  * Perform the main actions of the page.
 protected function action()
     $factory = I2CE_FormFactory::instance();
     $this->template->setAttribute("class", "active", "menuManage", "a[@href='manage']");
     $this->template->appendFileById("menu_manage.html", "ul", "menuManage");
     switch ($this->get('action')) {
         case "review":
             if (I2CE_ModuleFactory::instance()->isEnabled("ihris-manage-Application")) {
                 $this->template->setAttribute("class", "active", "menuManage", "//li/a[@href='manage?action=review']");
                 if ($this->get_exists('position')) {
                     $position_data = explode('|', $this->get('position'), 2);
                     $position_id = $position_data[1];
                     $this->template->setDisplayData("return_link", array("action" => "review"));
                     $this->template->setDisplayData("position_name", I2CE_List::lookup($position_id, "position"));
                     $results = iHRIS_Applicant::findApplicants($position_id);
                     if (count($results) > 0) {
                         foreach ($results as $app_id => $app_data) {
                             $this->template->appendFileById("applicant_review_row.html", "li", "app_list");
                             $this->template->setDisplayData("app_id", array("id" => "person|" . $app_id));
                             $this->template->setDisplayData("app_name", $app_data['surname'] . ', ' . $app_data['firstname']);
                             //$last_mod = I2CE_Date::fromDB( $app_data['last_modified'] );
                             //$this->template->setDisplayData( "app_modified", $last_mod->displayDate() );
                             $this->template->setDisplayData("make_offer", array("parent" => "person|" . $app_id, "position" => $this->get('position')));
                     } else {
                         $this->template->appendFileById("applicant_review_no_results.html", "li", "app_list");
                 } else {
                     $positions = I2CE_Form::listFields("position", array("code", "title"), array('operator' => 'FIELD_LIMIT', 'field' => 'status', 'style' => 'equals', 'data' => array('value' => 'position_status|open')));
                     $count = 0;
                     foreach ($positions as $id => $data) {
                         $node = $this->template->appendFileById("applicant_review_list_entry.html", "tr", "open_position_list");
                         if (++$count % 2 == 0) {
                             $node->setAttribute("class", "even");
                         $this->template->setDisplayDataImmediate("view_applicant", array("action" => "review", "position" => "position|" . $id), $node);
                         $this->template->setDisplayDataImmediate("position_name", $data['code'] . " - " . $data['title'], $node);
             } else {
  * Sends any triggers when participants are uploaded
  * @param I2CE_PageFormCSV $page
 public function trigger_upload_save($page)
     if (!$page instanceof I2CE_PageFormCSV) {
     $module_factory = I2CE_ModuleFactory::instance();
     if ($module_factory->isEnabled("UserTriggers")) {
         $triggers = $module_factory->getClass("UserTriggers");
         $instance = $page->getProviderInstance();
         $details = I2CE_List::lookup($instance->getId(), $instance->getName());
         $triggers->trigger('participant_upload_save', null, 'Participants were uploaded for ' . $details, true, $instance->getNameId());
     } else {
         I2CE::raiseError("Unable to call trigger because UserTriggers isn't enabled!");
  * Perform the main actions of the page.
 protected function action()
     $this->template->appendFileById("menu_view.html", "li", "navBarUL", true);
     $this->template->setAttribute("class", "active", "menuConfigure", "a[@href='configure']");
     $this->template->appendFileById("menu_configure.html", "ul", "menuConfigure");
     $this->template->setAttribute("class", "active", "menuLists", "a[@href='lists']");
     $factory = I2CE_FormFactory::instance();
     $job = $factory->createContainer($this->get('id'));
     $positions = $job->getPositions();
     //print_r( $supervised );
     if (count($positions) > 0) {
         $this->template->appendFileById("view_job_positions.html", "div", "job");
         foreach ($positions as $record) {
             $this->template->appendFileById("view_position_row.html", "tr", "positions");
             $this->template->setDisplayData("position", I2CE_List::lookup($record, "position"));
             $this->template->setDisplayData("add_pos_id", array("id" => "position|" . $record));
         $this->template->setAttribute("class", "even", "positions", "tr[position() mod 2 = 0]");
  * Returns the value of this field as a human readable format.
