Esempio n. 1
 * Prepare the MainList object for displaying skins.
 * @param integer max # of posts on the page
function init_MainList($items_nb_limit)
    global $MainList;
    global $Blog;
    global $timestamp_min, $timestamp_max;
    global $preview;
    global $disp;
    global $postIDlist, $postIDarray;
    $MainList = new ItemList2($Blog, $timestamp_min, $timestamp_max, $items_nb_limit);
    // COPY (FUNC)
    if (!$preview) {
        if ($disp == 'page') {
            // Get  pages:
            $MainList->set_default_filters(array('types' => '1000'));
        // else: we are either in single or in page mode
        // pre_dump( $MainList->default_filters );
        // pre_dump( $MainList->filters );
        // echo '<br/>'.( $MainList->is_filtered() ? 'filtered' : 'NOT filtered' );
        // $MainList->dump_active_filters();
        // Run the query:
        // Old style globals for category.funcs:
        $postIDlist = $MainList->get_page_ID_list();
        $postIDarray = $MainList->get_page_ID_array();
    } else {
        // We want to preview a single post, we are going to fake a lot of things...
        // Legacy for the category display
        $cat_array = array();
    param('more', 'integer', 0, true);
    param('page', 'integer', 1, true);
    // Post page to show
    param('c', 'integer', 0, true);
    // Display comments?
    param('tb', 'integer', 0, true);
    // Display trackbacks?
    param('pb', 'integer', 0, true);
    // Display pingbacks?
Esempio n. 2
 * Initialize list mode; Several actions need this.
function init_list_mode()
    global $tab, $Blog, $UserSettings, $ItemList, $AdminUI, $posttypes_perms;
    // set default itemslist param prefix
    $items_list_param_prefix = 'items_';
    if (param('p', 'integer', NULL) || param('title', 'string', NULL)) {
        // Single post requested, do not filter any post types. If the user
        // has clicked a post link on the dashboard and previously has selected
        // a tab which would filter this post, it wouldn't be displayed now.
        $tab = 'full';
        // in case of single item view params prefix must be empty
        $items_list_param_prefix = NULL;
    } else {
        // Store/retrieve preferred tab from UserSettings:
        $UserSettings->param_Request('tab', 'pref_browse_tab', 'string', NULL, true, true);
     * Init list of posts to display:
    load_class('items/model/_itemlist.class.php', 'ItemList2');
    if (!empty($tab) && !empty($items_list_param_prefix)) {
        // Use different param prefix for each tab
        $items_list_param_prefix .= substr($tab, 0, 7) . '_';
    // Create empty List:
    $ItemList = new ItemList2($Blog, NULL, NULL, $UserSettings->get('results_per_page'), 'ItemCache', $items_list_param_prefix, $tab);
    // COPY (func)
    $ItemList->set_default_filters(array('visibility_array' => get_visibility_statuses('keys')));
    if ($Blog->get_setting('orderby') == 'RAND') {
        // Do not display random posts in backoffice for easy management
        $ItemList->set_default_filters(array('orderby' => 'datemodified'));
    switch ($tab) {
        case 'full':
            $ItemList->set_default_filters(array('types' => NULL));
            // $AdminUI->breadcrumbpath_add( T_('All items'), '?ctrl=items&amp;blog=$blog$&amp;tab='.$tab.'&amp;filter=restore' );
            // require colorbox js
        case 'manual':
            if ($Blog->get('type') != 'manual') {
                // Display this tab only for manual blogs
                global $admin_url;
                header_redirect($admin_url . '?ctrl=items&blog=' . $Blog->ID . '&tab=list&filter=restore');
            $AdminUI->breadcrumbpath_add(T_('Manual Pages'), '?ctrl=items&amp;blog=$blog$&amp;tab=' . $tab . '&amp;filter=restore');
        case 'list':
            // Nothing special
            $AdminUI->breadcrumbpath_add(T_('Regular posts'), '?ctrl=items&amp;blog=$blog$&amp;tab=' . $tab . '&amp;filter=restore');
        case 'pages':
