/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * POST /houses * * @return Response */ public function store() { $input = Input::all(); $v = Validator::make(Input::All(), array('name' => 'required|max:50|unique:houses', 'propertyID' => 'required', 'frequency' => 'required')); if ($v->passes()) { $newhouse = new House(); $newhouse->name = Input::get('name'); $newhouse->propertyID = Input::get('propertyID'); $newhouse->frequency = Input::get('frequency'); foreach (Input::get('housegroup') as $key => $value) { $result = strtolower(preg_replace("/[[:blank:]]+/", "_", $key)); $newhouse->{$result} = $value; } $newhouse->save(); $pid = Input::get('propertyID'); return Redirect::action('HousController@show', $pid)->withFlashMessage('Unit created successfully'); } return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors($v)->with('message', 'There were validation errors'); }
/** * csv文件的某一行数据导入到数据库 */ function import_db_line($file_name, $line) { $msg = ''; $state = 0; $n = 0; $handle = fopen($file_name, 'r'); while ($data = fgetcsv($handle, 10000)) { ++$n; $is_print_col = 0; //读取第一行 if (1 == $is_print_col) { $num = count($data); echo '<tr> ' . "\r\n"; echo '<td>' . $line . '</td>' . "\r\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { //echo '<td>'.iconv('gb2312', 'utf-8', $data[$i]).'</td>' . "\r\n"; //中文转码 $this->p($i . '行: ' . $data[$i]); } echo '</tr> ' . "\r\n"; } if ($line == $n) { $msg = '读取第' . $n . '行;'; $num = count($data); if ($num > 0) { $addr = trim($data[0]); $a_c = trim($data[1]); $yr_built = trim($data[2]); $sqft = trim($data[3]); $area = trim($data[4]); $area_code = trim($data[5]); $bsmt1_out = trim($data[6]); $bsmt2_out = trim($data[7]); $br = trim($data[8]); $br_plus = trim($data[9]); $central_vac = trim($data[10]); $community = trim($data[11]); $community_code = trim($data[12]); $cross_st = trim($data[13]); $elevator = trim($data[14]); $constr1_out = trim($data[15]); $constr2_out = trim($data[16]); $extras = trim($data[17]); $fpl_num = trim($data[18]); $comp_pts = trim($data[19]); $furnished = trim($data[20]); $gar_spaces = trim($data[21]); if ($location != '') { $local_zb = $this->actionGetCodeAddress2($location); $longitude = $local_zb['lng']; // 经度////////待定 $latitude = $local_zb['lat']; // 纬度////////待定 // p($longitude); // p($latitude); } $is_print_value = 0; //是否输入 读入的csv值 if (1 == $is_print_value) { p('名称: ' . $addr); p('总价: ' . $a_c); p('开发商: ' . $yr_built); p('所属项目: ' . $sqft); p('挂牌时间: ' . $area); p('地址: ' . $area_code); p('描述: ' . $bsmt1_out); p('房源图片: ' . $bsmt2_out); p('组图: ' . $br); p('房源视频路径: ' . $br_plus); p('作者: ' . $central_vac); p('是否推荐: ' . $community); p('城市: ' . $community_code); p('地区: ' . $cross_st); p('社区: ' . $elevator); p('投资类型: ' . $constr1_out); p('物业类型: ' . $constr2_out); p('土地面积: ' . $extras); p('房屋面积: ' . $fpl_num); p('房屋层数: ' . $comp_pts); p('卧室数量: ' . $furnished); p('卫生间数量: ' . $gar_spaces); } parent::_acl('house_create'); $model = new House(); $model->addr = $addr; //名称 必填 $model->a_c = $a_c; //总价 必填 $model->yr_built = $yr_built; //开发商 必填 $model->sqft = $sqft; //所属项目 必填 $model->area = $area; //挂牌时间 $model->area_code = $area_code; // 地址 $model->bsmt1_out = $bsmt1_out; // 地址 $model->bsmt2_out = $bsmt2_out; // 地址 $model->br = $br; // 地址 $model->br_plus = $br_plus; // 地址 $model->central_vac = $central_vac; // 地址 $model->community = $community; // 地址 $model->community_code = $community_code; // 地址 $model->cross_st = $cross_st; // 地址 $model->elevator = $elevator; // 地址 $model->constr1_out = $constr1_out; // 地址 $model->constr2_out = $constr2_out; // 地址 $model->extras = $extras; // 地址 $model->fpl_num = $fpl_num; // 地址 $model->comp_pts = $comp_pts; // 地址 $model->furnished = $furnished; // 地址 $model->gar_spaces = $gar_spaces; // 地址 $is_save = 1; //是否保存 if ($is_save == 1) { if ($model->save()) { //echo '导入数据成功!'; $msg = $msg . '导入数据成功!'; $state = 1; } else { //echo '导入数据失败!'; $msg = $msg . '导入数据失败!'; $state = 0; //print_r($model->errors); } } } break; } } fclose($handle); //关闭指针 unset($handle); return array('line' => $line, 'state' => $state, 'msg' => $msg, 'err' => $model->errors); unset($model); }
