function display($tpl = null) { /*Ověření, jestli jde o přístup z administrace nebo front-endu*/ if (JPATH_BASE == JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR) { require_once JApplicationHelper::getPath('toolbar_html'); TOOLBAR_ginclude::_DEFAULT(); } else { echo '<div class="componentheading">' . JText::_('GINCLUDE-UPDATE') . '</div>'; $doc =& JFactory::getDocument(); $doc->addStyleSheet('components/com_ginclude/css/general.css'); $doc->addStyleSheet('components/com_ginclude/css/component.css'); } /**/ $model = $this->getModel(); echo '<div>' . JText::_('RELOAD_PARTS_ABOUT') . '</div>'; /*css*/ $doc =& JFactory::getDocument(); $declaration = "div.oldDiv {background-color:#F0C0FF;border:2px solid red;color:black;}\r\n div.newDiv {background-color:#C0FFA0;border:2px solid green;color:black;}\r\n hr#system-readmore {border:1px dotted red;}\r\n div.radioDiv {background-color:#ECECEC;border:2px solid black;padding:2px;color:black;}"; $doc->addStyleDeclaration($declaration); $article = $model->getArticleDB($this->articleId); $article = $article[0]; echo '<div style="padding-left:10px;"><h2>' . $article->title . '</h2></div>'; echo '<form action="index.php?option=com_ginclude&task=reloadPartsSave" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="article" value="' . $this->articleId . '" /> <div style="padding:10px;margin:5px;border:1px dotted gray;">'; /*vypsani dat z modelu*/ echo $model->getPartsView($this->articleId); echo '</div><div style="padding:10px;"><input type="submit" value="' . JText::_('SAVE_ARTICLE_CHANGES') . '" /></div>'; echo '</form>'; }
function display($tpl = null) { /*Ověření, jestli jde o přístup z administrace nebo front-endu*/ $doc =& JFactory::getDocument(); $doc->addScript('components/com_bkef/influences/influences.js'); echo "<h1>Mutual Influences: " . $this->articleTitle . "</h1>"; $user =& JFactory::getUser(); echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">prihlasenyUzivatel=\"" . $user->name . "\";</script>"; if (JPATH_BASE == JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR) { //$doc->addStyleSheet('components/com_bkef/influences/style.css'); //$doc->addScript('components/com_bkef/influences/influences.js'); require_once JApplicationHelper::getPath('toolbar_html'); TOOLBAR_bkef::_DEFAULT(); } else { $doc->addStyleSheet('components/com_bkef/css/general.css'); $doc->addStyleSheet('components/com_bkef/css/component.css'); //$doc->addScript('components/com_bkef/influences/influences.js'); echo '<div class="componentheading">' . JText::_('BKEF') . '</div>'; } $doc->addScriptDeclaration("cestaKObrazku='components/com_bkef/influences/img/';"); $doc->addScriptDeclaration("prihlasenyUzivatel='" . $this->username . "';"); //$doc->addScript('components/com_bkef/influences/influences.js'); /**/ echo $this->influencesHTML(); }
function display($tpl = null) { /*Ověření, jestli jde o přístup z administrace nebo front-endu*/ $doc =& JFactory::getDocument(); if (JPATH_BASE == JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR) { require_once JApplicationHelper::getPath('toolbar_html'); TOOLBAR_mapping::_DEFAULT(); } else { echo '<div class="componentheading">' . JText::_('COM_MAPPING') . '</div>'; $doc->addStyleSheet('components/com_mapping/css/general.css'); $doc->addStyleSheet('components/com_mapping/css/component.css'); } /**/ echo '<h1>' . JText::_('MAPPING_FINALIZATION') . '</h1>'; echo '<p>' . JText::_('MAPPING_SAVED_INFO') . '</p>'; if ($this->redirectUrl) { echo '<p>' . JText::_('REDIRECT_INFO') . '</p>'; echo '<script type="text/javascript"> function redirectToUrl(){ location.href="' . $this->redirectUrl . '"; } var t=setTimeout("redirectToUrl();",5000); </script>'; } }
function getUnidades() { $joopoa_helper = JApplicationHelper::getPath('helper', 'com_joopoa'); require $joopoa_helper; $unidades =& JoopoaHelper::getUnidades(); return $unidades; }
function display($tpl = null) { global $option; $db =& JFactory::getDBO(); $user =& JFactory::getUser(); $client = JRequest::getWord('client', 'site'); $cid = JRequest::getVar('cid', array(0), '', 'array'); JArrayHelper::toInteger($cid, array(0)); $lists = array(); $row =& JTable::getInstance('plugin'); // load the row from the db table $row->load($cid[0]); // fail if checked out not by 'me' if ($row->isCheckedOut($user->get('id'))) { $msg = JText::sprintf('DESCBEINGEDITTED', JText::_('The plugin'), $row->title); $this->setRedirect('index.php?option=' . $option . '&client=' . $client, $msg, 'error'); return false; } if ($client == 'admin') { $where = "client_id='1'"; } else { $where = "client_id='0'"; } // get list of groups if ($row->access == 99 || $row->client_id == 1) { $lists['access'] = 'Administrator<input type="hidden" name="access" value="99" />'; } else { // build the html select list for the group access $lists['access'] = JHTML::_('list.accesslevel', $row); } if ($cid[0]) { $row->checkout($user->get('id')); if ($row->ordering > -10000 && $row->ordering < 10000) { // build the html select list for ordering $query = 'SELECT ordering AS value, name AS text' . ' FROM #__plugins' . ' WHERE folder = ' . $db->Quote($row->folder) . ' AND published > 0' . ' AND ' . $where . ' AND ordering > -10000' . ' AND ordering < 10000' . ' ORDER BY ordering'; $order = JHTML::_('list.genericordering', $query); $lists['ordering'] = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $order, 'ordering', 'class="inputbox" size="1"', 'value', 'text', intval($row->ordering)); } else { $lists['ordering'] = '<input type="hidden" name="ordering" value="' . $row->ordering . '" />' . JText::_('This plugin cannot be reordered'); } $lang =& JFactory::getLanguage(); $lang->load('plg_' . trim($row->folder) . '_' . trim($row->element), JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR); $data = JApplicationHelper::parseXMLInstallFile(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'plugins' . DS . $row->folder . DS . $row->element . '.xml'); $row->description = $data['description']; } else { $row->folder = ''; $row->ordering = 999; $row->published = 1; $row->description = ''; } $lists['published'] = JHTML::_('select.booleanlist', 'published', 'class="inputbox"', $row->published); // get params definitions $params = new JParameter($row->params, JApplicationHelper::getPath('plg_xml', $row->folder . DS . $row->element), 'plugin'); $this->assignRef('lists', $lists); $this->assignRef('plugin', $row); $this->assignRef('params', $params); parent::display($tpl); }
public function login() { $helper = JApplicationHelper::getPath('helper'); if (JDEBUG) { dump($helper, "helper"); } require_once $helper; JoopoauserHelper::login(); }
function _form($tpl = null) { parent::_form($tpl); // the row is already loaded in base view so this might not be needed leaving this hear to help figure this out in joomla 1.5 if needed. if (!version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6.0', 'ge')) { $row = $this->getModel()->getItem(); $params = new DSCParameter($row->params, JApplicationHelper::getPath('plg_xml', $row->folder . '/' . $row->element), 'plugin'); $this->assignRef('params', $params); } }