  * @param I2CE_Entry $entry If a I2CE_Entry object has been passed to this method then it will return the value for that entry assuming it's an 
  * entry for this field.
  * @param boolean $number_format If true, call number_format on the returned value.
  * @return mixed
 public function getDisplayValue($entry = false, $number_format = false)
     if ($entry instanceof I2CE_Entry) {
         $value = $entry->getValue();
     } else {
         $value = $this->getValue();
     $curr_value = parent::getFromDB($value[0]);
     $curr_string = I2CE_List::lookup($curr_value[1], $curr_value[0]);
     $number_value = $value[1];
     if ($number_format) {
         $number_value = number_format($number_value);
     return $curr_string . $number_value;
 public function studentModules($node, $template)
     //this really should be a fuzzy method in the training exam module
     if (!($tcField = $this->getField('training_course')) instanceof I2CE_FormField_MAP || !($tcObj = $tcField->getMappedFormObject()) instanceof iHRIS_Training_Course || !($modField = $tcObj->getField('training_course_mod')) instanceof I2CE_FormField_MAP_MULT) {
         I2CE::raiseError("Could not get training course modules");
         return false;
     $allowed_ids = $modField->getValue();
     $allowed = array();
     foreach ($allowed_ids as $allowed_id) {
         list($form, $id) = $allowed_id;
         if ($form != 'training_course_mod') {
         $dv = I2CE_List::lookup($id, $form);
         if (!$dv) {
         $allowed[$form . '|' . $id] = $dv;
     if (!is_array($allowed) || count($allowed) == 0) {
         if (!($main_node = $template->appendFileByNode('training_course_nomods.html', 'div', $node)) instanceof DOMNode) {
             return false;
         return true;
     if (!($main_node = $template->appendFileByNode('training_course_mod_base.html', 'div', $node)) instanceof DOMNode) {
         return false;
     if (!($list_node = $template->getElementById('student_mods', $main_node)) instanceof DOMNode) {
         return false;
     $width = (int) floor(100 / (count($allowed) + 1));
     $rowAttrs = array('style' => 'display:table-row;');
     $colAttrs = array('style' => 'display:table-cell;width:' . $width . '%');
     $chkAttrs = $colAttrs;
     $chkAttrs['type'] = 'checkbox';
     $list_node->appendChild($headNode = $template->createElement('div', $rowAttrs));
     $headNode->appendChild($template->createElement('div', $colAttrs, 'Student'));
     foreach ($allowed as $all_id => $all_val) {
         $headNode->appendChild($template->createElement('div', $colAttrs, $all_val));
     $list = $this->getEnrolledStudents();
     $ff = I2CE_FormFactory::instance();
     foreach ($list as $id => $data) {
         if (!($pstcObj = $ff->createContainer($data['person_scheduled_training_course'])) instanceof iHRIS_Person_Scheduled_Training_Course || !($modField = $pstcObj->getField('training_course_mod')) instanceof I2CE_FormField_MAP_MULT) {
             I2CE::raiseError("No training course module");
         $list_node->appendChild($rowNode = $template->createElement('div', $rowAttrs));
         $sAttrs = $colAttrs;
         $sAttrs['href'] = 'view?id=' . $id;
         $colNode = $template->createElement('div', $colAttrs);
         $colNode->appendChild($template->createElement('a', $sAttrs, $data['firstname'] . ' ' . $data['surname']));
         $selected = $modField->getValue();
         foreach ($selected as &$sel) {
             $sel = implode("|", $sel);
         foreach ($allowed as $all_id => $all_val) {
             $t_chkAttrs = $chkAttrs;
             if (in_array($all_id, $selected)) {
                 $t_chkAttrs['checked'] = 'checked';
             $t_chkAttrs['onchange'] = 'toggleStudentModule(this,"' . addslashes($id) . '","' . addslashes($pstcObj->getNameID()) . '","' . addslashes($all_id) . '")';
             $colNode = $template->createElement('div', $colAttrs);
             $colNode->appendChild($template->createElement('input', $t_chkAttrs));
     return true;
  * Generic (internal fuzzy method for)  display menu for a limit style
  * Generic (internal fuzzy method for)  processing menu for a particular limit style
  * @param string $style The style
  * @param I2CE_FormField $fieldObj the object the fuzzy method was called on   
  * @param I2CE_Template $template.  
