  * Gets the 'ivory_ck_editor.config_manager' service.
  * This service is shared.
  * This method always returns the same instance of the service.
  * @return \Ivory\CKEditorBundle\Model\ConfigManager A Ivory\CKEditorBundle\Model\ConfigManager instance.
 protected function getIvoryCkEditor_ConfigManagerService()
     $this->services['ivory_ck_editor.config_manager'] = $instance = new \Ivory\CKEditorBundle\Model\ConfigManager();
     $instance->setConfig('default', array('toolbar' => array(0 => array(0 => 'Source', 1 => '-', 2 => 'NewPage', 3 => 'Preview', 4 => 'Print', 5 => '-', 6 => 'Templates'), 1 => array(0 => 'Cut', 1 => 'Copy', 2 => 'Paste', 3 => 'PasteText', 4 => 'PasteFromWord', 5 => '-', 6 => 'Undo', 7 => 'Redo'), 2 => array(0 => 'Find', 1 => 'Replace', 2 => '-', 3 => 'SelectAll', 4 => '-', 5 => 'Scayt'), 3 => array(0 => 'Form', 1 => 'Checkbox', 2 => 'Radio', 3 => 'TextField', 4 => 'Textarea', 5 => 'SelectField', 6 => 'Button', 7 => 'ImageButton', 8 => 'HiddenField'), 4 => '/', 5 => array(0 => 'Bold', 1 => 'Italic', 2 => 'Underline', 3 => 'Strike', 4 => 'Subscript', 5 => 'Superscript', 6 => '-', 7 => 'RemoveFormat'), 6 => array(0 => 'NumberedList', 1 => 'BulletedList', 2 => '-', 3 => 'Outdent', 4 => 'Indent', 5 => '-', 6 => 'Blockquote', 7 => 'CreateDiv', 8 => '-', 9 => 'JustifyLeft', 10 => 'JustifyCenter', 11 => 'JustifyRight', 12 => 'JustifyBlock', 13 => '-', 14 => 'BidiLtr', 15 => 'BidiRtl'), 7 => array(0 => 'Link', 1 => 'Unlink', 2 => 'Anchor'), 8 => array(0 => 'Image', 1 => 'FLash', 2 => 'Table', 3 => 'HorizontalRule', 4 => 'SpecialChar', 5 => 'Smiley', 6 => 'PageBreak', 7 => 'Iframe'), 9 => '/', 10 => array(0 => 'Styles', 1 => 'Format', 2 => 'Font', 3 => 'FontSize', 4 => 'TextColor', 5 => 'BGColor'), 11 => array(0 => 'Maximize', 1 => 'ShowBlocks'), 12 => array(0 => 'About'))));
     return $instance;
  * Gets the 'ivory_ck_editor.config_manager' service.
  * This service is shared.
  * This method always returns the same instance of the service.
  * @return \Ivory\CKEditorBundle\Model\ConfigManager A Ivory\CKEditorBundle\Model\ConfigManager instance
 protected function getIvoryCkEditor_ConfigManagerService()
     $this->services['ivory_ck_editor.config_manager'] = $instance = new \Ivory\CKEditorBundle\Model\ConfigManager();
     $instance->setConfig('my_config', array('language' => 'fr'));
     return $instance;
  * Gets the 'ivory_ck_editor.config_manager' service.
  * This service is shared.
  * This method always returns the same instance of the service.
  * @return \Ivory\CKEditorBundle\Model\ConfigManager A Ivory\CKEditorBundle\Model\ConfigManager instance.
 protected function getIvoryCkEditor_ConfigManagerService()
     $this->services['ivory_ck_editor.config_manager'] = $instance = new \Ivory\CKEditorBundle\Model\ConfigManager();
     $instance->setConfig('default', array('filebrowserBrowseRoute' => 'admin_sonata_media_media_ckeditor_browser', 'filebrowserImageBrowseRoute' => 'admin_sonata_media_media_ckeditor_browser', 'filebrowserImageBrowseRouteParameters' => array('provider' => 'sonata.media.provider.image'), 'filebrowserUploadRoute' => 'admin_sonata_media_media_ckeditor_upload', 'filebrowserUploadRouteParameters' => array('provider' => 'sonata.media.provider.file'), 'filebrowserImageUploadRoute' => 'admin_sonata_media_media_ckeditor_upload', 'filebrowserImageUploadRouteParameters' => array('provider' => 'sonata.media.provider.image', 'context' => 'default')));
     $instance->setConfig('news', array('filebrowserBrowseRoute' => 'admin_sonata_media_media_ckeditor_browser', 'filebrowserImageBrowseRoute' => 'admin_sonata_media_media_ckeditor_browser', 'filebrowserImageBrowseRouteParameters' => array('provider' => 'sonata.media.provider.image'), 'filebrowserUploadRoute' => 'admin_sonata_media_media_ckeditor_upload', 'filebrowserUploadRouteParameters' => array('provider' => 'sonata.media.provider.file'), 'filebrowserImageUploadRoute' => 'admin_sonata_media_media_ckeditor_upload', 'filebrowserImageUploadRouteParameters' => array('provider' => 'sonata.media.provider.image', 'context' => 'news')));
     return $instance;
  * Gets the 'ivory_ck_editor.config_manager' service.
  * This service is shared.
  * This method always returns the same instance of the service.
  * @return \Ivory\CKEditorBundle\Model\ConfigManager A Ivory\CKEditorBundle\Model\ConfigManager instance.
 protected function getIvoryCkEditor_ConfigManagerService()
     $this->services['ivory_ck_editor.config_manager'] = $instance = new \Ivory\CKEditorBundle\Model\ConfigManager();
     $instance->setConfig('default', array('filebrowserBrowseRoute' => 'elfinder', 'filebrowserBrowseRouteParameters' => array('instance' => 'ckeditor'), 'toolbar' => array(0 => array(0 => 'Source'), 1 => array(0 => 'Bold', 1 => 'Italic', 2 => 'Underline', 3 => 'Strike', 4 => 'Subscript', 5 => 'Superscript', 6 => '-', 7 => 'RemoveFormat'), 2 => array(0 => 'Cut', 1 => 'Copy', 2 => 'Paste', 3 => 'PasteText', 4 => 'PasteFromWord', 5 => '-', 6 => 'Undo', 7 => 'Redo'), 3 => array(0 => 'NumberedList', 1 => 'BulletedList', 2 => '-', 3 => 'Outdent', 4 => 'Indent', 5 => '-', 6 => 'Blockquote', 7 => 'CreateDiv', 8 => '-', 9 => 'JustifyLeft', 10 => 'JustifyCenter', 11 => 'JustifyRight', 12 => 'JustifyBlock'), 4 => '/', 5 => array(0 => 'Image', 1 => 'Table', 2 => 'HorizontalRule', 3 => 'SpecialChar'), 6 => array(0 => 'Link', 1 => 'Unlink', 2 => 'Anchor'), 7 => array(0 => 'Styles', 1 => 'Format', 2 => 'Font', 3 => 'FontSize'), 8 => array(0 => 'TextColor', 1 => 'BGColor'), 9 => array(0 => 'Maximize', 1 => 'ShowBlocks')), 'uiColor' => '#ffffff', 'allowedContent' => true, 'autoParagraph' => false, 'disableNativeSpellChecker' => false));
     return $instance;