/** * After dispatching legacy render the toolbar. * * (non-PHPdoc) * * @see LibBaseDispatcherComponent::_actionRenderlegacy() */ protected function _actionRenderlegacy(KCommandContext $context) { parent::_actionRenderlegacy($context); global $mainframe; jimport('joomla.application.helper'); if (($path = JApplicationHelper::getPath('toolbar')) && $mainframe->isAdmin()) { // Get the task again, in case it has changed $task = JRequest::getString('task'); // Make the toolbar include_once $path; } }
function display($tpl = null) { $model = $this->getModel(); $doc =& JFactory::getDocument(); if (JPATH_BASE != JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR) { $doc->addStyleSheet('components/com_bkef/css/general.css'); $doc->addStyleSheet('components/com_bkef/css/component.css'); } JHTML::_('behavior.modal'); $doc->addStyleSheet('components/com_bkef/css/main.css'); /*Ověření, jestli jde o přístup z administrace nebo front-endu*/ require_once JApplicationHelper::getPath('toolbar_html'); if (JPATH_BASE == JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR) { TOOLBAR_bkef::_DEFAULT(); } else { TOOLBAR_bkef::frontend(); } /**/ echo '<h1>' . JText::_('NEW_BKEF_ARTICLE_H1') . '</h1>'; echo '<div class="infotext">' . JText::_('NEW_BKEF_ARTICLE_INFO') . '</div>'; echo '<form method="post" action="index.php?option=com_bkef&task=newArticle">'; echo '<strong>' . JText::_('NEW_BKEF_ARTICLE_NAME') . '</strong><br />'; echo '<input type="text" name="articleName" value="" style="width:600px;"/><br />'; echo '<strong>' . JText::_('NEW_BKEF_ARTICLE_CONTENT') . '</strong> ' . JText::_('NEW_BKEF_ARTICLE_CONTENT2') . '<br />'; echo '<textarea name="articleContent" style="width:600px;height:300px;"></textarea><br />'; echo '<br />'; echo '<h3>' . JText::_('NEW_BKEF_ARTICLE_JOOMLA') . '</h3>'; echo '<div class="infotext">' . JText::_('NEW_BKEF_ARTICLE_SECTION_INFO') . '</div>'; echo '<table><tr><td><strong>' . JText::_('SECTIONCATEGORY') . ' </strong></td>'; echo '<td><select name="articleSection">'; echo '<option value="-1">--none--</option>'; $sections = $model->getSections(); if (count($sections) > 0) { foreach ($sections as $key => $value) { echo '<option value="' . $key . '_0" >' . $value . '</option>'; $categories = $model->getCategories($key); if (count($categories) > 0) { foreach ($categories as $keyC => $valueC) { echo '<option value="' . $key . '_' . $keyC . '" > - ' . $valueC . '</option>'; } } } } echo '</select></td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td><strong>' . JText::_('ARTICLE_STATE') . ' </strong></td>'; echo '<td><select name="articleState"><option value="1">' . JText::_('PUBLISHED') . '</option><option value="0">' . JText::_('UNPUBLISHED') . '</option></select></td></tr></table>'; echo '<br /><input type="submit" value="' . JText::_('NEW_BKEF_ARTICLE_SUBMIT') . '"/></form>'; ?> <?php }
function display($tpl = null) { $doc =& JFactory::getDocument(); $declaration = "\r\n function gSelectArticle(oldId,newId,title) {\r\n document.getElementById('art'+oldId).value=newId;\r\n document.getElementById('input'+oldId).value=title;\r\n\t document.getElementById('sbox-window').close();\r\n }"; $doc->addScriptDeclaration($declaration); JHTML::_('behavior.modal'); /*Ověření, jestli jde o přístup z administrace nebo front-endu*/ if (JPATH_BASE == JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR) { require_once JApplicationHelper::getPath('toolbar_html'); TOOLBAR_ginclude::_DEFAULT(); } else { echo '<div class="componentheading">' . JText::_('GINCLUDE-UPDATE') . '</div>'; $doc =& JFactory::getDocument(); $doc->addStyleSheet('components/com_ginclude/css/general.css'); $doc->addStyleSheet('components/com_ginclude/css/component.css'); } /**/ $model = $this->getModel(); $article = $model->getArticleDB($this->articleId); $article = $article[0]; echo '<h3>' . JText::_('RELOAD_SELECT_ARTICLES0') . '</h3>'; echo '<table><tr><td width="100">' . JText::_('TITLE') . ':</td><td><strong>' . $article->title . '</strong></td><td rowspan="2" style="padding-left:50px;"><button onclick="location.href=\'index.php?option=com_ginclude&task=reload\';">' . JText::_('SELECT_OTHER_ARTICLE') . '</button></td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>' . JText::_('CREATED') . ':</td><td>' . $article->cdate . '</td></tr></table>'; echo '<h3>' . JText::_('RELOAD_SELECT_ARTICLES') . '</h3>'; $linkArr = $model->getArticleLinks($this->articleId); if (count($linkArr) > 0) { /*ve článku je nějaký odkaz => nabídneme aktualizaci*/ echo '<div>' . JText::_('RELOAD_SELECT_ARTICLES_ABOUT') . '</div>'; echo '<form method="post" action="index.php?option=com_ginclude&task=reloadParts">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="article" value="' . $this->articleId . '" />'; echo '<table border="0" class="adminlist" cellspacing="1" style="margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:10px;"><tbody>'; if (count($linkArr) > 0) { foreach ($linkArr as $artId => $artTitle) { $art = $model->getArticleDB($artId); $art = $art[0]; echo '<tr><td width="100">' . JText::_('ORIGINAL_ARTICLE') . '</td><td><strong>' . $art->title . '</strong>'; if (htmlspecialchars($art->title, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8') != $artTitle) { echo '<span style="color:red;"> - ' . JText::_('ORIGINAL_ARTICLE_TITLE') . ' <strong>' . $artTitle . '</strong> !</span>'; } echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr class="row1"><td>' . JText::_('RELOADED_ARTICLE') . '</td><td><input type="hidden" value="' . $art->id . '" name="art' . $art->id . '" id="art' . $art->id . '" /><input id="input' . $art->id . '" type="text" name="input' . $art->id . '" value="' . htmlspecialchars($art->title, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8') . '" style="width:250px;" readonly="readonly"/> ' . $this->getSelectButton($art->id) . '</td></tr>'; } } echo '</tbody></table>'; echo '<div"><input type="submit" value="' . JText::_('SHOW_RELOADABLE_PARTS') . '" /></div></form>'; } else { /*nenalezen žádný odkaz => zobrazíme upozornění...*/ echo '<div>' . JText::_('NO_RELOADABLE_PARTS_ABOUT') . '</div>'; } }