            $ItemList->set_default_filters(array('types' => implode(',', $posttypes_perms['page'])));
            $AdminUI->breadcrumbpath_add(T_('Pages'), '?ctrl=items&amp;blog=$blog$&amp;tab=' . $tab . '&amp;filter=restore');
        case 'intros':
            $ItemList->set_default_filters(array('types' => implode(',', $posttypes_perms['intro'])));
            $AdminUI->breadcrumbpath_add(T_('Intro posts'), '?ctrl=items&amp;blog=$blog$&amp;tab=' . $tab . '&amp;filter=restore');
        case 'podcasts':
            $ItemList->set_default_filters(array('types' => implode(',', $posttypes_perms['podcast'])));
            $AdminUI->breadcrumbpath_add(T_('Podcasts'), '?ctrl=items&amp;blog=$blog$&amp;tab=' . $tab . '&amp;filter=restore');
        case 'links':
            $ItemList->set_default_filters(array('types' => '3000'));
            $AdminUI->breadcrumbpath_add(T_('Links'), '?ctrl=items&amp;blog=$blog$&amp;tab=' . $tab . '&amp;filter=restore');
        case 'ads':
            $ItemList->set_default_filters(array('types' => '4000'));
            $AdminUI->breadcrumbpath_add(T_('Advertisements'), '?ctrl=items&amp;blog=$blog$&amp;tab=' . $tab . '&amp;filter=restore');
        case 'tracker':
            // In tracker mode, we want a different default sort:
            $ItemList->set_default_filters(array('orderby' => 'priority', 'order' => 'ASC'));
            // Delete the pref_browse_tab setting so that the default
            // (full) gets used the next time the user wants to browse
            // a blog and we don't run into the same error again.
            debug_die('Unknown filterset [' . $tab . ']');
    // Init filter params:
    if (!$ItemList->load_from_Request()) {
        // If we could not init a filterset from request
        // typically happens when we could no fall back to previously saved filterset...
        // echo ' no filterset!';
Esempio n. 3
 * Return an Item if an Intro or a Featured item is available for display in current disp.
 * @return Item
function &get_featured_Item()
    global $Blog;
    global $disp, $disp_detail, $MainList, $FeaturedList;
    global $featured_displayed_item_IDs;
    if ($disp != 'posts' || !isset($MainList)) {
        // If we're not currently displaying posts, no need to try & display a featured/intro post on top!
        $Item = NULL;
        return $Item;
    if (!isset($FeaturedList)) {
        // Don't repeat if we've done this already -- Initialize the featured list only first time this function is called in a skin:
        // Get ready to obtain 1 post only:
        $FeaturedList = new ItemList2($Blog, $Blog->get_timestamp_min(), $Blog->get_timestamp_max(), 1);
        // Set default filters for the current page:
        if (!$MainList->is_filtered()) {
            // This is not a filtered page, so we are on the home page.
            // The competing intro-* types are: 'main' and 'all':
            // fplanque> IMPORTANT> nobody changes this without consulting the manual and talking to me first!
            $restrict_to_types = '1500,1600';
        } else {
            // We are on a filtered... it means a category page or sth like this...
            // echo $disp_detail;
            switch ($disp_detail) {
                case 'posts-cat':
                case 'posts-subcat':
                    // The competing intro-* types are: 'cat' and 'all':
                    // fplanque> IMPORTANT> nobody changes this without consulting the manual and talking to me first!
                    $restrict_to_types = '1520,1600';
                case 'posts-tag':
                    // The competing intro-* types are: 'tag' and 'all':
                    // fplanque> IMPORTANT> nobody changes this without consulting the manual and talking to me first!
                    $restrict_to_types = '1530,1600';
                    // The competing intro-* types are: 'sub' and 'all':
                    // fplanque> IMPORTANT> nobody changes this without consulting the manual and talking to me first!
