function widgetlist() { $modelvoicetypes = JAVBModel::getInstance('voicetypes', 'javoiceModel'); $modelvoicetypesstatus = JAVBModel::getInstance('voicetypesstatus', 'javoiceModel'); $voicetypes = $modelvoicetypes->getDyamicItems(' AND t.published=1 ', 't.title DESC', 0, 0, ' t.alias '); $strvoicetypes = ''; if ($voicetypes) { $strvoicetypes = implode(", ", $voicetypes); } $voicetypesID = $modelvoicetypes->getDyamicItems(' AND t.published=1 ', 't.title DESC', 0, 0, ' '); $voicetypesID = is_array($voicetypesID) ? implode(",", $voicetypesID) : ''; $where_more = ''; $modelforums = JAVBModel::getInstance('forums', 'javoiceModel'); $where_more .= " and f.published=1 and ft.voice_types_id in ({$voicetypesID})"; $join = 'INNER JOIN #__jav_forums_has_voice_types as ft ON'; $forums = $modelforums->getDyamicItems($where_more, 0, 4, ' f.title desc', 'DISTINCT f.alias', $join); $strforum = ''; if ($forums) { $strforum = implode(", ", $forums); } $status = $modelvoicetypesstatus->getItemsDyamic('DISTINCT s.title', '', '', 0, 0, 1); $statusStr = ""; if ($status) { $statusStr = implode(",", $status); } $script = "<div id = 'jav_widget_content'></div>" . "\n <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" . JURI::root() . "components/com_javoice/asset/js/ja.widget.js\"></script>" . "\n <script type=\"text/javascript\">" . "\n \{" . "\n \t\turl: '" . JURI::root() . "'," . "\n \t\tvoicetypes:'{$strvoicetypes}',//null for all" . "\n \t\tforums: '{$strforum}',//null for all, it may be number, alias, or title" . "\n \t\tnumber_voices:20," . "\n \t\twidth : '800'," . "\n \t\theight : '600'," . "\n \t\tstatus : '',//null for all" . "\n \t\tcreator : '',//null for all" . "\n \t\tcreated_before : '',//null for all" . "\n \t\tcreated_after : '',//null for all" . "\n \t\tlink_target : '_blank'," . "\n \t\ttype : 'iframe'," . "\n \t\tview_all_button : 'yes'" . "\n \t})" . "\n </script>"; $script = htmlentities($script); $this->assignRef('script', $script); $this->assignRef('strforum', $strforum); $this->assignRef('strvoicetypes', $strvoicetypes); }
function show_statistic() { $model_items = JAVBModel::getInstance('items', 'JAVoiceModel'); $types = $model_items->getVoiceTypes(); $this->assignRef('types', $types); $config = new JConfig(); $pagetitle = @JFactory::getUser(JRequest::getInt('uid'))->username . JText::_('S_VOICE_STATISTICS_AT') . ' ' . $config->sitename; $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->setTitle($pagetitle); }
function statistic() { $user = JFactory::getUser(); $latvisited = strtotime($user->lastvisitDate) ? strtotime($user->lastvisitDate) : 0; $model_voicetype = JAVBModel::getInstance('voicetypes', 'javoiceModel'); $voiceTypes = $model_voicetype->getItems('', ' t.title '); $model = JAVBModel::getInstance('actionslog', 'javoiceModel'); $model_items = JAVBModel::getInstance('items', 'javoiceModel'); $join = " \tINNER JOIN #__jav_voice_types as t ON"; $lifetime = array(); $lastest = array(); if (count($voiceTypes) > 0) { foreach ($voiceTypes as $voiceType) { $where = " AND {$voiceType->id} "; //AND i.create_date > $latvisited "; $lifetime[] = $model_items->getTotal($where, $join); $join = " \tINNER JOIN #__jav_forums as f ON \n\t\t\n \t\t\t\tINNER JOIN #__jav_voice_types as t ON "; $where .= " AND i.create_date > {$latvisited} "; $lastest[] = $model_items->getTotal($where, $join); } } $where_more = " AND l.type ='Report spam' AND l.user_id = -1 "; $join = " INNER JOIN #__jav_items as i ON = l.ref_id "; $lastest_spam = $model->getDistinctItems($where_more, 0, 10, ' l.time DESC', $join); $lastest_spam = $model->parseItems($lastest_spam); $where_more = " AND (l.type ='Report spam' OR l.type ='Change status') AND l.user_id >0 "; $join = " INNER JOIN #__jav_items as i ON = l.ref_id "; $lastest_change = $model->getDistinctItems($where_more, 0, 10, ' l.time DESC', $join); $lastest_change = $model->parseItems($lastest_change); $where = " AND r.type='admin_response'"; $join = " INNER JOIN #__jav_items as i ON = r.item_id "; $admin_response = $model_items->getAdmin_responses($where, 0, 10, ' DESC', '', $join); $model_items->parseAdmin_response($admin_response); $this->assign('lastest_spam', $lastest_spam); $this->assign('latvisited', $latvisited); $this->assign('lastest_change', $lastest_change); $this->assign('admin_response', $admin_response); $this->assign('voiceTypes', $voiceTypes); $this->assign('lastest', $lastest); $this->assign('lifetime', $lifetime); }