  * @param string $prefix
  * @$vals the values we are processing. 
  * @param string $limit_default  limiting information for choosing options. Defaults to 'default'
  * @returns  DOMNode containing the menu for this limit style
 protected function DISPLAY_generic($style, $fieldObj, $template, $prefix = '', $vals = array(), $limit_default = 'default')
     if (!$fieldObj instanceof I2CE_FormField || !$template instanceof I2CE_Template) {
     if (!array_key_exists($style, self::$menudata)) {
         I2CE::raiseError("Badness on for " . get_class($fieldObj) . " {$style}");
         return array();
     if (!is_string($prefix) || strlen($prefix) == 0) {
         $prefix = '';
     if (strlen($prefix) > 1) {
         if (!$prefix[strlen($prefix) - 1] != ':') {
             $prefix .= ':';
     $find_limit = false;
     if ($fieldObj instanceof I2CE_FormField_MAPPED) {
         $limit_template = "limit_mapped_choice_" . $style . ".html";
         $find_limit = $template->findTemplate($limit_template, false);
         $mapped = true;
     if (!$find_limit || $find_limit == "") {
         $mapped = false;
         $limit_template = "limit_choice_" . $style . ".html";
     $menuNode = $template->loadFile($limit_template);
     //$template->setDisplayDataImmediate('limit_desc',self::$menudata[$style]['desc'], $menuNode);
     foreach (self::$menudata[$style]['fields'] as $field) {
         $node = $template->getElementByName($field, 0, $menuNode);
         if (!$node instanceof DOMElement) {
         if ('select' == $node->tagName) {
             $name = $node->getAttribute('name');
             if ($node->hasAttribute('multiple') && substr($name, -2) != '[]') {
                 $name .= '[]';
             $node->setAttribute('name', $prefix . $name);
             $selected = array();
             if (is_array($vals) && array_key_exists($field, $vals)) {
                 if ($node->hasAttribute('multiple')) {
                     if (is_array($vals[$field])) {
                         $selected = $vals[$field];
                     } else {
                         $selected = explode(',', $vals[$field]);
                         //hope that the values have no commas in them!
                 } else {
                     $selected = array($vals[$field]);
             if (!is_array($selected)) {
                 $selected = array();
             if ($field == 'linked_field') {
                 $formObj = $fieldObj->getContainer();
                 if ($formObj instanceof I2CE_Form) {
                     $fieldNames = $formObj->getFieldNames();
                 } else {
                     $fieldNames = array();
                 $fieldNames[] = 'parent';
                 foreach ($fieldNames as $fieldName) {
                     if ($fieldName == $field) {
                     $opt = $template->createElement("option", array("value" => $fieldName), $fieldName);
                     if (in_array($fieldName, $selected)) {
                         $opt->setAttribute("selected", "selected");
             } else {
                 if ($fieldObj instanceof I2CE_FormField_MAPPED && $mapped) {
                     if (!$node->hasAttribute('multiple') && $style == "equals" && $fieldObj->getDisplayedStyle($limit_default) == "tree") {
                         $main = $template->createElement("span");
                         $name = $node->getAttribute("name");
                         $node->parentNode->replaceChild($main, $node);
                         $data = $fieldObj->getMapOptions($limit_default, false, false);
                         $tree_selected = null;
                         if (count($selected) == 1 && strpos($selected[0], '|') !== false) {
                             list($select_form, $select_id) = explode('|', $selected[0], 2);
                             $tree_selected = array('value' => $selected[0], 'display' => I2CE_List::lookup($select_id, $select_form));
                         $template->addAutoCompleteInputTree($main, $name, "tree:" . $name, $tree_selected, $data, array(), array());
                     } else {
                         $optionList = $fieldObj->getMapOptions($limit_default);
                         if (!$node->hasAttribute('multiple')) {
                             $select_value = "Select Value";
