Esempio n. 1

final class ITSEC_Strong_Passwords_Settings extends ITSEC_Settings
    public function get_id()
        return 'strong-passwords';
    public function get_defaults()
        return array('role' => 'administrator');
ITSEC_Modules::register_settings(new ITSEC_Strong_Passwords_Settings());
Esempio n. 2

final class ITSEC_Backup_Settings extends ITSEC_Settings
    public function get_id()
        return 'backup';
    public function get_defaults()
        return array('all_sites' => false, 'method' => 1, 'location' => ITSEC_Core::get_storage_dir('backups'), 'retain' => 0, 'zip' => true, 'exclude' => array('itsec_log', 'itsec_temp', 'itsec_lockouts'), 'enabled' => false, 'interval' => 3, 'last_run' => 0);
ITSEC_Modules::register_settings(new ITSEC_Backup_Settings());
Esempio n. 3

final class ITSEC_Hide_Backend_Settings extends ITSEC_Settings
    public function get_id()
        return 'hide-backend';
    public function get_defaults()
        return array('enabled' => false, 'slug' => 'wplogin', 'register' => 'wp-register.php', 'theme_compat' => true, 'theme_compat_slug' => 'not_found', 'post_logout_slug' => '');
ITSEC_Modules::register_settings(new ITSEC_Hide_Backend_Settings());
Esempio n. 4

final class ITSEC_Network_Brute_Force_Settings extends ITSEC_Settings
    public function get_id()
        return 'network-brute-force';
    public function get_defaults()
        return array('api_key' => '', 'api_secret' => '', 'enable_ban' => true, 'updates_optin' => true, 'api_nag' => true);
ITSEC_Modules::register_settings(new ITSEC_Network_Brute_Force_Settings());
Esempio n. 5

final class ITSEC_Four_Oh_Four_Settings extends ITSEC_Settings
    public function get_id()
        return '404-detection';
    public function get_defaults()
        return array('check_period' => 5, 'error_threshold' => 20, 'white_list' => array('/favicon.ico', '/robots.txt', '/apple-touch-icon.png', '/apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png', '/wp-content/cache', '/browserconfig.xml', '/crossdomain.xml', '/labels.rdf', '/trafficbasedsspsitemap.xml'), 'types' => array('.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.gif', '.css'));
ITSEC_Modules::register_settings(new ITSEC_Four_Oh_Four_Settings());
Esempio n. 6

final class ITSEC_Multisite_Tweaks_Settings extends ITSEC_Settings
    public function get_id()
        return 'multisite-tweaks';
    public function get_defaults()
        return array('theme_updates' => false, 'plugin_updates' => false, 'core_updates' => false);
ITSEC_Modules::register_settings(new ITSEC_Multisite_Tweaks_Settings());
Esempio n. 7

final class ITSEC_Global_Settings_New extends ITSEC_Settings
    public function get_id()
        return 'global';
    public function get_defaults()
        global $itsec_globals;
        $email = get_option('admin_email');
        return array('notification_email' => array($email), 'backup_email' => array($email), 'lockout_message' => __('error', 'better-wp-security'), 'user_lockout_message' => __('You have been locked out due to too many invalid login attempts.', 'better-wp-security'), 'community_lockout_message' => __('Your IP address has been flagged as a threat by the iThemes Security network.', 'better-wp-security'), 'blacklist' => true, 'blacklist_count' => 3, 'blacklist_period' => 7, 'email_notifications' => true, 'lockout_period' => 15, 'lockout_white_list' => array(), 'log_rotation' => 14, 'log_type' => 'database', 'log_location' => ITSEC_Core::get_storage_dir('logs'), 'log_info' => '', 'allow_tracking' => false, 'write_files' => true, 'nginx_file' => ABSPATH . 'nginx.conf', 'infinitewp_compatibility' => false, 'did_upgrade' => false, 'lock_file' => false, 'digest_email' => false, 'proxy_override' => false, 'hide_admin_bar' => false, 'show_error_codes' => false, 'show_new_dashboard_notice' => true, 'show_security_check' => true);
    protected function handle_settings_changes($old_settings)
        if ($this->settings['digest_email'] && !$old_settings['digest_email']) {
            $digest_queue = array('last_sent' => ITSEC_Core::get_current_time_gmt(), 'messages' => array());
            update_site_option('itsec_message_queue', $digest_queue);
        if ($this->settings['write_files'] && !$old_settings['write_files']) {
ITSEC_Modules::register_settings(new ITSEC_Global_Settings_New());
Esempio n. 8

