public function __construct(&$system) { parent::__construct($system); $system->config->ucenter(); if (!defined('UC_API')) { K::M('system/logs')->error('Ucenter已经开启,但未能正确配置'); } Import::L('uc_client/client.php'); }
<?php /** * Copy Right IJH.CC * Each engineer has a duty to keep the code elegant * $Id$ */ Import::L('weibo/SaeTOAuthV2.php'); class Mdl_Member_Weibo extends Model { protected $_type_id = 2; //微博是2 public function weibo_url() { $cfg = K::$system->config->get('connect'); if (defined('IN_MOBILE')) { $mobile = K::$system->config->get('mobile'); $callback = $mobile['url'] . '/' . K::M('helper/link')->mklink('passport:weibocallback'); } else { $site = K::$system->config->get('site'); $callback = $site['siteurl'] . '/' . K::M('helper/link')->mklink('passport:weibocallback'); } if (empty($cfg['weibo_is_open'])) { $this->err->add('很抱歉网站管理员还未开启微博登录功能', 201); } else { $o = new SaeTOAuthV2($cfg['weibo_app_id'], $cfg['weibo_app_key']); $code_url = $o->getAuthorizeURL($callback); return $code_url; } return false; }
<?php /** * Copy Right TTPET.COM * Each engineer has a duty to keep the code elegant * $Id mail.mdl.php shzhrui<*****@*****.**>$ */ Import::L('phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php'); class Mdl_Helper_Mail extends PHPMailer { protected $from_mail = '*****@*****.**'; protected $from_name = '江湖婚庆门户系统'; private $_datetime; private $_email = null; public function __construct(&$system) { parent::__construct(true); $this->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; $cfg = $system->config->get('mail'); $site = $system->config->get('site'); if (strtolower($cfg['mode']) == 'smtp') { $this->IsSMTP(); $this->Host = $cfg['smtp']['host']; $this->Port = $cfg['smtp']['port']; $this->SMTPAuth = true; $this->Username = $cfg['smtp']['uname']; $this->Password = $cfg['smtp']['passwd']; } else { $this->IsMail(); } $this->from_mail = $cfg['sender'];