/** * * @see JAuthenticationResponse para obter detalhes de resposta da autenticação. * * @param array $param * @param array $options * @param JAuthenticationResponse &$response */ function onAuthenticate($credentials, $options, &$response) { if (JDEBUG) { dump($credentials, "Credentials"); } if (JDEBUG) { dump($options, "Options"); } if (JDEBUG) { dump($response, "Response"); } jimport('joomla.user.helper'); // Joomla does not like blank passwords if (empty($credentials['password'])) { $response->status = JAUTHENTICATE_STATUS_FAILURE; $response->error_message = 'Não é permitido senha em Branco'; return false; } $joopoa_helper = JApplicationHelper::getPath('helper', 'com_joopoa'); if (JDEBUG) { dump($joopoa_helper, 'Path para o helper do com_joopoa'); } require $joopoa_helper; $sawee = JoopoaHelper::getSaweeWSClientLib(); // $matricula, $password, $tipo='aluno', $unidade=NULL, $periodo=NULL $usuario = $sawee->login_login($credentials['username'], $credentials['password'], 'aluno', $credentials['unit']); if ($usuario) { $joopoauser_helper = JApplicationHelper::getPath('helper', 'com_joopoauser'); if (JDEBUG) { dump($joopoauser_helper, 'Path para o helper do com_joopoauser'); } require $joopoauser_helper; $user = JoopoauserHelper::getJoomlaUser($usuario); // Bring this in line with the rest of the system if (JDEBUG) { dump($user, 'Usuário criado com base nos dados obtidos no SAWEE'); } $response->email = $user->email; $response->fullname = $user->name; $response->status = JAUTHENTICATE_STATUS_SUCCESS; $response->error_message = ''; return true; } else { $response->status = JAUTHENTICATE_STATUS_FAILURE; $response->error_message = 'User does not exist'; } return false; }
function display($tpl = null) { /*Ověření, jestli jde o přístup z administrace nebo front-endu*/ if (JPATH_BASE == JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR) { require_once JApplicationHelper::getPath('toolbar_html'); TOOLBAR_ginclude::_DEFAULT(); } else { echo '<div class="componentheading">' . JText::_('GINCLUDE-UPDATE') . '</div>'; $doc =& JFactory::getDocument(); $doc->addStyleSheet('components/com_ginclude/css/general.css'); $doc->addStyleSheet('components/com_ginclude/css/component.css'); } /**/ echo '<h2>' . $this->title . '</h2>'; echo '<div>' . $this->text . '</div>'; }
function display($tpl = null) { /*Ověření, jestli jde o přístup z administrace nebo front-endu*/ if (JPATH_BASE == JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR) { require_once JApplicationHelper::getPath('toolbar_html'); TOOLBAR_mapping::_DEFAULT(); } else { echo '<div class="componentheading">' . JText::_('COM_MAPPING') . '</div>'; $doc =& JFactory::getDocument(); $doc->addStyleSheet('components/com_mapping/css/general.css'); $doc->addStyleSheet('components/com_mapping/css/component.css'); } /**/ echo '<h1>' . JText::_('ERROR') . '!</h1>'; echo '<div style="border:2px solid red;">' . $this->text . '</div>'; echo '<div><a href="' . $this->link . '">OK</a></div>'; }
function display($tpl = null) { $doc =& JFactory::getDocument(); $doc->addStyleSheet('components/com_mapping/css/useredit.css'); $doc->addScript("components/com_mapping/js/jquery1.4.min.js"); $doc->addScript("components/com_mapping/js/scroll.js"); $doc->addScript("components/com_mapping/js/mapping_" . JText::_('langEN') . ".js"); $doc->addScript("components/com_mapping/js/useredit.js"); /*Ověření, jestli jde o přístup z administrace nebo front-endu*/ if (JPATH_BASE == JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR) { require_once JApplicationHelper::getPath('toolbar_html'); TOOLBAR_mapping::_DEFAULT(); } else { echo '<div class="componentheading">' . JText::_('COM_MAPPING') . '</div>'; $doc =& JFactory::getDocument(); $doc->addStyleSheet('components/com_mapping/css/general.css'); $doc->addStyleSheet('components/com_mapping/css/component.css'); } /**/ }
function &_getXML() { if (!$this->_xml) { $clientId = $this->getState('clientId', 0); $path = $clientId == 1 ? 'mod1_xml' : 'mod0_xml'; $module =& $this->getModule(); if ($module->module == 'custom') { $xmlpath = JApplicationHelper::getPath($path, 'mod_custom'); } else { $xmlpath = JApplicationHelper::getPath($path, $module->module); } if (file_exists($xmlpath)) { $xml =& JFactory::getXMLParser('Simple'); if ($xml->loadFile($xmlpath)) { $this->_xml =& $xml; } } } return $this->_xml; }
* @version $Id: admin.content.php 18162 2010-07-16 07:00:47Z ian $ * @package Joomla * @subpackage Content * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2010 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. * @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php * Joomla! is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or * other free or open source software licenses. * See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details. */ // no direct access defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'controller.php'; require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'helper.php'; require_once JApplicationHelper::getPath('admin_html'); // Set the helper directory JHTML::addIncludePath(JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'helper'); $controller = new ContentController(); $task = JRequest::getCmd('task'); switch (strtolower($task)) { case 'element': case 'wizard': $controller->execute($task); $controller->redirect(); break; case 'add': case 'new': ContentController::editContent(false); break; case 'edit':
function renderComponent($name = null, $params = array()) { global $mainframe, $option; if (empty($name)) { // Throw 404 if no component JError::raiseError(404, JText::_("Component Not Found")); return; } $scope = $mainframe->scope; //record the scope $mainframe->scope = $name; //set scope to component name // Build the component path $name = preg_replace('/[^A-Z0-9_\\.-]/i', '', $name); $file = substr($name, 4); // Define component path define('JPATH_COMPONENT', JPATH_BASE . DS . 'components' . DS . $name); define('JPATH_COMPONENT_SITE', JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . $name); define('JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . $name); // get component path if ($mainframe->isAdmin() && file_exists(JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'admin.' . $file . '.php')) { $path = JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'admin.' . $file . '.php'; } else { $path = JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . $file . '.php'; } // If component disabled throw error if (!JComponentHelper::isEnabled($name) || !file_exists($path)) { JError::raiseError(404, JText::_('Component Not Found')); } // Handle legacy globals if enabled if ($mainframe->getCfg('legacy')) { // Include legacy globals global $my, $database, $id, $acl, $task; // For backwards compatibility extract the config vars as globals $registry =& JFactory::getConfig(); foreach (get_object_vars($registry->toObject()) as $k => $v) { $varname = 'mosConfig_' . $k; ${$varname} = $v; } $contentConfig =& JComponentHelper::getParams('com_content'); foreach (get_object_vars($contentConfig->toObject()) as $k => $v) { $varname = 'mosConfig_' . $k; ${$varname} = $v; } $usersConfig =& JComponentHelper::getParams('com_users'); foreach (get_object_vars($usersConfig->toObject()) as $k => $v) { $varname = 'mosConfig_' . $k; ${$varname} = $v; } } $task = JRequest::getString('task'); // Load common language files $lang =& JFactory::getLanguage(); $lang->load($name); // Handle template preview outlining $contents = null; // Execute the component ob_start(); require_once $path; $contents = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); // Build the component toolbar jimport('joomla.application.helper'); if (($path = JApplicationHelper::getPath('toolbar')) && $mainframe->isAdmin()) { // Get the task again, in case it has changed $task = JRequest::getString('task'); // Make the toolbar include_once $path; } $mainframe->scope = $scope; //revert the scope return $contents; }
