Esempio n. 1
 public static function getPlanets()
     $Config = ConfigManager::declareConfigValue();
     //get overview page html
     $overview = GlobalFunc::httpGet($Config['OVERVIEW_URL'], $Config['COOKIE_FILE']);
     $ov_dom = GlobalFunc::loadHtml($overview);
     $planet_list_dom = $ov_dom->getElementById("planetList");
     $pList = $planet_list_dom;
     if (!is_object($pList)) {
         echo "Error occur, Planet List not found, return empty planet list.\n";
         return array();
     //list 下 每個div都是一個星球
     //<span class="planet-name  ">jones4</span>
     //<span class="planet-koords  ">[1:83:6]</span>
     $planets_dom = $pList->getElementsByTagName('div');
     //echo "There ". $planets_dom->length . " Planet(s).";
     $moon_num = $planets_dom->length + 1;
     //create planets
     $planets = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $planets_dom->length; $i++) {
         //get planet link
         $a_list = $planets_dom->item($i)->getElementsByTagName('a');
         $a_dom = $a_list->item(0);
         $planet = Planet::createPlanetObj($a_dom, $planets_dom, $i);
         //將星球obj 加入list
         $planets[$i] = $planet;
         $has_moon = false;
         $moon_href = "";
         $moon_coord = array();
         $a_count = $a_list->length;
         $moon_obj = array();
         Planet::updateMoonInfo($a_list, $a_count, $planet, $has_moon, $moon_href, $moon_coord);
         if ($has_moon == true) {
             $moon_obj = new Planet("月亮", $moon_coord, null, $moon_href, $moon_num);
             //將月亮obj 加入list
             $planets[$moon_num - 1] = $moon_obj;
     return $planets;
Esempio n. 2
 function newSession()
     $config = ConfigManager::declareConfigValue();
     $COOKIE_FILE = $config['COOKIE_FILE'];
     $USER_ACCOUNT = $config['USER_ACCOUNT'];
     $USER_PASS = $config['USER_PASS'];
     //First to ask for data
     $ch = curl_init();
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "");
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
     // 啟用POST
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
     //not output result
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 0);
     //Ignore redirection
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION, 1);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $COOKIE_FILE);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $COOKIE_FILE);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query(array("kid" => "", "uni" => $USER_UNIVERSE, "login" => $USER_ACCOUNT, "pass" => $USER_PASS)));
     $login_result = curl_exec($ch);
     $header_size = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE);
     $header = substr($login_result, 0, $header_size);
     $body = substr($login_result, $header_size);
     //extract query url and data info
     $location = $this->extractHeader($header);
     //print_r("Out Location = ". $location . PHP_EOL);
     //Ask for new session id
     $login_return = GlobalFunc::httpGet($location, $COOKIE_FILE);
     // modify cookie file for correcting cookie edit mistake (session live time is set to 0)
     // extract correct session id
     $SESSION = $this->extractSeesion($login_return);
     //updateConfigInfoByNewSession( $SESSION );
     $over_page = GlobalFunc::httpGet($config['OVERVIEW_URL'] . "&" . $SESSION, $config['COOKIE_FILE']);
     if ($SESSION) {
         echo "Login Manager got a new session.\n";
     } else {
         echo "Get Session Fail.\n";
         return 0;
     return $SESSION;
Esempio n. 3
 private function getFleet1Page()
     $COOKIE_FILE = $this->Config['COOKIE_FILE'];
     $FLEET1 = $this->Config['FLEET1'];
     $url = $FLEET1 . "&" . $this->rUri;
     // . "&". $SESSION;
     //echo "get fleet1 = ". $url;
     return GlobalFunc::httpGet($url, $COOKIE_FILE);
Esempio n. 4
 function sendBuildRequest($but_dom, $resource_item_name)
     if (isset($but_dom)) {
         echo "Resource Item: " . $resource_item_name . " is found!\n";
         $but_class = $but_dom->getAttribute('class');
         echo "but_class: " . $but_class . "\n";
         if (strstr($but_class, "disabled")) {
             //不能蓋 (可能是資源不足 或 其他正在建)
             echo iconv("UTF-8", "big5", "不能蓋") . "\n";
             return -1;
         } else {
             if (strstr($but_class, "off")) {
                 echo iconv("UTF-8", "big5", "but_class = off, not able to build return 1 to skip.\n") . "\n";
                 return 1;
         //若正在該的就是此項目 則class為on 仍不為disable
         //要確定是否真的可以蓋 找過所有div 確定沒有class名為 construction 的子div
         $isThisBuilding = false;
         $divs = $but_dom->getElementsByTagName('div');
         for ($dIdx = 0; $dIdx < $divs->length; $dIdx++) {
             $div = $divs->item($dIdx);
             $div_class = $div->getAttribute('class');
             if ($div_class == "construction") {
                 $isThisBuilding = true;
         if ($isThisBuilding == true) {
             echo iconv("UTF-8", "big5", "此項目正在建造中") . "\n";
             return -1;
         echo iconv("UTF-8", "big5", "可以蓋") . "\n";
         $tag_a = $but_dom->getElementsByTagName('a')->item(0);
         $onclick_str = $tag_a->getAttribute('onclick');
         if (strlen($onclick_str) < 10) {
             $tag_a = $but_dom->getElementsByTagName('a')->item(1);
             $onclick_str = $tag_a->getAttribute('onclick');
         //從onclick string中找到網址
         //網址應為 'http://....'
