public function __construct(&$CMSContent) { // $this->CMSContent = &$CMSContent; $helloWorld = new HelloWorld($CMSContent); $this->response['result'] = true; $this->response['output'] = $helloWorld->createHelloWorld(); }
public function testWhat() { $helloWorld = new HelloWorld($this->pdo); $this->assertFalse($helloWorld->what()); $helloWorld->hello('Bar'); $this->assertEquals('Bar', $helloWorld->what()); }
/** * @group Slow * @slowExecutionTime 0.05355 ms */ public function testGettingWikiData() { $testRow = new stdClass(); $testRow->city_title = self::TEST_TITLE; $testRow->city_url = self::TEST_URL; $dbMock = $this->getMock('DatabaseMysql', array('selectRow')); $dbMock->expects($this->once())->method('selectRow')->will($this->returnValue($testRow)); $this->mockGlobalVariable('wgExternalSharedDB', ''); $this->mockGlobalFunction('wfGetDB', $dbMock); $object = new HelloWorld(); $result = $object->getWikiData(self::TEST_WIKI_ID); $this->assertEquals(self::TEST_TITLE, $result['title']); $this->assertEquals(self::TEST_URL, $result['url']); }
/** * 显示登录页(默认Action) */ function doDefault() { /* {{{ 调试用例开始 */ $data = array('a' => 'a', 'b' => 3); $this->debug('数据库连接失败'); $this->debug($data); $this->debug('提示信息'); $this->debug('警告信息'); $this->debug('错误信息'); echo '调试方法使用,通过firephp和friebug查看相关调试信息<br />'; /* }}} */ $page = $this->app->page(); /* {{{ 输出验证码链接 */ echo '<img src="?do=code" ><br />'; /* }}} */ /* {{{ 验证验证码 */ if ($_GET['code']) { echo '验证码检测结果:' . var_export($this->_checkCode(trim($_GET['code'])), true) . '<br />'; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ 导出基础类 */ import('util.Ip'); //include('util/Ip.class.php'); echo Ip::get() . '<br />'; //调用IP类中获取IP的方法 /* }}} */ /* {{{ 导出应用定义模块文件 */ importModule('HelloWorld'); //include('modules/HelloWorld.class.php'); echo HelloWorld::Test('HelloWorld::Test') . '<br />'; //调用IP类中获取IP的方法 /* }}} */ /* {{{ 获取IP地址 */ echo 'Application 获得的IP地址' . $this->app->ip() . '<br />'; /* }}} */ /* {{{页面跳转 */ if ($_GET['go'] == 'redirect') { $this->app->redirect(''); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ 测试smarty页面输出 */ $page->value('title', '这是页面变量!!'); $page->output(); /* }}} */ }
<?php namespace Hello\World; $objHelloWorld = new HelloWorld("Oscar"); $objHelloWorld->say(); $objShowHelloWorld = new ShowHelloWorld($objHelloWorld->getNombre()); $objShowHelloWorld->epale();
public function testSayHello() { $hw = new HelloWorld(); $string = $hw->sayHello(); $this->assertEquals('Hello World!', $string); }
<?php /** * Autoload provided by Composer */ require_once realpath(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); /** * Example Classes */ include realpath(__DIR__ . '/HelloWorldClasses.php'); // Use facade as Alias $aliases = ["HelloWorld" => "HelloWorldFacade"]; // Create aliases foreach ($aliases as $alias => $abstract) { class_alias($abstract, $alias); } /** * How to use a Facade Class? */ // Use normal methods HelloWorld::hello(); // You can pass arguments too. HelloWorld::hello("John Doe");
public function testSayHello() { $hello = new HelloWorld(); $this->assertEquals("Hello World!", $hello->sayHello()); }
<?php include_once '../lib/client/facebook.php'; include_once '../lib/AppConfig.class.php'; include_once '../lib/HelloWorld.class.php'; $facebook = new Facebook(AppConfig::$api_key, AppConfig::$secret); $app = new HelloWorld($facebook); $user = $facebook->require_login(); $app->goodbye($user);
<?php include_once '../lib/client/facebook.php'; include_once '../lib/AppConfig.class.php'; include_once '../lib/HelloWorld.class.php'; $facebook = new Facebook(AppConfig::$api_key, AppConfig::$secret); $facebook->require_frame(); $user = $facebook->require_login(); $facebook->require_add(); $app = new HelloWorld($facebook); if ($_GET['ids']) { foreach ($_GET['ids'] as $key) { $app->record_invite($user, $key); } } $exclude_ids = $facebook->api_client->friends_getAppUsers(); $sent_invites = $app->get_invites($user); $exclude_ids = array_merge($exclude_ids, $sent_invites); $referralTracker = urlencode("?referralbyuser="******"{$user}" firstnameonly="true" shownetwork="false"/> wants you to add {$app_name} to receive greetings from <fb:pronoun objective="true" possessive="false" uid="{$user}"/>. <fb:req-choice url="{$app_key}&next={$referralTracker}" label="Add {$app_name}" /> FBML; ?> <fb:request-form type="<?php echo AppConfig::$app_name; ?> " action="invite.php" content="<?php echo htmlentities($invite_fbml);