/** * Deprecated, use JApplicationHelper::getPath instead. * * @since 1.0 * @deprecated As of version 1.5 * @see JApplicationHelper::getPath() */ function getPath($varname, $user_option = null) { jimport('joomla.application.helper'); return JApplicationHelper::getPath($varname, $user_option); }
* is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or * other free or open source software licenses. * See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details. */ // no direct access defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); /* * Make sure the user is authorized to view this page */ $user =& JFactory::getUser(); if (!$user->authorize('com_cache', 'manage')) { $mainframe->redirect('index.php', JText::_('ALERTNOTAUTH')); } // Load the html output class and the model class require_once JApplicationHelper::getPath('admin_html'); require_once JApplicationHelper::getPath('class'); $cid = JRequest::getVar('cid', array(0), 'post', 'array'); /* * This is our main control structure for the component * * Each view is determined by the $task variable */ switch (JRequest::getVar('task')) { case 'delete': CacheController::deleteCache($cid); CacheController::showCache(); break; default: CacheController::showCache(); break; }
function &_getStateXML() { static $xml; if (isset($xml)) { return $xml; } $xml = null; $xmlpath = null; $item =& $this->getItem(); switch ($item->type) { case 'separator': $xmlpath = JPATH_BASE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_menus' . DS . 'models' . DS . 'metadata' . DS . 'separator.xml'; break; case 'url': $xmlpath = JPATH_BASE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_menus' . DS . 'models' . DS . 'metadata' . DS . 'url.xml'; break; case 'menulink': $xmlpath = JPATH_BASE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_menus' . DS . 'models' . DS . 'metadata' . DS . 'menulink.xml'; break; case 'component': default: if (isset($item->linkparts['view'])) { // View is set... so we konw to look in view file if (isset($item->linkparts['layout'])) { $layout = $item->linkparts['layout']; } else { $layout = 'default'; } $lpath = JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . $item->linkparts['option'] . DS . 'views' . DS . $item->linkparts['view'] . DS . 'tmpl' . DS . $layout . '.xml'; $vpath = JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . $item->linkparts['option'] . DS . 'views' . DS . $item->linkparts['view'] . DS . 'metadata.xml'; if (file_exists($lpath)) { $xmlpath = $lpath; } elseif (file_exists($vpath)) { $xmlpath = $vpath; } } if (!$xmlpath && isset($item->linkparts['option'])) { $xmlpath = JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . $item->linkparts['option'] . DS . 'metadata.xml'; if (!file_exists($xmlpath)) { $xmlpath = JApplicationHelper::getPath('com_xml', $item->linkparts['option']); } } break; } if (file_exists($xmlpath)) { $xml =& JFactory::getXMLParser('Simple'); if ($xml->loadFile($xmlpath)) { $this->_xml =& $xml; $document =& $xml->document; /* * HANDLE NO OPTION CASE */ $menus =& $document->getElementByPath('menu'); if (is_a($menus, 'JSimpleXMLElement') && $menus->attributes('options') == 'none') { $xml =& $menus->getElementByPath('state'); } else { $xml =& $document->getElementByPath('state'); } // Handle error case... path doesn't exist if (!is_a($xml, 'JSimpleXMLElement')) { return $document; } /* * HANDLE A SWITCH IF IT EXISTS */ if ($switch = $xml->attributes('switch')) { $default = $xml->attributes('default'); // Handle switch $switchVal = isset($item->linkparts[$switch]) ? $item->linkparts[$switch] : 'default'; $found = false; foreach ($xml->children() as $child) { if ($child->name() == $switchVal) { $xml =& $child; $found = true; break; } } if (!$found) { foreach ($xml->children() as $child) { if ($child->name() == $default) { $xml =& $child; break; } } } } /* * HANDLE INCLUDED PARAMS */ $children = $xml->children(); if (count($children) == 1) { if ($children[0]->name() == 'include') { $ret =& $this->_getIncludedParams($children[0]); if ($ret) { $xml =& $ret; } } } if ($switch = $xml->attributes('switch')) { $default = $xml->attributes('default'); // Handle switch $switchVal = $item->linkparts[$switch] ? $item->linkparts[$switch] : 'default'; $found = false; foreach ($xml->children() as $child) { if ($child->name() == $switchVal) { $xml =& $child; $found = true; break; } } if (!$found) { foreach ($xml->children() as $child) { if ($child->name() == $default) { $xml =& $child; break; } } } } } } return $xml; }
<?php defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); require_once JApplicationHelper::getPath('admin_functions'); class HTML_cbodb { // moved to CbodbItem //static $itemBikeStyleArray = array("Not specified", "Road", "Hybrid", "Mountain", "City", "Cruiser", "BMX", "Kids"); //static $itemStatusArray = array("Not specified", "Perfect", "Ready for Sale", "Ready for Rent", "Needs Repair"); //static $itemLocationArray = array("Not specified", "Sales Floor", "LSR", "EAB Shed", "Rental Shed", "Rental cabinet", "Currently Out", "Lost"); //static $itemBikeSizeUnitArray = array("Not specified", "cm", "in"); //static $itemBikeTireStyleArray = array("Not specified", "Smooth", "Kinda Knobby", "Knobby"); //static $itemBikeDrivetrainArray = array("Not specified", "F&R Derailer", "Rear Derailer", "Hub Gears", "Singlespeed", "Fixed Gear", "Unispeed"); //static $itemSourceArray = array("Not specified", "Individual Donation", "Bike shop collection", "Police", "Purchased new"); //static $itemBikeFrameStyleArray = array("Not specified", "Diamond", "Mixte", "Step-through", "Tandem"); //static $commissionMechanics = array(0 => "No one", 1180 => "Al"); /* Moved to CbodbTransaction 2012.07.21 Bart McPherson GiveCamp Initing value after class declaration static $adminTransactionTypeArray = array(1001 => "Purchase", 1002 => "Credits Added", 1004 => "Volunteer time addition", 2001 => "Comment", 1005 => "Bike Credit"); static $transactionTypeArray = array( 1 => "Volunteering", 2 => "Personal", 3 => "Taking class", 4 => "Staff", 5 => "Ride", 1001 => "Purchase", 1002 => "Credits Added", 1003 => "Membership Renewal", 1004 => "Volunteer time addition", 2001 => "Comment", 1005 => "Bike Credit",
