Esempio n. 1

# homeList.php
# List view for the Athena homepage
include_once "includes.php";
$gremlin = new Gremlin();
$userID = $_SESSION['userID'];
$userType = $_SESSION['userType'];
$user = $gremlin->spawnPage($userID, $userType);
$page = "";
$page .= $gremlin->buildMenu("{$user->uname}" . "'s Home - List", "homeList");
$script = "<script src='js/home.js'></script>";
$colTabRow = "<div class='colTabRow'>";
#open colTabRow
$tabRow = "<div class='tabRowHeader'><h3>Calendar</h3></div>";
$tabRow .= "<div id='tab1Button' onclick='tab1Toggle()' class='tabSelected'>All Events</div><div id='tab2Button' class='tabUnselected' onclick='tab2Toggle()'>My Events</div>";
$tabRow .= "</div>";
#end colTabRow
$colTabRow .= $tabRow;
#menu bar with date selection stuff
$dateMenuBar = "<div class='dateMenuBar'>";
#open dateMenuBar
#this is where we figure out what date to show and display it in the date box
$timeOffset = 0;
# To calculate week range:
# 1. find Sunday's date relative to now.
# 2. calculate number of weeks offset based in GET parameter
# 3. add number of weeks to Sunday
if (isset($_GET['offset'])) {
Esempio n. 2
#Col 1: 2 tabs { "All Events", "My Events" }
# |
# |-"All Events": List of all events relating to user's team.
# |
# |-"My Events": List of all tray events relating directly to user.
#Col 2: Notifications
include_once "includes.php";
$gremlin = new Gremlin();
$userID = $_SESSION['userID'];
$userType = $_SESSION['userType'];
$user = $gremlin->spawnPage($userID, $userType);
$page = "";
$page .= $gremlin->buildMenu("{$user->uname}" . "'s Home");
#build colTabRow
$colTabRow = "<div class='colTabRow'>";
#open colTabRow
$dmyTabRow = "<div class='tabRowHeader'><h3>Calendar</h3></div>";
$dmyTabRow .= "<div id='tab1Button' class='selected'>All Events</div><div id='tab2Button' class='unselected'>My Events</div>";
$dmyTabRow .= "</div>";
#end dmyTabRow
$colTabRow .= $dmyTabRow;
########END DUMMY
//$colTabRow .= "</div>"; #close colTabRow
#menu bar with date selection stuff
$dateMenuBar = "<div class='dateMenuBar'>";
#open dateMenuBar