Esempio n. 1
		protected function editOrderSaveAction()
			if (empty($_POST['quoteSession'])) {

			$quoteSession = $_POST['quoteSession'];

			/** @var ISC_QUOTE */
			$quote = getClass('ISC_ADMIN_ORDERS')->getQuoteSession($quoteSession);
			if(!$quote) {

			try {

				$entity = new ISC_ENTITY_ORDER;

				$currency = GetDefaultCurrency();
				$order = array(
					'ordcurrencyid' => $currency['currencyid'],
					'ordcurrencyexchangerate' => $currency['currencyexchangerate'],
					'ordipaddress' => getIp(),
					'extraInfo' => array(),
					'quote' => $quote,

				$createAccount = false;

				// process customer details to see if an account should be made
				if (Interspire_Request::post('orderFor') == 'new') {
					// this really needs to be split off into another method because it's done both at the front end checkout, in save billing, and in here! -ge
					$password = '';
					$confirmedPassword = '';
					$email = '';
					$accountFormFields = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_FORM']->getFormFields(FORMFIELDS_FORM_ACCOUNT, true);
					$accountCustomFields = array();
					foreach($accountFormFields as $formFieldId => $formField) {
						$formFieldPrivateId = $formField->record['formfieldprivateid'];

						if (!$formFieldPrivateId) {
							$accountCustomFields[$formFieldId] = $formField->getValue();
						} else if($formFieldPrivateId == 'EmailAddress') {
							$email = $formField->getValue();
						} else if($formFieldPrivateId == 'Password') {
							$password = $formField->getValue();
						} else if($formFieldPrivateId == 'ConfirmPassword') {
							$confirmedPassword = $formField->getValue();

					// shouldn't reach this point with a valid email without all the details already being validated after step 1 > next, so go ahead and assign it to the order
					if ($email) {
						$createAccount = array(
							'addresses' => array(),
							'password' => $password,
							'customFormFields' => $accountCustomFields,

						foreach ($quote->getAllAddresses() as /** @var ISC_QUOTE_ADDRESS */$address) {
							if (!$address->getSaveAddress()) {

							$customerAddress = $address->getAsArray();
							$customFields = $address->getCustomFields();
							if (!empty($customFields)) {
								$customerAddress['customFormFields'] = $customFields;

								// Shipping fields need to be mapped back to billing so they can be stored
								if ($address->getType() == ISC_QUOTE_ADDRESS::TYPE_SHIPPING) {
									$newCustomFields = array();
									$map = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_FORM']->mapAddressFieldList(FORMFIELDS_FORM_SHIPPING, array_keys($customFields));
									foreach($map as $oldId => $newId) {
										$newCustomFields[$newId] = $customFields[$oldId];
									$customerAddress['customFormFields'] = $newCustomFields;

							$createAccount['addresses'][] = $customerAddress;

				if ($quote->getOrderId()) {
					$editing = true;
					$adding = false;

					$orderId = $quote->getOrderId();

					$existingOrder = $entity->get($orderId);
					if ($existingOrder['deleted']) {
						// don't allow saving changes for a deleted order
						$errors[] = GetLang('EditDeletedOrderError');
					} else {
						$order['orderid'] = $orderId;
						if (!$entity->edit($order)) {
							$errors[] = $entity->getError();
				} else {
					$editing = false;
					$adding = true;

					$order['orderpaymentmodule'] = '';

					$orderId = $entity->add($order);

					if ($orderId) {
					} else {
						$errors[] = $entity->getError();

				if (!empty($errors)) {
						'errors' => $errors,
						'stateTransition' => 'saveError',

				// retrieve the created/edited order record
				$order = GetOrder($orderId);

				if ($createAccount) {
					// this function doesn't return anything for error testing
					createOrderCustomerAccount($order, $createAccount);

				// Process a payment
				$paymentMethod = Interspire_Request::post('paymentMethod');

				$providerSuccess = false;

				// Retrieve the payment method details
				$paymentFields = Interspire_Request::post('paymentField');
				if (!empty($paymentFields[$paymentMethod])) {
					$paymentFields = $paymentFields[$paymentMethod];
				else {
					$paymentFields = array();

				if ($quote->getGrandTotalWithStoreCredit() > 0 && ($adding || empty($order['ordpaymentstatus']) || empty($order['orderpaymentmodule'])) && !empty($paymentMethod)) {
					$gatewayAmount = $quote->getGrandTotalWithStoreCredit();

					$provider = null;

