create')) {
     if ($canDo->get('core.edit')) {
     if ($canDo->get('core.edit.state')) {
         JToolBarHelper::publish('licenses.publish', 'JTOOLBAR_PUBLISH', true);
         JToolBarHelper::unpublish('licenses.unpublish', 'JTOOLBAR_UNPUBLISH', true);
     if ($canDo->get('core.delete')) {
         JToolBarHelper::deleteList(JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_DELETE_LIST_ITEM_CONFIRMATION'), 'licenses.delete', 'COM_JDOWNLOADS_TOOLBAR_REMOVE');
     JToolBarHelper::help('help.licenses', true);
Esempio n. 4
  * Add the page title and toolbar.
 protected function addToolbar()
     require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers/jdownloadshelper.php';
     JRequest::setVar('hidemainmenu', true);
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $isNew = $this->item->id == 0;
     $checkedOut = !($this->item->checked_out == 0 || $this->item->checked_out == $user->get('id'));
     $canDo = JDownloadsHelper::getActions();
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     $title = $isNew ? JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_LICEDIT_ADD') : JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_LICEDIT_EDIT');
     JToolBarHelper::title(JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS') . ': ' . $title, 'jdlicenses');
     // If not checked out, can save the item.
     if (!$checkedOut && ($canDo->get('core.edit') || $canDo->get('core.create'))) {
     if (!$checkedOut && $canDo->get('core.create')) {
     // If an existing item, can save to a copy.
     if (!$isNew && $canDo->get('core.create')) {
     if (empty($this->item->id)) {
     } else {
         JToolBarHelper::cancel('license.cancel', 'JTOOLBAR_CLOSE');
     JToolBarHelper::help('help.license', true);
Esempio n. 5
  * Add the page title and toolbar.
 protected function addToolbar()
     require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers/jdownloadshelper.php';
     $canDo = JDownloadsHelper::getActions();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     // set the correct text in title for every layout type
     switch ($this->jd_tmpl_type) {
         case '1':
             $layout_type = JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_BACKEND_TEMP_TYP1');
         case '2':
             $layout_type = JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_BACKEND_TEMP_TYP2');
         case '3':
             $layout_type = JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_BACKEND_TEMP_TYP3');
         case '4':
             $layout_type = JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_BACKEND_TEMP_TYP4');
         case '5':
             $layout_type = JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_BACKEND_TEMP_TYP5');
         case '6':
             $layout_type = JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_BACKEND_TEMP_TYP6');
         case '7':
             $layout_type = JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_BACKEND_TEMP_TYP7');
             $layout_type = '';
     JToolBarHelper::title(JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS') . ': ' . JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_BACKEND_CPANEL_TEMPLATES_NAME') . ': ' . $layout_type, 'jdlayouts');
     JToolBarHelper::custom('templates.cancel', 'list.png', 'list.png', JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_LAYOUTS'), false, false);
     if ($canDo->get('core.create')) {
     if ($canDo->get('core.edit')) {
     if ($canDo->get('core.delete')) {
         JToolBarHelper::deleteList(JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_DELETE_LIST_ITEM_CONFIRMATION'), 'templates.delete', 'COM_JDOWNLOADS_TOOLBAR_REMOVE');
     if ($canDo->get('core.edit')) {
         JToolBarHelper::custom('templates.activate', 'publish', 'publish', JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_BACKEND_TEMPLIST_MENU_TEXT_ACTIVE'), true, false);
     if ($canDo->get('core.edit')) {
         JToolBarHelper::custom('layouts.install', 'upload.png', 'upload.png', JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_LAYOUTS_IMPORT_LABEL'), false, false);
         JToolBarHelper::custom('templates.export', 'download.png', 'download.png', JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_LAYOUTS_EXPORT_LABEL'), true, false);
     JToolBarHelper::help('help.templates', true);
Esempio n. 6
  * Method to get the field options.
  * @return	array	The field option objects.
  * @since	1.6
 protected function getInput()
     $cat_dir = $this->form->getValue('cat_dir', '', '');
     $cat_dir_path = JDownloadsHelper::getSplittedCategoryDirectoryPath($cat_dir);
     if ($cat_dir_path->current) {
         return $cat_dir_path->current;
Esempio n. 7
  * Add the page title and toolbar.
