  * @see FrontController::postProcess()
 public function postProcess()
     $hipay = new HiPay_Tpp();
     // Acceptable return status for iframe :
     // Accept, decline, cancel and exception
     // Default value = exception
     $return_status = Tools::getValue("return_status", "exception");
     switch ($return_status) {
         case 'accept':
             $redirect_url = HipayClass::getRedirectionUrl(Tools::getShopDomainSsl(true, true) . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'index.php?fc=module&module=' . $hipay->name . '&controller=accept');
         case 'decline':
             $redirect_url = HipayClass::getRedirectionUrl(Tools::getShopDomainSsl(true, true) . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'index.php?fc=module&module=' . $hipay->name . '&controller=decline');
         case 'cancel':
             $redirect_url = HipayClass::getRedirectionUrl(Tools::getShopDomainSsl(true, true) . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'index.php?fc=module&module=' . $hipay->name . '&controller=cancel');
         case 'pending':
             $redirect_url = HipayClass::getRedirectionUrl(Tools::getShopDomainSsl(true, true) . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'index.php?fc=module&module=' . $hipay->name . '&controller=pending');
             // Implementing challenge url
             // Redirecting to challenge url if url present
             if (Configuration::get('HIPAY_CHALLENGE_URL')) {
                 $redirect_url = Configuration::get('HIPAY_CHALLENGE_URL');
         case 'exception':
             $redirect_url = HipayClass::getRedirectionUrl(Tools::getShopDomainSsl(true, true) . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'index.php?fc=module&module=' . $hipay->name . '&controller=exception');
     // Disconnect User from cart
             <script type="text/javascript">
                     parent.window.location.replace("' . $redirect_url . '");
             <h1>' . Tools::displayError('Now loading..') . '</h1>
  * Generates API data Note : This data structure is different from HipayToken::getApiData.
  * @param $cart :
  *        	Contains cart information @param $data_type : Can be either 'null' or 'iframe'. 'null' = default dedicated page behaviour 'iframe' = Updates some values to match iframe behaviour @param $context : Optional parameter through which current context is passed. If not present, the context will get instantiated none the less. returns API response array()
 public static function getApiData($cart = null, $data_type = null, $context = null, $local_card = null)
     $hipay = new HiPay_Tpp();
     if (!$context) {
         $context = Context::getContext();
     // Basic check for security
     // If no currency for the cart, redirect to first order step
     if (!$hipay->checkCurrency($cart)) {
     $language = HipayClass::getLanguageCode($context->language->iso_code);
     // Retrieving Currency
     $currency_array = $hipay->getCurrency((int) $cart->id_currency);
     $currency = $currency_array[0]['iso_code'];
     foreach ($currency_array as $key => $value) {
         if ($value['id_currency'] == $cart->id_currency) {
             $actual_currency = $value['iso_code'];
     if ($currency != $actual_currency) {
         $currency = $actual_currency;
     // Retrieve Total
     $amount = $cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::BOTH);
     // Order ID
     $orderid = $cart->id . "(" . time() . ")";
     // Cart other details
     $cart_summary = $cart->getSummaryDetails(null, true);
     $shipping = $cart_summary['total_shipping'];
     $tax = $cart_summary['total_tax'];
     $description = '';
     // Initialize to blank
     foreach ($cart_summary['products'] as $key => $value) {
         if ($value['reference']) {
             // Add reference of each product
             $description .= 'ref_' . $value['reference'] . ', ';
     // Trim trailing seperator
     $description = Tools::substr($description, 0, -2);
     if (Tools::strlen($description) == 0) {
         $description = 'cart_id_' . $orderid;
     // If description exceeds 255 char, trim back to 255
     $max_length = 255;
     if (Tools::strlen($description) > $max_length) {
         $offset = $max_length - 3 - Tools::strlen($description);
         $description = Tools::substr($description, 0, strrpos($description, ' ', $offset)) . '...';
     // Load customer and populate data array
     $customer = new Customer((int) $cart->id_customer);
     // Verify if customer is indeed a customer object
     if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($customer)) {
     // Retrive Customer ID
     $cid = (int) $customer->id;
     // Retrieve first name and last name
     $firstname = $customer->firstname;
     $lastname = $customer->lastname;
     // Retrieve Gender
     $gender = HipayClass::getAPIGender($customer->id_gender);
     // Retrieve Email
     $email = $customer->email;
     // Retrieve Birthdate
     $birthdate = $customer->birthday;
