Esempio n. 1
 function MainMenuAppointments()
     if (!freemed::acl('schedule', 'view')) {
         return false;
     // Decide if this user is a physician or not...
     if (!is_object($GLOBALS['this_user'])) {
         $GLOBALS['this_user'] = CreateObject('org.freemedsoftware.core.User');
     if ($GLOBALS['this_user']->isPhysician()) {
         // If physician, give links to daily and weekly
         // schedules, as well as a total of appointments
         // Get day that is one week from today
         $begin_date = date("Y-m-d");
         $end_date = $begin_date;
         for ($day = 1; $day < 7; $day++) {
             $end_date = freemed_get_date_next($end_date);
         // Figure out appointments for today
         $day_count = $GLOBALS['sql']->queryOne("SELECT COUNT(*) AS day_count FROM scheduler WHERE " . "caldateof='" . $begin_date . "' AND " . "calphysician='" . $GLOBALS['this_user']->getPhysician() . "'");
         // Figure out appointments for this week
         $week_count = $GLOBALS['sql']->queryOne("SELECT COUNT(*) AS week_count FROM scheduler WHERE " . "caldateof >= '" . $begin_date . "' AND " . "caldateof <= '" . $end_date . "' AND " . "calphysician='" . $GLOBALS['this_user']->getPhysician() . "'");
         return array(__("Patient Scheduler"), sprintf(__("You have %s%d appointment(s) today%s and %s%d appointment(s) this week%s."), "<a href=\"physician_day_view.php?physician=" . urlencode($GLOBALS['this_user']->getPhysician()) . "\">", $day_count, "</a>", "<a href=\"physician_week_view.php?physician=" . urlencode($GLOBALS['this_user']->getPhysician()) . "\">", $week_count, "</a>"), "img/calendar_icon.png");
     } else {
         // If not a physician, give number of appointments
         // for the current facility if there is one
         $day_count = $GLOBALS['sql']->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS day_count FROM scheduler WHERE " . "caldateof = '" . date('Y-m-d') . "' " . (HTTP_Session2::get('default_facility') ? "AND calfacility='" . addslashes(HTTP_Session2::get('default_facility')) . "' " : ""));
         // Figure out appointments for this week
         return array(__("Patient Scheduler"), sprintf(__("There are %s appointments scheduled for today."), "<b>{$day_count}</b>"), "img/calendar_icon.png");
Esempio n. 2
 public function GetDefaultFacility()
     if (HTTP_Session2::get('facility_id')) {
         $defaultDFacility['id'] = HTTP_Session2::get('facility_id') . "";
         $defaultDFacility['facility'] = $this->get_field(HTTP_Session2::get('facility_id'), 'psrname');
         return $defaultDFacility;
Esempio n. 3
 public function getStationsByType($type)
     switch ($type) {
         case 'dosing':
         case 'label':
         case 'signature':
         case 'vitals':
             $c = $type . "_enabled = 1";
             return NULL;
     $q = "SELECT id AS Id, location AS ds_location, name as D_name from shimstation WHERE {$c} AND facility=" . (int) HTTP_Session2::get('facility_id') . " AND ip='" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "';";
     syslog(LOG_INFO, $q);
     return $GLOBALS['sql']->queryAll($q);
Esempio n. 4
 protected function add_post($id, $data)
     if ($data['pnotesbillable'] != '') {
         $q = "SELECT id,covtype from coverage WHERE covpatient = " . $GLOBALS['sql']->quote($data['pnotespat']) . " AND covstatus =1 ORDER BY covtype ASC LIMIT 1";
         $cov = $GLOBALS['sql']->queryRow($q);
         //return $cov['id']+0;
         if (function_exists('json_decode')) {
             $pnotesbillables = json_decode($data['pnotesbillable']);
         } else {
             $json = CreateObject('net.php.pear.Services_JSON');
             $pnotesbillables = $json->decode($data['pnotesbillable']);
         foreach ($pnotesbillables as $k => $v) {
             foreach ($v as $key => $val) {
                 if ($key == 'proccode') {
                     $proccode = $val;
                 } else {
