Esempio n. 1
$start_time = getmicrotime();
require_once "./tools/IncidentManager.class.php";
require_once "./tools/Incident.class.php";
require_once "./tools/AgencyManager.class.php";
require_once "./tools/Agency.class.php";
// calculate tomorrow
$tomorrowtime = strtotime('+1 day', strtotime($date));
$tommorrow = date('Y-m-d', $tomorrowtime);
// calculate yesterday
$yesterdaytime = strtotime('-1 day', strtotime($date));
$yesterday = date('Y-m-d', $yesterdaytime);
// get all of the incidents for the date passed in by the user
$start_get_incidents = getmicrotime();
$incidentManager = new IncidentManager();
$incidents = $incidentManager->GetIncidentsByDay($date, $agencyShortName);
$end_get_incidents = getmicrotime();
echo "\n\n<!-- incidents gotten in: " . ($end_get_incidents - $start_get_incidents) . "-->";
// to handle all agency related querys
$agencyManager = new AgencyManager();
// display links to go to previous day and next day
echo '<div class="yesterdaylink">';
echo '<a href="incidents.php?date=' . $yesterday . '">Incidents for ' . date("l F j, Y", strtotime($yesterday)) . '</a>';
echo '</div>';
if ($date != date("Y-m-d")) {
    echo '<div class="tomorrowlink">';
    echo '<a href="incidents.php?date=' . $tommorrow . '">Incidents for ' . date("l F j, Y", strtotime($tommorrow)) . '</a>';
    echo '</div>';
echo '<br><br>';
Esempio n. 2

require_once "./tools/AgencyManager.class.php";
require_once "./tools/Agency.class.php";
require_once "./tools/IncidentManager.class.php";
require_once "./tools/Incident.class.php";
// get the agency we are viewing
$agencyshortname = $_GET['agency'];
// TODO: sanity check this
// create an instance of our agency manager object
$agencyManager = new AgencyManager();
// create an instance of our incident manager
$incidentManager = new IncidentManager();
// get agency information using the shortname passed in by the user
$agency = $agencyManager->GetAgencyFromShortName($agencyshortname);
// get the last 25 incidents this agency has seen
$incidents = $incidentManager->GetIncidentsByAgencyID($agency->agencyid, 25);
// note: 25 here is the number of incidents to return
// do some decode if we haven't decoded the 4 letter code yet
//if( $agency->longname == "" )
//	$agency->longname = "- unknown -";
// get the current year
$year = date("Y");
// get todays date for later use
$todaysdate = date("Y-m-d");
// get the total number of calls for todays date
$todaystotalcalls = $incidentManager->GetIncidentCountByAgencyIDAndDate($agency->agencyid, $todaysdate);
// get the total number of calls for this year for this agency
Esempio n. 3
			// create the canvas object
			var ctx = createCanvas("IncidentsDiv");

			// setup the bargraph
			var graph = new BarGraph(ctx);
			graph.width = 940;
			graph.height = 400;
			//graph.maxValue = 30;
			graph.margin = 2;
			graph.colors = [ "#49a0d8", "#d353a0", "#ffc527", "#df4c27"];

require_once "./tools/IncidentManager.class.php";
$incidentManager = new IncidentManager();
$counts = $incidentManager->GetIncidentCountsByDate($date);
// set the maximum for the graph
echo "graph.maxValue = " . max($counts) . ";\n";
// set the x axis labels
$letter = "A";
echo "graph.xAxisLabelArr = [";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($counts) - 1; $i++) {
    echo '"' . $letter . '",';
echo '"' . $letter . '"';
echo "];\n";
// graph bogus data
echo 'graph.update([';
for ($i = 0; $i < count($counts) - 1; $i++) {