 protected function addToolbar()
     require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers/jdownloadshelper.php';
     JRequest::setVar('hidemainmenu', true);
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $isNew = $this->item->id == 0;
     $checkedOut = !($this->item->checked_out == 0 || $this->item->checked_out == $user->get('id'));
     $canDo = JDownloadsHelper::getActions();
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     // set the correct text in title for every layout type
     switch ($this->jd_tmpl_type) {
         case '1':
             $layout_type = JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_BACKEND_TEMP_TYP1');
         case '2':
             $layout_type = JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_BACKEND_TEMP_TYP2');
         case '3':
             $layout_type = JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_BACKEND_TEMP_TYP3');
         case '4':
             $layout_type = JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_BACKEND_TEMP_TYP4');
         case '5':
             $layout_type = JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_BACKEND_TEMP_TYP5');
         case '6':
             $layout_type = JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_BACKEND_TEMP_TYP6');
         case '7':
             $layout_type = JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_BACKEND_TEMP_TYP7');
     $title = $isNew ? JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_BACKEND_TEMPEDIT_ADD') . ': ' . $layout_type : JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_BACKEND_TEMPEDIT_EDIT') . ': ' . $layout_type;
     JToolBarHelper::title(JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS') . ': ' . $title, 'jdlayouts');
     // If not checked out, can save the item.
     if (!$checkedOut && ($canDo->get('core.edit') || $canDo->get('core.create'))) {
     if (!$checkedOut && $canDo->get('core.create')) {
     // If an existing item, can save to a copy.
     if (!$isNew && $canDo->get('core.create')) {
     if (empty($this->item->id)) {
     } else {
         JToolBarHelper::cancel('template.cancel', 'JTOOLBAR_CLOSE');
     JToolBarHelper::help('help.template', true);
Esempio n. 8
  * Add the page title and toolbar.
 protected function addToolbar()
     require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers/jdownloadshelper.php';
     $canDo = JDownloadsHelper::getActions();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     JToolBarHelper::title(JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS') . ': ' . JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_TERMS_OF_USE'), 'jdinfo');
     JToolBarHelper::help('help.jdownloads', true);
Esempio n. 9
  * Add the page title and toolbar.
 protected function addToolbar()
     require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers/jdownloadshelper.php';
     $state = $this->get('State');
     $canDo = JDownloadsHelper::getActions();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     JToolBarHelper::title(JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS') . ': ' . JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_BACKEND_CPANEL_TEMPLATES_NAME'), 'jdlogo');
     JToolBarHelper::help('help.layouts', true);
Esempio n. 10
  * Setting the toolbar
 protected function addToolBar()
     require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers/jdownloadshelper.php';
     $canDo = JDownloadsHelper::getActions();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     JToolBarHelper::title(JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS') . ': ' . JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_FILESLIST_TITLE_FILES_UPLOAD'), 'jdupload');
     JToolBarHelper::custom('uploads.files', 'files32.png', 'files32.png', JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_FILES'), false, true);
     JToolBarHelper::custom('uploads.downloads', 'downloads32.png', 'downloads32.png', JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_DOWNLOADS'), false, false);
     JToolBarHelper::help('help.uploads', true);
Esempio n. 11
  * Add the page title and toolbar.
 protected function addToolbar()
     require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers/jdownloadshelper.php';
     $canDo = JDownloadsHelper::getActions();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     JToolBarHelper::title(JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS') . ': ' . JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_RESTORATION'), 'jdrestore');
     if ($canDo->get('core.admin')) {
     JToolBarHelper::help('help.restore', true);
Esempio n. 12
  * Add the page title and toolbar.
 protected function addToolbar()
     require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers/jdownloadshelper.php';
     $canDo = JDownloadsHelper::getActions();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     JToolBarHelper::title(JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS') . ': ' . JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_BACKUP'), 'jdbackup');
     if ($canDo->get('core.admin')) {
         JToolBarHelper::custom('backup.runbackup', 'new', 'new', JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_BACKUP_CREATE_LINK_LABEL'), false, false);
     JToolBarHelper::help('help.backup', true);
Esempio n. 13
  * Add the page title and toolbar.
 protected function addToolbar()
     require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers/jdownloadshelper.php';
     $canDo = JDownloadsHelper::getActions();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     JToolBarHelper::title(JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS') . ': ' . JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_FILES'), 'jdfiles');
     JToolBarHelper::custom('files.uploads', 'upload32.png', 'upload32.png', JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_FILESLIST_TITLE_FILES_UPLOAD'), false, true);
     JToolBarHelper::custom('files.downloads', 'downloads32.png', 'downloads32.png', JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_DOWNLOADS'), false, false);
     if ($canDo->get('core.delete')) {
     JToolBarHelper::help('help.files', true);
Esempio n. 14
  * Add the page title and toolbar.
