Esempio n. 1
 * 文章属性调用标签
 * @version        $Id: getarcattr.lib.php netman
 * @package        Stourweb.Taglib
 * @copyright      Copyright (c) 2007 - 2011, Stourweb, Inc.
 * @link 
function lib_getarcattr(&$ctag, &$refObj)
    global $dsql;
    $attlist = "row|8,limit|0,flag|";
    FillAttsDefault($ctag->CAttribute->Items, $attlist);
    extract($ctag->CAttribute->Items, EXTR_SKIP);
    $innertext = trim($ctag->GetInnertext());
    $revalue = '';
    $kindid = $refObj->Fields['kindid'];
    $sql = "select * from #@__article_attr where isopen=1 and pid!=0 order by displayorder asc limit {$limit},{$row}";
    if ($flag == 'mdd') {
        $sql = "select a.*,count( as num from #@__article_attr as a inner join #@__article as b on find_in_set(,b.attrid) where find_in_set({$kindid},b.kindlist) group by limit {$limit},{$row}";
    $ctp = new STTagParse();
    $ctp->SetNameSpace("field", "[", "]");
    $GLOBALS['autoindex'] = 0;
    while ($row = $dsql->GetArray()) {
        if (checkExist($row['id'])) {
            $destid = isset($GLOBALS['destid']) ? $GLOBALS['destid'] : 0;
            $py = Helper_Archive::getDestPinyin($destid);
            $py = !empty($py) ? $py : 'all';
            //$row['url'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_cmsurl']."/raiders/search.php?attrid={$row['id']}&destid={$destid}";
            $row['url'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_cmsurl'] . "/raiders/" . $py . '-' . $row['id'];
            $row['title'] = $row['attrname'];
            $row['number'] = getCount($row['id']);
            if ($flag == 'mdd') {
                $row['number'] = $row['num'];
            foreach ($ctp->CTags as $tagid => $ctag) {
                if ($ctag->GetName() == 'array') {
                    $ctp->Assign($tagid, $row);
                } else {
                    if (!empty($row[$ctag->GetName()])) {
                        $ctp->Assign($tagid, $row[$ctag->GetName()]);
            $revalue .= $ctp->GetResult();
        } else {
    return $revalue;
Esempio n. 2
function getJiaGe($destid)
    global $dsql;
    $sql = "select id,aid,lowerprice as min,highprice as max from #@__line_pricelist where webid=0 order by min";
    $arr = $dsql->getAll($sql);
    foreach ($arr as $row) {
        $pinyin = Helper_Archive::getDestPinyin($destid);
        $pinyin = !empty($pinyin) ? $pinyin : $destid;
        //$url = $GLOBALS['cfg_basehost'].'/lines/'.$pinyin.'/';
        $url = $GLOBALS['cfg_cmsurl'] . '/lines/' . $pinyin . '-0-' . $row['aid'] . '-0-0-0';
        //$url = $GLOBALS['cfg_cmsurl'].'/lines/search.php?dest_id='.$destid.'&priceid='.$row['aid'];
        if ($row['min'] != '' && $row['max'] != '' && $row['min'] != 0) {
            $row['title'] = $row['min'] . '~' . $row['max'] . '';
        } else {
            if ($row['min'] == '' || $row['min'] == 0) {
                $row['title'] = $row['max'] . '以下';
            } else {
                if ($row['max'] == '') {
                    $row['title'] = $row['min'] . '以上';
        $out .= '<a href="' . $url . '" target="_blank">' . $row['title'] . '</a>';
    return $out;
Esempio n. 3
if (is_array($row)) {
    $memberinfo = Helper_Archive::getMemberInfo($row['memberid']);
    $row['title'] = JieBan::getJiebanTitle($row);
    $row['kindnamelist'] = JieBan::getKindnameList($row, '-');
    $row['membername'] = $memberinfo['nickname'];
    $row['memberlitpic'] = $memberinfo['litpic'] ? $memberinfo['litpic'] : $GLOBALS['cfg_templets_skin'] . '/images/member_default.gif';
    $row['url'] = $GLOBALS['cfg_cmsurl'] . '/jieban/show_' . $row['id'] . '.html';
    $row['attrlist'] = JieBan::getAttrList($row['attrid']);
    $row['joinnum'] = JieBan::getJoinNumber($row['id']);
    $row['memo'] = $row['memo'] == 'null' ? '' : $row['memo'];
    $row['vartime'] = empty($row['vartime']) ? 0 : $row['vartime'];
    $row['pkname'] = get_par_value($row['kindlist'], $typeid);
    $row['destid'] = array_remove_value($row['kindlist']);