         $onclick_str = substr($onclick_str, strpos($onclick_str, "http://"));
         $onclick_str = substr($onclick_str, 0, strpos($onclick_str, "'"));
         echo "onclick_str: " . $onclick_str . "\n";
         //送出http request
         $this->onclickStr = $onclick_str;
         $result_page = GlobalFunc::synExecute("Sent build resource request", function () {
             echo "onclick_str: " . $this->onclickStr . "\n";
             $result_page = GlobalFunc::httpGet($this->onclickStr, $this->Config['COOKIE_FILE']);
             return $result_page;
         $resultLen = strlen($result_page);
         if ($resultLen > $this->Config['AskPageLeastStrLen']) {
             return 1;
         } else {
             file_put_contents($this->Config['FailInfo'], $result_page);
             echo "ResourceManager: Sent build resource request result len " . $resultLen . " too few, content has written into FailInfo file, return 0.\n";
             return 0;
     } else {
         echo "Resource Item: " . $resource_item_name . " is not found!\n";
         return 0;
         //發送的請求可能失敗了 所以找不到該item
Esempio n. 5
 public static function changeFocusPlanet($href)
     $Config = ConfigManager::declareConfigValue();
     $COOKIE_FILE = $Config['COOKIE_FILE'];
     return GlobalFunc::httpGet($href, $COOKIE_FILE);
Esempio n. 6
 function run()
     			抵達時間 - 飛行長度 = 出發時間 fleetInfo["starttime"]
     			現在時間 - 出發時間 = 回來所需時間
     			#攻擊到達時間 = 所有針對該星球的攻擊 最近的那個 但如果攻擊之間只相距不到1分鐘 則視為同一個攻擊事件
     			#不用定期抓event list 因為defender反應的時候攻擊就已經快要到達了
     			現在時間 + 回來所需時間 - 攻擊到達時間 > 10 秒
     	3.Withdraw fleets
     while (1 == 1) {
         //<These code should be sychronized>
         //echo "Defender[".$this->p_coord[0].":".$this->p_coord[1].":".$this->p_coord[2]."]: ask for key.\n";
         $resultlen = GlobalFunc::synExecute("Defender[" . $this->p_coord[0] . ":" . $this->p_coord[1] . ":" . $this->p_coord[2] . "](" . $this->p_coord[3] . "):", function () {
             $last_update_time = file_get_contents($this->Config['DLastUpt'], true);
             echo " last update time: " . date('H:i:s', $last_update_time) . "\n";
             $nowTime = time();
             if ($nowTime - $last_update_time <= 5) {
                 //5秒內更新過的 可以直接使用
                 echo "Last update time: " . date('H:i:s', $last_update_time) . "; File is updated within 5 second.\n";
                 //確保通知外面 已經拿到想要的東西了
                 return $this->Config['AskPageLeastStrLen'] + 1;
             } else {
                 echo "Last update time: " . date('H:i:s', $last_update_time) . "; File is not updated ask for overview page\n";
                 //更新overview string的內容
                 $overview_string = "";
                 $overview_string = GlobalFunc::getOverviewPage();
                 //echo "\noverview result strlen: " .strlen($overview_string) . "\n";
                 if (strlen($overview_string) < $this->Config['AskPageLeastStrLen']) {
                     //access failed;
                     echo "Defender ask for overview page failed, return 0\n";
                     return 0;
                 $event_list = GlobalFunc::getEventList();
                 //update overview page and event list info
                 $put1 = file_put_contents($this->Config['ADOverview'], $overview_string);
                 $put2 = file_put_contents($this->Config['ADEventList'], $event_list);
                 //update last update time that other threads can check
                 $put3 = file_put_contents($this->Config['DLastUpt'], time());
                 echo " Put1={$put1}, Put2={$put2}, Put3={$put2}\n";
             return strlen($overview_string);
         echo "Defend read overview page result length: {$resultlen}\n";
         if ($resultlen < $this->Config['AskPageLeastStrLen']) {
             echo "Defender: Error occur, failed to update overview page. login in again, resltlen: " . $resultlen . "\n";
             $LoginManager = new LoginManager();
             //登入後 重跑回圈
         //</These code should be sychronized>
         $AttackDetector = new AttackDetector($this->p_coord);
         $arrivetime = $AttackDetector->detectAttack();
         //$arrivetime == 0表示不需要做任何事
         //$arrivetime == "xx:xx:xx" 表示在這個時間攻擊會到達