     $birthdate = str_replace('-', '', $birthdate);
     // Load Addresses - Invoice addr and Delivery addr
     $invoice = new Address((int) $cart->id_address_invoice);
     $delivery = new Address((int) $cart->id_address_delivery);
     if (isset($invoice->phone) && $invoice->phone != '') {
         $phone = $invoice->phone;
     } elseif (isset($invoice->phone_mobile) && $invoice->phone_mobile != '') {
         $phone = $invoice->phone_mobile;
     } else {
         $phone = '';
     $streetaddress = $invoice->address1;
     $streetaddress2 = $invoice->address2;
     $city = $invoice->city;
     $zipcode = $invoice->postcode;
     // Data 'state' = The USA state or the Canada state of the
     // customer making the purchase. Send this
     // information only if the address country of the
     // customer is US (USA) or CA (Canada
     $state = '';
     // Data 'country' = The country code of the customer.
     // This two-letter country code complies with ISO
     // 3166-1 (alpha 2).
     $country = HipayClass::getCountryCode($invoice->country);
     // Delivery info
     $shipto_firstname = $delivery->firstname;
     $shipto_lastname = $delivery->lastname;
     $shipto_streetaddress = $delivery->address1;
     $shipto_streetaddress2 = $delivery->address2;
     $shipto_city = $delivery->city;
     $shipto_zipcode = $delivery->postcode;
     // Data 'shipto_state' = The USA state or the Canada state of the
     // customer making the purchase. Send this
     // information only if the address country of the
     // customer is US (USA) or CA (Canada
     $shipto_state = '';
     // Data 'shipto_country' = The country code of the customer.
     // This two-letter country code complies with ISO
     // 3166-1 (alpha 2).
     $shipto_country = HipayClass::getCountryCode($delivery->country);
     // Data set => cdata1, cdata2, cdata3, cdata4
     // Custom data. You may use these parameters
     // to submit values you wish to receive back in
     // the API response messages or in the
     // notifications, e.g. you can use these
     // parameters to get back session data, order
     // content or user info.
     $cdata1 = 'c' . $orderid;
     // Cart ID
     $cdata2 = 'u' . $cid;
     // User ID
     $cdata3 = 'My+data+3';
     $cdata4 = 'My+data+4';
     // Set of return URLs
     if ($data_type == 'iframe') {
         // Template = iframe
         $accept_url = HipayClass::getRedirectionUrl(Tools::getShopDomainSsl(true, true) . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'modules/' . $hipay->name . '/14iframe.php' . '?return_status=accept&content_only=1');
         $decline_url = HipayClass::getRedirectionUrl(Tools::getShopDomainSsl(true, true) . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'modules/' . $hipay->name . '/14iframe.php' . '?return_status=decline&content_only=1');
         $cancel_url = HipayClass::getRedirectionUrl(Tools::getShopDomainSsl(true, true) . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'modules/' . $hipay->name . '/14iframe.php' . '?return_status=cancel&content_only=1');
         $pending_url = HipayClass::getRedirectionUrl(Tools::getShopDomainSsl(true, true) . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'modules/' . $hipay->name . '/14iframe.php' . '?return_status=pending&content_only=1');
         $exception_url = HipayClass::getRedirectionUrl(Tools::getShopDomainSsl(true, true) . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'modules/' . $hipay->name . '/14iframe.php' . '?return_status=exception&content_only=1');
         // Template = iframe
         $template = 'iframe';
         if (Configuration::get('HIPAY_TEMPLATE_MODE') == 'basic-js') {
             $template .= '-js';
     } else {
         $accept_url = HipayClass::getRedirectionUrl(Tools::getShopDomainSsl(true, true) . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'modules/' . $hipay->name . '/14accept.php');
         $decline_url = HipayClass::getRedirectionUrl(Tools::getShopDomainSsl(true, true) . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'modules/' . $hipay->name . '/14decline.php');
         $cancel_url = HipayClass::getRedirectionUrl(Tools::getShopDomainSsl(true, true) . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'modules/' . $hipay->name . '/14cancel.php');
         $exception_url = HipayClass::getRedirectionUrl(Tools::getShopDomainSsl(true, true) . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'modules/' . $hipay->name . '/14exception.php');
         $pending_url = HipayClass::getRedirectionUrl(Tools::getShopDomainSsl(true, true) . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'modules/' . $hipay->name . '/14pending.php');
         // Template = basic
         $template = Configuration::get('HIPAY_TEMPLATE_MODE');
     // Implementing challenge url
     // Redirecting to challenge url if url present
     if (Configuration::get('HIPAY_CHALLENGE_URL')) {
         $pending_url = Configuration::get('HIPAY_CHALLENGE_URL');
     // Data 'eci'
     // Electronic Commerce Indicator (ECI).
