public function action_favorites($user = null) { if ($user === NULL) { Message::set(Message::NOTICE, 'User does not exist!'); Request::instance()->redirect('/'); } else { if (is_numeric($user)) { $account = ORM::factory('user')->where('id', '=', $user)->find(); } else { $account = ORM::factory('user')->where('vanity_url', '=', $user)->find(); } if ($account->loaded()) { if (!Helper_Account::is_approved($account)) { Message::set(Message::NOTICE, 'User has not been approved!'); Request::instance()->redirect('/'); } } else { Message::set(Message::NOTICE, 'User does not exist!'); Request::instance()->redirect('/'); } } if (!isset($account)) { Message::set(Message::NOTICE, 'User does not exist!'); Request::instance()->redirect('/'); } $this->template->content = View::factory("profile/favorites"); $this->template->content->user = $account; $this->template->content->reel = Reel::factory($account->favorite_photos); $this->template->top = View::factory('profile/topper'); $this->template->top->user = $account; $this->template->top->owner = $this->user; $this->template->top->photos = $account->viewablePhotos()->order_by(DB::expr('RAND()'))->limit(30)->find_all(); }
public function action_save() { if (!$this->user->loaded()) { Message::set(Message::ERROR, "You must be logged in to create a slideshow."); $this->request->redirect("/"); return; } if (!Helper_Account::is_approved()) { Message::set(Message::ERROR, "You must be approved to create a slideshow."); $this->request->redirect("/"); return; } $slideshow = Model_Slideshow::getLastIncomplete($this->user); if ($slideshow->photos->find_all()->count() < 3) { Message::set(Message::ERROR, "You must have at least three images in your slideshow."); $this->request->redirect("slideshow/builder"); return; } if ($slideshow->music_id == null || $slideshow->music_id == 0) { Message::set(Message::ERROR, "You must select music for your slideshow."); $this->request->redirect("slideshow/builder"); return; } $slideshow->complete = 1; $slideshow->created = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $slideshow->save(); $this->request->redirect($slideshow->getLink()); }
public function action_index($id) { $page = Model_Page::getBySlug($id, false); if (!$page || !$page->isPublished() && !Helper_Account::is_admin(Auth::instance()->get_user())) { $this->template->content = View::factory("errors/index"); return; } $this->template->content = View::factory("page/index")->set("page", $page); $this->template->sidebar = Widget::factory()->add(Helper_Default::sidebar()); }
public function action_remove($wid) { if (Helper_Account::is_admin(Auth::instance()->get_user())) { $wid = filter_var($wid, FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); $watcher = ORM::factory("WatchPhotographer", $wid); if ($watcher->loaded()) { $watcher->delete(); } } $this->request->redirect("admin/watcher"); }
public function action_index($id) { $gallery = Model_Gallery::getBySlug($id, false); if (!$gallery || !$gallery->isPublished() && !Helper_Account::is_admin(Auth::instance()->get_user())) { $this->template->content = View::factory("errors/index"); return; } $this->template->content = View::factory("gallery/index")->set("gallery", $gallery); $this->template->content->reel = Reel::factory($gallery->photos); $this->template->sidebar = Widget::factory()->add(Helper_Default::sidebar()); }
public function action_remove($wid) { if (Helper_Account::is_admin(Auth::instance()->get_user())) { $wid = filter_var($wid, FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); $potd = ORM::factory("DailyPhoto", $wid); if ($potd->loaded()) { $potd->delete(); } } $this->request->redirect("admin/potd"); }
private function determine_status() { if ($user = Auth::instance()->get_user()) { if (Helper_Account::is_approved()) { return 'accountstatus/registered'; } elseif ($user->loaded()) { return 'accountstatus/pending'; } else { return 'accountstatus/login'; } } else { return 'accountstatus/login'; } }