function saveIFrame() { $post = JRequest::get('request', JREQUEST_ALLOWHTML); $number = $post['number']; $errors = array(); $id = $this->save($errors); $helper = new JAVoiceHelpers(); $objects = array(); if ($id) { $model = $this->getModel('forums'); $item = $model->getItem(); if ($post['id'] == '0') { $objects[] = $helper->parseProperty("reload", "#reload" . $item->id, 1); } else { $objects[] = $helper->parseProperty("html", "#system-message", $helper->message(0, JText::_("SAVE_DATA_SUCCESSFULLY"))); } $objects[] = $helper->parseProperty("html", "#title" . $item->id, $item->title); $objects[] = $helper->parsePropertyPublish("html", "#publish" . $item->id, $item->published, $number); $modelvoicetypes = JAVBModel::getInstance('voicetypes', 'javoiceModel'); $where = " AND ft.forums_id = {$item->id}"; $joins = " INNER JOIN #__jav_forums_has_voice_types as ft ON = ft.voice_types_id"; $voicetypes = $modelvoicetypes->getDyamicItems($where, 't.title', 0, 0, 't.title', $joins); $strVoice = ''; if ($voicetypes) { $strVoice = implode(", ", $voicetypes); } $item->strvoice = $strVoice; $objects[] = $helper->parseProperty("html", "#voice-types-" . $item->id, $item->strvoice); $objects[] = $helper->parseProperty("value", "#order" . $item->id, $item->ordering); //$objects [] = $helper->parsePropertyPublisha ( $item->id, $item->published ); } else { $objects[] = $helper->parseProperty("html", "#system-message", $helper->message(1, $errors)); } $helper = new JAVoiceHelpers(); echo $helper->parse_JSON_new($objects); exit; }
/** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $item */ function edit() { $user = JFactory::getUser(); $model = $this->getModel(); $model_forums = JAVBModel::getInstance('forums', 'javoiceModel'); $model_voice_types = JAVBModel::getInstance('voicetypes', 'javoiceModel'); //$frontpage = $model->getFrontpageInfo($cid); $feed = JRequest::getVar('feed', NULL); if (!$feed) { $feed = $model->getItem(); } $lists['rssTypeList'] = $model->getRssType($feed->feed_type); $model->getLists($lists, $feed); // Filter feeds - begin - $gid = ''; if (isset($user->gid)) { $gid = $user->gid; } $where = " AND f.gids_view LIKE '%{$gid}%' AND f.published =1"; $forums = $model_forums->getItems($where); $lists['forumStr'] = ""; $lists['filter_forums_id'] = ""; if ($forums) { $str = array(); foreach ($forums as $forum) { $str[] = $forum->title; } $lists['forumStr'] = implode(",", $str); $selected = ""; if ($feed->filter_forums_id) { $selected = explode(",", $feed->filter_forums_id); } $forumsHTML = array_merge(array(JHTML::_('select.option', '-1', JText::_('ALL'), 'id', 'title')), $forums); $lists['filter_forums_id'] = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $forumsHTML, 'filter_forums_id[]', 'class="inputbox" size="10" multiple="multiple"', 'id', 'title', $selected); } $joins = "\tINNER JOIN #__jav_forums_has_voice_types as fv ON fv.voice_types_id =\n\t\t\t\t \tINNER JOIN #__jav_forums as f ON = fv.forums_id"; $where = " AND t.published=1 AND f.gids_view LIKE '%{$gid}%' AND f.published =1"; $voice_types = $model_voice_types->getDyamicItems($where, '', 0, 0, 'DISTINCT t.*', $joins, 'object'); $lists['filter_voice_types_id'] = ""; $lists['voice_typesStr'] = ""; if ($voice_types) { $str = array(); foreach ($voice_types as $voice_type) { $str[] = $voice_type->title; } $lists['voice_typesStr'] = implode(",", $str); $selected = ""; if ($feed->filter_voicetypes_id) { $selected = explode(",", $feed->filter_voicetypes_id); } $voice_typesHTML = array_merge(array(JHTML::_('select.option', '-1', JText::_('ALL'), 'id', 'title')), $voice_types); $lists['filter_voice_types_id'] = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $voice_typesHTML, 'filter_voicetypes_id[]', 'class="inputbox" size="10" multiple="multiple"', 'id', 'title', $selected); } $this->assignRef('lists', $lists); $this->assign('feed', $feed); }
?> <!--END Upload form--> </ul> <div id="err_exitchekspelling" class="error" style="display: none;"><?php echo JText::_("PLEASE_EXIT_SPELL_CHECK_BEFORE_SUBMITTING_VOICE"); ?> </div> <div id="err_enter_description" class="error" style="display: none;"><?php echo JText::_("PLEASE_ENTER_DESCRIPTION"); ?> </div> </div> </li> <?php if ($javconfig["systems"]->get("is_enable_tagging", 0)) { $modelTags = JAVBModel::getInstance('tags', 'javoiceModel'); $listTags = $modelTags->getTagByVoice($this->Itemid); ?> <?php $textAddTag = JText::_("TAG"); $txtTagDisable = ''; $numTag = $javconfig["systems"]->get("tag_maximum_per_thread", 4); if ($numTag > 1) { $textAddTag = JText::_("TAGS"); } if (isset($this->listTags) && $this->listTags) { if ($numTag <= count($this->listTags)) { $txtTagDisable = 'disabled="disabled"'; } } ?>
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->_db = JFactory::getDBO(); }
function remove() { $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $cids = JRequest::getVar('cid', null, 'request', 'array'); $count = count($cids); $errors = array(); $id_used = array(); $is_fail = array(); if ($count > 0) { $model_items = JAVBModel::getInstance('items', 'javoiceModel'); foreach ($cids as $cid) { $total_item = $model_items->getTotal(" AND i.forums_id = " . (int) $cid); if ($total_item > 0) { $id_used[] = $cid; } else { $query = "DELETE FROM #__jav_forums WHERE id={$cid}"; $db->setQuery($query); if (!$db->query()) { $is_fail[] = $cid; } } } if (count($id_used) > 0) { $errors[] = "[ID: " . implode(',', $id_used) . "]" . JText::_('FORUM_IS_BEING_USED_BY_ITEMS'); } if (count($is_fail) > 0) { $errors[] = "[ID: " . implode(',', $is_fail) . "]" . JText::_('FAILURE_TO_DELETE_FORUM'); } } return $errors; }