     // The ECI indicates the security level at
     // which the payment information is
     // processed between the cardholder and
     // merchant.
     // Possible values:
     // 1 = MO/TO (Card Not Present)
     // 2 = MO/TO - Recurring
     // 3 = Installment Payment
     // 4 = Manually Keyed (Card Present)
     // 7 = Secure E-commerce with SSL/TLS
     // Encryption
     // 9 = Recurring E-commerce
     $eci = '7';
     // 3D Secure authentication
     // Data authentication_indicator
     // Indicates if the authentication should be
     // performed. Can be used to overrule the
     // merchant level configuration.
     // 0 = Bypass authentication
     // 1 = Continue if possible (Default)
     $authentication_indicator = (int) '0';
     if ((int) Configuration::get('HIPAY_THREEDSECURE')) {
         if ($amount >= (int) Configuration::get('HIPAY_THREEDSECURE_AMOUNT')) {
             $authentication_indicator = (int) Configuration::get('HIPAY_THREEDSECURE');
         } else {
             $authentication_indicator = (int) '0';
     // Get last payment methods list
     $payment_product_list_upd = Tools::getValue('payment_product_list_upd');
     if (Configuration::get('HIPAY_MANUALCAPTURE')) {
         $operation = 'Authorization';
     } else {
         $operation = 'Sale';
     // Intergrating Local cards logic into the data construction
     $payment_product_list = Configuration::get('HIPAY_ALLOWED_CARDS');
     if ($local_card != null) {
         // Override payment_product_list with local card
         $payment_product_list_upd = $local_card;
         $operation = 'Sale';
         // Default value
         // Override operation - Force sale, not manual capture.
         if (file_exists(_PS_ROOT_DIR_ . '/modules/' . $hipay->name . '/special_cards.xml')) {
             $local_cards = simplexml_load_file(_PS_ROOT_DIR_ . '/modules/' . $hipay->name . '/special_cards.xml');
             if (count($local_cards)) {
                 foreach ($local_cards as $key => $value) {
                     if ($local_card == (string) $value->code) {
                         if ((string) $value->manualcapture == '1') {
                             $operation = 'Authorization';
                         } else {
                             $operation = 'Sale';
     // On module administration we change the values of display selector to get always by default the selector showed
     if (Configuration::get('HIPAY_SELECTOR_MODE') == '1') {
         $display_selector = 0;
     } else {
         $display_selector = 1;
     $data = array('operation' => $operation, 'payment_product_list' => $payment_product_list_upd, 'description' => $description, 'long_description' => '', 'currency' => $currency, 'orderid' => $orderid, 'amount' => $amount, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'tax' => $tax, 'accept_url' => $accept_url, 'decline_url' => $decline_url, 'pending_url' => $pending_url, 'cancel_url' => $cancel_url, 'exception_url' => $exception_url, 'language' => $language, 'cdata1' => $cdata1, 'cdata2' => $cdata2, 'cdata3' => $cdata3, 'cdata4' => $cdata4, 'cid' => $cid, 'phone' => $phone, 'birthdate' => $birthdate, 'gender' => $gender, 'firstname' => $firstname, 'lastname' => $lastname, 'recipientinfo' => 'Client', 'streetaddress' => $streetaddress, 'streetaddress2' => $streetaddress2, 'city' => $city, 'state' => $state, 'zipcode' => $zipcode, 'country' => $country, 'shipto_firstname' => $shipto_firstname, 'shipto_lastname' => $shipto_lastname, 'shipto_recipientinfo' => 'Client', 'shipto_streetaddress' => $shipto_streetaddress, 'shipto_streetaddress2' => $shipto_streetaddress2, 'shipto_city' => $shipto_city, 'shipto_state' => $shipto_state, 'shipto_zipcode' => $shipto_zipcode, 'shipto_country' => $shipto_country, 'ipaddr' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'email' => $email, 'authentication_indicator' => strval($authentication_indicator), 'eci' => $eci, 'template' => $template, 'css' => Configuration::get('HIPAY_CSS_URL'), 'display_selector' => $display_selector);