/** * Add caption on photo. * * @param string $photo_id * @return void * @author Vladimir Kokovic */ public function action_on($photo_id) { if (Helper_Account::is_approved()) { $caption = ORM::factory('caption'); $caption->user_id = $this->user->id; $caption->caption = Arr::get($_POST, 'caption'); $caption->photo_id = $photo_id; if ($caption->check()) { $caption->save(); Message::set(Message::SUCCESS, 'You have successfully captioned this photo! It is currently waiting approval.'); //Helper_Game::logEvent(Helper_Game::CAPTION, $this->user->id, $photo_id, array("caption" => $caption->caption)); Request::instance()->redirect('photos/caption/' . $photo_id); } else { Message::set(Message::ERROR, $caption->validate()->errors('caption')); } } }
/** * Add comment on photo. * * @param string $photo_id * @return void * @author Merrick Christensen */ public function action_on($photo_id) { if (Helper_Account::is_approved()) { $comment = ORM::factory('comment'); $comment->user_id = $this->user->id; $comment->comment = Arr::get($_POST, 'comment'); $comment->photo_id = $photo_id; $comment->created = Date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); if ($comment->check()) { $comment->save(); Message::set(Message::SUCCESS, 'You have successfully commented on this photo! It is currently waiting approval.'); Helper_Game::logEvent(Helper_Game::COMMENT, $this->user->id, array("comment" => $comment->id, "photo" => $photo_id)); Request::instance()->redirect('photos/view/' . $photo_id); } else { Message::set(Message::ERROR, $comment->validate()->errors('comment')); } } }
public function action_rotate($degrees, $photo_id) { if (Helper_Account::is_admin($this->user)) { $photo = ORM::factory('photo')->where('id', '=', $photo_id)->find(); } else { $photo = ORM::factory('photo')->where('user_id', '=', $this->user->id)->where('id', '=', $photo_id)->find(); } if (!$photo->loaded()) { Message::set(Message::NOTICE, 'This photo does not exist, try uploading one!'); Request::instance()->redirect('photos/upload'); } $image = Image::factory(Kohana::config('myshot.basePath') . $photo->original); $image->rotate($degrees)->save(); $photo->width = $image->width; $photo->height = $image->height; $photo_controller = new Controller_Photos(Request::instance()); $large_image = $photo_controller->create_large(Kohana::config('myshot.basePath') . $photo->original, $photo); sleep(1); $photo_controller->create_medium($large_image, $photo); Request::instance()->redirect('canvas/photos/' . $photo_id); }
public function action_keys() { $total_other = 0; $total_user = 0; $keys = ORM::factory('key')->where("type", "=", "approve")->where("type", "=", "remove")->where("type", "=", "reset")->find_all(); foreach ($keys as $key) { if (strtotime($key->created) < strtotime($this->interval)) { if (Helper_Account::is_approved($key->user)) { // Just kill the key, it wasn't bound to approval. $key->delete(); $total_other += 1; } else { // Due to InnoDB the key will be deleted via cascade. $key->user->delete(); $total_user += 1; } } } echo "Total reset and remove keys deleted: {$total_other}\n"; echo "Total pending users deleted: {$total_user}\n"; $total = $total_other + $total_user; echo "Total keys removed: {$total} \n"; }
<h1>Photographers to Watch</h1> <div id="profile-container"> <?php foreach ($watchers as $watcher) { if ($watcher->user->loaded()) { ?> <div class="profile"> <?php echo HTML::anchor(Helper_Account::get_public_account_url($watcher->user), HTML::image(Helper_Account::get_avatar($watcher->user, 'medium'))); echo new Element("p", date("M d, Y", strtotime($watcher->from)) . " - " . date("M d, Y", strtotime($watcher->to)), array("class" => "date-stamp")); if ($watcher->isFuture()) { echo HTML::anchor("admin/watcher/edit/{$watcher->id}", "change date", array("class" => "watcher-control edit")); echo HTML::anchor("admin/watcher/remove/{$watcher->id}", "remove", array("class" => "watcher-control delete")); } ?> </div> <?php } } ?> </div>
public function action_delete() { $this->auto_render = false; $send_email = $_POST['sendEmail']; $photo_id = $_POST['photoID']; $photo = ORM::factory('photo')->where('id', '=', $photo_id)->find(); $user = ORM::factory('user')->where('id', '=', $photo->user_id)->find(); if (Helper_Account::is_admin()) { $photo = ORM::factory('photo')->where('id', '=', $photo_id)->find(); } else { $photo = ORM::factory('photo')->where('id', '=', $photo_id)->where('user_id', '=', $this->user->id)->find(); } if ($photo->loaded()) { if (Helper_Account::is_admin()) { if ($send_email != 'undefined' && $send_email == 'true') { $reason = $_POST['emailComment']; $additional_text = $_POST['otherText']; if ($reason == 'other') { $additional_text = $_POST['otherText']; } else { $additional_text = $reason; } $email_text = Helper_SendEmail::generate_email($photo->user_id, 'photo', $additional_text); //creative variable naming ftw! $post_office = Library_Notification::factory(); $letter_body = $email_text; $letter = Library_Notification::new_message()->setSubject('NG Kids My Shot - Photo removed!')