function parse(&$params, $voicetypes) { $count = count($voicetypes); if ($count > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $title = ''; $voicetype = $voicetypes[$i]; $status_id = $params->get("status_spam_{$voicetype->id}", 0); if ($status_id) { $modelvoicetypesstatus = JAVBModel::getInstance('voicetypesstatus', 'javoiceModel'); $status = $modelvoicetypesstatus->getItem($status_id); if ($status) { $title .= $status->title; if ($status->parent_id) { $parents = $modelvoicetypesstatus->getItem($status->parent_id); if ($parents) { $title = "<span style='font-weight:bold;' id='jav_parent_title_{$voicetype->id}'>" . $parents->title . "</span>: " . "<span id='jav_title_{$voicetype->id}'>" . $title . "</span>"; } } } } if ($title == '') { $title = "<span style='font-weight:bold;' id='jav_parent_title_{$voicetype->id}'>----</span>: " . "<span id='jav_title_{$voicetype->id}'>---</span>"; } $params->set("status_spam_title_{$voicetype->id}", $title); } } }
function changeLog($voicetype_id, $item_id, $model_items) { $model_voicetype = JAVBModel::getInstance('voicetypes', 'javoiceModel'); $voicetype = $model_voicetype->getItem($voicetype_id); $logs = $model_items->getLogs(" and item_id={$item_id}"); if ($logs) { if ($voicetype->total_votes > -1) { foreach ($logs as $log) { $user = JFactory::getUser($log->user_id); $votes_left = (int) $user->getParam('votes_left-' . $voicetype->id); $user->setParam('votes_left-' . $voicetype->id, $votes_left + abs($log->votes)); $user->save(); } } $model_items->clearLogs(" and item_id={$item_id}"); } }
function getVoiceTypesIds($gid) { $filter_voicetypes_title = JRequest::getVar('filter_voicetypes_title', NULL); $model_voice_types = JAVBModel::getInstance('voicetypes', 'javoiceModel'); $joins = "\tINNER JOIN #__jav_forums_has_voice_types as fv ON fv.voice_types_id =\n\t\t\t\t \tINNER JOIN #__jav_forums as f ON = fv.forums_id"; $where = " AND t.published=1 AND f.gids_view LIKE '%{$gid}%' AND f.published =1"; if ($filter_voicetypes_title) { $temp = str_replace(",", "','", $filter_voicetypes_title); $where .= " AND t.title IN ('" . $temp . "')"; } $voice_types = $model_voice_types->getDyamicItems($where, '', 0, 0, 'DISTINCT', $joins); if ($voice_types) { return implode(",", $voice_types); } else { return 0; } }
function changevoicetypebystatusid() { $model = JAVBModel::getInstance('voicetypesstatus', 'javoiceModel'); $status_id = JRequest::getInt('status_id', 0); $where = ''; if ($status_id != 0) { $where = " AND{$status_id} "; } $fiel = " DISTINCT,t.title "; $orderby = " t.title DESC "; $voicetypes = $model->getItemsDyamic($fiel, $where, $orderby); if ($voicetypes) { $displayVoicetypes = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $voicetypes, 'voice_types_id', 'class="inputbox" ', 'id', 'title', 0); echo $displayVoicetypes; } }
public function getItems() { global $javconfig; $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); // Get the page/component configuration $params = $mainframe->getParams(); // parameters $gl_cid = $params->def('item_id', ''); $gl_uid = $params->def('user_id', ''); $model = $this->getModel('items'); $user = JFactory::getUser(); $lists = $model->_getVars(); //print_r($lists);exit; $type = $model->getVoiceType(JRequest::getInt('type', 1)); if (JRequest::getVar('layout', 'default') == 'item') { $lists['limit'] = 1; } $where_more = ''; $order = ''; if (isset($lists['order']) && $lists['order'] != '') { if ($lists['order'] == 'create_date desc') { if ($javconfig["systems"]->get('is_set_time_new_voice', 1)) { $lagNewVoice = $javconfig["systems"]->get('time_for_new_voice', 7200); $where_more .= ' and (i.create_date +' . $lagNewVoice . ') >=' . time(); } else { $where_more .= ' and i.create_date>=' . $_SESSION['JAV_LAST_VISITED']; } } $order = $lists['order'] . ' ' . @$lists['order_Dir']; } if (JRequest::getInt('type')) { $where_more .= " and i.voice_types_id='" . JRequest::getInt('type') . "'"; } if (JRequest::getInt('forums')) { $where_more .= " and i.forums_id='" . JRequest::getInt('forums') . "'"; } if (JRequest::getVar('forums_id')) { if (JRequest::getVar('forums_id') == "no_forum") { return false; } else { $where_more .= " and i.forums_id in (" . JRequest::getVar('forums_id') . ")"; } } if (JRequest::getInt('uid') && JRequest::getVar('view') == 'users') { $where_more .= ' and i.user_id=' . JRequest::getInt('uid'); } elseif (intval($gl_uid)) { $where_more .= ' and i.user_id=' . (int) $gl_uid; } /* BEGIN: Show items are activing Only */ $model_status = JAVBModel::getInstance('voicetypesstatus', 'javoiceModel'); $list_status = $model_status->getListTreeStatus(0, false, 0); $model->getWhereWidget($where_more); $status = JRequest::getVar('status', NULL); if ($status) { if (is_numeric($status)) { $where_more .