function occurrences(ICalEvent $event, TimeRange $range = null, $max = null) { $occurrences = array(); $time = $event->get_start(); $diff = $event->get_end() - $event->get_start(); $limitType = $this->limitType; $limit = $this->limit; $count = 0; // echo date('m/d/Y H:i:s', $time) . "<br>\n"; $time = $this->nextIncrement($time, $this->type, $this->interval); while ($time <= $range->get_end()) { // echo date('m/d/Y H:i:s', $time) . "<br>\n"; if ($limitType == 'UNTIL' && $time > $limit) { break; } $occurrence_range = new TimeRange($time, $time + $diff); if ($occurrence_range->overlaps($range)) { if ($recurrence_exception = $event->getRecurrenceException($time)) { $occurrence = clone $recurrence_exception; } else { $occurrence = clone $event; $occurrence->setRange($occurrence_range); $occurrence->clear_rrules(); $recurrence_id = strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%S", $time); if ($tzid = $occurrence->get_tzid()) { $recurrence_id = sprintf("TZID=%s:%s", $tzid, $recurrence_id); } $occurrence->set_attribute('RECURRENCE-ID', $recurrence_id); } $occurrences[] = $occurrence; } if ($limitType == 'COUNT' && $count < $limit) { break; } if ($count > ICalRecurrenceRule::MAX_OCCURRENCES) { break; } if (!is_null($max) && count($occurrences) >= $max) { break; } $time = $this->nextIncrement($time, $this->type, $this->interval); $count++; } return $occurrences; }
public function add_event(ICalEvent $event) { $uid = $event->get_uid(); $this->events[$uid] = $event; // use event start times so we can return events in starting order $this->eventStartTimes[$uid] = $event->get_start(); }
public function add_event(ICalEvent $event) { $uid = $event->get_uid(); if (is_null($event->get_recurid())) { $this->events[$uid] = $event; // use event start times so we can return events in starting order $this->eventStartTimes[$uid] = $event->get_start(); // Add any stored exceptions to the event. if (isset($this->recurrence_exceptions[$uid])) { foreach ($this->recurrence_exceptions[$uid] as $exception) { $this->events[$uid]->addRecurenceException($exception); } } } else { // If the event already exists, add the exception to it. if (isset($this->events[$uid])) { $this->events[$uid]->addRecurenceException($event); } else { if (!isset($this->recurrence_exceptions[$uid])) { $this->recurrence_exceptions[$uid] = array(); } $this->recurrence_exceptions[$uid][] = $event; } } }
protected function apiArrayFromEvent(ICalEvent $event, $version) { $standardAttributes = array('datetime', 'start', 'end', 'uid', 'summary', 'description', 'location', 'geo'); $result = array('id' => $event->get_uid(), 'title' => $event->get_summary(), 'description' => nl2br($event->get_description()), 'start' => $event->get_start(), 'end' => $event->get_end(), 'allday' => $event->isAllDay(), 'location' => $event->get_location(), 'locationLabel' => ''); // iCal GEO property -- subclass if event lat/lon comes from somewhere else $coords = $event->get_location_coordinates(); if ($coords) { $result['latitude'] = $coords['lat']; $result['longitude'] = $coords['lon']; } foreach ($this->fieldConfig as $aField => $fieldInfo) { if (in_array($aField, $standardAttributes)) { continue; } // Handled these above $id = self::argVal($fieldInfo, 'id', $aField); $title = self::argVal($fieldInfo, 'label', $id); $section = self::argVal($fieldInfo, 'section', ''); $type = self::argVal($fieldInfo, 'type', ''); $value = $event->get_attribute($aField); if ($value) { if (self::argVal($fieldInfo, 'type', '') == 'category' && is_array($value)) { $value = $this->apiArrayFromCategories($value); } if ($version < 2) { $result[$title] = $value; } else { if (!isset($result['fields'])) { $result['fields'] = array(); } $result['fields'][] = array('id' => $id, 'section' => $section, 'type' => $type, 'title' => $title, 'value' => $value); } } } return $result; }
function formatDayTitle(ICalEvent $event) { $start = $event->get_start(); $end = $event->get_end(); if ($start != $end) { // all of acad calendar time units are in days so // we can end 23:59:00 instead of 00:00:00 next day $timeRange = new TimeRange($start, $end - 1); $dateTitle = $timeRange->format('l F j'); } else { $dateTitle = date('l F j', $start); } return $dateTitle; }