fputs($fp, "Campaign,Daily Budget,Language,Location,Proximity Targets,Ad Schedule,Ad Group,Max CPC,Keyword Type,Keyword,Headline,Description Line 1,Description Line 2,Display URL,Destination URL\r\n");
$cur = 0;
$step = 10000;
$i = 0;
$c = 0;
$main_db->executeSQL("SELECT l_geo_city, l_rooms, l_assetType, min(l_d_price) as l_d_price, count(*) as cnt FROM realestate WHERE l_www_id = 16 and l_isActive = 1 and l_d_price > 1500 and l_rooms < 4 and l_deal_type = 0 GROUP BY l_geo_city, l_rooms, l_assetType HAVING cnt > 10 ORDER BY cnt DESC", $resultArry, $rowsAffected);
$total = $rowsAffected;
foreach ($resultArry as $val) {
    echo $c . "/" . ++$i . "\r\n";
    $ag = new GoogleAdGroup($db);
    $ag->m_sMainTable = 'realestate';
    $ag->gag_l_id = $val['l_id'];
    $ag->gag_name = "Group " . $c;
    $ag->buildAds(array("GoogleAdRealEstateIL"), $val);
    $ag->saveAds($fp, $campaign->ga_campaign_name);
    if (!$ag->is_has_ads) {
        echo "no good ads\r\n";
    foreach ($ag->m_aKeywords as $val) {
        fputs($fp, "{$campaign->ga_campaign_name},,,,,," . $ag->gag_name . "," . MAX_CPC . "," . DEFAULT_MATCH_TYPE . ",{$val}\r\n");
    if ($c == 2000) {
        $c = 0;
        $campaign = new GoogleCampaign($db);
        $campaign->ga_campaign_name = CAMPAIGN_NAME_BASE . " " . date("Y-m-d H i");