                     if ($key == 'diagcode') {
                         $diagcode = $val;
             //return $proccode.":".$diagcode;
             $proc = CreateObject('org.freemedsoftware.module.ProcedureModule');
             $fee = $proc->CalculateCharge($cov, 1, $proccode, $data['pnotesdoc'], $data['pnotespat']);
             $proc_data = array("procpatient" => $data['pnotespat'], "procphysician" => $data['pnotesdoc'], "procdiag1" => $diagcode, "proccpt" => $proccode, "procunits" => "1", "procpos" => HTTP_Session2::get('facility_id'), "proccharges" => $fee, "procbalorig" => $fee, "procbalcurrent" => $fee, "proccurcovid" => $cov['id'] + 0, "proccurcovtp" => $cov['covtype'] + 0, "procbillable" => "1", "procdt" => $data['pnotesdt']);
             if ($cov['covtype'] + 0 == 1) {
                 $proc_data['proccov1'] = $cov['id'];
             } else {
                 if ($cov['covtype'] + 0 == 2) {
                     $proc_data['proccov2'] = $cov['id'];
                 } else {
                     if ($cov['covtype'] + 0 == 3) {
                         $proc_data['proccov3'] = $cov['id'];
                     } else {
                         if ($cov['covtype'] + 0 == 4) {
                             $proc_data['proccov4'] = $cov['id'];
Esempio n. 5
  * Perform a vote action
  * Runs the 'vote_template' template to get a confirmation on the vote and
  * adds the vote if confirmed.
  * @param  int  $id     The poll id
  * @param  int  $answer The answer id
  * @return bool         true on success or false on errors
 protected function actionVote($id, $answer)
     $expiration = @HTTP_Session2::get($this->id . '.expiration');
     $voting = @HTTP_Session2::get($this->id . '.voting');
     if ($voting && time() < $expiration) {
         return false;
     if (is_null($row =& $this->fromRow($id, false))) {
         return false;
     if (is_null($answer_label = $this->getField('answer' . $answer))) {
         return false;
     if (@TIP::getGet('process', 'int') == 1) {
         if (!$voting) {
             return false;
         $old_row = $row;
         ++$row['votes' . $answer];
         $this->data->updateRow($row, $old_row);
         HTTP_Session2::set($this->id . '.voting', false);
         HTTP_Session2::set($this->id . '.expiration', strtotime($this->expiration));
     } else {
         HTTP_Session2::set($this->id . '.voting', true);
     return true;
Esempio n. 6
 private function _startSession()
     // Start the session
     $this->_session_started = true;
     // Set $_referer
     $request = HTTP_Session2::get('request');
     $referer = HTTP_Session2::get('referer');
     if (is_null($request)) {
         // Entry page or new session: the referer is the main page
         $this->_referer = null;
     } elseif ($this->_request['uri'] == $referer['uri']) {
         // Current URI equals to the old referer URI: probably a back action
         $this->_referer = null;
     } elseif ($this->_request['module'] != $request['module'] || $this->_request['action'] != $request['action']) {
         // New action: the referer is the previous request
         $this->_referer = $request;
     } else {
         // Same action: leave the old referer
         $this->_referer = $referer;
     if (!is_array($this->_referer)) {
         $this->_referer = array('uri' => TIP::getHome(), 'module' => null, 'action' => null);
         $this->_referer['action'] = null;
     $this->keys['REFERER'] = $this->_referer['uri'];
     // Store request and referer
     HTTP_Session2::set('referer', $this->_referer);
     HTTP_Session2::set('request', $this->_request);
     // Profiler initialization in "admin" mode
     if ($this->keys['IS_ADMIN']) {
         require_once 'Benchmark/Profiler.php';
         $GLOBALS['_tip_profiler'] = new Benchmark_Profiler();
Esempio n. 7
 function menu_notify()
     // Check to see if we're the person who is supposed to be
     // notified. If not, die out right now.