final class ITSEC_SSL_Settings extends ITSEC_Settings
    public function get_id()
        return 'ssl';
    public function get_defaults()
        return array('frontend' => 0, 'admin' => false);
ITSEC_Modules::register_settings(new ITSEC_SSL_Settings());
Esempio n. 9

final class ITSEC_Core_Settings extends ITSEC_Settings
    public function get_id()
        return 'core';
    public function get_defaults()
        return array();
ITSEC_Modules::register_settings(new ITSEC_Core_Settings());
Esempio n. 10

final class ITSEC_Wordpress_Tweaks_Settings extends ITSEC_Settings
    public function get_id()
        return 'wordpress-tweaks';
    public function get_defaults()
        return array('wlwmanifest_header' => false, 'edituri_header' => false, 'comment_spam' => false, 'file_editor' => true, 'disable_xmlrpc' => 0, 'allow_xmlrpc_multiauth' => false, 'safe_jquery' => false, 'login_errors' => false, 'force_unique_nicename' => false, 'disable_unused_author_pages' => false, 'jquery_version' => '');
ITSEC_Modules::register_settings(new ITSEC_WordPress_Tweaks_Settings());
Esempio n. 11

final class ITSEC_File_Change_Settings extends ITSEC_Settings
    public function get_id()
        return 'file-change';
    public function get_defaults()
        return array('split' => false, 'method' => 'exclude', 'file_list' => array(), 'types' => array('.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.log', '.mo', '.po'), 'email' => true, 'notify_admin' => true, 'last_run' => 0, 'last_chunk' => false, 'show_warning' => false, 'latest_changes' => array());
ITSEC_Modules::register_settings(new ITSEC_File_Change_Settings());
Esempio n. 12

final class ITSEC_Admin_User_Settings extends ITSEC_Settings
    public function get_id()
        return 'admin-user';
    public function get_defaults()
        return array();
ITSEC_Modules::register_settings(new ITSEC_Admin_User_Settings());
Esempio n. 13

final class ITSEC_Ban_Users_Settings extends ITSEC_Settings
    public function get_id()
        return 'ban-users';
    public function get_defaults()
        return array('default' => false, 'enable_ban_lists' => true, 'host_list' => array(), 'agent_list' => array());
ITSEC_Modules::register_settings(new ITSEC_Ban_Users_Settings());
Esempio n. 14

final class ITSEC_System_Tweaks_Settings extends ITSEC_Settings
    public function get_id()
        return 'system-tweaks';
    public function get_defaults()
        return array('protect_files' => false, 'directory_browsing' => false, 'request_methods' => false, 'suspicious_query_strings' => false, 'non_english_characters' => false, 'long_url_strings' => false, 'write_permissions' => false, 'uploads_php' => false, 'themes_php' => false, 'plugins_php' => false);
ITSEC_Modules::register_settings(new ITSEC_System_Tweaks_Settings());
Esempio n. 15

final class ITSEC_Away_Mode_Settings extends ITSEC_Settings
    public function get_id()
        return 'away-mode';
    public function get_defaults()
        return array('type' => 'daily', 'start' => 1, 'start_time' => 100000, 'end' => 1, 'end_time' => 100000, 'override_type' => '', 'override_end' => 0);
    protected function after_save()
        require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/utilities.php';
ITSEC_Modules::register_settings(new ITSEC_Away_Mode_Settings());