= " AND i.voice_type_status_id='" . (int) $status . "' "; } else { $temps = explode(",", $status); $statusStr = array(); foreach ($temps as $temp) { $statusStr[] = "s.title LIKE '%{$temp}%'"; } $where_more .= count($statusStr) ? ' AND ( ' . implode(' OR ', $statusStr) . ")" : '' . ")"; } } else { if (JRequest::getString('key', '') == '') { $status_ids = array(); foreach ($list_status as $k => $status) { if ($status->parent_id != 0 && !$model_status->is_spam('', $status) || JRequest::getWord('layout') == 'item') { $status_ids[] = $status->id; } } } else { $status_ids = array(); foreach ($list_status as $k => $status) { if ($status->parent_id > 0 && (!$model_status->is_spam('', $status) || $model_status->is_closed('', $status)) || JRequest::getWord('layout') == 'item') { $status_ids[] = $status->id; } } } if (!$status_ids) { $status_ids = array(0); } $where_more .= " and ( i.voice_type_status_id in (" . implode(',', $status_ids) . ") or i.voice_type_status_id=0)"; } /* END: Show items are activing Only */ if ($cid = JRequest::getVar('cid', array(), '', 'array')) { JArrayHelper::toInteger($cid); if ($cid) { $cid = implode(',', $cid); $where_more .= " and in ({$cid})"; } } elseif (intval($gl_cid)) { $where_more .= " and" . (int) $gl_cid; } $where_more .= ' and i.published=1'; if ($javconfig["systems"]->get("is_enable_tagging", 0) && JRequest::getVar("tagid", 0)) { $where_more .= " and tv.tagID='" . JRequest::getVar("tagid", 0) . "'"; } $join = " LEFT JOIN #__jav_voice_type_status as s ON"; $fields_join = ' s.title as status_title, s.class_css as status_class_css, s.allow_voting as status_allow_voting, s.parent_id as status_parent_id, s.published as status_publishded'; if ($javconfig["systems"]->get("is_enable_tagging", 0) && JRequest::getVar("tagid", 0)) { $join .= " INNER JOIN #__jav_tags_voice as tv ON"; $fields_join .= ", tv.tagID"; } if ($user->id) { $fields_join .= ', lg.votes'; $join .= " LEFT JOIN #__jav_logs as lg ON ( and lg.user_id='{$user->id}')"; } if (JRequest::getVar("pagingtype") == "autoscroll") { //page $next_page = (int) JRequest::getVar("javpage"); $lists['limitstart'] = $next_page * $lists['limit']; } $items = $model->getItems($where_more, trim($order), $lists['limitstart'], $lists['limit'], $fields_join, $join); $this->_totalc = $model->getCurrentTotal(); if ($items) { $items = $model->parseItems_params($items, $type); //print_r($items);exit; foreach ($items as $k => $item) { //if($javconfig['plugin']->get('is_attach_image',1)){ $path = JPATH_ROOT . DS . "images" . DS . "stories" . DS . "ja_voice" . DS . $item->id; $item->attachs[] = $model->formatFilesInDir($path, 'download', $item->user_id, $item->id); //} $helper = new JAVoiceHelpers(); $item->avatar = $helper->getAvatar($item->user_id); if ($item->user_id) { $userinfo = JFactory::getUser($item->user_id); $item->username = $userinfo->username; $item->userparams = $userinfo->getParameters(); $items[$k] = $item; } } } return $items; }
function getTagName($tagID) { $modelTags = JAVBModel::getInstance('tags', 'javoiceModel'); return $modelTags->getTagName($tagID); }
/** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $item */ function edit($item = null) { $model = $this->getModel(); $number = JRequest::getVar('numbet', 0); $postBack = JAVoiceHelpers::isPostBack(); if (!$item) { $item = $this->get('Item'); if ($postBack) { $post = JRequest::get('request', JREQUEST_ALLOWHTML); $item->bind($post); $item->gids_view_selected = $post['gids_view']; $item->gids_post_selected = $post['gids_post']; $item->gids_vote_selected = $post['gids_vote']; } else { $item->gids_post_selected = array(); if ($item->gids_post != '') { $item->gids_post_selected = explode("\n", $item->gids_post); } $item->gids_view_selected = array(); if ($item->gids_view != '') { $item->gids_view_selected = explode("\n", $item->gids_view); } $item->gids_vote_selected = array(); } } $modelvoicetypes = JAVBModel::getInstance('voicetypes', 'javoiceModel'); $modelvoicetypesstatus = JAVBModel::getInstance('voicetypesstatus', 'javoiceModel'); $voicetypes = $modelvoicetypes->getItems('', ' t.ordering'); if ($postBack) { $model->parseVoiceTypePostBack($post, $voicetypes); } else { $model->parseVoiceTypes($item->id, $voicetypes); } $lists = $modelvoicetypesstatus->displaySelectList($voicetypes, JText::_("DO_NOT_USE_STATUS")); $ordering = $model->getOrdering($item); $gtree = JAVoiceHelpers::getGroupUser(); //$gtree = $acl->get_group_children_tree ( null, 'USERS', false ); $model->parseGroupUser($gtree, 1); $this->assignRef('item', $item); $this->assignRef('gtree', $gtree); $this->assignRef('voicetypes', $voicetypes); $this->assignRef('lists', $lists); $this->assignRef('ordering', $ordering); $this->assignRef('number', $number); }
