Esempio n. 1
 public function displayGalleryAdmin($id)
     $image_disp = "<div id=\"admin_gal\">";
     $dir = GAL_SAVE_DIR . $this->url0 . $id . '/';
     $images = $this->getGalleryImages($id, TRUE);
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($images as $img) {
         $thumb = $dir . 'thumbs/' . $img;
         $imgURL = $dir . $img;
         $imgID = substr($img, 3);
         $gal = new ImageGallery();
         $gal->dir = $dir;
         $gal->imgCap_album = $id;
         $title = $gal->getImageCaption($img);
         $image_disp .= "\n    <div id=\"image_{$i}\">\n        <img src=\"/{$thumb}\" alt=\"Gallery Image\" title=\"{$title}\" />\n        <a href=\"javascript:var image_cap=prompt('Enter a caption for this photo');addPhotoCaption('{$this->url0}', '{$id}', '{$imgID}',image_cap);\">add a caption</a><br />\n        <a href=\"javascript:deletePhoto('{$this->url0}', '{$id}', '{$imgURL}');\"\n            onclick=\"return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this entry?\\n\\nClick OK to continue.');\">delete this image</a>\n    </div>";
     $image_disp .= "</div>";
     return "\n\n<!-- BEGIN FORM DISPLAY -->\n<form action=\"/_engine/\"\n        method=\"post\"\n        enctype=\"multipart/form-data\"\n        class=\"ennui_form\">\n    <fieldset class=\"ennui_form\">\n        <h2>Add Photos</h2>\n        <div id=\"fileUpload\">Loading...</div>\n        <a href=\"javascript:window.location.reload()\">Back to This Entry</a>\n    </fieldset>\n</form>{$image_disp}\n<!-- END FORM DISPLAY -->\n";