                             I2CE::getConfig()->setIfIsSet($select_value, "/modules/field-limits/text/select_value");
                             $opt = $template->createElement("option", array("value" => ''), $select_value);
                         foreach ($optionList as $data) {
                             $opt = $template->createElement("option", array("value" => $data['value']), $data['display']);
                             if (in_array($data['value'], $selected)) {
                                 $opt->setAttribute("selected", "selected");
                 } else {
                     foreach ($selected as $val) {
                         $opt = $template->query("./option[@value='{$val}']", $node);
                         for ($i = 0; $i < $opt->length; $i++) {
                             if ($opt->item($i) instanceof DOMElement) {
                                 $opt->item($i)->setAttribute('selected', 'selected');
         } else {
             if (is_array($vals)) {
                 $name = $node->getAttribute('name');
                 $node->setAttribute('name', $prefix . $name);
                 if (!array_key_exists($field, $vals)) {
                 switch ($node->tagName) {
                     case 'input':
                         $node->setAttribute('value', $vals[$field]);
                     case 'textarea':
                         I2CE::raiseError("Do not know how to display {$field}");
                         return false;
     if (count(self::$menudata[$style]['fields']) == 0) {
         //if there are no values to set, remove the Limit button
         $node = $template->getElementById('limit_type_menu_button_container', $menuNode);
         if ($node instanceof DOMNode) {
     return $menuNode;
 public function addAllowedConfirmations($node, $template, $person)
     if (!$node instanceof DOMElement || !($parent = $node->parentNode) instanceof DOMElement || !$template instanceof I2CE_Template) {
     $allowedConfirmations = $this->getAllowedConfirmations($person, true);
     //get the new confirmations
     if (count($allowedConfirmations) == 0) {
     $imported = $template->loadFile("add_confirmation.html", "span");
     if (!$imported instanceof DOMNode) {
         I2CE::raiseError("Could not find add_conirmation.html");
     if (!($conf = I2CE_FormFactory::instance()->createForm('confirmation')) instanceof iHRIS_Confirmation) {
     if (!($type = $conf->getField('confirmation_type')) instanceof I2CE_FormField) {
     $typeName = $type->getHTMLName();
     foreach ($allowedConfirmations as $id => $vals) {
         if (!($disp = I2CE_List::lookup($id, 'confirmation_type'))) {
         $imported_node = $imported->cloneNode(true);
         if (!($linkNode = $template->getElementById('confirmation_link', $imported_node)) instanceof DOMElement) {
         $parent->insertBefore($imported_node, $node);
         $linkNode->setAttribute('href', "confirmation?" . $typeName . "=" . urlencode("confirmation_type|" . $id) . '&parent=');
         $template->setDisplayDataImmediate('confirmation_name', $disp, $imported_node);
  * Return the display value of this form field as a DOM Node.
  * @param DOMNode $node
  * @param I2CE_Template $template
  * @return DOMNode
 public function getDisplayNode($node, $template)
     $add_node = $template->createElement('span', array('class' => 'mult'));
     if ($href = $this->getHref()) {
         $link_node = $template->createElement("a", array("href" => $href));
     } else {
         $link_node = $add_node;
     $value = $this->getValue();
     $map_list = array();
     foreach ($value as $map_value) {
         $map_list[] = I2CE_List::lookup($map_value[1], $map_value[0]);
     $first = true;
     foreach ($map_list as $text) {
         if ($first) {
             $first = false;
         } else {
             $link_node->appendChild($template->createElement("span", array('class' => 'mult_sep'), ','));
         $link_node->appendChild($template->createElement("span", array('class' => 'mult_val'), $text));
     return $add_node;
  * Creates a selectable auto-suggest tree view of the options
  * @param I2CE_Template $template
  * @param DOMNode $node -- the node that requested this drop down
  * @param int $show_hidden 0=non-hidden, 1=All, 2=hidden only.  Defaults to 0
  * @returns mixed DOMNode or an array of DOMNodes to add.