function edit($item = null) { $isgroup = 0; $isedit = 0; if ($this->getLayout() == 'group') { $isgroup = 1; } $model = $this->getModel('voicetypesstatus'); if (!$item) { $item = $this->get('Item'); if ($item->id > 0) { $isedit = 1; } if (JAVoiceHelpers::isPostBack()) { $post = JRequest::get('request', JREQUEST_ALLOWHTML); $item->bind($post); } } $items_voice_type = 0; if ($isedit) { $modelitems = JAVBModel::getInstance('items', 'javoiceModel'); $items_voice_type = $modelitems->getTotal(" AND i.voice_type_status_id = {$item->id} "); } if (!$isedit) { $voice_types_id = JRequest::getInt('voice_types_id', 0); if ($voice_types_id) { $item->voice_types_id = $voice_types_id; } } JFilterOutput::objectHTMLSafe($item, ENT_QUOTES, ''); $tree = $model->displaySelect($item->voice_types_id, $item->parent_id, " id='parent_id' name='parent_id' class=\"inputbox\" "); $modelvoicetypes = JAVBModel::getInstance('voicetypes', 'javoiceModel'); $voicetypes = $modelvoicetypes->getItems(''); if (!is_array($voicetypes)) { $voicetypes = array(); } $urlrequeststatus = "index.php?tmpl=component&option=com_javoice&view=voicetypesstatus&task=changestatusbyvoicetypeid&isparent=1"; $onchange = "onchange=\"changeStatus('{$urlrequeststatus}',this.value)\";"; if ($isgroup) { $onchange = ''; } $disable = ''; if ($isedit) { if ($items_voice_type > 0 || $isgroup) { $disable = ' disabled="disabled" '; } } $displayVoicetypes = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $voicetypes, 'voice_types_id', "class=\"inputbox\" style=\"height:22px\" {$disable} {$onchange} ", 'id', 'title', $item->voice_types_id); $this->assign('displayVoicetypes', $displayVoicetypes); $number = JRequest::getVar('number', 0); $this->assignRef('isgroup', $isgroup); $this->assignRef('item', $item); $this->assignRef('tree', $tree); $this->assignRef('number', $number); }
*/ // no direct access defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); if (!defined('DS')) { define('DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); } //Require the submenu for component jimport('joomla.application.component.table'); jimport('joomla.application.component.model'); jimport(''); jimport('joomla.application.component.controller'); JLoader::register('JAVBModel', JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR . '/models/model.php'); JLoader::register('JAVFController', JPATH_COMPONENT . '/controllers/controller.php'); JLoader::register('JAVBView', JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR . '/views/view.php'); JTable::addIncludePath(JPATH_SITE . '/administrator/components/com_javoice/tables'); JAVBModel::addIncludePath(JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_javoice/models'); /* Require Helper */ require_once JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_javoice/helpers/jahelper.php'; $GLOBALS['javconfig'] = array(); JAVoiceHelpers::get_config_system(); global $javconfig; require_once JPATH_COMPONENT_SITE . '/asset/cron/cron.php'; if (isset($javconfig['systems']) && $javconfig['systems']->get('is_turn_off_javoice', 0)) { if (!JAVoiceHelpers::check_access()) { return; } } if (!isset($_SESSION['JAV_LAST_VISITED'])) { if (isset($_COOKIE['JAV_LAST_VISITED'])) { $_SESSION['JAV_LAST_VISITED'] = $_COOKIE['JAV_LAST_VISITED']; } else {
function remove() { $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $cids = JRequest::getVar('cid', null, 'request', 'array'); $count = count($cids); $errors = array(); $id_used = array(); $is_fail = array(); if ($count > 0) { $model_items = JAVBModel::getInstance('items', 'javoiceModel'); $model_forums = JAVBModel::getInstance('forums', 'javoiceModel'); foreach ($cids as $cid) { $total_item = $model_items->getTotal(" AND i.voice_types_id=" . (int) $cid); $join = " INNER JOIN #__jav_forums_has_voice_types as t ON = t.forums_id"; $total_forum = $model_forums->getTotal(" AND t.voice_types_id =" . (int) $cid, $join); if ($total_forum > 0 || $total_item > 0) { if ($total_forum > 0) { $id_used_forum[] = $this->getItem($cid)->title; } if ($total_item > 0) { $id_used_items[] = $this->getItem($cid)->title; } } else { $query = "DELETE FROM #__jav_voice_types WHERE id={$cid}"; $db->setQuery($query); if (!$db->query()) { $is_fail[] = $cid; } } } if (count($id_used_forum) > 0 || count($id_used_items) > 0) { $errors[] = ''; if (count($id_used_forum) > 0) { $errors[] .= "[Voice type: " . implode(',', $id_used_forum) . "]" . JText::_('VOICE_TYPE_IS_BEING_USED_BY_FORUMS'); } if (count($id_used_items) > 0) { $errors[] .= "[Voice type: " . implode(',', $id_used_items) . "]" . JText::_('VOICE_TYPE_IS_BEING_USED_BY_ITEMS'); } } if (count($is_fail) > 0) { $errors[] = "[ID: " . implode(',', $is_fail) . "]" . JText::_('FAILURE_TO_DELETE_VOICE_TYPE'); } } return $errors; }
