Esempio n. 1
  * List discussions, filtered by various criteria
  * @params array $filters  The array of filters allowed keys
  *                      'state' => array('Y', 'D', 'R')
  *                           Allowed states
  *                                   Y  => OK,
  *                                   D  => Declined
  *                                   R  => awaiting approval
  *                                   defaults to 'R' - passing an empty array means 'all'
  *                       'category' => The category id to filter for
  *                       'user'     => A user's numeric id to filter for
 public function listDiscussions(array $filters = array())
     $filters = array_merge(array('state' => array('Y'), 'limit' => array()), $filters);
     $dm = $this->_mappers->create('Dolcore_Rdo_DiscussionMapper');
     $query = new Horde_Rdo_Query($dm);
     if ($filters['category']) {
         $query->addTest('kategorie_id', '=', $filters['category']);
     if ($filters['user']) {
         $query->addTest('benutzer_id', '=', $filters['user']);
     if (count($filters['state'])) {
         $query->addTest('checked', 'IN', $filters['state']);
     $query->sortBy('erstelldatum DESC');
     return $dm->find($query);
Esempio n. 2
  * Authentication handler
  * On failure, Horde_Auth_Exception should pass a message string (if any)
  * in the message field, and the Horde_Auth::REASON_* constant in the code
  * field (defaults to Horde_Auth::REASON_MESSAGE).
  * @param string $userID      The userID to check.
  * @param array $credentials  An array of login credentials.
  * @throws Horde_Auth_Exception
 protected function _authenticate($userID, $credentials)
     $um = $this->_mappers->create('Dolcore_Rdo_UserMapper');
     if ($this->exists($userID) == false) {
         throw new Horde_Auth_Exception('', Horde_Auth::REASON_BADLOGIN);
     $user = $um->findOne(array('nickname' => $userID));
     $pass = Horde_Auth::getCryptedPassword($credentials['password'], substr($credentials['password'], 0, 2), 'crypt', false);
     if ($pass != $user->passwort) {
         throw new Horde_Auth_Exception('', Horde_Auth::REASON_BADLOGIN);
     return true;
Esempio n. 3
  * get any number of pastes from a bin, ordered by date, narrowed by limit and offset
  * @param string  $bin  A paste bin to query
  * @param integer $limit  a maximum of pastes to retrieve (optional, default to null = all)
  * @param integer start  a number of pastes to skip before retrieving (optional, default to null = begin with first)
  * @return array  a list of pastes
 public function getPastes($bin, $limit = null, $start = null)
     $pm = $this->_mappers->create('Pastie_Entity_PasteMapper');
     $query = new Horde_Rdo_Query($pm);
     $query->sortBy('paste_timestamp DESC');
     if ($limit !== null) {
         if ($start === null) {
             $start = 0;
         $query->limit($limit, $start);
     $pastes = array();
     foreach ($pm->find($query) as $paste) {
         $pastes[$paste['paste_uuid']] = $this->_fromBackend($paste);
     return $pastes;
Esempio n. 4
  * Update an instance of $this->_classname from a set of data.
  * @param Horde_Rdo_Base $object The object to update
  * @param array $fields Field names/default values for the object
 public function mapFields($object, $fields = array())
     $relationships = array();
     foreach ($fields as $fieldName => &$fieldValue) {
         if (strpos($fieldName, '@') !== false) {
             list($rel, $field) = explode('@', $fieldName, 2);
             $relationships[$rel][$field] = $fieldValue;
         if (isset($this->fields[$fieldName])) {
             $fieldName = $this->fields[$fieldName];
         $column = $this->tableDefinition->getColumn($fieldName);
         if ($column) {
             $fieldValue = $column->typeCast($fieldValue);
     if (count($relationships)) {
         foreach ($this->relationships as $relationship => $rel) {
             if (isset($rel['mapper'])) {
                 if ($this->_factory) {
                     $m = $this->_factory->create($rel['mapper']);
                 } else {
                     $m = new $rel['mapper']($this->adapter);
             } else {
                 $m = $this->tableToMapper($relationship);
                 if (is_null($m)) {
                     // @TODO Throw an exception?