  * @since    1.6
 protected function addToolbar()
     require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers/jdownloadshelper.php';
     $state = $this->get('State');
     $canDo = JDownloadsHelper::getActions();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     // Get the toolbar object instance
     $bar = JToolBar::getInstance('toolbar');
     JToolBarHelper::title(JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS') . ': ' . JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_CATEGORIES'), 'jdcategories');
     if ($canDo->get('core.create')) {
     if ($canDo->get('core.edit')) {
     if ($canDo->get('core.edit.state')) {
         JToolBarHelper::publish('categories.publish', 'COM_JDOWNLOADS_PUBLISH', true);
         JToolBarHelper::unpublish('categories.unpublish', 'COM_JDOWNLOADS_UNPUBLISH', true);
     if ($canDo->get('core.delete')) {
         JToolBarHelper::deleteList(JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_DELETE_LIST_ITEM_CONFIRMATION'), 'categories.delete', 'COM_JDOWNLOADS_TOOLBAR_REMOVE');
     // Add a batch button
     if ($canDo->get('core.create') && $canDo->get('core.edit') && $canDo->get('core.edit.state')) {
         JHtml::_('bootstrap.modal', 'collapseModal');
         $title = JText::_('JTOOLBAR_BATCH');
         // Instantiate a new JLayoutFile instance and render the batch button
         $layout = new JLayoutFile('joomla.toolbar.batch');
         $dhtml = $layout->render(array('title' => $title));
         $bar->appendButton('Custom', $dhtml, 'batch');
     if ($canDo->get('core.admin')) {
         JToolBarHelper::custom('categories.rebuild', 'refresh.png', 'refresh_f2.png', 'COM_JDOWNLOADS_REBUILD', false);
     JToolBarHelper::help('help.categories', true);
Esempio n. 15
  * Add the page title and toolbar.
 protected function addToolbar()
     require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers/jdownloadshelper.php';
     JRequest::setVar('hidemainmenu', true);
     $canDo = JDownloadsHelper::getActions();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     JToolBarHelper::title(JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS') . ': ' . JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_BACKEND_EDIT_LANG_TITLE_EDIT'), 'jdlogo');
     if ($canDo->get('core.admin')) {
     JToolBarHelper::help('help.languageedit', true);
Esempio n. 16
  * Add the page title and toolbar.
 protected function addToolbar()
     require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers/jdownloadshelper.php';
     $state = $this->get('State');
     $canDo = JDownloadsHelper::getActions();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     JToolBarHelper::title(JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS') . ': ' . JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_LOGS_TITLE_HEAD'), 'jdlogs');
     if ($canDo->get('core.edit')) {
         JToolBarHelper::custom('logs.blockip', 'cancel.png', 'cancel.png', JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_BACKEND_LOG_LIST_BLOCK_IP'), true);
     if ($canDo->get('core.delete')) {
     JToolBarHelper::help('help.logs', true);
Esempio n. 17
  * Downloads list view method
  * @return void
 function display($tpl = null)
     // set a switch so we can build later a valid: db query
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     if ($this->getLayout() == 'modal' || $this->getLayout() == 'modallist') {
         $app->setUserState('jd_modal', true);
         // Load the backend helper
         require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_jdownloads/helpers/jdownloadshelper.php';
         // we must load the admin language here explicit
         $lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
         $locale = JDownloadsHelper::getLangKey();
         $lang->load('com_jdownloads', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, $locale, true);
     } else {
         $app->setUserState('jd_modal', false);
     $this->state = $this->get('State');
     $this->items = $this->get('Items');
     $this->pagination = $this->get('Pagination');
     // Check for errors.
     if (count($errors = $this->get('Errors'))) {
         JError::raiseError(500, implode("\n", $errors));
         return false;
     // create 'delete also file' option
     $filters = array();
     $filters[] = JHtml::_('select.option', '0', JText::_('NO'));
     $filters[] = JHtml::_('select.option', '1', JText::_('YES'));
     $this->delete_file_option = $filters;
     // build categories list box
     $lists = array();
     $config = array('filter.published' => array(0, 1));
     $select[] = JHtml::_('select.option', 0, JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_SELECT_CATEGORY'));
     $select[] = JHtml::_('select.option', 1, JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_SELECT_UNCATEGORISED'));
     // get the categories data
     $categories = $this->getCategoriesList($config);
     $this->categories = @array_merge($select, $categories);
Esempio n. 18
  * Add the page title and toolbar.
 protected function addToolbar()
     require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers/jdownloadshelper.php';
     $state = $this->get('State');
     $canDo = JDownloadsHelper::getActions();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     $document->addScriptDeclaration('function openWindow (url) {
     fenster =, "_blank", "width=550, height=480, STATUS=YES, DIRECTORIES=NO, MENUBAR=NO, SCROLLBARS=YES, RESIZABLE=NO");
     $document->addScriptDeclaration('function getSelectedText( frmName, srcListName ) {
                                      var form = eval( \'document.\' + frmName );
                                      var srcList = eval( \'form.\' + srcListName );
                                      i = srcList.selectedIndex;
                                      if (i != null && i > -1) {
                                         return srcList.options[i].text;
                                      } else {
                                         return null;
     JToolBarHelper::title(JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS') . ': ' . JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_BACKEND_CPANEL_SETTINGS'), 'jdconfig');
     if ($canDo->get('edit.config')) {
     if ($canDo->get('core.admin')) {
     if ($canDo->get('edit.config')) {
         JToolBarHelper::help('help.config', true);
Esempio n. 19
  * Method to get the field options.