<?php $hello = new HelloWorld(); $hello->hello(); $hello->create_tab(); /** This is my first file */ class HelloWorld { function __construct() { } function create_tab() { } function hello() { die(__METHOD__); // something is bad here. } /** * Create account for corvin. * @param type $username */ function create_account($username = "******") { echo "created account for {$username}"; } /** * Related to issue MFP-8 Administration console. */ function create_console()
<?php include_once '../lib/client/facebook.php'; include_once '../lib/AppConfig.class.php'; include_once '../lib/HelloWorld.class.php'; // Create a new Facebook client object $facebook = new Facebook(AppConfig::$api_key, AppConfig::$secret); // Prevent this page from being viewed outside the context of $facebook->require_frame(); // Prevent this page from being viewed without a valid logged in user // -- NOTE: This does not mean that the logged in user has added the application $user = $facebook->require_login(); // Require the viewing user to have added the application. $facebook->require_add(); $app = new HelloWorld($facebook); // Get the greetings to and from this user $greetings_from = $app->get_greetings('user_from', $user, 5); $greetings_to = $app->get_greetings('user_to', $user, 5); $greetings_from_count = $app->get_greeting_count('user_from', $user); $greetings_to_count = $app->get_greeting_count('user_to', $user); ?> <fb:dashboard> <fb:action href="/nghelloworld/">View My Greetings</fb:action> <fb:action href="/nghelloworld/wave.php">Send a greeting</fb:action> </fb:dashboard> <div style="padding: 10px;"> <h2>Hello <fb:name firstnameonly="true" uid="<?php echo $user; ?> " useyou="false"/>!</h2>
/** * 显示登录页(默认Action) */ function doDefault() { /* {{{ 调试用例开始 */ $data = array('a' => 'a', 'b' => 3); $this->debug('数据库连接失败'); $this->debug($data); $this->debug('提示信息'); $this->debug('警告信息'); $this->debug('错误信息'); echo '调试方法使用,通过firephp和friebug查看相关调试信息<br />'; /* }}} */ $page = $this->app->page(); /* {{{ 分页字符串生成 */ $page_cur = $_GET['page'] ? intval($_GET['page']) : 0; $data = $page->getNav(40, 7, $page_cur, '<a href="?page=%d">%d</a> ', '<b>%d</b>'); echo '分页处理:' . $data . '<br />'; /* }}} */ /* {{{ 输出验证码链接 */ echo '<img src="?do=code" ><br />'; /* }}} */ /* {{{ 验证验证码 */ if ($_GET['code']) { echo '验证码检测结果:' . var_export($this->_checkCode(trim($_GET['code'])), true) . '<br />'; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ 导出基础类 */ import('util.Ip'); //include('util/Ip.class.php'); echo Ip::get() . '<br />'; //调用IP类中获取IP的方法 /* }}} */ /* {{{ 导出应用定义模块文件 */ importModule('HelloWorld'); //include('modules/HelloWorld.class.php'); echo HelloWorld::Test('HelloWorld::Test') . '<br />'; //调用IP类中获取IP的方法 /* }}} */ /* {{{ 获取IP地址 */ echo 'Application 获得的IP地址' . $this->app->ip() . '<br />'; /* }}} */ /* {{{页面跳转 */ if ($_GET['go'] == 'redirect') { $this->app->redirect(''); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ 测试smarty页面输出 */ $page->value('title', '这是页面变量!'); $page->output(); /* }}} */ /** {{{ 通过SOCKET执行SOAP请求 **/ /* SOCKET INPUT DATA POST /HRWeb/Asmx/Reming.asmx HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: length SOAPAction: "" <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Body> <PersonnelInfo xmlns=""> <p_lUserId>int</p_lUserId> </PersonnelInfo> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope> */ /* SOCKET OUTPUT DATA HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: length <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Body> <PersonnelInfoResponse