//if ($bed['encounter_nr']) $smarty->assign('sPatNr',$bed['encounter_nr']);
 if ($bed['encounter_nr']) {
     # Create encounter object
     require_once $root_path . 'include/care_api_classes/class_encounter.php';
     $enc_obj = new Encounter($bed['encounter_nr']);
     $pid = $enc_obj->SelianPID();
     $date = $enc_obj->EncounterDate();
     $dateArr = date_parse($date);
     $smarty->assign('sPatNr', $pid);
     $smarty->assign('sAdmDate', formatDate2Local($date, $date_format) . ' ' . $dateArr['hour'] . ':' . $dateArr['minute']);
 $insurance_name = '';
 if ($bed['insurance_ID']) {
     if ($ins_obj->CheckCurrentContractValidity($bed['insurance_ID'])) {
         $insurance_name = $ins_obj->GetName_insurance_from_id($bed['insurance_ID']);
     $smarty->assign('sInsuranceType', substr($insurance_name, 0, 15));
 } else {
     $smarty->assign('sInsuranceType', substr($insurance_name, 0, 15));
 $sBuffer = '';
 $kct = $multi_obj->CheckDiagnosis($bed['encounter_nr']);
 if ($vct[9] == 1 && $bed['encounter_nr'] != '') {
     if ($kct < 1) {
         $smarty->assign('sFlagDiag', ' style="background-color:yellow !important; color:#000000;" ');
         $smarty->assign('sFlagDiag2', ' style="background-color:gold !important; color:#000000;" ');
         $smarty->assign('sNoDiag', ' [ No Dx ] ');
         $nodischarge = 1;
    function ShowNewQuotations($in_outpatient, $sid)
        global $db;
        $counter = 0;
        $color_change = FALSE;
        $this->debug = FALSE;
        $this->debug ? $db->debug = true : ($db->debug = FALSE);
        if ($this->debug) {
            echo "<br><b>Method class_tz_billing::ShowNewQuotations()</b><br>";
        if ($this->CreateTmpTableOfElementsToQuote(0, $in_outpatient)) {
            $result = $this->GetNewQuotationOverview();
        $ins_obj = new Insurance_tz();
        //		$result=$this->getNewQuotation_Prescriptions(0,$in_outpatient,$id_array);
        //		$this->getNewQuotation_Laboratory(0,$in_outpatient,$id_array);
        //		$this->getNewQuotation_Radiology(0,$in_outpatient,&$id_array);
        if ($result) {
            while ($row = $result->FetchRow()) {
                if ($color_change) {
                    $BGCOLOR = 'bgcolor="#ffffdd"';
                    $color_change = FALSE;
                } else {
                    $BGCOLOR = 'bgcolor="#ffffaa"';
                    $color_change = TRUE;
                if ($row['purchasing_class'] == 'xray') {
                    $createmode = 'radiology';
                if ($row['purchasing_class'] == 'labtest') {
                    $createmode = 'laboratory';
                $total_count = 0;
                $row['anzahl'] += $row['anzahl'];
                if (empty($row['anzahl'])) {
                    $row['anzahl'] = 0;
                //$labinfo = $this->GetLaboratoryCount($row['encounter_nr']);
                $row['anzahl_lab'] += $row['anzahl_lab'];
                if (empty($row['anzahl_lab'])) {
                    $row['anzahl_lab'] = 0;
                //$radinfo = $this->GetRadiologyCount($row['encounter_nr']);
                $row['anzahl_rad'] += $row['anzahl_rad'];
                if (empty($row['anzahl_rad'])) {
                    $row['anzahl_rad'] = 0;
                $total_count = $row['anzahl'] / 2;
                //echo $row['anzahl']." + ".$row['anzahl_lab']." = ".$total_count;
                if ($in_outpatient == 'outpatient' || $in_outpatient == 'artndental') {
                    $sql = 'SELECT name_formal from care_department where nr=' . $row['current_dept_nr'];
                    $deptresult = $db->Execute($sql);
                    if ($row['current_dept_nr'] == 0) {
                        $deptname = 'Admissions';
                    } else {
                        $deptrow = $deptresult->FetchRow();
                        $deptname = $deptrow[0];
                } else {
                    $sql = 'SELECT name from care_ward where nr=' . $row['current_ward_nr'];
                    $deptresult = $db->Execute($sql);
                    if ($row['current_ward_nr'] == 0) {
                        $deptname = 'Admissions';
                    } else {
                        $deptrow = $deptresult->FetchRow();
                        $deptname = $deptrow[0];
                if ($row['insurance_ID'] > 0) {
                    if ($ins_obj->CheckCurrentContractValidity($row['insurance_ID'])) {
                        $ins_name = $ins_obj->GetName_insurance_from_id($row['insurance_ID']);
                    } else {
                        $ins_name = 'Cash';
                } else {
                    $ins_name = 'Cash';
                if ($ins_name == 'CASH-PATIENT') {
                    $row['insurance_ID'] = -1;
                echo '