    $row['pinyin'] = Helper_Archive::getDestPinyin($row['destid']);
    $row['kindid'] = $row['destid'];
    if (!empty($row['lineid'])) {
        $row['lineinfo'] = JieBan::getLineInfo($row['lineid']);
        $GLOBALS['condition']['_hasline'] = 1;
    $msgInfo = Helper_Archive::getDefineMsgInfo2('reg_msgcode');
    if ($msgInfo['isopen'] == 1) {
        $GLOBALS['condition']['_msgcode'] = 1;
        $row['msgtype'] = 'msg';
    } else {
        $GLOBALS['condition']['_txtcode'] = 1;
        $row['msgtype'] = 'txt';
Esempio n. 4
 *  获得线路条数和访问次数
 * @access    private
 * @return    arr
function getPhotoPage($count, $pageno, $pagesize, $params, $disnum = 5)
    if ($count == 0) {
        return '<div class="nht_box" style="height:200px;width:100%; text-align:center"><img style="margin-top:40px" src="/templets/smore/images/nodata.jpg"></div>';
    $page = ceil($count / $pagesize);
    $url = "/photos/";
    //foreach($params as $k=>$v)
    //	if(!empty($v))
    //   	 $p_str.='&'.$k.'='.$v;
    $pinyin = Helper_Archive::getDestPinyin($params['dest_id']);
    $pinyin = empty($pinyin) ? 'all' : $pinyin;
    $url .= $pinyin;
    $attrid = empty($params['attrid']) ? 0 : $params['attrid'];
    $url .= '-' . $attrid;
    $str .= '<div id="page" class="page">
		   <div class="page_num">
    if ($pageno <= 1) {
        $str .= '<span class="unprev"></span>';
    } else {
        $pre_pageno = $pageno - 1;
        $str .= "<a class='prev' href='{$url}-{$pre_pageno}'></a>";
    if ($page >= $disnum) {
        $pre_num = ceil(($disnum - 1) / 2);
        $next_num = floor(($disnum - 1) / 2);
        if ($pre_num >= $pageno) {
            $start_index = 1;
            $end_index = $disnum;
        } else {
            $start_index = $pageno - $pre_num;
            $end_index = $pageno + $next_num;
        if ($end_index >= $page) {
            $start_index = $page - $disnum;
            $end_index = $page;
    } else {
        $start_index = 1;
        $end_index = $page;
    if ($start_index > 1) {
        $str .= '<span class="etc"></span>';
    $start_index = $start_index < 1 ? 1 : $start_index;
    for ($i = $start_index; $i <= $end_index; $i++) {
        if ($pageno == $i) {
            $str .= "<span class='current'>{$i}</span>";
        } else {
            $burl = $i == 1 ? $url : $url . '-' . $i;
            $str .= "<a href='{$burl}'>&nbsp;{$i}&nbsp;</a>";
    if ($end_index < $page) {
        $str .= '<span class="etc"></span>';
    if ($pageno == $page) {
        $str .= '<span class="unnext"></span>';
    } else {
        $next_pageno = $pageno + 1 <= $page ? $pageno + 1 : $page;
        $str .= "<a href=\"{$url}-{$next_pageno}\" class=\"next\"></a>";
    $str .= "</div></div>";
    return $str;
Esempio n. 5
$destlist = Helper_Archive::getChildDest($dest_id, $typeid);
if (isset($dopost) && $dopost == 'searchname') {
    $where = "where a.title like '%{$searchkey}%'";
    $wherecount = "where a.title like '%{$searchkey}%'";
    $sql = "select a.* from #@__spot a {$where} order by a.isding desc,a.displayorder asc";
    $seoarr['searchkey'] = $searchkey;
if (empty($dest_id)) {
    $dest_url = $GLOBALS['cfg_basehost'] . '/destination/';
    $hotel_url = $GLOBALS['cfg_basehost'] . '/hotels/';
    $raider_url = $GLOBALS['cfg_basehost'] . '/raiders/';
    $photo_url = $GLOBALS['cfg_basehost'] . '/photos/';
} else {
    $pinyin = Helper_Archive::getDestPinyin($dest_id);
    $pinyin = !empty($pinyin) ? $pinyin : $dest_id;
    $dest_url = $GLOBALS['cfg_basehost'] . '/' . $pinyin . '/';
    $hotel_url = $GLOBALS['cfg_basehost'] . '/hotels/' . $pinyin . '/';
    $raider_url = $GLOBALS['cfg_basehost'] . '/raiders/' . $pinyin . '/';
    $photo_url = $GLOBALS['cfg_basehost'] . '/photos/' . $pinyin . '/';
$seoarr['pageno'] = !empty($pageno) ? '第' . $pageno . '页-' : "";
$pv = new ListView($typeid);
$pv->pagesize = 40;
$pv->Fields['tagword'] = $tagwords;
foreach ($destinfo as $k => $v) {
Esempio n. 6
  *  获取动态的分页列表(静态)
  * @access    public
  * @param     string  $list_len  列表宽度