xmlns=""> <PersonnelInfoResult> <UserId>int</UserId> <UserName>string</UserName> <UserPhotolink>string</UserPhotolink> <UserAge>int</UserAge> <UserSex>string</UserSex> <UserNative>string</UserNative> <UserParty>string</UserParty> <UserNation>string</UserNation> <UserBirthday>dateTime</UserBirthday> <UserHeight>string</UserHeight> <UserBlood>string</UserBlood> <UserCardCode>string</UserCardCode> <UserMarriage>string</UserMarriage> <UserMobile>string</UserMobile> <UserPhone>string</UserPhone> <UserEmail>string</UserEmail> <UserHJAdd>string</UserHJAdd> <UserXZAdd>string</UserXZAdd> <UserHKArea>string</UserHKArea> <UserDAArea>string</UserDAArea> <UserBYSchool>string</UserBYSchool> <DepCode>string</DepCode> <DepName>string</DepName> <GWName>string</GWName> <ZWName>string</ZWName> <ZCName>string</ZCName> <UserType>string</UserType> <WorkAge>int</WorkAge> <GraNum>string</GraNum> <JoinDate>dateTime</JoinDate> <SYDate>dateTime</SYDate> </PersonnelInfoResult> </PersonnelInfoResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope> */ $args = array('p_lUserId' => '100418'); echo '<p>_soap action:<br />'; //var_dump($this->_soap('', 'HRWeb/Asmx/Reming.asmx', 'PersonnelInfo', $args)); echo '</p>'; /* }}} */ }
<?php include_once '../lib/client/facebook.php'; include_once '../lib/AppConfig.class.php'; include_once '../lib/HelloWorld.class.php'; // Create a new Facebook client object $facebook = new Facebook(AppConfig::$api_key, AppConfig::$secret); // Prevent this page from being viewed outside the context of $facebook->require_frame(); // Prevent this page from being viewed without a valid logged in user // -- NOTE: This does not mean that the logged in user has added the application $user = $facebook->require_login(); // Require the viewing user to have added the application. $facebook->require_add(); $app = new HelloWorld($facebook); $app->first_time($user); if ($_GET['referralbyuser']) { $app->save_referral($user, $_GET['referralbyuser']); } ?> <fb:dashboard> <fb:action href="/nghelloworld/">View My Greetings</fb:action> <fb:action href="/nghelloworld/wave.php">Send a greeting</fb:action> </fb:dashboard> <div style="padding: 10px;"> <h2>Hello <fb:name firstnameonly="true" uid="<?php echo $user; ?> " useyou="false"/>!</h2> <p>Welcome to this application!</p>
public function handle(HelloWorld $command) { echo $command->getMessage(); }
<?php include_once '../lib/client/facebook.php'; include_once '../lib/AppConfig.class.php'; include_once '../lib/HelloWorld.class.php'; // Create a new Facebook client object $facebook = new Facebook(AppConfig::$api_key, AppConfig::$secret); // Prevent this page from being viewed outside the context of $facebook->require_frame(); // Prevent this page from being viewed without a valid logged in user // -- NOTE: This does not mean that the logged in user has added the application $user = $facebook->require_login(); // Require the viewing user to have added the application. $facebook->require_add(); $app = new HelloWorld($facebook); // Create a var to represent the target user, default it to null $target_user = null; if (isset($_POST['friend_sel'])) { // If the friend_sel var is set in the POST vars, typecast it to an // integer and set the target_user $target_user = (int) $_POST['friend_sel']; } // By default we show the form, and the action_wave and wave_success are // set to false. $wave_success = false; $action_wave = false; $show_form = true; if ($target_user) { $action_wave = true; $show_form = false; // The target_user is set, send them a greeting
<?php namespace Scrutinizer\Docs; class HelloWorld { function hello($x) { print "Hello, {$x}"; } } $c = new HelloWorld(); $c->hello("world");
