 * ajax  handle callback
 * @hook wp_ajax_{hw_help_popup}
function hw_ajax_hw_help_popup()
    if (!wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST['nonce'], "hw-module-help-nonce")) {
        exit("No naughty business please");
    if (!isset($_REQUEST['file'])) {
    //enqueue syntax highlighter library
    if (class_exists('HW_Libraries', false)) {
        HW_Libraries::get('syntaxhighlighter_3.0.83')->enqueue_scripts('shBrushJScript.js', 'shBrushXml.js', 'shBrushPhp.js');
    $file = HW_Encryptor::decrypt(urldecode($_REQUEST['file']));
    if (file_exists($file)) {
        echo file_get_contents($file);
    //init SyntaxHighlighter
    echo '
        <script type="text/javascript">
    if(typeof SyntaxHighlighter != "undefined") SyntaxHighlighter.all();
  * export module data to wxr format (module data mean short data written for module)
  * @param $xml
 function export_wxr_data($xml = null)
     foreach ($this->get_posts_xml($xml) as $item) {
         $atts = $item->attributes();
         //get xml element attributes
         $hw = $item->children($this->namespaces['hw']);
         $wp = $item->children($this->namespaces['wp']);
         $title = (string) $wp->title;
         //get skins
         $skins = $this->fetch_skins($hw->skin, 'hash_skin', 'hwskin_config', 0, false);
         //source path
         $source = (string) $hw->source;
         #if(!file_exists($source)) $source = get_stylesheet_directory().'/' .$source;
         $settings = $this->recursive_option_data($hw->settings->children())->option;
         if (isset($skins['theme'])) {
             $settings['theme'] = $skins['theme']->get_hash_skin_code();
         $this->run_cli('add_slider', array('title' => $title, 'source' => 'upload', 'num' => '3', 'from_path' => 'theme', 'source_path' => $source, 'settings' => HW_Encryptor::encode64($settings)));
  * @param $data
  * @param bool $str_output
 protected static function build_special_params($str = array(), $str_output = false)
     $dom = new DOMDocument(self::XML_VERSION, self::XML_ENCODING);
     if (HW_Encryptor::is_serialize_base64($str)) {
         $data = unserialize(base64_decode($str));
         if (is_array($data)) {
             #$data = unserialize($data);#
             //belong to skin config
             if (is_array($data) && isset($data['skin_name']) && isset($data['default_skin_path']) && isset($data['apply_current_path']) && isset($data['plugin_url'])) {
                 $what_skin = rtrim($data['skin_name'], '.php');
                 //get skin information
                 $pskin = new HWIE_Skin_Params('skin', $what_skin);
                 $pskin->add_skin_config('hwskin_config', array('group' => !empty($data['group']) ? $data['group'] : ''));
                 /*$skin_instance = $dom->createElement('params:skin_instance');
                   $skin_instance->setAttribute('name', 'hwskin_config');
                   $skin_instance->setAttribute('instance', $what_skin);
                   if(!empty($data['group'])) {
                       $skin_instance->appendChild($dom->createElement('skin:group', $data['group']));
                 $dom->appendChild($dom->importNode($pskin->get_skinconfig(0), true));
         } elseif (is_string($data) && count(explode('|', $data)) >= 8) {
             $skin = explode('|', $data);
             if (in_array(end($skin), array('theme', 'plugin', 'wp_content'))) {
                 $what_skin = rtrim($skin[6], '.php');
                 //create skin instance
                 $pskin = new HWIE_Skin_Params('skin', $what_skin);
                 $pskin->add_hash_skin('hash_skin', array('skin' => trim($skin[1], '\\/'), 'skin_type' => $skin[3], 'source' => end($skin)));
                 /*$hash_skin = $dom->createElement('params:skin_encoded');
                   $hash_skin->setAttribute('name', 'hash_skin');
                   $hash_skin->setAttribute('instance', $what_skin);
                   //skin ns
                   $hash_skin->appendChild($dom->createElement('skin:skin', trim($skin[1], '\/')));
                   //skin_type ns
