Esempio n. 1
 public function onClientConnect(IS_NCN $NCN)
     $BTN = new IS_BTN();
     $BTN->Text('Welcome to this ^3PRISM ^7Powered^8 Server.')->Send();
     $BTN->ClickID(101)->T($BTN->T + $BTN->H);
     $BTN->Text('PRISM Version ^7' . PHPInSimMod::VERSION . '^8.')->Send();
Esempio n. 2
 public function onNodeLap(IS_NLP $NLP)
     # If there is less then 2 plays, this is not going to work, so abort the function.
     if (count($this->race) < 2) {
         return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;
     # If this user does not want the
     if ($this->follow == FALSE) {
         return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;
     $BTN = new IS_BTN();
     if ($NLP->PLID == $this->follow && $this->race[$this->follow]['position'] >= 2) {
         # Gap ahead
         foreach ($this->race as $racer) {
             if ($racer['position'] == $this->race[$this->follow]['position'] - 1) {
                 $gap = $this->race[$this->follow]['etime'] - $racer['etime'];
                 $diff = $gap - $this->race[$this->follow]['gapahead'];
                 $BTN->ClickID(100)->BStyle(16)->L($this->BtnX - 20)->T($this->BtnY)->W(15)->H(5)->Text('+' . number_format($gap / 1000, 2))->Send();
                 # Top Left
                 if ($diff <= 0) {
                     $BTN->ClickID(101)->BStyle(20)->L($this->BtnX - 20)->T($this->BtnY + 5)->W(15)->H(5)->Text(number_format($diff / 1000, 2))->Send();
                 } else {
                     $BTN->ClickID(101)->BStyle(20)->L($this->BtnX - 20)->T($this->BtnY + 5)->W(15)->H(5)->Text('+' . number_format($diff / 1000, 2))->Send();
                 # Bottom Left
                 $this->race[$this->follow]['gapahead'] = $gap;
     if ($this->race[$NLP->PLID]['position'] == $this->race[$this->follow]['position'] + 1) {
         # Gap behind
         $gap = $this->race[$NLP->PLID]['etime'] - $this->race[$this->follow]['etime'];
         $diff = $gap - $this->race[$this->follow]['gapbehind'];
         $BTN->ClickID(102)->BStyle(16)->L($this->BtnX + 5)->T($this->BtnY)->W(15)->H(5)->Text('+' . number_format($gap / 1000, 2))->Send();
         # Top Right
         if ($diff <= 0) {
             $BTN->ClickID(103)->BStyle(20)->L($this->BtnX + 5)->T($this->BtnY + 5)->W(15)->H(5)->Text(number_format($diff / 1000, 2))->Send();
         } else {
             $BTN->ClickID(103)->BStyle(20)->L($this->BtnX + 5)->T($this->BtnY + 5)->W(15)->H(5)->Text('+' . number_format($diff / 1000, 2))->Send();
         # Bottom Right
         $this->race[$this->follow]['gapbehind'] = $gap;
Esempio n. 3
 public function send($hostId = NULL)
     $id = ButtonManager::registerButton($this, $hostId, $this->key, $this->group);
     if ($id !== false) {
         if (is_numeric($id)) {
             $this->ReqI = $id + 1;
             // may not be zero -_-
             $this->ClickID = $id;
Esempio n. 4
 public function cmdColorButtons($cmd, $ucid)
     $X = 15;
     $Y = 75;
     $TTL = 10;
     if (($argc = count($argv = str_getcsv($cmd, ' '))) > 2) {
         switch ($argc) {
             case 5:
                 $TTL = (int) array_pop($argv);
             case 4:
                 $Y = (int) array_pop($argv);
             case 3:
                 $X = (int) array_pop($argv);
     if (!isset($this->BTNs[$ucid])) {
         $this->BTNs[$ucid] = array();
     $BTN = new IS_BTN();
     # Grid Items
     for ($y = 0; $y <= 7; ++$y) {
         for ($x = 0, $i = 0; $x <= 9; ++$x, ++$i) {
             $this->BTNs[$ucid][] = $BTN->ClickID(++$BTN->ClickID)->L($X + $x * $BTN->W + 1)->T($Y + $y * $BTN->H + 1)->Text("{$y}^{$i}{$x}")->BStyle(ISB_LIGHT + $y)->Send();
     # X Axis Header
     for ($i = 0; $i <= 9; ++$i) {
         $this->BTNs[$ucid][] = $BTN->ClickID(++$BTN->ClickID)->L($X + $i * $BTN->W + 1)->T($Y - ($BTN->H + 1))->BStyle(ISB_DARK)->Text("^{$i}{$i}")->Send();
     # Y Axis Header
     for ($i = 0; $i <= 7; ++$i) {
         $this->BTNs[$ucid][] = $BTN->ClickID(++$BTN->ClickID)->L($X - $BTN->W)->T($Y + $i * $BTN->H + 1)->BStyle(ISB_DARK + $i)->Text($i)->Send();
     $timeStamp = $this->createTimer('tmrClearButtons', $TTL);
     $this->Time[$timeStamp] = $ucid;
Esempio n. 5
 public function onMCI($Packet)
     $PPS = $this->getHostInfo()->getPPS();
     foreach ($Packet->Info as $CompCar) {
         $PLID = $CompCar->PLID;
         $PacketData = Plugins::getClientByPLID($PLID);
         if (isset($PacketData)) {
             $UCID = $PacketData->UCID;
             // Spawn a new button instance if one is not here.
