require_once "../includes/library.php"; if ($_SESSION['profilSession'] != "0") { header("Location: ../general/permissiondenied.php"); exit; } // case update user if ($id != "") { if ($id == "1" && $_SESSION['idSession'] == "1") { header("Location: ../preferences/updateuser.php"); exit; } // case update user if ($action == "update") { if ($htaccessAuth == "true") { require_once "../includes/htpasswd.class.php"; $Htpasswd = new Htpasswd(); } if (!ereg("^[A-Za-z0-9]+\$", $un)) { $error = $strings["alpha_only"]; } else { // test if login already exists $tmpquery = "WHERE mem.login = '******' AND mem.login != '{$unOld}'"; $existsUser = new request(); $existsUser->openMembers($tmpquery); $comptExistsUser = count($existsUser->mem_id); if ($comptExistsUser != "0") { $error = $strings["user_already_exists"]; } else { // replace quotes by html code in name and address $fn = convertData($fn); $tit = convertData($tit);
createDir('files/' . $num); } if ($htaccessAuth == 'true') { $content = <<<STAMP AuthName "{$setTitle}" AuthType Basic Require valid-user AuthUserFile {$fullPath}/files/{$num}/.htpasswd STAMP; $fp = @fopen('../files/' . $num . '/.htaccess', 'wb+'); $fw = fwrite($fp, $content); $fp = @fopen('../files/' . $num . '/.htpasswd', 'wb+'); $tmpquery = "WHERE = '{$pown}'"; $detailMember = new request(); $detailMember->openMembers($tmpquery); $Htpasswd = new Htpasswd(); $Htpasswd->initialize('../files/' . $num . '/.htpasswd'); $Htpasswd->addUser($detailMember->mem_login[0], $detailMember->mem_password[0]); } // if mantis bug tracker enabled if ($enableMantis == 'true') { // call mantis function to copy project require_once '../mantis/proj_add.php'; } // create phase structure if enable phase was selected as true if ($thisPhase != '0') { $comptThisPhase = count($phaseArraySets[$thisPhase]); for ($i = 0; $i < $comptThisPhase; $i++) { $tmpquery = 'INSERT INTO ' . $tableCollab['phases'] . "(project_id,order_num,status,name) VALUES('{$num}','{$i}','0','" . $phaseArraySets[$thisPhase][$i] . "')"; connectSql($tmpquery); }
$checkSession = true; require_once "../includes/library.php"; $tmpquery = "WHERE = '{$project}'"; $projectDetail = new request(); $projectDetail->openProjects($tmpquery); $comptProjectDetail = count($projectDetail->pro_id); if ($comptProjectDetail == "0") { header("Location: ../projects/listprojects.php?msg=blank"); exit; } if ($action == "delete") { $id = str_replace("**", ",", $id); $pieces = explode(",", $id); if ($htaccessAuth == "true") { require_once "../includes/htpasswd.class.php"; $Htpasswd = new Htpasswd(); $Htpasswd->initialize("../files/" . $projectDetail->pro_id[0] . "/.htpasswd"); $tmpquery = "WHERE IN({$id})"; $listMembers = new request(); $listMembers->openMembers($tmpquery); $comptListMembers = count($listMembers->mem_id); for ($i = 0; $i < $comptListMembers; $i++) { $Htpasswd->deleteUser($listMembers->mem_login[$i]); } } // if mantis bug tracker enabled if ($enableMantis == "true") { // include mantis library require_once "../mantis/core_API.php"; } $compt = count($pieces);
createDir("files/{$num}"); } if ($htaccessAuth == "true") { $content = <<<STAMP AuthName "{$setTitle}" AuthType Basic Require valid-user AuthUserFile {$fullPath}/files/{$num}/.htpasswd STAMP; $fp = @fopen("../files/{$num}/.htaccess", 'wb+'); $fw = fwrite($fp, $content); $fp = @fopen("../files/{$num}/.htpasswd", 'wb+'); $tmpquery = "WHERE = '{$pown}'"; $detailMember = new request(); $detailMember->openMembers($tmpquery); $Htpasswd = new Htpasswd(); $Htpasswd->initialize("../files/" . $num . "/.htpasswd"); $Htpasswd->addUser($detailMember->mem_login[0], $detailMember->mem_password[0]); } //if mantis bug tracker enabled if ($enableMantis == "true") { // call mantis function to copy project include "../mantis/proj_add.php"; } //create phase structure if enable phase was selected as true if ($thisPhase != "0") { $comptThisPhase = count($phaseArraySets[$thisPhase]); for ($i = 0; $i < $comptThisPhase; $i++) { $tmpquery = "INSERT INTO " . $tableCollab["phases"] . "(project_id,order_num,status,name) VALUES('{$num}','{$i}','0','" . $phaseArraySets[$thisPhase][$i] . "')"; connectSql("{$tmpquery}"); }