                   $hash_skin->appendChild($dom->createElement('skin:skin_type', $skin[3]));
                   $dom->appendChild($hash_skin) ;*/
                 $dom->appendChild($dom->importNode($pskin->get_hash_skin(0), true));
         return $str_output ? HW_XML::output_dom_to_string($dom, true) : $dom->documentElement;
     return false;
Esempio n. 4
  * generate help link with popup content
  * @param $file path of file help not link
  * @param $text anchor text link
  * @param $title dialog title
 public static function generate_help_popup($file, $text = '', $title = '')
     //get help file path
     $file = self::get_help_popup_file($file);
     if (!is_string($file)) {
         return '<em>Không tìm thấy file help.</em>';
     if (empty($text)) {
         $text = __('Hướng dẫn');
     if (empty($title)) {
         $title = $text;
     $ajax_url = HW_HOANGWEB_AJAX;
     $ajax_url .= '?action=hw_help_popup&include_head=1&include_footer=1&file=' . urlencode(HW_Encryptor::encrypt($file));
     if (is_multisite()) {
         $ajax_url .= '&blog=' . get_current_blog_id();
     return sprintf('<a href="%s" class="hw-help-link-popup" title="%s">%s</a>', $ajax_url, $title, $text);
  * add new slider tab
  * @param $args
  * @param $assoc_args
 public function add_slider($args, $assoc_args)
     //load necessary classes
     //list( $name ) = $args;
     $title = $this->get_cmd_arg($assoc_args, 'title', HW_String::generateRandomString(10));
     $slide_image_width = $this->get_cmd_arg($assoc_args, 'width', '730');
     $slide_image_height = $this->get_cmd_arg($assoc_args, 'height', '280');
     $source = $this->get_cmd_arg($assoc_args, 'source', 'upload');
     $from = $this->get_cmd_arg($assoc_args, 'from_path', 'theme');
     $source_path = $this->get_cmd_arg($assoc_args, 'source_path');
     if ($from == 'theme') {
         $source_path = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/' . $source_path;
     } elseif ($from == 'plugin') {
         $source_path = HWML_PLUGIN_PATH . '/' . $source_path;
     //number of slides
     $num = $this->get_cmd_arg($assoc_args, 'num', 3);
     if (!is_numeric($num)) {
         $num = 3;
     $slider_settings = $this->get_cmd_arg($assoc_args, 'settings', array());
     if (is_string($slider_settings)) {
         $slider_settings = HW_Encryptor::decode64($slider_settings);
     $attach_ids = array();
     #get attachments ids
     if ($source == 'upload') {
         $count = 1;
         if ($handle = opendir($source_path)) {
             while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
                 if ($count > $num) {
                 //exceed max number of files allow to upload
                 if ($entry != "." && $entry != ".." && HW_Validation::valid_image_ext($entry)) {
                     #echo "$entry\n";
                     $attach_ids[] = HW_WP_Attachment::upload_attachment($source_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $entry);
     } else {
         global $wpdb;
         $res = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * from {$wpdb->posts} where post_type='attachment' and post_mime_type like '%image%' order by rand() limit {$num}");
         foreach ($res as $row) {
             $attach_ids[] = $row->ID;
      * add slider tab
     $mlslider_post = array('post_content' => '', 'post_title' => wp_strip_all_tags($title), 'post_name' => sanitize_title($title), 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_type' => 'hw-ml-slider', 'post_author' => '1', 'ping_status' => 'open', 'post_parent' => '0', 'post_excerpt' => '', 'post_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'post_date_gmt' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'comment_status' => 'open');
     $slider_id = wp_insert_post($mlslider_post);
      * add metaslider setting for created above
     $settings_params = $this->get_params('metaslider_settings');