     $supposed = freemed::config_value('uffax_user');
     $authdata = HTTP_Session2::get('authdata');
     if (!(strpos($supposed, ',') === false)) {
         // Handle array
         $found = false;
         foreach (explode(',', $supposed) as $s) {
             if ($s == $authdata['user']) {
                 $found = true;
         if (!$found) {
             return false;
     } else {
         if ($supposed > 0 and $supposed != $authdata['user']) {
             return false;
     // Decide if we have any "unfiled documents" in the system
     $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS unfiled FROM " . $this->table_name;
     $unfiled = $GLOBALS['sql']->queryOne($query);
     if ($unfiled > 0) {
         return array(sprintf(__("You have %d unfiled documents"), $unfiled), "module_loader.php?module=" . urlencode(get_class($this)) . "&action=display");
     } else {
         // For now, we're just going to return nothing so that
         // the box doesn't show up
         return false;
Esempio n. 8
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/php-gettext/';
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/iso-set.php';
if (!defined('SESSION_DISABLE')) {
    $lang = HTTP_Session2::get('language', DEFAULT_LANGUAGE);
} else {
$locale_dir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/locale';
$__domains = array('freemed', UI);
_setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, $lang);
$GLOBALS['ISOSET'] = language2isoset($lang);
foreach ($__domains as $_v) {
    _bindtextdomain($_v, $locale_dir);
    _bind_textdomain_codeset($_v, language2isoset($lang));
function get_translation_matrix($domain)
    global $default_domain;
Esempio n. 9
 private function _validate()
     if ($this->action == TIP_FORM_ACTION_DELETE || $this->action == TIP_FORM_ACTION_CUSTOM) {
         // Special case: GET driven form
         return TIP::getGet('process', 'int') == 1;
     // Add element and form rules
     isset($this->validator) && $this->_form->addFormRule($this->validator);
     foreach (array_keys($this->fields) as $id) {
         if ($this->_form->elementExists($id)) {
     $stage_id = $this->id . '.stage';
     $last_stage = HTTP_Session2::get($stage_id);
     if (!$this->_form->isSubmitted() || isset($last_stage) && $last_stage < $this->_stage) {
         HTTP_Session2::set($stage_id, $this->_stage);
         $valid = false;
     } elseif (is_null($last_stage)) {
         // No last stage defined
         $valid = null;
     } else {
         // Validation
         $this->_form->applyFilter('__ALL__', array('TIP', 'extendedTrim'));
         $valid = $this->_form->validate();
     // Perform uploads (if needed)
     if (is_callable(array('HTML_QuickForm_attachment', 'doUploads'))) {
     return $valid;
Esempio n. 10
 function ValidSession()
     // Associate "SESSION" with proper session variable
     // Check for authdata array
     if (is_array(HTTP_Session2::get('authdata'))) {
         // Check to see if ipaddr is set or not...
         if (!SESSION_PROTECTION) {
             return true;
         } else {
             if (!empty(HTTP_Session2::get('ipaddr'))) {
                 if (HTTP_Session2::get('ipaddr') == $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) {
                     // We're already authorized
                     return true;
                 } else {
                     // IP address has changed, ERROR
                     HTTP_Session2::set('ipaddr', null);
                     syslog(LOG_INFO, "Authentication Layer| IP address changed for session");
                     return false;
                 // end checking ipaddr
             } else {
                 // Force check if no ip address is present. This
                 // should get around null IPs getting set by
                 // accident without compromising security.