  * @return	array	The field option objects.
  * @since	1.6
 protected function getOptions()
     global $jlistConfig;
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     JHtml::addIncludePath(JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR . '/helpers');
     JHtml::addIncludePath(JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers');
     $custom_field_list = array();
     $values = array();
     $x = 0;
     if ($jlistConfig['custom.field.1.title'] != '') {
         if ($app->isAdmin()) {
             $values = explode(',', JDownloadsHelper::getOnlyLanguageSubstring($jlistConfig['custom.field.1.values']));
         } else {
             $values = explode(',', JDHelper::getOnlyLanguageSubstring($jlistConfig['custom.field.1.values']));
     $custom_field_list[] = JHtml::_('select.option', $x, JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_SELECT'));
     foreach ($values as $value) {
         $custom_field_list[] = JHtml::_('select.option', $x, $value);
     return $custom_field_list;
Esempio n. 20
  * Method to get the field options.
  * @return	array	The field option objects.
  * @since	1.6
 protected function getOptions()
     global $jlistConfig;
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     if ($app->isAdmin()) {
         JHtml::addIncludePath(JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR . '/helpers');
     } else {
         JHtml::addIncludePath(JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers');
     // Initialise variables.
     $options = array();
     $file_lang_values = '';
     // build file language listbox
     if ($app->isAdmin()) {
         $file_lang_values = explode(',', JDownloadsHelper::getOnlyLanguageSubstring($jlistConfig['language.list']));
     } else {
         $file_lang_values = explode(',', JDHelper::getOnlyLanguageSubstring($jlistConfig['language.list']));
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($file_lang_values); $i++) {
         $options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', $i, $file_lang_values[$i]);
     return $options;
Esempio n. 21
  * Add the page title and toolbar.
 protected function addToolbar()
     global $jlistConfig;
     require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers/jdownloadshelper.php';
     $state = $this->get('State');
     $canDo = JDownloadsHelper::getActions();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     $document->addScriptDeclaration('function openWindow (url) {
     fenster =, "_blank", "width=550, height=480, STATUS=YES, DIRECTORIES=NO, MENUBAR=NO, SCROLLBARS=YES, RESIZABLE=NO");
     // view menu only when we have not to work with an update
     if (!$jlistConfig['old.jd.release.found']) {
     JToolBarHelper::title(JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS') . ': ' . JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_CPANEL'), 'jdlogo');
     if ($canDo->get('core.admin')) {
     JToolBarHelper::help('help.jdownloads', true);
Esempio n. 22
  * Add the page title and toolbar.
 protected function addToolbar()
     require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers/jdownloadshelper.php';
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     JToolBarHelper::title(JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS') . ': ' . JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_USER_GROUPS'), 'jdgroups');
     $canDo = jdownloadsHelper::getActions();
     if ($canDo->get('edit.config')) {
         JToolBarHelper::editList('group.edit', 'COM_JDOWNLOADS_USERGROUPS_CHANGE_LIMITS_TITLE');
     if ($canDo->get('core.admin')) {
         JToolBarHelper::custom('groups.resetLimits', 'reset', 'reset', JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_USERGROUPS_RESET_LIMITS_TITLE'), true, false);
     if ($canDo->get('core.admin')) {
     if ($canDo->get('edit.config')) {
         JToolBarHelper::help('help.groups', true);
Esempio n. 23
                        <th class="adminheading"><?php 
    if ($jlistConfig['files.autodetect']) {
        // start the auto monitoring
    } else {
        echo '<b><font color="#FF6600">' . JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_BACKEND_PANEL_STATUS_DOWNLOADS_OFF_DESC') . '</font></b><br />';
    // get the secret key then we need it as link param
    // so nobody else outside can run the script (or he know the key value - e.g. to start it via a cronjob)
    $config = JFactory::getConfig();
    $key = $config->get('secret');
                        <br />
                        <div><a href="<?php 
    echo JURI::base();
    echo $key;
Esempio n. 24

 * @package jDownloads
 * @version 2.5  
 * @copyright (C) 2007 - 2013 - Arno Betz -
 * @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.txt
 * jDownloads is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
defined('_JEXEC') or die;
global $jlistConfig;
$ini_upload_max_filesize = JDownloadsHelper::return_bytes(ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));
JHtml::addIncludePath(JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers/html');
// JHtml::_('behavior.formvalidator'); Joomla >= 3.4
$admin_images_folder = JURI::root() . 'administrator/components/com_jdownloads/assets/images/';

<script type="text/javascript">
    Joomla.submitbutton = function(task)
        if (task == 'download.cancel' || document.formvalidator.isValid('download-form'))) {
            Joomla.submitform(task, document.getElementById('download-form'));
        else {
Esempio n. 25
 * @package jDownloads
 * @version 2.5  
 * @copyright (C) 2007 - 2013 - Arno Betz -
 * @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.txt
 * jDownloads is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
if (!defined('DS')) {
// Access check.