public function createUnit() { $input = Input::all(); $v = Validator::make(Input::All(), array('name' => 'required|max:50|unique:houses', 'propertyid' => 'required', 'rent_deposit' => 'required', 'electricity_deposit' => 'required', 'water_deposit' => 'required', 'garbage_deposit' => 'required', 'frequency' => 'required', 'rent' => 'required', 'electricity' => 'required', 'garbage' => 'required', 'water' => 'required')); if ($v->passes()) { $newhouse = new House(); $newhouse->name = Input::get('name'); $newhouse->propertyID = Input::get('propertyid'); $newhouse->frequency = Input::get('frequency'); $newhouse->rent = Input::get('rent'); $newhouse->water = Input::get('water'); $newhouse->garbage = Input::get('garbage'); $newhouse->electricity = Input::get('electricity'); $newhouse->rent_deposit = Input::get('rent_deposit'); $newhouse->water_deposit = Input::get('water_deposit'); $newhouse->garbage_deposit = Input::get('garbage_deposit'); $newhouse->electricity_deposit = Input::get('electricity_deposit'); $newhouse->agent_id = Input::get('agent_id'); $newhouse->save(); $noteunit = array('error' => false, 'message' => "Unit Created Successfully"); return $noteunit; } $noteError4 = array('error' => true, 'message' => $v->messages()); return $noteError4; }
$human1 = new Human(); $human1->setName('John'); $human1->save(); $human2 = new Human(); $human2->setName('Jane'); $human2->save(); $house1 = new House(); $house1->setName('Home1'); $house1->setHumanRelatedByOwnerId($human1); $house1->setHumanRelatedByRenterId($human2); $house1->save(); $house2 = new House(); $house2->setName('Home2'); $house2->setHumanRelatedByOwnerId($human2); $house2->setHumanRelatedByRenterId($human1); $house2->save(); $finder = sfPropelFinder::from('House')-> join('Human owner', 'House.OwnerId', 'owner.Id', 'INNER JOIN')-> where('owner.Name', 'John'); $nbHouses = $finder->count(); $t->is($nbHouses, 1, 'join() allows to join to another table with several foreign keys using an alias'); $t->is($finder->getLatestQuery(), propel_sql('SELECT COUNT([P13*][P12house.ID]) FROM house INNER JOIN human owner ON (house.OWNER_ID=owner.ID) WHERE owner.NAME=\'John\''), 'join() uses aliased table names when using an alias relation'); /************************************************************/ /* sfPropelFinder::join() with self-referenced foreign keys */ /************************************************************/ $t->diag('sfPropelFinder::join() with self-referenced foreign keys'); HumanPeer::doDeleteAll(); $human1 = new Human();
/********************************************************************/ $t->diag('sfPropelFinderRelation::relateObject() and multiple foreign keys'); CivilityPeer::doDeleteAll(); HumanPeer::doDeleteAll(); HousePeer::doDeleteAll(); $civility1 = new Civility(); $civility1->setIsMan(true); $civility1->save(); $human1 = new Human(); $human1->setName('John'); $human1->save(); $house1 = new House(); $house1->setName('Home1'); $house1->save(); $manager = new sfPropelFinderRelationManager('House'); $ownerRelation = $manager->addRelationFromColumns('House', HousePeer::OWNER_ID, 'Human', HumanPeer::ID, 'owner'); $civilityRelation = $manager->guessRelation('Civility'); $manager[] = $civilityRelation; $ownerRelation->relateObject($house1, $human1); $t->is($house1->getOwnerId(), $human1->getId(), 'relateObject() creates a relation between two Propel objects'); $civilityRelation->relateObject($house1, $civility1); $t->is($human1->getTheSex(), $civility1->getId(), 'relateObject() creates a relation between two Propel objects via another relation'); /******************************************************/ /* sfPropelFinderRelation::relateObject() and aliases */ /******************************************************/
} else { $serverSaveHour--; } $timeInfo['tm_hour'] = $serverSaveHour; $timeInfo['tm_min'] = 55; $timeInfo['tm_sec'] = 0; $difference = mktime($timeInfo['tm_hour'], $timeInfo['tm_min'], $timeInfo['tm_sec'], (int) $timeInfo['tm_mon'] + 1, $timeInfo['tm_mday'], (int) $timeInfo['tm_year'] + 1900) - $timeNow; if ($difference < 0) { $difference += 86400; } $auctionEnd = time() + $difference + ($auctionDaysDefault - 1) * 86400; } } $house->setBidEnd($auctionEnd); } $house->save(); $main_content .= $goodInfoStart . 'Your offer is now highest on auction. Current price for house is <b>' . $house->getLastBid() . ' gold</b>, your maximum price is <b>' . $house->getBid() . ' gold</b>. Character <b>' . htmlspecialchars($bidder->getName()) . '</b> from your account will get house, if you win.' . $goodInfoEnd; // udalo sie przebic, wiec nie pokazuje formularza $bidded = true; } else { if ($bid >= $house->getLastBid()) { $house->setLastBid($bid); $house->save(); } $main_content .= $badInfoStart . 'Your offer of ' . $bid . ' gold is too low.' . $badInfoEnd; } } else { $main_content .= $badInfoStart . 'Character <b>' . htmlspecialchars($bidder->getName()) . '</b> does not have enough money on bank account. Please login again <b>in game</b> to update your bank balance.' . $badInfoEnd; } } else { $main_content .= 'Selected player is not on your account?! Hax?';
