/** * Main import page. * * @since 2.0.0 * @access public */ public function index() { $this->permission('Garden.Import'); // This permission doesn't exist, so only users with Admin == '1' will succeed. $Timer = new Gdn_Timer(); // Determine the current step. $this->Form = new Gdn_Form(); $Imp = new ImportModel(); $Imp->loadState(); // Search for the list of acceptable imports. $ImportPaths = array(); $ExistingPaths = SafeGlob(PATH_UPLOADS . '/export*', array('gz', 'txt')); $ExistingPaths2 = SafeGlob(PATH_UPLOADS . '/porter/export*', array('gz')); $ExistingPaths = array_merge($ExistingPaths, $ExistingPaths2); foreach ($ExistingPaths as $Path) { $ImportPaths[$Path] = basename($Path); } // Add the database as a path. $ImportPaths = array_merge(array('db:' => t('This Database')), $ImportPaths); if ($Imp->CurrentStep < 1) { // Check to see if there is a file. $ImportPath = c('Garden.Import.ImportPath'); $Validation = new Gdn_Validation(); if (strcasecmp(Gdn::request()->requestMethod(), 'post') == 0) { $Upload = new Gdn_Upload(); $Validation = new Gdn_Validation(); if (count($ImportPaths) > 0) { $Validation->applyRule('PathSelect', 'Required', t('You must select a file to import.')); } if (count($ImportPaths) == 0 || $this->Form->getFormValue('PathSelect') == 'NEW') { $TmpFile = $Upload->ValidateUpload('ImportFile', false); } else { $TmpFile = ''; } if ($TmpFile) { $Filename = $_FILES['ImportFile']['name']; $Extension = pathinfo($Filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $TargetFolder = PATH_ROOT . DS . 'uploads' . DS . 'import'; if (!file_exists($TargetFolder)) { mkdir($TargetFolder, 0777, true); } $ImportPath = $Upload->GenerateTargetName(PATH_ROOT . DS . 'uploads' . DS . 'import', $Extension); $Upload->SaveAs($TmpFile, $ImportPath); $Imp->ImportPath = $ImportPath; $this->Form->setFormValue('PathSelect', $ImportPath); $UploadedFiles = val('UploadedFiles', $Imp->Data); $UploadedFiles[$ImportPath] = basename($Filename); $Imp->Data['UploadedFiles'] = $UploadedFiles; } elseif ($PathSelect = $this->Form->getFormValue('PathSelect')) { if ($PathSelect == 'NEW') { $Validation->addValidationResult('ImportFile', 'ValidateRequired'); } else { $Imp->ImportPath = $PathSelect; } } elseif (!$Imp->ImportPath && count($ImportPaths) == 0) { // There was no file uploaded this request or before. $Validation->addValidationResult('ImportFile', $Upload->Exception); } // Validate the overwrite. if (true || strcasecmp($this->Form->getFormValue('Overwrite'), 'Overwrite') == 0) { if (!stringBeginsWith($this->Form->getFormValue('PathSelect'), 'Db:', true)) { $Validation->applyRule('Email', 'Required'); } } if ($Validation->validate($this->Form->formValues())) { $this->Form->setFormValue('Overwrite', 'overwrite'); $Imp->fromPost($this->Form->formValues()); $this->View = 'Info'; } else { $this->Form->setValidationResults($Validation->results()); } } else { $this->Form->setFormValue('PathSelect', $Imp->ImportPath); } $Imp->saveState(); } else { $this->setData('Steps', $Imp->steps()); $this->View = 'Info'; } if (!stringBeginsWith($Imp->ImportPath, 'db:') && !file_exists($Imp->ImportPath)) { $Imp->deleteState(); } try { $UploadedFiles = val('UploadedFiles', $Imp->Data, array()); $ImportPaths = array_merge($ImportPaths, $UploadedFiles); $this->setData('ImportPaths', $ImportPaths); $this->setData('Header', $Imp->getImportHeader()); $this->setData('Stats', val('Stats', $Imp->Data, array())); $this->setData('GenerateSQL', val('GenerateSQL', $Imp->Data)); $this->setData('ImportPath', $Imp->ImportPath); $this->setData('OriginalFilename', val('OriginalFilename', $Imp->Data)); $this->setData('CurrentStep', $Imp->CurrentStep); $this->setData('LoadSpeedWarning', $Imp->loadTableType(false) == 'LoadTableWithInsert'); } catch (Gdn_UserException $Ex) { $this->Form->addError($Ex); $Imp->saveState(); $this->View = 'Index'; } $this->render(); }