  * @param     string  $list_len  列表样式
  * @return    string
 function GetPageList3($list_len, $listitem = "index,end,pre,next,pageno")
     $prepage = $nextpage = '';
     $geturl = $hidenform = '';
     $prepagenum = $this->pageno - 1;
     $nextpagenum = $this->pageno + 1;
     if ($list_len == '' || preg_match("/[^0-9]/", $list_len)) {
         $list_len = 3;
     $totalpage = ceil($this->totalresult / $this->pagesize);
     if ($this->totalresult == 0) {
         //return "<li><span class=\"pageinfo\">共 <strong>0</strong>页<strong>".$this->totalresult."</strong>条记录</span></li>\r\n";
         $out = '<div class="nht_box" style="height:200px;width:100%; text-align:center"><img style="margin-top:40px" src="' . $GLOBALS['cfg_templets_skin'] . '/images/nodata.jpg"/></div>';
         return $out;
     $purl = $this->GetCurUrl2();
     if (count($this->getValues) > 0) {
         foreach ($this->getValues as $key => $value) {
             $value = urlencode($value);
             $value = !empty($value) ? $value : 0;
             if ($key == 'dest_id') {
                 if ($value != 0) {
                     $py = Helper_Archive::getDestPinyin($value);
                     $py = !empty($py) ? $py : $value;
                 } else {
                     $py = 'all';
                 $geturl .= "/" . $py . "-";
             } else {
                 $geturl .= "{$value}" . "-";
             $hidenform .= "<input type='hidden' name='{$key}' value='{$value}' />\n";
         //	$geturl='/'.$geturl';
     // $geturl .= "totalresult=".$this->totalresult; //动态地址
     if (strpos($geturl, '/') === false) {
         $geturl = '/' . $geturl;
     $purl = $purl . $geturl;
     $out = ' <p class="page_right"> ';
     if ($this->pageno > 1) {
         $out .= ' <a class="prev" title="上一页" href="' . $purl . $prepagenum . '">上一页</a>';
     if ($totalpage > 1) {
         if ($this->pageno == 1) {
             $out .= '<span class="mod_pagenav_count">&nbsp;<a title="1" href="javascript:void(0);" class="current">1</a>&nbsp;';
         } else {
             $out .= '<span class="mod_pagenav_count">&nbsp;<a title="1" href="' . $purl . '1" >1</a>&nbsp;';
     $out .= $totalpage >= 1 ? '' : '';
     $out .= $this->pageno - 2 > 2 ? '<span class="point">...</span>&nbsp;' : '';
     $list_len = 2;
     $total_list = $list_len * 2 + 1;
     if ($this->pageno >= $total_list) {
         $j = $this->pageno - $list_len;
         $total_list = $this->pageno + $list_len;
         if ($total_list > $totalpage) {
             $total_list = $totalpage - 1;
     } else {
         $j = 2;
         if ($total_list > $totalpage) {
             $total_list = $totalpage - 1;
     for ($j; $j <= $total_list; $j++) {
         if ($j == $this->pageno) {
             $out .= '<a onclick="return false;" href="javascript:void(0);" class="current">' . $this->pageno . '</a>&nbsp;';
         } else {
             $out .= '<a title="' . $j . '" href="' . $purl . $j . '">' . $j . '</a>&nbsp;';
     if ($totalpage - $currentpage > 2) {
         $out .= '<span class="point">...</span>&nbsp;';
     if ($totalpage > 1) {
         if ($this->pageno == $totalpage) {
             $out .= '<a title="' . $totalpage . '" href="javascript:void" class="current">' . $totalpage . '</a></span>&nbsp;';
         } else {
             $out .= '<a title="' . $totalpage . '" href="' . $purl . $totalpage . '">' . $totalpage . '</a></span>&nbsp;';
     if ($this->pageno < $totalpage) {
         $out .= '<a class="next" title="下一页" href="' . $purl . $nextpagenum . '">下一页</a>';
     $out .= '</p>';
     return $out;
Esempio n. 7
 * 调用文章显示数据标签
 * @version        $Id: getarclist.lib.php netman
 * @package        Stourweb.Taglib
 * @copyright      Copyright (c) 2007 - 2011, Stourweb, Inc.
 * @link 
function lib_getarclist(&$ctag, &$refObj)
    global $dsql;
    include SLINEDATA . "/webinfo.php";
    $attlist = "row|8,flag|,type|top,limit|0,haspic|,attrid|0,attrname|";
