 * Renders a handlebars template specified by $path, using scope variables defined inside $locals.
 * This function uses config('dispatch.views') for the location of the templates and partials, unless overridden by config('handlebars.views').
 * Settings for 'handlebars.charset' and 'handlebars.layout' are also pulled from config(), if present.
 * @param string $path name of the .handlebars file to render
 * @param array $locals scope variables to load inside the template
 * @param string $layout layout file to use, or flag to not use one
 * @return string rendered code for the template
function handlebars_template($path, $locals = array())
    static $engine = null;
    // create the engine once
    if (!$engine) {
        $views_path = config('handlebars.views') ?: config('dispatch.views');
        // Handlebars
        $opts = array('loader' => new \Handlebars\Loader\FilesystemLoader($views_path), 'partials_loader' => new \Handlebars\Loader\FilesystemLoader($views_path, array('prefix' => config('handlebars.partials_prefix') ?: '_')), 'charset' => config('handlebars.charset') ?: 'UTF-8');
        if ($cache_path = config('handlebars.cache')) {
            $opts['cache'] = $cache_path;
        $engine = new Handlebars\Handlebars($opts);
        // Handlebars Helpers
        $helpers = config('handlebars.helpers');
        if ($helpers) {
            foreach ($helpers as $helper => $callback) {
                $engine->addHelper($helper, function ($template, $context, $args, $source) use($callback) {
                    return call_user_func($callback, $template, $context, $args, $source);
        $engine->addHelper('capitalize', function ($template, $context, $args, $source) {
            return ucwords($context->get($args));
        $engine->addHelper('upper', function ($template, $context, $args, $source) {
            return strtoupper($context->get($args));
        $engine->addHelper('lower', function ($template, $context, $args, $source) {
            return strtolower($context->get($args));
        $engine->addHelper('url', function ($template, $context, $args, $source) {
            return config('dispatch.url') . $context->get($args);
    // render partial using $locals
    if (config('handlebars.minify')) {
        return handlebars_minify($engine->render($path, $locals));
    return $engine->render($path, $locals);
Esempio n. 2
  * Helper subexpressions test
 public function testHelperSubexpressions()
     $loader = new \Handlebars\Loader\StringLoader();
     $engine = new \Handlebars\Handlebars(array('loader' => $loader));
     $engine->addHelper('test', function ($template, $context, $args) {
         $parsedArgs = $template->parseArguments($args);
         return (count($parsedArgs) ? $context->get($parsedArgs[0]) : '') . 'Test.';
     // assert that nested syntax is accepted and sub-helper is run
     $this->assertEquals('Test.Test.', $engine->render('{{test (test)}}', array()));
     $engine->addHelper('add', function ($template, $context, $args) {
         $sum = 0;
         foreach ($template->parseArguments($args) as $value) {
             $sum += intval($context->get($value));
         return $sum;
     // assert that subexpression result is inserted correctly as argument to top level helper
     $this->assertEquals('42', $engine->render('{{add 21 (add 10 (add 5 6))}}', array()));
     // assert that bracketed expressions within string literals are treated correctly
     $this->assertEquals("(test)Test.", $engine->render("{{test '(test)'}}", array()));
     $this->assertEquals(")Test.Test.", $engine->render("{{test (test ')')}}", array()));
     $engine->addHelper('concat', function (\Handlebars\Template $template, \Handlebars\Context $context, $args) {
         $result = '';
         foreach ($template->parseArguments($args) as $arg) {
             $result .= $context->get($arg);
         return $result;
     $this->assertEquals('ACB', $engine->render('{{concat a (concat c b)}}', array('a' => 'A', 'b' => 'B', 'c' => 'C')));
     $this->assertEquals('ACB', $engine->render('{{concat (concat a c) b}}', array('a' => 'A', 'b' => 'B', 'c' => 'C')));
     $this->assertEquals('A-B', $engine->render('{{concat (concat a "-") b}}', array('a' => 'A', 'b' => 'B')));
     $this->assertEquals('A-B', $engine->render('{{concat (concat a "-") b}}', array('a' => 'A', 'b' => 'B', 'A-' => '!')));
  * Test string literals in the context of if and unless helpers
  * @param string $template template text
  * @param array  $data     context data
  * @param string $results  The Expected Results
  * @dataProvider stringLiteralsInIfAndUnlessHelpersProvider
  * @return void
 public function testStringLiteralsInIfAndUnlessHelpers($template, $data, $results)
     $engine = new \Handlebars\Handlebars();
     $engine->addHelper('add', function ($template, $context, $args) {
         $sum = 0;
         foreach ($template->parseArguments($args) as $value) {
             $sum += intval($context->get($value));
         return $sum;
     $res = $engine->render($template, $data);
     $this->assertEquals($res, $results);
Esempio n. 4
  * Custom helper test
 public function testCustomHelper()
     $loader = new \Handlebars\Loader\StringLoader();
     $engine = new \Handlebars\Handlebars(array('loader' => $loader));
     $engine->addHelper('test', function () {
         return 'Test helper is called';
     $this->assertEquals('Test helper is called', $engine->render('{{#test}}', array()));
     $this->assertEquals('Test helper is called', $engine->render('{{test}}', array()));
     $engine->addHelper('test2', function ($template, $context, $arg) {
         return 'Test helper is called with ' . $arg;
     $this->assertEquals('Test helper is called with a b c', $engine->render('{{#test2 a b c}}', array()));
     $this->assertEquals('Test helper is called with a b c', $engine->render('{{test2 a b c}}', array()));
     $engine->addHelper('renderme', function () {
         return new \Handlebars\String("{{test}}");
     $this->assertEquals('Test helper is called', $engine->render('{{#renderme}}', array()));
     $engine->addHelper('dontrenderme', function () {
         return "{{test}}";
     $this->assertEquals('{{test}}', $engine->render('{{#dontrenderme}}', array()));