if (!JFactory::getUser()->authorise('core.manage', 'com_jdownloads')) {
    return JError::raiseWarning(404, JText::_('JERROR_ALERTNOAUTHOR'));
// Require the base controller
require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'controller.php';
require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'jdownloadshelper.php';
global $jlistConfig;
$GLOBALS['jlistConfig'] = JDownloadsHelper::buildjlistConfig();
// Get an instance of the controller
$controller = JControllerLegacy::getInstance('jdownloads');
// Perform the Request task
$jinput = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
// Redirect if set by the controller
Esempio n. 26
 public function delete()
     $jinput = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
     $id = $jinput->get('id', 0, 'integer');
     $type = $jinput->get('type', '', 'string');
     $result = false;
     $msg = '';
     if ($id) {
         if ($type == 'prev') {
             $result = JDownloadsHelper::deletePreviewFile($id);
         } else {
             $result = JDownloadsHelper::deleteFile($id);
         if ($result) {
         } else {
     // set redirect
     $this->setRedirect('index.php?option=com_jdownloads&task=download.edit&file_id=' . $id, $msg);
Esempio n. 27
             <td align="center"><?php 
 echo JDownloadsHelper::strToNumber((int) $item->downloads);
             <td class="center">
 echo JHtml::_('jgrid.published', $item->published, $i, 'downloads.', $canChange, 'cb', $item->publish_from, $item->publish_to);
             <td class="center">
 echo JDownloadsHelper::getFeatureHTML($item->featured, $i, $canChange);
             <td class="order">
 if ($canChange) {
     if ($saveOrder) {
         if ($listDirn == 'asc') {
Esempio n. 28
  * logic to save the config data
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function save()
     JSession::checkToken() or jexit(JText::_('JINVALID_TOKEN'));
     $jinput = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
     $config = JFactory::getConfig();
     $secret = $config->get('secret');
     $config_data = $jinput->get('jlistConfig', array(), 'array');
     // clean text data
     //$config_data['google.adsense.code']             = JFilterInput::getInstance(null, null, 1, 1)->clean($config_data['google.adsense.code'], 'HTML'); // adsense code use also javascript...
     $config_data[''] = JFilterInput::getInstance(null, null, 1, 1)->clean($config_data[''], 'HTML');
     $config_data['fileplugin.offline_title'] = JFilterInput::getInstance(null, null, 1, 1)->clean($config_data['fileplugin.offline_title'], 'HTML');
     $config_data['fileplugin.offline_descr'] = JFilterInput::getInstance(null, null, 1, 1)->clean($config_data['fileplugin.offline_descr'], 'HTML');
     $config_data[''] = JFilterInput::getInstance(null, null, 1, 1)->clean($config_data[''], 'HTML');
     $config_data['send.mailto.template.upload'] = JFilterInput::getInstance(null, null, 1, 1)->clean($config_data['send.mailto.template.upload'], 'HTML');
     $config_data['report.mail.layout'] = JFilterInput::getInstance(null, null, 1, 1)->clean($config_data['report.mail.layout'], 'HTML');
     $config_data['offline.text'] = JFilterInput::getInstance(null, null, 1, 1)->clean($config_data['offline.text'], 'HTML');
     $config_data['downloads.titletext'] = JFilterInput::getInstance(null, null, 1, 1)->clean($config_data['downloads.titletext'], 'HTML');
     $config_data['downloads.footer.text'] = JFilterInput::getInstance(null, null, 1, 1)->clean($config_data['downloads.footer.text'], 'HTML');
     $config_data['blocking.list'] = JFilterInput::getInstance(null, null, 1, 1)->clean($config_data['blocking.list'], 'STRING');
     $config_data['allowed.leeching.sites'] = JFilterInput::getInstance(null, null, 1, 1)->clean($config_data['allowed.leeching.sites'], 'STRING');
     $config_data['mp3.player.config'] = JFilterInput::getInstance(null, null, 1, 1)->clean($config_data['mp3.player.config'], 'STRING');
     $config_data[''] = JFilterInput::getInstance(null, null, 1, 1)->clean($config_data[''], 'HTML');
     $config_data['language.list'] = JFilterInput::getInstance(null, null, 1, 1)->clean($config_data['language.list'], 'STRING');