public function fetchElement($name, $value, &$node, $control_name) { $params['selector'] = 'div.dashboard'; ComNinjaHtmlPane::getInstance('tabs', $params); jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); $doc =& JFactory::getDocument(); $uri = JFactory::getURI(); //Get path to manifestfile, and get required data $xml =& JFactory::getXMLParser('Simple'); if ($node['path']) { $explode = explode('::', $node['path']); $path = JApplicationHelper::getPath(current($explode), next($explode)); } else { if ($this->_parent->_path) { $path = $this->_parent->_path; } } $xml->loadFile($path); $xml = $xml->document; if (!defined('NAPI_DASHBOARD')) { //return '<pre>'.print_r($xml,true).'</pre>'; define('NAPI_DASHBOARD', 1); } jimport('joomla.language.helper'); $locale = JLanguageHelper::detectLanguage(); $instructions = JText::_('NINSTRUCTIONS'); //$instructions = JFile::read(JURI::root().'modules/'.$modname.'/dashboard/'.$locale.'/instructions.html'); if (!$instructions) { //$instructions = JFile::read(JURI::root().'modules/'.$modname.'/dashboard/en-GB/instructions.html'); } $changelog = JText::_($node['changelog']); if (!$changelog) { $changelog = 'No changelog here yet.'; } $imgpath = $node['imgpath'] ? $node['imgpath'] : 'media/napi/img/dashboard/'; $support = '<a href=""> NinjaForge forums</a>'; $rate = '<a href=""></a>'; $return = ''; $script = "\n\t\tfunction runonce()\n\t\t{\n\t\t\t\$('tablink1').getParent().addClass('tabactive');\n\t\t\t\$('tabcontent1').addClass('runonce');\n\t\t\t\$\$(' a').each(function(e){\n\t\t\t\te.addEvent('click', function(){ \n\t\t\t\t\tif(!\$" . "defined(runonce))\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\$('tabcontent1').removeClass('runonce');\n\t\t\t\t\t\tvar runonce = true;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t}\n\t\twindow.addEvent('domready', function(){\n\t\t\twindow.location.hash ? \$('tablink'+window.location.hash.substring(window.location.hash.length - 1, window.location.hash.length)).getParent().addClass('tabactive') : runonce();\n\t\t\tvar dashboard = \$\$(' a');\n\t\t\tdashboard.each(function(e){\n\t\t\t\te.addEvent('click', (function(event){ \n\t\t\t\t\tthis.addClass('tabactive');\n\t\t\t\t\tindex = dashboard.indexOf(this);\n\t\t\t\t\tdashboard.each(function(e, i){ \n\t\t\t\t\t\tif(i!=index) e.removeClass('tabactive'); \n\t\t\t\t\t}); \n\t\t\t\t}).bindWithEvent(e));\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t});"; // $filter = ' {prefix: \'tab-\', invert: \'ui-filter-select\', parent: \'.ui-corner-all.ui-filter\', items: \'.nftab\', onfilter: function(){ '.$control_name.$name.'(this)} }'; $filter = ''; //$return .= $panel->endPanel(); if (!$this->_parent->get('dashboardStyle')) { $return .= '<style type="text/css"> #' . $control_name . $name . '{ border:1px solid #dddddd; } .nftab .inner{} .nftab{} </style>'; } else { $return .= '<div id="' . $control_name . $name . '" class="ui-corner-all ui-filter">'; } $doc->addStyleDeclaration(' #paramsdashboard-lbl { display: none; } body{font-family:Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; } #' . $control_name . $name . '{background: #ffffff 0 0; background-repeat: repeat-x; background-position: center -63px; border:0px solid #dddddd; position:relative; margin:0;overflow:hidden; } #' . $control_name . $name . '.content .ui-corner-top { -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 0px; -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 0px; -moz-border-radius-topLeft: 0px; -moz-border-radius-topRight: 0px; } .nftab { display:none; } .nftab:target { display:block; } .menu{ display:block; background-position: 50% 100%; position:relative; } .menu img.dashbg{ width:100%; max-width:692px; display:block;margin: 0px auto 0px 0px auto; background-color: #6A84AB; } .menu ul{display: block; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; padding:0px; list-style:none; text-align:center; position: absolute; top:0px; width:100%;} .menu li{background:none; float:left; margin:0px 0px 0px 0px; padding:0px; display:inline-block; overflow:hidden;} .menu li img { float:left; cursor:pointer;visibility:hidden; position: relative; width: 100%; } .menu li#tablink0{max-width: 135px; width:19.5086705202312%;cursor:default; } .menu li#tablink1{max-width: 183px; width:26.4450867052023%} .menu li#tablink2{max-width:191px; width:27.6011560693642%;} .menu li#tablink3{max-width:183px; width:26.4450867052023%; } .menu li#tablink3 img{ cursor:default; } .menu a.tabactive li#tablink1,{backgroud:url(\'' . JURI::root() . $imgpath . 'bg.png\') no-repeat 0 0; } .menu a.tabactive li#tablink2,{backgrond:url(\'' . JURI::root() . $imgpath . 'bg.png\') no-repeat -139px 0; } .menu a.tabactive li#tablink3,.menu li#tablink3:hover{backgroud:url(\'' . JURI::root() . $imgpath . 'bg.png\') no-repeat -277px 0; } .menu a.tabactive li img, .menu li:hover img { /*display:inline;*/ visibility: visible; } .menu .menu-nav li:hover { opacity:0.1; } .menu .menu-nav a.tabactive li, .menu .menu-nav a.tabactive:active li { opacity:1; } .tabtxt{padding:0 0 0 0px; float:none; display:none; } .nftab{ width:auto; text-align:left; padding:0px 10px 6px 10px; font-size:12px; margin-bottom:5px; background-position: 50% -67px; background-repeat: repeat-x; background-color: transparent; background-image: url(' . JURI::root() . $imgpath . 'dashbg.png); } .nftab .inner{ overflow-y:auto; overflow-x:hidden; width:100%; } .nftab h2,.nftab h1{font-weight:bold; text-align:center; padding: 10px 0px; } .nftab h1{color:#fff; margin:0px 0px 15px; padding: 1px 0px 0px 0px; } .nftab strong{font-weight:normal; } .nftab dt strong,.nftab h3 strong{font-weight:bold !important; } .nftab dt{font-weight:bold !important; padding:5px 0pt 2px; } .buttons{border:none; padding:3px; } .nftab .boxshot { text-align:center; margin:0px auto; } .nftab .boxshot img { max-width: ' . ($node['boxshotwidth'] ? $node['boxshotwidth'] : '233px') . '; width: 100%; } .runonce { display:block!important; } .nftab .nftab-content { display: inline-block; width: 50%; float:left; } .nftab .nftab-content p { margin-left: 10px; } .nftab ol { counter-reset: steps; } .nftab ol li { counter-increment: steps; } .nftab ol li:before { content: counter(steps)". "; } .inner div { float:left; width:100%; display:block; clear:both; margin-bottom: 40px; } .dashboard-footer { text-align:center; display:inline-block; }'); //die('<pre>'.JURI::base(true).print_r(parse_url(JRequest::getURI(), PHP_URL_QUERY), true).'</pre>'); $return .= ' <!--[if lte IE 6]> <style> .nftab h1 {margin:0px 0px 15px 0px !important;} .nftab {padding:0px 0px 6px !important;} </style> <![endif]--> <div class="menu ui-corner-top"> <img src="' . JURI::root() . $imgpath . 'bg.png" class="dashbg ui-corner-top" /> <ul class="menu-nav ui-corner-top"> <li title="" id="tablink0" class="ui-corner-tl"><img src="' . JURI::root() . $imgpath . 'dashtabbg_0.png" class="ui-corner-tl" /></li> <a href="#tabcontent1"><li title="" id="tablink1" class="tab ui-filter-trigger' . $filter . '"><img src="' . JURI::root() . $imgpath . 