  * Constructor.
 public function __construct($manager, $id, $args = array())
     //let the parent do what it has to
     parent::__construct($manager, $id, $args);
     //print the pre add view content
     add_action('customize_controls_print_footer_scripts', array($this, 'hu_print_pre_add_view_template'), 1);
  * Constructor.
 public function __construct($manager, $id, $args = array())
     //let the parent educate us
     parent::__construct($manager, $id, $args);
     $this->contexts = hu_get_contexts_list();
     $_default_locations = hu_get_builtin_widget_zones_location();
     //generates the locations for json
     $locations = array();
     foreach ($_default_locations as $_id => $data) {
         $_k = key($data);
         $locations[$_k] = $data[$_k];
     $this->locations = $locations;
     //generates the default widget zone for json
     $default_zones = array();
     foreach (hu_get_default_widget_zones() as $_zone_id => $_data) {
         //get the default location
         $_loc = isset($_default_locations[$_zone_id]) ? key($_default_locations[$_zone_id]) : '';
         $default_zones[] = array('id' => $_data['id'], 'title' => $_data['name'], 'contexts' => array('_all_'), 'locations' => array($_loc), 'is_builtin' => true, 'description' => $_data['description']);
     $this->default_zones = $default_zones;
     //print the pre add view content
     add_action('customize_controls_print_footer_scripts', array($this, 'hu_print_pre_add_view_template'), 1);
     //print template for built-in models like primary, secondary, footer-1, etc...
     add_action('customize_controls_print_footer_scripts', array($this, 'hu_print_built_in_templates'), 1);