<?php include_once '../lib/client/facebook.php'; include_once '../lib/AppConfig.class.php'; include_once '../lib/HelloWorld.class.php'; $facebook = new Facebook(AppConfig::$api_key, AppConfig::$secret); $app = new HelloWorld($facebook); $user = 0; if (isset($_GET['user'])) { $user = (int) $_GET['user']; } $greetings_from = $app->get_greetings('user_from', $user); $gfromcount = count($greetings_from); $greetings_to = $app->get_greetings('user_to', $user); $gtocount = count($greetings_to); $tomessage = ''; $frommessage = ''; if ($gtocount) { $tomessage = "<p><fb:name uid=\"profileowner\" firstnameonly=\"true\" useyou=\"false\" /> has been waved to {$gtocount} times.</p>"; } else { $tomessage = "<p>No one has waved hello to <fb:name uid=\"profileowner\" firstnameonly=\"true\" useyou=\"false\" />!</p>"; } if ($gfromcount) { $frommessage = "<p><fb:name uid=\"profileowner\" firstnameonly=\"true\" useyou=\"false\" /> has waved hello to {$gfromcount} people.</p>"; } else { $frommessage = "<p><fb:name uid=\"profileowner\" firstnameonly=\"true\" useyou=\"false\" /> has not waved to anyone.</p>"; } ?> <fb:wide> <?php echo $frommessage;
<?php require __DIR__ . "/../vendor/autoload.php"; class HelloWorld extends RubbishThorClone { public function commands() { $this->command('hello NAME', 'say hello to NAME', function ($option_parser) { $option_parser->addHead("Says hello to a person.\n"); $option_parser->addRule('b::', "Congratulates NAME on their bigness"); }); } public function hello($name) { echo "Hi, {$name}!\n"; if (isset($this->options->big)) { echo "Aren't you a big fella?\n"; } } } $hello = new HelloWorld(); $hello->start($argv);
return $this->foo; } } // create a corresponding node and add the variable class HelloWorldNode extends EncoderNode { function __construct() { parent::__construct('hello-worlds', 'hello-world', null); $this->addVariable(new EncoderNodeVariable('foo')); } } // register the node so it becomes known to the encoder EncoderNode::addNode(new HelloWorldNode()); // create a HelloWorld object $helloWorld = new HelloWorld(); $helloWorld->setFoo('hello world'); // make an instance of an encoder type and encode the object $encoder = new XmlEncoder(); $encodedResultXml = $encoder->encode($helloWorld); // will output: /* <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> * <encoded> * <hello-world foo="hello world"/> * </encoded> */ echo htmlentities($encodedResultXml->saveXML()); // decode the XML again $decoded = $encoder->decode($encodedResultXml->saveXML()); // will output: /*
<?php require_once '/HelloWorld.php'; $bpdo = new PDO('mysql:dbname=test_hello_world;host=localhost', 'root', ''); $bb = new HelloWorld($bpdo); echo '<div>test 444 New change</div>'; echo $bb->hellostr(); // SHOW DATABASES // 22222
<?php require_once "HelloWorld.php"; $helloWorld = new HelloWorld(); $helloWorld->sayHello();
<?php class HelloWorld extends Thread { public function __construct($world) { $this->world = $world; } public function run() { print_r(sprintf("Hello %s\n", $this->world)); } } $thread = new HelloWorld("World"); if ($thread->start()) { printf("Thread #%lu says: %s\n", $thread->getThreadId(), $thread->join()); }
require_once 'lib/HelloWorld.php'; require_once 'lib/Log4Gy.php'; ?> <html> <head> <title>Page 2</title> </head> <body> <h1>Page 2</h1> <p> <?php Log::info("Début - testLog.php"); Log::start(); $hw = new HelloWorld('Salut :D'); Log::info("Milieu - testLog.php"); Log::conf("le fichier de conf 1"); $hw->doSpeack(); Log::conf("le fichier de conf 2"); function beurj() { Log::debug('Fin - testLog.php'); } function jaimelespattes() { beurj(); Log::debug('Fin - sdsds.php'); } jaimelespattes(); Log::stop();
public function testHello() { $helloWorld = new HelloWorld($this->pdo); $this->assertEquals('Hello Bar', $helloWorld->hello('Bar')); }
<!doctype html> <!-- /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: ET * Date: 6/16/2015 * Time: 6:22 PM */ --> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Hello, World!</title> </head> <body> <?php function __autoload($class) { require $class . '.php'; } $obj = new HelloWorld(); $obj->sayHello(); $obj->sayHello('Italian'); $obj->sayHello('Dutch'); $obj->sayHello('French'); unset($obj); ?> </body> </html>
<?php require_once 'PHP2js.php'; new PHP2js(__FILE__); /** * My super cool php class that will be converted to js!!! */ class HelloWorld { /** * So here goes a function that echos * * @param string $foo * @param string $bar */ function foo($foo, $bar) { echo $foo . ' ' . $bar; } } $H = new HelloWorld(); $H->foo('Hello', 'World');