'dashtabbg_1.png" /><span id="info" class="tabtxt">General Info</span></li></a> <a href="#tabcontent2"><li title="" id="tablink2" class="tab ui-filter-trigger' . $filter . '"><img src="' . JURI::root() . $imgpath . 'dashtabbg_2.png" /><span id="inst" class="tabtxt">Instructions</span></li></a> <a href="#tabcontent3"><li title="" id="tablink3" class="tab ui-filter-trigger' . $filter . '"><img src="' . JURI::root() . $imgpath . 'dashtabbg_3.png" /><span id="change" class="tabtxt">Changelog</span></li></a> </ul> </div> <div id="tabcontent1" class="nftab tab-general-info filter-general-info ui-filter-item ui-filter-select "> <h1>' . JText::_(current($xml->name)->data()) . '</h1> <div class="inner"> <h2>' . JText::_(current($xml->slogan)->data()) . '</h2> <div class="boxshot nftab-content"><img class="ui-widget-content" src="' . JURI::root() . 'media/' . basename($path, '.xml') . '/img/box.png" alt="' . JText::_(current($xml->name)->data()) . '" title="' . JText::_(current($xml->name)->data()) . '"></div> <div class="description nftab-content"> <p><b>' . JText::_('EXTCREATEDBY') . '</b> '; $i = 0; $count = count($xml->author); $separator = ' '; foreach ($xml->author as $author) { $separator = ' '; $i++; if ($count != 1 && $i != $count) { $separator = $i + 1 == $count ? ' &' : ($i != 0 ? ',' : ''); } //$separator = $i.$count; $email = $author['email'] ? $author['email'] : $xml['authorEmail']; $return .= ' <a href="mailto:' . $email . '">' . $author->data() . '</a>' . $separator; } $creditsxml = current($xml->credits); $credits = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($creditsxml->children() as $credit) { $credits[$i] = '<p>'; $credits[$i] .= '<b>' . JText::_($credit['what']) . '</b> '; $credits[$i] .= '<a href="' . JText::_($credit['where']) . '">' . JText::_($credit['who']) . '</a>'; $credits[$i] .= '</p>'; $i++; } $credits = implode("\n", $credits); $return .= '</p> ' . $credits . ' <p><b>' . JText::_('EXTPHPLIC') . '</b> <a href=""> CC-GNU LGPL</a></p> <p><b>' . JText::_('EXTJSLIC') . '</b> <a rel="license" href=""> MIT </a></p> <p><b>' . JText::_('EXTCSSIMGCOP') . '</b> ' . JText::sprintf('EXTCSSIMGCOPTXT', '2008', date('Y')) . ' <a target="_blank" href="http://' . current($xml->authorUrl)->data() . '" class="hasTip" title="Click me!::Get more extensions at ' . JText::_(current($xml->copyright)->data()) . '">' . JText::_(current($xml->copyright)->data()) . '</a></p> <p><b>' . JText::_('EXTSUP') . '</b> ' . JText::sprintf('EXTSUPTXT', $support) . '</p> <p><b>' . JText::_('EXTRATE') . '</b> ' . JText::sprintf('EXTRATETXT', $rate) . '</p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="tabcontent2" class="nftab tab-instructions filter-instructions ui-helper-hidden ui-filter-select ui-filter-item"> <h1>' . JText::_('INSTRUCTIONS') . '</h1> <div class="inner"> ' . $instructions . ' </div> </div> <div id="tabcontent3" class="nftab tab-changelog ui-helper-hidden ui-filter-select"> <h1>' . JText::_('CHANGELOG') . '</h1> <div class="inner"> '; $i = 0; $changelog = current($xml->changelog); $count = count($changelog->children()); $count = 2; foreach ($changelog->children() as $log) { $i++; //$separator = $i.$count; //$children = $log[$i]; //die(print_r($log, true)); //$children = $children->children(); //$test = print_r($children->children(), true); $version = $log['version'] ? '<p><b>' . JText::_('Version:') . '</b> ' . $log['version'] . '</p>' : '<p><b>' . JText::_('Version:') . '</b> ' . $xml['version'] . '</p>'; $date = $log['date'] ? '<p><b>' . JText::_('Date:') . '</b> ' . $log['date'] . '</p>' : ''; $state = $log['state'] ? '<p><b>' . JText::_('State:') . '</b> ' . $log['state'] . '</p>' : ''; $changes = '<ul>'; foreach ($log->children() as $child) { $changes .= '<li>' . $child->data() . '</li>'; } $changes .= '</ul>'; $return .= '<div>' . $version . $date . $state . $changes . '</div>'; unset($email); } unset($i); unset($separator); $return .= ' </div> </div> <span class="dashboard-footer"> <a href="" target="_self"><img class="buttons" src="' . JURI::root() . $imgpath . 'ninjaforge.png" alt="Visit NinjaForge" title="Visit Ninjaforge"/></a> <a href="" target="_self"><img class="buttons" src="' . JURI::root() . $imgpath . 'jcda.png" alt="NinjaForge is a JCDA Member" title="NinjaForge is a JCDA Member"/></a> <a href="" target="_self"><img class="buttons" src="' . JURI::root() . $imgpath . 'firefox3.png" alt="Get Firefox for a better internet experience" title="Get Firefox for a better internet experience"/></a> <a href="" target="_self"><img class="buttons" src="' . JURI::root() . $imgpath . 'firebug.png" alt="Ninjas use and recommend Firebug" title="Ninjas use and recommend Firebug"/></a> <a href="" target="_self"><img class="buttons" src="' . JURI::root() . $imgpath . 'validation_xhtml.png" alt="Valid XHTML Transitional" title="Valid XHTML Transitional"/></a> <a href="" target="_self"><img class="buttons" src="' . JURI::root() . $imgpath . 'validation_css.png" alt="Valid CSS" title="Valid CSS"/></a> <a href=""><img class="buttons" alt="Creative Commons License" src="' . JURI::root() . $imgpath . 'byncsa.png" /></a> <a href=""><img class="buttons" alt="CC-GNU GPL" src="' . JURI::root() . $imgpath . 'gnugpl.png" /></a> </span>'; if ($this->_parent->get('dashboardStyle')) { $return .= '</div>'; } JRequest::getCmd('format', 'html') == 'script' ? $doc->addScriptDeclaration($script, '', true) : $uri->setVar('format', 'script'); $uri->setVar('strict', 'true'); $doc->addScript($uri->toString()); $uri->delVar('format'); $uri->delVar('strict'); //filter shortcut return $this->filter($return); }
function preview() { $document =& JFactory::getDocument(); $document->setTitle(JText::_('AMM_MODULE_PREVIEW')); require_once JApplicationHelper::getPath('admin_html'); HTML_modules::preview(); }
function display($tpl = null) { $doc =& JFactory::getDocument(); $declaration = "\r\n function gSelectArticle(oldId,newId,title) {\r\n document.getElementById('art'+oldId).value=newId;\r\n document.getElementById('input'+oldId).value=title;\r\n\t document.getElementById('sbox-window').close();\r\n }"; $doc->addScriptDeclaration($declaration); JHTML::_('behavior.modal'); $doc->addStyleSheet('components/com_bkef/css/main.css'); /*Ověření, jestli jde o přístup z administrace nebo front-endu*/ if (JPATH_BASE == JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR) { require_once JApplicationHelper::getPath('toolbar_html'); TOOLBAR_bkef::_DEFAULT(); } else { echo '<div class="componentheading">' . JText::_('BKEF') . '</div>'; $doc =& JFactory::getDocument(); $doc->addStyleSheet('components/com_bkef/css/general.css'); $doc->addStyleSheet('components/com_bkef/css/component.css'); } /**/ $xml = $this->xml; echo '<h1>BKEF: ' . $xml->Header[0]->Title[0] . ' (' . $this->articleTitle . ')</h1>'; echo '<br /><div class="level1Div">' . JText::_('APPLICATION') . ': <strong>' . $xml->Header[0]->Application[0]['name'] . '</strong>'; if (@$xml->Header[0]->Application[0]['name']) { echo ' (' . JText::_('VERSION') . ': ' . $xml->Header[0]->Application[0]['version'] . ')'; } echo '</div>'; echo '<div style="margin-top:30px;margin-bottom:30px;" class="infotext">' . JText::_('SEL_META_INFO') . '</div>'; /* echo '<h2>Nadřazené metaatributy</h2>'; echo '<div class="infotext">Nadřazené metaatributy shrnují vlastnosti několika základních metaatributů</div>'; */ echo '<h2>' . JText::_('GROUP_METAATTRIBUTES') . '</h2>'; echo '<div class="infotext">' . JText::_('GROUP_METAATTRIBUTES_INFO') . '</div>'; if (count($xml->MetaAttributes[0]->MetaAttribute) > 0) { $maId = 0; $row = 0; echo '<table class="adminlist">'; echo '<thead><tr><th>' . JText::_('name') . '</th><th></th></tr></thead>'; foreach ($xml->MetaAttributes[0]->MetaAttribute as $key => $MetaAttribute) { if ($MetaAttribute['level'] == 1) { echo '<tr class="row' . $row % 2 . '"><td><a href="index.php?option=com_bkef&task=groupMetaAttribute&article=' . $this->article . '&maId=' . $maId . '"><strong>' . $MetaAttribute['name'] . '</strong></a> </td><td width="150">'; echo '<a href="index.php?option=com_bkef&task=groupMetaAttribute&article=' . $this->article . '&maId=' . $maId . '">' . JText::_('EDIT') . '</a>'; echo ' '; echo '<a href="index.php?option=com_bkef&task=delMetaAttribute&article=' . $this->article . '&tmpl=component&maId=' . $maId . '" rel="{handler: \'iframe\', size: {x: 400, y: 200}}" class="modal">' . JText::_('DELETE') . '</a></td>'; $row++; } $maId++; } echo '</table>'; } echo '<br />'; echo '<div class="linksDiv"><a href="index.php?option=com_bkef&task=newGroupMetaAttribute&article=' . $this->article . '&tmpl=component&level=0" rel="{handler: \'iframe\', size: {x: 500, y: 330}}" class="modal">' . JText::_('NEW_GROUP_META') . '</a></div>'; echo '<br />'; echo '<h2>' . JText::_('BASIC_METAATTRIBUTES') . '</h2>'; echo '<div class="infotext">' . JText::_('BASIC_METAATTRIBUTES_INFO') . '</div>'; $maCount = count($xml->MetaAttributes[0]->MetaAttribute); if ($maCount > 0) { echo '<table class="adminlist">'; echo '<thead><tr><th>' . JText::_('name') . '</th><th></th></tr></thead>'; $maId = 0; $row = 0; foreach ($xml->MetaAttributes[0]->MetaAttribute as $key => $MetaAttribute) { if ($MetaAttribute['level'] == 0) { echo '<tr class="row' . $row % 2 . '"><td><a href="index.php?option=com_bkef&task=metaAttribute&article=' . $this->article . '&maId=' . $maId . '"><strong>' . $MetaAttribute['name'] . '</strong></a> </td><td width="150">'; echo '<a href="index.php?option=com_bkef&task=metaAttribute&article=' . $this->article . '&maId=' . $maId . '">' . JText::_('EDIT') . '</a>'; echo ' '; echo '<a href="index.php?option=com_bkef&task=delMetaAttribute&article=' . $this->article . '&tmpl=component&maId=' . $maId . '" rel="{handler: \'iframe\', size: {x: 400, y: 200}}" class="modal">' . JText::_('DELETE') . '</a></td>'; $row++; } $maId++; } echo '</table>'; } else { echo '<div class="missing infotext">' . JText::_('NO_META_INFO') . '</div>'; } echo '<br />'; echo '<div class="linksDiv"><a href="index.php?option=com_bkef&task=newMetaAttribute&article=' . $this->article . '&tmpl=component&level=0" rel="{handler: \'iframe\', size: {x: 500, y: 330}}" class="modal">' . JText::_('NEW_BASIC_META') . '</a></div>'; }
function TranslateParams_modules($original, $translation, $fieldname, $fields = null) { $this->fieldname = $fieldname; global $mainframe; $module = null; foreach ($fields as $field) { if ($field->Name == "module") { $module = $field->originalValue; break; } } if (is_null($module)) { echo JText::_("PROBLEMS WITH CONTENT ELEMENT FILE"); exit; } $lang = JFactory::getLanguage(); $lang->load($module, JPATH_SITE); // xml file for module if ($module == 'custom') { $xmlfile = JApplicationHelper::getPath('mod0_xml', 'mod_custom'); } else { $xmlfile = JApplicationHelper::getPath('mod0_xml', $module); } $this->origparams = new JParameter($original, $xmlfile, 'module'); $this->transparams = new JParameter($translation, $xmlfile, 'module'); $this->defaultparams = new JParameter("", $xmlfile, 'component'); $this->fields = $fields; }
function display($tpl = null) { /*Ověření, jestli jde o přístup z administrace nebo front-endu*/ require_once JApplicationHelper::getPath('toolbar_html'); if (JPATH_BASE == JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR) { TOOLBAR_bkef::_DEFAULT(); } else { TOOLBAR_bkef::frontend(); } /**/ echo JText::_('SELECT_ARTICLES_ABOUT'); echo $this->articlesHTML(); }
<?php /** * JFUploader 2.15.x Freeware - for Joomla 1.6.x * * Copyright (c) 2004-2011 TinyWebGallery * written by Michael Dempfle * * @license GNU / GPL * * For the latest version please go to **/ /** ensure this file is being included by a parent file */ defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); require_once JApplicationHelper::getPath('toolbar_html'); if ($task) { $act = $task; } switch ($act) { case "edit": case "edituser": case "newConfig": TOOLBAR_jfuploader::_EDIT(); break; case "config": TOOLBAR_jfuploader::_CONFIG(); break; case "user": TOOLBAR_jfuploader::_USER(); break; case "upload":
function display($tpl = null) { $doc =& JFactory::getDocument(); if (JPATH_BASE != JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR) { $doc->addStyleSheet('components/com_bkef/css/general.css'); $doc->addStyleSheet('components/com_bkef/css/component.css'); } JHTML::_('behavior.modal'); $doc->addStyleSheet('components/com_bkef/css/main.css'); /*Ověření, jestli jde o přístup z administrace nebo front-endu*/ require_once JApplicationHelper::getPath('toolbar_html'); if (JPATH_BASE == JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR) { TOOLBAR_bkef::_DEFAULT(); } else { TOOLBAR_bkef::frontend(); } /**/ $xml = $this->xml; $maId = intval($this->maId); $article = intval($this->article); $metaAttribute = $xml->MetaAttributes[0]->MetaAttribute[$maId]; /*PATH*/ echo '<div class="navigationDiv">'; echo '<a href="index.php?option=com_bkef&task=selArticle&article=' . $article . '">' . $xml->Header[0]->Title[0] . ' (' . $this->articleTitle . ')</a>'; echo ' -> Group MetaAttribute: <strong>' . $xml->MetaAttributes[0]->MetaAttribute[$maId]->Name[0] . '</strong>'; echo '</div>'; /**/ echo '<h1>' . JText::_('GROUP_METAATTRIBUTE') . ': ' . $metaAttribute->Name[0] . '</h1>'; echo '<div class="level1Div">'; echo '<table> <tr> <td>' . JText::_('VARIABILITY') . '</td> <td><strong>' . $metaAttribute->Variability[0] . '</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td>' . JText::_('CREATED') . '</td> <td><strong>' . date(JText::_('DATETIMEFORMAT'), strtotime($metaAttribute->Created[0]->Timestamp)) . ' (' . $metaAttribute->Created[0]->Author . ')' . '</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td>' . JText::_('LAST_MODIFIED') . '</td> <td><strong>' . date(JText::_('DATETIMEFORMAT'), strtotime($metaAttribute->LastModified[0]->Timestamp)) . ' (' . $metaAttribute->LastModified[0]->Author . ')' . '</strong></td> </tr> </table>'; if (count(@$metaAttribute->Annotations[0]->Annotation) > 0) { echo '<h3>' . JText::_('ANNOTATIONS') . '</h3>'; $anId = 0; foreach ($metaAttribute->Annotations[0]->Annotation as $annotation) { echo '<div class="annotation level2Div">'; echo '<strong>' . ($annotation->Text[0] != '' ? $annotation->Text[0] : '<<???