                    $restrict_to_types = '1570,1600';
        $FeaturedList->set_filters(array('types' => $restrict_to_types), false);
        // pre_dump( $FeaturedList->filters );
        // Run the query:
        if ($FeaturedList->result_num_rows == 0) {
            // No Intro page was found, try to find a featured post instead:
            $FeaturedList->set_filters(array('featured' => 1), false);
            // Run the query:
    // Get next featured item
    $Item = $FeaturedList->get_item();
    if ($Item) {
        // Memorize that ID so that it can later be filtered out normal display:
        $featured_displayed_item_IDs[] = $Item->ID;
    return $Item;
Esempio n. 4
  * Display a button to view the Recent/New Topics
 function display_button_recent_topics()
     global $Blog;
     if (!is_logged_in() || !$Blog->get_setting('track_unread_content')) {
         // For not logged in users AND if the tracking of unread content is turned off for the collection
         $btn_class = 'btn-info';
         $btn_title = T_('Recent Topics');
     } else {
         // For logged in users:
         global $current_User, $DB, $localtimenow;
         // Initialize SQL query to get only the posts which are displayed by global $MainList on disp=posts:
         $ItemList2 = new ItemList2($Blog, $Blog->get_timestamp_min(), $Blog->get_timestamp_max(), NULL, 'ItemCache', 'recent_topics');
         $ItemList2->set_default_filters(array('unit' => 'all'));
         // Get a count of the unread topics for current user:
         $unread_posts_SQL = new SQL();
         $unread_posts_SQL->SELECT('COUNT( post_ID )');
         $unread_posts_SQL->FROM_add('LEFT JOIN T_users__postreadstatus ON post_ID = uprs_post_ID AND uprs_user_ID = ' . $DB->quote($current_User->ID));
         $unread_posts_SQL->FROM_add('INNER JOIN T_categories ON post_main_cat_ID = cat_ID');
         $unread_posts_SQL->WHERE_and('post_last_touched_ts > ' . $DB->quote(date2mysql($localtimenow - 30 * 86400)));
         // In theory, it would be more safe to use this comparison:
         // $unread_posts_SQL->WHERE_and( 'uprs_post_ID IS NULL OR uprs_read_post_ts <= post_last_touched_ts' );
         // But until we have milli- or micro-second precision on timestamps, we decided it was a better trade-off to never see our own edits as unread. So we use:
         $unread_posts_SQL->WHERE_and('uprs_post_ID IS NULL OR uprs_read_post_ts < post_last_touched_ts');
         // Execute a query with to know if current user has new data to view:
         $unread_posts_count = $DB->get_var($unread_posts_SQL->get(), 0, NULL, 'Get a count of the unread topics for current user');
         if ($unread_posts_count > 0) {
             // If at least one new unread topic exists
             $btn_class = 'btn-warning';
             $btn_title = T_('New Topics') . ' <span class="badge">' . $unread_posts_count . '</span>';
         } else {
             // Current user already have read all topics
             $btn_class = 'btn-info';
             $btn_title = T_('Recent Topics');
     // Print out the button:
     echo '<a href="' . $Blog->get('recentpostsurl') . '" class="btn ' . $btn_class . ' pull-right btn_recent_topics">' . $btn_title . '</a>';
Esempio n. 5
 * If an Intro Post is available, return it. If not, see if a Featured Post is available and return it.
 * Note: this will set the global $FeaturedList which may be used to obtain several featured Items.
 * @param string Name of $disp where we should display it
 * @param string Collection IDs:
 *                 NULL: depend on blog setting "Collections to aggregate"
 *                 empty: current blog only
 *                 "*": all blogs
 *                 "1,2,3":blog IDs separated by comma
 *                 "-": current blog only and exclude the aggregated blogs
 * @return Item
function &get_featured_Item($restrict_disp = 'posts', $coll_IDs = NULL)
    global $Blog, $cat;
    global $disp, $disp_detail, $MainList, $FeaturedList;
    global $featured_displayed_item_IDs;
    if ($disp != $restrict_disp || !isset($MainList)) {
        // If we're not currently displaying posts, no need to try & display a featured/intro post on top!