    FillAttsDefault($ctag->CAttribute->Items, $attlist);
    extract($ctag->CAttribute->Items, EXTR_SKIP);
    $webid = empty($sys_webid) ? 0 : $sys_webid;
    $innertext = trim($ctag->GetInnertext());
    $revalue = '';
    $basefield = ',a.aid,a.webid,a.title,a.seotitle,a.shownum,a.content,a.addtime,a.webid,a.attrid,a.litpic as litpic,a.kindlist,';
    $picwhere = !empty($haspic) ? " and (a.litpic is not null and a.litpic!='') and a.ishidden=0 " : '';
    $picwhere2 = !empty($haspic) ? " where (a.litpic is not null and a.litpic!='') and a.ishidden=0 " : '';
    if ($type == 'mdd') {
        if ($flag == 'recommend') {
            $orderby = 'order by case when c.displayorder is null then 9999 end,c.displayorder asc';
        } else {
            if ($flag == 'hot') {
                $orderby = 'order by case when c.displayorder is null then 9999 end,c.displayorder asc';
            } else {
                if ($flag == 'new') {
                    $orderby = 'order by a.addtime desc';
                } else {
                    if ($flag == 'imagehot') {
                        $orderby = " and a.litpic!='' order by case when c.displayorder is null then 9999 end,c.displayorder asc";
                    } else {
                        $orderby = 'order by case when c.displayorder is null then 9999 end,c.displayorder asc';
        $orderby .= ",a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc";
        $sonid = isset($definekind) ? $definekind : $refObj->Fields['kindid'];
        if ($GLOBALS['sys_child_webid'] != 0) {
            $dest_id = $GLOBALS['sys_child_webid'];
        $sonid = $sonid ? $sonid : $dest_id;
        if (isset($sonid)) {
            $number = isset($refObj->Fields['shownumber']) ? $refObj->Fields['shownumber'] : $row;
            $where = " FIND_IN_SET({$sonid},a.kindlist) and a.ishidden=0 ";
            $where .= !empty($haspic) ? " and a.litpic is not null" : '';
            $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__article as a left join #@__kindorderlist as c on (c.classid={$sonid} and and c.typeid=4)  where {$where}  {$orderby}  limit {$limit},{$number}";
        } else {
            return '';
    } else {
        if ($type == 'theme') {
            $themeid = $refObj->Fields['themeid'];
            if (empty($themeid)) {
                return '';
            $sql = "select a.* from #@__article a where FIND_IN_SET({$themeid},a.themelist) {$picwhere} order by a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
        } else {
            if ($type == 'pinlun') {
                $sql = "select a.*, as plid,b.memberid,b.content as plcontent,b.addtime as pltime from #@__article a inner join #@__comment b on ( = b.articleid)  order by b.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
            } else {
                if ($flag == 'specical') {
                    $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__article a where ishidden=0 and isindex =1  {$picwhere}   order by modtime desc,addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                } else {
                    if ($flag == 'recommend') {
                        $sql = "select {$basefield},b.isjian,b.isding as isding,b.displayorder from #@__article a left join #@__allorderlist b on ( and b.typeid=4) {$picwhere2}   order by  case when  b.displayorder is null then 9999 end,b.displayorder asc,a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                    } else {
                        if ($flag == 'kindrecommend') {
                            $kid = $refObj->Fields['kid'];
                            $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__article a where a.ishidden=0 and FIND_IN_SET({$kid},a.kindlist) {$picwhere} order by a.displayorder asc, a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                        } else {
                            if ($flag == 'isindex') {