             // Don't check the table only. If there was a match for LEFT
             // JOINs, there may be a "empty" result
             if (isset($relationships[$m->table], $relationships[$m->table][$m->primaryKey])) {
                 $object->{$relationship} = $m->map($relationships[$m->table]);
Esempio n. 5
  * Inventory search
  * @param array filters  a list of filter hashes, each having keys
  *                  string type ('note', 'stock_name', 'stock_id', 'categories', 'values')
  *                  string test
  *                  boolean exact (only search for full words, default to null)
  *                  mixed  value (string for note, stock_name)
  *                  For the 'values' structure, value, value is a map of [values] and optional [property]}
  * @return array  List of Stock items
 public function findStock($filters = array())
     $sm = $this->_mappers->create('Sesha_Entity_StockMapper');
     if (empty($filters)) {
         return iterator_to_array($sm->find());
     $query = new Horde_Rdo_Query($sm);
     foreach ($filters as $filter) {
         switch ($filter['type']) {
             case 'note':
             case 'stock_name':
             case 'stock_id':
                 $filter_values = is_array($filter['value']) ? $filter['value'] : array($filter['value']);
                 $filter_test = empty($filter['test']) ? 'LIKE' : $filter['test'];
                 $filter_field = $filter['type'];
                 if ($filter_field == 'stock_id') {
                     $filter_test = '=';
                 foreach ($filter_values as $filter_value) {
                     if (strlen($filter_value)) {
                         if ($filter_test == 'LIKE' && empty($filter['exact'])) {
                             $filter_value = '%' . $filter_value . '%';
                         $query->addTest($filter_field, $filter_test, $filter_value);
             case 'categories':
                 $cm = $this->_mappers->create('Sesha_Entity_CategoryMapper');
                 $categories = is_array($filter['value']) ? $filter['value'] : array($filter['value']);
                 $items = array();
                 foreach ($categories as $category) {
                     if ($category instanceof Sesha_Entity_Category) {
                         $category_id = $category->category_id;
                     } else {
                         $category_id = $category;
                         $category = $cm->findOne($category_id);
                     foreach ($category->stock as $item) {
                         /* prevent duplicates when an item has several
                          * categories */
                         $items[$item->stock_id] = $item;
                 if (count($filters == 1)) {
                     return $items;
                 $query->addTest('stock_id', $filter['test'] ? $filter['test'] : 'IN', array_keys($items));
             case 'values':
                 $vm = $this->_mappers->create('Sesha_Entity_ValueMapper');
                 $items = array();
                 foreach ($filter['value'] as $propTest) {
                     $values = is_array($propTest['values']) ? $propTest['values'] : array($propTest['values']);
                     // Find all Value objects which match any of the $value[values]
                     foreach ($values as $filter_value) {
                         $valueQuery = new Horde_Rdo_Query($vm);
                         if ($propTest['property']) {
                             $valueQuery->addTest('property_id', '=', $propTest['property']);
                         if (empty($filter['exact'])) {
                             $filter_value = '%' . $filter_value . '%';
                         $valueQuery->addTest('txt_datavalue', 'LIKE', $filter_value);
                         foreach ($vm->find($valueQuery) as $value) {
                             // prevent doubles
                             $items[$value->stock_id] = $value->stock;
                 if (count($filters == 1)) {
                     return $items;
                 $query->addTest('stock_id', $filter['test'] ? $filter['test'] : 'IN', array_keys($items));
     return iterator_to_array($sm->find($query));
Esempio n. 6
 public function listAllCategories()
     $cm = $this->_mappers->create('Dolcore_Rdo_CategoryMapper');
     return $cm->find();