public function mysql_save_from_post($post) { foreach ($post as $pk => $pv) { foreach (get_object_vars($this) as $ok => $ov) { if ($pk == $ok) { $this->{$ok} = $pv; } } } $lid = $this->mysql_save(); $this->id = $lid; if (isset($post['buttons'])) { foreach ($this->get_ItemButtons() as $button) { if (!in_array($button->name, $post['buttons'])) { $button->mysql_delete(); } } for ($i = 0; $i < count($post['buttons']); $i++) { $name = $post['buttons'][$i]; $function = $post['functions'][$i]; if ($name == "") { continue; } $button = $this->get_Button($name); if ($button == null) { $button = new ItemButton(); $button->id = 0; } $button->function = $function; $button->Item_id = $lid; $button->name = $name; $button->mysql_save(); } } $default_btn = ItemButton::from_property(array("name" => $post["default_btn_name"], "Item_id" => $post["oid"]), false); if ($default_btn != null) { $this->default_Button_id = $default_btn->id; } else { $this->default_Button_id = 0; } $this->hash = $this->calculate_hash(); $this->mysql_save(); return $lid; }
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ if (!isset($ini)) { require_once '../model/Ini.php'; $ini = new Ini(); } if (isset($_POST['hash'])) { $item = Item::from_hash($_POST['hash']); } else { $item = null; } $sid = User::initialize_session(); $variables = array(); foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) { ItemButton::insert_rout_variable($sid, mysql_real_escape_string($k), mysql_real_escape_string($v)); $variables[$k] = $v; } ItemButton::insert_rout_variable($sid, 'template_id', mysql_real_escape_string($item->id)); $variables["template_id"] = $item->id; ItemButton::insert_rout_variable($sid, 'SessionID', $sid); $variables['SessionID'] = $sid; ItemButton::insert_rout_variable($sid, 'IP', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $variables['IP'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; ItemButton::insert_rout_variable($sid, 'browser', $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]); $variables['browser'] = $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]; echo json_encode($variables);