->setFrom(Kohana::config('email.from'))->setTo(array($user->email => 'Guardian of ' . $user->display_name))->setBody($letter_body, 'text/html'); $post_office->add_message($letter); $post_office->send_messages(); } } else { $email_text = View::factory("email/userremoved")->set("user", $user)->set("photo", $photo); $post_office = Library_Notification::factory(); $letter_body = $email_text->render(); $letter = Library_Notification::new_message()->setSubject('NG Kids My Shot - Photo removed by user')->setFrom(Kohana::config('email.from'))->setTo(Kohana::config('email.ng_staff'))->setBody($letter_body, 'text/html'); $post_office->add_message($letter); $post_office->send_messages(); } $photo_owner_id = $photo->user_id; //remove photo approval action here //------------------- $gameUser = Helper_Game::getUser($photo->user_id); $gameUser->removeItem($photo->id); $photo->delete(); echo $photo_owner_id; } }
echo date('F d, Y', strtotime($awaiting_comment->created)); ?> </span></p> <p> <?php echo $awaiting_comment->comment; ?> </p> </div> </div> <!-- END comment_container --> <?php } ?> </div> <!-- END comments --> <?php if (Helper_Account::is_approved()) { ?> <div class="add_a_comment"> <?php echo form::open('/photos/view/' . $photo->id); ?> <div class="title"> <h2>Add a comment</h2> <div class="max_characters counter"></div> </div> <?php echo form::textarea('comment', Arr::get($_POST, 'comment'), array('data-max' => '600', 'class' => 'word_count')); ?> <input type="submit" value="" class="submit" /> <?php echo form::close();
<div id="edit-watcher"> <?php echo HTML::image(Helper_Account::get_avatar($watcher->user, 'medium')); echo new Element("span", $watcher->user->display_name); ?> <div> <div class="content"> <?php echo form::open('admin/watcher/update/' . $watcher->id, array('method' => 'post')); echo form::label("from", "From: "); echo form::input("from", date("m/d/Y", strtotime($watcher->from)), array("id" => "from", "name" => "from")); echo form::label("to", "To: "); echo form::input("to", date("m/d/Y", strtotime($watcher->to)), array("id" => "to", "name" => "to")); echo form::submit("submit_dates", "Update", array('class' => 'ptw-submit')); echo form::close(); ?> </div> </div> </div>
<br /><br /> <h3>Set User as Admin:</h3> <?php echo form::checkbox('admin_user', '1', Arr::get($_POST, 'admin_user', Helper_Account::is_admin($user)), array("id" => "confirm")); ?> Yes <h3>Set User as NG Staff:</h3> <?php echo form::checkbox('ngstaff_user', '1', Arr::get($_POST, 'ngstaff_user', Helper_Account::is_ngstaff($user)), array("id" => "ngstaff_confirm")); ?> Yes <?php if (!Helper_Account::is_approved($user)) { echo new Element("div", HTML::anchor("admin/users/approve/" . $user->id, "Force Parent Approval"), array("style" => "margin-top:15px;")); } ?> </div> <!-- END: title --> <div class="title_bottom"></div> <div class="submit_container"> <ul class="buttons"> <li><?php echo form::submit('submit', '', array('class' => 'save')); ?> </li> </ul> </div> <?php echo form::close();
if (count($following)) { ?> <div id="following" class="widget"> <h2>Your Favorite Photographers</h2> <div class="thumb-window"> <div class="thumbs" data-user-id="<?php echo $loggedInUser->id; ?> "> <?php foreach ($following as $follow) { $fuser = ORM::factory('user', $follow->user_id); if ($fuser->loaded()) { $avatarImg = html::image(Helper_Account::get_avatar($fuser, "thumbnail")); echo html::anchor(Helper_Account::get_public_account_url($fuser), $avatarImg, array("class" => "user-thumb", "data-game-id" => $follow->id)); } } ?> </div> </div> <div class="controls"> <?php echo HTML::anchor("/", "See all", array("class" => "see-all")); ?> <div class="pagination"> </div> </div> </div> <script>