function parseItems_params($items, $type = null) { global $javconfig; //print_r($items);exit; $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $helper = new JAVoiceHelpers(); $Itemid = JRequest::getInt('Itemid'); if ($type) { $types[0] = $type; } else { $types = $this->getVoiceTypes(); } $array_votes = array(); if ($types) { foreach ($types as $type) { $params_type = class_exists('JRegistry') ? new JRegistry($type->vote_option) : new JParameter($type->vote_option); $array_votes[$type->id]['value'] = $params_type->get('votes_value') ? str_replace("###", ',', $params_type->get('votes_value')) : ''; $array_votes[$type->id]['text'] = $params_type->get('votes_text') ? $db->Quote(str_replace("###", ',', $params_type->get('votes_text'))) : ''; $array_votes[$type->id]['description'] = $params_type->get('votes_description') ? $db->Quote(str_replace("###", ',', htmlspecialchars($params_type->get('votes_description')))) : ''; } } $currentUser = JFactory::getUser(); require_once JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_javoice' . DS . 'models' . DS . 'forums.php'; $model_forums = new JAVoiceModelforums(); $searchword = JRequest::getString('key'); require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_search' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'search.php'; if ($items) { $model_status = JAVBModel::getInstance('voicetypesstatus', 'javoiceModel'); foreach ($items as $k => $item) { if (!$item->status_publishded) { $items[$k]->voice_type_status_id = 0; } $items[$k]->content = $helper->showItem($items[$k]->content, 0); //if user use anonymous in this item if (!($javconfig['systems']->get('use_anonymous', 0) && $item->use_anonymous)) { if (isset($item->user_id) && $item->user_id > 0) { $user = JFactory::getUser($item->user_id); if ($javconfig['plugin']->get('displayname', 'username') == "name") { $creat_by = $user->name; } else { if ($javconfig['plugin']->get('displayname', 'username') == "username") { $creat_by = $user->username; } else { $creat_by = JText::_("ANONYMOUS"); } } } elseif (isset($item->guest_name) && $item->guest_name != '') { if ($javconfig['plugin']->get('displayname', 'username') == "anonymous") { $creat_by = JText::_("ANONYMOUS"); } else { $creat_by = $item->guest_name; } } else { $creat_by = JText::_('ANONYMOUS'); } } else { $creat_by = JText::_('ANONYMOUS'); } $link = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_javoice&view=items&layout=item&cid=' . $item->id . '&type=' . $item->voice_types_id . '&forums=' . $item->forums_id . '&Itemid=' . $Itemid); $items[$k]->create_date_store = $item->create_date; $items[$k]->create_date = $helper->generatTimeStamp($item->create_date); $items[$k]->update_date = $helper->generatTimeStamp($item->update_date); $items[$k]->create_by = $creat_by; $items[$k]->link = $link; $items[$k]->list_vote_value = ''; $items[$k]->list_vote_text = '\'\''; $items[$k]->list_vote_description = '\'\''; $items[$k]->has_down = 0; $check = true; /* Check status has closed */ if ($item->voice_type_status_id && $item->status_allow_voting == 0) { $items[$k]->list_vote_msg = $db->Quote(JText::_('VOTING_IS_CLOSED')); $check = false; } elseif ($item->voice_type_status_id && $item->status_allow_voting == -1) { $parent_status = $model_status->getItem($item->status_parent_id); if ($parent_status->allow_voting == 0) { $items[$k]->list_vote_msg = $db->Quote(JText::_('VOTING_IS_CLOSED')); $check = false; } else { $item->status_allow_voting = $parent_status->allow_voting; } } if ($check) { $user_can_post = $user_can_view = 0; $forum = $model_forums->getItem(array($item->forums_id)); $forum->gids_post = str_replace("\n\n", "\n", $forum->gids_post); $forum->gids_vote = str_replace("\n\n", "\n", $forum->gids_post); $lits_user_can_posts = explode("\n", $forum->gids_post); $lits_user_can_views = explode("\n", $forum->gids_view); $levels = $currentUser->getAuthorisedViewLevels(); $levels[] = 0; foreach ($levels as $gkey => $gVal) { if (in_array($gVal, $lits_user_can_posts)) { $user_can_post = 1; } if (in_array($gVal, $lits_user_can_views)) { $user_can_view = 1; } } if (!$user_can_view) { unset($items[$k]); } else { if ($user_can_post && isset($array_votes[$item->voice_types_id]['value'])) { $items[$k]->list_vote_value = $array_votes[$item->voice_types_id]['value']; $items[$k]->list_vote_text = $array_votes[$item->voice_types_id]['text']; $items[$k]->list_vote_description = $array_votes[$item->voice_types_id]['description']; $items[$k]->list_vote_msg = '\'\''; $values = explode(',', $array_votes[$item->voice_types_id]['value']); foreach ($values as $value) { if (intval($value) < 0) { $items[$k]->has_down = 1; break; } } } else { if ($currentUser->id) { $items[$k]->list_vote_msg = '<span class=error>' . JText::_('YOU_DO_NOT_HAVE_PERMISSION_TO_VOTE') . '<span>'; } else { $items[$k]->list_vote_msg = JText::_('LOGINREGISTER_TO_VOTE'); } $items[$k]->list_vote_msg = $db->Quote($items[$k]->list_vote_msg); } } } if ($searchword && isset($items[$k])) { $searchwords = preg_split("/\\s+/u", $searchword); $needle = $searchwords[0]; $maxchars = $javconfig['systems']->get('maxchars', 100); if ($maxchars == -1) { $maxchars = strlen($item->content); } SearchHelper::prepareSearchContent($item->content, $maxchars, $needle); $searchwords = array_unique($searchwords); $searchRegex = '#('; $x = 0; foreach ($searchwords as $hlword) { $searchRegex .= $x == 0 ? '' : '|'; $searchRegex .= preg_quote($hlword, '#'); $x++; } $searchRegex .= ')#iu'; $items[$k]->content = preg_replace($searchRegex, '<span class="highlight">\\0</span>', $item->content); $items[$k]->title = preg_replace($searchRegex, '<span class="highlight">\\0</span>', $item->title); } } } return $items; }