     // TPPPRS-21
     if ($birthdate == 0) {
     // Merchant display name limited to 32 characters only
     if ($data_type == 'iframe') {
         // No merchant_display_name for mode iframe
     } else {
         $merchant_display_name = Tools::substr(Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_NAME'), 0, 32);
         $data['merchant_display_name'] = $merchant_display_name;
     return $data;
 public static function getApiData($cart = null, $cardtoken = null, $context = null, $cartUseExistingToken = 0)
     $hipay = new HiPay_Tpp();
     if (!$context) {
         $context = Context::getContext();
     // Basic check for security
     // If no currency for the cart, redirect to first order step
     if (!$hipay->checkCurrency($cart)) {
     $language = HipayClass::getLanguageCode($context->language->iso_code);
     // Retrieving Currency
     $currency_array = $hipay->getCurrency((int) $cart->id_currency);
     $currency = $currency_array[0]['iso_code'];
     foreach ($currency_array as $value) {
         if ($value['id_currency'] == $cart->id_currency) {
             $actual_currency = $value['iso_code'];
     if ($currency != $actual_currency) {
         $currency = $actual_currency;
     // Retrieve Total
     $amount = $cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::BOTH);
     // Cart other details
     $cart_summary = $cart->getSummaryDetails(null, true);
     $shipping = $cart_summary['total_shipping'];
     $tax = $cart_summary['total_tax'];
     $description = '';
     // Initialize to blank
     foreach ($cart_summary['products'] as $value) {
         if ($value['reference']) {
             // Add reference of each product
             $description .= 'ref_' . $value['reference'] . ', ';
     // Order ID
     $orderid = $cart->id . "(" . time() . ")";
     // Trim trailing seperator
     $description = Tools::substr($description, 0, -2);
     if (Tools::strlen($description) == 0) {
         $description = 'cart_id_' . $orderid;
     // If description exceeds 255 char, trim back to 255
     $max_length = 255;
     if (Tools::strlen($description) > $max_length) {
         $offset = $max_length - 3 - Tools::strlen($description);
         $description = Tools::substr($description, 0, strrpos($description, ' ', $offset)) . '...';
     // Load customer and populate data array
     $customer = new Customer((int) $cart->id_customer);
     // Verify if customer is indeed a customer object
     if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($customer)) {
     // Retrive Customer ID
     $cid = (int) $customer->id;
     // Retrieve first name and last name
     $firstname = $customer->firstname;
     $lastname = $customer->lastname;
     // Retrieve Gender
     $gender = HipayClass::getAPIGender($customer->id_gender);
     // Retrieve Email
     $email = $customer->email;
     // Retrieve Birthdate
     $birthdate = $customer->birthday;
     $birthdate = str_replace('-', '', $birthdate);
     // Load Addresses - Invoice addr and Delivery addr
     $invoice = new Address((int) $cart->id_address_invoice);
     $delivery = new Address((int) $cart->id_address_delivery);
     if (isset($invoice->phone) && $invoice->phone != '') {
         $phone = $invoice->phone;
     } elseif (isset($invoice->phone_mobile) && $invoice->phone_mobile != '') {
         $phone = $invoice->phone_mobile;
     } else {
         $phone = '';
     $streetaddress = $invoice->address1;
     $streetaddress2 = $invoice->address2;
     $city = $invoice->city;
     $zipcode = $invoice->postcode;
     // Data 'state' = The USA state or the Canada state of the
     // customer making the purchase. Send this
     // information only if the address country of the
     // customer is US (USA) or CA (Canada
     $state = '';
     // Data 'country' = The country code of the customer.
