  * Validate at plugins/themes area.
 public function validate_direct()
     // retrieve the name of plugins/themes
     $plugins = preg_quote(self::$content_dir['plugins'], '/');
     $themes = preg_quote(self::$content_dir['themes'], '/');
     $request = preg_replace('!(//+|/\\.+/)!', '/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
     if (preg_match("/(?:({$plugins})|({$themes}))([^\\/]*)\\//", $request, $matches)) {
         // list of plugins/themes to bypass WP-ZEP
         $settings = self::get_option('settings');
         $type = empty($matches[2]) ? 'plugins' : 'themes';
         $list = apply_filters(self::PLUGIN_SLUG . "-bypass-{$type}", 'plugins' === $type ? array() : array());
         // register validation by nonce (2: WP-ZEP)
         if (2 & $settings['validation'][$type] && !in_array($matches[3], $list, TRUE)) {
             add_filter(self::PLUGIN_SLUG . '-admin', array($this, 'check_nonce'), 5, 2);
         // register validation by malicious signature
         add_filter(self::PLUGIN_SLUG . '-admin', array($this, 'check_signature'), 6, 2);
         // validate country by IP address (1: Block by country)
         $validate = $this->validate_ip('admin', $settings, 1 & $settings['validation'][$type]);
         // if the validation is successful, execute the requested uri via rewrite.php
         if (class_exists('IP_Geo_Block_Rewrite')) {
             IP_Geo_Block_Rewrite::exec($validate, $settings);
Esempio n. 2
                self::abort($validate, $settings, file_exists($path));
    // this will trigger `init` action hook
    include_once '../../../wp-load.php';
     * Fallback execution
     * Here's never reached if `Validate access to wp-content/(plugins|themes)/.../*.php`
     * is enable. But in case of disable, the requested uri should be executed indirectly
     * as a fallback.
    if (class_exists('IP_Geo_Block')) {
        IP_Geo_Block_Rewrite::exec(IP_Geo_Block::get_geolocation(), IP_Geo_Block::get_option('settings'));
/* ! class_exists( 'IP_Geo_Block_Rewrite' ) */
 * Configuration samples of .htaccess for apache
 * 1. `/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/.htaccess`
 * # BEGIN IP Geo Block
 * <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
 * RewriteEngine on
 * RewriteBase /wordpress/wp-content/plugins/ip-geo-block/
 * RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !ip-geo-block/rewrite.php$
 * RewriteRule ^.*\.php$ rewrite.php [L]
 * </IfModule>