        $Item = NULL;
        return $Item;
    if (!isset($FeaturedList)) {
        // Don't repeat if we've done this already -- Initialize the featured list only first time this function is called in a skin:
        // Get ready to obtain 1 post only:
        $FeaturedList = new ItemList2($Blog, $Blog->get_timestamp_min(), $Blog->get_timestamp_max(), 1);
        $featured_list_filters = $MainList->filters;
        if (!empty($cat)) {
            // Get a featured post only of the selected category and don't touch the posts of the child categories:
            $featured_list_filters['cat_array'] = array($cat);
        // Set default filters for the current page:
        // FIRST: Try to find an Intro post:
        if (!$MainList->is_filtered()) {
            // This is not a filtered page, so we are on the home page.
            if ($restrict_disp == 'front') {
                // Special Front page:
                // Use Intro-Front posts
                $restrict_to_types = '1400';
            } else {
                // Default front page displaying posts:
                // The competing intro-* types are: 'main' and 'all':
                // fplanque> IMPORTANT> nobody changes this without consulting the manual and talking to me first!
                $restrict_to_types = '1500,1600';
        } else {
            // We are on a filtered... it means a category page or sth like this...
            // echo $disp_detail;
            switch ($disp_detail) {
                case 'posts-cat':
                case 'posts-subcat':
                    // The competing intro-* types are: 'cat' and 'all':
                    // fplanque> IMPORTANT> nobody changes this without consulting the manual and talking to me first!
                    $restrict_to_types = '1520,1600';
                case 'posts-tag':
                    // The competing intro-* types are: 'tag' and 'all':
                    // fplanque> IMPORTANT> nobody changes this without consulting the manual and talking to me first!
                    $restrict_to_types = '1530,1600';
                    // The competing intro-* types are: 'sub' and 'all':
                    // fplanque> IMPORTANT> nobody changes this without consulting the manual and talking to me first!
                    $restrict_to_types = '1570,1600';
        $FeaturedList->set_filters(array('coll_IDs' => $coll_IDs, 'types' => $restrict_to_types), false);
        // pre_dump( $FeaturedList->filters );
        // Run the query:
        // SECOND: If no Intro, try to find an Featured post:
        if ($FeaturedList->result_num_rows == 0 && $restrict_disp != 'front') {
            // No Intro page was found, try to find a featured post instead:
            $FeaturedList->set_filters(array('coll_IDs' => $coll_IDs, 'featured' => 1), false);
            // Run the query:
    // Get first Item in the result set.
    $Item = $FeaturedList->get_item();
    if ($Item) {
        // Memorize that ID so that it can later be filtered out of normal display:
        $featured_displayed_item_IDs[] = $Item->ID;
    return $Item;
Esempio n. 6
 * Initialize list mode; Several actions need this.
function init_list_mode()
    global $tab, $tab_type, $Blog, $UserSettings, $ItemList, $AdminUI;
    // set default itemslist param prefix
    $items_list_param_prefix = 'items_';
    if (param('p', 'integer', NULL) || param('title', 'string', NULL)) {
        // Single post requested, do not filter any post types. If the user
        // has clicked a post link on the dashboard and previously has selected
        // a tab which would filter this post, it wouldn't be displayed now.