     // This two-letter country code complies with ISO
     // 3166-1 (alpha 2).
     $country = HipayClass::getCountryCode($invoice->country);
     // Delivery info
     $shipto_firstname = $delivery->firstname;
     $shipto_lastname = $delivery->lastname;
     $shipto_streetaddress = $delivery->address1;
     $shipto_streetaddress2 = $delivery->address2;
     $shipto_city = $delivery->city;
     $shipto_zipcode = $delivery->postcode;
     // Data 'shipto_state' = The USA state or the Canada state of the
     // customer making the purchase. Send this
     // information only if the address country of the
     // customer is US (USA) or CA (Canada
     $shipto_state = '';
     // Data 'shipto_country' = The country code of the customer.
     // This two-letter country code complies with ISO
     // 3166-1 (alpha 2).
     $shipto_country = HipayClass::getCountryCode($delivery->country);
     // Data set => cdata1, cdata2, cdata3, cdata4
     // Custom data. You may use these parameters
     // to submit values you wish to receive back in
     // the API response messages or in the
     // notifications, e.g. you can use these
     // parameters to get back session data, order
     // content or user info.
     $cdata1 = 'c' . $orderid;
     // Cart ID
     $cdata2 = 'u' . $cid;
     // User ID
     $cdata3 = 'nnone';
     $cdata4 = 'cdata4';
     $accept_url = HipayClass::getRedirectionUrl(Tools::getShopDomainSsl(true, true) . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'index.php?fc=module&module=' . $hipay->name . '&controller=accept');
     $decline_url = HipayClass::getRedirectionUrl(Tools::getShopDomainSsl(true, true) . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'index.php?fc=module&module=' . $hipay->name . '&controller=decline');
     $cancel_url = HipayClass::getRedirectionUrl(Tools::getShopDomainSsl(true, true) . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'index.php?fc=module&module=' . $hipay->name . '&controller=cancel');
     $exception_url = HipayClass::getRedirectionUrl(Tools::getShopDomainSsl(true, true) . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'index.php?fc=module&module=' . $hipay->name . '&controller=exception');
     $pending_url = HipayClass::getRedirectionUrl(Tools::getShopDomainSsl(true, true) . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'index.php?fc=module&module=' . $hipay->name . '&controller=pending');
     // Implementing challenge url
     // Redirecting to challenge url if url present
     if (Configuration::get('HIPAY_CHALLENGE_URL')) {
         $pending_url = Configuration::get('HIPAY_CHALLENGE_URL');
     // Data 'eci'
     // Electronic Commerce Indicator (ECI).
     // The ECI indicates the security level at
     // which the payment information is
     // processed between the cardholder and
     // merchant.
     // Possible values:
     // 1 = MO/TO (Card Not Present)
     // 2 = MO/TO - Recurring
     // 3 = Installment Payment
     // 4 = Manually Keyed (Card Present)
     // 7 = Secure E-commerce with SSL/TLS
     // Encryption
     // 9 = Recurring E-commerce
     $eci = '7';
     // 3D Secure authentication
     // Data authentication_indicator
     // Indicates if the authentication should be
     // performed. Can be used to overrule the
     // merchant level configuration.