					// was a custom payment specified?
					if ($paymentMethod == 'custom') {
						$paymentMethodName = $paymentFields['custom_name'];
						$providerSuccess = true;
					// actual payment module
					else {
						GetModuleById('checkout', $provider, $paymentMethod);
						if(is_object($provider)) {
							$paymentMethodName = $provider->GetDisplayName();

							if (method_exists($provider, 'ProcessManualPayment')) {
								// set the order token as required by various payment methods
								ISC_SetCookie('SHOP_ORDER_TOKEN', $order['ordtoken'], time() + (3600*24), true);
								// make the token immediately available
								$_COOKIE['SHOP_ORDER_TOKEN'] = $order['ordtoken'];

								// process the payment
								$result = $provider->ProcessManualPayment($order, $paymentFields);
								if ($result['result']) {
									$providerSuccess = true;
									$gatewayAmount = $result['amount'];

									FlashMessage(GetLang('OrderPaymentSuccess', array('amount' => FormatPrice($gatewayAmount), 'orderId' => $orderId, 'provider' => $paymentMethodName)), MSG_SUCCESS);
								else {
									$errors[] = GetLang('OrderPaymentFail', array('orderId' => $orderId, 'provider' => $paymentMethodName, 'reason' => $result['message']));
							else {
								// all manual/offline methods will always be successfull
								$providerSuccess = true;
						else {
							// failed to get a payment module
				// if the grand total after minus the coupon,etc is 0 and it's adding order also the payment method is custom.
				} else if ($quote->getGrandTotalWithStoreCredit() == 0 && ($adding || empty($order['ordpaymentstatus']) || empty($order['orderpaymentmodule'])) && $paymentMethod == 'custom') {
					$paymentMethodName = $paymentFields['custom_name'];
					$providerSuccess = true;

				// was payment successfull?
				if ($providerSuccess) {
					// record payment info for the order
					$updatedOrder = array(
						'orderpaymentmethod' 	=> $paymentMethodName,
						'orderpaymentmodule'	=> $paymentMethod,

					$this->db->UpdateQuery("orders", $updatedOrder, "orderid = " . $orderId);

					// set appropriate status for the order
					if ($quote->isDigital()) {
						$newStatus = ORDER_STATUS_COMPLETED;
					else {
					UpdateOrderStatus($orderId, $newStatus, false);

					// email invoice
					if (Interspire_Request::post('emailInvoiceToCustomer')) {

				if (!empty($errors)) {
					$response = array(
						'errors' => $errors,
						'stateTransition' => 'saveError',
				else {
					if ($editing) {
						FlashMessage(GetLang('OrderUpdated', array('orderId' => $orderId)), MSG_SUCCESS);
					} else {
						FlashMessage(GetLang('OrderCreated', array('orderId' => $orderId)), MSG_SUCCESS);

					$response = array(
						'stateTransition' => 'saveOk',

					// remove quote object from session after successful save and successful payment

				if ($adding) {
					$response['updateOrderId'] = $orderId;

			} catch (ISC_QUOTE_EXCEPTION $exception) {
					'stateTransition' => 'saveError',
					'errors' => array(
Esempio n. 2
		 * This method marks orders as deleted using ISC_ENTITY_ORDER::delete
		 * @return void
		protected function DeleteOrders ()
			// final permission checks
			$canManage = $this->auth->HasPermission(AUTH_Manage_Orders);
			$canDelete = $this->auth->HasPermission(AUTH_Delete_Orders);

			if (!$canDelete) {
				if ($canManage) {
					$this->ManageOrders(GetLang('Unauthorized'), MSG_ERROR);
				$this->engine->DoHomePage(GetLang('Unauthorized'), MSG_ERROR);

			// input validation
			$orderIds = array();
			if (isset($_POST['orders']) && is_array($_POST['orders']) && !empty($_POST['orders'])) {
				$orderIds = array_map('intval', $_POST['orders']);

			if (empty($orderIds)) {
				if ($canManage) {

			// do the order delete

			// determine which delete method to use based on store settings
			$deleteMethod = 'delete';
			if (GetConfig('DeletedOrdersAction') == 'purge') {
				$deleteMethod = 'purge';

			$entity = new ISC_ENTITY_ORDER;
			foreach ($orderIds as $orderId) {
				if (!$entity->$deleteMethod($orderId)) {
					if ($canManage) {
						$this->ManageOrders($entity->getError(), MSG_ERROR);
					$this->engine->DoHomePage($entity->getError(), MSG_ERROR);

			$message = GetLang('OrdersDeletedSuccessfully');

			if ($canManage) {
				$this->ManageOrders($message, MSG_SUCCESS);
			$this->engine->DoHomePage($message, MSG_SUCCESS);