             $BTN = new IS_BTN();
             if (!isset($this->BTNs[$PLID])) {
                 # X Delta
                 $BTN->ClickID(13)->T(178)->L(26)->W(3)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_DARK + 4)->Text('V')->Send();
                 $BTN->ClickID(23)->T(178)->L(29)->W(19)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_DARK + 4)->Text('X Delta')->Send();
                 $BTN->ClickID(33)->T(178)->L(48)->W(3)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_DARK + 4)->Text('V')->Send();
                 $this->BTNs[$PLID]['X'] = new IS_BTN();
                 $this->BTNs[$PLID]['X']->UCID($UCID)->ClickID(3)->T(184)->L(26)->W(25)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_DARK + 4)->Send();
                 # Y Delta
                 $BTN->ClickID(14)->T(178)->L(51)->W(3)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_DARK + 1)->Text('V')->Send();
                 $BTN->ClickID(24)->T(178)->L(54)->W(19)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_DARK + 1)->Text('Y Delta')->Send();
                 $BTN->ClickID(34)->T(178)->L(73)->W(3)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_DARK + 1)->Text('V')->Send();
                 $this->BTNs[$PLID]['Y'] = new IS_BTN();
                 $this->BTNs[$PLID]['Y']->UCID($UCID)->ClickID(4)->T(184)->L(51)->W(25)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_DARK + 1)->Send();
                 # Z Delta
                 $BTN->ClickID(15)->T(178)->L(76)->W(3)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_DARK + 5)->Text('V')->Send();
                 $BTN->ClickID(25)->T(178)->L(79)->W(19)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_DARK + 5)->Text('Z Delta')->Send();
                 $BTN->ClickID(35)->T(178)->L(98)->W(3)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_DARK + 5)->Text('V')->Send();
                 $this->BTNs[$PLID]['Z'] = new IS_BTN();
                 $this->BTNs[$PLID]['Z']->UCID($UCID)->ClickID(5)->T(184)->L(76)->W(25)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_DARK + 5)->Send();
                 # Distance Delta
                 $BTN->ClickID(16)->T(178)->L(101)->W(3)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_DARK + 3)->Text('V')->Send();
                 $BTN->ClickID(26)->T(178)->L(104)->W(19)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_DARK + 3)->Text('Distance Delta')->Send();
                 $BTN->ClickID(36)->T(178)->L(123)->W(3)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_DARK + 3)->Text('V')->Send();
                 $this->BTNs[$PLID]['Dist'] = new IS_BTN();
                 $this->BTNs[$PLID]['Dist']->UCID($UCID)->ClickID(6)->T(184)->L(101)->W(25)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_DARK + ISB_RIGHT + 3)->Send();
                 # Total Distance
                 $BTN->ClickID(17)->T(178)->L(126)->W(3)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_DARK + 6)->Text('V')->Send();
                 $BTN->ClickID(27)->T(178)->L(129)->W(19)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_DARK + 6)->Text('Total Distance')->Send();
                 $BTN->ClickID(37)->T(178)->L(148)->W(3)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_DARK + 6)->Text('V')->Send();
                 $this->BTNs[$PLID]['Totl'] = new IS_BTN();
                 $this->BTNs[$PLID]['Totl']->UCID($UCID)->ClickID(7)->T(184)->L(126)->W(25)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_DARK + ISB_RIGHT + 6)->Send();
                 # These would be the bit length display buttons.
                 $this->BTNs[$PLID]['Bits'] = new IS_BTN();
                 $this->BTNs[$PLID]['Bits']->UCID($UCID)->ClickID(47)->T(190)->L(101)->W(50)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_LIGHT + ISB_RIGHT + 6)->Send();
                 $this->BTNs[$PLID]['BitC'] = new IS_BTN();
                 $this->BTNs[$PLID]['BitC']->UCID($UCID)->ClickID(57)->T(190)->L(151)->W(12)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_LIGHT + ISB_RIGHT + 4)->Send();
                 $this->BTNs[$PLID]['MPS'] = new IS_BTN();
                 $this->BTNs[$PLID]['MPS']->UCID($UCID)->ClickID(8)->T(190)->L(26)->W(25)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_LIGHT + 4)->Send();
                 $this->BTNs[$PLID]['MPH'] = new IS_BTN();
                 $this->BTNs[$PLID]['MPH']->UCID($UCID)->ClickID(18)->T(190)->L(51)->W(25)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_LIGHT + 4)->Send();
                 $this->BTNs[$PLID]['KPH'] = new IS_BTN();
                 $this->BTNs[$PLID]['KPH']->UCID($UCID)->ClickID(28)->T(190)->L(76)->W(25)->H(6)->BStyle(ISB_LIGHT + 4)->Send();
                 # (Re)set the total distance.
                 $this->TOTALs[$PLID] = 0;
             // Setup our Coord data.
             $lCoords = isset($this->COORDs[$PLID]) ? $this->COORDs[$PLID] : $CompCar;
             $cCoords = $CompCar;
             // Calculate Distance
             $X = abs($cCoords->X - $lCoords->X);
             $Y = abs($cCoords->Y - $lCoords->Y);
             $Z = abs($cCoords->Z - $lCoords->Z);
             $D = round(sqrt($X * $X + $Y * $Y + $Z * $Z));
             $T = $this->TOTALs[$PLID] += $D;
             $B = base_convert($T, 10, 2);
             // Caclulate Speed
             $MPS = number_format($CompCar->Speed / 327.68, 1);
             # Meters Per Second
             $MPH = number_format($CompCar->Speed / 146.486067, 1);
             # Miles Per Hour
             $KPH = number_format($CompCar->Speed / 91.01000000000001, 1);
             # Kilometers Per Hour
             // Update Buttons
             # Binary Total Distance
             $this->BTNs[$PLID]['BitC']->Text(strlen($B) . ' bits')->Send();
             # Binary Bit Count
             $this->COORDs[$PLID] = $cCoords;