         $fleet_already_withdraw = false;
         $withdraw_arr_time = 0;
         //不是數字 就表示有攻擊
         echo "Defender: get returned arrivetime: ";
         if (strcmp($arrivetime, "0") != 0) {
             echo "[" . $this->p_coord[0] . ":" . $this->p_coord[1] . ":" . $this->p_coord[2] . "](" . $this->p_coord[3] . ") start defese.\n";
             $this->fleetInfo = $this->defendAttack();
             //會更新fleet info
             if ($this->fleetInfo == 0) {
                 $halt_period = $this->Config["sendFleetFailHaltPeriod"];
                 echo "Defender: fleetInfo return 0, error occur.\n";
                 echo "Defender: No withdraw link to withdraw fleets.\n";
                 echo "Ignore withdraw command. Sleep " . $halt_period . " second.\n";
                 if (strlen($halt_period) == 0) {
                     $halt_period = 10;
             echo "Fleet Start Time: " . date('H:i:s', $this->fleetInfo["starttime"]) . "\n";
             echo "Fleet Withdraw link: " . $this->fleetInfo["withdraw_link"] . "\n";
             while (1 == 1) {
                 //算出回來所需時間 每個loop更新一次
                 $withdraw_arr_left_sec = time() - $this->fleetInfo["starttime"];
                 $attack_arr_left_sec = GlobalFunc::timeFromNowInSecond($arrivetime, false);
                 if ($withdraw_arr_left_sec - $attack_arr_left_sec >= 60 && $fleet_already_withdraw == false) {
                     //撤退回到星球所需時間 > 攻擊到達剩餘時間
                     //Syn start
                     $result = GlobalFunc::synExecute("Fleet Withdraw", function () {
                         // start time為預估時間 取不到實際值 因此很可能會有誤差
                         $result = GlobalFunc::httpGet($this->fleetInfo["withdraw_link"], $this->Config['COOKIE_FILE']);
                         echo "Withdraw Link: " . $this->fleetInfo["withdraw_link"] . "\n";
                         return $result;
                     if (strlen($result) < $this->Config['AskPageLeastStrLen']) {
                         echo "Error occur, Fleet Withdraw result page len < AskPageLeastStrLen, may login in again.\n";
                         $LoginManager = new LoginManager();
                     //Syn end
                     $fleet_already_withdraw = true;
                     $withdraw_arr_time = $withdraw_arr_left_sec + time();
                     echo "Defender: [" . $this->p_coord[0] . ":" . $this->p_coord[1] . ":" . $this->p_coord[2] . "](" . $this->p_coord[3] . ") ";
                     echo "withdraw fleets. result len: " . strlen($result) . ".\n";
                 } else {
                     if ($fleet_already_withdraw == false) {
                         echo "Defender: [" . $this->p_coord[0] . ":" . $this->p_coord[1] . ":" . $this->p_coord[2] . "](" . $this->p_coord[3] . ") ";
                         echo "if " . ($withdraw_arr_left_sec - $attack_arr_left_sec) . " >= 60, withdraw fleets.\n";
                     } else {
                         if ($withdraw_arr_time - time() < 0) {
                             $idle_sec = $this->Config['idlePeriod'];
                             echo "Defender: [" . $this->p_coord[0] . ":" . $this->p_coord[1] . ":" . $this->p_coord[2] . "](" . $this->p_coord[3] . ") ";
                             echo "Fleets got home, lose defending ability for next 5 seconds.\n";
                             // prevent wrong prediction of the time that fleets arrive
                             //break以後馬上會重跑回圈 若無sleep很可能因為誤差 船還沒到家
                             //若有下一輪攻擊 很可能造成程式失效
                             //因此當抵達的 $idle_sec 秒將沒有抵禦能力
                         } else {
                             echo "Defender: [" . $this->p_coord[0] . ":" . $this->p_coord[1] . ":" . $this->p_coord[2] . "](" . $this->p_coord[3] . ") ";
                             echo "Fleets will get home after " . ($withdraw_arr_time - time()) . " second.\n";
         } else {
             echo "Defender: [" . $this->p_coord[0] . ":" . $this->p_coord[1] . ":" . $this->p_coord[2] . "](" . $this->p_coord[3] . ") ";
             //$detect_period = $this->Config['DetectPeriod'];
             $detect_period = rand($this->Config['DetectPeriod'] / 2, $this->Config['DetectPeriod']);
             echo "sleep " . $detect_period . " second.\n";
     echo "Defend loop out\n";