Esempio n. 1
  * Adds a single icon to the stack.
  * @param mixed[] $icon Icon (pkmn or etc group).
 function add($icon)
     $x = $icon['fit']['x'];
     $y = $icon['fit']['y'];
     // Put the other icons underneath the Pokémon icons.
     if ($icon['section'] != 'pkmn') {
         $y += $this->sections['pkmn'];
     $w = $icon['w'];
     $h = $icon['h'];
     $file = $icon['file'];
     $slug = $icon['slug'];
     $type = $icon['type'];
     $indicator = $type == 'pkmn' ? $icon['name_display'] . ' (variation=' . $icon['variation'] . ', subvariation=' . $icon['subvariation'] . ', version=' . $icon['version'] . ')' : $slug;
     if ($icon['is_duplicate']) {
         // If this is a duplicate, we don't need to add it.
         return true;
     if (!is_file($file)) {
         // If the file does not exist, skip this entry.
         if ($this->verbose) {
             print I18n::lf('entry_skipped', array($file, $indicator));
         // Image not added.
         return false;
     } else {
         if ($this->verbose) {
             print I18n::lf('entry_added', array($file, $indicator));
     // Open the image data.
     $tmp = @imagecreatefrompng($file);
     // If we're adding a faux right-facing image, we have to manually
     // flip the image before copying it to the sprite.
     if (@$icon['subvariation'] == 'flipped') {
         $tmp = $this->x_imageflip($tmp, 'v');
     // Copy the image to the sprite.
     @imagecopy($this->sprite, $tmp, $x, $y, 0, 0, $w, $h);
     // Image added.
     return true;
Esempio n. 2
  * Displays the program usage.
 public function display_usage()
     // Retrieve the proper error string in case we've got an error.
     if ($this->argument_error) {
         $error_str = I18n::lf('arg_error_tpl', array(I18n::l($this->error_id)));
     $usage_vars = array('website' => Settings::get('website'), 'revision' => Settings::get('revision'), 'error' => $error_str, 'copyright' => Settings::get('copyright_str') . "\n" . Settings::get('copyright_gf'));
     // We'll replace variables and finally format the output
     // for use in a terminal.
     $trmfrm = new TerminalFormatter();
     $usage = $this->get_buffer();
     $usage = $trmfrm->format($usage);
     print $usage;
Esempio n. 3
$icon_sprite->output($dir_output . $img_output_tmp, $generate_optimized !== true);
// Use pngcrush to minimize the image.
if ($generate_optimized === true) {
    print I18n::l('pngcrush_start');
    if (file_exists($dir_output . $img_output)) {
        unlink($dir_output . $img_output);
    $crush_cmd = $pngcrush_path . ' -l 9 -q -text b author "Pokémon Sprite Generator r' . $revision . '" -text b copyright "' . $copyright_gf . '" ' . $dir_output . $img_output_tmp . ' ' . $dir_output . $img_output;
    if (file_exists($dir_output . $img_output)) {
        // Seems like pngcrush was successful. Let's review the results.
        $size_before = filesize($dir_output . $img_output_tmp);
        $size_after = filesize($dir_output . $img_output);
        print I18n::lf('pngcrush_success', array(format_bytes($size_before), format_bytes($size_after)));
        // Delete the unoptimized image.
        print I18n::l('sprite_del_old');
        unlink($dir_output . $img_output_tmp);
    } else {
        // We couldn't use pngcrush for some reason.
        print I18n::l('pngcrush_error');
} else {
    // If we're not using pngcrush, just rename it to the final filename.
    rename($dir_output . $img_output_tmp, $dir_output . $img_output);
// 4. Generation of the HTML, SCSS and JS files pertaining to the sprites
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// We're going to be making a map of positioning values, styling information
Esempio n. 4
  * Creates an icon stack of the etc sprites.
 private function create_etc_icon_stack()
     // This stack will contain icons from all other icon sets.
     $stack = array();
     // Save an array of sets.
     $sets = array();
     $etc_icon_sets = Settings::get('etc_icon_sets');
     $dir_base = Settings::get('dir_base');
     $file_exts = Settings::get('file_exts');
     // Start off where the Pokémon stack ended.
     $n = count($this->pkmn_stack);
     if (Settings::get('include_icon_sets')) {
         foreach ($etc_icon_sets as $set) {
             $dir = $dir_base . $set . '/';
             try {
                 $dir_it = new \DirectoryIterator($dir);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 print I18n::lf('icon_dir_failure', array($dir));
             foreach ($dir_it as $file) {
                 // Some checks to ensure it's a valid image.
                 if ($file->isDot()) {
                 if ($file->isDir()) {
                 $fn = $file->getFilename();
                 $fn_bits = explode('.', $fn);
                 $fn_ext = strtolower(trim(end($fn_bits)));
                 if (!in_array($fn_ext, $file_exts)) {
                 $size = getimagesize($dir . $fn);
                 $fn_slug = slugify(implode('.', array_slice($fn_bits, 0, -1)));
                 $var = $this->get_icon_var_name($set, $fn_slug);
                 $n += 1;
                 $stack[$n] = array('type' => 'etc', 'var' => $var, 'set' => $set, 'section' => 'other', 'id' => $n, 'slug' => $fn_slug, 'w' => $size[0], 'h' => $size[1], 'file' => $dir . $fn);
                 $sets[$set][] = $n;
     // Sort icons by size.
     uasort($stack, array($this, 'etc_max_w_h_sort'));
     // Deep convert $stack to a StdClass rather than a regular array.
     // This is in order to be able to use it with the GrowingPacker, which
     // only accepts a StdClass as input.
     $stack = json_decode(json_encode($stack), false);
     // Make sure to pass the width of the Pokémon section as
     // the initial width. If we're not including Pokémon icons,
     // set it to a static value.
     $pkmn_sect_size = $this->get_pkmn_icon_stack_size();
     $initial_width = @$pkmn_sect_size['w'];
     if (!$initial_width) {
         $initial_width = $this->pkmn_img_width * $this->pkmn_row_count;
     // Initialize our packing algorithm and feed the icons.
     // Permit horizontal growth only if we're not including Pokémon icons.
     $packer = new GrowingPacker();
     $packer->fit($stack, $initial_width, null, false, true);
     // Convert back to array.
     $stack = json_decode(json_encode($stack), true);
     // Remove extraneous data from the stack.
     foreach ($stack as $n => $icon) {
     $this->etc_stack = $stack;
     $this->etc_sets = $sets;
     $this->etc_sect_width = intval($packer->root->w);
     $this->etc_sect_height = intval($packer->root->h);