 protected function create_DOMEditable_tree($node, $template, $form_node, $show_hidden = 0)
     $ele_name = $this->getHTMLName();
     $ele_id = 'tree:' . $ele_name;
     $tree_options = array();
     if ($form_node->hasAttribute('treeOptions')) {
         $tree_options = $form_node->getAttribute('treeOptions');
     $delayed = true;
     //default behavior is delayed load
     if ($form_node->hasAttribute('delayed')) {
         $delayed = $form_node->getAttribute('delayed');
     $auto_complete_options = array();
     if ($form_node->hasAttribute('autoCompleteOptions')) {
         $auto_complete_options = $form_node->getAttribute('autoCompleteOptions');
     $add_limits = $this->getAdditionalLimits($template, $node, $form_node->getAttribute('limit'));
     $display_style = 'default';
     if ($form_node->hasAttribute('display_style')) {
         $display_style = $form_node->getAttribute('display_style');
     $data = $this->getMapOptions($display_style, $show_hidden, false, $add_limits);
     $main = $template->createElement('span');
     if ($this->isSetValue()) {
         $selected = array('value' => $this->getDBValue(), 'display' => I2CE_List::lookup($this->getMappedID(), $this->getMappedForm()));
     } else {
         $selected = array();
     $template->addAutoCompleteInputTree($main, $ele_name, $ele_id, $selected, $data, $tree_options, $auto_complete_options, $delayed);
     $nodes = $template->query('./input[@id="' . $ele_id . '_inputtree_display"]', $main);
     if ($nodes->length > 0) {
  * Return the display value of this form field as a DOM Node.
  * @param DOMNode $node
  * @param I2CE_Template $template
  * @return DOMNode
 public function getDisplayNode($node, $template)
     $add_node = $template->createElement('span', array('class' => 'mult'));
     if ($href = $this->getHref()) {
         $link_node = $template->createElement("a", array("href" => $href));
     } else {
         $link_node = $add_node;
     $value = $this->getValue();
     $map_text = array();
     foreach ($value as $i => $map_value) {
         $map_text[$i] = I2CE_List::lookup($map_value[1], $map_value[0]);
     $first = true;
     foreach ($map_text as $i => $text) {
         if ($first) {
             $first = false;
         } else {
             $link_node->appendChild($template->createElement("span", array('class' => 'mult_sep'), ','));
         if ($node->hasAttribute('auto_link') && $node->getAttribute('auto_link')) {
             $attrs = array('class' => 'mult_val', 'href' => 'auto_list/view?form_name=' . $value[$i][0] . '&id=' . $value[$i][0] . '|' . $value[$i][1]);
             $link_node->appendChild($template->createElement("a", $attrs, $text));
         } else {
             $link_node->appendChild($template->createElement("span", array('class' => 'mult_val'), $text));
     return $add_node;
  * The business method if this page is called from the commmand line
  * @param array $request_remainder the remainder of the request after the page specfication.  