                                $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__article a where a.isindex=1 {$picwhere}  order by a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                            } else {
                                if ($flag == 'new') {
                                    $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__article a {$picwhere2}  order by a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                                } else {
                                    if ($flag == 'hot') {
                                        $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__article a where a.webid IS NOT NULL {$picwhere} order by a.shownum desc,a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                                    } else {
                                        if ($flag == 'photo') {
                                            $sql = "select {$basefield} from #@__article a where webid IS NOT NULL and a.litpic !='' {$picwhere} order by a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                                        } else {
                                            if ($flag == 'jieban') {
                                                $getsql = "select id from #@__article_attr where aid=0 and webid=0";
                                                $arr = $dsql->GetOne($getsql);
                                                $jiebanid = $arr['id'];
                                                $sql = "select {$basefield},b.isding,b.displayorder,b.isjian from #@__article a left join #@__attrorderlist b on a.aid=b.aid and a.webid=b.webid where FIND_IN_SET({$jiebanid},a.attrid) {$picwhere} order by b.displayorder asc, a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                                            } else {
                                                if ($flag == 'relative') {
                                                    $kindlist = $refObj->Fields['kindlist'];
                                                    $maxkindid = array_remove_value($kindlist);
                                                    $destid = $GLOBALS['dest_id'];
                                                    if (empty($destid)) {
                                                        $maxkindid = array_remove_value($kindlist);
                                                        $maxkindid = empty($maxkindid) ? 0 : $maxkindid;
                                                    } else {
                                                        $maxkindid = $destid;
                                                    $where = " FIND_IN_SET({$maxkindid},a.kindlist) ";
                                                    //排序顺序:置顶+tag关联》排序+ tag关联》最新更新+tag关联
                                                    $sql = "select a.* from #@__article a left join #@__kindorderlist b on ( and b.typeid=4 and b.classid='{$maxkindid}') where  {$where} order by ifnull(b.displayorder,9999) asc,a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row} ";
                                                } else {
                                                    if ($flag == 'attr') {
                                                        $attrid = $refObj->Fields['attrid'];
                                                        $sql = "select a.* from #@__article a where FIND_IN_SET({$attrid},a.attrid) and a.ishidden=0 order by a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                                                    } else {
                                                        if ($flag == 'byattr') {
                                                            if (!empty($attrid)) {
                                                                $where = " (find_in_set({$attrid},a.attrid)" . loc_getsubattrid($attrid) . ')';
