Esempio n. 1
  * Generate the graph to be printed out onto the page.
  * The generated code should be placed inside <script> tags.
  * @return string javascript
 public function generateGraph($renderTo)
     // Only generate the graph if we have plotters
     if (count($this->series) == 0) {
     // We need to create a chart using the type
     $chart = null;
     // The graphing classname to use
     $classname = $this->getHighstocksClassName();
     switch ($this->type) {
         case GraphType::Line:
             $chart = new HighRollerSplineChart();
         case GraphType::Area:
         case GraphType::Percentage_Area:
             $chart = new HighRollerAreaSplineChart();
         case GraphType::Column:
         case GraphType::Stacked_Column:
             $chart = new HighRollerColumnChart();
         case GraphType::Pie:
         case GraphType::Donut:
             $chart = new HighRollerPieChart();
         case GraphType::Map:
             $chart = new HighRollerSplineChart();
             $chart->chart->type = 'map';
     // Nothing we can do if it's still null
     if ($chart === null) {
         return null;
     // Set chart options
     $chart->feedurl = $this->feedURL;
     $chart->chart->renderTo = $renderTo;
     $chart->chart->zoomType = 'x';
     // The title
     $safeName = htmlentities($this->displayName);
     $chart->title->text = ' ';
     $chart->subtitle = array('text' => '');
     // Disable credits
     $chart->credits = array('enabled' => false);
     // Disable scrollbar
     $chart->scrollbar = array('enabled' => false);
     // Exporting options
     $chart->exporting = array('enabled' => true, 'filename' => str_replace(' ', '_', $this->getPlugin()->getName() . ' - ' . $this->getDisplayName()));
     // Non-pie graph specifics
     if ($this->type != GraphType::Pie && $this->type != GraphType::Donut) {
         $chart->rangeSelector = array('selected' => $this->type == GraphType::Column || $this->type == GraphType::Stacked_Column ? 1 : 3, 'buttons' => array(array('type' => 'hour', 'count' => 2, 'text' => '2h'), array('type' => 'hour', 'count' => 12, 'text' => '12h'), array('type' => 'day', 'count' => 1, 'text' => '1d'), array('type' => 'week', 'count' => 1, 'text' => '1w'), array('type' => 'week', 'count' => 2, 'text' => '2w'), array('type' => 'month', 'count' => 1, 'text' => '1m')));
         $chart->xAxis = array('type' => 'datetime', 'maxZoom' => 2 * 60, 'dateTimeLabelFormats' => array('month' => '%e. %b', 'year' => '%b'), 'gridLineWidth' => 0);
         $chart->yAxis = array('min' => 0, 'title' => array('text' => ''), 'labels' => array('align' => 'left', 'x' => 3, 'y' => 16), 'showFirstLabel' => false);
         // Should we make the graph log?
         if ($this->scale == GraphScale::Logarithmic) {
             $chart->yAxis['type'] = 'logarithmic';
             $chart->yAxis['minorTickInterval'] = 'auto';
     // Tooltip + plotOptions
     if ($this->type != GraphType::Pie && $this->type != GraphType::Donut) {
         $chart->tooltip = array('shared' => true, 'crosshairs' => true);
         if ($this->type == GraphType::Percentage_Area) {
             $chart->plotOptions = array('areaspline' => array('stacking' => 'percent'));
         } elseif ($this->type == GraphType::Stacked_Column) {
             $chart->plotOptions = array('column' => array('stacking' => 'normal'));
     } else {
         $chart->plotOptions = array('pie' => array('allowPointSelect' => true, 'cursor' => 'pointer'));
     // Add each series to the chart
     foreach ($this->series as $series) {
     // Some raw javascript
     $rawJavascript = '';
     if ($this->type != GraphType::Pie && $this->type != GraphType::Donut) {
         // just sorts the series
         $rawJavascript = "\n                    {$renderTo}Options.tooltip =\n                    {\n                        \"shared\": true,\n                        \"crosshairs\": true,\n                        \"formatter\": function() {\n                            var points = this.points;\n                            var series = points[0].series;\n                            var s = series.tooltipHeaderFormatter(points[0].key);\n\n                            var sortedPoints = points.sort(function(a, b){\n                                return ((a.y < b.y) ? 1 : ((a.y > b.y) ? -1 : 0));\n                            });\n\n                            \$.each(sortedPoints , function(i, point) {\n                                s += point.point.tooltipFormatter('<div style=\"color:{series.color}\">{}</div>: <b>{point.y}</b>" . ($this->type == GraphType::Percentage_Area ? "(' + Highcharts.numberFormat(this.percentage, 1) + '%)" : "") . "<br/>');\n                            });\n\n                            return s;\n                        }\n                    };\n                ";
     } else {
         // Pie chart
         $rawJavascript = "\n                {$renderTo}Options.plotOptions =\n                {\n                    pie: {\n                        allowPointSelect: true,\n                        cursor: 'pointer',\n                        dataLabels: {\n                            enabled: true,\n                            color: '#000000',\n                            connectorColor: '#000000',\n                            formatter: function() {\n                                return '<b>' + + '</b>: ' + ( Math.round(this.percentage * 10) / 10 ) + ' %';\n                            }\n                        }\n                    }\n                };\n                {$renderTo}Options.tooltip =\n                {\n                    \"formatter\": function() {\n                        return '<b>' + + '</b>: ' + ( Math.round(this.percentage * 100) / 100 ) + ' %';\n                    }\n                };\n            ";
     return $chart->renderChart($renderTo, $classname, $rawJavascript, 'jquery', $this->type);
Esempio n. 2
    <script type="text/javascript">
      // highroller: simplest example of rendering each basic highcharts chart
echo $piechart->renderChart('mootools');
echo $barchart->renderChart('mootools');
echo $columnchart->renderChart('mootools');
echo $linechart->renderChart('mootools');
echo $splinechart->renderChart('mootools');
echo $areachart->renderChart('mootools');
echo $areasplinechart->renderChart('mootools');
echo $scatterchart->renderChart('mootools');
        $("pre.htmlCode").snippet("html",{style: "the", showNum: false});
        $("pre.phpCode").snippet("php",{style: "the", showNum: false});
Esempio n. 3
      // highroller: simplest example of rendering each basic highcharts chart
echo $piechart->renderChart();

echo $barchart->renderChart();
echo $columnchart->renderChart();
echo $linechart->renderChart();
echo $splinechart->renderChart();
echo $areachart->renderChart();
echo $areasplinechart->renderChart();
echo $scatterchart->renderChart();
        $("pre.htmlCode").snippet("html",{style: "the", showNum: false});
        $("pre.phpCode").snippet("php",{style: "the", showNum: false});