     $config_data['system.list'] = JFilterInput::getInstance(null, null, 1, 1)->clean($config_data['system.list'], 'STRING');
     $org_upload_path = $jinput->get('root_dir', '', 'string');
     $org_uncat_dir = $jinput->get('uncat_dir', '', 'string');
     $org_preview_dir = $jinput->get('preview_dir', '', 'string');
     $org_private_dir = $jinput->get('private_dir', '', 'string');
     $org_temp_dir = $jinput->get('temp_dir', '', 'string');
     $new_cat_pic = $jinput->get('cat_pic', '', 'string');
     $config_data['cat.pic.default.filename'] = $new_cat_pic;
     $new_file_pic = $jinput->get('file_pic', '', 'string');
     $config_data['file.pic.default.filename'] = $new_file_pic;
     $new_featured_pic = $jinput->get('featured_pic', '', 'string');
     $config_data['featured.pic.filename'] = $new_featured_pic;
     $new_new_pic = $jinput->get('new_pic', '', 'string');
     $config_data[''] = $new_new_pic;
     $new_hot_pic = $jinput->get('hot_pic', '', 'string');
     $config_data[''] = $new_hot_pic;
     $new_upd_pic = $jinput->get('upd_pic', '', 'string');
     $config_data[''] = $new_upd_pic;
     $new_down_pic = $jinput->get('down_pic', '', 'string');
     $config_data['download.pic.details'] = $new_down_pic;
     $new_down_pic2 = $jinput->get('down_pic2', '', 'string');
     $config_data['download.pic.files'] = $new_down_pic2;
     $new_mirror_pic = $jinput->get('mirror_1_pic', '', 'string');
     $config_data['download.pic.mirror_1'] = $new_mirror_pic;
     $new_mirror_pic2 = $jinput->get('mirror_2_pic', '', 'string');
     $config_data['download.pic.mirror_2'] = $new_mirror_pic2;
     $new_pic_plg = $jinput->get('down_pic_plg', '', 'string');
     $config_data['download.pic.plugin'] = $new_pic_plg;
     $resize_thumbnails = $jinput->get('resize_thumbs', 0, 'integer');
     $com = $jinput->get('com', '', 'string');
     $task = $jinput->get('task');
     $result = true;
     // remove slash on the end from path
     $config_data['files.uploaddir'] = rtrim($config_data['files.uploaddir'], "/");
     $config_data['files.uploaddir'] = rtrim($config_data['files.uploaddir'], "\\");
     // replacing backslashes with slashes
     $config_data['files.uploaddir'] = str_replace('\\', '/', $config_data['files.uploaddir']);
     if (!JFolder::exists($config_data['files.uploaddir'])) {
         JError::raiseWarning(100, 'Error Upload root folder not found!');
     // is upload folder changed?
     /*if ($org_upload_path != $new_upload_path && $new_upload_path != ''){
                 if (JFolder::exists($org_upload_path)){
                     // rename the folder
                     $result_root = JFolder::move($org_upload_path, $new_upload_path);            
                     if ($result_root === true){
                         $config_data['files.uploaddir'] = $new_upload_path;
                     } else {    
                         $config_data['files.uploaddir'] = $org_upload_path;
                         JError::raiseWarning( 100, 'Error! Can not rename or copy the root folder: '.$org_upload_path.' to: '.$new_upload_path );
                         $result = false;
                 } else {    
                         $config_data['files.uploaddir'] = $org_upload_path;
                         JError::raiseWarning( 100, 'Error Upload root folder not found!' );
                         $result = false;
             } */
     // remove slash on the end from folder name
     $config_data[''] = rtrim($config_data[''], "/");
     $config_data[''] = rtrim($config_data[''], "\\");
     // is sub folder name changed for uncategorised downloads?
     if ($org_uncat_dir != $config_data[''] && $config_data[''] != '') {
         // rename the folder
         $result_uncat = JFolder::move($config_data['files.uploaddir'] . DS . $org_uncat_dir, $config_data['files.uploaddir'] . DS . $config_data['']);
         if ($result_uncat !== true) {
             JError::raiseWarning(100, 'Error! Can not rename folder: ' . $config_data['files.uploaddir'] . DS . $org_uncat_dir);
             $result = false;
     // remove slash on the end from folder name
     $config_data[''] = rtrim($config_data[''], "/");
     $config_data[''] = rtrim($config_data[''], "\\");
     // is sub folder name changed for preview files folder?