     // 0 = Bypass authentication
     // 1 = Continue if possible (Default)
     $authentication_indicator = '0';
     // Instantiate to default zero
     if ((int) Configuration::get('HIPAY_THREEDSECURE')) {
         if ($amount >= (int) Configuration::get('HIPAY_THREEDSECURE_AMOUNT')) {
             $authentication_indicator = Configuration::get('HIPAY_THREEDSECURE');
         } else {
             $authentication_indicator = '0';
     // If customer is using a memorized card, force the following params
     if ($cartUseExistingToken) {
         $authentication_indicator = '0';
         // Override ThreeDSecure
         $eci = '9';
         // 9 = Recurring E-commerce
     $payment_product = Tools::getValue('paymentproductswitcher');
     if ($payment_product == '') {
         $payment_product = 'visa';
     if (Configuration::get('HIPAY_MANUALCAPTURE')) {
         $operation = 'Authorization';
     } else {
         $operation = 'Sale';
     if ($cardtoken) {
         // Important : Proceed only if cardtoken is not false!
         $data = array('operation' => $operation, 'payment_product' => $payment_product, 'description' => $description, 'long_description' => '', 'currency' => $currency, 'orderid' => $orderid, 'amount' => $amount, 'shipping' => $shipping, 'tax' => $tax, 'accept_url' => $accept_url, 'decline_url' => $decline_url, 'pending_url' => $pending_url, 'cancel_url' => $cancel_url, 'exception_url' => $exception_url, 'language' => $language, 'cdata1' => $cdata1, 'cdata2' => $cdata2, 'cdata3' => $cdata3, 'cdata4' => $cdata4, 'cid' => $cid, 'phone' => $phone, 'birthdate' => $birthdate, 'gender' => $gender, 'firstname' => $firstname, 'lastname' => $lastname, 'recipientinfo' => 'Client', 'streetaddress' => $streetaddress, 'streetaddress2' => $streetaddress2, 'city' => $city, 'state' => $state, 'zipcode' => $zipcode, 'country' => $country, 'shipto_firstname' => $shipto_firstname, 'shipto_lastname' => $shipto_lastname, 'shipto_recipientinfo' => 'Client', 'shipto_streetaddress' => $shipto_streetaddress, 'shipto_streetaddress2' => $shipto_streetaddress2, 'shipto_city' => $shipto_city, 'shipto_state' => $shipto_state, 'shipto_zipcode' => $shipto_zipcode, 'shipto_country' => $shipto_country, 'ipaddr' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'email' => $email, 'cardtoken' => $cardtoken, 'authentication_indicator' => (string) $authentication_indicator, 'eci' => $eci);
         // TPPPRS-21
         if ($birthdate == 0) {
         return $data;
     return false;
  * @see FrontController::postProcess()
 public function postProcess()
     $hipay = new HiPay_Tpp();
     //$cart = $this->context->cart;
     $context = Context::getContext();
     $cart = $context->cart;
     if (!$this->module->checkCurrency($cart)) {
     $context->smarty->assign(array('nbProducts' => $cart->nbProducts(), 'cust_currency' => $cart->id_currency, 'currencies' => $this->module->getCurrency((int) $cart->id_currency), 'total' => $cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::BOTH), 'this_path' => $this->module->getPathUri(), 'this_path_bw' => $this->module->getPathUri(), 'this_path_ssl' => Tools::getShopDomainSsl(true, true) . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'modules/' . $this->module->name . '/'));
     // Token is called when the user ENTERS the card details.