        $tab = 'full';
        // in case of single item view params prefix must be empty
        $items_list_param_prefix = NULL;
    } else {
        // Store/retrieve preferred tab from UserSettings:
        $UserSettings->param_Request('tab', 'pref_browse_tab', 'string', NULL, true, true);
        $UserSettings->param_Request('tab_type', 'pref_browse_tab_type', 'string', NULL, true, true);
    if ($tab == 'tracker' && !$Blog->get_setting('use_workflow')) {
        // Display workflow view only if it is enabled
        global $Messages;
        $Messages->add(T_('Workflow feature has not been enabled for this collection.'), 'note');
        $tab = 'full';
     * Init list of posts to display:
    load_class('items/model/_itemlist.class.php', 'ItemList2');
    if (!empty($tab) && !empty($items_list_param_prefix)) {
        // Use different param prefix for each tab
        $items_list_param_prefix .= substr($tab, 0, 7) . '_';
        //.utf8_strtolower( $tab_type ).'_';
    // Set different filterset name for each different tab and tab_type
    $filterset_name = $tab == 'type' ? $tab . '_' . utf8_strtolower($tab_type) : $tab;
    // Create empty List:
    $ItemList = new ItemList2($Blog, NULL, NULL, $UserSettings->get('results_per_page'), 'ItemCache', $items_list_param_prefix, $filterset_name);
    // COPY (func)
    $ItemList->set_default_filters(array('visibility_array' => get_visibility_statuses('keys')));
    if ($Blog->get_setting('orderby') == 'RAND') {
        // Do not display random posts in backoffice for easy management
        $ItemList->set_default_filters(array('orderby' => 'datemodified'));
    switch ($tab) {
        case 'full':
            $ItemList->set_default_filters(array('types' => NULL));
            // $AdminUI->breadcrumbpath_add( T_('All items'), '?ctrl=items&amp;blog=$blog$&amp;tab='.$tab.'&amp;filter=restore' );
            // require colorbox js
            $AdminUI->breadcrumbpath_add(T_('All'), '?ctrl=items&amp;blog=$blog$&amp;tab=full&amp;filter=restore');
        case 'manual':
            if ($Blog->get('type') != 'manual') {
                // Display this tab only for manual blogs
                global $admin_url;
                header_redirect($admin_url . '?ctrl=items&blog=' . $Blog->ID . '&tab=type&tab_type=posts&filter=restore');
            global $ReqURI, $blog;
            init_field_editor_js(array('action_url' => $ReqURI . '&blog=' . $blog . '&order_action=update&order_data='));
            $AdminUI->breadcrumbpath_add(T_('Manual view'), '?ctrl=items&amp;blog=$blog$&amp;tab=' . $tab . '&amp;filter=restore');
        case 'type':
            // Filter a posts list by type
            $ItemList->set_default_filters(array('types' => get_item_types_by_tab($tab_type)));
            $AdminUI->breadcrumbpath_add(T_($tab_type), '?ctrl=items&amp;blog=$blog$&amp;tab=' . $tab . '&amp;tab_type=' . urlencode($tab_type) . '&amp;filter=restore');
        case 'tracker':
            // In tracker mode, we want a different default sort:
            $ItemList->set_default_filters(array('orderby' => 'priority', 'order' => 'ASC'));
            $AdminUI->breadcrumbpath_add(T_('Workflow view'), '?ctrl=items&amp;blog=$blog$&amp;tab=tracker&amp;filter=restore');
            // JS to edit priority of items from list view
            require_js('jquery/jquery.jeditable.js', 'rsc_url');
            // Delete the pref_browse_tab setting so that the default
            // (full) gets used the next time the user wants to browse
            // a blog and we don't run into the same error again.
            debug_die('Unknown filterset [' . $tab . ']');
    // Init filter params:
    if (!$ItemList->load_from_Request()) {
        // If we could not init a filterset from request
        // typically happens when we could no fall back to previously saved filterset...
        // echo ' no filterset!';
Esempio n. 7
 * Initialize list mode; Several actions need this.
function init_list_mode()
    global $tab, $Blog, $UserSettings, $ItemList;
    // Store/retrieve preferred tab from UserSettings:
    $UserSettings->param_Request('tab', 'pref_browse_tab', 'string', NULL, true);
     * Init list of posts to display:
    // Create empty List:
    $ItemList = new ItemList2($Blog, NULL, NULL, $UserSettings->get('results_per_page'));
    // COPY (func)
    $ItemList->set_default_filters(array('visibility_array' => array('published', 'protected', 'private', 'draft', 'deprecated', 'redirected'), 'types' => NULL));
    if ($tab == 'tracker') {
        // In tracker mode, we want a different default sort:
        $ItemList->set_default_filters(array('orderby' => 'priority', 'order' => 'ASC'));
    // Init filter params:
    if (!$ItemList->load_from_Request()) {
        // If we could not init a filterset from request
        // typically happens when we could no fall back to previously saved filterset...
        // echo ' no filterset!';