<div class="activity"> <div class="activity_left"> <div class="avatar_thumb_container"> <div class="activity_thumb"> <?php $avatarImg = html::image(Helper_Account::get_avatar($user, "thumb")); echo html::anchor(Helper_Account::get_public_account_url($user), $avatarImg); ?> </div> </div> </div> <div class="activity_right"> <div class="activity_title"><span class="user"><?php echo html::anchor(Helper_Account::get_public_account_url($user), $user->display_name); ?> </span> left a comment on <span class="user"><?php echo html::anchor(Helper_Photos::get_photo_url($photo), $photo->user->display_name . "'s"); ?> </span> photo</div> <div class="activity_comment"><?php echo $comment->comment; ?> </div> <div class="timestamp"><?php echo Helper_Game::displayTime(strtotime($activity->time_stamp)); ?> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div>
<?php if (!empty($watcher) && $watcher->user->loaded()) { ?> <div id="photographer-to-watch"> <h2>PHOTOGRAPHER TO WATCH</h2> <div class="photographer" style="background-image: url('<?php echo addcslashes(Helper_Photos::get($photo, "medium"), "'"); ?> ')"> <?php echo HTML::anchor(Helper_Account::get_public_account_url($watcher->user), $watcher->user->display_name, array("class" => "invisi-link")); ?> <div class="details-container"> <?php echo HTML::image(Helper_Account::get_avatar($watcher->user, "thumbnail")); echo new Element("p", HTML::anchor(Helper_Account::get_public_account_url($watcher->user), $watcher->user->display_name)); echo new Element("p", "{$numPhotos} photos posted"); ?> </div> </div> <p><a href="/photos/watch" class="see-all-photographers-link">Past Photographers to Watch</a></p> </div> <?php }
/** * Edit My Account * * @return void * @author Merrick Christensen */ public function action_edit() { $this->template->content = View::factory('account/edit'); $this->template->content->user = $this->user; $this->template->scripts = array('public/js/vendor/word-count.js', 'public/js/account/vanity_preview.js'); $this->template->content->set(array('tv_shows' => Helper_Favorite::get_available_answers(1), 'musical_artists' => Helper_Favorite::get_available_answers(2), 'movies' => Helper_Favorite::get_available_answers(3), 'foods' => Helper_Favorite::get_available_answers(4), 'colors' => Helper_Favorite::get_available_answers(5), 'animals' => Helper_Favorite::get_available_answers(6), 'sports' => Helper_Favorite::get_available_answers(7), 'video_games' => Helper_Favorite::get_available_answers(8), 'school_subjects' => Helper_Favorite::get_available_answers(9), 'seasons' => Helper_Favorite::get_available_answers(10), 'app' => Helper_Favorite::get_available_answers(11), 'book' => Helper_Favorite::get_available_answers(12))); $this->template->sidebar = Widget::factory()->add(Helper_Default::sidebar()); if ($_POST) { $original_post = $_POST; $user = $this->user; $post = $user->validate_create_edit($_POST); if ($post->check()) { /* If the user wants to change the display name */ if ($user->display_name != $post['display_name']) { /* Set new display name if it isn't in use already */ if (Helper_Account::display_name_exists($post['display_name'])) { Message::set(MESSAGE::ERROR, array('Display name already in use!', 'The display name you entered (' . $post['display_name'] . ') is already in use, please choose another one. Reverting to your previous display name (' . $user->display_name . ').')); } else { //$user->display_name = $post['display_name']; //as of 3.0 user may no longer update their display name. } } $user->gender = $post['gender']; $user->vanity_url = $post['vanity_url']; $user->newsletter = $post['newsletter']; $user->save(); $this->add_favorites($original_post); Message::set(Message::SUCCESS, 'Successfully edited!'); Request::instance()->redirect('profile'); } else { Message::set(Message::ERROR, $post->errors('user')); } } }
<th><h3>Email</h3></th> <th><h3>Username</h3></th> <th><h3>Admin</h3></th> <th class="nosort" id="edit"><h3>Edit</h3></th> <th class="nosort" id="delete"><h3>Delete</h3></th> <th class="nosort" id="flag"><h3>Flag</h3></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach ($users as $user) { $admin = Helper_Account::is_admin($user); ?> <tr> <td><?php echo Helper_Account::get_public_account_link($user); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $user->email; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $user->username; ?> </td> <td id="edit"> <?php if ($admin) { echo HTML::image('public/js/vendor/tinytable/images/accept.png', array('alt' => '1')); } else {