          			<form method="GET" action="billing_tz_quotation_select_pricelist.php">
					  <td ' . $BGCOLOR . ' class="td_content"><div align="center">' . $row['encounter_date'] . '</div></td>
					  <td ' . $BGCOLOR . ' class="td_content"><div align="center">' . $row['encounter_nr'] . '</div></td>
					  <td ' . $BGCOLOR . ' class="td_content"><div align="center">' . $this->ShowPID($row['pid']) . '</div></td>
					  <td ' . $BGCOLOR . ' class="td_content"><div align="center">' . $row['selian_pid'] . '</div></td>
					  <td ' . $BGCOLOR . ' class="td_content"><div align="center">' . $row['name_last'] . ', ' . $row['name_first'] . '</div></td>
					  <td ' . $BGCOLOR . ' class="td_content"><div align="center">' . $row['date_birth'] . '</div></td>
					  <td ' . $BGCOLOR . ' class="td_content"><div align="center">' . $ins_name . '</div></td>
					  <td ' . $BGCOLOR . ' class="td_content"><div align="center">' . $total_count . '</div></td>
					  <td ' . $BGCOLOR . ' class="td_content"><div align="center">' . $deptname . '</div></td>

					  <td ' . $BGCOLOR . ' class="td_content"><div align="center">' . '<a href="../../modules/ambulatory/amb_clinic_discharge_info.php' . URL_APPEND . '&ntid=false&lang=en&target=search&pn=' . $row['encounter_nr'] . '" target="_blank" title="Admission data : Click to show data"><img src="../../gui/img/common/default/pdata.gif" alt="Admission data : Click to show data" width="20" border="0" height="20"></a>' . '</div></td>

					  <td ' . $BGCOLOR . ' class="td_content"><div align="center"><input type="hidden" name="namelast" value="' . $row['name_last'] . '"><input type="hidden" name="patient" value="' . $_REQUEST['patient'] . '"><input type="hidden" name="namefirst" value="' . $row['name_first'] . '"><input type="hidden" name="createmode" value="' . $createmode . '"><input type="hidden" name="countpres" value="' . $row['anzahl'] . '"><input type="hidden" name="countrad" value="' . $row['anzahl_rad'] . '"><input type="hidden" name="countlab" value="' . $row['anzahl_lab'] . '"><input type="hidden" value="' . $row['encounter_nr'] . '" name="encounter_nr"><input type="hidden" value="' . $row['pid'] . '" name="pid"><input type="hidden" name="insurance_id" value="' . $row['insurance_ID'] . '"><input type="submit" value=">>"></div></td>
                $alreadyshown[$row['encounter_nr']] = $row['encounter_nr'];
        } else {
            echo '<tr><td colspan="8" align="center">Houston we have a problem. Database error :(</td></tr>';
        if (!$counter) {
            echo '<tr><td colspan="8" align="center">Nothing to do :)</td></tr>';
Esempio n. 3
         $smarty->assign('sPatNr', '=====' . eregi_replace($sg, "<font color=#ff0000><b>" . ucfirst($sg) . "</b></font>", $patient['selian_pid']));
     } else {
         $smarty->assign('sPatNr', $patient['selian_pid']);
 $encounter_date = $enc_obj->EncounterDate();
 if ($patient['encounter_nr']) {
     $smarty->assign('sAdmissionDate', $encounter_date);
 $sBuffer = '';
 $insurance_name = '';
 #if($patient['insurance_class_nr']!=2) $sBuffer = $sBuffer.'<font color="#ff0000">';
 if ($patient['insurance_ID']) {
     if ($ins_obj->CheckCurrentContractValidity($patient['insurance_ID'])) {
         $insurance_name = $ins_obj->GetName_insurance_from_id($patient['insurance_ID']);
     $smarty->assign('sInsuranceType', substr($insurance_name, 0, 15));
 } else {
     $smarty->assign('sInsuranceType', substr($insurance_name, 0, 15));
 if ($edit) {
     /* MEROTECH:
     			Commented out for selian town clinic by Alexander Irro
     			$smarty->assign('sAdmitDataIcon','<a href="'.$root_path.'modules/registration_admission/aufnahme_pass.php'.URL_APPEND.'&target=search&fwd_nr='.$patient['encounter_nr'].'" title="'.$LDAdmissionData.' : '.$LDClk2Show.'"><img '.createComIcon($root_path,'pdata.gif','0','',TRUE).' alt="'.$LDAdmissionData.' : '.$LDClk2Show.'"></a>');
     if ($dept_nr == 55) {
         $o_arv_patient = new ART_patient($patient['pid']);
         if ($o_arv_patient->is_arv_admitted($patient['pid'])) {
             $temp_image = "<a href=\"javascript:getARV('" . $patient['pid'] . "','" . $patient['encounter_nr'] . "')\"><img " . createComIcon($root_path, 'ball_gray.png', '0', '', TRUE) . " alt=\"inARV\"></a>";
         } else {