     $paymentproductswitcher = Tools::getValue('paymentproductswitcher');
     if ($paymentproductswitcher == 'american-express') {
         // American Express
         // No cardHolder, but firstname and lastname
         $cardNumber = Tools::getValue('cardNumber');
         $cardHolder = null;
         $cardFirstName = Tools::getValue('cardFirstName');
         $cardLastName = Tools::getValue('cardLastName');
         $cardExpiryMonth = Tools::getValue('cardExpiryMonth');
         $cardExpiryYear = Tools::getValue('cardExpiryYear');
         $cardSecurityCode = Tools::getValue('cardSecurityCode');
         $cardMemorizeCode = Tools::getValue('cardMemorizeCode');
         $cartUseExistingToken = Tools::getValue('cartUseExistingToken');
         $cardToken = Tools::getValue('cardToken');
     } else {
         if ($paymentproductswitcher == 'bcmc') {
             // BanckContact/MisterCash
             // No CRC check
             $cardNumber = Tools::getValue('cardNumber');
             $cardHolder = Tools::getValue('cardHolder');
             $cardFirstName = null;
             $cardLastName = null;
             $cardExpiryMonth = Tools::getValue('cardExpiryMonth');
             $cardExpiryYear = Tools::getValue('cardExpiryYear');
             $cardSecurityCode = null;
             $cardMemorizeCode = Tools::getValue('cardMemorizeCode');
             $cartUseExistingToken = Tools::getValue('cartUseExistingToken');
             $cardToken = Tools::getValue('cardToken');
         } else {
             $cardNumber = Tools::getValue('cardNumber');
             $cardHolder = Tools::getValue('cardHolder');
             $cardFirstName = null;
             $cardLastName = null;
             $cardExpiryMonth = Tools::getValue('cardExpiryMonth');
             $cardExpiryYear = Tools::getValue('cardExpiryYear');
             $cardSecurityCode = Tools::getValue('cardSecurityCode');
             $cardMemorizeCode = Tools::getValue('cardMemorizeCode');
             $cartUseExistingToken = Tools::getValue('cartUseExistingToken');
             $cardToken = Tools::getValue('cardToken');
     if ($cartUseExistingToken) {
         // $cartUseExistingToken = 1 -> Use memorized card token.
         // Pre-check
         $errors = true;
         // Initialize to true
         if ($cardToken != '' || $cardToken != null) {
             if ($cardToken) {
                 $token_to_use = $cardToken;
                 // This variable will be used to make the payment. Assign only when token is present.
                 $errors = false;
                 // proceed with the submit
         // If $cardToken is null or empty or false
         // Send error 999 to indicate that user should select the card
         if ($errors) {
             $cardtoken = '999';
     } else {
         // $cartUseExistingToken = 0 -> Default processing of fetching card token.
         $cardtoken = HipayToken::createToken($cardNumber, $cardHolder, $cardExpiryMonth, $cardExpiryYear, $cardSecurityCode, $cardFirstName, $cardLastName, $paymentproductswitcher);
         // Pre-check
         $errors = true;
         // Initialize to true
         if (is_object($cardtoken)) {
             // Verify if token is not 0 or false
             if ($cardtoken->token) {
                 if ($cardMemorizeCode == 'memorize') {
                     HipayToken::saveToken($cardtoken, $cart);
                 $token_to_use = $cardtoken->token;
                 // This variable will be used to make the payment. Assign only when token is present.
                 $errors = false;
                 // proceed with the submit
     if ($errors) {
         $cart = $context->cart;
         $context->smarty->assign(array('nbProducts' => $cart->nbProducts(), 'cust_currency' => $cart->id_currency, 'currencies' => $this->module->getCurrency((int) $cart->id_currency), 'total' => $cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::BOTH), 'this_path' => $this->module->getPathUri(), 'this_path_bw' => $this->module->getPathUri(), 'this_path_ssl' => Tools::getShopDomainSsl(true, true) . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'modules/' . $this->module->name . '/'));
         $currency_array = $this->module->getCurrency((int) $cart->id_currency);
         $currency = $currency_array[0]['iso_code'];
         foreach ($currency_array as $key => $value) {
             if ($value['id_currency'] == $cart->id_currency) {
                 $actual_currency = $value['iso_code'];
         if ($currency != $actual_currency) {
             $currency = $actual_currency;
         $context->smarty->assign(array('status_error' => (int) $cardtoken, 'cart_id' => $cart->id, 'currency' => $currency, 'amount' => $cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::BOTH)));
         // Tpl will load a form that will store those infomations.