echo date('F d, Y', strtotime($awaiting_caption->created)); ?> </span></p> <p class="caption"> <?php echo $awaiting_caption->caption; ?> </p> </div> </div> <!-- END comment_container --> <?php } ?> </div> <!-- END comments --> <?php if (Helper_Account::is_approved() && $caption_this_photo->isActive) { ?> <div class="add_a_comment"> <?php echo form::open('/backtalk/submit/' . $photo->id); ?> <div class="title"> <h2>Add a Back Talk</h2> <div class="max_characters counter"></div> </div> <?php echo form::textarea('caption', Arr::get($_POST, 'caption'), array('data-max' => '40', 'class' => 'word_count')); ?> <input type="submit" value="" class="submit" /> <?php echo form::close();
foreach ($slideshow->getOrderedPhotos() as $photo) { ?> <div class="slide"> <?php echo html::image(Helper_Photos::get($photo, 'medium'), array('alt' => $photo->name)); ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <div class="cap"> <div class="text"> <p>Slideshow by: <?php echo "<a href=\"/" . Helper_Account::get_public_account_url($user) . "\">" . substr($user->display_name, 0, 7) . (strlen($user->display_name) > 7 ? "…" : "") . "</a>"; ?> </a></p> </div> <div class="controls"> <audio preload> <source src="<?php echo $slideshow->music->mp3; ?> " /> <source src="<?php echo $slideshow->music->ogg; ?> " /> </audio>
<div class="cap"> <div class="text"> <p>Photo by: <?php echo Helper_Account::get_public_account_link($photo->user); ?> </p> <p>Username: <?php echo Helper_Account::get_account_username($photo->user); ?> </p> <p>Age: <?php echo Helper_Account::get_account_age($photo->user); ?> </p> <p>E-Mail: <?php echo Helper_Account::get_account_email($photo->user); ?> </p> <p><?php echo Helper_Photos::get_original_photo_dimensions($photo); ?> </p> </div> <div class="controls"> <p><?php echo date('F d, Y', strtotime($photo->created)); ?> </p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- END photo_container -->
<div class="detail_container"> <div class="photo_container"> <div class="photo"> <div class="inner"> <div class="photo_img"> <?php echo html::image(Helper_Photos::get($photo, 'medium')); ?> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- END photo_container --> <div class="submit_container"> <?php if (Helper_Account::is_admin()) { $photo_mail_options = Helper_SendEmail::get_photo_options(); ?> <?php echo form::open('admin/photos/send_email/' . $photo->user_id, array('method' => 'post')); ?> <div class="title"> <p><strong>Email User: </strong><?php echo form::checkbox('send_email' . $photo->id, 'send_email' . $photo->id, false, array("id" => "send_email" . $photo->id, "class" => "send_email_option")); ?> <label for="<?php echo 'send_email' . $photo->id; ?> ">Yes</label></p> </div> <div id="email_options">
/** * Edit a user * * @return void * @author Will Robertson */ public function action_edit($user_id = null) { $user = ORM::factory('user')->where('id', '=', $user_id)->find(); /* Load the view. */ $this->template->styles = array('public/js/vendor/datepicker/jquery-ui-1.8.5.custom.css' => 'screen'); $this->template->scripts = array('public/js/vendor/jquery-ui-1.8.5.custom.min.js', 'public/js/vendor/word-count.js', 'public/js/account/vanity_preview.js'); $content = $this->template->content = View::factory('admin/users/edit'); $this->template->sidebar = Widget::factory()->add(Helper_Default::admin_sidebar()); if ($user->loaded()) { $this->template->content->set(array('user' => $user)); } else { Message::set(Message::NOTICE, "This user does not exist."); Request::instance()->redirect('admin/users'); } if ($_POST) { /* Do they want to make this user an admin? */ $set_admin_user = Arr::get($_POST, 'admin_user'); /* Do they want to make this user a NG Staff member? */ $set_ngstaff_user = Arr::get($_POST, 'ngstaff_user'); /* Load the validation rules, filters etc.