>>') . '</strong>'; echo '<br />' . JText::_('CREATED') . ': ' . $annotation->Created[0]->Author . ' (' . date(JText::_('DATETIMEFORMAT'), strtotime($annotation->Created[0]->Timestamp)) . ')'; if ((string) $annotation->Created[0]->Timestamp != (string) $annotation->LastModified[0]->Timestamp) { echo '; ' . JText::_('LAST_MODIFIED') . ': ' . $annotation->LastModified[0]->Author . ' (' . date(JText::_('DATETIMEFORMAT'), strtotime($annotation->LastModified[0]->Timestamp)) . ')'; } echo ' | '; echo '<a class="modal" href="index.php?option=com_bkef&task=editMetaAttributeAnnotation&article=' . $this->article . '&tmpl=component&maId=' . $maId . '&anId=' . $anId . '" rel="{handler: \'iframe\', size: {x: 500, y: 330}}" >' . JText::_('EDIT_ANNOTATION') . '</a> '; echo ' | '; echo '<a class="modal" href="index.php?option=com_bkef&task=deleteMetaAttributeAnnotation&article=' . $this->article . '&tmpl=component&maId=' . $maId . '&anId=' . $anId . '" rel="{handler: \'iframe\', size: {x: 500, y: 330}}" >' . JText::_('DELETE_ANNOTATION') . '</a> '; echo '</div>'; $anId++; } } echo '</div>'; echo '<div class="linksDiv"> <a class="modal" href="index.php?option=com_bkef&task=editGroupMetaAttribute&article=' . $this->article . '&tmpl=component&maId=' . $maId . '" rel="{handler: \'iframe\', size: {x: 500, y: 330}}">' . JText::_('EDIT_META') . '...</a> <a class="modal" href="index.php?option=com_bkef&task=addMetaAttributeAnnotation&article=' . $this->article . '&tmpl=component&maId=' . $maId . '" rel="{handler: \'iframe\', size: {x: 500, y: 330}}">' . JText::_('ADD_ANNOTATION') . '...</a> </div><br />'; echo '<div class="infotext">' . JText::_('CHILDREN_BASIC_METAATTRIBUTES_INFO') . '</div>'; echo '<h2>' . JText::_('CHILDREN_BASIC_METAATTRIBUTES') . '</h2>'; if (count($metaAttribute->ChildMetaAttribute) > 0) { echo '<table class="adminlist">'; echo '<thead><tr><th>' . JText::_('NAME') . '</th><th>' . JText::_('ACTIONS') . '</th></tr></thead>'; $childArr = array(); foreach ($metaAttribute->ChildMetaAttribute as $childMeta) { $childArr[] = intval($childMeta['id']); } $childId = 0; $row = 0; foreach ($xml->MetaAttributes[0]->MetaAttribute as $meta) { if (in_array(intval($meta[id]), $childArr)) { echo '<tr class="row' . $fId % 2 . '"><td><a href="index.php?option=com_bkef&task=metaAttribute&article=' . $this->article . '&maId=' . $childId . '"><strong>' . $meta->Name[0] . '</strong></td><td width="200">'; echo '<a class="modal" href="index.php?option=com_bkef&task=delChildMeta&article=' . $this->article . '&tmpl=component&maId=' . $maId . '&childId=' . array_search(intval($meta[id]), $childArr) . '" rel="{handler: \'iframe\', size: {x: 400, y: 200}}">' . JText::_('DELETE_CHILD_META') . '</a>'; echo '</td></tr>'; } $childId++; } foreach ($metaAttribute->ChildMetaattribute as $childMeta) { $fId++; } echo '</table>'; } else { echo '<div class="missing infotext">' . JText::_('NO_CHILDREN_INFO') . '</div>'; } echo '<div class="linksDiv"><a href="index.php?option=com_bkef&task=addChildMeta&maId=' . $maId . '&article=' . $this->article . '&tmpl=component" rel="{handler: \'iframe\', size: {x: 500, y: 195}}" class="modal">' . JText::_('ADD_CHILD_META') . '</a></div>'; ?> <?php }
/** * Render the component. * * @param string $option The component option. * @param array $params The component parameters * * @return object * * @since 11.1 */ public static function renderComponent($option, $params = array()) { // Initialise variables. $app = JFactory::getApplication(); // Load template language files. $template = $app->getTemplate(true)->template; $lang = JFactory::getLanguage(); $lang->load('tpl_' . $template, JPATH_BASE, null, false, false) || $lang->load('tpl_' . $template, JPATH_THEMES . "/{$template}", null, false, false) || $lang->load('tpl_' . $template, JPATH_BASE, $lang->getDefault(), false, false) || $lang->load('tpl_' . $template, JPATH_THEMES . "/{$template}", $lang->getDefault(), false, false); if (empty($option)) { // Throw 404 if no component JError::raiseError(404, JText::_('JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND')); return; } // Record the scope $scope = $app->scope; // Set scope to component name $app->scope = $option; // Build the component path. $option = preg_replace('/[^A-Z0-9_\\.-]/i', '', $option); $file = substr($option, 4); // Define component path. define('JPATH_COMPONENT', JPATH_BASE . '/components/' . $option); define('JPATH_COMPONENT_SITE', JPATH_SITE . '/components/' . $option); define('JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/' . $option); // Get component path if ($app->isAdmin() && file_exists(JPATH_COMPONENT . '/admin.' . $file . '.php')) { $path = JPATH_COMPONENT . '/admin.' . $file . '.php'; } else { $path = JPATH_COMPONENT . '/' . $file . '.php'; } // If component is disabled throw error if (!self::isEnabled($option) || !file_exists($path)) { JError::raiseError(404, JText::_('JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND')); } $task = JRequest::getString('task'); // Load common and local language files. $lang->load($option, JPATH_BASE, null, false, false) || $lang->load($option, JPATH_COMPONENT, null, false, false) || $lang->load($option, JPATH_BASE, $lang->getDefault(), false, false) || $lang->load($option, JPATH_COMPONENT, $lang->getDefault(), false, false); // Handle template preview outlining. $contents = null; // Execute the component. $contents = self::executeComponent($path); // Build the component toolbar $path = JApplicationHelper::getPath('toolbar'); if ($path && $app->isAdmin()) { // Get the task again, in case it has changed $task = JRequest::getString('task'); // Make the toolbar include_once $path; } // Revert the scope $app->scope = $scope; return $contents; }
/** * RSGallery2 Toolbar Menu * @version $Id: toolbar.rsgallery2.php 1010 2011-01-26 15:26:17Z mirjam $ * @package RSGallery2 * @copyright (C) 2003 - 2006 RSGallery2 * @license GNU/GPL **/ defined('_JEXEC') or die; // RSG2 is a metacomponent. joomla calls components options, RSG2 calls it's components rsgOptions if (isset($_REQUEST['rsgOption'])) { $rsgOption = $_REQUEST['rsgOption']; } else { $rsgOption = ''; } require_once JApplicationHelper::getPath('toolbar_html'); require_once JApplicationHelper::getPath('toolbar_default'); switch ($rsgOption) { case 'images': switch ($task) { case 'new': case 'edit': case 'editA': menu_rsg2_images::edit($option); break; case 'remove': menu_rsg2_images::remove($option); break; case 'upload': menu_rsg2_images::upload($option); break; case "batchupload":