         $context->controller->addCSS(_MODULE_DIR_ . $this->module->name . '/css/hipay.css');
         $context->controller->addJs(_MODULE_DIR_ . $this->module->name . '/js/15hipay.js');
         $card_str = Configuration::get('HIPAY_ALLOWED_CARDS');
         $selection_cards = array('american-express' => $hipay->l('American Express'), 'bcmc' => $hipay->l('Bancontact / Mister Cash'), 'cb' => $hipay->l('Carte Bancaire'), 'maestro' => $hipay->l('Maestro'), 'mastercard' => $hipay->l('MasterCard'), 'visa' => $hipay->l('Visa'));
         $cart_arr = explode(',', $card_str);
         $carte = array();
         foreach ($cart_arr as $key => $value) {
             foreach ($selection_cards as $key1 => $value1) {
                 if ($key1 && $value == $key1) {
                     $carte[$key1] = $value1;
         $context->smarty->assign(array('cartes' => $carte));
         $tokens = HipayToken::getTokens($cart->id_customer);
         if ($tokens['0']) {
             $token_display = 'true';
         } else {
             $token_display = 'false';
         $allow_memorize = HipayClass::getShowMemorization();
         if (_PS_VERSION_ >= '1.6') {
             $show_breadcrumb = false;
         } else {
             $show_breadcrumb = true;
         $context->smarty->assign(array('token_display' => $token_display, 'allow_memorize' => $allow_memorize, 'show_breadcrumb' => $show_breadcrumb, 'tokens' => $tokens));
         $payment_tpl = 'payment_execution_api.tpl';
         return $this->setTemplate($payment_tpl);
     } else {
         // Mode API
         // Constructs data array and sends it as a parameter to the tpl
         $data = HipayToken::getApiData($cart, $token_to_use, null, $cartUseExistingToken);
         $response = HipayApi::restApi('order', $data);
         // Check if 3D secure is activated
         // Check if forwardURL is true
         if ($response->forwardUrl) {
             // Redirect user
         if (get_class($response) != 'Exception') {
             switch ($response->state) {
                 case 'completed':
                     $response_state = 'completed';
                 case 'forwarding':
                     $response_state = 'forwarding';
                 case 'pending':
                     $response_state = 'pending';
                 case 'declined':
                     $response_state = 'declined';
                 case 'error':
                     $response_state = 'error';
             $context->smarty->assign(array('error_code' => '', 'error_message' => '', 'error_response' => '', 'response_state' => $response_state));
         } else {
             $response_code = $response->getCode();
             $response_message = $response->getMessage();
             $context->smarty->assign(array('error_code' => $response_code, 'error_message' => $response_message, 'error_response' => 'exception_error', 'response_state' => 'error'));
         switch ($response_state) {
             case 'completed':
                 $redirect_url = HipayClass::getRedirectionUrl(Tools::getShopDomainSsl(true, true) . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'index.php?fc=module&module=' . $hipay->name . '&controller=accept');
             case 'declined':
                 $redirect_url = HipayClass::getRedirectionUrl(Tools::getShopDomainSsl(true, true) . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'index.php?fc=module&module=' . $hipay->name . '&controller=decline');
             case 'cancel':
                 $redirect_url = HipayClass::getRedirectionUrl(Tools::getShopDomainSsl(true, true) . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'index.php?fc=module&module=' . $hipay->name . '&controller=cancel');
             case 'pending':
             case 'forwarding':
                 $redirect_url = HipayClass::getRedirectionUrl(Tools::getShopDomainSsl(true, true) . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'index.php?fc=module&module=' . $hipay->name . '&controller=pending');
                 // Implementing challenge url
                 // Redirecting to challenge url if url present
                 if (Configuration::get('HIPAY_CHALLENGE_URL')) {
                     $redirect_url = Configuration::get('HIPAY_CHALLENGE_URL');
             case 'exception':
                 $redirect_url = HipayClass::getRedirectionUrl(Tools::getShopDomainSsl(true, true) . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'index.php?fc=module&module=' . $hipay->name . '&controller=exception');
         // Disconnect User from cart
             <script type="text/javascript">
                     parent.window.location.replace("' . $redirect_url . '");
             <h1>' . Tools::displayError('Now loading..') . '</h1>
 private function _displayHiPay()
     $this->smarty->assign(array('this_callback' => HipayClass::getRedirectionUrl(Tools::getShopDomainSsl(true, true) . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'modules/' . $this->name . '/validation.php'), 'this_ip' => getenv("SERVER_ADDR"), 'this_path_bw' => $this->_path));
     return $this->display(__FILE__, 'infos.tpl');