$action = Misc::findSubmitButton(); switch ($action) { case 'phpinfo': phpinfo(); exit; break; case 'back': Debug::Text('Back', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); Redirect::Page(URLBuilder::getURL(NULL, 'install.php')); break; case 'next': Debug::Text('Next', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); if ($external_installer == 1) { Redirect::Page(URLBuilder::getURL(array('external_installer' => $external_installer), 'DatabaseSchema.php')); } else { Redirect::Page(URLBuilder::getURL(NULL, 'DatabaseConfig.php')); } break; default: break; } $handle = @fopen('http://www.timetrex.com/' . URLBuilder::getURL(array_merge(array('v' => $install_obj->getFullApplicationVersion(), 'page' => 'require'), $install_obj->getFailedRequirements()), 'pre_install.php'), "r"); @fclose($handle); $check_all_requirements = $install_obj->checkAllRequirements(); if ($external_installer == 1 and $check_all_requirements == 0 and $install_obj->checkTimeTrexVersion() == 0) { //Using external installer and there is no missing requirements, automatically send to next page. Redirect::Page(URLBuilder::getURL(array('external_installer' => $external_installer, 'action:next' => 'next'), $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])); } $smarty->assign_by_ref('install_obj', $install_obj); $smarty->assign_by_ref('external_installer', $external_installer); $smarty->display('install/Requirements.tpl');
$force = FALSE; } if ($force == TRUE) { echo "Force Mode enabled...\n"; //Force installer_enabled to TRUE so we don't have to manually modify the config file with scripts. $config_vars['other']['installer_enabled'] = TRUE; } //Re-initialize install object with new config file. $install_obj = new Install(); $install_obj->cleanCacheDirectory(); if ($install_obj->isInstallMode() == FALSE) { echo "ERROR: Install mode is not enabled in the timetrex.ini.php file!\n"; exit(1); } else { $check_all_requirements = $install_obj->checkAllRequirements(TRUE); if ($check_all_requirements == 0 and $install_obj->checkTimeTrexVersion() == 0) { $install_obj->setDatabaseConnection($db); //Default connection //Make sure at least one company exists in the database, this only works for upgrades, not initial installs. if ($install_obj->checkDatabaseExists($config_vars['database']['database_name']) == TRUE) { if ($install_obj->checkTableExists('company') == TRUE) { //Table could be created, but check to make sure a company actually exists too. $clf = TTnew('CompanyListFactory'); $clf->getAll(); if ($clf->getRecordCount() >= 1) { $install_obj->setIsUpgrade(TRUE); } else { //No company exists, send them to the create company page. $install_obj->setIsUpgrade(FALSE); } } else {