header('Location:index.php'); break; //////// CREATE HTACCESS AND HTPASSWD FILES //////// CREATE HTACCESS AND HTPASSWD FILES case 'createHtFiles': $error = null; $reportDir = 'report/'; if ($mCfg->isReportBasicAuthEnabled() && $mCfg->getBasicAuthMethod() == AUTH_METHOD_HTACCESS) { require_once 'libs/PHP-Htpasswd/Htpasswd.php'; if (!is_writeable($reportDir)) { $error = 'Report directory is not writeable !'; } else { $content = 'AuthUserFile "' . getcwd() . '/report/.htpasswd"' . "\n" . 'AuthName "MAB-LAB Report Script"' . "\n" . 'AuthType Basic' . "\n" . '<Files "report.php" >' . "\n" . "\t" . 'require valid-user' . "\n" . '</Files>'; if (file_put_contents($reportDir . '.htaccess', $content)) { $account = $mCfg->getBasicAuthAccount(); $password = Htpasswd::encryptPassword($account->password, Htpasswd::ENCTYPE_APR_MD5); $content = $account->login . ':' . $password . "\n"; if (!file_put_contents($reportDir . '.htpasswd', $content)) { $error = 'An error occured while trying to write .htpasswd file ! .htaccess file was removed.'; @unlink($reportDir . '.htaccess'); } } else { $error = 'An error occured while trying to write .htaccess file !'; } } } else { $error = 'Your configuration is not properly set !'; } if ($error == null) { Helper::pushAlert(ALERT_SUCCESS, 'Files created successfully !'); } else {
if ($enable_cvs == "true") { require_once "../includes/cvslib.php"; } if ($action == "update") { // encrypt the old password using the defined loginMethod $opw = get_password($opw); if ($opw != $_SESSION['passwordSession']) { $error = $strings["old_password_error"]; } else { if ($npw != $pwa || $npw == "") { $error = $strings["new_password_error"]; } else { $cnpw = get_password($npw); if ($htaccessAuth == "true") { require_once "../includes/htpasswd.class.php"; $Htpasswd = new Htpasswd(); $tmpquery = "WHERE tea.member = '" . $_SESSION['idSession'] . "'"; $listProjects = new request(); $listProjects->openTeams($tmpquery); $comptListProjects = count($listProjects->tea_id); if ($comptListProjects != "0") { for ($i = 0; $i < $comptListProjects; $i++) { $Htpasswd->initialize("../files/" . $listProjects->tea_pro_id[$i] . "/.htpasswd"); $Htpasswd->changePass($_SESSION['loginSession'], $cnpw); } } } $tmpquery = "UPDATE " . $tableCollab["members"] . " SET password='******' WHERE id = '" . $_SESSION['idSession'] . "'"; connectSql("{$tmpquery}"); // if mantis bug tracker enabled if ($enableMantis == "true") {
if ($enable_cvs == "true") { include "../includes/cvslib.php"; } if ($action == "update") { $r = substr($opw, 0, 2); $opw = crypt($opw, $r); if ($opw != $passwordSession) { $error = $strings["old_password_error"]; } else { if ($npw != $pwa || $npw == "") { $error = $strings["new_password_error"]; } else { $cnpw = get_password($npw); if ($htaccessAuth == "true") { include "../includes/htpasswd.class.php"; $Htpasswd = new Htpasswd(); $tmpquery = "WHERE tea.member = '{$idSession}'"; $listProjects = new request(); $listProjects->openTeams($tmpquery); $comptListProjects = count($listProjects->tea_id); if ($comptListProjects != "0") { for ($i = 0; $i < $comptListProjects; $i++) { $Htpasswd->initialize("files/" . $listProjects->tea_pro_id[$i] . "/.htpasswd"); $Htpasswd->changePass($loginSession, $cnpw); } } } $tmpquery = "UPDATE " . $tableCollab["members"] . " SET password='******' WHERE id = '{$idSession}'"; connectSql("{$tmpquery}"); //if CVS repository enabled if ($enable_cvs == "true") {
} catch (Exception $e) { $errors[] = $e->getMessage(); } } else { $errors[] = "User {$username} already exists"; } } else { $errors[] = "Username or password not set"; } } if ($_REQUEST['action'] == "delete") { $username = trim($_REQUEST['username']); if ($username) { if (($key = array_search($username, $users)) !== false) { try { $htpasswd = new Htpasswd($HTPASSWD_FP); $htpasswd->deleteUser($username); $messages[] = "User {$username} has been removed successfully"; unset($users[$key]); } catch (Exception $e) { $errors[] = $e->getMessage(); } } else { $errors[] = "User {$username} not found"; } } } } ?> <html lang="en"> <head>