function changeStatus($old_status_id, $item) { //echo $old_status_id;echo $item->voice_type_status_id; $model_actionslog = JAVBModel::getInstance('actionslog', 'javoiceModel'); $user = JFactory::getUser(); $type = JText::_("CHANGE_STATUS"); $old_status = $this->getItem($old_status_id); $old_status->title = $old_status->title ? $old_status->title : JText::_("NONE_STATUS"); $details = JText::_("CHANGE_STATUS_ITEMS_FROM") . $old_status->title; $this->getTable('', 'Table'); $new_status = $this->getItem($item->voice_type_status_id); $new_status->title = $new_status->title ? $new_status->title : JText::_("NONE_STATUS"); $details .= " " . JText::_("TO") . " " . $new_status->title; $ref_id = $item->id; $time = time(); $model_actionslog->makeLog($user->id, $type, $details, $ref_id, $time); $this->writeLogChange($old_status_id, $item); }
function response() { global $javconfig; $model = JAVBModel::getInstance('items', 'javoiceModel'); $type = JRequest::getVar('type', 'admin_response'); if (!isset($item)) { $item = $model->getAdmin_response(); } $cid[0] = $item->item_id; $row = $model->getItem($cid); $item->item_title = $row ? $row->title : ''; $response = JFactory::getUser($item->user_id); $item->responsename = $response ? $response->username : ''; $this->assign('item', $item); $this->assign('type', $type); $this->assign("is_show_embed_video", $javconfig['plugin']->get('is_show_embed_video', 1)); $this->assign("enable_smileys", $javconfig['plugin']->get('enable_smileys', 1)); $this->assign("enable_bbcode", $javconfig['plugin']->get('enable_bbcode', 1)); $this->assign("enable_after_the_deadline", $javconfig['plugin']->get('enable_after_the_deadline', 1)); $this->assign("is_attach_image", $javconfig['plugin']->get('is_attach_image', 1)); $this->assign("total_attach_file", $javconfig['plugin']->get('total_attach_file', 1)); $this->assign("max_size_attach_file", $javconfig['plugin']->get('max_size_attach_file', 1)); $this->assign("is_enable_captcha", $javconfig['plugin']->get('is_enable_captcha', 1)); $this->assign("is_enable_captcha_user", $javconfig['plugin']->get('is_enable_captcha_user', 1)); $this->assign("textAreaID", "newVoiceContentReply"); }
function displayForm() { $user = JFactory::getUser(); $model = $this->getModel('feeds'); $model_forums = JAVBModel::getInstance('forums', 'javoiceModel'); $model_voice_types = JAVBModel::getInstance('voicetypes', 'javoiceModel'); $feed = JRequest::getVar('feed', NULL); if (!$feed) { $feed = $this->get('Item'); } $lists['rssTypeList'] = $model->getRssType($feed->feed_type); $model->getLists($lists, $feed); // Filter feeds - begin $where = " AND f.published =1"; foreach ($user->getAuthorisedViewLevels() as $gkey => $gVal) { // $gid[] = $gVal; if ($where == " AND f.published =1") { $where .= " AND (f.gids_view LIKE '%{$gkey}%'"; } else { $where .= " OR f.gids_view LIKE '%{$gkey}%'"; } } if ($where != " AND f.published =1") { $where .= ")"; } $forums = $model_forums->getItems($where); $lists['forumStr'] = ""; $lists['filter_forums_id'] = ""; if ($forums) { $str = array(); foreach ($forums as $forum) { $str[] = $forum->title; } $lists['forumStr'] = implode(",", $str); $selected = ""; if ($feed->filter_forums_id) { $selected = explode(",", $feed->filter_forums_id); } $forumsHTML = array_merge(array(JHTML::_('select.option', '-1', JText::_('ALL'), 'id', 'title')), $forums); $lists['filter_forums_id'] = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $forumsHTML, 'filter_forums_id[]', 'class="inputbox" size="10" multiple="multiple"', 'id', 'title', $selected); } $joins = "\tINNER JOIN #__jav_forums_has_voice_types as fv ON fv.voice_types_id =\n\t\t\t\t \tINNER JOIN #__jav_forums as f ON = fv.forums_id"; $where = " AND t.published=1 AND f.published=1"; foreach ($user->getAuthorisedViewLevels() as $gkey => $gVal) { // $gid[] = $gVal; if ($where == " AND t.published=1 AND f.published=1") { $where .= " AND (f.gids_view LIKE '%{$gkey}%'"; } else { $where .= " OR f.gids_view LIKE '%{$gkey}%'"; } } if ($where != " AND t.published=1 AND f.published=1") { $where .= ")"; } $voice_types = $model_voice_types->getDyamicItems($where, '', 0, 0, 'DISTINCT t.*', $joins, 'object'); $lists['filter_voice_types_id'] = ""; $lists['voice_typesStr'] = ""; if ($voice_types) { $str = array(); foreach ($voice_types as $voice_type) { $str[] = $voice_type->title; } $lists['voice_typesStr'] = implode(",", $str); $selected = ""; if ($feed->filter_voicetypes_id) { $selected = explode(",", $feed->filter_voicetypes_id); } $voice_typesHTML = array_merge(array(JHTML::_('select.option', '-1', JText::_('ALL'), 'id', 'title')), $voice_types); $lists['filter_voice_types_id'] = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $voice_typesHTML, 'filter_voicetypes_id[]', 'class="inputbox" size="10" multiple="multiple"', 'id', 'title', $selected); } $selected = isset($feed->filter_status) ? $feed->filter_status : 2; $lists['statuss'] = $model->getItemsStatus($selected); $this->assignRef('lists', $lists); $this->assignRef('feed', $feed); }
/** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * JA Voice Package for Joomla 2.5 & 3.x * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Copyright (C) 2004-2011 J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. * @license - GNU/GPL, * Author: J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd * Websites: - * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); global $javconfig; $link_target = JRequest::getVar('link_target', '_blank'); $view_all_button = JRequest::getVar('view_all_button', 'yes'); $model_status = JAVBModel::getInstance('voicetypesstatus', 'javoiceModel'); $Itemid = JAVoiceHelpers::get_Itemid(array('option' => 'com_javoice', 'view' => 'items')); $list_status = $model_status->getListTreeStatus(); $sytem_comment = isset($javconfig['integrate']) ? $javconfig['integrate']->get('run_system', 'intensedebate') : 'intensedebate'; $helper = new JAVoiceHelpers(); $items = $this->items; if ($items) { ?> <ol> <?php foreach ($items as $item) { ?> <?php $listFiles = ""; if (!$user->id && isset($_COOKIE[md5('jav-view-item') . $item->id])) { $item->votes = $_COOKIE[md5('jav-view-item') . $item->id];
function editpermissions($params) { $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); $items = array(); $option = 'permissions'; $helper = new JAVoiceHelpers(); //$postback = $helper->isPostBack (); $model = JAVBModel::getInstance('permissions', 'javoiceModel'); $lists = $model->_getVars(); $where = ""; $lists['groupname'] = JRequest::getInt("groupname", 0); if ($lists['groupname']) { $where = ' AND map2.group_id = ' . $lists['groupname']; } $searchName = JRequest::getVar("search", ""); if ($searchName) { $where .= " AND a.username LIKE '%{$searchName}%'"; } $listUser = $params->get('permissions'); if ($listUser) { $where .= " AND NOT IN(" . $listUser . ")"; } //if ($postback) { $items = $model->getItems($where); //} $this->assign('items', $items); $groupUser = $helper->getGroupUser('', 'groupname', 'class="inputbox" size="1"', $lists['groupname'], 1); $groupUser = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $groupUser, 'groupname', 'class="inputbox" size="1"', 'value', 'text', $lists['groupname']); $this->assign('groupUser', $groupUser); //$this->assign ( 'postback', $postback ); $this->assign('lists', $lists); $this->assign('params', $params); $this->assign('items', $items); }
function remove() { $group = JRequest::getVar('group', NULL); $cid = JRequest::getVar('cid', array(0), '', 'array'); if (!isset($group) || count($cid) == 0) { $message = JText::_("ERROR_OCCURRED_DATA_NOT_SAVED"); $this->setRedirect("index.php?option=com_javoice&view=configs&group=permissions", $message); } else { $model = $this->getModel('configs'); $data = $model->getItems(); $config = JTable::getInstance('configs', 'Table'); $config->bind($data); $params = class_exists('JRegistry') ? new JRegistry($config->data) : new JParameter($config->data); $user = $params->get('permissions', NULL); $user_new = array(); $error = $this->checkDeletePermission($cid); if ($user) { $user = explode(",", $user); $user_new = array_diff($user, $cid); } else { $model_permissions = JAVBModel::getInstance('permissions', 'javoiceModel'); /* if ($type== 'admin') { $where_more .= " AND u.usertype in ('Manager','Administrator','Super Administrator')"; } */ $items = $model_permissions->getItems('', 1000000, 0, ''); if (count($items) > 0) { foreach ($items as $item) { if (!in_array($item->id, $cid)) { $user_new[] = $item->id; } } } } if ($user_new) { $user_new = implode(',', $user_new); } else { $user_new = ''; } $user_new = 'permissions=' . $user_new; $config->data = $params->set('permissions', $user_new); $config->group = $group; if ($config->store()) { if ($error) { foreach ($error as $err) { JError::raiseWarning(1001, $err); $this->setRedirect("index.php?option=com_javoice&view=configs&group=permissions"); } } else { $message = JText::_("DELETE_DATA_SUCCESSFULLY"); $this->setRedirect("index.php?option=com_javoice&view=configs&group=permissions", $message); } } else { $message = JText::_("ERROR_OCCURRED_DATA_NOT_SAVED"); $this->setRedirect("index.php?option=com_javoice&view=configs&group=permissions", $message); } } return TRUE; }