/** * 录入 * */ public function actionCreate() { parent::_acl('house_create'); $original = Yii::app()->request->getQuery('original'); $model = new House(); $imageList = $this->_gets->getPost('imageList'); $imageListSerialize = XUtils::imageListSerialize($imageList); if (isset($_POST['House'])) { $model->attributes = $_POST['House']; $model->accessDate = strtotime($_POST['House']['accessDate']); $model->match = implode(',', $_POST['House']['match']); $file = XUpload::upload($_FILES['house_image']); if (is_array($file)) { $model->house_image = $file['pathname']; } $model->image_list = $imageListSerialize['dataSerialize']; if ($model->save()) { AdminLogger::_create(array('catalog' => 'create', 'intro' => '录入房源信息,ID:' . $model->id)); if (!empty($original)) { $this->redirect($original); } else { $this->redirect(array('index')); } } } $this->subject_list = parent::_groupList('subject'); $this->city_list = parent::_groupList('city'); $this->district_list = parent::_groupList('district'); $this->investType_list = parent::_groupList('investType'); $this->propertyType_list = parent::_groupList('propertyType'); $this->match_list = parent::_groupList('match'); $this->render('create', array('model' => $model, 'imageList' => $imageListSerialize['data'], 'original' => $original)); }
function scraping_PKT($url, $region) { // create HTML DOM $html = file_get_html($url); $ret = array(); // get title // $ret['title'] = $html->find('title', 0)->innertext; /* $ret['name'] =$html->find('a[class="fn openPreview"]',1)->innertext; $ret['zip'] =$html->find('span[class="postal-code"]',1)->innertext; $ret['city'] =$html->find('span[class="locality"]',1)->innertext; $ret['street'] =$html->find('span[class="street-address"]',1)->innertext; $ret['tel'] =$html->find('p[class="tel"]',1)->innertext; $ret['email'] =$html->find('p[class="email"]',1)->innertext; $ret['www'] =$html->find('p[class="url"]',1)->innertext; $ret['slogan'] =$html->find('div[class="slogan"]',1)->innertext; */ //$ret['record'] =$html->find('h2') ; foreach ($html->find('td[class="vcard"]') as $element) { $block = str_get_html($element->innertext); $house = new House(); $house->name = $block->find('a[class="fn openPreview"]', 0)->innertext; $house->zipCode = $block->find('span[class="postal-code"]', 0)->innertext; $house->city = $block->find('span[class="locality"]', 0)->innertext; $house->street = $block->find('span[class="street-address"]', 0)->innertext; $house->tel = $block->find('p[class="tel"]', 0)->innertext; $tmp = $block->find('p[class="email"]'); if (!empty($tmp)) { $house->email = $tmp[0]->find('a', 0)->innertext; } $tmp = $block->find('p[class="url"]'); if (!empty($tmp)) { $house->www = $tmp[0]->find('a', 0)->innertext; } $house->slogan = $block->find('div[class="slogan"]', 0)->plaintext; $house->region = $region; $house->save(); print 'Zapisano: ' . $house->name . ' ' . $house->city . "\n"; //echo $house->name .'<br>'; // str_get_html($block)->find('a[class="fn openPreview"]',0)->innertext; //array_push ($ret, Array('name'=>str_get_html($element->innertext)->find('a[class="fn openPreview"]',0)->innertext)); $block->clear(); //unset($block); $house->free(); } //$next = $html->find('li[class="nextLink"]',0)->innertext; //$link=str_get_html($next)->find('a',0)->href; // get rating // $ret['Rating'] = $html->find('div[class="general rating"] b', 0)->innertext; // get overview /*foreach($html->find('div[class="info"]') as $div) { // skip user comments if($div->find('h5', 0)->innertext=='User Comments:') return $ret; $key = ''; $val = ''; foreach($div->find('*') as $node) { if ($node->tag=='h5') $key = $node->plaintext; if ($node->tag=='a' && $node->plaintext!='more') $val .= trim(str_replace("\n", '', $node->plaintext)); if ($node->tag=='text') $val .= trim(str_replace("\n", '', $node->plaintext)); } $ret[$key] = $val; }*/ $next = $html->find('li[class="nextLink"]'); if (!empty($next)) { $link = $next[0]->find('a', 0)->href; } else { $link = ""; } // clean up memory $html->clear(); unset($html); return $link; }