     $settings = array('type' => 'flex', 'random' => 'false', 'cssClass' => '', 'printCss' => 'true', 'printJs' => 'true', 'width' => $slide_image_width, 'height' => $slide_image_height, 'spw' => 7, 'sph' => 5, 'delay' => '3000', 'sDelay' => 30, 'opacity' => 0.8, 'titleSpeed' => 500, 'effect' => 'fade', 'navigation' => 'true', 'links' => 'true', 'hoverPause' => 'true', 'theme' => '', 'direction' => 'horizontal', 'reverse' => 'false', 'animationSpeed' => '600', 'prevText' => '<', 'nextText' => '>', 'slices' => 15, 'center' => 'false', 'smartCrop' => 'true', 'carouselMode' => 'false', 'carouselMargin' => '5', 'easing' => 'linear', 'autoPlay' => 'true', 'fullWidth' => 'false', 'noConflict' => 'true', 'hw_mlcontainer_id' => 'false', 'smoothHeight' => 'false');
     if (is_array($slider_settings) && count($slider_settings)) {
         $settings = array_merge($settings, $slider_settings);
     $this->hwml_add_or_update_or_delete_meta($slider_id, 'settings', array_merge($settings, $settings_params));
      * add images to slider
     foreach ($attach_ids as $slide_id) {
         //$slide_id = $row->ID;
         if ($this->hwml_slide_exists_in_slideshow($slider_id, $slide_id)) {
         $this->hwml_tag_slide_to_slider($slider_id, $slide_id);
         $this->hwml_add_or_update_or_delete_meta($slide_id, 'type', 'image');
         $this->hwml_add_or_update_or_delete_meta($slide_id, 'crop_position', 'center-center');
         //for crop tab, set crop position for current image
         $this->hwml_add_or_update_or_delete_meta($slide_id, 'title', 'demo-title-' . $slide_id);
         //for seo tab
         $this->hwml_add_or_update_or_delete_meta($slide_id, 'url', 'url-here-' . $slide_id);
         update_post_meta($slide_id, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', 'alt demo ' . $slide_id);
         //for seo tab
         $this->hwml_add_or_update_or_delete_meta($slide_id, 'new_window', 'true');
     // Free up memory
     //WP_CLI::success( ' add slider successful.' );
     $this->result(' add slider successful.');
  * display help icon
  * @param $module
  * @param $aField
 private function generate_help_icon($module, $aField)
     $module_label = isset($aField['module_info']['name']) ? $aField['module_info']['name'] : $module->module_name;
     $help = $aField['hw_help'];
     if (empty($help)) {
     $help_file = HW_HELP::get_help_popup_file(array($help['class'], $help['file']));
     $_aAttributes = $aField['attributes'];
     $name = $_aAttributes['name'];
     $id = HW_Validation::valid_apf_slug($name);
     $html = '<a href="#" id="' . $id . '" data-hw-module="' . $module->module_name . '" data-hw-help-file="' . urlencode(HW_Encryptor::encrypt($help_file)) . '" title="' . $module_label . '"><img src="' . plugins_url('help_icon.png', __FILE__) . '" class="module-help-icon hw-module-help"/>Trợ giúp</a>';
     return $html;
  * get import item result
  * @param $field
  * @param string $name
  * @return string
 public function get_results($field = '', $type = '', $name = '')
     global $wpdb;
     static $result = array();
     $sql = 'select * from ' . self::TRACKING_SQL_TABLE;
     if ($type) {
         $sql .= ' where _type="' . $type . '"';
     if (empty($result[$sql])) {
         //$data = !HW_Cache::_get_transient('hw_importer_results'); //alway be get new data
         //if(!$data) {
         $data = $wpdb->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A);
         foreach ($data as $id => $row) {
             if (HW_Encryptor::is_serialize_base64($row['value'])) {
                 //for type not is string
                 $row['value'] = HW_Encryptor::decode64($row['value']);
             $data[$row['name']] = $field && isset($row[$field]) ? $row[$field] : $row;
         $result[$sql] = $data;
         //HW_Cache::_set_transient('hw_importer_results', $data);
     return $name ? isset($result[$sql][$name]) ? $result[$sql][$name] : '' : $result[$sql];
  * config data
  * @param $values
  * @param $fieldname
 public static function config($values, $fieldname)
     if (!isset($values[$fieldname])) {
     //valid form data
     if (!empty($values[$fieldname]['config'])) {
         $configuration = HW_Encryptor::decrypt($values[$fieldname]['config']);
     } else {
         $configuration = array();
     return (object) $configuration;