                 return false;
             // end if isset ipaddr
         // end checking for SESSION_PROTECTION
     // end checking for authdata in session
     // If all else fails, return false
     return false;
Esempio n. 11
 protected function mod_pre(&$data)
     $data['user'] = freemed::user_cache()->user_number;
     $data['facility'] = HTTP_Session2::get('facility_id');
Esempio n. 12
  * セッション変数マージ
  * 既存の値とマージしてセッション保存します。
  * @param string $key    キー
  * @param mixed  $values 値
  * @return void
 public function merge($key, $values)
     $key = $this->_config['prefix'] . $key;
     $old = HTTP_Session2::get($key);
     if (is_array($old)) {
         $values = array_merge_recursive($old, $values);
     $return = HTTP_Session2::set($key, $values);
     $log = array('key' => $key, 'val' => $values, 'result' => $return);
     $this->_log->log('Session[Merge]', $log);
Esempio n. 13
File: API.php Progetto: rrsc/freemed
 public static function check_access_for_patient($patient_number, $_user = 0)
     if ($_user == 0) {
         // Grab authdata
         $_authdata = HTTP_Session2::get('authdata', array());
         $user = $_authdata['user'];
     } else {
         $user = $_user;
     //eventually logging should include different messages for all returns here...
     // Root has all access...
     if ($user == 1) {
         return true;
     // Grab auth information from db
     $f_user = $GLOBALS['sql']->get_link('user', $user);
     // Get data records in question for the user
     $f_fac = $f_user["userfac"];
     $f_phy = $f_user["userphy"];
     $f_phygrp = $f_user["userphygrp"];
     // Retrieve patient record
     $f_pat = $GLOBALS['sql']->get_link('patient', $patient_number);
     // check for universal access
     if (fm_value_in_string($f_fac, "-1") or fm_value_in_string($f_phy, "-1") or fm_value_in_string($f_phygrp, "-1")) {
         return true;
     // Check for physician in any physician fields
     if ($f_pat["ptpcp"] > 0 and fm_value_in_string($f_phy, $f_pat["ptpcp"])) {
         return true;
     if ($f_pat["ptphy1"] > 0 and fm_value_in_string($f_phy, $f_pat["ptphy1"])) {
         return true;
     if ($f_pat["ptphy2"] > 0 and fm_value_in_string($f_phy, $f_pat["ptphy2"])) {
         return true;
     if ($f_pat["ptphy3"] > 0 and fm_value_in_string($f_phy, $f_pat["ptphy3"])) {
         return true;
     if ($f_pat["ptdoc"] > 0 and fm_value_in_string($f_phy, $f_pat["ptdoc"])) {
         return true;
     // Default to false
     return false;
Esempio n. 14
  * Check if the picture is contained by the specified bounding box
  * @param  array  $value  Value as returned by HTML_QuickForm_captcha::getValue()
  * @return bool           true if the captcha matches, false otherwise
  * @access public
 function _ruleCaptcha($value)
     $old = HTTP_Session2::get('_HTML_QuickForm_captcha');
     return $value == $old;
Esempio n. 15
 public function SessionPopulate()
     syslog(LOG_INFO, "SessionPopulate called");
     if (!$this->LoggedIn()) {
         return false;
     syslog(LOG_INFO, "SessionPopulate called, proceeding");
     $u = freemed::user_cache();
     // Pull user options
     $r = $u->local_record;
     $s = unserialize($r['usermanageopt']);
     if ($s) {
         $r['usermanageopt'] = $s;
     $authdata = HTTP_Session2::get('authdata');
     $authdata['user_record'] = $r;
     HTTP_Session2::set('authdata', $authdata);
     return true;
Esempio n. 16
     //----- Gettext and language settings
     if (isset($_REQUEST['_l'])) {
         // Handle template language changes
         HTTP_Session2::set('language', $_REQUEST['_l']);
     } elseif (HTTP_Session2::get('language')) {
         // Pull from cookie (do nothing)
     } else {
         // Use the default
         HTTP_Session2::set('language', DEFAULT_LANGUAGE);
     $GLOBALS['freemed']['__language'] = HTTP_Session2::get('language');
     // Set default facility from parameter if it exists
     if (isset($_REQUEST['_f'])) {
         // Handle template language changes
         HTTP_Session2::set('default_facility', $_REQUEST['_f'] + 0);
     // Load ACL routines
     if (!defined('SKIP_SQL_INIT')) {
         include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/acl.php";
 // ***************************************************************
 // Load Gettext routines
 include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/i18n.php";
 include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/API.php";
 // API functions