getUnits() public method

Returns a mapping of units for each UNIT type.
public getUnits ( integer $type = null ) : array
$type integer The units for measurement. A Horde_Service_Weather::UNITS_* constant.
return array The mapping of measurements (as keys) and units (as values).
Esempio n. 1
 protected function _content()
     global $injector, $language, $page_output, $prefs, $registry;
     // Set the requested units.
     $this->_weather->units = $this->_params['units'];
     $view = $injector->getInstance('Horde_View');
     if (!empty($this->_refreshParams) && !empty($this->_refreshParams->location)) {
         $location = $this->_refreshParams->location;
         $view->instance = '';
     } else {
         $view->instance = hash('md5', mt_rand());
         $injector->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_Imple')->create('WeatherLocationAutoCompleter_Weather', array('id' => 'location' . $view->instance, 'instance' => $view->instance));
         $view->requested_location = $this->_params['location'];
         $location = $this->_params['location'];
     $view->units = $this->_weather->getUnits($this->_weather->units);
     $view->params = $this->_params;
     $view->link = $this->_weather->link;
     $view->title = $this->_weather->title;
     if ($this->_weather->logo) {
         $view->logo = $this->_weather->logo;
     // Test location
     try {
         $view->location = $this->_weather->searchLocations($location);
     } catch (Horde_Service_Weather_Exception $e) {
         return $e->getMessage();
     } catch (Horde_Exception_NotFound $e) {
         return _(sprintf("Location %s not found."), $location);
     try {
         $view->forecast = $this->_weather->getForecast($view->location->code, $this->_params['days']);
         $view->station = $this->_weather->getStation();
         $view->current = $this->_weather->getCurrentConditions($view->location->code);
         // @todo: Add link to put alert text in redbox.
         $view->timezone = $prefs->getValue('timezone');
         $view->dateFormat = $prefs->getValue('date_format');
         $view->timeFormat = $prefs->getValue('time_format');
         $view->alerts = $this->_weather->getAlerts($view->location->code);
         $view->radar = $this->_weather->getRadarImageUrl($location);
     } catch (Horde_Service_Weather_Exception $e) {
         return $e->getMessage();
     $view->languageFilter = '/^' . $registry->nlsconfig->languages[$language] . ': /i';
     if (!empty($this->_params['showMap']) && !empty($view->instance)) {
         $view->map = true;
         $page_output->addScriptFile('weatherblockmap.js', 'horde');
         Horde_Core_HordeMap::init(array('providers' => array('owm', 'osm')));
         $page_output->addInlineScript(array('WeatherBlockMap.initializeMap("' . $view->instance . '", { lat: "' . $view->location->lat . '", lon: "' . $view->location->lon . '"});$("weathermaplayer_' . $view->instance . '").show();'), true);
     if (!empty($view->instance)) {
         return $view->render('block/weather');
     } else {
         return $view->render('block/weather_content');
Esempio n. 2
 protected function _content()
     // Set the requested units.
     $this->_weather->units = $this->_params['units'];
     if (!empty($this->_refreshParams) && !empty($this->_refreshParams->location)) {
         $location = $this->_refreshParams->location;
         $html = '';
         $instance = '';
     } else {
         $instance = hash('md5', mt_rand());
         $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_Imple')->create('WeatherLocationAutoCompleter', array('id' => 'location' . $instance, 'instance' => $instance));
         $html = '<div class="horde-content"><input id="location' . $instance . '" name="location' . $instance . '"> <input type="button" id="button' . $instance . '" class="horde-default" value="' . _("Change Location") . '" /><span style="display:none;" id="location' . $instance . '_loading_img">' . Horde_Themes_Image::tag('loading.gif') . '</span></div>';
         $location = $this->_params['location'];
     // Test location
     try {
         $location = $this->_weather->searchLocations($location);
     } catch (Horde_Service_Weather_Exception $e) {
         return $e->getMessage();
     $html .= '<div id="weathercontent' . $instance . '">';
     if (is_array($location)) {
         // Several locations returned due to imprecise location parameter.