  * @param array $args the array of unix style command line arguments 
  * Arguements are link that in: http://us3.php.net/manual/en/features.commandline.php#78651
 protected function actionCommandLine($args, $request_remainder)
     if ($this->cli->hasValue('delete')) {
         $formid = $this->cli->getValue('delete');
     } else {
         $formid = trim($this->cli->ask("Please enter the form and ID of the record you wish to delete.  For example person|1000."));
     if (!$formid) {
         usage("Invalid ID ({$formid})");
     $ff = I2CE_FormFactory::instance();
     $linked = array($formid);
     $first = true;
     $skips = array();
     while (count($linked) > 0) {
         $formid = current($linked);
         if (in_array($formid, $skips)) {
         $skips[] = $formid;
         list($form, $id) = explode("|", $formid);
         $name = '';
         $formObj = $ff->createForm($formid);
         if (!$formObj instanceof I2CE_Form) {
         if ($formObj instanceof I2CE_List) {
             $name = ': ' . I2CE_List::lookup($id, $form);
         $main_rec = '';
         foreach ($formObj->getFieldNames() as $field) {
             if (!($fieldObj = $formObj->getField($field)) instanceof I2CE_FormField) {
             $main_rec .= "\t{$field} => " . $fieldObj->getDBValue() . "\n";
         if (!$this->cli->simple_prompt("Would you like to delete records related to {$formid}{$name}?", $main_rec)) {
         $first = false;
         $child_forms = array($formid => array());
         $formObj = $ff->createForm($formid);
         if (!$formObj instanceof I2CE_Form) {
             I2CE::raiseError("Invalid form id  {$formid}");
         $this->getLinkedFormIds($formObj, $child_forms[$formid]);
         $menu = array();
         $this->makeMenu($child_forms, $menu);
         $selected = $this->cli->chooseDependentTreeMenuIndices("Please select child forms related to {$formid} to delete", $menu, array_keys($menu));
         $which = array();
         foreach ($selected as $sel) {
             $item = explode("\n", ltrim($menu[$sel], "\t"));
             if (count($item) < 1) {
             $which[] = trim($item[0]);
         if (count($which) == 0) {
             I2CE::raiseError("Nothing selected to delete related to {$formid}");
         if (!$this->cli->simple_prompt("Would you like to delete all the selected forms linked  {$formid}  as children/grand-children?")) {
         $linked = array_unique(array_merge($linked, $this->deleteForms($child_forms, $which)));
Esempio n. 12
 protected function actionDisplayList_row($list, $listConfig)
     $odd = false;
     if ($listConfig['type']) {
         $link = 'auto_list?type=' . $listConfig['type'];
     } else {
         $link = 'auto_list?form=' . $listConfig['form'];
     $imported = $this->template->loadFile("lists_type_row.html", "tr", "lists_body");
     if (!$imported instanceof DOMNode) {
         I2CE::raiseError("Could not find lists_type_row.html");
         return false;
     $remaped = $this->template->loadFile("lists_type_row_remapped.html", "tr", "lists_body");
     if (!$remaped instanceof DOMNode) {
         $remaped = $imported;
     $append = $this->template->getElementById('lists_body');
     if (!$append instanceof DOMNode) {
         I2CE::raiseError("Don't know where to append list rows");
         return false;
     foreach ($list as $data) {
         $id = substr($data['value'], strlen($listConfig['form']) + 1);
         if (in_array($id, $this->remap_ids) && ($remap = I2CE_FormStorage::lookupField($listConfig['form'], $id, 'remap', ''))) {
             $imported_row = $remaped->cloneNode(true);
             if ($listConfig['type']) {
                 $url = 'index.php/auto_list?type=' . $listConfig['type'];
             } else {
                 $url = 'index.php/auto_list?form=' . $listConfig['type'];
             $url .= '&id=' . $listConfig['form'] . '|' . $id;
             $this->template->setDisplayDataImmediate('remapped_link', $url, $imported_row);
             list($rform, $rid) = array_pad(explode('|', $remap, 2), 2, '');
             $this->template->setDisplayDataImmediate('remapped_value', I2CE_List::lookup($rid, $rform), $imported_row);
         } else {
             $imported_row = $imported->cloneNode(true);
         $this->template->appendNode($imported_row, $append);
         if ($odd) {
             $this->template->setNodeAttribute("class", "even", $imported_row);
         $odd = !$odd;
         $this->template->setDisplayDataImmediate("lists_row_link", $link . '&id=' . $data['value'], $imported_row);
         $this->template->setDisplayDataImmediate("lists_row_name", $data['display'], $imported_row);
     return true;
  * Perform any extra validation for the license.
