public function getTree($node, $ontology) { $filename = getcwd() . "/cache/onto-" . urlencode($ontology->url) . ".json"; if (is_readable($filename)) { return json_decode(file_get_contents($filename)); } $count = new PrefixCounter($ontology->prefix); $graph = new Graphite(); $xml = simplexml_load_file($ontology->url); foreach ($xml->getNamespaces(true) as $prefix => $uri) { $graph->ns($prefix, stripslashes($uri)); } $graph->load($ontology->url); $classes = $graph->allOfType("owl:Class"); $classes = $classes->append($graph->allOfType("rdfs:Class")); $toplevel = $classes->except($classes->all("-rdfs:subClassOf")); $json = array(); foreach ($toplevel as $class) { $uri = $graph->shrinkUri($class); $children = Ontology::getChildren($graph, $class, $count); $count->step(); $json[] = array("id" => $count->value(), "text" => $uri, "iconCls" => "class", "children" => $children, "leaf" => empty($children)); } file_put_contents($filename, json_encode($json)); return $json; }
static function getPointsOfService($q) { //if($q == '') // $filter = ''; //else // $filter = "FILTER ( REGEX( ?label, '$q', 'i') || REGEX( ?poslabel, '$q', 'i') )"; $graph = new Graphite(); $graph->load('file:/home/opendatamap/isleofwight.rdf'); $points = array(); foreach ($graph->allOfType('') as $point) { if ($point->has('-')) { foreach ($point->all('-') as $offering) { foreach ($offering->all('') as $include) { $p['label'] = $include->getString('rdfs:label'); $p['pos'] = $point->toString(); $p['poslabel'] = $point->getString('rdfs:label'); $p['icon'] = $point->getString(''); if ($q == '' || preg_match(strtolower('/' . $q . '/'), strtolower($p['label'])) || preg_match(strtolower('/' . $q . '/'), strtolower($p['poslabel']))) { $points[] = $p; } } } } else { $p['label'] = null; $p['pos'] = $point->toString(); $p['poslabel'] = $point->getString('rdfs:label'); $p['icon'] = $point->getString(''); if ($q == '' || preg_match(strtolower('/' . $q . '/'), strtolower($p['poslabel']))) { $points[] = $p; } } } return $points; }
$g = new Graphite($nsArr); // if (!is_null($url = $_GET['url'])) $g->load($url); // elseif (!is_null($_REQUEST['rdf'])) foreach ($_REQUEST['rdf'] as $rdf) $g->loadRDFXML($rdf); // else { // echo 'document.write("Not RDF");'; // } $source = "file:///var/www/d-ROC/results2.rdf"; // $source = ""; $g->load($source); echo '<ul class="floatingLinks">'; $struct = array(); $html = ""; foreach ($types as $intype => $array) { foreach ($array['tags'] as $type) { if (is_null($reslist)) { $reslist = $g->allOfType($type); } else { $reslist = $reslist->union($g->allOfType($type)); } } $count = 0; $str = ""; foreach ($reslist as $res) { $str .= renderResource($res, $intype); $count++; } if (preg_match("/^\\s*\$/", $str) == 0) { $html .= '<span class="header" id="' . $intype . '">' . $types[$intype]['srp'] . '</span>'; echo '<li><a href="#' . $intype . '">' . $types[$intype]['srp'] . '</a></li>'; $html .= $str; }
print file_get_contents($filename); return; } $graph = new Graphite(); $xml = simplexml_load_file($URL); foreach ($xml->getNamespaces(true) as $prefix => $uri) { $graph->ns($prefix, stripslashes($uri)); } $graph->load($URL); $properties = array(); if (array_key_exists('properties', $_REQUEST)) { $PROPS = $_GET['properties']; $properties = explode(",", $PROPS); } // Here, we grab a List of all of this type of class $resources = $graph->allOfType($CLASS); $json = array(); foreach ($resources as $instance) { $suri = $graph->shrinkURI(trim($instance)); $add = array("id" => $suri); foreach ($properties as $prop) { $propname = trim($prop); $value = trim($instance->get($prop)); $split = ARC2::splitUri($value); if ($split[1]) { $add[$propname] = $split[1]; } else { $add[$propname] = $value; } } $json[] = $add;
$rdfuri = $matches[1]; $uri = preg_replace("/rdf/", "id", $rdfuri); $rdf = file_get_contents($rdfuri); $g->addRDFXML("", $rdf); } else { // // unrecognised type - die // die ("Unrecognised object"); // OR Assume RDFXML 'till i work out how to do this properly >__< $g->addRDFXML("", $objsrc); $rdf = $objsrc; } // general stuff $gres = $g->resource($uri); $gres->loadSameAs(); $label = $gres->get("dct:title")->toString(); if ($label == "") { $label = "No name found"; } foreach ($g->allOfType("foaf:Person") as $gauth) { $otherlinks[] = array('uri' => $gauth->uri, 'type' => 'person', 'rel' => '', 'inv' => true, 'shim' => "shims/Person.php"); } $gsameaslist = $gres->all("owl:sameAs"); $sameas = array(); foreach ($gsameaslist as $gsameas) { $sameas[] = $gsameas->toString(); } $sameas[] = $uri; $rdfarr = array(); $rdfarr[] = $rdf; $output = json_encode(array('label' => $label, 'type' => 'project', 'uri' => $uri, 'rdf' => $rdfarr, 'otherlinks' => $otherlinks, 'sameas' => $sameas)); echo $output;