         $html = sprintf(_("Several locations possible with the parameter: %s"), $this->_params['location']) . '<br />';
         foreach ($location as $real_location) {
             $html .= '<li>' . $real_location->city . ', ' . $real_location->state . '(' . $real_location->code . ")</li>\n";
         $html .= '</ul>';
         return $html;
     try {
         $forecast = $this->_weather->getForecast($location->code, $this->_params['days']);
         $station = $this->_weather->getStation();
         $current = $this->_weather->getCurrentConditions($location->code);
     } catch (Horde_Service_Weather_Exception $e) {
         return $e->getMessage();
     // Units to display as
     $units = $this->_weather->getUnits($this->_weather->units);
     // Location and local time.
     $html .= '<div class="control">' . '<strong>' . $station->name . '</strong>';
     if ($current->time->timestamp()) {
         $html .= ' ' . sprintf(_("Local time: %s %s (UTC %s)"), $current->time->strftime($GLOBALS['prefs']->getValue('date_format')), $current->time->strftime($GLOBALS['prefs']->getValue('time_format')), $station->getOffset());
     $html .= '</div>';
     $html .= '<div class="horde-content">';
     // Sunrise/sunset.
     if ($station->sunrise) {
         $html .= '<strong>' . _("Sunrise") . ': </strong>' . Horde_Themes_Image::tag('block/sunrise/sunrise.png', array('alt' => _("Sunrise"))) . sprintf("%s %s", $station->sunrise->strftime($GLOBALS['prefs']->getValue('date_format')), $station->sunrise->strftime($GLOBALS['prefs']->getValue('time_format')));
         $html .= ' <strong>' . _("Sunset") . ': </strong>' . Horde_Themes_Image::tag('block/sunrise/sunset.png', array('alt' => _("Sunset"))) . sprintf("%s %s", $station->sunset->strftime($GLOBALS['prefs']->getValue('date_format')), $station->sunset->strftime($GLOBALS['prefs']->getValue('time_format')));
         $html .= '<br />';
     // Temperature.
     $html .= '<strong>' . _("Temperature") . ': </strong>' . $current->temp . '&deg;' . Horde_String::upper($units['temp']);
     // Dew point.
     if (is_numeric($current->dewpoint)) {
         $html .= ' <strong>' . _("Dew point") . ': </strong>' . round($current->dewpoint) . '&deg;' . Horde_String::upper($units['temp']);
     // Feels like temperature.
     // @TODO: Need to parse if wind chill/heat index etc..
     // $html .= ' <strong>' . _("Feels like: ") . '</strong>' .
     //     round($this->_weather['feltTemperature']) . '&deg;' . Horde_String::upper($units['temp']);
     // Pressure and trend.
     if ($current->pressure) {
         $html .= '<br /><strong>' . _("Pressure") . ': </strong>';
         $trend = $current->pressure_trend;
         if (empty($trend)) {
             $html .= sprintf('%d %s', round($current->pressure), $units['pres']);
         } else {
             $html .= sprintf(_("%d %s and %s"), round($current->pressure), $units['pres'], _($trend));
     if ($current->wind_direction) {
         // Wind.
         $html .= '<br /><strong>' . _("Wind") . ': </strong>';
         $html .= sprintf(_("From the %s (%s &deg;) at %s %s"), $current->wind_direction, $current->wind_degrees, $current->wind_speed, $units['wind']);
         if ($current->wind_gust > 0) {
             $html .= ', ' . _("gusting") . ' ' . $current->wind_gust . ' ' . $units['wind'];
     // Humidity.
     if ($current->humidity) {
         $html .= '<br /><strong>' . _("Humidity") . ': </strong>' . $current->humidity;
     if ($current->visibility) {
         // Visibility.
         $html .= ' <strong>' . _("Visibility") . ': </strong>' . round($current->visibility) . ' ' . $units['vis'];
     // Current condition.
     $condition = $current->condition;
     $html .= '<br /><strong>' . _("Current condition") . ': </strong>' . Horde_Themes_Image::tag('weather/32x32/' . $current->icon) . ' ' . $condition . '</div>';
     // Forecast
     if ($this->_params['days'] > 0) {
         $html .= '<div class="control"><strong>' . sprintf(_("%d-day forecast"), $this->_params['days']) . '</strong></div>';
         $futureDays = 0;
         $html .= '<table class="horde-block-weather">';
         // Headers.
