private function editOrderAddItemAction() { if(empty($_REQUEST['productId']) || empty($_REQUEST['quoteSession'])) { exit; } $quote = getClass('ISC_ADMIN_ORDERS')->getQuoteSession($_REQUEST['quoteSession']); if(!$quote) { $this->sendEditOrderNoQuoteResponse(); } $query = " SELECT * FROM [|PREFIX|]products WHERE productid='".(int)$_REQUEST['productId']."' "; $result = $this->db->query($query); $product = $this->db->fetch($result); if(!$product) { exit; } // If the product requires configuration, show the configuration window if($product['prodvariationid'] || $product['prodconfigfields'] || $product['prodeventdaterequired']) { $price = formatPrice(calculateFinalProductPrice($product, $product['prodcalculatedprice'], array( 'customerGroup' => $quote->getCustomerGroupId() )), false, false); $item = array( 'name' => $product['prodname'], 'price' => $price, 'productId' => $product['productid'], 'quoteSession' => $_POST['quoteSession'], ); // Set focus to the tab that contains the first bit of content we need if($product['prodvariationid']) { $item['activeTab'] = 'variationTab'; } else if($product['prodconfigfields']) { $item['activeTab'] = 'configurableFieldsTab'; } else if($product['prodeventdaterequired']) { $item['activeTab'] = 'eventDateTab'; } $this->sendEditOrderResponse(array( 'modal' => $this->generateCustomizeItemForm($item), )); } $quantity = (int)$product['prodminqty']; if ($quantity < 1) { $quantity = 1; } $item = new ISC_QUOTE_ITEM; $item ->setQuote($quote) ->setProductId($_REQUEST['productId']) ->setQuantity($quantity); $quote->addItem($item, false); if ($quote->getIsSplitShipping()) { $unallocatedAddress = $quote->getAddressById(ISC_QUOTE_ADDRESS::ID_UNALLOCATED); if (!$unallocatedAddress) { $unallocatedAddress = $quote->createShippingAddress(ISC_QUOTE_ADDRESS::ID_UNALLOCATED); } $item->setAddressId($unallocatedAddress->getId()); } if(getConfig('taxDefaultTaxDisplayCart') == TAX_PRICES_DISPLAY_INCLUSIVE) { $incTax = true; } else { $incTax = false; } $response = array( 'itemsTable' => getClass('ISC_ADMIN_ORDERS')->generateEditOrderItemsTable($quote), 'itemsSubtotal' => formatPrice($quote->getSubtotal($incTax)), 'isDigital' => $quote->isDigital(), ); if ($quote->getIsSplitShipping()) { $response['multiShippingTable'] = getClass('ISC_ADMIN_ORDERS')->renderMultiShippingTable($quote); } $this->sendEditOrderResponse($response); }
public function setBasePrice($price, $isCustomPrice = true) { // $isCustomPrice is always true for gift certificates return parent::setBasePrice($price, true); }
/** * Creates a new ISC_QUOTE_ITEM instance for this ISC_QUOTE and returns it. Note: the item is not added to the quote, you must still call ISC_QUOTE->addItem * * @return ISC_QUOTE_ITEM */ public function createItem() { $item = new ISC_QUOTE_ITEM; $item->setQuote($this); return $item; }
public function applyRule(ISC_QUOTE $quote) { $applies = false; $items = $quote->getItems(); foreach($items as $item) { // Skip items that have a parent ID or don't match the product ID necessary if($item->getParentId() || $item->getProductId() != $this->prodids) { continue; } $quantity = $item->getQuantity(); $freeItems = 0; while ($quantity >= $this->amount) { $quantity = $quantity - $this->amount; $freeItems += $this->amount_free; } foreach($items as $subItem) { // If the product already exists in the cart, then we can update it instead if($subItem->getParentId() != $item->getId()) { continue; } if($freeItems == 0) { $quote->removeItem($subItem->getId()); } else { try { $subItem->setQuantity($freeItems); } catch(ISC_QUOTE_EXCEPTION $e) { $freeItems = 0; continue; } $this->banners[] = sprintf(getLang($this->getName().'DiscountMessage'), $freeItems, $subItem->getName()); $freeItems = 0; $applies = true; } } if($freeItems > 0) { // Still need to add a free item to the cart try { $newItem = new ISC_QUOTE_ITEM; $newItem ->setQuote($quote) ->setProductId($this->prodidsfree) ->setBasePrice(0, true) ->setQuantity($freeItems) ->setParentId($item->getId()); $quote->addItem($newItem, false); $this->banners[] = sprintf(getLang($this->getName().'DiscountMessage'), $freeItems, $newItem->getName()); $applies = true; } catch(ISC_QUOTE_EXCEPTION $e) { $applies = false; continue; } } } return $applies; }
private function AddReorderItems() { $this->ValidateReorder(); if (isset($_REQUEST['reorderitem'])) { $OrdProdIds = implode(',', array_keys($_REQUEST['reorderitem'])); $QueryWhere = "op.orderprodid IN (".$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($OrdProdIds).")"; } else if (isset($_REQUEST['orderid'])) { $QueryWhere = "op.orderorderid = ".(int)$_REQUEST['orderid']; } $orderItems = array(); // Grab any configurable fields $configurableFields = array(); $query = " SELECT ocf.*, op.orderprodid FROM [|PREFIX|]order_configurable_fields ocf JOIN [|PREFIX|]order_products op ON (op.orderprodid = ocf.ordprodid) "; $result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->query($query); while($field = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->fetch($result)) { if(!isset($configurableFields['ordprodid'])) { $configurableFields[$field['orderprodid']] = array(); } $configurableFields[$field['orderprodid']][] = $field; } $query = " SELECT * FROM [|PREFIX|]order_products op WHERE ".$QueryWhere; $result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->query($query); while($row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->fetch($result)) { try { $quote = getCustomerQuote(); $item = new ISC_QUOTE_ITEM; $item ->setQuote($quote) ->setProductId($row['ordprodid']) ->setQuantity($row['ordprodqty']) ->setVariation($row['ordprodvariationid']) ; if($row['ordprodeventdate']) { $item ->setEventDate($row['ordprodeventdate']) ->setEventName($row['ordprodeventname']); } if($row['ordprodwrapid']) { $wrappingOptions = array( 'all' => $row['ordprodwrapid'] ); $wrappingMessage = array( 'all' => $row['ordprodwrapmessage'] ); $item->applyGiftWrapping('same', $wrappingOptions, $wrappingMessage); } $configuredFields = array(); if(!empty($configurableFields[$row['orderprodid']])) { $configuration = $configurableFields[$row['orderprodid']]; foreach($configuration as $field) { if($field['fieldtype'] == 'file') { $filePath = ISC_BASE_PATH.'/'.getConfig('ImageDirectory').'/configured_products/'.$field['filename']; $fileTmpPath = ISC_BASE_PATH.'/'.GetConfig('ImageDirectory').'/configured_products_tmp/'.$field['filename']; // Copy the field to the temp directory if(!@copy($filePath, $fileTmpPath)) { flashMessage(getLang('ConfigurableFileCantBeMoved'), MSG_ERROR, 'cart.php'); } // Add it to the configuration $configuredFields[$field['fieldid']] = array( 'name' => $field['originalfilename'], 'type' => $field['filetype'], 'size' => filesize($filePath), 'existingPath' => $fileTmpPath, ); } else { $configuredFields[$field['fieldid']] = $field['textcontents']; } } $item->applyConfiguration($configuredFields); } $quote->addItem($item); } catch(ISC_QUOTE_EXCEPTION $e) { flashMessage($e->getMessage(), MSG_ERROR); $hasErrors = true; } } redirect('cart.php'); }