     if ($org_preview_dir != $config_data[''] && $config_data[''] != '') {
         // rename the folder
         $result_preview = JFolder::move($config_data['files.uploaddir'] . DS . $org_preview_dir, $config_data['files.uploaddir'] . DS . $config_data['']);
         if ($result_preview !== true) {
             JError::raiseWarning(100, 'Error! Can not rename folder: ' . $config_data['files.uploaddir'] . DS . $org_preview_dir);
             $result = false;
     // remove slash on the end from folder name
     $config_data[''] = rtrim($config_data[''], "/");
     $config_data[''] = rtrim($config_data[''], "\\");
     // is sub folder name changed for private user area?
     if ($org_private_dir != $config_data[''] && $config_data[''] != '') {
         // rename the folder
         $result_private = JFolder::move($config_data['files.uploaddir'] . DS . $org_private_dir, $config_data['files.uploaddir'] . DS . $config_data['']);
         if ($result_private !== true) {
             JError::raiseWarning(100, 'Error! Can not rename folder: ' . $config_data['files.uploaddir'] . DS . $org_private_dir);
             $result = false;
     // remove slash on the end from folder name
     $config_data[''] = rtrim($config_data[''], "/");
     $config_data[''] = rtrim($config_data[''], "\\");
     // is sub folder name changed for temporary files folder?
     if ($org_temp_dir != $config_data[''] && $config_data[''] != '') {
         // rename the folder
         $result_temp = JFolder::move($config_data['files.uploaddir'] . DS . $org_temp_dir, $config_data['files.uploaddir'] . DS . $config_data['']);
         if ($result_temp !== true) {
             JError::raiseWarning(100, 'Error! Can not rename folder: ' . $config_data['files.uploaddir'] . DS . $org_temp_dir);
             $result = false;
     // shall we resize all thumbnails?
     if ($resize_thumbnails == 1 && $config_data['thumbnail.size.height'] > 0 && $config_data['thumbnail.size.width'] > 0) {
         $msg = JDownloadsHelper::resizeAllThumbs($config_data['thumbnail.size.height'], $config_data['thumbnail.size.width']);
         JError::raiseNotice(100, $msg);
     // check folder protection situation
     $source = JPATH_SITE . '/administrator/components/com_jdownloads/htaccess.txt';
     $dest = $config_data['files.uploaddir'] . '/.htaccess';
     if ($config_data['anti.leech'] && !is_file($dest)) {
         // if activated - copy and rename the htaccess
         if (JFile::exists($source)) {
             JFile::copy($source, $dest);
             $msg .= ' - ' . JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_ACTIVE_ANTILEECH_OK');
         } else {
             $msg .= ' - ' . JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_ACTIVE_ANTILEECH_ERROR');
     } else {
         // anti leech off? then delete the htaccess
         if (!$config_data['anti.leech']) {
             if (JFile::exists($dest)) {
                 if (JFile::delete($dest)) {
                     $msg .= ' - ' . JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_ACTIVE_ANTILEECH_OFF_OK');
                 } else {
                     $msg .= ' - ' . JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_ACTIVE_ANTILEECH_OFF_ERROR');
     // clean the flowplayer config settings string, before we can save it
     if ($config_data['flowplayer.control.settings'] != '') {
         $config_data['flowplayer.control.settings'] = trim(str_replace("'", '"', $config_data['flowplayer.control.settings']));
     // remove spaces from lists
     $config_data['file.types.view'] = str_replace(' ', '', $config_data['file.types.view']);
     $config_data['file.types.autodetect'] = str_replace(' ', '', $config_data['file.types.autodetect']);
     $config_data['allowed.upload.file.types'] = str_replace(' ', '', $config_data['allowed.upload.file.types']);
     $config_data['allowed.leeching.sites'] = str_replace(' ', '', $config_data['allowed.leeching.sites']);
     // check the given upload size and correct it
     $max_upload_php_ini = (int) ini_get('upload_max_filesize') * 1024;
     if ($config_data['allowed.upload.file.size'] > $max_upload_php_ini) {
         $config_data['allowed.upload.file.size'] = $max_upload_php_ini;
     if ($com != '') {
         if ($com == $secret) {
             $config_data['com'] = strrev($secret);
     // make sure that all AUP options are set back to default, when the main option is set off.
     if (!$config_data['use.alphauserpoints']) {
         $config_data['use.alphauserpoints.with.price.field'] = '0';
         $config_data[''] = '1';
     // installed imagick is needed
     if ($config_data['create.pdf.thumbs']) {
         if (!extension_loaded('imagick')) {
             $config_data['create.pdf.thumbs'] = '0';
     // try now to save the data
     if ($result === true) {
         $model = $this->getModel('config');
         if ($model->save($config_data)) {
             $msg = JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_BACKEND_SETTINGS_SAVED');
         } else {
             JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_BACKEND_SETTINGS_NOT_SAVED'), 'error');
     if ($task == 'apply') {
         $this->setRedirect('index.php?option=com_jdownloads&view=config', $msg);
     } else {
         $this->setRedirect('index.php?option=com_jdownloads', $msg);
Esempio n. 29
  * Method to load files data in array
  * @access    public
  * @return    array  An array of results.