  * @param I2CE_Form $form
 public function validate_form_person_scheduled_training_course_field_training_course_mod($fieldObj)
     if (!$fieldObj instanceof I2CE_FormField_MAP_MULT || !($pstcObj = $fieldObj->getContainer()) instanceof iHRIS_Person_Scheduled_Training_Course || $pstcObj->hasAttribute('validate_by_course') && !$pstcObj->getAttribute('validate_by_course') || !($stcField = $pstcObj->getField('scheduled_training_course')) instanceof I2CE_FormField_MAP || !($stcObj = $stcField->getMappedFormObject()) instanceof iHRIS_Scheduled_Training_Course || !($tcField = $stcObj->getField('training_course')) instanceof I2CE_FormField_MAP || !($tcObj = $tcField->getMappedFormObject()) instanceof iHRIS_Training_Course || !($modField = $tcObj->getField('training_course_mod')) instanceof I2CE_FormField_MAP_MULT) {
     $selected = $fieldObj->getValue();
     if (!is_array($selected)) {
         $selected = array();
     $t_allowed = $modField->getValue();
     if (!is_array($t_allowed)) {
     $allowed = array();
     foreach ($t_allowed as $allow) {
         if (!is_array($allow) || !count($allow) == 2) {
         list($allow_form, $allow_id) = $allow;
         $allowed[] = $allow_id;
     $ok = true;
     $bads = array();
     foreach ($selected as $sel) {
         if (!is_array($sel) || !count($sel) == 2) {
         list($sel_form, $sel_id) = $sel;
         if (in_array($sel_id, $allowed)) {
         $bads[] = I2CE_List::lookup($sel_id, 'training_course_mod');
     if (count($bads) > 0) {
         $fieldObj->setInvalidMessage('bad_mod', '', implode(" ", $bads));
  * Perform the main actions of the page.
 protected function action()
     $factory = I2CE_FormFactory::instance();
     if ($this->get_exists('set_status')) {
         $new_status = $this->get('set_status');
         $set_status = $factory->createContainer($this->get('id'));
         $set_status->setStatus("position_status|" . $new_status);
     $this->template->appendFileById("menu_view.html", "li", "navBarUL", true);
     $this->template->setAttribute("class", "active", "menuConfigure", "a[@href='configure']");
     $this->template->appendFileById("menu_configure.html", "ul", "menuConfigure");
     $this->template->setAttribute("class", "active", "menuLists", "a[@href='lists']");
     if (($jobField = $this->position->getField("job")) instanceof I2CE_FormField) {
     if (($supField = $this->position->getField("supervisor")) instanceof I2CE_FormField) {
     if ($this->position->status[1] != "closed") {
         $this->template->appendFileById("view_position_" . $this->position->status[1] . "_link.html", "li", "edit_links");
     $pers_pos_ids = iHRIS_PersonPosition::getIds($this->get('id'));
     //print_r( $pers_pos_ids );
     if (count($pers_pos_ids) > 0 && $pers_pos_ids['record'] != '0') {
         $this->template->appendFileById("view_position_person.html", "div", "position");
         $pers_pos = $factory->createContainer("person_position" . '|' . $pers_pos_ids['record']);
         $person = $factory->createContainer($pers_pos_ids['parent']);
     $supervised = $this->position->getSupervised();
     //print_r( $supervised );
     if (count($supervised) > 0) {
         $this->template->appendFileById("view_position_supervised.html", "div", "position");
         foreach ($supervised as $record) {
             $this->template->appendFileById("view_position_row.html", "tr", "supervised");
             $this->template->setDisplayData("position", I2CE_List::lookup($record, "position"));
             $this->template->setDisplayData("add_pos_id", array("id" => $record));
         $this->template->setAttribute("class", "even", "supervised", "tr[position() mod 2 = 0]");