                                                                $sql = "select a.* from #@__article a left join #@__attrorderlist b on a.aid=b.aid and a.webid=b.webid where {$where} {$picwhere} order by b.displayorder asc, a.modtime desc,a.modtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                                                            } else {
                                                                if (!empty($attrname)) {
                                                                    $temp_one = $dsql->GetOne("select id from #@__article_attr where attrname='{$attrname}'");
                                                                    if (empty($temp_one)) {
                                                                    } else {
                                                                        $sql = "select a.* from #@__article a  where FIND_IN_SET({$temp_one['id']},a.attrid) and a.ishidden=0 order by  a.modtime desc,a.modtime desc limit {$limit},{$row}";
                                                        } else {
                                                            return '';
    $ctp = new STTagParse();
    $ctp->SetNameSpace("field", "[", "]");
    $GLOBALS['autoindex'] = 0;
    while ($row = $dsql->GetArray()) {
        $webroot = GetWebURLByWebid($row['webid']);
        $sonid = $refObj->Fields['sonid'];
        $row['url'] = $webroot . "/raiders/show_{$row['aid']}.html";
        $row['haspic'] = empty($row['litpic']) ? 0 : 1;
        $litpic = getUploadFileUrl($row['litpic']);
        $row['lit240'] = getUploadFileUrl(str_replace('litimg', 'lit240', $row['litpic']));
        $row['lit160'] = getUploadFileUrl(str_replace('litimg', 'lit160', $row['litpic']));
        $row['litpic'] = $litpic;
        if ($row['allow'] == "usecontentpic" && !empty($row['litpic'])) {
            $row['imgtitle'] = $row['title'] . '<img src="' . $GLOBALS['cfg_templets_skin'] . '/images/gl_yt.gif" />';
        } else {
            $row['imgtitle'] = $row['title'];
        $row['title'] = $row['title'];
        $row['attrname'] = getAttrname($row['attrid']);
        $row['attrnamearr'] = getAttrname($row['attrid'], true);
        $row['destname'] = Helper_Archive::getBelongDestName($row['kindlist']);
        $row['destid'] = array_remove_value($row['kindlist']);
        $row['pinyin'] = Helper_Archive::getDestPinyin($row['destid']);
        $row['commentnum'] = Helper_Archive::getCommentNum($row['id'], 4);
        if ($type == 'pinlun') {
            $userinfo = $GLOBALS['User']->getInfoByMid($row['memberid']);
            $row['commentlitpic'] = getUploadFileUrl($userinfo['litpic']);
            $row['commentnickname'] = empty($userinfo['nickname']) ? '匿名' : $userinfo['nickname'];
            $row['commentid'] = $row['plid'];
            $row['commentcontent'] = $row['plcontent'];
            $row['commentaddtime'] = $row['pltime'];
        if ($type == 'pinlun') {
            $row['pinlun'] = getArticlePinLun($row['id']);
        foreach ($ctp->CTags as $tagid => $ctag) {
            if ($ctag->GetName() == 'array') {
                $ctp->Assign($tagid, $row);
            } else {
                if (isset($row[$ctag->GetName()])) {
                    $ctp->Assign($tagid, $row[$ctag->GetName()]);
        $revalue .= $ctp->GetResult();
    return $revalue;
Esempio n. 8
    $url = $cfg_basehost . "/{$type}/{$py}/";
if ($type != 'raiders') {
    $url = $cfg_basehost . "/{$type}/{$destid}/";
$destpy = $destid;
$kindid = $destid = getDestIdByPy($destpy);
if (empty($type)) {
$arr = array('lines' => '1', 'hotels' => '2', 'cars' => '3', 'raiders' => '4', 'spots' => '5', 'photos' => '6');
$destyp = Helper_Archive::getDestPinyin($destid);
$typedd = array("1" => "line", "2" => "hotel", "3" => "car", "4" => "article", 5 => "spot", 6 => "photo");
$typeid = $arr[$type];
$pv = new View($typeid);
$row = getKindSeo($destid, $type);
$g_arr = importAutoTitle($type, $row);
if (empty($row['seotitle'])) {
    $row['seotitle'] = !empty($g_arr[0]) ? $g_arr[0] : $row['kindname'];
if (empty($row['description'])) {
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} else {