 public function getItems()
     global $jlistConfig;
     require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers/jdownloadshelper.php';
     $app = JFactory::getApplication('administrator');
     $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
     $option = 'com_jdownloads';
     // Lets load the file data if it doesn't already exist
     if (empty($this->_data)) {
         // get all file names from upload root dir
         $files_dir = $jlistConfig['files.uploaddir'] . DS;
         $filenames = JFolder::files($jlistConfig['files.uploaddir'], $filter = '.', $recurse = false, $fullpath = false, $exclude = array('index.htm', 'index.html', '.htaccess'));
         $files_info = array();
         // build data array for files list
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($filenames); $i++) {
             $files_info[$i]['id'] = $i + 1;
             $files_info[$i]['name'] = $filenames[$i];
             $date_format = JDownloadsHelper::getDateFormat();
             $files_info[$i]['date'] = date($date_format['long'], filemtime($files_dir . $filenames[$i]));
             $files_info[$i]['size'] = JDownloadsHelper::fsize($files_dir . $filenames[$i]);
         // search in file names
         $search = $this->getState('');
         if ($search) {
             $search_result = JDownloadsHelper::arrayRegexSearch('/' . $search . '/i', $files_info, TRUE, TRUE);
             foreach ($search_result as $result) {
                 $files_info_result[] = $files_info[$result];
             $files_info = $files_info_result;
         // build pagination data
         $limitstart = $this->getState('list.start');
         $limit = $this->getState('list.limit');
         $pageNav = new JPagination(count($files_info), $limitstart, $limit);
         $this->_pagination = $pageNav;
         $items = array_splice($files_info, $limitstart, $limit);
         $this->_data = $items;
     return $this->_data;
Esempio n. 30
 public function installSampleData()
     global $jlistConfig;
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $query = $db->getQuery(true);
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $error = false;
     $model = $this->getModel('category', '', array());
     $model_download = $this->getModel('download', '', array());
     // check user access right
     if (JFactory::getUser()->authorise('edit.config', 'com_jdownloads')) {
         $root_dir = $jlistConfig['files.uploaddir'];
         if (JFolder::exists($root_dir)) {
             if (is_writable($root_dir)) {
                 // create it only when the folder for the sample category still not exists
                 if (!JFolder::exists($root_dir . '/' . JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_SAMPLE_DATA_CAT_NAME_ROOT'))) {
                     // create root cat
                     $create_result = $model->createCategory(JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_SAMPLE_DATA_CAT_NAME_ROOT'), '1', '', JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_SAMPLE_DATA_CAT_NAME_TEXT'), 1);
                     if (!$create_result) {
                         // error message: can not rebuild tree in DB
                         $error = true;
                         JError::raiseWarning(100, JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_SAMPLE_DATA_REBUILD_ERROR'));
                     } else {
                         // create sub category
                         $create_result_sub = $model->createCategory(JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_SAMPLE_DATA_CAT_NAME_SUB'), $create_result->id, '', JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_SAMPLE_DATA_CAT_NAME_TEXT'));
                         if (!$create_result_sub) {
                             // error message: can not rebuild tree in DB
                             $error = true;
                             JError::raiseWarning(100, JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_SAMPLE_DATA_REBUILD_ERROR'));
                         } else {
                             // create download example
                             $filename = '';
                             // copy first the file to the target folder
                             $source_path = JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR . '/assets/';
                             $dest_path = $root_dir . '/' . $create_result_sub->cat_dir_parent . '/' . $create_result_sub->cat_dir . '/';
                             $filesize = JDownloadsHelper::fsize($source_path);
                             $result = JFile::copy($source_path, $dest_path);
                             $new_download = $model_download->createDownload(JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_SAMPLE_DATA_FILE_NAME'), $create_result_sub->id, '', JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_SAMPLE_DATA_FILE_NAME_TEXT'), $filename, $filesize);
                             if (!$new_download) {
                                 $error = true;
                                 JError::raiseWarning(100, JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_SAMPLE_DATA_REBUILD_ERROR'));
                 } else {
                     // error message: upload folder not writeable
                     $error = true;
                     JError::raiseWarning(100, JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_SAMPLE_DATA_EXISTS'));
             } else {
                 // error message: upload folder not writeable
                 $error = true;
                 JError::raiseWarning(100, JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_SAMPLE_DATA_CREATE_ERROR'));
         } else {
             // error message: upload folder not found
             $error = true;
             JError::raiseWarning(100, JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_SAMPLE_DATA_CREATE_ERROR'));
         if (!$error) {
             // result successful
     $this->setRedirect(JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_jdownloads&view=tools', false));