         $html .= '<tr>';
         $html .= '<th>' . _("Day") . '</th><th>' . sprintf(_("Temperature%s(%sHi%s/%sLo%s)"), '<br />', '<span style="color:red">', '</span>', '<span style="color:blue">', '</span>') . '</th><th>' . _("Condition") . '</th>';
         if (isset($this->_params['detailedForecast'])) {
             if (in_array(Horde_Service_Weather::FORECAST_FIELD_PRECIPITATION, $forecast->fields)) {
                 $html .= '<th>' . sprintf(_("Precipitation%schance"), '<br />') . '</th>';
             if (in_array(Horde_Service_Weather::FORECAST_FIELD_HUMIDITY, $forecast->fields)) {
                 $html .= '<th>' . _("Humidity") . '</th>';
             if (in_array(Horde_Service_Weather::FORECAST_FIELD_WIND, $forecast->fields)) {
                 $html .= '<th>' . _("Wind") . '</th>';
         $html .= '</tr>';
         $which = -1;
         foreach ($forecast as $day) {
             if ($which > $this->_params['days']) {
             $html .= '<tr class="rowEven">';
             // Day name.
             $html .= '<td><strong>';
             if ($which == 0) {
                 $html .= _("Today");
             } elseif ($which == 1) {
                 $html .= _("Tomorrow");
             } else {
                 $html .= strftime('%A', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') + $futureDays, date('Y')));
             $html .= '</strong><br />' . strftime('%b %d', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') + $futureDays, date('Y'))) . '</td>';
             // Forecast condition.
             $condition = $day->conditions;
             // Temperature.
             $html .= '<td>' . '<span style="color:red">' . $day->high . '&deg;' . Horde_String::upper($units['temp']) . '</span>/' . '<span style="color:blue">' . $day->low . '&deg;' . Horde_String::upper($units['temp']) . '</span></td>';
             // Condition.
             $html .= '<td>' . Horde_Themes_Image::tag('weather/32x32/' . $day->icon) . '<br />' . $condition . '</td>';
             if (isset($this->_params['detailedForecast'])) {
                 if (in_array(Horde_Service_Weather::FORECAST_FIELD_PRECIPITATION, $forecast->fields)) {
                     $html .= '<td>' . ($day->precipitation_percent >= 0 ? $day->precipitation_percent . '%' : _("N/A")) . '</td>';
                 if (in_array(Horde_Service_Weather::FORECAST_FIELD_HUMIDITY, $forecast->fields)) {
                     $html .= '<td>' . ($day->humidity ? $day->humidity . '%' : _("N/A")) . '</td>';
                 if (in_array(Horde_Service_Weather::FORECAST_FIELD_WIND, $forecast->fields)) {
                     // Winds.
                     if ($day->wind_direction) {
                         $html .= '<td>' . ' ' . sprintf(_("From the %s at %s %s"), $day->wind_direction, $day->wind_speed, $units['wind']);
                         if ($day->wind_gust && $day->wind_gust > $day->wind_speed) {
                             $html .= ', ' . _("gusting") . ' ' . $day->wind_gust . ' ' . $units['wind'];
                         $html .= '</td>';
                     } else {
                         $html .= '<td>' . _("N/A") . '</td>';
             $html .= '</tr>';
         $html .= '</table>';
     if ($this->_weather->logo) {
         $html .= '<div class="rightAlign">' . _("Weather data provided by") . ' ' . Horde::link(Horde::externalUrl($this->_weather->link), $this->_weather->title, '', '_blank', '', $this->_weather->title) . Horde_Themes_Image::tag($this->_weather->logo) . '</a></div>';
     } else {
         $html .= '<div class="rightAlign">' . _("Weather data provided by") . ' ' . Horde::link(Horde::externalUrl($this->_weather->link), $this->_weather->title, '', '_blank', '', $this->_weather->title) . '<em>' . $this->_weather->title . '</em>' . '</a></div>';
     return $html . '</div>';