*/ $post = $user->validate_update($_POST); /* If the post data validates using the rules setup in the user model. */ if ($post->check()) { $admin_role = new Model_Role(array('name' => 'admin')); $ngstaff_role = new Model_Role(array('name' => 'ngstaff')); if ($set_admin_user) { if (!Helper_Account::is_admin($user)) { $user->add('roles', $admin_role); } } else { $user->remove('roles', $admin_role); } if ($set_ngstaff_user) { if (!Helper_Account::is_ngstaff($user)) { $user->add('roles', $ngstaff_role); } } else { $user->remove('roles', $ngstaff_role); } /* Affects the sanitized vars to the user object. */ $user->email = $post['email']; $user->username = $post['username']; /* If the user wants to change the display name */ if ($user->display_name != $post['display_name']) { /* Set new display name if it isn't in use already */ if (Helper_Account::display_name_exists($post['display_name'])) { echo 'problem'; Message::set(MESSAGE::ERROR, array('Display name already in use!', 'The display name you entered (' . $post['display_name'] . ') is already in use, please choose another one. Reverting to your previous display name (' . $user->display_name . ').')); } else { $user->display_name = $post['display_name']; } } $user->birthdate = $post['birthdate']; $user->gender = $post['gender']; $user->vanity_url = $post['vanity_url']; /* Create the account. */ $user->save(); /* Redirect to users edit page. */ Request::instance()->redirect('admin/users'); } else { /* Get errors for display in view. */ Message::set(Message::ERROR, $post->errors("user")); } } }
"> <div class="photographer" style="background-image: url('<?php echo addcslashes(Helper_Photos::get($photographer->photos->find(), "medium"), "'"); ?> ')"> <a href="/profile/<?php echo $photographer->getVanity(); ?> " class="invisi-link"><?php echo $photographer->display_name; ?> </a> <div class="details-container"> <?php echo HTML::image(Helper_Account::get_avatar($photographer, "thumbnail")); echo new Element("p", HTML::anchor(Helper_Account::get_public_account_url($photographer), $photographer->display_name)); echo new Element("p", $photographer->photos->count_all() . " photos posted"); ?> </div> </div> </div> <?php /*<div class="photo <?php if ($i % 2 == 0) { echo 'last'; } ?>"> <div class="thumb_container"> <div class="thumb" style="background-image: url('<?php echo addcslashes(Helper_Photos::get($photo, "medium"), "'") ?>');" ></div> <div class="frame"><a href="/<?= Helper_Photos::get_photo_url($photo); ?>"><?= $photo->name; ?></a></div> </div> <div class="details-container"> <h2><a href="/<?= Helper_Photos::get_photo_url($photo); ?>"><?= $photo->name; ?></a></h2> <p><?= $photo->creationDate(); ?><br /> <?php echo Helper_Photos::get_comment_link($photo); ?><br />
<div id="form_container"> <?php echo form::open('photos/upload', array('enctype' => 'multipart/form-data')); ?> <div class="main_top"></div> <div class="inner_wrapper"> <div class="title"> <div class="avatar"> <div class="avatar_inner"><?php echo HTML::image(Helper_Account::get_avatar($user, 'thumbnail')); ?> </div> </div> <div class="text"> <h2>Hi, <?php echo $user->display_name; ?> !</h2> </div> </div> <!-- END: title --> <div class="title_bottom"></div> <div class="box"> <div class="box_top"></div> <div class="box_inner"> <table> <tr> <td class="step"><?php echo HTML::image('public/images/layout/icon-one.png'); ?> </td> <td class="text">
<div class="more"><?php echo html::anchor('trophies', 'See All Trophies'); ?> </div> Trophy Case</div> <div id="trophy_container"> <div class="previous_container"> <a href="#">Previous</a> </div> <div id="trophy_carousel"> <ul class="thumbs"> <?php foreach ($honors as $honor) { ?> <li><?php $honor->honor->type == "award" ? Helper_Game::outputHonorImageWithToolTip($honor->honor, Helper_Game::IMAGE_105, Helper_Photos::get_photo_url($honor->photo)) : Helper_Game::outputHonorImageWithToolTip($honor->honor, Helper_Game::IMAGE_105, Helper_Account::get_public_account_url($honor->user)); ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> <div class="next_container"> <a href="#">Next</a> </div> </div> <?php } if ($homeSpot) {
<?php $photoURL = html::anchor(Kohana::config('myshot.siteURL') . Helper_Photos::get_photo_url($photo), Kohana::config('myshot.siteURL') . Helper_Photos::get_photo_url($photo)); $userURL = html::anchor(Kohana::config('myshot.siteURL') . Helper_Account::get_public_account_url($user), Kohana::config('myshot.siteURL') . Helper_Account::get_public_account_url($user)); ?> NG Staff, <br /> A user has removed one of their photos. Please note that viewing the photo is no longer possible. <br /><br /> User name: <?php echo $user->username; ?> <br /> Display name: <?php echo $user->display_name; ?> <br /> User Profile: <?php echo $userURL; ?> <br /> Photo Title: <?php echo $photo->name; ?> <br /> Created: <?php echo $photo->created; ?> <br /> Original Link* : <?php echo $photoURL; ?>